
What is better to make cream for the cake. Banana cream for biscuit cake

Cream, prepared at home, is able to emphasize the taste of baking, whether it is a biscuit cake, shortbread or butter dough. Cake cream is a voluminous and airy mass, which is prepared on the basis of beaten egg whites, sugar, butter, condensed milk and sour cream. Other simple ingredients are also added - for density and structure - gelatin, flavors - to give taste, natural dyes - for an attractive and bright look.

With the help of cream, you can not only decorate a homemade cake, but also layer the cakes so that they are soaked and become soft and tender. As a rule, it is applied to the cake with a wide-bladed knife, but it is more convenient to use a silicone spatula for this purpose.

Using a pastry bag and a variety of nozzles for it, you can apply cream decorations on the top layer of the cake, make beautiful patterns. If you don't have a piping bag, you can make one out of baking paper or a clean plastic bag. A cone is rolled up from paper (a tube in the form of a cone) and carefully fill the cream into it. Cut the tip of the envelope (with a straight or angular cut, with a clove) and squeeze it onto the confectionery product, obtaining the necessary patterns.

Cream for cakes is a perishable product, and after it has been prepared, it must be stored only in a refrigerator, no more than 38 hours.

Sour cream - to prepare a cream based on sour cream, you need a product with a high fat content of up to 30%, always only fresh. The product must be cooled, and when sour cream and heavy cream are mixed, the cream will have a more stable consistency. The addition of gelatin will make its consistency stable, but the tenderness and airiness of the mass will be lost.

Protein cream - for its preparation, egg whites are used, whipped with sugar (ideally, powdered sugar is used). The delicate texture is great for decorating the top layer of cakes and pastries, for filling tartlets and tubes, but it is not recommended to use such a cream for layering.

Custard - for their preparation you will need chicken eggs and fresh milk. There are other ingredients in the cream - sugar, flour or starch, flavorings and natural dyes. In the process of cooking, it must be constantly stirred, otherwise the mass may curl up and burn. The cream is used chilled, and is stored for no more than 5 hours in the refrigerator. Custard is used to impregnate inner cakes, decorate the top layer of homemade cakes, and to fill baskets and straws.

Butter cream - obtained by whipping milk or vegetable cream with powdered sugar, has a pleasant creamy taste, light and delicate in texture, high nutritional value and light taste. Excellent for soaking and decorating biscuit dough, but does not combine with puff and shortcrust pastry. Shelf life in the refrigerator is up to 32 hours.

Butter cream - quite widely used for impregnation and decoration of homemade confectionery. The cream does not spread due to its dense and stable consistency, it is perfect for filling baskets, tubes, puff pastry products. This cream, as a rule, decorates the top layer of the cake, using a pastry bag with a variety of nozzles. Store no more than 28 hours in the refrigerator.

Preparation of cream for decorating and impregnating homemade cakes:

Based on the classic cake cream, you can experiment by adding additional ingredients to the mass to get a denser or vice versa light texture, or to give the mass a new savory taste. Original and interesting cream recipes for making homemade cakes.

Light and tasty, with a pleasant aroma of vanilla. It will take about 5 minutes to cook and the food should be at room temperature.


  • Butter packaging;
  • A sachet of vanilla powder;
  • 100 ml. milk or light cream;
  • 3 art. spoons of powdered sugar.

Butter cream preparation:

  1. Bring milk to a boil and cool slightly, dissolving powdered sugar and vanillin in it.
  2. Cut the butter into small pieces, add to the liquid ingredients and beat thoroughly with a mixer until the mass thickens.

    Instead of vanilla powder, you can use liquid extract, or three packets of vanilla sugar.

Making cream for a cake based on this recipe can be done not only for soaking biscuit dough cakes, you will also like it as an independent dessert. The cream will be ideally combined with a cake made with fresh or canned fruits and berries, chocolate chips.


  • Sugar - 1 glass;
  • Vanillin sachet;
  • Cottage cheese - 500 gr.;
  • A little fat cream - 100 ml .;
  • Butter - 200g.

Cream preparation:

  1. Before you start cooking, the cottage cheese must be wiped using a fine sieve for this, then the consistency of the cream will turn out to be incredibly tender and airy.
  2. Pour sugar and vanilla powder into a blender, add chilled butter cut into pieces. Add cottage cheese and beat until smooth.
  3. You can adjust the density and lightness of the cream by adding cream.
  4. To prepare a dessert, the cream must first be whipped, and do not mix it in a blender with cottage cheese, but gently mix it with a silicone spatula into the mass.

