
What does durian taste like. Durian is the stinkiest fruit in the world, replacing a blanket

This is such a smelly fruit, with which they are not even allowed into hotels!

And you should have seen other "goodies" that are popular in some countries!!!

In general, in Thailand there are so many different types of fruits that it is simply not possible to try all types in one visit. Juicy mango, fresh cocoa, delicious avocado and many other interesting fruits. When there is such an abundance and variety around, there is no desire to try some smelly fruit.

But in Thailand, guides and locals told us with one voice, “You can refuse any fruit, but you must definitely try the royal Durian!”.

With this fruit, they really won’t let you into any decent hotel. There are even signs on the doors with the image of Durian crossed out with a red line.

The guide told us that when tourism was in its infancy in Thailand, there were no such restrictions. It's just that not all hotel owners (some of them were foreigners) knew about the "miraculous" consequences of this fruit.

And in connection with this, several incidents occurred. Tourists tried the fruit in the hotel rooms. And since the smell of this fruit is very stable and has a hint of the smell of spoiled meat, after such experiments, the hotel owners had to make repairs in these rooms, completely change the wallpaper and furniture. After that, the hotel managers made the only right decision to ban Durian from being carried on the territory of the hotels.

Why is Durian with such a terrible smell called the royal fruit?

Residents of Thailand consider it the main fruit of their country! Just this fruit contains a lot of vitamins, minerals and estrogens. It has detoxifying properties and is an aphrodisiac.

In general, it is very beneficial for health. And like any delicacy, Durian knows its worth.

In Thailand, even in season, a small piece of pulp is sold for 70 baht (about $4). In Europe, its cost is much higher. For example, in England it costs about 16-26 pounds. Due to its unusual smell, this fruit takes pride of place among such delicacies. Such, for example, as Chinese "rotten" eggs, or the famous Roquefort cheese, covered with blue mold. These are the three most "fragrant dishes".

Durian grows in the tropical jungles of Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines. Connoisseurs and lovers of this fruit claim that the best fruits are still grown in Thailand, near Bangkok. Durian fruit can reach up to 20 cm in width and up to 4 kg in weight. It has a hard rind with large spines that protect unripe fruits from animals. Depending on the variety and maturity, the smell is different from rotten meat to rotten onions. It is the peel that emits a sharp disgusting smell. Moreover, the smell does not begin to appear immediately, but approximately within 10 minutes after opening the fetus. At this point, useful trace elements, combining with oxygen, create a bad smell.

Durian pulp is quite tasty. The taste has a sweet and sour tint, and is similar to a combination of apple and banana flavors.

Durian is eaten both raw and flavored.

For example, to sweets, chips, cocktails, etc.

Where did the name of this interesting fruit come from?

At first I thought that the word Durian came from the word bad. Well, sort of a bad smell. This is of course a cool version, but the fact is that the name Durian, this word is not Russian, but the meaning of the word bad, after all, as I understand it, has Russian roots. So the word Durian comes from the Malay word "duri", which means a thorn. And "durian" is a thorny word. So it turns out something like a thorny fruit.

And of course, after such knowledge, we simply could not help but try Durian, this “king of fruits”.

We made a decision, but where is it? The fact is that it is not sold in shops and public places, such as restaurants and cafes. They sell it in the market, but having bought it in the market, where is it? The fruit is quite large and we could not eat a whole fruit. In addition, where to put the leftovers and the peel, and indeed where to wash and use it?

Where to try Durian?

In general, we were lucky, we went on another excursion, the program of which included a visit to a fruit plantation. There we were given a lot of fruits to try. All of them lay on the table, we approached and tried them.

And then we were told: “And now it’s time to try the“ king of fruits ”, we were taken aside, durian was cut and told“ Eat faster before it starts ... ”And we all began to try this royal fruit overgrown with legends. It really tastes good, but you can't eat it in large quantities. After the tasting, the plantation owners buried the peel of Durian in the ground.

Summing up my story, I want to say, if you are in Thailand, be sure to try this interesting "king of fruits" and express your opinion about it.

Or maybe someone has already tried Durian? What are your impressions?

The people of Thailand know many secrets, including

Going for a walk through Thai markets and shops, you will see a lot of bright and unusual fruits. There are many that you may not even have heard of. There is probably not a single person whose gaze would not stop at the mysterious fruit, outwardly resembling a large prickly hedgehog. That's it this "wonder of nature" has an unusual name - durian. We will talk about it in this article.

