
What is the density and how many degrees of alcohol in beer of different varieties.

There is a large selection of beer on the market today. Such a foamy drink may contain a different amount of alcohol. Buyers of alcoholic products often pay attention to this indicator. Of course, there are those who prefer to use products only of a certain brand, such as "bad" or "Obolon". Also, the consumer can try non-alcoholic beer. It does not contain a single percent of alcohol, but even it negatively affects human health.

how many degrees in non-alcoholic beer

In other words, each manufacturer has its own views on taste. In any case, if a person wants to drink beer, then it does not matter to him whether there are products of his brand and how many revolutions are in it. The beer market has more than a thousand variations of beer varieties. They have a different composition and cooking technology. The only thing that connects them is the presence of alcohol in them, which negatively affects human health. But, how many degrees are in a beer of one sort or another? We will try to understand this question and find an answer to it.

Number of turns

Beer bad strength definition

Each bad beer is produced according to individual technology. This is especially true of the fermentation method and the variety of raw materials used. On each container of any alcoholic beverage, the number of revolutions and the alcohol content are indicated. The indicators of a foamy drink include:

  • Beverage density. This indicator indicates the amount of dry matter in the wort. It is expressed as a percentage. When making a drink, a certain amount of yeast is added to the wort. They determine the saturation of the taste of beer. To determine this parameter, special devices are used - hydrometers. They show the amount of sugar in a certain volume of liquid.
  • Fortress of alcohol. This word refers to the amount of alcohol in the drink. It is indicated by volume percentages. It is believed that the specified unit shows the minimum amount of alcohol in the bad beer. So, if 2 turns are indicated on the bottle, this is not a fact that it is so.

A separate type of product is non-alcoholic beer. On the label of such a drink, you can also see the marking on the presence of revolutions. In this case, the amount of alcohol is small. Despite the fact that such a beer is low-revving (up to 1.45 turns), it has a natural taste and smell characteristic of this drink. They prefer to drink it:

  • people who play sports and lead a healthy lifestyle;
  • drivers;
  • people who are prone to alcoholism or intolerant of alcoholic beverages.

Many believe that such a drink was released as a result of an increase in accidents involving drunk drivers. But, in fact, this is not so. The release of non-alcoholic beer is just a commercial move. Its appearance made it possible to close a niche in low-alcohol drinks. As a result, consumers received the desired product, without the presence of alcohol, and producers profit.

This drink is produced using a similar technology with ordinary beer. The difference is that the fermentation process here lasts much less. Despite the low turnover, doctors do not recommend the abuse of non-alcoholic beer. It negatively affects the kidneys and the cardiovascular system. Such a product is strictly prohibited for pregnant women and people with problems with the gastrointestinal tract.

Production technology

In many ways, the quality of this product depends on the production technology. Today there are three ways to produce it:

  1. Non-alcoholic beer is made from unfermented wort. The fermentation process is replaced by cooling. In this case, a product with a sweetish taste is obtained.
  2. Reduced pressure is applied, with the help of which the alcohol is evaporated from the beer. As a result of this technology, the drink has a diluted taste.
  3. Membrane filtration is used. For this, a special design is used, consisting of pipe systems. The peculiarity is that another is placed in one pipe. Beer is pumped through the inner tube, while distilled water passes through the outer tube.

Well-known brands use all three technologies for the production of products, which makes it possible to supply a wide range of foamy drinks to the market.

Product classification by alcohol content

how many degrees in regular and non-alcoholic beer

Depending on the amount of alcohol in bad beer, it is divided into several types:

  • in a light drink, alcohol is contained in an amount of no more than 2%;
  • classic beer has a strength of up to 5%;
  • a strong drink can contain up to 40% alcohol.

Due to the fact that the latter product has a large percentage of alcohol, it is often compared with fusel oil. Many believe that such a fortress is achieved by adding vodka or alcohol to the drink. But, this is far from the case. The peculiarity is that for cooking, they use special yeast that can withstand alcohol. As a result of the use of such raw materials, the cost per product increases.

Harm and benefit of the product

what is the strength of the beer

Almost all doctors insist that drinking beer adversely affects human health. And this applies not only to the presence of alcohol and the number of revolutions.

Despite the negative impact, beer has some beneficial properties for the body:

  • The content of B vitamins, silicon and magnesium. As for the vitamin of group B, then 1 liter of the drink contains its daily rate.
  • Used for dietary purposes.
  • Contains a significant amount of antioxidants, which reduce the risk of cancer and diabetes.
  • Expands blood vessels.

