
Which oil is best for frying heating temperature. How to fry without oil and which oil is less harmful to fry: an overview of different types of oils

Cholesterol, carcinogens are terrible words, aren't they? And they can be in our body due to vegetable oil. In general, a lot of fatty foods will not lead to anything good. Only to various diseases. Is it possible to choose one with which it would be safe to eat fried food? Let's talk about what kind of oil you can fry without harm to health!

Is sunflower oil bad for health?

You need to understand that vegetable oil is good for our body if it was obtained from sunflower seeds, but not processed! In this case, you can safely forget about any harm.

But when heat treatment comes, harmful carcinogens appear. Therefore, lovers of fried foods should consume it as little as possible. Infrequent use is acceptable, but not permanent. And most importantly, if the liquid is already smoky, you should not use the product!

Another piece of advice - repeated use of sunflower oil is unacceptable. Don't skimp on your health.

The benefits and harms of linseed oil for frying

There are a lot of rumors about how useful it is. And they attribute it to recipes, and they tell about the positive opinion of nutritionists, they even recommend it to pregnant women! However, is it about frying? It means fresh product!

Overheating for a seed remedy is the worst enemy of such an oil. Even the sun's rays can harm him, so I think it's clear that if you choose which oil to fry in, then definitely not linseed.

If you do not want to poison your body with poison in order to eat deliciously, then give up frying on. And you should not refuse him himself - feel free to add to salads.

If you are a lover of meat, fish, then feel free to buy olive oil. In fact, it is not at all a myth that there are much fewer carcinogens in such a product. But it should be borne in mind that the product contains 75 percent of unsaturated fats. It won't smoke. His meals are very tasty. But this product for frying is remarkable both for the taste of food and for minimal harm to the body. In general, if you want to know what oil you can use to fry really tasty food and not ruin your body, take this product.

In ancient times, several centuries ago, such oil was really a standard - today it is practically not used at all? What are the reasons? The smell of the dish will be unpleasant, the taste is also the same situation. Of course, this option is ideal for our health. But who wants to devote themselves only to tasteless food?

Palm oil - why you should not use it

First, the product is really harmful. Secondly, if you find it in stores, you will have to pay a good amount to buy it. But there is one plus for this product - it is less harmful than sunflower.

The fats in the product are saturated. However, since oil is not in great demand in our country, it is still not known exactly what harm it does to our body. But it is known for sure that the product is far from being of the best quality.

You should not give up fried food, and it is unlikely that anyone will want to do this, but choosing your oil carefully is not just important, but necessary! We recommend olive oil for frying - both taste and minimum harm. Most importantly, watch how much fried food you consume.

Carcinogens are chemicals whose impact on the human or animal body increases the likelihood of malignant neoplasms (tumors) or leads to them. Toxic, carcinogenic and simply harmful substances in oils are formed in two cases:

    When heating oils to a smoke point and above;

    When oils go rancid.

Smoke point of vegetable fats and oils

“Smoking point” is the temperature at which the oil begins to smoke in the pan, from that moment it starts reactions to form toxic and carcinogenic substances. Each type of oil has its own smoke point. In general, all oils are divided into high smoke point oils and low smoke point oils.

Oils with a high smoke point are recommended for frying, including deep frying. The refining process raises the smoke point. Oils with a low smoke point are not recommended for frying. I will give the smoke point of some oils.

Oils with a high smoke point:

    Peanut - 230°C

    Grapeseed - 216°C

    Mustard - 254°C

    Corn refined - 232°C

    Sesame - 230°C

    Olive extra virgin-191°C

    Olive - up to 190°C

    Palm - 232°C

    Sunflower refined - 232°C

    Refined rapeseed - 240°C

    Rice - 220°C

    Soybean Refined - 232°C

    Hazelnut oil - 221°C

Oils and fats with a low smoke point:

    Walnut oil - 150°C

    Flaxseed - 107°C

    Sunflower unrefined - 107°С

    Pork fat - 180°C

    Creamy - 160°C

Standard electric stoves give a heating temperature usually not more than 300 ° C, gas stoves - much more. There is evidence that cast iron pans can reach up to 600°C on gas stoves! Now it becomes clear why it is so easy to exceed the smoke point of oil.

