
What harm can ordinary yeast cause to the human body. Dry yeast benefits and harm to humans

“Yeast inhibits healthy intestinal microflora”, “increases the risk of developing cancer”, “poisons the body with decay products” - Internet publications frighten, as if it were not about food, but about nuclear weapons. With trembling hands, we compiled a list of horror stories and went with it to the experts - for the truth, confirmed by scientific knowledge.

Eating yeast is not dangerous

Yulia Bastrigina,
nutritionist, Nutrilite brand expert:

“To be afraid of yeast is rather strange - they are literally everywhere and surround a person from the first years of life. Plums and grapes, for example, are covered with microscopic bodies of yeast fungi (the same white coating on fruits), microorganisms can be found in flour, live on the skin. But the most that yeast can do is cause a little bloating. The gut's own microbiocenosis is well equipped to fight potentially dangerous fungi and microbes (which, of course, baker's yeast does not include) and, as a rule, does an excellent job of this job.

In addition, heat treatment during baking (+96...98 ºС) leads to cell death. Even if the temperature does not reach such values, you should know that protein organisms (I'm talking about yeast) denature at 60 ºС.

FACT: Exactly Yeast produces B vitamins, which are necessary for the regulation of all types of metabolism., work of the nervous system, hematopoiesis. Plus, they contain 16 different amino acids. The perfect team for building and repairing muscles!

In their reception you need to know the measure

David Matevosov,
Head of the Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology of the Yauza Clinical Hospital, member of the Russian and European Associations for the Study of the Liver; PhD:

“What can modern medicine say about nutritional yeast? First, their moderate consumption in combination with lecithin can lower cholesterol levels and relieve pain from neuritis. Second, no matter what Internet experts claim, there is currently no scientific evidence that yeast causes or provokes the formation of tumor cells in humans.

Third: in medical practice, the medicinal qualities of yeast fungi are actively used. For example, one of the leading probiotic preparations for the treatment of intestinal microflora Saccharomyces boulardii is one of our heroes. This type of yeast, combined with anti-Helicobacter therapy together with an antibiotic, increases the effectiveness of the treatment of gastritis. Excess content of yeast fungi in products leads to the suppression of beneficial intestinal microflora, predisposing a person to excessive gas formation, the appearance of colic, impaired stool. Therefore, the main recommendation when using yeast and products containing it is moderation. Then the living bacterial component will be beneficial and will not turn into an aggressor.”

FACT: Yeasts from the genus Candida, which are part of a healthy human microflora, can become pathogenic. This happens with their mass development against the background of weakened immunity, taking antibiotics, surgical intervention in the body.

Yeast can be helpful

Lyubov Zinoviev,
dermatocosmetologist, member of the Society of Aesthetic Medicine, Herbalife expert:

“Autolyzed brewer's yeast is an extremely useful nutritional supplement. During their transformation into tablets and powders, the living structure of microorganisms is destroyed, which eliminates the danger of fermentation. At the same time, all biologically valuable substances and useful properties are preserved.

In particular, brewer's yeast is rich in nucleic acids relevant to health, B vitamins, vitamin E. Thanks to this composition, supplements improve hair and nail growth, promote tissue regeneration and healing - this can be said with confidence. We estheticians recommend brewer's yeast for acne blemishes and acne.: the high-quality mineral composition of the preparations helps to normalize sebum secretion.

FACT: For vegetarians, autolyzed brewer's yeast can be a good source of protein. 30 g of powder product contains 15 g of protein. + In America, nutritional yeast is used as the basis for the production of vegetarian pâtés.

There are two types of yeast: natural (pressed) and dry.

natural yeast and now you can find it in any supermarket, they are sold in bars, they cost 10 rubles each. You can store them only in the refrigerator and no more than 2 weeks. This yeast can be used to bake bread, to make kvass, and even beer if you're into brewing at home! It was this yeast that our grandmothers used, they are alive, real!

Choice same dry yeast more to the store! They act quickly, an hour and the dough is ready! But how useful are they? And are they useful at all?

