
What figs are good for org dried fresh. How useful is dried figs for women, how to eat? Sahara: who is good and who is bad

The fig is a subtropical deciduous plant that belongs to the genus Ficus of the Mulberry family. Figs have many names - fig, fig tree, fig, fig tree, wine berry. The homeland of the plant is Kariya, a province of Asia Minor. The fig is widely used in the Crimea, Central Asia, the Caucasus, and grows in the Carpathians. The crop is grown in open ground.

Figs are a very healthy fruit rich in vitamins and minerals. You can use it both fresh and dried, although in this form it does not look very appetizing. It is not recommended to eat dried fruit for people who are on a diet, as it contains a large amount of sugar. In other cases, dried figs are useful for people of various ages. It is especially important to use it during pregnancy and lactation, as it improves the composition of mother's milk.

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      Dried figs are rich in various vitamins and minerals that the human body needs to function properly. The most valuable chemical composition of figs is potassium. The fruit occupies the second position in terms of the content of this microelement, nuts are in the first place. Dried figs contain a small amount of water and 70% sucrose. In the process of drying figs, almost all useful substances remain in the same amount as in fresh fruit.

      The composition of dried fruit is represented by the following substances:

      • vitamin PP;
      • vitamin A;
      • vitamin C;
      • vitamins B2, B1, B9;
      • potassium;
      • iron;
      • magnesium;
      • sodium;
      • calcium;
      • dietary fiber;
      • organic acids;
      • starch;
      • fatty acids Omega-3 and Omega-6;
      • phytosterol;
      • antioxidants;
      • fats;
      • proteins;
      • tannins.

      Indications for use

      Due to the fact that dried figs have valuable nutrients, it is recommended to use it as an additional remedy in the medical treatment of various diseases. Therefore, the task of the doctor is to inform the patient about the benefits of the fruit for the human body. It is shown to use dried figs in the following cases:

      • if the patient has high blood pressure;
      • if a person experiences severe headaches, suffers from insomnia;
      • if there is fragility of bones, nails (lack of calcium);
      • in the prevention of cancer and diabetes;
      • with problems with the respiratory system;
      • with anemia;
      • with constipation, acts as a laxative;
      • with colds;
      • with problems of the genital organs in women.

      Contraindications and harm

      As mentioned above, dried figs are of great benefit to the human body. However, like all exotic fruits, if used improperly and excessively, it can harm a person, so contraindications must be taken into account. It is strictly forbidden to take fruit in the following cases:

      • if the patient has diabetes mellitus, since figs contain a lot of sugar;
      • if a person suffers from gout, since the fig is rich in oxalic acid, which exacerbates attacks;
      • if there are diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, since the fruit contains a lot of fiber, which in large quantities can harm the intestines, increasing inflammation;
      • during the diet period, since figs have a high calorie content;
      • before trips, as the fruit has laxative properties and can spoil the trip with frequent urination.

      Beneficial features

      The dried fig tree holds the record for the amount of fiber in its chemical composition. Regular use of this product improves the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and gives a feeling of satiety. Also, figs are valued for the fact that they contain a large amount of vitamins, trace elements that human joints need.

      The benefits of figs are as follows:

      1. 1. Eliminates inflammatory processes.
      2. 2. Helps with constipation.
      3. 3. It is used to prevent colds.
      4. 4. Normalizes lung function.
      5. 5. Relieves fatigue and protects the human body from stress.
      6. 6. Has expectorant properties.
      7. 7. Promotes the formation of blood cells.
      8. 8. Quickly heals wounds due to the content of pectin.
      9. 9. Promotes the removal of toxins and toxins.
      10. 10. Eliminates bad breath.
      11. 11. Normalizes the work of the kidneys and the genitourinary system.
      12. 12. Makes the skin supple and firm.
      13. 13. Reduces the risk of developing chronic forms of diseases of the cardiovascular system.
      14. 14. Does not allow the development of arterial hypertension.


      In the process of drying figs, the ratio of substances in the composition changes: the amount of carbohydrates reaches 70%, and the amount of proteins increases by 5%.

      Dried fig is a rather high-calorie exotic fruit, 100 g of the product contains 257 kcal, so it is contraindicated for people who are on a diet to use this product.

      It is better for such people to eat fresh figs, since 100 g contains only 49 kcal. It is not recommended to use dried figs in large quantities because they are too sugary and contain a lot of sucrose.

