
Which rice is healthier and safer. How parboiled rice is radically different from regular rice

    Parboiled rice stands out on store shelves with an unusual creamy, yellowish or golden hue. It relatively recently appeared in our kitchens among round and long-grain counterparts. Steamed rice confidently entered the diet of adherents of a healthy lifestyle and athletes, as a champion among types of rice in terms of useful properties.

    Rice dishes occupy a leading position among grain crops, actively competing with wheat. They are especially popular in China and Southeast Asia. National dishes are prepared from rice: pilaf, paella, tortillas, noodles, risotto - you can’t list everything. More than 95% of the world's population older than one year are familiar with products based on it. Recently, classic white rice has been losing ground to pre-prepared grains. Why this happens, and what is the difference between steamed rice and ordinary rice, you will learn from this article.

    How is steamed rice obtained and how is it different from regular rice?

    After ripening, the rice grain is cleaned of all layers of the shell. When it is polished, the germ is cut off. The result is a beautiful, white grain, which, as a result of cleaning, has lost up to 85% of oils, up to 70% of cellulose and minerals, up to 65%, 50% of riboflavin and about 10% of protein. Acquiring an attractive appearance, rice loses its beneficial properties. The more polished rice, the less biologically active substances it contains.

    The process of making parboiled rice:

  1. The grains in the shell are winnowed.
  2. Unpeeled rice groats are washed to remove dirt and dust.
  3. Film-coated grains are soaked in water. At the same time, the useful elements that are in the peel and germ become more accessible.
  4. The prepared raw material is steamed under pressure. At the same time, vitamins, microelements and oils (up to 80%) located in the surface layers penetrate into the central part of the grain. Starch is destroyed, and the grain becomes more dense, vitreous.
  5. Rice is dried.
  6. The grain is hulled (cleaned) by peeling the kernels, cleaned of bran.
  7. The resulting grains are sorted and polished. The shell removed at the same time contains no more than 20% of useful components. Biologically active substances remain in the grain.

After this treatment, the rice acquires a characteristic color and seems more transparent than usual. It is easy to distinguish by sight.

But if in doubt, check the information on the cereal packaging.

Composition of steamed rice

The popularity of rice on Earth is not accidental. It is rich in trace elements, vitamins, dietary fiber. Their number varies significantly depending on the species, variety, processing method and the area in which the plant was grown. See here the detailed composition of white rice.

The grain contains amino acids:, choline, histidine, tryptophan, cysteine,.

Nutritional value of parboiled rice:

Here you will see the classic rice composition.

Preliminary preparation of cereals leads to the destruction of starch. This reduces from 70 to 38-40 units.

Benefits of parboiled rice

Technological features of the preparation of cereals maximally retain biologically active substances in it. Possessing a low GI, steamed rice is recommended for dietary nutrition. It is allowed for athletes and patients suffering from metabolic syndrome, diabetes mellitus.

Benefits of parboiled rice:

  • normalizes metabolic processes;
  • activates brain activity, regulates the intensity of processes in the nervous system;
  • beneficial effect on the heart muscle;
  • saturates the athlete with biologically active substances;
  • slowly splits, does not lead to critical fluctuations in blood sugar levels;
  • provides the body with energy for a long time;
  • has a positive effect on water-salt metabolism;
  • has an enveloping effect;
  • reduces the production of acid in the stomach;
  • slows down the activity of the gastrointestinal tract.

Rice is actively used in dietetics. It is especially useful for athletes with a tendency to indigestion and diseases of the digestive system. It is recommended to include in the diet of athletes during pregnancy against the background of gestational diabetes.

Rice does not contain gluten and is suitable for sports nutrition even for young athletes.

What harm can come from it?

Rice groats are balanced in composition. It has a neutral taste and gently affects the athlete's body. But it can also have a negative impact.

In particular, the harm of steamed rice is manifested in constipation. They appear in athletes with slow intestinal motility. This side effect occurs when excessive consumption of rice-based dishes, a decrease in the athlete's motor activity, for example, in case of injuries, when not enough water is consumed.

Please note that constipation becomes more frequent against the background of increased sweating. This happens with the summer period and with an increase in physical activity. Usually get rid of them by changing the drinking diet.

