
Which place of pork is better for barbecue. How to choose the right pork for barbecue



Every meat has its charms




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Meat taste and color

The skin of a young bird is pale white in color, and the fat is light. And the older the bird, the yellower its skin will be and the darker its fat.

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8 years 10 months back by Aleksi

Shashlik is not just a dish that owes its origin to hunters. This is a whole ritual, this is a holiday with the aroma of freedom, the sounds of nature and good weather. This is a friendly company or a family circle, this is the fuss around the fire and intimate conversations under the quiet chewing of delicious meat. It is tasty, properly marinated and well-cooked meat, and not according to the principle "warm meat does not happen raw." So if you want the holiday to be a success, take care of the main ingredient of the barbecue in advance. Which meat is better to choose, how to determine its freshness and quality, and how to marinate it? Find answers to these and many other questions below.

Every meat has its charms

Tastes could not be discussed. Someone likes poultry shish kebab more, and someone loves to pick hot pieces of venison from skewers. For example, I would surely love crocodile or kangaroo skewers if I tried them. But let's talk about kebabs from less exotic types of meat.

Pork. Barbecue masters say that the best shish kebab comes from pork. Juicy, soft, greasy: chewing is a pleasure, and meat juices flow appetizingly down your beard. Someone will object: “But what about the figure?” - If you do not overeat, then barbecue gatherings will not affect the figure in any way, but a good mood is guaranteed.

Pork meat has excellent nutritional qualities, is easily digestible and contains minerals useful for humans. In addition, this meat does not require long soaking, pork can be marinated two hours before a picnic and then cooked according to any culinary recipes.

Shashlik it is most advantageous to cook from the shoulder blade, from the brisket, loin, ham, tenderloin, shank and neck. In principle, studying the anatomy of pigs is not necessary in order to select excellent meat. It is enough to know one fact: during life, the muscles of the upper body of the pig do less work than the lower, as a result, the skewers from such meat are more tender.

Beef. This meat is significantly inferior in tenderness to pork. The kebab turns out to be harsh, and, whatever the recipe, it will take longer to marinate it. But from this he does not lose the right to exist.

Beef is considered a low-calorie meat. There is too little fat in its fibers, so the kebab after frying turns out to be dryish and slightly bland. However, there are recipes with which you can return the meat to its former juiciness: either stuff the meat with small pieces of unsalted fat and artificially create “marble meat” or bread the meat pieces in breadcrumbs and an egg.

For beef skewers, tenderloin and sirloin are considered the most suitable.

Important ADVICE!
Beef should be marinated in sparkling water. Firstly, cut the soaking time in half, and secondly, such a marinade will not interrupt the true taste of meat.

Mutton. Shish kebab from a young lamb is a heavenly delight. In the cookbooks of the Caucasus, lamb occupies a significant place. And although the lamb kebab is harsh, it has an unsurpassed taste and aroma, and it also goes well with vegetables.

For shish kebab, leg of lamb, ribs or shoulder blades are ideal. And one more nuance: lamb skewers tend to freeze quickly. So the main thing is not to miss the very moment of readiness and taste a chic barbecue.

Meat taste and color

Near the meat counter, keep your eyes peeled. Meat sellers know a lot of tricks on how to turn not quite fresh meat into a product that caresses your eyes and lulls your vigilance. So before you send the meat to the basket, look not only at the price tag, but first of all at the product itself.

The color of the meat should be uniform, without any inclusions and spots, and natural. Subtle meat connoisseurs even highlight such a characteristic of high-quality, fresh meat as a glossy color, that is, bright, saturated and without a matte coating.

Normal beef is red in color with white or cream streaks of fat. If the color of the meat is closer to brown, it means that it has not been languishing in the window for the first week. The characteristic color of pork is pinkish red. Experts say: the darker the meat, the older the pig was, which means that the meat will be more rigid and muscular.