To date, 34 types of durian have been discovered, but not all of its types are allowed for consumption. Only 9 are considered edible and in most cases they have the most unpleasant odor. Durian is a fruit that can be recognized from thousands by its appearance and smell.

It has either a round or oblong shape, and its diameter reaches up to 20 centimeters. The surface of the fruit is covered with large dense spikes, which creates additional protection from curious animals. This is a rather large fruit, its weight sometimes reaches 8-9 kilograms. It is painted in light green or yellow.

Inside the fruit is an edible pulp, which can be of a wide variety of colors, ranging from white to pale pink tones. Having cut the fruit, you will find 5 departments in it, approximately equal in size. In one of them seeds ripen, and the rest are filled with edible pulp.

durian season

The abundance of tropical fruits in Thailand can be observed all year round. But if you have a desire to try something new and specific, then it is worth planning the right time for a vacation here. The season when durian will be sold in all Thai markets, starts at first half of April and ends in September. Of course, even before that it can be found in various supermarkets, but only the price and quality will obviously not impress you. At the peak of the season, its price drops to 40-50 baht per kilogram, which makes it affordable for everyone.

In supermarkets, fruit prices usually range from 120-150 baht per kilogram. But again, the tastiest and freshest fruits are always sold in local markets.

The smell of durian

Durian is recognized as one of the healthiest fruits, as it contains many vitamins and minerals. But its special smell sometimes causes disgust, and many refuse to try the fruit. To a greater extent, this applies to guests of the country, as the locals treat him calmly.

The smell can be explained by the fact that durian contains sulfuric acid. Cutting the fruit, it interacts with oxygen and oxidation. Unpleasant sensations do not come immediately, it should take a few minutes. The smell of durian has been compared to anything, such as the smell of sewers, dirty socks, or rotten fish. But many generally prefer not to smell it, because its smell is so unpleasant. Resting in Thailand, you can often witness the following picture: trying to try durian for the first time, Russian tourists cover their noses with their hands.

In Thailand, as in many other countries, it is forbidden to bring durian with you to a hotel, as well as take it on a plane. The thing is that its smell is so stable that it can remain indoors for a long time and it is quite difficult to remove it from there. If the fruit gets on bedding or clothes, then they will have to be washed, as it will haunt you for a long time.

But do not worry about the fact that after eating a piece of fruit, you will have bad breath. These are all myths. If you like the fruit, eat boldly and don’t worry about anything.

Durian is such a specific fruit that it is simply impossible to give an unambiguous definition of its taste. Here we can safely say that how many people, so many opinions. For some, it resembles a cheese-nutty taste, for some, the taste of boiled onions, for some, it causes the most unpleasant associations. Some, having tasted it, get such delight that they are ready to eat it all the time, for others - the desire for further tasting disappears after the first small piece. We can definitely say only that durian will not be able to leave anyone indifferent.

The taste of durian reminded me of potatoes with garlic and rotten cabbage. I was never able to love this fruit and I find it disgusting in smell and taste.

The inhabitants of Thailand almost all compare its flavor with a sweet cream, which includes an egg and milk. Perhaps in connection with this, he received the unofficial name "King of all fruits."

Beneficial features

You can talk about the benefits of durian for hours. And this is no coincidence, because it contains all the most necessary vitamins and minerals. To a greater extent, it is potassium, calcium, zinc, magnesium, iron, vitamins of groups B, A, C. Please note that this is one of the most high-calorie fruits, 147 kcal per 100 grams of the product. After eating a small piece of fruit in the morning, you can forget about food for several hours.

Due to its unique composition, durian is able to normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system, improve digestion, increase immunity, and it also acts as a sedative.

The estrogens in durian increase women's chances of getting pregnant. Also, this fruit is useful for men.

Durian pulp can raise body temperature, which is why it should not be combined with alcohol.

The scope of the fruit in Thailand is very wide. On its basis, various ice creams, sweets, pastries, toothpaste, coffee and much more are produced.

How to choose the right durian?

When choosing a ripe juicy durian fruit, you should not pay special attention to its peel. The fact is that there are several varieties of this fruit, and not always the green peel will speak of its immaturity. There are several rules to follow when choosing:

  1. Give preference to those fruits on which cracks appear. This will indicate that he is fully matured and begins to open himself.
  2. The smell of the fruit should be slightly tart.
  3. The inside of a ripe and fresh durian will always be tender and soft.
  4. If you find a durian tree, then you should take those fruits that themselves fell. That's when you get the juicy fruit.
  5. When tapping on the peel, a dull sound should appear. This will speak of maturity.