The taste of the cream is reminiscent of lemon wait or jam, ideal for soaking biscuit dough, as well as for filling baskets.


  • Chicken eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • 3 lemons or 5 limes;
  • Sugar sand - 150 gr.;
  • Butter - 100g.

Cream preparation:

  1. Remove the zest from citrus fruits using a regular grater with a fine fraction. Only colored skins are used; if the white part gets in, the cream will be very bitter.
  2. Transfer the zest from a small saucepan, add sugar and mix the mass.
  3. Squeeze the juice from citrus fruits and add to the zest, put the saucepan on the fire and heat. To make the sugar dissolve faster, you can add 2 tablespoons of water.
  4. As soon as the mass warms up and the sugar begins to dissolve, add a little beaten chicken eggs and softened butter.
  5. Boil the cream over low heat until thickened for 3-5 minutes. Cool and can be used for decoration.

A delicious cream for sponge cake is the main component of a festive dessert. Even perfect cakes can be easily spoiled by unsuccessful impregnation. The best cream recipes for biscuit treats are published below.

Custard for biscuit cake

Ingredients: a liter of full-fat cow's milk, 2.5 tbsp. spoons of high-grade flour, vanilla sugar to taste and a glass of ordinary white, half a standard pack of butter, 5 tablespoons eggs.

  1. Eggs with all bulk components are beaten until smooth. Even the smallest lumps should not remain in the mixture.
  2. Not cold milk is poured into a saucepan with whipped ingredients. The mixture is cooked with constant stirring for 3-4 minutes.
  3. Melted butter is added to the almost ready cream.

It remains to beat the delicacy with a mixer at the slowest speed.

Sour cream recipe

Ingredients: 260 ml of medium-fat sour cream, a full glass of regular sugar (with a slide) and a bag of vanilla, 1 teaspoon of thickener.

  1. To prepare the simplest sour cream for a biscuit cake, you need to put a pre-chilled dairy product in a deep bowl.
  2. Sour cream is whipped with a mixer at the slowest speed and in parallel, granulated sugar is poured into it in a thin stream. Its crystals should completely dissolve in the mass.
  3. Flavored vanilla sugar is added. The mixture continues to beat until thick.
  4. If the consistency of the cream does not suit the hostess, you can correct the situation with a thickener. But this is by no means a mandatory step. After adding the thickener, the mass is re-whipped.

After smearing the cakes with such a cream for high-quality impregnation, they should stand for at least 5-6 hours.

Curd cream for cake

Ingredients: 80 g butter, 440 g powdered sugar, a pinch of vanilla extract (5-7 g), 320 g semi-fat cottage cheese.

  1. At a slow speed, the melted butter, mashed cottage cheese and vanilla extract are combined with a mixer. The mass is whipped until it becomes lush and as homogeneous as possible.
  2. Next, the mixer is replaced with a spoon. Powdered sugar is poured into the mixture in minimal portions. After that, whipping with a mixer is repeated. You need to work with the device for at least 2.5-3 minutes.

According to this recipe, the curd cream for a biscuit cake turns out to be very airy and light.

Protein layer for cake

Ingredients: 120 ml filtered water, faceted glass of granulated sugar, whites from 3 category C1 eggs, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of freshly squeezed lemon juice.

  1. First, the sand is poured with the specified amount of water. Sugar syrup is boiled over low heat in a saucepan. When it is completely ready, it will be easy to roll a ball out of the mass.
  2. In parallel, the proteins are whipped to a dense foam. Citrus juice is added to them.
  3. Immediately after removing from heat, the syrup is added to whipped proteins with constant stirring.
  4. Further, the mass must be continued to beat until it cools completely. You can speed up the process by placing the container of cream in a bowl of ice water.

As soon as the mass has cooled, you can coat the cakes with it.

Yogurt cream for biscuit cake

Ingredients: 420 ml of any low-fat yogurt, ¾ standard cup of boiled cold water, 1.5 tbsp. spoons of gelatin powder, half a glass of berry syrup or liquid jam.