Toxic substances formed when oils are heated or rancid and ways to avoid their formation

Let's take a closer look at the substances that are formed when oils are heated strongly or rancid.

Acrolein- aldehyde of acrylic acid, belonging to the group of tear poisonous substances. Due to its high reactivity, acrolein is a toxic compound that strongly irritates the mucous membranes of the eyes and respiratory tract.

Acrolein is one of the thermal decomposition products of glycerol and glyceride fats. The process of formation of acrolein begins immediately when the oil reaches its smoke point, that is, at the beginning of the burning of the oil. I think everyone's eyes were pinched when the oil was burning, they also say about such cases “there is a bug in the kitchen” - this is acrolein. Therefore, NEVER heat oils to a smoky state!

Acrylamide- acrylic acid amide. Toxic, affects the nervous system, liver and kidneys, irritates mucous membranes. In fried or baked foods, as well as baked goods, acrylamide can form in the reaction between asparagine and sugars (fructose, glucose, etc.) at temperatures above 120°C.

Simply put, acrylamide is formed in the fried crust on starchy foods, such as potatoes, donuts, pies, which have been subjected to long-term or high-temperature frying in vegetable oil. Acrylamide is especially active when deep-fried for a long time.

Some unscrupulous manufacturers of fried foods, in order to save money, use the same oil several times, continuing to fry more and more portions of products on it. In this case, the poison is formed inevitably. Therefore, I strongly recommend not to fry at high temperatures for a long time and to abandon deep-frying.

Free radicals and fatty acid polymers, as well as heterocyclic amines- are actively formed in the products of smoking and burning. Amines are very toxic substances. Both inhalation of their vapors and skin contact are dangerous.

Polycyclic substances with a high carbon content (coronene, chrysene, benzpyrene, etc.) - are strong chemical carcinogens and are also formed in smoke and burning products. For example, benzpyrene is a Class I chemical carcinogen. It is formed when products are burned: cereals, fats, is found in smoked products, products “with smoke”, is present in smoke, substances obtained by burning resins.

EU Commission Regulation No. 1881/2006 of 19.12.06 determines that vegetable oils and fats must contain less than 2 µg of benzpyrene per 1 kg; in smoked products up to 5 mcg/kg; in cereals, including baby food, up to 1 mcg/kg. Attention! In some cases, for example, overcooked meat cooked in a charcoal barbecue can contain up to 62.6 µg/kg of benzpyrene!!!

When rancid oils are formed, mainly aldehydes, epoxides and ketones. By interacting with oxygen in the air when exposed to light and heat, the oil changes its taste and smell. For fats in which saturated fatty acids predominate, the formation of ketones (ketone rancidity) is characteristic, for fats with a high content of unsaturated acids - aldehyde rancidity.

Ketones are toxic. They have an irritating and local effect and penetrate the body through the skin. Some substances have a carcinogenic and mutagenic effect.

Aldehydes are toxic. Able to accumulate in the body. In addition to general toxic, they have an irritating and neurotoxic effect. Some are carcinogenic.

Therefore, friends, if it is not possible to completely eliminate fried foods from the diet, please fry right based on this article and follow the simple tips below:

1. Do not bring the oil to a smoking point;

2. Avoid prolonged frying in oil, such as deep frying. If you do fry, do not use one serving of oil several times;

3. Do not overcook food. Remember that burnt foods contain toxic substances and carcinogens;

4. For frying, choose only refined oils and fats with a high smoke point;

5. Store oils according to label directions and avoid rancid oils.published

Many people love fried food. Of course, this is not the healthiest food, but how useful or harmful it will be depends largely on the oil in which we fry.