      Benefits for women

      Figs are very important for a woman's body. Scientists have proven that the substances found in dried figs contribute to the rejuvenation of women. Due to the fact that the chemical composition of the fruit contains a lot of calcium, the condition of the nails improves, they become less brittle, and the hair prevents their loss. The fruits of the fig tree have a beneficial effect on the condition of women during menstruation, facilitate its flow. Fig affects the emotional state, helps relieve pain, is used for weight loss.

      Dried fruit must be consumed when planning a pregnancy, as it contains a lot of folic acid, which is useful for the normal development of the fetus. It relieves severe pain in inflammatory processes of the genital organs.

      If you regularly eat fruit, you can get rid of varicose veins. It also affects the preservation of the placenta without harming the baby, and fights anemia.

      During pregnancy

      The fruit of the fig tree contains a large number of various vitamins, which bring great benefits to the body of the expectant mother. In order not to harm the child, it is necessary to use the fruits correctly. Pregnant women who have diabetes should eat fig with extreme caution, as dried fruit contains a lot of sugar in its composition.

      Dried figs have the following beneficial properties for expectant mothers:

      • the fruit helps in getting rid of a strong cough without the use of medicines;
      • figs help maintain the required amount of vitamins;
      • Does not allow you to gain excess weight;
      • improves blood composition;
      • quickly eliminates colds;
      • eliminates constipation, intestinal disorders.

      When breastfeeding

      The results of studies on the beneficial properties of figs have shown that the fruit is very beneficial for the formation of breast milk. Many doctors recommend eating dried figs during breastfeeding, as with the help of this fruit you can get rid of excess weight that appears after the birth of a child. Also, the use of the fetus normalizes the stool, regulates the balance of salt in the body of a woman. In addition, young mothers who experience problems with bowel movements can consume dried figs.

      The health benefits of figs for nursing mothers are:

      • in improving blood flow, increasing vascular tone;
      • in cleansing the body of toxins and toxins;
      • in strengthening the nervous system;
      • in the formation of the infant's immune system;
      • in improving the quality of milk;
      • in the elimination of edema.

      With regular intake of figs, hemorrhoids, hypertension and varicose veins can be avoided.

      Benefits for men

      Dried figs have beneficial properties not only for the female body, but also for the male. The fruit improves male potency, prevents the appearance of prostatitis and prevents the development of other diseases associated with the male reproductive system.

      In addition, the benefits of the fetus for the stronger sex are manifested in the following:

      • figs promote better blood circulation;
      • reduces the amount of fat in the abdomen;
      • reduces the level of cholesterol in the blood;
      • normalizes blood pressure in men;
      • prevents the development of rectal cancer.


      From the berries of the fig tree, you can prepare a decoction that maintains strength when the body is depleted. Also, such a decoction effectively fights hoarseness, stomatitis and tonsillitis. The tool has antipyretic and diaphoretic action.


      1. 1. In order to prepare a medicinal drink, you must first grind 1 tablespoon of dried figs and then pour 400 ml of hot water over the raw material.
      2. 2. After that, the container with the ingredients should be put on low heat and left to boil for 10 minutes.
      3. 3. Next, the product must be cooled and squeezed.
      4. 4. Drink the drink should be 4 times a day for 100 g.

      In order to get rid of gastritis, kidney disease, whooping cough, dry cough, you need to prepare a recipe for milk broth.


      1. 1. To prepare a drink, you will need 2 tablespoons of dried figs and milk in a volume of 200 g.
      2. 2. Berries must be boiled in milk and consumed 150 g per day.
      3. 3. Before use, the product must be rubbed into porridge. Such gruel heals abscesses and accelerates the maturation of abscesses.

      To get rid of kidney stones and reduce pain when urinating, it is necessary to apply an aqueous solution of the plant.

      Step by step recipe:

      1. 1. In order to prepare such a remedy, you will need fig fruits - 5 pieces and a glass of boiling water.
      2. 2. It is necessary to pour the fruits with hot water, put the container with the mixture in a water bath and cook for 10 minutes over low heat.

      Fruits should be mashed and eaten between meals.

In pursuit of beauty, youth and longevity, we forget about what nature has generously rewarded us with. No wonder people say that everything ingenious is simple. This phrase clearly characterizes dried figs. The benefits and harms of these fruits cause a lot of controversy. This will be discussed in today's article.

This is what the people call the fruits of figs. This amazing fruit grows on fig trees mainly in warm regions with a subtropical climate.