  1. Gelatin is poured with water, stirred well and left to infuse for 15-20 minutes. Usually on the package there is a detailed instruction on how to properly breed it.
  2. The swollen product is transferred to a saucepan, poured with syrup or jam and heated over minimal heat. You need to constantly stir the ingredients and make sure that all the grains are dissolved.
  3. The mass, which has cooled to about body temperature, is combined with yogurt and actively whipped with a whisk.

Cakes smeared with the resulting yogurt cream should stand at room temperature for a couple of hours.

How to cook with chocolate?

Ingredients: 2 standard glasses of full-fat milk, 1 full glass of granulated sugar, 4 tbsp. tablespoons dark cocoa powder, 2 tbsp. spoons of high-grade flour, 2/3 of a standard pack of butter.

  1. First, all dry ingredients are mixed in a saucepan.
  2. Little by little, not cold milk is poured into bulk products. Each time a thick mass is kneaded, which must be gradually diluted with liquid.
  3. The stewpan goes to medium heat. Its contents are brought to a boil with constant stirring.
  4. When the mass cools a little, oil is introduced into it.

Ready chocolate cream must be completely cooled before use.

Butter cream for biscuit

Ingredients: 1.5 standard packs of softened butter, 220 g of powdered sugar, 120 ml of full-fat milk, a pinch of vanilla.

  1. Milk is poured into a large saucepan and brought to a boil. Next, the liquid should be cooled to approximately room temperature. If a pasteurized dairy product is used, then this step can be ignored.
  2. Vanillin and powder are poured into the cooled liquid. Slightly softened butter is added. The mixture must be whipped for 3-4 minutes until smooth and airy.

To make the butter cream thick and very tender, you need to choose high-quality fatty oil for it.

Original lemon layer

Ingredients: ¼ teaspoon vanilla seeds, 1.5 standard cups of filtered water, 4 tbsp. spoons of corn starch, 80 g of butter, 3 large lemons, 4 egg yolks, a full glass of granulated sugar, a pinch of table salt.

  1. The first thing to do is lemons. They get rid of the zest, which rubs on a fine grater. Juice is also carefully squeezed from citrus fruits.
  2. In a saucepan, cornstarch and sugar are mixed. Lemon zest and vanilla seeds are added.
  3. Water and fruit juice are poured into the mass. The saucepan is sent to medium heat, where its contents are brought to a boil.
  4. Egg yolks are stirred with a whisk. Half of the mixture from the previous step is introduced to them with vigorous stirring.
  5. The mass is sent to the saucepan to the rest of the ingredients, brought to a boil and cooked for 3-4 minutes until thickened.
  6. After removing from heat, oil is introduced into the delicacy.

It remains to cool the cream and grease the cakes with it. The product is stored under cling film.

Condensed milk option

Ingredients: 2 standard packs of quality butter, 380 g of condensed milk, 60 g of cognac.

  1. The butter softens to the point where it can be easily beaten with a mixer. It is processed at the low speed of the device until it becomes airy.
  2. Gradually, condensed milk is added to the mass. If desired, you can cook it a little right in the jar so that the color of the product becomes caramel. The main thing is not to overexpose the condensed milk until it thickens.
  3. Lastly, cognac is poured into the mixture. In general, any alcoholic drink will do. It is better to take an option without obvious flavors that can spoil the appetizing aroma of the future cake.

  1. A full glass of granulated sugar is poured with the indicated amount of water and boiled in a saucepan over high heat until the liquid acquires a dark amber hue. Immediately after that, butter is added to it. It will quickly start to melt. At this time, you need to actively mix all the components.
  2. Liquid honey is poured into the saucepan. The ingredients are mixed again.
  3. In a separate bowl, baking soda and the rest of the granulated sugar are added to the milk. The liquid is brought to a boil.
  4. The milk will boil until the sugar crystals are completely dissolved in it. Only after that you can pour into the sweet milk mixture, slightly cooled caramel from the saucepan.
  5. The cream is almost ready. It remains only to mix all its components well, remove the mass from the heat and add vanillin to it. You can use other natural flavors to your liking. For example, cinnamon.

When the cream is almost completely cool, it's time to start assembling and decorating the cake.

Curd fruit cream

Ingredients: 130 g of granulated sugar, a little more than a pound of low-fat cottage cheese, 60 g of gelatin, 220 g of fresh or canned apricots and strawberries, 2 tbsp. spoons of freshly squeezed lemon juice, 550 ml of heavy cream.

