
Which olive oil tastes better. Product Testing: Best Olive Oil

Today we will talk about how to choose olive oil. At first glance, it may seem that there is nothing complicated in this, but in fact there is a rather big risk, since among the variety presented on the shelves of the store, you may well purchase a low-quality product.

It is called the gift of the gods, but not every bottle can contain truly natural olive oil.

Difficulty of choice

This legendary food product has been of great benefit to mankind for many centuries. Olive oil is actively used in cooking, where it is used to prepare delicious sauces, salad dressings and add to a variety of dishes. In addition, it contains useful substances that help the beauties of the whole world to quite successfully take care of their skin and hair. And since the range of olive oils offered is very wide, it is very difficult to choose the right product.

First of all, it should be remembered that the first producer of olive oil is Italy. In addition to this country, it is also implemented by:

  • Cyprus;
  • Türkiye;
  • Greece;
  • Israel;
  • France
  • Spain.

On a note! On the shelves of our stores, the most common olive oil comes from Italy and Spain!

But not only the country of origin is the main selection criterion. In relation to this product, there are a large number of classifications, and at the same time, at the discretion of the manufacturer, certain categories and names can be assigned to it. And in order to somewhat simplify your task when choosing, it is advisable to pay attention to the following tips that will help you purchase the necessary olive oil.

Types of olive oils

Everyone knows that olive oil can be refined or unrefined. The first type is used mainly in the preparation of dishes that are subjected to heat treatment. The second one is most often used fresh both in cooking and in personal care.

refined product

If we talk about refined vegetable oil, then it is quite difficult to call it natural. It will not benefit either when used for medicinal purposes or during cosmetic procedures. But at the same time, you can fry on it without fear, since when heated in such oil, carcinogenic substances are not formed. Plus, it will not affect the taste of the finished dish, as it has a neutral aroma. Such a product can be stored longer than unrefined oil and is somewhat cheaper.

Now let's try to understand the inscriptions that are usually present on the labels of refined olive oils:

  • "Pure olive oil" or "Olive oil" - this product is a mixture of high quality first pressing oil (Extra Virgin) and refined oil.

    On a note! The oil obtained by mechanical pressing of the fruit gives the refined product a characteristic color and flavor notes of natural oil!

  • "Light olive oil" - it is considered ideal for frying. And even with repeated use of it, harm to health will not be caused.
  • "Pomace olive oil" or "Olive-Pomace Oil" - this oil is in the lowest price category, as it contains a small amount of the product "Extra Virgin". In addition, it is produced from the cake left after the oil of the first pressing. It is mainly added to hot dishes.

unrefined product

You can use unrefined vegetable oil both for personal care and for healing purposes. It is obtained by cold pressing, that is, no chemicals are used in the manufacturing process. Thus, the finished product is characterized by a high content of nutrients that will bring great benefits to the body and take care of the condition of the skin and hair.

Natural olive oil has a special taste and aroma. It is enough just to try it and you can fully enjoy the incredible bouquet of taste sensations that it gives with every drop. In the store, it can be recognized by the inscription "virgin", which means - produced by mechanical means and is completely natural. In other words, the manufacturing process consists of washing fresh olives, then drying and pressing them. The final step is filtration.

How to choose unrefined olive oil? The following notations will help with this:

  • "EVOO" with the additional labeling "Extra virgin" (depending on the country of manufacture, the prefix may also sound like "Extra vergine" or "Extra vierge") is a natural product that belongs to the extra class. It is characterized by the highest quality and is obtained by the first pressing at low temperatures - no more than 27 °.
  • D.O.P. - such an additional marking indicates that you have the best branded oil in front of you. It is considered exclusive and is the subject of adoration for all self-respecting gourmets. It is extracted only from those fruits that grow in a certain area, and poured immediately at the place of manufacture. Oil "Extra virgin" with the prefix "D.O.P." meets the highest requirements and repeatedly passes quality checks.
  • "Virgin" without additional labeling "Extra" - such oil is also considered completely natural. But for its production, olive fruits are used, which are of lower quality, and production takes place without heating. As a result, its palatability suffers somewhat.