The benefits of dried figs for the body are undeservedly underestimated by people. Most often, a dried product is found on our tables and store shelves. This is due to the fact that during transportation, fresh figs quickly deteriorate, which cannot be said about dried or dried fig trees.

To improve your health, you need to eat dried figs. The calorie content of dried fig fruits is approximately 257 kilocalories per 100 g of product. Of course, if there are figs in unlimited quantities, then this will cause significant harm to the figure.

But everything is good in moderation, especially since figs can be safely called a vitamin treasury. A huge amount of potassium is contained in the fig tree. Only nuts can fight in this duel with dried figs. But bananas go by the wayside.

In the composition of fig fruits, you can find many vitamins:

  • retinol;
  • ascorbic and nicotinic acid;
  • thiamine;
  • riboflavin;
  • folic acid.

The fig tree is rich in fiber, which makes this product very valuable for the digestive tract. It is impossible not to notice the presence in figs of useful fatty acids, in particular, Omega-3 and 6. Also in fig fruits there is glucose, micro- and macroelements. The amount of the first depends on the form in which you use the fruits - fresh, dried or dried.

Dried figs: benefits and harms to the body

The fig tree has enormous benefits for human health. Its unique component composition allows not only to enrich the body with the necessary vitamins, micro- and macroelements, but also to cure a number of ailments. Of course, medical assistance and the use of pharmacological drugs cannot be ignored, but it is also stupid to exclude dried figs from the diet.

On a note! Dried figs, as already mentioned, are considered a high-calorie product, which cannot be said about fresh fruits. Their nutritional value is negligible and amounts to only 47-50 kilocalories per 100 g of product. Such a dish can be eaten without the slightest harm to the figure.

Among the useful properties of the fig tree include:

  • elimination of inflammatory processes;
  • normalization of the functioning of the respiratory system, in particular, the lungs;
  • prevention of colds, acute respiratory and viral diseases;
  • laxative effect;
  • protection from stress;
  • cleansing the body of accumulated harmful compounds, toxins and toxins;
  • anemia treatment;
  • expectorant effect;
  • acceleration of skin regeneration;
  • wound healing;
  • improving the functioning of the urinary system;
  • restoration of firmness and elasticity of the skin;
  • elimination of unpleasant odor from the oral cavity;
  • reducing the risk of developing diseases of the heart muscle and blood vessels;
  • prevention of the development of hypertension of the arterial type.

The dried fig tree has the same properties. The fruits of the fig tree have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the digestive tract. Due to the high concentration of dietary fiber, the processes in the stomach and intestines are normalized. Figs help to solve such a delicate problem as constipation. There is also an opinion that dried or dried fig fruits increase potency.

Note to women

What is useful dried figs for women? That's it, the representatives of the weaker sex should pay close attention to this amazing product. Most women complain of brittle nails and excessive hair loss. The fig tree will help solve this problem because it contains a high concentration of calcium.

During the period of menstrual bleeding and premenstrual syndrome, figs should be on your table. The aroma and incredible taste of berries will help improve mood, get rid of depression and irritability, and also alleviate pain symptoms.

Important! Dried figs are especially useful during pregnancy, as well as during the planning period for conception. A large proportion of folic acid has a beneficial effect on the organs of the reproductive system.

Dried figs are no less useful for breastfeeding. During the lactation period, mothers follow a diet. That is why they often encounter violations of the processes of defecation. The fruits of the fig tree have a mild laxative property. In addition, the body can be saturated with vitamins, which is useful for crumbs.

Before introducing figs into the diet during gestation and lactation, you should consult with a specialized doctor. Women suffering from diabetes are at risk, because the described dried fruits have a high concentration of sugar, which can lead to an exacerbation of the disease.

Among the useful properties of dried or dried fig trees for women are the following:

  • elimination of inflammatory processes of the organs of the reproductive system;
  • preservation of the placenta;
  • prevention of the development of varicose veins;
  • preventing the development of anemia;
  • increased hemoglobin levels;
  • elimination of puffiness;
  • normalization of water-salt balance;
  • promoting weight loss;
  • improvement in blood composition.

The reverse side of the fig

Dried fig fruits are high in calories, so this product should be used with extreme caution for people who are overweight. Pay close attention to figs should be in the presence of allergic reactions. Intolerance to individual ingredients or hypersensitivity can provoke the development of unpleasant symptoms.