When purchasing an already cut fruit, carefully look at its pulp. It should have a delicate shade and not contain any spots on itself. Its color is usually light yellow or slightly beige.

The most correct option for acquiring a fruit is to choose a whole fruit. But in this case, ask the seller to clean and cut it for you. Remember that the more durian is cut, the richer and more unpleasant its smell will be.

How to peel and eat durian?

Since this fruit still remains exotic for us, it’s easier to buy it in the market and let it be cut for you there.

After splitting the hard shell, the pulp is taken out on a plate or in a special plastic container. It is most convenient to eat durian with a spoon, but the locals manage to cope with this task perfectly without it.

It is not advisable to eat fruit at night, as it has a tonic property and sometimes it is difficult to fall asleep.

Store durian in a separate container, tightly packed. If you leave it open in the refrigerator, then all other products will be saturated with its smell.


  1. The first thing you should pay attention to when using durian is that it is absolutely incompatible with alcohol. Not only can the fruit not be washed down with these drinks, but it is also not advisable to drink alcohol for at least 3-4 hours after the fruit.
  2. It is not advisable to eat more than 200 grams of fruit in one day. If you are trying it for the first time, then do not combine durian with other products.
  3. Allergies may occur, resulting in a rash, runny nose, and in rare cases swelling of the nasopharynx. Therefore, start your acquaintance with the fruit with a small piece.
  4. Durian can increase blood pressure. Having a tendency to such problems, you should refrain from tasting the fruit.

Thailand is a country of exotic fruits. And what could be better than trying something new and unusual. Do not deny yourself pleasure. You may not like durians as much as I do, or maybe you will get a new favorite treat in a tropical country. Also read about others, among them there are many unusual and incredibly tasty.

Modern man is characterized by the desire for everything exotic. This is manifested in various areas of life, including in relation to food. One of the most extravagant and extraordinary fruits is the durian. He is recognized as the king of fruits and looks quite unusual. What is it, what does an unusual fruit look like, what are its benefits and harms, how to choose it and eat it - let's figure it out.

What it is?

Durian civet belongs to the genus of evergreen tropical plants of the Malvaceae family. To date, about 30 varieties of this fruit are known, which grow in the tropical forests of Southeast Asia. These plants are large trees with weak branching. They have prop roots and regular leaves. It is noteworthy that only 9 of the known 30 varieties are suitable for food.


Durian flowers are large, whitish or reddish depending on the variety. They can develop not only on branches, but also on trunks. They are pollinated not only by bees, but also by bats, since durian blooms from dusk to night for no more than 8 hours. The fruit of the plant is distinguished by a particularly hard shell with characteristic spines. This feature allows you to protect the unripe fruit from animals. It is because of its appearance that the fruit got its name, which means “thorn” or “thorn” in translation.

Despite the fact that it grows not only in Malaysia, Thailand, India and Indochina, but also in South America, Asian fruit is in great demand among gourmets. It is grown in a more comfortable climate, ripens from spring to the end of the summer season. It is harvested when the fruits themselves fall to the ground. According to the general description, in terms of dimensions, durian reaches the parameters of a soccer ball. Weight varies from 2 to 10 kg, the shape is often elongated. Sometimes the fruit even reaches a length of up to 30 cm, while the diameter can be 20–25 cm.

No matter how big a durian may seem, more than half of its weight is in the peel than in the juicy flesh. The inside of the durian has white walls and is divided into segments. In each "compartment" there are 3-4 yellowish seeds. As a rule, inside the fetus there are 5 compartments, approximately the same in size. Four of them are filled with pulp, and the bones are located in the fifth.


A distinctive feature of the fruit is the fact that it has a disgusting smell. Therefore, few people immediately believe that durian can be eaten. It smells so bad that you can't take it into public places with you. It is not only impossible to go to a store or take a taxi with it: the ban even applies to transportation in an elevator, as evidenced by a special sign of a fruit crossed out with a red line. This is explained by the fact that the fetid spirit of the Thai fruit cannot be weathered by any means. That is why exotic durian can neither be stored nor transported. The stench is so terrible that it is difficult to describe it, but the pulp itself has a divine taste, for which durian is called the king of fruits.

The taste of a ripe fruit with a smooth texture is sweet. It is rich, like a mixture of banana, mango, pineapple, papaya and vanilla. As for the smell of the shell itself, it can be compared with a mixture of the “aroma” of sewerage, rotten fish and rotten meat, or a putrid smell. It even seems to some that in this stink one can distinguish the smells of a ton of rotten onions, because some tourists have tears when they meet durian. As for the amount of pulp inside the fruit, it is not very much: a lot falls on a thick peel with thorns. The flesh of a ripe fruit itself does not have spots, it is of the same consistency and color.

