
What is the best baking powder for dough. Do-it-yourself baking powder for dough - how to make at home

Baking powder (baking powder) for dough, allows you to make homemade cakes airy and appetizing, thanks to the carbon dioxide released during the cooking process. Therefore, if it is not at hand, the question: how to replace the baking powder of the dough, is of interest to every housewife.

The industrial production baking powder recipe includes:

  • ammonium carbonate
  • baking soda
  • rice flour
  • cream of tartar

Reproducing an industrial recipe at home is very difficult. But several of the methods presented will allow you to successfully replace the missing baking powder, making the dough airy.

Baking powder from soda and acid

To prepare 1 serving of baking powder you will need:

  • 1/4 tsp citric acid
  • 1/2 tsp soda
  • 1 tsp flour

The ingredients are mixed and the resulting powdery mixture is added during kneading into the dough.

On a note! Since moisture in this mixture can trigger a reaction, all required ingredients must be stored in a dry place.

Home baking powder can be prepared in reserve, using as needed. To do this, put in the bank:

  • 1 part citric acid
  • 2 parts soda
  • 4 parts flour

The mixture is placed in a dry, hermetically sealed jar.

Potato or corn starch can replace soda in a homemade baking powder recipe. The recipe for baking powder with starch will look like this:

  • 1 part citric acid
  • 2 parts soda
  • 4 parts starch

The components are mixed, and the resulting composition is added when kneading the dough at the rate of 5 g of baking powder per 200 g of flour.

Advice! Starch-based baking powder is perfect for making charlottes and pancakes, fritters.

Baking powder for baking can be replaced by adding baking soda to the dough. It itself, when heated to 60 ° C, begins to act as a baking powder. To get an airy dough, soda is used:

1. In a non-extinguished state.

This method is used if the recipe contains products that cause a soda reaction:

  • kefir, curdled milk and other dairy products
  • apple and citrus juices or berry puree
  • honey, dark chocolate, cocoa
  • citric acid, vinegar, wine

On a note! Shortbread dough is usually prepared without the addition of soda. But there are a number of recipes where it is recommended to add quick soda to shortbread dough.

2. In the extinguished state.

Before introducing soda into the dough recipe, it is quenched with table vinegar, lemon juice, acid. This method will allow you to make biscuit dough airy, while saving the number of eggs used.

On a note! If instead of baking powder, baking soda is added to the dough, then it should be put in half.

  • When baking cakes, cupcakes and pies 2 tsp. home baking powder can replace 1 tsp. soda.
  • In the manufacture of home baking powder, citric acid is completely replaceable by any liquid acidic product: vinegar, wine, juice. This baking powder should be used immediately.
  • When preparing homemade baking powder for future use, it is recommended to pour all the ingredients into a storage container in layers, separating alkali (soda) and acid (citric acid) with a layer of a relatively neutral substance - flour. This will prevent the mixture from premature reaction.
  • The dough, which contains soda, must be baked immediately after kneading, otherwise the dough will not rise and the loosening effect will not work.
  • The more fat the dough contains, the more baking powder is put into it. For example, the recipe for muffins includes not only baking powder, but also soda.
  • Since citric acid is sometimes not able to completely neutralize the taste of soda when preparing the dough, therefore, in some cases, it is recommended to add vinegar as well.
  • Half as much soda should be put in chocolate, nut or honey dough, otherwise the pastry will acquire an unpleasant soapy taste and smell, as well as a dirty yellow color.
  • Dough prepared on the basis of fermented milk products: whey, kefir or yogurt requires more soda or baking powder.
  • Baking powder can be replaced with ordinary soda if citrus ingredients are present in the baking recipe. At the same time, soda does not require preliminary quenching.

The advantages of home baking powder include economy, safety and reliability, and there is only one drawback - it is more caloric than an industrial product. It is not at all difficult to prepare a leavening composition on your own, and the ingredients included in its recipe are always present in the kitchen. A baking powder prepared by oneself is able to make homemade pastries airy and appetizing, not inferior in its qualities to industrial baking powder.


Baking powder (baking powder) is a mixture of soda and acid selected in such a ratio that they react without residue. Flour is most often used as an inert filler, less often starch.
The standard proportion of soda, citric acid and flour is 5:3:12.