Such a product should be introduced into the diet with extreme caution in the presence of the following pathological conditions and ailments:

  • gastritis;
  • diabetes;
  • pancreatitis;
  • gout;
  • colitis;
  • inflammatory processes in the stomach.

Rules of culinary etiquette

We have already found out how useful dried figs are. How to eat these dried fruits? First, let's pay attention to the rules for their selection. Fig fruits should be approximately the same size, they have a flattened shape. Color - from beige to light brown.

Before consumption, figs are thoroughly washed under running water to eliminate the presence of small particles of dust, dirt or chemicals. It is recommended to soak dried figs in warm water for several minutes.

As a rule, the dried fig tree is eaten in its pure form or added to various desserts. But do not forget about the calorie content of the described product.

Probably everyone once tried figs. The benefits for women, men and children are enormous. This is exactly what will be discussed in the article.

What is a fig?

Figs are a sweet fruit, very soft and juicy when ripe. The history of this culture goes back to antiquity. The first mention of the beneficial properties of this fruit are found in the Egyptian civilization. The size of a fig rarely exceeds a large plum or apricot. From above, the fruit is covered with a thin skin, it is distinguished by a high content of seeds, the seeds are small and soft. The fig has many names: fig, and, in fact, fig. The fruits grow on a tree whose trunk can reach up to twenty meters in height. Such a tree lives up to five hundred years and is able to bring a harvest every year. Only fruits are eaten. very large for the body. In medicine, both the leaves and the bark of the tree are widely used.

Species and places of growth

The traditional areas in which the fig tree grows are the countries of the East, some Asian states, countries near the Mediterranean Sea, the Caucasus. Figs require a favorable warm climate with moderate humidity and sunshine. Certain types of this tree, which are frost-resistant, grow in Russia, but only in the south of the country. There are over four hundred varieties of figs. They differ in the size of the fruit, shape and color, the taste of the pulp, the height of the tree, the speed of ripening. Some varieties produce several crops per year.

Figs: composition

Fig fruits are rich in various types of sugars: glucose, maltose, sucrose, levulose. As well as fruit acids: citric, glyceric, quinic, shikimic, oxalic. More sugars are found in dried and dried fruits. The fruit is rich in iron, copper, essential oils, macronutrients.

The vitamins contained in figs are almost all B vitamins (B1, B2, B5, A, C, E, PP. There is some content of beta-carotene. The presence of all these elements depends on the degree of ripeness of the fetus. The most useful is ripe figs A favorable period for the ripening of the fruit is August - October.But it is important to remember that the shelf life of a ripe fig tree is not long.Figs have truly healing properties.

Medicinal properties of figs

What are the benefits of figs for the body? It has the following properties:

  • Due to the content of folic acid, it has a positive effect on the course of pregnancy and fetal development.
  • The complex of B vitamins affects the central nervous system, protects the body from stress and fatigue.
  • The content of essential oils and vitamin C make figs a prophylactic against colds and respiratory viral diseases.
  • The content of sugars affects the functioning of the brain.
  • Figs help reduce fever.
  • Fights inflammation in the body.
  • Favorably affects digestion.
  • The pulp of the fruit will help with constipation.
  • Figs are antitussive, expectorant.
  • Normalizes the functionality of the lungs.
  • Helps with anemia.
  • Dried figs contain pectin, and therefore contribute to the rapid healing of open wounds.
  • Clears the blood of cholesterol plaques.
  • Removes toxins.
  • Favorably affects the work of the cardiovascular system.
  • Affects the firmness and elasticity of the skin.
  • Favorably affects the functioning of the genitourinary system and kidneys.
  • Has a diuretic effect.
  • relieves bad breath.

In addition to the fruits, the leaves and bark of the tree also have healing properties. Due to the high content of tannins in the leaves, they are used as an astringent against diarrhea. A decoction of the leaves also reduces gas formation, fights colitis, eases the course of dysentery and various kinds of food poisoning.

The fresh leaves are used as a skin cleanser. Fight redness, inflammation and boils.

A decoction of the leaves is used for respiratory diseases.

Properties of figs useful for women's health

What else will surprise figs? The benefits for women from this fruit are enormous. Eating it regularly will help reduce the risk of developing varicose veins and resist such an unpleasant phenomenon as vascular networks on the legs. Thanks to beneficial acids, veins and blood vessels tone up, and a substance such as ficin, which is contained in fig juice, adhesions in the vessels disappear, blood circulation improves, fatigue and swelling disappear.