Features of parboiled rice

Steamed rice has not only an improved composition, but also some culinary features:

  1. During heat treatment, its color changes from amber to white.
  2. The rice is denser. They do not stick together and do not boil soft, retaining their shape even after reheating.
  3. The cooking time for such cereals is longer (about 30 minutes).
  4. It is advisable to leave the finished rice in a warm place for another 15 minutes to evenly distribute moisture, add splendor. This makes digestion easier.
  5. The finished dish is almost 2 times more than raw rice of the same variety and quality.

Knowing these features, it is easy to prepare a tasty and healthy dish for an athlete.

In weight loss diets

Parboiled rice is often used in dietetics. It is suitable for weight loss diet. On the one hand, rice suppresses the feeling of hunger well, and on the other hand, it has a reduced calorie content.

The maximum effect of weight loss gives a mono-diet. For 3 days, the diet is only boiled steamed rice, herbal teas and water. The diet is effective, but difficult psychologically and physically. Few can stick to such a diet for a long time. And rice days according to this plan are good as unloading and are well tolerated.

Rice goes well with vegetables, fruits, animal products, becoming a full-fledged component of combined diets. There are many dietary rice dishes. The common requirement is to cook the grain until fully cooked without adding salt. Cereals, salads, puddings, noodles with rice cereals are an excellent basis for long-term weight loss courses.

For diabetics

The main problem in case of violation is a complete change in the diet on an ongoing basis. Glucose in diabetes cannot get from the patient's blood into the cells due to the lack of insulin (type I) or due to tissue insensitivity to it (type II). Therefore, for the diet, foods are chosen that do not give a sharp increase in blood sugar. These include steamed rice. It contains a small amount. absorbed gradually, without causing glycemic surges.

In violation of glucose metabolism, obesity (type II) is often observed. In this case, the diet is aimed at weight loss, which is also facilitated by rice dishes.


Things to remember about parboiled rice:

  1. Steamed rice is a tasty and healthy grain product.
  2. It contains more useful substances than its classic counterparts and is recommended for athletes.
  3. Negative effects of the product are extremely rare and quickly disappear with a change in diet.
  4. Its preparation takes about 30 minutes. In comparison with classic rice, the output of the finished product is 100% larger in volume.
  5. Steamed rice, alone or in combination with other foods, is included in various weight loss diets. It is introduced into the diet of diabetics to normalize sugar levels and reduce weight.

Steamed rice (aka parboild rice) has become a favorite of many housewives since its introduction on the market. It does not stick together, but this is not its only advantage. Let's find out what is the difference between steamed rice and regular rice and how it is useful, and also what, in principle, can be cooked from it.

Steamed rice - what is it?

Not turning small cooked grains of white rice into a continuous sticky mass after heat treatment is a rather difficult task not only for ordinary housewives, but also for experienced connoisseurs of the culinary arts. It is simplified if you pay more attention to the choice of the type of cereal, which in this case comes down to replacing the usual long-grain with steamed. Rice parboild - what is it in essence?

Parboiled rice is a long-grain white rice variety that has been subjected to special drying processes. Another method of producing polished parboiled rice is based on the short-term treatment of raw rice grains with high-pressure air combined with hot steam (hence the name - "parboiled"). This reduces the loss of valuable nutrients as they accumulate inside each grain.

Useful properties of steamed rice

Thanks to a special production technique, parboild rice has distinctive beneficial properties.

Let's start with the culinary virtues. When cooking at home, it will never stick together, individual grains will remain separated from each other. Parboild rice is characterized by a shorter cooking time, lightness, flowability, “fluffiness” of the ready-to-eat product.

Parboiled rice - just like any other kind - is a gluten-free grain, so it can be part of a gluten-free diet.

A 100-gram serving of rice provides a large amount of starch and a small amount of fiber, making it an easy-to-digest food for the body.

The listed useful properties give reason to recommend steamed rice:

  • athletes for nutrition after training;
  • children;
  • older people whose digestive system is no longer working as well;
  • individuals who struggle with poor nutrition or underweight;
  • due to its low fiber content and short residence time in the gastrointestinal tract, parboild deserves the attention of people with stomach problems (eg, ulcers, heartburn), since it does not increase the secretion of gastric juice;
  • patients with diabetes mellitus, since the product favors a slower and more stable absorption of glucose into the blood due to the slow destructurization of starch.

The high content of B vitamins, especially niacin, thiamine and pyridoxine, also deserves special attention.