By the color of lamb, you can immediately determine whether the animal was young or old. The color varies too much: the meat of a young lamb is light red, and that of an older one is dark, red-brown.

The skin of a young bird is pale white in color, and the fat is light. And the older the bird, the yellower its skin will be and the darker its fat.

The skin of a young bird is pale white in color, and the fat is light. And the older the bird, the yellower its skin will be and the darker its fat.

Important ADVICE!
Even a cunning salesman with his tricks can be brought to light. If the meat is “spiky”, some sellers, in order to restore it to its original form, soak it in a solution of potassium permanganate (“potassium permanganate” among the people). Potassium permanganate does not leave a smell and does not interrupt the smell of meat, so you can’t tell right off the bat. But fat layers can tell about the trick of the seller. Since in nature they are white or cream, after the solution they become pink.

Important ADVICE!
Buying frozen meat - be doubly careful. Nothing can be more harmful to the body than re-frozen meat. And it’s easy to determine this: pay attention to the ice crystals. If they are pink, this is a sure indicator that the product has been refrozen.

The smell of fresh meat should not cause any negative emotions. Natural smell, without any impurities and additional shades - ideal for the product. Even if your sensitive (or not so) nose caught at least a hint of an unpleasant aroma, bypass such meat.

The consistency of the meat should also not cause any doubts. High-quality and fresh meat is elastic. And no extra moisture. A piece of meat should not ooze blood. At least for aesthetic reasons, I do not want to buy it.

And the freezer after that is a friend?

Meat, meat, meat… And chilled, and steam, and frozen, and even re-frozen - it's all meat. The question is, which of them is the most useful and more suitable for barbecue? The answer is unconditional: chilled. Why? Let's deal with each meat in turn.

Fresh meat - that which was obtained immediately after the slaughter of the animal. Many inexperienced chefs consider it ideal in taste, tenderness and aroma for barbecue and are mistaken. If you cook steam beef on a fire (and in the oven too), they can hammer nails instead of a hammer. After all, the muscles of a freshly killed animal will not yet have time to relax and the meat will be unseasoned, tough. But do not write off fresh meat. In some industries, its value is high. For example, fresh meat is used in the production of boiled sausages, as it has an increased ability to absorb moisture.

Frozen meat is also not the best option for a good barbecue. By definition, it does not contain even two-thirds of those useful and flavoring substances that fresh meat stores. In addition, after defrosting, valuable juice flows out of the meat. So frozen meat skewers do not have such a rich “meat” aroma and taste as fresh meat skewers.

Re-frozen meat is not only unsuitable for barbecue, but is generally dangerous to eat. The frozen meat itself, when thawed, contains a lot of moisture, it is raw and friable. There is no need to talk about elastic consistency. And if you freeze such meat again, then the water crystals will simply break the meat fibers. So the second time you get out of the freezer is not meat, but a rag, a product that, having melted a little, will begin to decompose.

You can distinguish frozen meat from re-frozen meat with one touch. Poke your finger into once-frozen, thawed meat - and a dark mark will remain on it, re-frozen meat will not change color, even if it is actively kneaded by hand.

Important ADVICE!
If you buy meat in plastic packaging, unpack the meat and let it "breathe" for half an hour.

If you choose chilled packaged meat, then look for drips inside the package (if there are, then the meat has thawed and let the meat juice out). The gray edges of meat mean the following: myoglobin, a special substance found in meat, has been destroyed by heating. And sticky mucus on the surface of the product is a sure sign of bacterial growth. Gray and burgundy-red spots, blood clots, pigmentation - all this indicates poor ventilation, improper cooling of the product, stale meat and improper storage.

So be careful with meat. And take care of your stomach.

Enjoy your picnics and delicious kebabs!

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8 years 10 months back by doris


I just marinated 2 kg of fresh barbecued pork for tomorrow's picnic. In beer and mayonnaise. With onions and spices. Get some fresh air soon!