The natural source of folic acid is figs. The benefits for women of this vitamin are known to everyone, because it is folic acid that is prescribed for pregnant women. It favors the development of the fetus and the preservation of the integrity of the placenta. In addition, it promotes oxygen metabolism in tissues. Also, figs help to overcome anemia, which is often found in pregnant women.

Women who are expecting a baby often experience problems with bowel movements. Figs have a laxative property and significantly reduce the occurrence of constipation during pregnancy. And for nursing mothers, figs will help increase lactation.

Ripe fruits of the fig tree facilitate the well-being of a woman during menstruation and reduce pain.

The use of figs for cosmetic purposes

What else is useful figs? The benefit for women from this fruit is that it can be used for cosmetic purposes. The fig pulp face mask nourishes and moisturizes the skin. The skin becomes elastic and elastic. In addition, figs perfectly compensate for calcium deficiency. And calcium is a building element that is part of bones, hair, nails.

Fresh figs perfectly satisfy hunger, so it helps to cope with a strict diet. In fresh fruits, the sugar content is not as high as in dried ones, therefore, to maintain a figure, you need to use fresh fruits.

Fig juice has another useful property that provides an even, safe tan. The action of trace elements enhances the production of melanin, while increasing the protective properties of the skin and protecting it from serious sunburn.

The juice from the leaves and young stems helps to cope with acne, abscesses, boils, abscesses and warts. Softens dry calluses and corns on the feet.

Figs are used to whiten teeth.

Figs: contraindications

Despite all its positive properties, figs have some contraindications.

  • The dried berry contains a large amount of sugar, so it is not recommended for people with diabetes, as well as for those who are overweight. In these cases, you can use fresh figs.
  • It is not recommended to use fruits for gout, as they contain oxalic acid.
  • It is also worth giving up figs for people with exacerbated diseases of the intestines and stomach, accompanied by a severe inflammatory process.

Eat natural, wholesome food and be healthy!

Figs are one of the most mysterious foods. Not many people know that this is an inflorescence, and not a fruit, as is commonly believed. Those who are familiar with the gifts of nature prefer to enjoy them in all possible variations. On the basis of figs, jam is prepared, it is dried, dried, eaten fresh. This raises many questions that affect the benefits and harms of goodies.

Composition of dried figs

The most valuable is potassium, which controls the work of the heart muscle and the entire vascular system. Dried figs contain a lot of carbohydrates, which will explain the calorie content.

Natural saccharides are presented in the form of glucose and fructose. Figs also concentrate retinol, vitamin PP, ascorbic acid, tocopherol, pantothenic acid, thiamine, riboflavin. Figs boast pyridoxine and folic acid.

Of the minerals, magnesium, calcium, iron, and sodium are considered the most valuable. Figs contain a lot of tannins, starch, coarse dietary fibers, organic acids, Omega acids 3 and 6.

The product is rich in phytosterol, antioxidants, proteins and fats. There is little water in the composition, only 70% of the total volume. Although this is characteristic of many dried fruits.

dried figs calories

In the process of heat treatment, the ratio of elements in the composition of the fig changes. The amount of protein increases by about 5%, while the amount of carbohydrates increases by up to 68%.

The nutritional properties and calorie content of fresh figs are relatively low. For 100 gr. fruits account for about 48 kcal. It all depends on the degree of maturity of the raw material.

As you can understand, figs are famous for their low calorie content, so they are allowed to be consumed without much concern regarding the set of extra pounds.

However, when it comes to dried figs, the situation becomes more complicated. In 100 gr. concentrated from 200 to 220 kcal. This is 4 times higher than fresh fruits.

If you want to keep yourself in shape, do not abuse figs. The dried fig has a sugary taste, so you can’t eat much of it.