I'll start with the backstory. I have been treating my gastrointestinal tract (gastrointestinal tract) for a long time, namely for 5 years. I was poisoned every other day, picked up intestinal infections, gastritis, pancreatitis and other misfortunes just haunted me! Allopathic medicine could not help me, moreover, side effects developed from the medications taken. Then I found a naturopathic doctor. A naturopath also has a medical education, and in my case, it was a candidate of medical sciences, only the methods of treatment he uses are gentle, natural, as natural as possible. My naturopath first looked at my diet. I was prescribed what I should eat for breakfast, lunch and dinner, and how much. So yeast and yeast bread were excluded from this list!

And now I want to return to the topic of the post, and talk a little more about the dangers of eating dry yeast.

Yeast fungi that enter the body begin to destroy the beneficial microflora in the stomach and intestines, which leads to disruption of the digestive tract. In addition, the fermentation processes launched in the body by dry yeast cause rapid fatigue of the brain and body, disrupt sleep, reduce the functioning of the immune system, which leads to the development of infectious diseases.

Some scientists generally believe that fermentation processes can favorably influence the development of cancer cells and other tumors!

What happens in the body due to yeast fermentation?

Do you know what bloating is? This is when the diaphragm cannot perform its natural functions, it is in a “compressed” position, affecting the lower lobes of the lungs. Fermentation contributes to the formation of excess gas formation, due to which the gallbladder can change its shape, forming a bend. I know this for myself, I saw my gallbladder on an ultrasound.

Also, yeast fermentation can lead to varicose veins, blood clots, congestion in the lower extremities, pelvis and head!

What about a person who wants to maintain their health?

When I announced to my husband that we would not eat bread at all, since it contains yeast, my husband immediately found a way out. He bought unleavened bread! If you look closely, you can find a large selection of yeast-free bread. I wrote a review about one such instance.

You can also bake bread yourself, using live pressed yeast or sourdough, which you can prepare yourself. But this is a topic for a separate post.

The ancient Egyptians knew about the existence of yeast, they baked bread and made beer. Their official discovery was made in the middle of the 19th century by the microbiologist Pasteur. The benefits and harms of yeast were identified, and since then this product has been widely used throughout the world. The modern food industry uses fresh pressed, baker's, dairy, food, dry, beer and other types of yeast.

Fresh yeast benefits and harms

They are grayish-brown briquettes, contain about 70% moisture. When cooking, such yeast is dissolved in warm water without adding salt. Store fresh yeast for about two weeks in the refrigerator or 2-3 months in the freezer.

Fresh yeast is used to make a dough that does not require repeated and lengthy proofing. They are suitable for baking cheesecakes and bread, croissants and Easter cakes.

The benefits of fresh yeast

Fresh yeast is a rich source of biologically active micro and macro elements. They contain many vitamins, minerals, amino acids, organic iron.

In folk medicine, fresh yeast in combination with lecithin is used to lower cholesterol levels, reduce pain during spasms, neuritis, colitis, and burning in the intestines. But our grandmothers advised us to eat a pinch of fresh yeast when boils, boils appeared, and this remedy really helped.

Harm of fresh yeast

This product also has contraindications. For example, women should consult a gynecologist before starting to eat fresh yeast. This is due to the fact that this product, with uncontrolled use, can cause thrush. Fresh yeast is also harmful for dysbacteriosis, gout, endocrine disorders and kidney diseases.

Baker's yeast: harm or benefit

If we talk about the pros and cons of baker's yeast, then most likely the advantage will be in the negative direction. It's all about the technology of their preparation, which appeared several decades ago. Previously, our great-grandmothers and great-grandfathers baked bread on natural sourdough: from sprouted rye, oats or wheat, hops, malt, raisins. Such bread was really useful and could be used as a separate product.

Then thermophilic yeast was invented, which we know as baker's yeast. Their production is simply frightening, because they are made from chemical starter cultures - saccharomycetes, artificially created by man. When using products based on thermophilic yeast, stones appear in the liver, gallbladder, pancreas. It also gets to the intestines, in which the processes of decay are growing.