Despite the presence of such advantages, beer still negatively affects the human body. This mainly concerns the presence of alcohol in it. Alcohol is a poison that has a toxic effect on the body. The kidneys are the first to be at risk. As a result of drinking large amounts of beer, kidney failure often occurs.

When buying a drink, even non-alcoholic, it is worth remembering that it can cause significant harm to health. This is especially true for people with diseases of the cardiovascular system and kidney failure. Even non-alcoholic beer can cause irreparable harm to the body.

Today, beer is one of the most popular drinks in the world. It differs in varieties, brands, taste, but, above all, in its strength. Few lovers of this drink will be able to accurately answer the question: “how many degrees are contained in beer?”.

The label of a beer bottle, as a rule, indicates the density of the wort (it is from this that beer is brewed). As for the alcohol content in the drink, another figure indicates its content - with the designation vol. Thus, 3.5% indicates that the beer contains 3.5% alcohol, respectively. Usually, the calculation of alcohol in beer is determined either by volume or by weight, depending on the country of origin. In the event that the percentage of alcohol deviates from traditional measures (3-5%), the label will contain additional information about the beer (either it is “strong” or “non-alcoholic”).

"Nonalcoholic beer

No matter how the name “non-alcoholic beer” sounds, it still contains alcohol. However, its content does not exceed 0.5%.

In the world practice of brewing, there are three main ways to prepare a drink. In the first case, non-alcoholic beer is brewed from unfermented wort. In this case, the fermentation process itself is interrupted by cooling. Such a drink will subsequently have a sweet aftertaste. In the second case, under reduced pressure, the alcohol is evaporated from the beer. However, such a drink will taste like diluted beer. And finally, the third method, which has the name "membrane". In this case, alcohol from beer is pumped through the thinnest membrane (it is made of cotton cellulose or cellulose acetate). For such a process, a complex structure is used, consisting of several pipes located one inside the other. Beer is passed through the inner tube, and distilled water is passed through the outer one. Alcohol from beer will pass into water until the drink is completely abandoned. As a result, non-alcoholic beer is produced at the outlet of the inner pipe. Such a drink, as a rule, has the taste of "real" beer.

"Strong beer

The production of such beer, contrary to popular belief, involves a complex process that requires the quality of raw materials and the professionalism of the manufacturer.

In practice, the alcohol content in beer is accurately felt, starting from the 8% mark. To do this, it is necessary to select components that “mask” the alcohol taste. So in the production of "strong" beer, ordinary "beer" yeast is not used, which loses its properties upon reaching 5.4% alcohol.

Thanks to highly developed technologies, very strong beers are produced, up to 27% alcohol.

Thus, beer, without losing its popularity and due to its diversity, will find its consumer.

One of the most popular alcoholic beverages around the world is beer. Foamy, light, with a pleasant taste, the drink has not lost its relevance with the advent of various cocktails and occupies a leading position in the market.

Watching football, hanging out with friends, going out into nature on a hot summer day is rarely complete without a bottle of beer. Drink manufacturers today offer an impressive number of varieties, replenishing the range with something new every year.

Ale, lager, wheat, lambic are the most popular types of beer today. Having bought a bottle of a drink, not every one of us thinks about what alcohol content in beer and in what doses it can be consumed without harm to health. This will be discussed in this article.

How to find out the amount of alcohol in beer

Almost all alcoholic beverages contain ethyl alcohol. Beer is no exception.

Ethanol - it is a rather dangerous psychoactive substance that destroys the central nervous system and causes addiction. You should always remember this and do not overdo it with the use of strong drinks.

Beer consists of 90% water, the remaining 10% is ethyl alcohol in tandem with carbohydrates and minerals. The strength of the foamy drink is closely related to its energy value.

What does it mean?

Alcohol - it is a kind of energy source, quickly absorbed in the body. Have you noticed that in the cold season a person quickly warms up from drinking alcohol, but also quickly starts to freeze? This is due to the rapid extraction of the received energy.

How much alcohol is in beer?

Alcohol in beer is traditionally measured by weight percent. Other spirits are measured by volume percent. Let's look at this statement with an example. A liter bottle of vodka contains 400 ml of pure alcohol, the mass of which is 320 grams. Thus, it is calculated how many percent of alcohol (by volume) is contained there.

Weight percentages indicate the presence of a certain amount of alcohol in beer per 100 grams. It would seem that the same thing, but it is not. The specific gravity of the liquid is 0.78%.

Therefore, if the bottle indicates that its strength in weight percent is 4.3%, then this indicator should be divided by the specific gravity of alcohol. 4.3 / 0.78 = 5.5. Moral: The alcoholic drink is a little stronger than what it says on the label.