The benefits of dried figs

  1. Figs are rich in fiber. Dietary fiber cleanses the intestinal tract from congestion, removes toxic compounds and heals the body "on all fronts." These qualities are used in weight loss. The main thing is to eat figs in moderation.
  2. Fig helps the esophagus to absorb beneficial enzymes, and weed out harmful ones. Against this background, a person receives more benefits, everything superfluous comes out naturally.
  3. Figs cleanse the lymph, open the blood channels, prevent atherosclerosis and varicose veins. It is useful to eat figs for people suffering from swelling of the limbs. Diuretic properties allow you to relieve heaviness in the legs.
  4. Just a couple of fruits per day will make up for the lack of iron, which is necessary to improve blood quality. Dried figs prevent anemia in adults and children, relieve abdominal pain during menstruation in women.
  5. Figs are indispensable for strengthening bone tissue. That is why the product is recommended to eat for people who have recently suffered a fracture. Also, figs improve the condition of the teeth and prevent caries.
  6. The composition improves physical endurance, so athletes need to eat it. Fig improves brain activity, strengthens vision due to incoming beta-carotene.
  7. It is useful to eat figs for people of creative professions, as well as for those who work hard mentally. The product relieves the effects of fatigue, including chronic. Normalizes sleep and psycho-emotional environment in general.
  8. Figs are often used in folk healing to combat many ailments. For the treatment of sore throat or diseases of the oral cavity, it is necessary to prepare a decoction of figs and consume it until the symptoms disappear.
  9. Figs can easily cure fever and mild fever. Also, antibacterial properties will kill viruses, strengthen immunity, make up for vitamin deficiencies and help you recover faster after a protracted illness.
  10. Fig favorably affects the work of the kidneys, stomach and bladder. Figs are needed for hypertensive patients, who often suffer from surges in blood pressure. Potassium reduces the likelihood of vascular spasms, preventing many heart ailments.
  11. Figs have the pleasant property of thinning the blood. Against this background, atherosclerosis and other similar diseases are treated. Dried figs are effective for intestinal obstruction because they have a laxative effect.

  1. It has been proven that dried fruit is useful and necessary for the female body. Studies have shown that regular consumption of the product helps the fair sex to keep youth much longer.
  2. Figs are a storehouse of calcium, so the systematic intake of the composition will help to cope with the problems of nails and hair in a short time. The active ingredients in the dried fruit have a positive effect on the internal organs of a woman during menstruation.
  3. The product effectively copes with pain and emotional outbursts. Dried fruit is useful to eat when planning a pregnancy. The composition is enriched with folic acid. Figs actively resists the inflammatory processes of the reproductive system.
  4. Regular intake of fig helps to resist the development of varicose veins. The product has a positive effect on the placenta. As a result, the fetus develops according to plan without damage. In addition, dried fruit helps with anemia.

Dried figs during lactation

  1. During lactation, experts strongly recommend consuming dried fruit. Figs in this case will help to significantly improve the quality of mother's milk and at the same time keep the weight at the desired level. The product is a great weight loss supplement.
  2. The systematic intake of fig helps to normalize the stool and stabilize the water-salt balance. Figs are effective for constipation, so you do not need to resort to laxatives.
  3. Eating the product will improve blood circulation, increase the tone of the vascular system, cleanse the body of toxins and toxins, and strengthen the central nervous system. If you include figs in your daily diet, you will avoid the development of varicose veins, hemorrhoids and hypertension. The baby's immunity will be formed.

  1. As mentioned earlier, dried fruit is rich in essential enzymes for humans. During pregnancy, the fetus will bring invaluable benefits to the girl. The main thing is to observe the daily norm of the product. Be careful with diabetes.
  2. Eating figs during pregnancy will help get rid of a cough. Thus, you do not have to resort to the help of drugs. The fruit perfectly supplies the body with the necessary vitamins, beriberi does not threaten you.
  3. Fig helps to keep the weight normal, it has a positive effect on blood formation. Dried fruit suppresses the first symptoms of a cold in the shortest possible time. You are not afraid of digestive disorders and constipation.

Dried figs for weight loss

  1. During drying, the activity and usefulness of enzymes increases significantly. Therefore, the fig is valued in dietetics. The product is rich in dietary fiber. From here, a laxative effect can be distinguished. Thus, you are cleansed of slagging.
  2. The body receives the necessary amount of microelements, the tone and energy supply increase. It is forbidden to use figs in a mono-diet, you risk getting better. Combine figs with berries, vegetables and fruits.
  3. It is recommended to eat figs in the morning. Fig goes well with all kinds of cereals, fish, dietary meat, dairy products, nuts, eggs, honey and sweet spices. The daily norm is not more than 100 gr.

Harm of dried figs

  1. Figs are contraindicated for patients with gout, urolithiasis, diabetes, obesity.
  2. The product can significantly harm patients who have colitis, pancreatitis, enteritis, and other inflammations in the gastrointestinal tract.