  • Niacin (vitamin PP, B3, nicotinic acid) is involved in the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates, fats and cholesterol, strengthens the nervous system and "takes care" of maintaining the proper condition of the skin.
  • Thiamine (vitamin B1), in turn, strengthens the muscular as well as the nervous system, prevents beriberi disease and supports the metabolism of carbohydrates in the body.
  • Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) regulates the synthesis of proteins and, consequently, nucleic acids, as well as hormones and immunoglobulins, "takes care" of the good condition of the skin.

Steamed rice and regular rice: what's the difference, which one is healthier?

At first glance, parboiled rice contains the same nutrients as regular white long grain rice. Steamed rice has about the same calorie content: a medium-sized serving (about 100 g) supplies about 360 kilocalories, of which:

  • about 80 g of carbohydrates in the form of starch,
  • 8 g vegetable protein,
  • 1 g fat
  • about 1.5 g of dietary fiber.

The difference between steamed and regular rice can only be seen in the content of vitamins and minerals, which are much less in the second. Parboiled rice delivers three times the B vitamins, twice the calcium, and more selenium, potassium, and magnesium.

In addition, it is worth paying attention to the higher content of resistant starch, which is an insoluble dietary fiber.

Thus, if we compare plain and steamed rice, the latter has more benefits. And harm threatens only with too active use: constipation may develop. This negative effect is leveled by an increase in the amount of fresh vegetables and fruits and liquids in the diet.

The use of parboild rice in cooking

As noted above, the most important characteristic of this rice from a culinary point of view is that it does not stick together after cooking and is difficult to digest. Easily separated from each other, the grains are well suited for use in salads and as a side dish for main dishes with meat or vegetable sauces. In addition, parboiled rice is good in sweet dishes and desserts that are eaten cold. Since it is difficult to boil, it is ideal for vegetable soups.

It's affordable and worth a try, as steamed rice tastes and looks better than regular rice, not to mention the health benefits.

Rice is one of the most popular cereal crops in the world. It is part of many famous dishes: cereals, soups, side dishes, casseroles, puddings. Total and do not list. This product is indicated for all age categories: adults and children from six months, the elderly and those on a therapeutic diet, losing weight and simply adhering to the principles of a healthy diet. This product is affordable, and you can buy it in any store - from huge supermarkets to unsightly food stalls. But which one to take: ordinary or steamed? What is the difference and is there any at all? What contains useful parboiled and ordinary rice? So, let's figure it out.

External differences

On the shelves of the store, it is easy to distinguish parboiled rice from regular rice.

  • Read the label on the package. The manufacturer will definitely indicate that the product is steamed, if this is the case.
  • Regular rice will cost less than parboiled rice. But the price difference is not that big.
  • Unsteamed white product. The second is transparent, with a yellowish, almost amber tint.

But do not be afraid of this yellowness, after cooking it will become the usual white color. It's not dye! This is all because of the special steaming process.

Processing Differences

Both types of products have one initial product - rice. But the technology for processing grains after harvesting is completely different, hence the difference.

  • The usual one is initially covered with a membranous shell (as with any grain crop). As you know, the shell protects the grain from external influences, but in the process of preparation for use, it is simply removed. This is done very simply - the rice is polished. In this case, the product not only loses its shell, but also inevitably loses valuable nutrients that we could get from this product. It was the loss of vitamins and minerals during processing that worried the minds of scientists for decades. How to avoid it? And the answer was found.
  • Parboiled rice is processed quite differently. Before removing the shell, rice is soaked in water. After that, it is treated with steam at high pressure. At this time, the shell “redirects” the beneficial substances deep into the grain. This destroys the starch that is part of the product. The grain becomes denser, transparent and gets its famous yellowish tint. Samples taken from the finished product show that the steamed product retains more than 85% of the nutrients that regular rice loses during grinding. In addition, during the cooking process, such a product does not boil as usual, but remains crumbly, which is very important for the preparation of many dishes.

As you can see, rice is still rice. And no one adds any foreign substances to it. And that means both types are useful. But which one is more, we will find out further.

What does rice contain?

Everyone understands that the product that contains more nutrients, vitamins and minerals is more useful. As mentioned earlier, the steamed product retains more useful than the unprocessed product. It is worth noting that none of the types of rice contains gluten. Gluten is a plant protein that is very poorly absorbed by the body and is found in many grains. It negatively affects the human digestive system, causes allergic reactions.