Composition and calories

The fetid smell of durian is explained by the presence of sulfuric acid in the composition of the fruit. An exotic fruit is saturated with proteins, fats and carbohydrates, it contains many vitamins, and its absence of cholesterol distinguishes it. Delicious pulp is rich in ascorbic, nicotinic and folic acids. It contains niacin, carotene, riboflavin, calcium, iron and phosphorus. As for calories, one hundred grams of durian contains 145 kilocalories. These data are typical for raw and frozen fruit. However, an excess of durian in food can cause obesity.

Benefit and harm

Unusual Thai fruit has certain beneficial properties. For example, having organic sulfur in its composition, durian is rightfully recognized as one of the unique exotic fruits. Indole, which is the source of organic sulfur, is especially necessary for the human body, as it has bactericidal properties. Thanks to the dietary fiber, durian is effective for constipation. It perfectly absorbs water, due to which peristalsis is accelerated and carcinogens are excreted from the body. This nuance helps to prevent bowel cancer.

Durian is also effective against anemia, as it is a preventive measure. It improves the condition of hair and skin, and also has a positive effect on strengthening bones and the thyroid gland. In addition, it helps in the treatment of diabetes and has a positive effect on the digestive system. And also an exotic fruit is good for migraines and depressive states. Being an unsurpassed aphrodisiac and containing a huge amount of estrogen, durian is responsible for the normalization of female hormonal levels, which is important for every woman. It is worth noting that this affects not only the general condition of the woman, but also her fertility.

It is also good for men's health. Durian can be used as a remedy to help restore energy. It not only helps to cleanse the skin, but also gives it elasticity and firmness. Due to the content of phosphorus in the pulp in combination with potassium, it not only strengthens the teeth, but also treats some gum diseases. In addition, the use of an unusual fruit has a beneficial effect on the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

However, in addition to the beneficial properties for the human body, durian also has negative aspects. For example, no matter how tasty it may seem, and no matter how much you want to eat it, it is contraindicated for pregnant women. In addition, it should not be used while breastfeeding. The use of durian can also affect pressure, so hypertensive patients need to eat the pulp of the fetus with extreme caution. Otherwise, it is fraught with sudden pressure surges.

There are other restrictions, if ignored, the use of durian can cause significant harm to health. For example, you need to take into account not only incompatibility with alcohol, but also the time period between which you can not drink after drinking durian. As a rule, in order not to harm your health, you need to wait at least four hours. In addition, you need to understand that the fetus cannot completely replace any meal.

You can’t eat more than two hundred grams at a time, combining fruit with other foods. And also it is impossible not to take into account the likelihood of individual intolerance and an allergic reaction. There is evidence for this: in some cases, there is a rash, an allergic rhinitis, and even swelling of the nasopharynx.

How to choose?

Despite the fact that durian has a rather high cost (about 5-20 US dollars), tourists rarely manage to avoid the temptation to taste the exotic. Sometimes this fruit is sold already peeled on a substrate. However, not every fruit has a true divine taste. In order not to get into trouble, and not to be disappointed with the fruit, which even in its native country cannot be transported and exported once again, it is worth considering the following nuances:

  • a ripe fruit differs from others in that it is split; if its peel began to crack (mainly into 5 slices), then this is the first sign of a good fruit;
  • as soon as the peel cracks, the fruit begins to exude aroma, while it is the edible part of the durian (its pulp) that smells;
  • if a rotten part is seen on one side, such a fruit is not suitable for eating, moreover, its pulp will have clots, which should not be in a good ripe product;
  • to buy a good fruit, you should look at the peel at the location of the tail, you can even sniff it: the more pronounced the aroma, the riper the fruit;

  • the peel of a ripe durian differs in the color of the thorns - in a good ripe fruit they are yellow with brown tips;
  • you can pay attention to the mobility of the thorns - if the fruit is unripe, when touched they remain motionless, in a ripe fruit they are slightly mobile;
  • you can also determine the ripeness by the sound, for which it would be useful to tap on the casing - a dull sound will indicate immaturity, while the one you need will be accompanied by loud sounds and a characteristic internal gurgling.

The flesh of a ripe fruit differs in appearance, the ripened fruit is soft when pressed and slightly squeezed. In terms of density, it resembles raw dough. Someone even associates with cream whipped with fruit.