Harm baker's yeast is extremely serious. Their use is fraught with a violation of metabolic processes, a change in the biochemical composition of the blood, a violation of the acid-base balance and other negative consequences. Therefore, if possible, refuse products made on the basis of baker's yeast.

Benefits of lactic yeast

But unlike baker's milk yeast is a valuable product. They contain healthy enzymes. Milk yeast is found in fermented milk products, has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the intestines, and with constant use strengthens the immune system. Acting on our body from the inside, they significantly improve the condition of the body.

By the way, why are there many centenarians among the inhabitants of the Caucasus? The fact is that they are very fond of and drink drinks from lactic acid bacteria. So if you want to live longer, drink more yogurt.

nutritional yeast

They are famous for their high content of proteins and vitamins. They are sold in the form of powder, tablets or flakes. Vegetarians love them because nutritional yeast can also be used as a substitute for cheese, meat, and dairy products.

Thanks to their "cheesy taste" they are added to pizza, soups, casseroles, sauces, omelettes, spaghetti sprinkled with them instead of parmesan.

Harm and benefit of nutritional yeast

Some of the health benefits of nutritional yeast include:

  • - lowering cholesterol levels;
  • - normalization of pressure;
  • - help with constipation;
  • - prevention of pancreatic cancer;
  • - improvement of intestinal microflora and others.

Harmful qualities include:

  • - individual intolerance;
  • - allergic reactions.

Dry yeast

They are sold in small portions in sachets. They are divided into active and fast-dissolving. Active dry yeast is spherical granules of different diameters. Their shelf life is quite long - up to two years, while all the healing properties remain intact.

To activate such yeast, they are diluted with warm water, milk and wait 10-15 minutes, after which the yeast is introduced into the dough.

Instant Dry Yeast is a finely ground light brown powder. They are added directly to the dough without activation. The only condition is that the dough with such yeast needs proofing, but it will fit quickly enough.

The harm and benefits of dry yeast

They are not recommended for use in the following diseases:

  • - dysbacteriosis;
  • - gout;
  • - acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Some of the health benefits of dry yeast include:

  • - high content of proteins;
  • - help with anemia;
  • - strengthening of immunity.

Brewer's yeast

Grown by fermentation of high-quality beer wort from hops and malt. They are dry, liquid or pressed. Liquid yeast has a very short shelf life, but dry brewer's yeast can be used for quite a long time. Dry yeast has a strong yeasty smell. They are produced in the form of powders, tablets, dragees, capsules. Obtained by dehydration of liquid yeast.

The most useful yeast - beer

They are not reputed to be very useful for the figure. Although the reason here is not at all in the yeast, but in the preservatives that are contained in beer. Quality live beer is very healthy. After all, the composition of brewer's yeast, in addition to vitamins, proteins, amino acids, includes enzymes, peptides, fatty acids, sorbents, lipids. There are a lot of minerals in them - zinc, iron, magnesium, selenium, phosphorus, sulfur, manganese, calcium, copper, sodium and others.

Brewer's yeast and preparations based on it are widely used in medicine for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes. They improve metabolic processes, strengthen the immune system, increase efficiency, improve brain activity, and well-being. Brewer's yeast is recommended for the normal functioning of the digestive system. They improve the absorption of food, increase appetite, activate the secretion of digestive juice, increase intestinal motility and its microflora, and slow down the aging process of cells.

In addition, such yeast:

  • - increase the body's resistance to stress;
  • - remove toxins;
  • - strengthen the skeletal and nervous system;
  • - strengthen nails and hair;
  • - cleanse the skin;
  • - reduce the level of cholesterol in the blood.

Brewer's yeast is especially effective in diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, hypertension, anemia and anemia, radiation exposure, heart disease, skin diseases, intoxication (alcohol, smoking). They are recommended to be taken after viral diseases.

There are few contraindications for brewer's yeast. They are not consumed with individual intolerance to this product, with gout, renal failure.

Yeast is not a new product at all, it was known in antiquity when they were used to make bread. They were officially patented by the microbiologist Pasteur in the 19th century. Even then, they started talking about two sides of the coin, that is, that yeast is good and bad, but then they began to use them even more actively. Today, several types of yeast are used for cooking on an industrial scale: baker's, food, beer, dairy, pressed, dry, and so on.