This article will discuss which oil is best for frying in terms of health benefits.
How to fry to reduce harm to a minimum?
What kind of oil can be used to fry, and which one cannot be categorically?

Why is frying in oil bad?

  • Calorie content of fried food. Fried food absorbs a lot of oil, which makes it very high in calories.
  • Destruction of nutrients. At high temperatures, many useful substances are destroyed.
  • Toxic breakdown products of fats. Many oils break down under the influence of high temperatures and form extremely harmful carcinogens: ketones, peroxides and aldehydes.

And yet, this is not a sentence for your favorite fried potatoes! Fried food can be far less harmful if, on and not used!

How to fry in oil so that fried food is healthier?

Why is it better to fry in oil with a high smoke point?

What oil should not be used for frying: SOYBEAN OIL

The smoke point of unrefined soybean oil is 160 degrees. Saturated fats in its composition - 15% (which is not bad), but polyunsaturated - more than 60%. Frying in soybean oil is slightly more harmful than frying in corn oil. In general - not recommended.

What oil should not be fried: GRAPE SEED OIL

The smoke point of unrefined grape seed oil is 205 degrees, which is why it is often suggested to be used for cooking. However, it contains more than 70% of the most degradable polyunsaturated fats.

Can you fry in grapeseed oil? It is not as harmful as on rapeseed or sunflower, so it is possible. But why? Unrefined grape seed oil is not the cheapest. For the same price, you can choose a much safer oil from the list.

What oil should not be used for frying: PALM OIL

Palm oil has a high smoke point (230 degrees), a high percentage of saturated fats (50%) and a low percentage of polyunsaturated fats (10%). However, this oil is not only not recommended for frying, but it is also advisable not to eat it at all.

There are many claims to palm oil:

  • Palm oil is not absorbed by the body due to its melting point, which is much higher than the temperature of the human body. Getting into our stomach along with other components, palm oil remains a plastic sticky mass and sticks to the surface of the digestive tract, making it difficult to absorb other substances. Thus, although it cannot be said that palm oil is not absorbed by the body at all, its harm lies in the fact that it is not only not completely absorbed by itself, but also interferes with the absorption of other products.
  • Palm oil has the ability to adhere tightly to any surface it is applied to (which is why it is used in the manufacture of lubricants, for the treatment of fabrics, leather, wood, to give them water-repellent properties). Once in the body, it easily clings to the walls of blood vessels, is not washed off by the bloodstream and accumulates in the form of fatty plaques that reduce their throughput.
  • You can read more about the benefits and dangers of palm oil.

What kind of oil can not be fried: BUTTER, ghee

Butter is harmful. And no matter what you do with it, it will not become more useful. It contains:

  • Animal fat is one of the main factors causing cardiovascular disease.
  • Consumption of animal products leads to an increase in cholesterol levels in general, and especially LDL cholesterol, which causes atherosclerosis.
  • There is a link between animal fat and certain types of cancer (breast cancer, prostate cancer, colon cancer, and pancreatic cancer).
  • Milk (and its derivative - butter) contains a large amount of hormones. These are both growth hormones (in a huge concentration intended for calves) and estrogen (in the modern dairy industry, a cow is pregnant almost all the time, and the milk of a pregnant cow contains 5-20 times more estrogen). Read more >>"> about hormones in milk >>
  • Antibiotics are found in dairy products in large quantities (such are the realities of today's dairy industry). Heat treatment only partially destroys antibiotics (for more details - Are antibiotics destroyed during heat treatment of products?). The result of regular consumption of foods with antibiotics is reduced immunity and resistance to many drugs with antibiotics (more - How do antibiotics in meat, fish, milk and eggs affect health?).

Often you will see recommendations to fry in ghee (clarified ghee) because its smoke point is quite high. Given the harm of butter as such, I see no reason to discuss the question of whether it is possible to fry ghee in butter. For me, the answer is obviously no.