When buying, you can ask the seller to peel and cut the fruit. An experienced seller is usually interested in buyers, so he will try to pick the best fruit. As for transportation, a tourist will not be able to bring a piece of exotic to their homeland: durian cannot be exported, they will not be allowed on a plane with it.

How to eat?

In fact, it would be erroneous to call categorically eating durian with a spoon. Everyone experiences fruit differently. Many, because of the hostility of a bad smell, completely pinch their nose, and at this time they put a piece of pulp in their mouth. It is worth considering that this fruit is not combined with vodka, so you can’t drink it with it. No matter how much you want to feel like a gourmet, the fruit is not combined with alcohol at all. Ignoring this nuance can cause severe irritation of the stomach.

The fruit itself can be eaten not only fresh. It is often boiled, and also added to national dishes. It has a peculiar taste that everyone associates with different products. If it seems to some that it is airy cheese, then others are sure that it even looks like vanilla pastries. They eat durian in the first 3-4 hours after purchase, while trying not to bring it into the room.

If you do not want to use a spoon, you can break off pieces of tender pulp with your hands. Often, durian is put into cocktails, cut into slices. The dried fruit is also popular with tourists. It does not smell so sharp, so it does not scare off buyers. In cooking, the fruit is also used as a seasoning for various dishes. To do this, take not the pulp, but the seeds. When the pulp is taken out, one of the shells is used for salted water, which is washed down with durian. Among the various recipes, pies with an unusual fruit filling are noteworthy, for which chopped pieces of fruit are used.

As for gourmets, after several trials, they stop noticing the unpleasant smell and assure that the taste interrupts all negative emotions. They are sure that in order to fully reveal the taste qualities, it is necessary to drink durian with lightly salted water. In addition, marinated marinated durian in coconut milk is considered one of the best desserts. If at the time of purchase it turned out that the fruit has not yet ripened, do not be upset. Of course, it will not be possible to reveal all its taste qualities, but it is quite suitable for food.

In this case, it can be used as a vegetable. For example, it will be delicious if stewed, fried and served with a side dish.

How to reveal?

If the fruit is purchased unopened, you will have to do the cleaning process yourself. The bottom line is to crack open the hard shell and take out the pulp. Previously, a regular plate or a plastic container is prepared for it. The pulp is taken out with a spoon or by hand and transferred to a prepared container. If you do not plan to eat durian right away, it is better to use a container, transferring the tasty part of the fruit there and tightly closing the container.

Is there any way to store and transport?

With regard to fresh fruit, we can say unequivocally: no. If the fruit is open, eat it immediately. It will not work in any way, it is useless even to wrap it in layers of a thin film - it will not retain its qualities. Despite the fact that there is an opinion to the contrary, which indicates a period of 5 days of storage. Freezing the fruit is also not recommended, because, in addition to the loss of useful properties, it will also lose its excellent taste. However, in dried form, like candy or even candied fruits, the fruit is quite transportable.

In addition to the fact that in such options you can export durians from exotic countries, they will also be stored for a long time. Therefore, upon arrival home, it will be possible to treat the household with extra-tasty desserts.

What else is interesting durian?

Durian can reach a height of up to 40 meters. These trees are quite spreading. The fruit is considered a national delicacy for children. On holidays, it is important to eat it with the whole family in one sitting. This eating is elevated to a certain ritual, besides, the fruit is given healing and rejuvenating power. In Thai culture, it is considered a medicine.

The pulp of the fruit will allow you to create unusually delicious milkshakes. In addition to dried fruits and chips, it is added to ice cream. You can fry it like a regular potato. It is added to pumpkin, fish soups and even cooked as jam. At the same time, in the national cuisine it is a fairly common component of the recipe. It is delicious with sweets, sugar, and salt along with other vegetables.

Important! Sickness of smell in different subspecies of durian is different. The size of the fruits also varies, with the smaller ones smelling less strongly. The arrangement of the bones also differs.

Difference from jackfruit

Durian is often confused with jackfruit, because outwardly there really is a resemblance. However, there are differences from jackfruit. For example, its spikes are not so pronounced, and it weighs more. In addition, it is considered the fruit of the breadfruit, reaches up to 30 kg of weight and has a pear-shaped shape. And also one of the differences is the fact that jackfruit has milky juice, which determines its stickiness and viscosity. At the same time, not only the pulp is saturated with juice, but also the peel itself. Wash your hands after contact with such a substance more often with oil.