What is yeast?

In fact, yeast is fungi, or rather, about 15 hundred different single-celled fungi. They are often located in nature on the surfaces of fruits, fruits or berries. They perfectly adapt to various environmental conditions, they can even survive in the complete absence of oxygen.

The main feature of such mushrooms is their incredibly high rate of reproduction and growth. This is what they have earned their popularity in the food industry. Today, four types of yeast fungi are used - beer, dairy, wine, bakery, which are divided into three classes - pressed, dry and yeast sourdough.

Most often, dry yeast is used due to its convenient shape and relatively long shelf life. But it should be understood that none of the listed species refers to real, natural and healthy yeast. These types were obtained specifically to speed up the cooking process and increase the production of products that include this ingredient. How can such yeast be beneficial? - One harm.

Natural yeast was used in antiquity by our ancestors. Previously, the preparation of bread was equated with a certain ceremony. For this, only the best products were taken - whole grain flour of the highest quality and natural sourdough: malt, wheat, hop, rye, which was made from completely natural products. Such a product had not only delicious taste, but also contained a number of useful substances. Real yeast, prepared independently using ancient technology, remains useful today, unlike popular ones.

Yeast harm

Today, it is widely believed that yeast is much more harmful than it contains benefits. Most of all, this applies to the class of baker's, or the so-called "thermophilic" yeast. This concept implies that these artificially bred yeasts are highly resistant to high temperatures and do not die during the preparation process.

The people have already called these small mushrooms killers, because when they get inside the body, they have a negative effect and poison the healthy cells of the body from the inside, which leads to their death. The use of thermophilic yeast and products containing them can lead to serious health problems.

That's what it is yeast damage:

  1. Yeast fungi act on the body in a debilitating way. This happens for the following reason. When ingested, the process of active reproduction of fungi begins, and for growth and existence, they need food. They feed on useful and essential trace elements and vitamins that enter the human body with food. Thus, they deprive a person of useful substances that are necessary for a healthy life, as a result of which the immune system weakens and serious diseases can develop.
  2. The combination of thermophilic yeast and flour leads to a change in the acid-base balance. The presence of such products in the daily diet is fraught with the formation of an acidic environment, and as a result, ulcers, gastritis and chronic constipation develop.
  3. Due to the way yeast is produced, it contains a huge amount of harmful chemicals and heavy metals. This is not surprising: after all, even technical potassium carbonate and building lime are used in their production. Completely unnecessary harm to our body.
  4. Yeast fungi contribute to the development of diseases of the liver, heart and lungs.
  5. Because of these fungi, blood clots can form, as they disrupt the circulatory process.
  6. The intestinal microflora is under attack. Due to the excessively active reproduction and growth of fungi, a putrefactive flora is formed in the intestine, in which beneficial microorganisms are not able to survive. The result is a weakening of the immune system.
  7. Fungal and microbial flora can gradually change the composition of the blood, significantly reducing the amount of calcium in the blood. Today, this figure has decreased from 12 normal to 3 acceptable units.
  8. The harm of yeast also lies in the fact that these fungi create a favorable environment for the appearance and active growth of malignant neoplasms.

Yeast: benefits and harms

If we consider the known beneficial and harmful properties of baker's yeast, then the list contains more harmful points than useful ones. All this is due to the production technology of the product.

Our great-grandmothers baked bakery products based on healthy ones made from wheat, malt, oats, raisins or sprouted rye. Here are some yeast harm No. And baking from them turned out to be more fragrant, tasty and healthy.

Now on an industrial scale, harmful thermophilic yeasts are being used with might and main. For their production, artificial chemical starter cultures called Saccharomycetes are used. The consumption of such products causes a powerful blow to the intestines, harms the gallbladder and liver, and the pancreas also suffers. So yeast, previously considered beneficial, causes immeasurable harm to the body.