We define a quality product

So, we figured out the types and markings, it remains only to find out how to choose high-quality olive oil.
  1. The "younger" the better - it is the production date that is the main parameter when choosing. Be sure to pay attention to the production time and expiration date. As a rule, every conscientious manufacturer marks all the necessary dates on the label.

    Important! A quality product cannot be stored for more than 18 months!

  2. The taste is rich, quite intense, a slight bitterness, sweetness, salty or sour taste is possible. At the same time, metallic, acetic or too bitter taste is completely excluded - this is a clear defect.
  3. Color - the palette is quite diverse and includes all shades of gold and green. This criterion is influenced by the variety of fruits and the method of their processing.
  4. Acidity - a quality product has a low level of acidity, but each type has its own indicator: "Extra virgin" - no more than 1%, "Virgin" - 2%, refined - up to 1.5%.

You can determine the quality of olive oil at home. To do this, it should be left in the refrigerator for a couple of days: if after this period a light precipitate forms in it, then you have purchased a quality product. In this case, the precipitate should disappear after the oil has stood for a while at room temperature.

And remember that it is desirable to store it away from the stove, preferably in a dry place at a constant temperature of about 10-15 ° C. And do not leave the product on the table or on the windowsill, where it will be exposed to sunlight. By the way, it is for this reason that it is poured into dark glass containers. Plus, the quality will be preserved if the oil is not kept open for a long time, as it can oxidize when exposed to air.

All materials on the website Priroda-Znaet.ru are presented for informational purposes only. Before using any means, consultation with a doctor is MANDATORY!

The health benefits of olive oil are legendary. Regular use of the composition normalizes the activity of the digestive, vascular and cardiac systems. By nature, olive oil is considered an excellent source of antioxidants. This feature does not allow poisons to linger on the walls of internal organs. The beneficial properties of the product include improving the activity of the brain, speech apparatus, and immunity. To enjoy all the delights, it is important to choose the right olive oil.

Step #1. Olive oil label

Three types of oil are supplied to the shelves of domestic stores. Let's look at each type in turn.

  1. Virgin. Category of natural and best olive oil.
  2. "Refined". The marking indicates that the composition has been previously purified (refined).
  3. Romance. This type of composition belongs to the economy segment. The oil is made from pomace - previously squeezed olives.

If you want to buy quality olive oil, check the label for the "Extra Virgin" mark. It is this marking that indicates the highest grade of the purchased composition.

Natural oil of this kind is produced by a cold cycle (pressing), while using only high quality olives. Products are prepared mechanically, no impurities are added to the composition.

The composition of "Extra Virgin" is suitable for dressing salads and other culinary purposes, as well as for skin care procedures (hair, nails).

If you plan to cook fried foods in oil, look for the "Refined" label. The oil of the lowest category ("Romace") is prepared with the addition of chemistry and heat treatment. It is used in large public catering for the preparation of flour products.

Step #2. Olive oil classification

Each type of oil has its own classification, which is determined by the level of acidity and other nuances. Let's talk about everything in order.

If you want a natural oil with great taste without dyes, additives, impurities and other chemicals, look for the mark "Extra-virgin Olive Oil". You are guaranteed to get a 100% natural product with an acidity level of about 0.8%.

Virgin Olive Oil also has an unsurpassed taste. It is also 100% natural, but has a higher acidity (about 2%).

Some manufacturers want to reduce the price of their products, so they supply a composition of refined and natural oils. Products are marked "Pure Olive Oil".

If we talk about the average odorless oil, the label has the classification "Olive Oil" (without additional words). The composition is prepared from natural and refined oils. The acidity of such products is not higher than 1.5%.

As mentioned earlier, pomace oil is most often used for baking. In this case, the classification will be labeled "Olive-Romace Oil". Some manufacturers mix pressed olive oil with a completely natural product, this does not change the mark.

There is also a type of oil that has found application only in large-scale industry. It is sometimes supplied to stores, so you should be careful and not chase cheapness. Avoid labeling "Lampante Oil".

Step #3. Acidity of the composition

To buy a quality product, it is important to pay attention to the acidity index, which is indicated on the back of the bottle. The number indicates the presence of oleic acid. The lower the score, the higher the quality of the composition.