  1. Gelatin is diluted in water or syrup from canned fruits. The product is then left to swell for approximately 20 minutes. When the waiting time expires, the gelatin dissolves in a water bath and cools.
  2. Cottage cheese is kneaded with a fork, kneaded with sand and freshly squeezed lemon juice.
  3. Prepared gelatin is introduced into the mass. Products are mixed until smooth.
  4. The mixture is divided into two parts.
  5. Berries and fruits are separately mashed. Fresh apricots are pre-skinned. Canned ingredients do not need to be prepared for grinding.
  6. Strawberry part is added to one half, apricot part to the other. Whipped cream is added to both masses. They should be very airy and fluffy.

Using a simple recipe, you can make a cake cream that is suitable for home and holiday baking. There are many cooking methods, you just have to choose.

A simple cream cake made from egg whites


chicken eggs 2 pieces) Granulated sugar 150 grams Water 50 grams Vanillin 1 pinch Lemon juice 1 tsp

  • Servings: 1
  • Cooking time: 20 minutes

The easiest cake cream

An airy protein mixture is often used for spreading cakes and as a filling for tubules.

Cooking method:

  1. Make syrup from sugar and water.
  2. Stir the mixture so that the syrup does not burn. When it boils, reduce the fire.
  3. Check the readiness of the syrup. Drop a little mixture from a spoon into cold water, if it is solid, then the syrup is ready.
  4. Separate the whites from the yolks and beat with a mixer until firm foam.
  5. Pour the hot syrup into the egg whites in a thin stream.
  6. Beat the mass until it becomes airy.

The finished protein mass is used immediately, otherwise it quickly freezes.

Simple cream cake with condensed milk


  • Condensed milk - 100 gr;
  • Creamy margarine - 200 gr;
  • Egg yolks - 2 pcs;
  • Vanilla - a pinch;
  • Liqueur - 2 tsp

Remove the margarine from the refrigerator in advance so that it becomes soft. Mix it with condensed milk and beat. Gradually add the yolks, continuing to beat with a mixer. At the end of cooking, add vanilla and liqueur for flavor.

Recipe for a simple cream for semolina cake

Products for cooking:

  • Milk - 0.5 stack;
  • Semolina - 1 tbsp. l;
  • Sugar - 1 tsp;
  • Margarine - 1.5 tsp;
  • Egg yolk - 1 pc;
  • Vanillin - a pinch.

Boil milk and add vanilla sugar. Add semolina, stirring constantly, bring the mixture to a boil. Grind the yolk with granulated sugar until it changes color to white. Add margarine to the mixture and stir until smooth.

Mix the prepared semolina porridge with the butter mass. Beat with a mixer until fluffy.

Simple buttercream cake

A simple cake cream at home can be made from milk and butter. By increasing the amount of liquid in the recipe, you will get a mass of a more delicate consistency.

  • Sweet butter - 250 gr;
  • Milk - 100 gr;
  • Powdered sugar - 1 stack;
  • Vanilla sugar - 1 packet.

Take the oil out of the refrigerator ahead of time. Bring milk to a boil and cool to room temperature. Combine all ingredients and beat with a mixer until smooth. Whipping time from 3 to 5 minutes.

The finished mass is tender, airy and with a slight aroma of vanilla. It is used for cakes, cakes and rolls.

These simple recipes should be in the piggy bank of every housewife. Based on them, you can prepare an unusual cream by adding food coloring, nuts or coconut flakes to it.

You don't have to be a cooking maestro to know how to make custard. It is enough just to familiarize yourself with the relevant recipes and be able to correctly apply them in practice. After that, the approval of people trying your desserts will be guaranteed.

Custard - a simple recipe with milk

The easiest way to make cream cake.

What you need:

  • milk - 2 cups;
  • sugar - 1 cup;
  • drain. oil - 50 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • flour - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • vanillin - 1 teaspoon.

Pour milk into a saucepan and heat it over medium heat. At the same time, eggs and sugar are beaten until the latter is completely melted. Then the flour is put there. Mix well and make sure that no lumps form in the mixture.

Reduce the heat on the stove to a minimum and pour milk in portions into the resulting flour mass. When more than half has been poured, put the mixture into a saucepan. Stir constantly so that the cream does not burn and lumps do not appear. When the mass has acquired the desired consistency, put the butter there, turn off the stove and continue stirring until it has completely melted. At the end, add vanilla.