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Put it all on a skewer, and fry on hot coals, periodically you need to turn over and water with brine. Shashlik should always be served hot.

Preparation of brine.
Crushed garlic should be diluted with ayran.

Lamb fat - 600 grams.

Lamb liver - 400 grams.

Garlic - 80 grams.

Ayran - 360 grams.

Salt and pepper to taste.

Caucasian liver shish kebab: The recipe for this liver shish kebab is very delicate and requires quick preparation. You can use the liver for barbecue with lamb, pork or veal. The liver is cut into cubes no more than 15 - 20 mm thick., The cut cubes are strung on a skewer along with slices of lamb fat or pork fat, cut in the same way as the liver, but only about twice as thick, fry on hot coals.

5 minutes before the barbecue is ready, it must be poured over with a salt solution. Salt solution (10 grams of salt per 100 grams of water) and sprinkle with pepper. It is best to serve shish kebab with crumbly rice and fried onions, or with green and onions, tomatoes and cucumbers. Ketchup sauce or any other hot sauce is served separately.

Liver - 500 grams.

Fat tail fat or bacon - 300 grams.

Onion - 200 grams.

Ghee lard (for frying onions) - 50 grams.

Rice porridge - 250 grams.

Sauce "Kuban" - 150 grams.

Salt, ground black pepper - to taste.
Hunting barbecue: Hunting barbecue can be prepared from the following meat: elk, fallow deer, wild goat or deer. We cut the meat into small pieces of 40 - 50 grams, and marinate in a cold place for 10 - 12 hours. To prepare the marinade, you need to dilute the vinegar in cold or hot water one to one. Pass the onion through a meat grinder and add it to the marinade, also add garlic with crushed salt, sugar to taste, crushed large black pepper, and bay leaf.

We string the cooked meat on a skewer and fry over hot coals in a fire. Lubricate the hunting kebab with olive oil or melted pork fat. Serve hunting barbecue with green onions, cucumbers, tomatoes or pickled cherries, grapes, plums. Tkemali or ketchup sauce is served separately.

A portion:
Meat 2 kg. (elk, fallow deer, wild goat or deer), olive oil 50 grams, 200 grams of onion and 200 green, cucumbers - 200 grams, tomatoes and pickles.

For marinade:
100 g of wine vinegar, 2-3 pieces of black peppercorns, 100 g of onion, 1 head of garlic, 1 tbsp. a spoonful of sugar, bay leaf, salt.

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Undoubtedly, the most favorite dish of all on vacation is barbecue. Not a single trip out of town - to the country house, to the forest, to a picnic - is complete without a delicious fragrant shish kebab.

Shashlik is an amazing dish! It would seem that it could be simpler, cut the meat into pieces, strung on skewers and cooked on coals. However, not all so simple!

In order for the barbecue to turn out juicy and tasty, the first thing you need is to choose the right meat. The meat should be fresh and not very fatty.

Traditional for barbecue

  • pork - neck, ham. She takes first place.
  • lamb - ham, back (loin), loin (saddle).
  • beef is practically not used for barbecue, veal is suitable - tenderloin.
  • chicken - fillet, thigh, legs, wings.
  • Recently, red fish kebab (salmon, trout) has become popular, but such kebab is more often cooked on the grill, and not on coals.

The second ingredient for barbecue is the marinade. There are a lot of marinade recipes for barbecue, published on the pages of my website.

And, of course, the third main component for getting a delicious dish is the cooking process itself - frying. This is a whole art, because if something goes wrong at this stage, previous efforts will be in vain.