But still about the benefits. Steamed rice contains a large amount of monosaccharides, which are absorbed in small portions, and sugar is also absorbed gradually. This is especially helpful for diabetics. Pectin helps to normalize the work of the intestines, reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood. In addition, it contains proteins, lipids, a large amount of carbohydrates, which not only gives a lot of energy to the body, but also improves metabolic processes.

Rice contains a large amount of B vitamins (B1, B2, B5, B6, B9), which have a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin, regulate the functioning of the nervous system, improve metabolism and the absorption of amino acids. In addition to those mentioned, there are also vitamins E and PP, a large number of amino acids (lysine, cysteine, choline, lecithin) and trace elements: iodine, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, cobalt, selenium, phosphorus, sodium. All this makes rice a particularly useful product.

Any kind of rice is used as a staple on fasting days or during a weight loss diet.

Of the negative properties of rice, one can only distinguish that when consumed in large quantities, it can cause constipation. But the introduction of vegetables or fruits, which have a laxative function, into dishes with rice will help to avoid this.

How to cook?

Regular polished rice is most often used for cereals and soups. When preparing these dishes, you can not be afraid that it will boil soft. It is also ideal for sushi and rolls.

Steamed rice is easy to cook if you keep the proportions. To cook one glass of such a product, you need to take twice as much water. It is suitable for cooking, for example, pilaf and other dishes that require a crumbly product. It is very convenient for side dishes for meat and fish dishes.

Of course, it is not advisable to use both types of rice at once. But if you had to, then add the washed steamed rice to the already boiled regular rice and cook it in salted water for about 20 minutes. Then turn off the heat and leave the product for 10 minutes in a saucepan, "wrapped" with a towel for further steaming. The steamed rice will absorb excess moisture during this time.

Important! If you bought regular rice and the recipe calls for steamed rice, don't despair. Steam it yourself. Pour the washed regular product in a saucepan with boiling water. And leave for half an hour. After this time, you will get steamed, which can then be cooked as usual.

What to look for when buying?

When buying products, we try to choose only the best and safest for our family. First of all, carefully examine the rice in the package. It should be free of rice flour and extra impurities.

Beware of fakes. A poor-quality product is made from pressed rice flour or starch. It is soft to the touch and crumbles when pressed. It looks matte, not shiny. It is very different from certified products.

As for the price of different varieties of rice, it ranges from 60 to 120 rubles. Shelf life from 12 months to one and a half years.

If you notice that your product is already past its expiration date, you can extend it a little without losing quality. Roast it or warm it up in the oven.

As you can see, there is, of course, a difference between the two types of rice, but this does not mean that one is useful and the other is harmful. Each of them is good in its own way. For each dish, choose the source product that is indicated in the recipe and delight your loved ones with delicious and healthy rice dishes.

See below for how to cook rice properly.

In grocery stores, parboiled rice is sold along with regular rice. The name of this product indicates that the grains have been subjected to a special treatment. Why is it produced, and how does steamed rice differ from regular rice? Let's try to figure this out.

How is parboiled rice obtained?

For the production of such cereals, after pre-soaking, the grains are steamed under pressure. In this case, the rice is in an uncleaned state. At the end of the steam treatment, the mass of grains is dried, and then they are polished. Rice looks slightly dark at the exit, but dishes from it do not differ in color from those prepared from ordinary cereals. As for white rice, to obtain it, the grain delivered from the fields is not placed under fallow, but is immediately polished.


What is the effect of steam? It allows you to get better quality cereals. The difference between parboiled rice and regular rice lies primarily in its high nutritional value. The fact is that in the collected grains, the most useful is not the inner part, but the shell. Steam and pressure promote the movement of important components from the outer layers deep into the grain. At the same time, ordinary rice is just a polished grain, devoid of its valuable shell.

It should be noted that positive changes occur in the grains after thermal treatment. The starch in them is partially folded and converted into glucose, which our body perceives better.

In addition to the usefulness of steamed rice, another property of this product is of great importance. The point is that such cereals are much easier to cook than regular rice. Due to the low content of gluten, steamed grains retain their integrity during cooking. They only become soft, but do not collapse and do not stick together. It is also convenient that dishes from such rice can be enjoyed with pleasure even after heating. The cereal will not be sticky and its taste will be preserved.