How to do without eggs

Urgently need to prepare a cream, but there were no eggs at hand? No problem! Use the following recipe.

What you need:

  • milk - 2 cups;
  • sugar - 1 cup;
  • flour - 5 tbsp. spoons;
  • drain. oil - 150 g;
  • vanillin - 1 teaspoon.

Whisk one glass of milk, flour and sugar in a bowl. Separately, bring a second glass of milk to a boil and gradually add it to the mixture. Place the saucepan over medium heat and begin to cook the cream, stirring constantly so that it does not burn, until it thickens.

At the same time, cut the butter into small pieces and add it to the mixture. It should completely dissolve. When the cream has acquired the desired consistency, put the vanilla and remove the pan from the stove.

Biscuit cream

Another simple recipe for a delicious cream that can be added to a biscuit cake.

What you need:

  • sugar - 1 cup;
  • eggs - 4 pcs.;
  • sugar powder - 100 g;
  • drain. oil - 180 g;
  • vanillin - 1 teaspoon.

Whisk the eggs together with the sugar until it's completely melted. Place this mixture over medium heat, warm slightly and stir constantly. When the mass has acquired a sufficiently thick consistency, remove the pan from the stove to let it cool.

Beat softened butter together with powdered sugar. Combine both components and add vanilla at the end. The finished cream can be stored in the refrigerator, but it is better to use it immediately for freshly cooled biscuit cakes.

Vanilla layer for cake

A layer with the addition of natural vanilla will delight dessert gourmets with a delicate taste and aroma.

What you need:

  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • flour - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • milk - 1 glass;
  • vanillin - 1 teaspoon;
  • sugar - 1 cup.

Beat the eggs, flour and 3 tablespoons of warm milk until they become a thick paste-like mass. In parallel, bring the remaining milk, sugar and vanilla to a boil over medium heat.

While the milk is still hot, start slowly pouring it into the egg-flour mixture, stirring constantly. Put it all in a heavy bottomed pot and return to the stove.

Do not forget to stir - this is a very important moment, necessary so that the cream does not burn and that lumps do not form in it.

When the mass acquires the necessary consistency, the layer can be considered finished.

Cooking in milk with condensed milk

This cream will appeal to those who are used to considering themselves an avid sweet tooth.

What you need:

  • condensed milk - 250 g;
  • milk - 1 glass;
  • flour - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • butter fat - 100 g.

Put the saucepan on a slow fire and pour in the milk, along the way adding flour and sugar. Mix well so that the components are completely distributed. Cooking continues until the mass thickens.

The main thing here is not to overdo it, otherwise the cream may burn and be irretrievably damaged.

Remove the saucepan from the stove and let the mixture cool down. After that, add condensed milk and butter to it. Beat it all well with a mixer until a homogeneous mass is obtained. Various additives can be used for additional flavor. For example, a little cognac or any liquor that has a pronounced delicious smell.

Butter custard for "Napoleon"

What you need:

  • milk - 1 l;
  • sugar - 2 cups;
  • eggs - 3 pcs.;
  • drain. oil - 250 g;
  • vanillin - 2 teaspoons;
  • flour - 3 tbsp. spoons.

Pour the flour with sugar into the pan and mix thoroughly. Then add eggs and vanilla to the mixture. Beat with a whisk all this into a homogeneous mass and make sure that no lumps form. Pour the milk into the saucepan in a thin stream while continuing to stir.

Turn on a slow fire on the stove and start cooking the cream. Pay attention to the fact that the flour in no case should burn. As soon as the mass begins to boil (you will determine this by the appearance of small bubbles), immediately remove the pan from the stove. When the cream has cooled to room temperature, add softened butter to it and stir until completely dissolved. After that, you can begin to grease the cake layers.

Recipe for honey cake with milk

The preparation of cream for the layer of honey cake should be approached with special sensitivity. This cake is distinguished by its delicate and delicate taste, which is given to it by the filling.

What you need:

  • milk - 2 cups;
  • flour - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • sugar - 1 cup;
  • butter fat - 200 g;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • vanillin - 1 teaspoon.

Heat the milk in a saucepan, bringing it to a boil, and then cool it to an acceptable temperature. In another bowl, eggs, sugar, flour and vanilla are mixed. You can beat the mixture with a mixer at low speed, but it is better to use a regular whisk for this purpose. Your goal is to bring the mass to a homogeneous state.