Barbecue rules

  1. It is necessary to cut the meat into uniform pieces - not too large so that they have time to fry inside and do not burn on the outside, and not too small so that the meat does not turn out dry. If the cut pieces still turned out to be different in size, then large pieces should be closer to the center of the skewer, and small ones - at the edges. You need to string the meat on skewers along the fibers, closer to each other.
  2. During frying, you need to turn the kebabs so that the meat is fried evenly. Make sure you get enough heat from the coals.
  3. So that the kebabs do not turn out dry, sprinkle them from time to time with water acidified with vinegar or dry wine. Care must be taken to ensure that the flames do not burn the meat.
  4. The readiness of the barbecue is usually determined "by eye". If the meat is evenly browned, no blood is released, there is no red meat, then the kebab can be removed from the fire.

Shashlik is best served with vegetables, herbs and dry red wine. Greens - lettuce, parsley, cilantro, celery, dill and green onions. Vegetables help fight carcinogens and promote better digestion of meat.

On the last warm autumn days, you really want to relax in nature with friends or family, warming up by the smoking brazier in anticipation of meat delicacy. Therefore, before the weekend, you need to take care of everything you need in advance: buy all the provisions, choose a place for a picnic, prepare the car for the trip. And, of course, to find out what kind of meat the barbecue is made from, so that it turns out to be truly tasty. This article describes the possible options for the products used. The pros and cons of each type are detailed. This will allow you to decide exactly before purchasing everything you need to prepare the main picnic dish - barbecue. Then the impressions will be enough for the whole long winter.

What kind of meat is suitable for barbecue, and which one is not? Expert advice

Regardless of the variety, the meat must be young. Otherwise, the dish will turn out tough and not fried. The darker the meat, the older the carcass.

Freshness is a must. When using winded pieces of dubious origin, there is a chance of getting extraneous "smells". Try pressing your finger on the pulp when buying. Good meat will immediately return to shape, smoothing the hole.

In no case do not take frozen pieces for barbecue - they will turn out dry and tasteless.

The flesh should be without veins and with enough interspersed adipose tissue to obtain a juicy dish.

: pork

This choice is sure to be perfect! Pork has, in addition to excellent taste, another amazing feature: you do not need to worry about marinating in advance. Just two to three hours will be enough to soak the pieces before frying with aromatic seasonings and sauce. The best barbecue is obtained from the pulp located on the parts of the body closer to the neck of the pig.

What kind of meat is better to take on barbecue: beef

To avoid toughness, place the pieces in the marinade for a longer time, such as overnight. The most successful sauce for soaking will be mineral water. Beef is not as fatty and juicy as pork, so cooks use some tricks when preparing shish kebab from it - they stuff meat with pieces of lard or bread to preserve juiciness in eggs and breadcrumbs. The most tender dish is obtained from tenderloin and carcass.

What kind of meat is better to take on barbecue: mutton

Despite the harshness, true gourmets prefer a smoky fried dish made from this particular product. In all cookbooks of the Caucasus, shish kebab of their young lamb is a classic dish with excellent taste and aroma. For it, ribs, a leg or a shoulder blade are usually used. But the main highlight is to have time to enjoy hot juicy pieces. After all, any lamb tends to freeze quickly.

What kind of meat is better to take on barbecue: bird

Some categorically do not recognize such a dish. They think it's like "rooster's ear". But, if you use meat not from hard old domestic chickens, but from “early” broilers, it will turn out quite tender and appetizing. Carcasses are usually cut into portions and grilled, turning over to brown. Delicious and appetizing!

It is difficult to find a person who would not like barbecue. The famous meat dish of Caucasian cuisine has become a real hit in all countries of the world.

Barbecue is a visiting card of outdoor recreation. Everyone associates this dish with the spring and summer mood, the sun, green grass and the pleasant smell of a fire. The phrase “going to barbecue” means nothing more than a pleasant pastime in the fresh air with friends and family.

In addition to a great mood in such a “sally”, the main thing is that the barbecue itself turns out to be juicy and soft. That is why it is very important to choose the right meat, marinate it deliciously and roast it properly on coals.

Let's figure out how not to make a mistake in choosing meat for barbecue.

Only fresh meat

Whatever meat you choose for barbecue, the most important thing is its freshness. There should be no mucus, blood, liquid on the meat. Each piece should be elastic and even.