A variety of lactic yeast, unlike thermophilic baker's yeast, is considered a rather useful product. They contain enzymes necessary for health. Dairy products are rich in lactic yeast. If you use fermented milk products regularly, but observing the measure, you can significantly strengthen the immune system and charge the body with useful substances.

It is worth noting that when cooking completely without yeast, you can not do. It is important to give preference to the "right" yeast, for example, natural starter cultures - yeast substitutes that were previously used in home cooking.

Using such starters, you will absolutely get a healthy and healthy product and you will definitely be sure of its composition. Today, in small villages, traditions and recipes for such starters are still preserved. Such natural yeast-sourdoughs were beneficial for the body, with their help the body was fed with useful substances - fiber, microelements, vitamins, enzymes, biostimulants and others.

It contains only friendly and beneficial bacteria, lactic acid. Stimulation of the immune system is possible due to natural fermentation, which eliminates carcinogenic compounds and is caused by lactic acid bacteria. Proper nutrition involves switching to homemade sourdough for baking.

Natural homemade sourdough consists of such components as:

  • bacteria that are responsible for the formation of lactic acid;
  • beneficial bacteria living with the former;
  • wild yeast - they are similar to the usual, but do not have a harmful effect.

But still yeast - is it good or bad? As you can see, the usual yeast is of little use, and their harm is quite real. If you want to stay healthy and young, avoid yeast products or cook your own using the right and natural starter cultures.

Email updates

For the sixth year now, now calming down, then again becoming the subject of lively discussions, a story about some insidious conspiracy has been circulating on the net. Its goal is to destroy the population of Russia with the help of the so-called "thermophilic yeast", which seem quite harmless to an uninitiated gullible layman. This spring, this topic has become relevant again. Basically, the harm of yeast is discussed on the forums of Orthodox groups in Odnoklassniki, but I had to meet discussions on other sites. So what is this killer yeast, how dangerous are they, what harm do they do to the human body?

One of the most common statements by the proponents of the "conspiracy" reads: “Yeast-saccharomycetes (thermophilic yeast), varieties of which are used in the alcohol industry, brewing and baking, do not occur in nature (and, therefore, are genetically modified - prot. A. E). Saccharomycetes, unfortunately, are more resistant than tissue cells. They are not destroyed either during cooking or by saliva in the human body. Yeast killer cells, killer cells, kill sensitive, less protected cells of the body by releasing poisonous substances of small molecular weight in them. It goes on to say that sulfuric acid and even human bones are used in the production of yeast! After such a convincing description of the yeast production technology using unfamiliar tricky words, you don’t even want to eat bread - it’s just scary to get poisoned.

What is true in this statement? Surprisingly, upon closer examination, it turns out that there is absolutely no truth here.

Let's start with the fact that thermophilic yeast does not exist not only in nature, but also in the laboratories of chemists. There are thermophilic bacteria, but they have nothing to do with yeast, which are fungi. By the way, thermophilic bacteria are also safe. Both yeast fungi and thermophilic bacteria exist in nature and are not genetically modified products. Of course, one can assume that someone is producing genetically modified "thermophilic" baker's yeast, but in this case it should be indicated on the packaging. Exceptions to this rule, when the manufacturer, contrary to the established rules, hides such information, can only be single.

Another "conspiracy" argument goes as follows: “Scientists who were studying this issue came across sources from Nazi Germany in the Lenin Library, which said that this yeast was grown on human bones, that if Russia did not die in the war, then it would die from yeast. Our specialists were not allowed to link to sources or copy them. The documents were classified ... ". This statement is repeated from article to article, while it seems that the “specialists” were sent by the authors of the articles to the library literally on a first-come, first-served basis, but there, showing them all the sources, copying (again, everyone) was strictly forbidden. Why didn't the "specialists" use a simple mobile phone with a camera and even remember the document numbers? Maybe there were no specialists, because not only their names are not mentioned, but the literal copying of this text allows us to assert that we are talking about nothing more than just another gossip wandering from publication to publication, from site to site.

We also note that in the 1940s, when, according to the conspiracy supporters, “thermophilic yeast” was bred, genetic engineering did not exist. Why is it that the technology of yeast production, laid down in those days, causes such fear?