The most convenient thing in preparing honey cake cream is that every housewife has the necessary ingredients at hand. Take a saucepan with a thick bottom, pour milk into it and add the sugar-egg mixture. Mix thoroughly and turn on a slow fire on the stove. After that, you can start cooking the impregnation. Do not forget to constantly stir the mixture with a spatula, in order to avoid the formation of lumps and until the desired degree of density appears. It is better to spread the cake with hot cream.

Chocolate custard

What you need:

  • milk - 2 cups;
  • chocolate - 1 bar (100 g), cocoa can be used instead - 4 teaspoons;
  • sugar - 1 cup;
  • flour - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.

Mix eggs, a glass of milk and flour in a bowl. Stir until the mixture has a uniform consistency, but do not beat. Otherwise, lumps will appear, which will then be difficult to get rid of.

Put the second glass of milk into the pan along with sugar and a broken chocolate bar. As stated above, you can use cocoa instead. Stir the mixture thoroughly, bring it to a boil and make sure that all the pieces of chocolate bar are completely melted.

Half of the hot mass from the pan is mixed with the egg-flour part and beaten at low speed with a mixer. Pour everything back in and simmer until thickened. Pay attention to the fact that the mixture should not boil and as soon as small bubbles appear, remove the pan from the stove.


Protein custard can be called a universal filling for desserts. At the same time, it does not take much effort and time during preparation.

What you need:

  • sugar - 1 cup;
  • eggs (squirrels) - 4 pcs.;
  • water - ½ cup;
  • lemon juice - 2 tbsp. spoons.

First of all, separate the whites from the yolks and beat them until thick. You can check the readiness like this: when you turn the bowl over, the proteins will remain inside and not a drop will drain down.

Syrup is made from water and sugar in a saucepan. When he is ready, he will reach for the fork. Whip egg whites at low speed and slowly fold in the sugar syrup in a thin stream. Then add lemon juice. You can add any flavoring, such as vanilla. Stir the cream for at least 10 minutes so that it increases in volume and becomes very thick.

What you need:

  • sugar - 1 cup;
  • milk - 1 glass;
  • eggs - 2 pcs.;
  • flour - 1.5 tbsp. spoons;
  • vanillin - 1 teaspoon.

The yolks are separated from the proteins and mixed with sugar into a homogeneous mass. It is necessary to stir until the crystals are completely dissolved. Add the sifted flour to the mixture and mix well again so that there are no lumps.

Start pouring cool milk into the cream for profiteroles in a thin stream so that no lumps form. Then pour it all into a saucepan and simmer until thickened, without boiling.

Any confectionery cream is made by mixing, whipping, and sometimes boiling. As a rule, creams have a sweet, delicate taste and high calorie content. Due to their splendor and plasticity, they are widely used for greasing cakes, decorating cakes and pastries and other desserts.

Thanks to the efforts of the famous confectioners of France, England, Italy, recipes for already classic cake creams have developed. Confectioners such as the Austrian chef Franz Sacher, the Bavarian confectioner Johann Konrad Vogel, the Hungarian master Jozsef Dobos and others have made their contribution to the recipe of the creams. This material outlines the classic recipes for the most delicious and famous creams in the world. The recipe for a delicious cream is already half the battle in creating a good dessert.

meringue italian

Italian meringue is essentially a protein custard made from egg whites, sugar, water, and salt. This cream keeps its shape perfectly and is widely used to create mousses, decorating confectionery products, and also as a separate dish.

To prepare a protein cream, you need to take the chilled proteins of 2 eggs, a pinch of salt, 40 ml of cold water and 120 gr. Sahara. Sugar should be mixed in a saucepan with water, and put on medium heat. At the same time, you need to start the process of whipping proteins with salt. After boiling the syrup for 5 minutes, it should be slightly cooled, and pour into the whites whipped to stiff peaks in a thin stream, continuing the whipping process, for another four minutes. Everything, the Italian meringue is ready!

Cream classic custard

Custard-type cream turns out to be medium in density, suitable for Napoleon and Honey cakes, it can also be used to grease any sand cakes, fill tubes, eclairs.