If we talk about extra-class natural oil, the acidity level should not exceed 1%. If we talk about the purified (refined) composition, the figure is 1.5%. Subclass "Virgin" corresponds to the mark of 2%.

Step number 4. Appearance

It is necessary to conduct a "bride" of olive oil. Such a move will allow you to understand whether you need to continue to pay attention to the product you like. The shade of the composition depends on various aspects. This includes the presence or absence of impurities, the age of the olives and their maturity, the period of harvest, etc.

Good olive oil has a golden color, which can slightly "play" with other colors. If the composition has grayness or strong yellowness, then the oil is of poor quality.
This recommendation is relevant only if olive oil is supplied to store shelves in transparent glass bottles. This happens extremely rarely, since manufacturers often produce oil in dark containers.

Step number 5. Price policy

It is known that olive oil has a fairly high cost. Even the “cheapest” product will seem expensive to some, and this is not surprising.

Olives are processed mechanically, so the price of the drug is 3-7 times higher than that of vegetable oil.

A high-quality composition costs about 230-270 rubles per 0.5 liter. This is the average range, which can vary up and down.

If you are offered to buy oil at a very low price, it makes sense to think about its quality. Perhaps the terms and conditions of storage, methods of transportation and packaging are violated.

Step number 6. Manufacturer country

There are leading countries in the production of olive oil, they must be remembered. The highest quality product comes from sunny Spain, Italy, Israel. To make it easier to fix the information in memory, we will designate the leaders as “III”. Also, a good product is prepared in Turkey, Syria, Greece.

Always give preference to oil from the listed countries, so as not to make a mistake with the choice. Be sure to check the label for the presence of the manufacturer's barcode. If the composition is produced in the countries of the European Union, the bottle has the EU marking.

To verify the quality of the product, look for the abbreviation "DOP" on the label. It means that the composition was bottled and packaged in the country of origin. This feature indicates a high brand standard.

Step number 7. Tara

Of no small importance when choosing olive oil is the correct container into which the product is poured. The oil is packaged in glass and tin bottles, while the volume can also be different.

Give preference to the composition in tinted glass, the volume of the bottle should not be more than 0.5 liters. If for some reason you have purchased a larger bottle, pour the oil into small dark bottles and use in portions.

The container may be tin. However, as practice shows, the quality of such oil is much inferior to the drug in a glass bottle. Before buying, evaluate the conditions under which the oil is on the shelves. It should not be exposed to direct ultraviolet rays. Choose a bottle without chips or damage, especially the cap and label.

The selection of the product is carried out by evaluating the appearance, acidity level, price category, classification and packaging. The shelf life of a quality composition usually varies between 16-18 months from the date of production.

Video: how to choose olive oil

Selection of olive oil

1. Why do you need olive oil?

The range of application of olive oils is very wide.

  • For beauty and health Use only the highest quality Extra Virgin oil. Only it contains a maximum of useful substances, in fact, being freshly squeezed olive juice.
  • For gourmets and connoisseurs will be the best gift
  • For salads, marinades, cold appetizers, pastries, dressing ready-made hot dishes- completely natural, oil obtained by pressing olives exclusively mechanically, during the production of this oil, the olives were not subjected to any processing other than washing, settling, centrifugation and filtration - oils of the Extra Vergin category
  • For frying, stewing blends of unrefined and refined oils are perfect

Having decided on the type of oil that you want to buy, carefully study the label of the selected product.

2. Packing


best option for large volume storage
  • oil does not oxidize
  • does not let light through
  • light

dark glass bottle

traditional packaging
  • protects from light
  • does not allow foreign odors to be absorbed


modern packaging

  • evenly distributed over the surface of the products
  • convenient dosage
  • control of excess oil, which often distorts the taste of dishes

3. Reading the label

Category of olive oil and the concept of acidity

Acidity level olive oil means the content of oleic acid in 100 g of the product. This is one of the most important indicators of the quality of olive oil. The lower the acidity, the higher the quality and price of olive oil. If the acidity is indicated on the label, feel free to choose a bottle with a lower value.

The level of acidity is also a good indicator of the care and attention to detail in the harvesting and extraction process. The acidity in olive oil begins to rise as soon as the olives are picked. This explains why olives should not be stored but sent to the mill without delay.