As for Saccharomycetes, they are always present in the human body, regardless of whether he has ever eaten bread with industrial yeast or not. They are natural constituents of the intestinal microflora; they do not cause any harm, except for the rarest cases of allergies, and, of course, contrary to the statements of the “yeast conspiracy” supporters, they do not destroy the cells of the human body. As for "poisonous substances of small molecular weight", they are simply unknown to science, and this term is used only on the websites of the "conspirators".

“The stomach is covered from the inside with a special mucous membrane that is resistant to acid. However, if a person abuses yeast products and acid-forming foods, then the stomach cannot resist this for a long time. The burn will lead to the formation of ulcers, pain and such a common symptom as heartburn will appear. This statement is based on nothing. "Acid-forming" food is indicated for low stomach acidity, up to yeast, they are just used in the treatment of gastrointestinal diseases, having only one contraindication - hypersensitivity.

“The use of food products prepared on the basis of thermophilic yeast contributes to the formation of sand clots, and then stones in the gallbladder, liver, pancreas, constipation and tumors. In the intestine, the processes of decay increase, pathogenic microflora develops, the brush border is injured. The evacuation of toxic masses from the body slows down, gas pockets form, where fecal stones stagnate. Gradually, they grow into the mucous and submucosal layers of the intestine. The secret of the digestive organs loses its protective function and reduces the digestive. Vitamins are not assimilated and synthesized enough, microelements, and the most important of them, calcium, are not assimilated to the proper extent. All this is nothing more than the imagination of the authors. Yes, excessive consumption of bread made from refined white flour can cause problems in the intestines, but yeast has nothing to do with it. In general, attempts to create myths using near-medical terminology will always be popular in society, especially in connection with the catastrophic situation with the environment, but doomed to failure in the light of medical sciences. And to believe that all doctors are malicious murderers of the nation is possible only if you completely lose all common sense.

What do the fighters with the "yeast conspiracy" offer? If you carefully look at their articles on natural sourdough, it turns out that it is proposed to use the same yeast fungi for baking wheat bread - with the only difference that their production is more natural, but also more expensive. Of course, it is not difficult to make wort at home, but in mass production such a culture does not retain its viability for a long time. It is very difficult to buy such a starter in the store, because it requires special storage conditions. And the extract of the starter is much lower than that of ordinary yeast. And if for a rural dweller this is not of great importance, then in the conditions of a busy city life this factor is still important, just as it is important for mass production. A bakery that starts making bread using the old technology will either go bankrupt due to the high cost of its products, or will be forced to sell bread at inflated prices, and it is always more difficult to sell expensive bread. This is where conspiracy theory can help. After all, the most reliable way to eliminate competitors is to announce that their products are worse than their own. Of course, this should have been proven, but it’s easier not to officially prove anything, but simply write carbon-copied articles on a dozen visited sites - and make a profit.

It should also be noted that yeast sourdough is used only in the preparation of wheat bread. Rye bread is prepared by the process of sour-milk fermentation (or combined). So the statement about the widespread use of yeast in modern bakery is still exaggerated.

If we were only talking about ordinary homemade bread, then the question would hardly have been so acute. But through the efforts of some priests, primarily Abbot Mitrofan (Lavrentiev), the problem acquired a religious character. Hegumen Mitrofan declared prosphora baked with yeast canonically unacceptable. And his main thesis is that animal products are used in the production of yeast. However, this is not true - after all, the initial experiments using animal materials have long sunk into oblivion. At the same time, the "technology" of making sourdough at home requires the use of hops or raisins and sugar - otherwise the dough simply won't work. So in any case, whether there is yeast or hop products, it is allowed to use not only flour and water, but also other components in prosphora. The statements about , that only “our method” is correct, are dangerous because in this way a certain “spiritual elite” is formed and, if we follow the words of the same Fr. Mitrofan, you can only take communion with them, but blasphemy is allegedly committed in the rest of the parishes. Although in reality it is precisely the statement about the inferiority of the Sacrament (which is either performed or not, it cannot be otherwise) that is blasphemy in parishes that did not follow the practice of preparing hop sourdough.