Durian fruit, the photo of which you can see on our website, belongs to the category of exotic. Many women do not even know what features he has. Let's take a closer look at what the so-called king of fruits is.

How to recognize durian?

This fruit ripens only under the hot sun of Malaysia, India and Thailand and other countries of Southeast Asia. In these states, it has long been a traditional delicacy. The plant also grows on small, artificially created plantations in South and Latin America. I must say that at the moment there are about 30 varieties, but only the fruits of nine varieties of plants can be eaten. Only 3-4 varieties are especially popular.

Want to know what a durian looks like? The photo in our article will help you understand that this fruit is extremely difficult to confuse with another. Translated from Malaysian, its name means "thorn". Mother nature generously rewarded the fruit with protection from external influences. In addition to the fact that it has a very thick skin, there are a large number of greenish-brown spikes on its surface. This is necessary in order for the fruit to develop quietly until fully ripe.

If you peel the fruit, you will see the filling in the form of two or three slices of a delicate yellowish-cream shade. As you bite, you will feel the consistency of melted butter or cream cheese. The fruit sometimes reaches incredible sizes. In length, the fruit can reach 30 centimeters, and weight - 8 kilograms.

Durian is an evergreen plant in the Malvaceae family. The tree during its development can reach 40 meters in height. The leaves of this giant are slightly pointed, arranged alternately and have a shiny, leathery surface. Perfectly smooth on the outside and scaly on the opposite side - the leaves look unusual and really look like a “wonder of nature”. This amazing plant blooms for only a few hours. Golden brown, white and golden buds open at dusk and close at dawn.

Advice! I must say that it is better to observe flowering at a certain distance, at this time the plant emits an unpleasant sour smell. The period of fruit ripening usually falls at the beginning of spring and lasts about six months.

Fu, what an abomination!

This product, despite the wide range of useful properties, is completely closed for export to other countries. Residents of our country can try the "forbidden fruit" only when traveling to Thailand, Myanmar, Malaysia and other Asian countries, where, by the way, the popularity of this fruit just rolls over. Residents of Thailand, for example, compare durian with a kind of deity that can cause hellish hallucinations when inhaling its smell and heavenly pleasures from tasting.

The smell of durian is very different from the aromas of other fresh fruits. There is a huge number of comparisons of this smell. Some of those who happened to feel the amber emanating from it characterize its stench, which is exuded by rotten eggs. In the Middle Ages, when the first British arrived in India, travel books compared the smell of durian to the process of eating moldy cheese and spoiled fried onions over an open sewer manhole. Rotten fish, garlic, turpentine - this is only part of what this disgusting smell is associated with.

Interesting! Do you know why durian smells so bad? The secret lies in the peel of the fruit, which contains a huge amount of organic sulfur. It is this substance that is the cause of such an unpleasant amber.

In the countries of Southeast Asia, a whole set of rules has been developed for this product. A person who buys durian in the market should go straight home. He is not allowed to enter shops, banks, cinemas and cafes. All residents of Asian countries know about this, and special signs are hung in public places for tourists.

Now do you understand why the export of this amazingly tasty and healthy fruit is prohibited? Even one unripe durian fruit, wrapped in a large amount of paper, is able to saturate absolutely all compartments of the aircraft with its disgusting smell in a matter of minutes.

When the taste is on the verge of heavenly delight

Now you know what the durian fruit smells like, the photo of which is posted in this article. It remains to figure out what it tastes like.

I must say that not everyone manages to taste the taste of durian the first time. But after several attempts, even worldly-wise people cannot be dissuaded from the sophistication and sophistication of the sensations obtained while eating the fruit. Although there are those who begin to hate this fruit.

There are as many descriptions of the taste from those who have already tried it as there are statements about the smell. The only fact, the plausibility of which is usually not disputed, is the following: there are no two durian fruits that are the same in taste and smell. The shade of taste may depend on storage conditions, place of growth, variety and ripening stage. Most often, the fruit is characterized by the presence of notes of vanilla, creamy ice cream, warm pastries. In some cases, durian is compared to the taste of fried onions or a delicious salad with mayonnaise.

Useful properties of the "king of fruits"

Residents of Southeast Asia use this famous exotic fruit not only as a delicacy that can be enjoyed in the heat, but also for medicinal purposes. Let's see what is useful durian.