The color of fresh meat on the cut is bright red, the surface is slightly moistened, not sticky, and the meat juice is transparent. Stale meat feels sticky and wet to the touch, and the secreted juice is cloudy.

The smell of quality meat should not cause negative emotions. If it is unpleasant, you should not buy meat. The meaty smell should be pleasant.

A very important indicator of freshness is the consistency of meat: fresh meat is dense. This can be determined by pressing a finger on the cut surface. The hole formed in this case is quickly leveled. In meat of suspicious freshness, the pressure pit flattens out slowly. In poor-quality meat, the fossa does not even out at all.

Also, the freshness of meat can be judged by the consistency of fat. In meat of suspicious freshness, the fat will be dull, sticky, and in poor-quality meat, it will be gray-yellow in color, sometimes with mucus.

Preference for young meat

When choosing meat for barbecue, you need to pay attention to its age. Whenever possible, young meat should be chosen. The darker the color of the meat, the older the animal, the denser the muscle fibers. Shashlik from such meat will turn out tough.

The color of the meat should be natural and uniform, not dull, but glossy. Beef should be red, pork should be pink, lamb should be red with layers of white, not yellow fat. Too dark meat color is a sign that the animal is old.

The age of the meat can be checked with a simple test: a thin piece is easily torn even with your hands.

Fresh, chilled or frozen meat

Steam meat. Fresh meat is considered up to 3 hours after slaughter. For some reason, some mistakenly believe that preference should be given to just such meat. And this is the biggest mistake. Fresh meat is absolutely not suitable for barbecue. Such meat will be very difficult to eat, it will be tough, like a sole. But the aged meat will be soft. The muscles of the animal must be relaxed.

Chilled meat. Chilled meat should be stored at 0 to 4 degrees. If possible, chilled meat should be chosen for cooking barbecue. Its taste is much higher.

Frozen meat. Frozen meat can be used to make delicious kebabs, but only if it has not been re-frozen. To distinguish frozen meat from re-frozen, you need to touch it with your finger. When touched, a dark spot will remain on the frozen meat, and the re-frozen meat will not change color.

Be careful. Sometimes sellers can deftly deceive a client by passing out re-thawed meat as chilled. It's easy to check. Wetter meat indicates repeated defrosting. Fresh meat does not leave a wet mark and has a slightly damp surface. But thawed meat, when pressed, releases meat juice.

So, for cooking kebabs, only fresh, young meat should be preferred. We choose either chilled meat (preferably!), or meat frozen only once.

Feel free to choose meat slowly, thinking and testing. In this case, it is better not to rush anywhere, but to choose a really high-quality product. Otherwise, not only mood, but also health will be spoiled.

Now it remains to determine which parts will make the best barbecue.

Lamb shish kebab

Previously, barbecue was generally prepared only from lamb. The best choice is tender milk lamb meat up to two months old. However, it will be possible to enjoy such meat only in the spring. At other times of the year, preference should be given to the meat of young lambs up to one year old.

Lamb skewers will turn out delicious if you take the pulp from the back leg, loin or tenderloin. Not everyone uses lamb ribs for barbecue. However, if you are a bone lover, it is quite possible to try.

You need to eat lamb skewers immediately, without delay, because lamb freezes very quickly.

Pork skewers

Many people prefer pork skewers. Please note that the meat should not be very fatty.

For pork barbecue, it is best to take the neck - this is the part of the carcass located along the ridge on the neck. Here the streaks of fat are evenly distributed in the meat. Such a barbecue will be soft and juicy. You can also use tenderloin, loin, ribs. Even for pork barbecue, you can use meat located along the spine, while it is recommended to completely remove fat from it.

Less dry will be ham skewers - parts of the carcass with a small amount of fat. This part of the pork is better to marinate well. In general, pork is good because you can cook a delicious barbecue from many of its parts. The only question is how and for how long to marinate the meat.