There is one or more acids in the baking powder.
In Russian-made powders, only citric acid is usually used. Imported baking powder contains several acids that react with soda at different temperatures - some react at room temperature, others require heating.

Why extinguish soda with vinegar?

Baking soda by itself, without the addition of acid, is a poor baking powder. Yes, it will release a small amount of carbon dioxide when heated, but it will not be enough to raise the dough. In addition, undecomposed soda gives the dough a yellow-brown or greenish color and an unpleasant aftertaste.
Therefore, it is customary to extinguish soda with acid.
In culinary circles, there are constant battles over the fact that when soda is quenched with vinegar, followed by the introduction of a sizzling mass into the dough, all carbon dioxide escapes.
From a purely mathematical point of view, this is exactly what happens.
But in practice, this theory does not work.
The fact is that for quenching, a volume of soda is initially taken that exceeds the need. And although part of the carbon dioxide is spent, the reaction between soda and acid continues even after being introduced into the dough, loosening it.
With such a quenching of soda, the time factor is very important, that is, you do not need to wait until the soda stops bubbling, but you need to immediately mix it into the dough. And immediately put the dough in the oven.
A logical question arises - why not mix soda with flour into the dough, and then add vinegar last.
To be honest, I don't know the theory behind this question. But in practice, my dough prepared in this way (moreover, the experiment was set with both vinegar and citric acid) practically did not rise, having the appearance of plasticine. This probably came from an incorrectly selected ratio of soda and acid.

Why is baking soda and baking powder included in the recipe?

In the baking powder, the amount of soda and acid is selected in such a way that they react without residue. But the recipe may contain products that have a strong acid reaction. That's what extra soda is put in for them.
Products used in baking that have an acidic reaction:
- fermented milk products (sour cream, kefir, yogurt, whey, curdled milk, etc.),
- fruit juices and purees,
- vinegar and crystalline citric acid,
- honey,
- sugar syrups,
- chocolate and cocoa,
- eggs.

Which baking powder is better to buy?

Baking powders from different companies differ not only in the acids used, but also in the amount of the inert component (flour or starch).
Unscrupulous manufacturers put more flour than required.
Thus, even with a thorough adherence to the recipe, the dough will receive less carbon dioxide than required.
Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to the labels.
Consider, for example, baking powder from two companies - Dr. Oetker and Cikoria S

In the first case, the composition is absolutely clear.
In the second case, the mysterious E450a and E500b are used.
(Note: E450a is sodium diphosphate and E500b is sodium carbonate, i.e. regular baking soda.)
Next, look at the weight and application.
In both cases, 1 sachet is designed for 500g of flour. But the first bag weighs 10g, and the second - 18g. So in the second bag there are extra 8g of flour. And when preparing the dough of this baking powder, you will have to take more than indicated in the recipe.
Even when buying a baking powder, you need to pay attention to the packaging material.
The bag itself must be made of thick waterproof paper, foil or plastic. If the bag is paper, then its inner side should be glued with polyethylene.
You should not buy baking powder in simple paper bags, because due to improper storage and transportation, soda with acid may have time to react while still in the bag.
Based on my experience, I can recommend two of the best baking powder companies - Dr. Oetker and Haas (Baas).

If you replace soda with baking powder, then in what proportion?

It is not always necessary to change soda for baking powder. For example, if honey is present in the test, then soda must be required.
In other cases, baking soda can be replaced with baking powder.
Based on my experience:
- if the baking powder is from 1 to 2 teaspoons, then soda needs 0.5 teaspoons;
- if the baking powder is less than 1 teaspoon, then soda should be taken half the volume of the baking powder.
And vice versa:
- if the soda in the recipe is 0.5 teaspoons, then the baking powder needs about 1.5 teaspoons.

6. What is the name of soda and baking powder in English / German?

In English:
baking powder
baking soda

In German:
baking powder - Backpulver
soda - Natron

All delicious baking!

Hello readers of my blog site. Today I want to tell you about baking powder for dough, is it possible to replace baking powder with soda, what can be used instead of baking powder, and I will share with you my secret of how to make baking powder at home.

We add baking powder to the dough to give it airiness, lightness. This effect is obtained due to the release of carbon dioxide, which gives the dough volume. When heated, a reaction occurs and gas is released, thereby voids are formed and the dough rises.