Unrefined olive oils(Virgin)

Completely natural oil obtained by pressing, the fruits are not subjected to any additional processing, except for sorting, washing, grinding, centrifuging and filtering from mechanical impurities.

Premium extra-virgin olive oil- due to the extremely low acidity of up to 0.5% and high quality, it is used raw in dishes in which its exquisite taste and aroma can be appreciated. This olive oil should be used as a dressing for salads, cold appetizers, bread sauce.

extra virgin olive oil- acidity is not more than 0.8%. It has the perfect aroma and taste. This unrefined oil is not used for frying, but is used as salad dressing, cold appetizers and hot dishes.

Fine virgin olive oil- has good taste, and the level of its acidity is not more than 1.5%. It costs less than the previous two, but is as close as possible in quality.

virgin olive oil- is also a natural unrefined product, the acidity of which is less than 2%. It is used both for cooking and as a dressing or sauce.

Refined olive oils

After cleaning and processing, most of the nutrients are lost, the bright aroma and taste inherent in Extra Virgin products disappear, but an important advantage appears - the smoke point rises, making refined oils better suited for frying, deep-frying and cooking hot dishes.

Refined olive oil- a product that has undergone refining and is devoid of smell and taste, but retains the chemical composition and structure of olive oil.

Pure olive oil / Olive oil - mixture of refined and unrefined oils. The taste and smell of this oil is less pronounced than in products labeled Virgin. Olive oil is suitable for frying and cooking hot dishes.


The largest producing countries / thousand tons / year

Special markings

Vintage olive oil, a gourmet dream

D.O.P / P.D.O/A.O.C.- Denominacion de Origen Protegida (name protected by origin). This exclusive olive oil, a gourmet's dream, is produced from olives grown in a specific geographical area and bottled at the place of production. More stringent requirements and constant quality control are applied to such oil. Climatic conditions, production traditions, varieties of olives inherent in the specified place exclude its copying.

Differs in a bouquet of taste and aroma. The Spaniards, in order to enjoy this magical taste, do not mix it with anything, just pour it into small saucers and dip slices of bread directly into the oil.

IGP- Indicazione Geografica Protetta (proprietary geographical name information) means that one of the technological processes in the production of olive oil took place in a protected controlled area. That is, the process of collecting and pressing is strictly controlled on site, but the purification and bottling takes place in another territory.

BIO, Organic- organic or bio oils. This olive oil is produced in compliance with EU regulation 834/07, which certifies and controls all phases of the production of this food product. In the implementation of all stages of the production process, the use of synthetic chemicals and genetically modified organisms is prohibited. Also, the cultivation of the soil and the olive trees and fruits themselves is carried out only with the use of organic substances and natural natural materials.

Olive variety

The color and taste of olive oil is directly dependent on the variety and maturity of the olives.

Do you like to experiment with fragrances? You will love our range. Each one is made from the same type of olive - for a unique flavor.

The oil is produced from olives of different varieties to obtain the best taste and aromatic properties.

4. Storage rules

"Gift of the Gods" This is how the oil obtained from the fruits of the olive tree is called. What is this: a beautiful metaphor? Marketing ploy? Or does olive oil really contain some special substances that are beneficial for the body?

About the benefits of olive oil

The oil squeezed during the mechanical processing of olives contains useful unsaturated acids, vitamins, terpene alcohols, sterols, tocopherols and many more useful substances and compounds. For a person far from science, these names say almost nothing, so it’s easier to consider not the components of olive oil, but its benefits for the body. This product is useful because:

Completely absorbed by the body.

Vitamins A, K, D included in its composition strengthen the smooth muscles of the intestines and bones. Vitamin E helps to cope with inflammation, prevents aging and the development of cancer. The oleic and linoleic acids that are part of the oil have the same qualities.

This product has a barely noticeable laxative effect, and therefore helps to get rid of hemorrhoids. It alleviates the pain of gastritis, helps to heal stomach ulcers faster.

The oil is useful for hypertensive patients: it does not cause the formation of cholesterol plaques.

The oil helps to lose weight, makes the skin soft, strengthens bones and nails well.

Today in stores there is a huge selection of a product called olive oil. Different names, producers and prices confuse the uninitiated buyer, making them think about which olive oil to choose.