But the meat located in the back should not be used for barbecue. The dish will be too hard and dry.

Beef skewers

Unlike pork, beef skewers can turn out harsh. Because of this, beef requires the longest marination. By the way, it is recommended to marinate beef in carbonated water.

If you decide to fry kebabs from this particular meat, then it is better to take beef fillet or brisket. The back leg of a beef carcass is also suitable for barbecue, but it is recommended to use only the inside or separate places from a thin and thick edge.

Of the beef meats, veal is considered the best choice for barbecue.


Fragrant barbecue with smoke is an indispensable part of a pleasant outdoor recreation. The key to a tender and juicy barbecue with a crispy crust is the right choice of pulp. Next, we will figure out which meat is best for pork barbecue, how to choose and prepare the best pieces for frying, and what marinades will allow you to enjoy an incredibly tasty and juicy dish.

What part of the pork is best for barbecue

In order for meat slices with browned sides to be soft and moderately fatty when frying, you need to find out which part of the pork is better for barbecue.

The most delicious cuts for barbecue:

  • Filet mignon (tenderloin) is the most tender part with almost no fat layers. When boning, it is recommended to cut off the film from the underside of the piece with a fillet knife, as it will become extremely rough during frying.
  • The neck is the next softest part of the carcass, which contains a small percentage of fat. It is he who provides the shish kebab with an appetizing crust. To taste, excess fat from the pieces can be removed, as well as possibly falling elements of cartilage.
  • Loin - also refers to the soft parts, but in terms of taste it is slightly inferior to the two previous options. The structure of the slices is uniform, and practically does not contain fat. It is imperative to clean the meat from the veins, since after cooking this will be problematic.
  • Ribs - the meat between the bones is extremely tender. For taste, it is worth cutting off excess fat, and clean a piece of films. Such parts are more often chosen for barbecue.
  • The ham is the part from the hind leg, it is tougher and does not like long frying. When choosing a ham, special attention should be paid so that there are no veins on the cut. The part of the ham, the so-called "apple", is very sinewy, and you should not buy it for barbecue.
  • The shoulder blade, like the ham, contains sinewy layers, and when choosing this piece for barbecue, you should clean the meat well, cutting out the hard parts.

The choice of meat for barbecue depends on personal preferences for the degree of its fat content. It is important to pay attention to the correct cleaning of meat: remove the veins and films with high quality, leaving only the sirloin.

Criteria for choosing the "right" pork:

  1. When pressing with a finger on the pulp, the dent should quickly straighten up. In this case, the piece is fresh.
  2. The smell of the pulp should be barely perceptible, without foreign chemical impurities. The smell of acid or rottenness indicates that the piece is hopelessly damaged.
  3. Young pork has a pale pink color. At the same time, the pieces from the shoulder blade and ham are a little darker.
  4. Fat should not be gray or yellowish. It's just pure white.
  5. When buying meat in supermarkets, you should focus not on the date indicated on the package, but on the appearance, smell and texture of the meat. You need to look at the piece closer in normal light. The fact is that the showcases are illuminated with special red lamps to create an attractive look for the products.

Steamed, chilled or frozen pork

Fresh pork is the meat of an animal that was killed no more than 3 hours ago. Many call this an advantage, because the pieces are definitely fresh. However, steam pork is not suitable for frying barbecue, as it becomes extremely tough in the process. Even the most delicate tenderloin in the form of a piece of barbecue is practically not chewed.

Only chilled raw materials can be tasty and soft in the finished dish. When the meat lies at rest for 6-8 hours, the muscles and tendons will completely relax. Such a product is quickly marinated, easily fried and it turns out incredibly juicy. The ideal meat for shish kebab is fresh, a little lying in the refrigerator at a temperature of +1 +3 degrees.