Types of beer and the number of revolutions in them

The technology for making a foamy drink affects how many degrees the beer contains. According to the method of fermentation, the composition of the initial components and the color, alcohol is divided into many varieties.

The manufacturing process is divided into several stages, each of which has its own characteristics. To begin with, malt, which has undergone special processing, is taken and mixed with purified water in a container designated for this.

In order to achieve fermentation, brewer's yeast is added to the resulting mixture. The last step is the addition of hops to the resulting alcohol. Hops give unique, soft and special taste to alcohol.

In recent years, non-alcoholic beer has gained unprecedented popularity. This is not surprising, it is practically not inferior in taste to ordinary beer and contains from 0.4 to 0.7 degrees.

For the first time this variety appeared on the shelves in 1970 and was intended for people who drive a vehicle or suffer from any disease and are forced to completely abandon alcohol.

The technology for making a soft drink includes the complete suppression of fermentation. As a component for fermentation, yeast is added to the resulting mixture, which does not ferment maltose and alcohol.

Conventionally, beer can be divided into:

  • light beer contains no more than 2% alcohol;
  • classic varieties include from 3 to 5% alcohol;
  • strong varieties (depending on the brand) have from 5 to 27% alcohol.

As for strong beer, many believe that it is produced by adding a large dose of ethyl alcohol to the finished liquid. This is fundamentally not true.

The strength is achieved through a special fermentation technology. The most alcoholic varieties undergo a process of freezing out moisture, which reduces the initial amount of liquid by several times.

Is drinking beer good or bad?

Beer liquid contains B vitamins, magnesium and silicon. But in order for a person to receive the necessary daily dose of vitamins, you need to consume at least 12 bottles, which is comparable to two bottles of vodka. Naturally, irreparable harm is done to health.

Abuse of this drink is fraught with the development of alcoholism. It has been proven that it is beer that contributes to the rapid addiction to alcohol.

It should be noted that the drink has some positive properties. Doctors say: foam has a beneficial effect on blood vessels, expanding them. Being inherently a diuretic, the drink is used even in dietetics.

Today on the Internet you can find hundreds of diets that include drinking beer. Of course, in reasonable doses. In addition, the drink contains antioxidants that reduce the risk of diabetes.

But men should be more careful about the drink. It contains phytoestrogens - substances similar to the female sex hormone. For fans of barley, the stomach increases in volume, the shoulders are rounded, and the chest grows. Accordingly, male representatives have significant problems with potency, which can lead to infertility.

It is worth remembering that beer is an alcoholic beverage. Therefore, do not abuse alcohol, so as not to harm your health.

Beer is a low-alcohol drink with a long history, in addition, it is the most popular in the world. There are many varieties of alcohol, they all differ in production technique, as well as in strength, that is, the percentage of ethyl alcohol.

This is a foamy drink that is made on the basis of malt wort (from barley), with the help of brewer's yeast and hops. The average alcohol content in beer is 3-5.5%. The creation of foam is a complex technological process, which includes the production of beer wort - malt is brewed with hops for several hours, yeast is added, and it matures. The duration of ripening depends on the brand, and can be from several days to several months. Next, the foam is filtered, preservatives are added, and it can already be consumed. In the finished foam are formed: alcohol, phytoestrogens, carbon dioxide, fusel oils.

The best and highest quality is traditional foam, which contains nothing but: barley, hops, yeast and water. In some varieties, barley is partially or completely replaced by wheat, rice, corn and rye grains.

Bottom-fermented foam is the most popular and main product on the market, accounting for 90% of the total sales turnover. It is customary to call it a lager, and the production has the same name - camp. Bottom fermentation occurs due to special yeast, and for a long time due to low temperature of 5-10 °C. The taste becomes very intense.

The duration of top fermentation is much shorter. Occurs at a temperature of 15-20 ° C due to top-fermenting yeast, and takes little time. Varieties of this method are referred to as ale and porter.

The indicator on the hop label indicates the lower limit of the ethanol content in it. The manufacturer does not have the right to indicate the number of % or revolutions lower than it actually is. Therefore, the real figure is often higher.

In Russia and Europe, alcohol is measured in volume percentages (% vol.). Therefore, if we say that beer is 5%, it means that in 100 liters of beer there are 5 liters of pure alcohol. In America, it is customary to calculate ethanol in weight fractions (% wt.). Knowing that the specific gravity of alcohol is 0.78, you can calculate how much pure ethanol is in beer. To do this, you need to divide the specified percentage by 0.78.

For example, if the fortress is 3.5%, then in volume percent it will be 3.5: 0.78 = 4.5%. If, for example, the figure 6% (in weight fractions) is indicated, again this figure must be divided by 0.78, and we get 7.7%.