Knowing the difference between steamed and regular rice, you can decide which one to give preference to once again. Steamed rice is indispensable in cases where the friability of the dish is important. For example, it is good to cook pilaf or a regular side dish from such cereals. But if rice should be boiled in porridge, broth or other dish, it is better to use cereals that are not steamed, and preferably a round-grain variety.

"He who offers rice offers life itself" (Buddha)

Do you cook rice dishes? Of course, the majority will answer, because this is one of the most popular and affordable products. Plus, it's delicious and nutritious.

Milk rice porridge, pilaf, soups and vegetables with rice groats, casseroles, rice as a side dish are the most common dishes.

Then let's figure out which rice is healthier and which rice is completely unsafe to buy and why. Store shelves are full of its various varieties, so it is advisable to know what to be guided by when choosing one or another type of rice.

Usually people choose products primarily based on their taste, ease of preparation (speed) and price.

On the pages of this blog in the heading there is information about, and what other products it is desirable to include in your diet.

Let's continue this theme on the example of rice.

In similar articles I already wrote what food is. It's not always what we eat and what tastes good.

Not everything we eat can be attributed to food, you see. For example, sausages stuffed with chemistry, sauces, sweets, etc.

Food, first of all, is a product that the body needs to ensure its proper functioning, it must contain useful nutrients, provide energy, and only then must satisfy our taste preferences.

Most of the time it's the other way around, isn't it?

If we approach the choice of products from this point of view, then the criteria for their selection will change a little and we will begin to use those products that are healthy and taste at the same time. This is quite real, you just need to shift the emphasis a little and look at food not only as a source of pleasure.

The most useful product is a product created by nature, and it is in this form that it enters our food basket. Without the complex process of purification, processing, adding various additives (preservatives, dyes), etc. For example, vegetables and fruits from our gardens. The same is true with cereals.

Which rice is healthier

What kind of rice do we eat most often?

Unfortunately, most Russians buy white polished rice (refined from the most useful), which has excellent taste, is the cheapest, but contains practically no useful substances, mainly starch, i.e. useless carbs. And they give completeness and only, these are “empty” calories.

However, in stores there is brown rice for sale, it is called "brown" or "brown". It is obtained by minimal processing of grains, which preserves its original value.

But here there is a nuance: not any brown rice is worth buying (more on that below).

What brown rice looks like and contains

Each grain of rice is covered with two shells: an outer yellowish film and an inner (bran) brown-brown color. They contain all vitamins, micro and macro elements.

After the shell comes a layer called "subaleuron", it is located between the shell and the grain starch core. It contains components that positively affect the state of blood vessels and heart function.

Also, a small germ of cereal is hidden under the bran shell - the germ of the future rice sprout. It is used to obtain valuable rice oil from germs, as well as in dermatology, cosmetology, diet therapy.

Polished or peeled rice is devoid of shell and subaleurone, i.e. the most valuable. There is no point in eating such rice, the body does not receive anything from it to satisfy its vital needs.

The benefits of brown rice

Brown rice is the leader in the amount of complex carbohydrates, so it energizes the body for a long time.

It is an excellent absorbent: rice absorbs harmful substances from other foods, promotes effective weight loss and the removal of toxins from the body. It does not contain gluten (gluten), which causes allergic reactions in many people.

Rice contains a large amount of trace elements and minerals necessary for the human body: zinc, iron, manganese, phosphorus, selenium, potassium, calcium, vitamins E, PP, B3 (niacin), B1 (thiamine), B2 (riboflavin), B6, which help to convert nutrients into energy, strengthen the nervous system, improve the condition of the skin, nails and hair.

There is no salt in rice, and potassium and selenium present in its composition remove excess salt from the body. Therefore, rice is recommended for kidney and cardiovascular diseases.

An important property of rice is its enveloping effect. Rice gently envelops the walls of the esophagus and stomach. Such food is useful for people suffering from gastrointestinal problems.

The harm of unpolished rice has not actually been found. The product, consumed in normal quantities (for example, two or three times a week), only benefits.

How to choose brown rice in the store and what does GMO have to do with it

There are many packages of brown rice on the shelves of stores. What to be guided by when choosing them?

Rice, like soybeans, corn, legumes, potatoes, wheat and many other cereals, vegetables and fruits, unfortunately, is grown in some countries genetically modified, is a GMO product.