Personally, I prefer hop sourdough. The bread on it is indeed more fragrant, tastier (primarily due to longer fermentation) and, undoubtedly, more nutritious. What is important is that I have time to prepare this sourdough. However, on occasion I can buy bread in the store and see nothing wrong with that. But I perceive calls to abandon store-bought bread because of its “spoilage” as groundless and not at all harmless. After all, not every family has the opportunity to bake their own bread. And a person who believes in a "conspiracy" can fall into deep despondency and even despair from the inability to "eat right." And what about Communion? Start to find out on what leaven the prosphora are baked in the parish? And suddenly on yeast? Then you will have to change the parish, look for the “right” priest. Such a search often leads to a spiritual catastrophe, for which those who have created temptation in the minds of gullible brethren in Christ will have to answer. And we must be more careful in this difficult age of lies and deceit, and not succumb to the provocations of the "caring" citizens of the world of conspiracies.

Archpriest Andrey Efanov

Yeast in bread - are they harmful to humans?

Recently, a number of publications (clearly custom-made) have appeared in the press about the allegedly existing harm of baker's yeast and the enormous benefits of "hop bread". Without disputing the benefits of bread made with hop sourdough, let's dwell on some points of these publications.

We believe that it is pointless to explain to some authors of such publications that yeast does not “devour the intestinal microflora”, and “yeast bacteria” cannot exist in principle, just as there cannot be a feathered pike or a winged sheep. Such statements speak only about the lack of elementary knowledge in the field of biology. Let's dwell on more meaningful statements.

In particular, the authors of such publications claim that all yeast cells die in “hop bread” during baking, but not all of them in ordinary bread. This statement is also simply absurd. If you do not go into physical and chemical details, then the death of yeast when heated depends mainly on their type and temperature. During baking in the center of the crumb, the temperature reaches 95-97°C, regardless of the technology used to prepare the dough. As for the type of yeast, hop starter cultures are known to contain mainly the same S. Cerevisiae as in pressed or dried yeast, which was proven as early as 1937 by V.A. Nikolaev.

Therefore, in both cases, the yeast almost completely dies off and only single yeast cells can remain viable when baking both "hop" and ordinary bread. This fact is well known and has long been included in textbooks.

In addition, the amount of yeast cells that enter the human body from bakery products is simply not comparable with the amount that enters the human body with other foods. It is known that yeasts of the genus Saccharomyces are isolated from the surface of grapes, plums, apples, raspberries, strawberries, and currants. For the manufacture of wine, in the production of beer and kvass, strains of Saccharomuces serevisiae (formerly known as S.vini, S. Carlsbergensis, etc.) are also used. S. serevisiae.

Thus, it is obvious that the yeast will still enter the body of the consumer, even if he completely refuses to eat bread and bakery products. Now consider what effect they have on the human body?

Yeast is not at all some kind of exotic, “bred through the efforts of geneticists” (as one of the publications claims). They are a permanent part of the normal human microflora. About 25-30 types of yeast are regularly found in the body, which do not cause manifestations of a clinical infection. The number of yeast in the intestine ranges from hundreds of cells to millions per gram. content.

As for publications about the longevity of Abkhazians who “do not bake bread, but are distinguished by longevity”, the following facts can be cited: in the study of the normal microflora of the intestinal tract of long-livers of Abkhazia and their families, conducted in 1978-1981, yeast was detected almost constantly ( in 75-100% of cases). In centenarians, among other yeasts, S. cerevisiae was isolated, and in these strains strong antagonistic properties were found in relation to various pathogenic and conditionally pathogenic bacteria. The literature also describes other facts of inhibition of bacterial growth by substances of a protein nature isolated from baker's yeast.

Thus, the statements of the authors of such newspaper publications about the dangers of baker's yeast for human health are unfounded. They would not deserve special attention from specialists if they did not mislead the consumer, sowing unreasonable panic among the population.

Department of Microbiology of the State Research Institute of the Baking Industry

Rice. from the We Awakened website