For example, yeast dough is so fluffy and airy because of the yeast it contains, it is they that provide the release of CO2. When working with other types of dough, as a rule, we use baking powder. Or there is a recipe where only soda is used. How can this be, and how will the dough rise then? Please note that acidic foods (kefir, honey, lemon juice) are present in such recipes, they just react with soda. And sometimes in the recipes there is both soda and baking powder. This is usually a denser cake batter.

Most housewives use baking soda with vinegar as a baking powder, but I do not recommend this method to you, due to the fact that the reaction occurs immediately after vinegar is added to the soda and most of the carbon dioxide escapes into the air, practically not remaining in the mass of the baked product, and the taste of soda is sometimes felt in ready-made dishes, and this is clearly not encouraging. So to the question “is it possible to use soda instead of baking powder?” I will answer you: - there is a better way.

I use in baking, and I advise you, do-it-yourself baking powder for dough. The advantage of this baking powder is that the reaction takes place directly in the dough, the released carbon dioxide does not escape into the air, the dough turns out to be very airy, about 2 times more magnificent than with soda, and the price of the resulting baking powder is several times less than buying in a store (additional saving the family budget).

How to make baking powder for dough at home?

To do this, we need: a dry jar (in which we will store our baking powder), flour, soda and citric acid.

The following recipe is circulating on the Internet:

  • 3 teaspoons citric acid
  • 5 tsp. Soda
  • 12 tsp. L. Flour

I want to draw your attention, if you look at the back of your favorite dough powder, you will see the composition in grams, so measuring grams to parts is not entirely correct.

We look at the composition of the baking powder:

  • Flour - 12.2 g
  • Soda - 4.8 g
  • Citric acid - 3 g

It is difficult to measure such an amount at home, so we multiply by 10 and turn to the table of measures and weights.

It says 1 teaspoon

Flour - 10 g, soda - 12 g, citric acid - 8 g.

What do we get? Another proportion of ingredients in spoons, but according to grams.

So, for myself I brought baking powder recipe and have been using it for a long time.

  • Flour - 12 teaspoons or starch (there is not much difference what to use, except that starch will increase the shelf life of our baking powder)
  • Soda - 5 teaspoons
  • Citric acid - 3.75 teaspoons (but not in granules, but ground in a coffee grinder)

And what recipe to choose, decide for yourself.

Pour all the ingredients into a jar, mix it all with a dry spoon, or just close the jar with a lid and shake a little to mix everything.

I draw your attention to the fact that citric acid should be taken with small granules, but there is practically no such product on sale, so grind it in a coffee grinder or in another way. You can pour the right amount of acid on a sheet of paper, cover with a second sheet of paper and roll it with a rolling pin several times with good pressure until the graininess suits you.

Here is such an easy-to-prepare and very inexpensive recipe, and most importantly, very effective. Try it and see the benefits of using such a baking powder instead of soda.

Many housewives use baking powder for baking, and in some recipes it is generally necessary. Many people may know what products the baking powder consists of, but not everyone knows in what proportions to mix the ingredients. Clever confectioners and bakers calculated the ratio of acid to soda use, so it became possible to cook. In addition, by making it yourself, you can be sure of the quality and freshness of the product. Even based on such considerations, it would be wise to learn how to make baking powder with your own hands.
If you have homemade baking powder, you can replace baking soda with it if it is indicated in the recipe. Then be guided that baking powder should be taken 2-3 times more than soda. When kneading the dough, the baking powder is added to the flour, and if it is a complex recipe that requires the addition of flour in several steps, then it is combined with the last part. It also happens that there are pastries where both baking powder and soda are required. This is done when the dough contains acidic ingredients with which soda reacts. Well, see how to make baking powder at home below and try making it at home.

- baking soda - 10 gr. (5 tsp),
- citric acid - 6 gr. (3 tsp),
- wheat flour - 24 gr. (12 tsp).
Can be substituted with potato starch.

Recipe with photo step by step:

Take a kitchen scale and place a small bowl on it. Pour 10 grams of baking soda into it.

Then add 6 grams of citric acid. If possible, crush it first, then you will get a good quality baking powder.

And add 24 grams of wheat flour or potato starch. With the latter, the powder will be stored longer.