Dried figs include a rich vitamin and mineral complex, this is due to its benefits. The composition contains almost all the elements necessary for the full functioning of the human body.

Video: the benefits and harms of figs

Figs are a valuable plant that is grown on the Mediterranean coast, in the countries of Asia Minor, in the Caucasus, in the Crimea. It is also grown in the south of Russia. The northern regions are familiar with it in dried form. The fig tree is known as the fig tree, fig tree, fig, the harvest is plentiful, the fruits are pear-shaped, sweet, with many seeds inside the fruit.

Beneficial features

The composition of dried figs contains a large number of valuable substances that are beneficial to the human body. Its regular use will strengthen and improve the system:

  • cardiovascular;
  • nervous;
  • muscular;
  • digestive.

In diseases of the respiratory tract, dried figs have a diaphoretic and antipyretic effect, so it is used in the treatment of cough, bronchitis, tracheitis.

A huge amount of fig tree fiber gives a feeling of satiety, has a beneficial effect on the digestive system. Dried fruits can improve mood, mental activity, physical activity. Other Health Benefits of Dried Figs:

  • high content of pectin promotes wound healing;
  • rutin strengthens the walls of capillaries, helps the absorption of vitamin C;
  • increases the antioxidant activity of blood plasma;
  • has an excellent laxative effect.
  • ficin lowers blood clotting;
  • considered an aphrodisiac;
  • used as a hangover remedy.

Medicine uses fig leaves for the production of the drug "Psoberan". The drug is used to treat vitiligo, baldness. Fig syrup also has healing properties:

  • increases appetite;
  • acts as an analgesic for muscular rheumatism;
  • has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin;
  • used in the treatment of colds of the female genital organs.

The benefits of the plant in the treatment of many diseases are priceless. Figs are so rich in beneficial properties that it forces our body to work on updating all systems.

Harm and contraindications

Not everyone may benefit from the product, so you should consult with your doctor before using figs. Fig is contraindicated for people who are diagnosed with:

  • diabetes mellitus (high-calorie fig tree);
  • obesity (figs increase body weight);
  • acute diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diarrhea;
  • pancreatitis;
  • gout.

You can not use dried figs for people with allergies to its individual components.

  • before a trip (has a strong laxative property);
  • nursing mothers (causes diarrhea and bloating in a child);
  • pregnant women with gestational diabetes.

It is undesirable to combine figs with other sweet dried fruits, this increases gas formation.

Composition (vitamins and minerals)

Dried figs do not lose their properties, its benefits are in abundance in its composition of the elements that the body needs.

The product contains antioxidants: polyphenols and flavonoids, which protect the cell from free radicals, cleanse blood vessels, and prevent the body from aging.

Catechins and epicatechins help fight cancer.

How and what to cook

Dried figs can be consumed raw, boiled, infused, steamed, combined with various products.

Dried figs and fresh product are prepared from:

  • jams;
  • jams;
  • syrups;
  • tinctures;
  • Dessert.

For medicinal purposes, prepare:

  1. Decoctions in milk and water (2 fruits per 1 glass of milk or water), which are used for inflammation of the respiratory tract, gum disease, and sore throat.
  2. Dried berries are soaked and applied externally for abscesses.
  3. Fig fruit tincture is used as a diuretic and laxative, removes toxins from the body, harmful substances, relieves vascular tension, relieves heartbeat.
  4. Although figs are quite high in calories, they are used for weight loss.
  5. Figs are an effective remedy for enhancing sexual desire, 5 dried fruits are soaked in milk overnight, eaten before meals in the morning.

If you want to experiment, prepare an original dessert or other dried fig dish, combining it with meat and vegetable products.

Selection and storage rules

In order for figs to be beneficial, you need to know the rules for choosing it when buying. If the dried product is transported, it must be treated with chemistry. Therefore, pay attention to:

  • the beauty of the berry: the more beautiful the berry, the more chemistry in it;
  • the color should be light beige or light brown;
  • berries should be the same size;
  • figs are soft to the touch, which means they are not overdried
  • a whitish coating on the peel of the fetus is allowed - this is the release of glucose, the taste is sweet, there should be no foreign taste, mustiness;
  • aroma is pleasant.

To preserve the beneficial properties of figs, it is necessary to transfer it to a dry container and close the lid tightly. It is good to save the product in a cloth bag, which is transferred to a glass container. Moisture and direct sunlight should not fall on dried fruits.