Studying the organoleptic and chemical properties of the product, experts divide it into several categories. In Russian stores, three main ones are most often found:

Aceite de Oliva Extra Virgen (Extra Virgin).

Aceite de Oliva (Virgin).

Aceite de orujo de oliva or second pressing oil.

What brand of olive oil is best?

The answer is clear: Extra Virgin.

Extra Virgen - liquid gold

The method of its production has not changed since ancient Egyptian times. Olives are washed, crushed mechanically, defended, filtered. Juice squeezed in this way has been called "liquid gold" since ancient times. It contains many healing ingredients that (with proper storage) can last from one and a half to two years. It's not even oil, it's olive juice. The product has a delicate taste, fragrance of fresh olives. Depending on the place of production and collection of fruits, it can give off fruits, the smell of green herbs, and a nutty aroma.

How to choose the right olive oil? Taste it. Real Extra Virgen is always slightly bitter. Moreover, the “younger” (fresh) oil, the more pronounced this bitterness.

On labels next to Extra Virgen, there is usually a DOP or IGP mark. The first sign means that the oil is produced in a particular place and cannot have any analogues. This is the most expensive type of product.

IGP also points to the region. And the sign also indicates that not all technology is protected from copying, but only part of it.

Aceite de Oliva

Which olive oil is for salads and which is for frying? Both are great for dressing salads. Extra Virgin will give a spicy bitterness, the usual will appeal more to adherents of traditional tastes.

But only Aceite de Oliva is suitable for frying. It has a higher smoke point, so carcinogens are not formed during frying.

Aceite de orujo de oliva

Second-pressed oil has less useful properties. For its production, crushed olives left over from the first pressing are poured with special organic solvents and processed at high temperatures. All useful substances after such processing are preserved, but in a slightly smaller amount.

What kind of olive oil to fry: first or second spin? Both oils are suitable for frying, but for deep-frying, it is better to choose the second spin. But filling de orujo is not recommended: its nutritional value is low.

So, to the question “what is the healthiest olive oil”, there is a definite answer. Of course, it's Extra Virgen. However, given its price, Aceite (for salads) and Orujo (for frying) can be used on weekdays.

How not to make a mistake when choosing oil?

We have already decided which brand of olive oil is better.

And how to choose this useful product?

The selection algorithm may be as follows.

2. It is worth paying attention to the release date. If the shelf life exceeds 2 years, it is not recommended to buy. Oil is not wine; with age, it loses its healing properties.

3. It's time to consider the color of the product (if the color of the bottle permits.) Quality olive oil can be straw to greenish in color. A gray or pronounced beige tint indicates that the bottle is most likely fake.

5. At home, you can continue checking. To make sure that the oil is natural, you need to apply a few drops of it on the back of your hand. The natural product will quickly warm up, the fake will remain cool.

6. We put a bottle of oil in the refrigerator for several days. Natural oil will become cloudy, white flakes or sediment will appear in it. When the oil warms up, they will disappear.

Where and how best to store olive oil?

The most important rule: when in contact with air, the product oxidizes and loses its medicinal qualities. Therefore, you should pour a certain amount into a separate bowl, and keep the rest of the oil in a tightly corked bottle.

This bottle is best stored in the dark, at 10-15 degrees Celsius. When storing, other nuances should be taken into account:

1. Oil cannot be stored in the refrigerator. When hypothermia fats thicken, forming white flakes. When freezing and then thawing the oil, it completely loses its noble properties.

2. It is recommended to store the product in a dark glass bottle. You can use a container made of high-quality stainless steel. It is important to remember: the oil absorbs odors well, so storing it in plastic is excluded.

We conclude: gentle and healthy oil should be poured into small glass bottles and stored in a dry, cool (but not cold) place.

Whose oil is better?

Olives grow in Asia, Africa, warm European countries. They also make butter there. Which is better to choose? Which manufacturer is better, and whose products are not worth the attention of buyers?

Olive oil is a mix consisting of several varieties of olives.

More than 40 species of these trees grow in Italy, so producers have the opportunity to create many of the most sophisticated, rich-tasting “cocktails”.

In Spain, only 15 varieties are cultivated, so the products of this country are not so diverse.