Mix the products well, put them in a clean glass container, close the lid and store in a dry place. Make sure the dishes are dry, otherwise you will instantly get a reaction. You can put a piece of sugar in a jar - it will absorb excess moisture.

Few people know, but it is quite possible to make baking powder at home. To do this, you do not need a large number of ingredients, as well as a lot of free time.

Product General Information

Baking powder at home is made only if it is over, and there is no time to go to the store or just laziness. By the way, experienced chefs often prepare such a product for the future and store it in glass jars.

Before telling you about how to make baking powder at home, you should tell why such an ingredient is needed at all.

Baking powder is a substance that is used to give any food product splendor and friability. As a rule, it is added to the dough intended for baking. Thanks to this product, buns, pies, pies, cakes and other products become very fluffy and soft.

If you accidentally added a little more soda to the baking powder, then there is nothing wrong with that. However, in this case, we recommend that the dough contains either a fermented milk product or fruit acid (for example, yogurt, kefir, cottage cheese, sour cream, whey, buttermilk, fruit puree, etc.). Such ingredients will react with excess baking soda and the taste will not be felt in the baked goods.

Cooking method

How to make baking powder at home? First you need to prepare the container. As a container, it is better to use a dry and clean bowl. 12 g (or dessert spoons) of snow-white flour are poured into it. Such a product is added to the baking powder for the purpose of its convenient dosing. By the way, manufacturers often replace it with potato starch. This helps to increase the shelf life of the baking powder.

After the flour or starch is in the bowl, add the required amount of table soda and citric acid to them. After mixing all the components, a homogeneous free-flowing mixture of white color is obtained.

If you used a dessert spoon for laying out products, then homemade baking powder will last you a long time. It must be put in a dry glass jar, and then put away in a dark place.

If you are afraid that the baking powder will become raw due to the presence of flour, then you can put either a piece of sugar or a gauze bag filled with rice in a container with powder. This will contribute to the long storage of the product and the production of lush baking.

Now you know how to make baking powder at home. After obtaining a homogeneous powder, you no longer have to run to the store to get it. As soon as it is over, you can make it again, observing all the above proportions.

How to replace baking powder at home?

The method for preparing baking powder from baking soda, citric acid and ordinary flour has been presented above. The resulting mixture can be added to any baking dough. Such a powder perfectly replaces store-bought baking powder, and in some cases it far surpasses it. Moreover, it is much cheaper than the product sold in supermarkets.

But what if you do not have time to prepare such a mixture? How to replace baking powder at home? It's no secret that baking soda has the same qualities. But just adding it to the dough is not recommended. Otherwise, the finished baking will have a pronounced taste of soda. Therefore, before laying out the basis, it should be repaid. You can do this in different ways. Which ones, we will tell right now.

Ways to extinguish table soda

The most popular way to extinguish baking soda is to add 6% vinegar. This is done in the following way. The powder is placed in a large spoon (in the amount that the recipe provides), and then 5-6 drops of vinegar are added to it. After thoroughly mixing the components, they are laid out in the dough. In this case, a rather violent reaction should occur in the spoon.

Another popular way to quench soda is to use lemon juice. It is also added to food powder and mixed well.

In addition to vinegar and lemon juice, baking soda can be quenched with any other acidic products. For example, some cooks use kefir, sour cream, curdled milk, whey and other components for this purpose.

As for the baking powder, including home-made, it should not be extinguished. The powder is only spread in the dough and mixed well. The citric acid that was added to such a mixture combines with the liquid in the dough, thereby helping to extinguish the soda.

It should also be noted that baking powder, cooked at home or bought in a store, makes pastries not only fluffy and soft, but also quite loose. Therefore, this product is used more often than soda.

How much to use?

Now you know what replaces baking powder at home. Despite the fact that these products perform almost the same role, they are used in different quantities.

As a rule, about ½ dessert spoon of baking soda is added to one serving of standard baking dough. If you use more powder, then after heat treatment the base will become dark in color and will not have a very pleasant aftertaste.

As for the baking powder, due to the presence of such additional components as wheat flour and citric acid, it is added two or even three times more (about 1-1.5 dessert spoons). It is quite difficult to overdo it with this product, since it contains a lot of starch and a minimum of soda. Good luck!