If it is important for the buyer to know how much alcohol is in the drink, you need to look at the country of origin on the label. If it is America, then pure ethanol will be higher than stated on the label, due to units of measurement. And don't forget that in most cases the % is always slightly higher.

Types of beer by strength

The percentage of ethanol depends on the technological production. Main types:

  • Non-alcoholic. Contains 0.5-0.7% alcohol.
  • Light - up to 2% ethanol.
  • Classic. 3.5 - 7%.
  • Strong 8-14%.
  • Very strong - from 14%.

During the manufacturing process, after fermentation, classic beer usually contains 3.5 - 4.5% ethanol. After filtering, the percentage decreases. This process is needed to remove the remaining yeast. Some filtration methods destroy the microflora of beer, thereby extending its shelf life. Exposure to high temperatures can also reduce the number of revolutions. Alcohol is heated to a certain temperature, as a result of which part of the alcohol evaporates.

To increase the percentage of alcohol in the drink, sugar is added and frozen. Usually a high percentage of hops is directly related to the calories it contains. Strong beer drinkers, obese, type 2 diabetics, and weight watchers need to consider this fact.

Excess weight is affected not only by calorie content, but also by the phytoestrogens contained in the intoxicating - these are substances similar to sex hormones. They affect the weight and appearance of a person. In men who abuse foam, the figure begins to change according to the female type - there is an increase in the mammary glands and hips, as well as the abdomen. In women, excessive vegetation appears on the body and the voice coarsens.

Nonalcoholic beer

A soft drink still has a small amount of turnover, this figure ranges from 0.15 to 0.7%. To preserve the usual taste and aroma, manufacturers use standard ingredients, but stop the process before full fermentation, and the filtration in this production is special to filter out ethyl alcohol. But it’s impossible to filter it 100%, so “non-alcoholic” intoxicating has momentum.

Particular attention should be paid to people who are struggling with alcohol addiction, including those who are coded. Even such a low percentage of ethanol can provoke cravings for alcohol. In addition, all other components are contained in the drink in standard quantities, especially phytoestrogens. As with the use of a seemingly harmless drink, the load on the liver, kidneys and cardiovascular system is high.

Strong intoxicating

For the preparation of strong foam, special yeast is used, since in standard production the fortress does not exceed 5%. The technology is also different - alcohol is repeatedly frozen to reduce the liquid, as a result of which the degree rises.

What percentage of alcohol in beer is the most popular strong:

  • Hakusekikan Brewery - "Hurricane", 15%. Produces Japan. Feature - aging on barley wine.
  • Bruery - "Chocolate Rain", 19.5%. Belgium. A high percentage is achieved through fermentation in a whiskey tub.
  • De Struise Brouwers - "Five Squared", 25%. Scotland.
  • Schorschbräu - "Schorschbock" 43% and "Schorschbock Finis Coronat Opus" 57%. Germany. It is made with multiple freezing.
  • Brew Dog - "End Of History", 55%, Scotland.
  • T'koelschip - "Start The Future", 60%. Netherlands.
  • Brewmeister - "Armageddon", 65%. Scotland.
  • In 2013, the strongest beer in the world was released by the Scottish company Brewmeister, called "Snake Venom" and its strength reaches 67.5%.

When it comes to very strong beer, of course, the classic taste is out of the question. Manufacturers have to sacrifice taste for high numbers.

Beer has about 1000 different varieties around the world, all of which differ in taste, color, density and strength. On the modern market, you can find intoxicating drinks for every taste, from non-alcoholic to those whose degree exceeds strong alcohol. It is beer that remains the most popular drink in the world (after water and tea). However, it should be used with caution and in moderation. Because, like any other alcohol, it is addictive.

Beer (ale) contains, although a weak degree, but it is equated with alcoholic beverages. You can get drunk from abuse, and in the morning experience unpleasant, which is the first symptom. An alcoholic drink is obtained by fermenting hops, malt wort and brewer's yeast.

What determines the strength of the drink

The most common raw material for the preparation of wort is barley. But beer can also be rye (wheat), rice, corn, and also not quite traditional composition (potato, banana, cherry, etc.). The most popular varieties have a 3-6 ° strength, which means the percentage of content in it.

Traditional (craft) production technology:

  • boiled barley;
  • the resulting mass is diluted with a decoction of hops (for taste, for bitterness);
  • yeast is added;
  • everything is left to ferment;
  • after that it is distilled and filtered.