Due to its high iron content, durian can be used in anemia treatment. Its daily use has a beneficial effect on the state of the endocrine system, improves heart function. The specific structure of dietary fiber helps improve bowel function to minimize the risk of constipation. Also, durian is an excellent antidepressant, eating it for breakfast is the key to a good mood for the whole day. The fruit contains tryptophan. During digestion, this substance quickly turns into serotonin, which contributes to the development of the "happiness hormone" so important for us. Thanks to its sufficient amount, a person is less irritated, general well-being improves, and a depressive outlook on life disappears.

Dear ladies, if you are traveling with your soulmate, durian is worth a try for both of you. Asian chestnut has an incredible effect on the female hormonal system, makes the reproductive function work in an enhanced mode, and has a strong effect on male potency. Residents of Asian countries on this occasion even came up with a saying on this occasion: "When the durian falls down, sarongs fly up."

To all the above benefits of the fruit, we can add that it is high in calories and nutritional value. One hundred grams of the product accounts for 150 kcal! Do you want to keep the beauty of your figure on vacation? Eat a few slices of durian on an empty stomach, and you will be charged with energy and positive for the whole day. In the heat, it is very difficult to force yourself to eat a piece of meat, and this fruit is a great way to eat well.

There are contraindications

When using durian, you must strictly adhere to strict rules:

  • Never drink alcohol after eating this exotic fruit. This combination can cause a sharp jump in blood pressure. It is not uncommon for people to be hospitalized with a heart attack after drinking alcohol and eating durian.
  • Hypertension! Use this product with caution, otherwise you will have to get medicines from the first-aid kit to stabilize pressure.
  • Do not try this fruit during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

  • Those who are trying to keep their figure should not abuse durian and limit its use to a few slices a day. With it, it is easy to gain a couple of extra pounds.
  • Do not try to smuggle fruit into a hotel or plane. It is immediately confiscated, and you risk becoming persona non grata.

How to store durian fruit?

The answer to this question is very simple: the fruit is never stored and is only eaten fresh. Some connoisseurs claim that durian can be stored at home for 3-5 days. This opinion is fundamentally erroneous, because during this time the whole apartment and things will be so saturated with a fetid “aroma” that you can hardly get rid of it in a short time. Rest assured, the owner of rented housing will not appreciate the benefits of such a "neighborhood". Freezing this product is also not recommended. After defrosting, it loses all its excellent taste properties and can no longer be eaten.

Durian can only be eaten fresh, carefully removing the skin with your hands and scraping the pulp with a spoon. There is one important argument in favor of using the last cutlery: the smell of this exotic fruit on the hands is very difficult to get rid of.

With the help of durian slices, you can create exotic cocktails, ice cream and other incredibly delicious desserts. If you want your relatives and close friends to try durian, buy them sweets stuffed with this exotic fruit as a gift.

How to choose the best of the best?

"Krol fruit" can only be eaten when fully ripe. Such fruits are usually sold in Thai markets. When tapped, a muffled sound should come out, and the spikes are slightly retracted. The peel should not be very dense, but not soft. In the market, you can buy a whole piece of fruit or ask the merchant to cut it and pack it. If the fruit does not smell of anything, do not buy it, the durian has not had time to ripen. A too sickening smell, on the contrary, indicates that the fruit has been stale on the counter.

What do women say?

Not all of us are resistant to unpleasant odors, so before buying, it is better to read the reviews of 6-7 women about the durian fruit, the photo of which you have already read while reading our article. We carefully studied the forums and highlighted a few opinions for you to review:

Olga, 32 years old: I've been wanting to try durian for a long time, but never got around to it. Having traveled to Vietnam and bought this fruit at one of the markets, I realized why the locals consider it very tasty. Feelings indescribable!

Ekaterina, 58 years old: I must say, durian is a great aphrodisiac. It awakens sexual desire and keeps male potency at the highest level. We have been living in Malaysia for several years and our sex life has never been so active.

Evgenia, 23 years old: Durian is very high in calories. I do not recommend using it in large quantities. During the holidays, I ate it for several weeks in a row, the result is three extra pounds.

Valentina, 42 years old: During a visit to Thailand, she became addicted to durian, and did not regret it. Due to the presence of organic sulfur in its composition, my hair and nails have become stronger. Silky hair pleases with natural brilliance and beauty, and nails no longer delaminate.

Tatyana, 25 years old: Durian should only be bought in the markets, and it is advisable to ask the merchant to cut the fruit in your presence. This will keep you from buying unripe fruit and help you enjoy durian without the bad smell. If you follow all the rules, this fruit can please you with a unique taste and pleasant texture.