Fortunately, in our country, the use of GM technologies in food production is prohibited. However, their import and sale is not prohibited.

The harm of GM products is huge and a lot has been written about this on the pages of this blog (,).

Today it is no longer a secret that genetically modified foods are dangerous to human health and all living organisms. They have a particularly negative effect on the immune and genitourinary systems. The immune system is responsible for resistance to pathogenic bacteria and viruses, and the genitourinary system is responsible for procreation.

Foreign DNA, entering the human body with food, is absorbed from the intestines into the blood and from there it is able to penetrate into any cell of the body and change (mutate) its DNA. In addition, the transgene has a strong resistance to antibiotics.

Mice fed with GM food turned out to be infertile in the third generation. In fact, this is a mechanism for reducing humanity.

Therefore, you need to know for sure that the selected rice is not genetically modified.

Russia is one of the largest importers of rice. The bulk of imported rice is imported to Russia from Asian countries, mostly from China.

According to environmentalists, the Chinese have been producing GM rice unofficially and exporting it for two years now.

The fact that genetically modified rice is illegally grown in China was reported by environmentalists in April 2005.

“In the spring of 2005, Greenpeace took samples of rice obtained from Chinese suppliers, farmers and millers for genetic testing at the German Genescan laboratory,” Greenpeace Russia spokeswoman Maya Kolikova told NI. “It turned out that more than 2/3 of the samples (19 out of 25) were genetically modified.”

Another problem is that there is no information on the country of rice production on the packages. More often, a company is indicated - a distributor or a company that packages rice.

Note that many products now say "Non-GMO" but nowhere does it say "Contains GMOs", which is odd. After all, there is an officially approved list of GMO products for import into Russia.

There is a lot of information on the Internet that almost all Asian rice is genetically modified. It is not possible to confirm or deny this.

In our stores, different varieties of rice are available for sale, but with the labeling only of the distributor or packer, for example, “Mistral”.

There is no information about where this rice was grown. Only the legal address of the supplier. At the same time, the geography of deliveries of this large company is extensive. And rice mainly grows in the Asian region and is supplied from there.

Therefore, there is a very high probability that this rice is genetically modified, i.e. harmful.

So what to do?

Buy rice grown only in Russia.

Rice is grown in the Krasnodar Territory. Sold as brown (unpolished) and white rice (polished). Polished Krasnodar rice is commercially available everywhere. The rarity is precisely unpolished, i.e. brown.

When I am in the south on vacation, I always buy brown rice for future use. However, even there it is not always available for sale, we must try to find it. Basically, these are health food stores (“Grocery pharmacies”), they also sell it under the name “Health Rice” for patients with gastrointestinal problems.

But it is not necessary to go south for rice. To my joy, the other day I found brown rice grown in Russia on the shelves of a store located next to the house. Perhaps this is the same Krasnodar rice, but packed by a different supplier. Here's what it looks like:

So you can solve the problem by buying a high-quality natural product even close to home, you just need to delve into it a little and understand what exactly you need to look for and why. That is, be aware.

steamed rice

I foresee a question about parboiled rice. It is also popular with Russians.

In fact, this is the same refined rice, but with improved characteristics.

Brown rice is soaked in water and treated with hot steam, after which the rice is dried and polished (cleaned) like regular rice.

With this technology, part of the vitamins and minerals from the shell passes into the grain, and such rice already has a small vitamin and mineral composition, and also becomes less brittle and never sticks together when cooked, it turns out crumbly.

It is better than ordinary polished rice - the most useless, but worse than brown.

I hope now you know the difference between different types of rice and you don’t have the question “which rice is healthier”.

If we are guided by the criterion that any product should have minimal processing, and it is even better to come to our table in its original form, then this will be the transition to a healthy diet.

Meat instead of sausage, wholemeal flour instead of refined premium, fatty butter (at least 82.5%), unrefined cereals, etc. All these products are beneficial to the body and allow you to cook delicious meals.

By the way, modern athletes, preparing for competitions, adhere to a rice diet, since rice has a rather high protein content, even in comparison with meat.

Therefore, include in your diet unpolished varieties of rice as the most useful.

You may be interested in these simple rice recipes:

Bon appetit and stay healthy! Leave your comments - feedback is very important!