It is not always possible to stock up on chilled pork, since its shelf life is limited in such temperature ranges, so most often barbecue is prepared from frozen raw materials. It can be tasty only if the pork has been frozen once. When defrosting and re-freezing, the finished kebab will become tasteless, dry and tough. It is easy to understand that the meat has been frozen several times. You need to press your finger on the pulp. If the pork has been frozen only once, a dark spot will remain on it, and if the procedure is repeated, then no traces will remain on the surface.

Proper cutting of meat for grilling

To cook juicy and tender barbecue on the grill, you need to cut the meat correctly.

Preparation consists of the following steps:

  1. We wash the meat, because during the deboning, chips from the deck and other dirt could remain on it.
  2. We cut off films, cartilage, small bones and veins.
  3. Pork is cut into oblong slices 5 cm thick and 8 cm long.
  4. It is important not to grind the meat, as the kebab will turn out to be rather dry.

It is important to remember that the smaller the piece, the greater the heat of the brazier should be, since if the temperatures are not high enough, all the juice will come out of the slice and the fibers will become dry.

The best marinades for pork skewers

Once it has been decided which meat to choose, for the correct frying of pork skewers, you should choose the right marinade. Experienced skewers recommend abandoning the traditional practice of marinating with vinegar or mayonnaise. In this case, the amount of vinegar must be strictly dosed so as not to burn the meat. Mayonnaise sauce makes the dish overly fatty, and kills the true taste of the meat.

  1. Citrus. The secret is to replace the vinegar with lemon juice. For 2 kg of pork we take 2-3 onions, cut into large rings, 4 tbsp. l. fragrant olive oil, a couple of pinches of freshly ground black pepper and a handful of peppercorns, optionally 2-3 leaves of parsley and other spices at your discretion. It is important not to overdo it with diverse spices. We put salt just before frying, or add it after laying it in the grill so as not to dry the meat.
  2. coffee marinade does not involve the participation in the preparation of meat of any acid. For 2 kg of pork, add your favorite spices (it can be crushed coriander grains, zira, Caucasian seasonings), 3-4 tbsp. l. vegetable oil, 3 coarsely chopped onions and 1 liter of hot coffee (but not boiling). The meat in the marinade is left to cool in the room for 2 hours, and after that it is moved to the refrigerator shelf for at least 6 hours. Barbecue guaranteed delicate taste and original aroma.
  3. Kefir filling. For every 2 kg of lean meat, we take 1 liter of fat-free kefir, spices and herbs to taste, and 4 large onions, divided into wide rings. Shake the bowl with pork well, and put it in the cold for 5 hours. This filling is ideal for preparing chicken, pork and beef, only if the meat is not too tough. The same mixture can be prepared on the basis of Greek yogurt without sugar and fruit additives.
  4. Mineral water. For the same amount of meat we take 1.5 liters of highly carbonated mineral water, coarsely chopped greens, ground coriander, black pepper and suneli hops, as well as a pinch of salt, and chopped 3-4 onions. After 3-4 hours in the refrigerator, such a filling will turn pork into an incredible tenderness fillet. It is important not to fill the workpiece with table-medicinal mineral water, as it has a special smell and taste that will be transferred to pork.
  5. Especially loved in the east pomegranate marinade: for 1 kg of meat we take 2 cups of freshly squeezed pomegranate juice, 2-3 bunches of any greens: cilantro, basil or mint, a handful of ground pepper and a chopped large onion. In such a filling, pork spends in the refrigerator from 10 hours to a day. In addition to pork, this marinade is good for lamb.
  6. wine marinade will make the pulp much more tender, and give it a pleasant aroma. For 2 kg of workpiece, we take 1 liter of dry red wine, 3 large onions, a bunch of basil and a ground mixture of peppers. White wine is not suitable for pork, so it is used for turkey.

Properly selected and marinated pork will turn into a fragrant shish kebab with a fried crust and juicy pulp inside. Such a delicacy will become a real decoration of outdoor activities.