So, as you have already understood, durian is a very healthy and tasty product. It contains a large amount of iron, which helps to cope with such a serious disease as anemia. If you have not had time to try it yet, do not expect to be able to buy fruit in the nearest supermarket. A strong fetid "aroma" does not allow durian to be imported to other countries.

Durian is the king of fruits, so they say in all countries where it grows. There are several types. I have just returned from Vietnam, so I will tell you about the Vietnamese durian, although I have also tried it in Malaysia.

On the fruit ruins of Vietnam, this is the most expensive and most revered fruit. Due to the high cost, not every Vietnamese can afford to eat Durian fruits whenever he wants (and they always want him).

After talking with the local population, I learned that the Vietnamese attribute a lot of unique beneficial qualities to this fruit, and after reading the relevant literature, I realized that most of what was told is true.

Of course, you are eager to learn about the famous smell and taste as soon as possible. More on this below, where we will open it together, look, smell and try. But first, some useful information about the fruit itself or why the Vietnamese love it so much:

The taste of durian is familiar to them since childhood and they find it VERY tasty.

Durian is the strongest aphrodisiac for everyone, and for men in general, the number one fruit because it increases potency.

The only fruit in the world (from edible) that contains organic sulfur in its composition. And this is very good for the condition of the hair, nails, cartilage and nervous system.

I think it is this fact of the presence of sulfur that he owes his famous smell.

The fruit is widely used in folk medicine.

Fights the aging of the body (thanks to the same biologically active sulfur).

It is an antioxidant and helps cleanse the body.

The fruit is also said to be good for diabetics.

Durian is eaten not only raw, but also used a lot in cooking. It is used to produce sweets, ice cream and chips, as well as preserve and even make juice.

What else you should know about durian:

Durian can significantly increase blood pressure and therefore it should never be consumed with strong drinks. And after the fruit is eaten, it is recommended to refrain from alcohol for at least an hour.

You can also not eat a large number of fruits at one time, it can be dangerous. Also, durian is not recommended for pregnant and lactating women.

Now let's choose the right one, open it, eat it and see how it really is.

Durians come in different sizes; on average, their length does not exceed 25 cm, and their weight is up to 3 kg. The shape of the fruit is irregular oval rounded. The skin is green or greenish-brown covered with pyramidal spikes (duri means spike).

How to choose: only ripe fruits have ideal taste, so you need to know how to choose it. There are two simplest ways. You need to smell the fruit at the tail - the stronger the smell, the riper the fruit. You can lightly tap the durian with the handle of a knife and determine the ripeness by the sound - if the sound is booming and the empty fruit is not yet ripe enough, and if something like gurgling is heard, then just right. The color of the thorns of these fruits is most often slightly yellowish.

How to eat: the smell of durian is so specific and strong that it is forbidden to enter all hotels and many public institutions and the plane with it.

If you want to minimize the joy of inhaling this stink, then you need to try to eat this yummy in the first 5-10 minutes after opening. Further, when interacting with oxygen, the smell will intensify and you may no longer be up to the taste sensations from the pulp. The smell, which at first seemed light hydrogen sulfide and quite tolerable, then becomes unbearable and resembles rotten rotten onions with smelly cheese and something that has long gone bad. And it fills all the surrounding space. Therefore, it is better to eat durian outdoors and in no case leave it for storage in the refrigerator or just in the room.

I also do not advise you to buy durian already peeled and cut into slices, which is sold in plastic trays under the film. It is better to buy a ripe, fresh fruit and let it be cut in front of you, after which it must be eaten immediately. This will give you a better chance of enjoying the taste rather than the smell.

You can open durian yourself. It contains 5 slices, just break the durian with a knife along the seams outlining these slices and extract the pulp. Out of habit, this is not so easy, and for the first time, I would still recommend entrusting this process to "specialists".

Each piece of pulp contains one large hard stone, which is easily separated.

Durian pulp has the color and texture of slightly melted butter or custard. But the taste is very dependent on the ripeness of the fruit. I have tried fruits with completely different flavors. The perfect ripe durian personally reminds me of a sweet flavor blend of soft banana, mago, papaya, strawberry and a hint of fried onion.

Sweet and very filling. If you eat it in the morning, you don’t want to eat almost all day. One durian is enough for two, and if it is large, then for 3. But when choosing the size, keep in mind that most of the durian is the skin, which is then thrown away, and the edible parts are much smaller.

Conclusion: Durian has not become my passion, but I definitely like it very much and will buy it again if possible. Because of the very specific smell, there are many problems with this fruit, so I will give 4 points. Do you recommend trying it? Definitely - Yes!