To cook custard, you need to take 500 gr. milk, 200 gr. sugar, 5 gr. vanilla sugar, 40 gr. flour and four eggs. First you need to beat the sugar and eggs, then mix in the vanilla and flour. Next, the mass is diluted with cool milk, and mixed well, until completely homogeneous. Now bring the cream to a boil over medium heat. Stir the custard mass constantly so that it does not curl. After boiling, it is cooled, if necessary, beat again.

Custard recipe video:

Bavarian cream

The Bavarian cream is more like not an ordinary cream, but a delicate mousse. For several centuries it has been served as a festive dessert in many countries of the world. The components of the Bavarian delicacy are unchanged: cream, gelatin and classic custard. Berries, chocolate, liquor, rum, coffee and other ingredients can serve as optional additives.

The recipe for Bavarian cream is simple. First you need to prepare a custard from two eggs, 125 gr. sugar, 500 ml of milk and vanilla sugar without adding flour. The recipe is given above. Next, you need to pour 20 gr. gelatin powder 150 ml of water, let it swell for 15 minutes and heat the liquid. Once cooled down, stir it into the hot custard. Now cream of 33% fat content is whipped, they will need 500 ml. Whipped cream is mixed into the creamy mass, and it is poured into molds and cooled for four hours.

Cream "Tiramisu"

This cream is usually used both for the preparation of the famous Tiramisu dessert (a gentle mass is smeared with layers of Savoyardi cookies) and for creating an independent dessert.

The ingredients for the cream are as follows: 500 gr. Mascarpone cheese, 4 eggs, 100 gr. granulated sugar, vanillin. Chilled egg whites are whipped into a strong foam, yolks are whipped into foam with vanilla and sugar. Cheese, mashed with a spatula, is carefully whipped with yolks, then whites interfere with the cream.

Whipped cream

Whipped cream is a very simple, but for many, the most delicious cream. Its application is very wide - from decor to the manufacture of ice cream, mousses and other desserts. Only very heavy cream is suitable for whipping - from 30% fat. The main rule for their successful whipping is that everything should be very cold, including the whisk, dishes and the cream itself. Beat them gradually, starting from the minimum speed. High-quality cream will whip very quickly, it will take 5-7 minutes. If desired, you can add powdered sugar to them.

creamy cream

Butter cream is usually quite fatty and very sweet, it is intended exclusively for decorating sweets.

To prepare the cream, you need to take 250 gr. high-quality butter, 200 gr. powder (sugar), 100 ml of milk and a pinch of vanillin. The mass is made simply: the boiled milk must be cooled to a warm state, add all the ingredients to it, except for the butter, beat well, and warm for 5 minutes over low heat, whisking. In a slightly cooled mixture, gently add the butter, continuing to beat the cream.

Protein cream

Protein cream is called because proteins are its main ingredient. In addition to proteins, it contains water, salt and sugar. You can prepare a protein mass in just ten minutes.

From 200 gr. sugar and 100 ml of water you need to boil the syrup (cooking time - 20 minutes). Then you need to beat 4 proteins with a pinch of salt, to peaks, and pour moderately hot syrup into the foam in a thin stream. With the finished mass, you can decorate cakes, fill tubules and baskets.

You can see the process of making protein cream in the video:

curd cream

Cottage cheese cream is no less versatile, it is suitable both for decoration and for filling dough sweets. To prepare it, you need to take 200 gr. butter, 400 gr. cottage cheese, 150 gr. granulated sugar, vanilla. Cottage cheese should be rubbed through a sieve, and softened butter should be beaten with vanilla and sugar. Then the cottage cheese and sweet butter should be mixed, adding the cottage cheese gradually, and beat until a smooth and even mass is obtained.

sour cream

Cream of sour cream type is less greasy and dense than cottage cheese and butter creams. Its recipe requires the use of exceptionally fresh and fairly thick sour cream, the ideal fat content is 30%.

To prepare sour cream, you need to beat a glass of chilled sour cream with a whisk. Beating the mass is best by placing the container in another, larger one filled with cold water with ice. Whipped sour cream should be gradually mixed with vanilla and four tablespoons of powdered sugar.

Oil cream

Butter cream, like cream, is intended for decoration. To prepare it, you need to beat 200 gr. soft butter with a bag of vanilla sugar and six tablespoons of condensed milk. Add condensed milk to the oil gradually, spoon by spoon. The finished cream can be enriched by adding a spoonful of liquor, cognac, berry syrup to it.