In Greece, olives grow in different regions. The climate significantly affects their taste, so Greek oil from different regions will differ in organoleptic qualities.

It is very rare to find oil from Tunisia on sale. The maritime climate and the breath of the Sahara give the fruits in this country an unusually refined taste, which is why the oil has a special aroma.

Which country's oil is better to choose? It's a matter of taste. Of the best manufacturers, more often than others, experts mention:

In Greece:

Elinika Eklikta Ale. The company was created specifically for the standardization and packaging of the best varieties.

Oliko. Since 1981 it has been the world's largest trader. Delivers oil to Italy, Spain, Japan, USA.

Small family companies Kydokinatis, Xylouris. Oil is extracted exclusively by hand.

In Spain:




In total, more than 40 varieties of excellent Spanish olive oil are presented on the Russian markets.

In Italy:

Azienda Agricola Giorgio.

Azienda Agricola Oliveto di Contesse Geltrude.

Fattorie Greco srl.

These producers have repeatedly become laureates of the most prestigious Ercole Olivario competition in Italy.

In Tunisia, African Dream Products is considered one of the best. Their new product Chemlali arrived in Russian stores in May.

Hint for housewives

If you want to spice up the taste of the oil or increase its positive effect, then you can infuse it with garlic or herbs.

Such a bottle with a sprig of rosemary is not only perfect for salad dressing, but will also become a decoration of your kitchen.

Which brand of olive oil to buy depends on the purpose of use. Italians, Spaniards, Greeks love crispy, still warm baguettes drizzled with olive oil and chopped tomatoes. And modern salad recipes, frying foods over high heat also rarely do without this product.

The best brands of olive oil are labeled "extra virgin"

A dessert spoon of olive oil on an empty stomach in three months helps to cure stomach ulcers and gastritis, while a spoonful of sunflower oil in such a situation can provoke hepatic colic and exacerbate gastrointestinal diseases.

It is also added to lotions, used as a base for masks, hair and skin care products, even applied to the body for a bronze tan. But most of the properties are associated with ingestion - this is the benefit of monounsaturated fats. Thanks to the oil, calcium is properly absorbed in the bone tissue, and the vessels become more elastic. Plus - vitamins E, K, D.

The ideal color of the product is from golden (yellow) to a pleasant greenish tint. The aroma should resemble spices, cut grass, it saturates and is slightly bitter. Oddly enough, this is an indicator of virgin oils.

Selected brands of olive oil: what are the benefits?

The main thing is to understand why the goods are purchased. Refined oil is suitable for frying (carcinogens from natural “thick” substances will not occur). But for adding to cereals, salads on bread, fragrant with the inscription "virgin" is suitable.

The labels contain phrases that hide a lot of useful information. It is important to remember that the bitterness of low-grade varieties of olive oil is sometimes eliminated by chemical means, which is not always good.

Notes to pay attention to:

  • Extra virgin olive oil is an ideal first pressing product with low acidity (about 0.8 per 100 g), which is appreciated by lovers of proper nutrition. Price - from 300 rubles. up to 1.5 thousand rubles per liter. It is inferior to Virgin olive oil and Ordinary virgin olive oil. This is also the highest category of first pressing products, it differs only in acidity and physical processing.
  • Refined vegetable fats are found with the label Refined olive oil, whose physical characteristics are positively appreciated by lovers of a crispy crust.
  • Olive-pomace oil is created on the principle of combining pleasant (for producers) with useful when combining virgin olive oil and refined olive oil. But nutritionists may not recognize such an alliance.

The lowest sample is considered to be the oil obtained by squeezing the finished cake. A significant disadvantage: the use of chemicals in the production process and the low concentration of useful trace elements.

The storage method of the product remains interesting - in a dark, dry place. You can conduct an experiment: pour into a container and put in the refrigerator. Quality oil will become dense and thick, which disappears at room temperature.

The world leaders in the production of olive oil are Spain, Italy, Greece and Tunisia. Moreover, this fact is interesting: Spanish production volumes are three times higher than Greek ones, but at the same time, Extra Virgin oil they have is only a fifth of the total production. Greece, on the other hand, produces more than 80% of the first cold-pressed oil (Extra Virgin) with smaller volumes and offers the best price-quality ratio.