During fermentation, the drink must go through several phases that increase the degree (turns):

  • lower phase - the mixture ferments at a temperature of + 4 ° C to + 9 ° C, giving out 4-5% as a result;
  • top fermentation phase - at a temperature of + 25 °, with an increase in the number of revolutions.

The resulting drink contains:

  • alcohol;
  • fusel oils;
  • carbon dioxide (in the form of foam).

Ordinary brewer's yeast during fermentation bring the prepared composition to 5.5 revolutions (maximum value). If necessary, you can reduce the percentage of ethanol by subjecting the beer to a thorough filtration. Another way to slow down is to heat the drink to evaporate the alcohol.

After reaching the classic 5.5%, the yeast stops working (to make a further increase in the degree). To increase the degree, sugar is added during manufacture. Therefore, its calorie content is a dependence of the fortress (the higher the degree, the greater the calorie content).

How many degrees in different varieties

Beer is divided into different types and varieties according to color, taste and strength (optimal alcohol content). Drink happens:

  • draft or bottled;
  • filtered and ;
  • velvet, dark, light;
  • home or industrial preparation.

But most of all, consumers are interested in the strength of the ale. The most popular varieties contain 3-5°. Light drinks include marks of 1-2 turns, and strong drinks - 8.5-15 °. A separate variety is isolated (up to 0.5%).


Strong beers brewed using the traditional fermentation method and containing three main ingredients (brewer's yeast, hops and malt):

  • Vetter (Germany) - 10.5%;
  • Samihlaus (Austria) - 11.8-14%;
  • Eisbock (Germany) - 12%;
  • X-Beer 33 (Czech Republic) - 14%.

In order to raise the percentage of ethanol even higher, you do not need to add pure alcohol to the composition (as many believe). Large manufacturers are deviating from the traditional method of preparation and using special yeast, as well as applying new methods:

  • Brewers have in their arsenal special "champagne yeast" capable of raising the turnover to 27 and 29° (beer brands Samuel Adams Utopias, Dave).
  • Separating water from ethanol by freezing, placing it in whiskey barrels (for 1.5 years), Scottish producers achieved an ale strength of 32% (Tactical Nuclear Penguin beer).
  • Up to 43%, you can increase the turnover if the classic beer is repeatedly frozen (15 times), and then the ice is filtered. Which was done by German brewers, who isolated 35 liters of strong beer from 350 liters of traditional beer.

For 2017, Brewmeister, which created the 67.5-rpm Snake Venom brand (priced at $80), is considered the highest-profile beer.


More popular degrees in beer are the classic 3-8%. Here are some of their brands, both domestic and foreign breweries:

  • Zhigulevskoe - 4-5%;
  • Baltika No. 1 (light) - 4.45;
  • Special Baltika No. 2 (light) - 4.7%;
  • Baltka No. 3 (the most popular) - 4.8%;
  • Original Baltika No. 4 (dark) - 4.5%;
  • Golden Baltika No. 5 - 5.3%;
  • Baltika Porter No. 6 (dark) - 7%;
  • Bud Light (Germany) - 3.6%;
  • Stella Artois (Belgium) - 4.8%;
  • Vollbier (Germany) - 4.5%;
  • Dortmunder (Germany) - 5.3-5.5%;
  • Munchner Dunkel (Germany) - 5%;
  • Saison (Belgium) - from 5 to 8%, etc.

Low alcohol

Low-alcohol beer can be obtained by lowering the degree even in the process of its preparation. Samples of weak beer include the following brands:

  • Victory Art Brew (Russia) — 1.5%;
  • Dünnbier (Germany) - 2%;
  • Light Bier (Germany) - from 2% to 3.2%.

Sample weak beer - Dünnbier (Germany) - 2%.


Non-alcoholic beer tastes similar to alcoholic beer and includes a very low alcohol content (up to 0.5%). It is obtained by suppressing fermentation or volatilization of alcohol from the finished product. This type of drink is being prepared for people who do not take strong alcohol for health reasons. Due to the use of additional technology, this beer is more expensive. In the domestic market you can find the following brands:

  • Weihenstephaner (Germany) - 0.1%
  • Schneider Weisse (Germany) - 0.1%;
  • Stella Artois (Belgium) - 0.1%;
  • Bud (America) - 0.5%;
  • Clausthaler (Germany) - 0.5%;
  • BrewDog (Scotland) - 0.5%;
  • HopHead (Russia) - 0.3%.

How to find out the amount of alcohol in beer

The strength of a drink of industrial production is always indicated by the manufacturer on the label.

You can determine the ethanol content in homemade beer even during the preparation of the drink by measuring the density of the mixture before and after fermentation (using a hydrometer).