What oil can not be fried: GOOSE FAT, LAT

Animal fats are bad. Dot. If you use them for food (in any form, not only fried), then at least do not deceive yourself - this is harmful. If you really want to eat a piece of fried meat or a dish cooked with animal fat, then, of course, you don’t have to scold yourself, but you should think about why? You may find the answer in this article:

It is important to understand that some types of oils tolerate heat treatment better and are ideal for frying, others, on the contrary, are ideal as a dressing and are not at all suitable for frying and deep-frying, while others are whole stores of nutrients. Let's look at which oils are useful to us, and which ones can harm.

It is necessary to fry, of course, in vegetable oil. Those. in no case on butter or on any other fats. But again, we must remember that this oil should be very small. And if we can do without it for frying, then this is generally the best. What is the best oil to cook with? Cooking lunch or dinner without vegetable oil is quite difficult. Olive oil is ideal for vegetable salads and fish appetizers.

Most housewives have long understood that frying, stewing and baking is much more profitable and tastier with natural oils. But which one to choose for each type of cooking? There are many varieties of vegetable oils that are used in food. However, not all oils can be used for frying.

Recent studies by European scientists have shown that in no case should you fry in linseed oil. The fact is that during the frying process, the fatty acids contained in flaxseed oil turn into trans fatty acids, which are very dangerous for health.

These substances can provoke the development of cancer and indigestion.

Nutritionists believe that there is no better solid fat for a person than butter. Milk fat, they say, is an extremely useful product, indispensable in the diet of most people, including those who suffer from cardiovascular diseases. Milk fat is especially useful for children who have not yet strengthened the digestive, immune and endocrine systems, as well as for people with diseases of the liver and biliary tract. Any Frenchman will tell you that it is best to fry in plain butter. This is one of the main "secrets" of French cuisine.

Unlike spreads, butter contains many biologically active substances useful for humans: vitamins (A, beta-carotene - provitamin A, E, D), micro- and macroelements, phospholipids, lecithin, sterols, etc. milk fat is not exposed to high temperatures, these substances are in it in an active state.

Butter contains cholesterol, which many fear. However, in a daily serving of oil (25-30 g), it is only about 50 mg. And in small quantities, it is vital for the body to maintain the structure of cell membranes, the synthesis of steroid hormones, immune cells that protect the body from pathogenic microbes.

It is better to use butter in its natural form, spreading it on bread, cookies, pastries, adding to cereals and other ready meals. Nutritionists do not advise cooking, let alone frying in butter, since even short-term high-temperature heating significantly reduces its biological value. The oil has emollient properties and has a calming effect on irritated mucous membranes. Therefore, the medicine in the form of warm milk, honey and butter is an excellent remedy for angina.

Melted butter

Melted cow butter is not only a universal fatty product for culinary products, on which it is good to fry cheesecakes and scrambled eggs, bake pies and other goodies. It also has medicinal properties: it stimulates digestive processes, in particular, improves the functioning of the small intestine, favorably affects the functioning of the liver, and nourishes the brain.

In Russia, melted butter has always been a popular fatty product and was produced in significant quantities. Now it is infrequent in stores, but it is easy to cook it yourself.

How to cook ghee. Put the butter in a saucepan (preferably stainless steel) and melt over low heat. When the butter is melted, reduce the heat to low, making sure that only a few bubbles rise from the butter. These bubbles form a foam, which must be periodically removed with a spoon until the oil becomes clear and similar in color to vegetable oil, and a dark brown precipitate forms at the bottom of the pan. Pour the finished oil through a strainer into a clean glass dish, cool and cork. Quality ghee should be yellow in color, smell and taste like milk fat, and have a fine grainy texture.

The cooking process of melted butter takes about two hours. The amount of product obtained depends on the fat content of the melted cow butter. From 1 kg of oil with 72.5% fat content, about 600 g of ghee is usually obtained, and from oil with 82.5% fat content - about 800 g. The resulting oil can be stored for up to a year in a dark place at a temperature of 2 to 6 ° WITH.

pork fat

Our ancestors fried and stewed on it, melted lard was added to the dough for pies and other pastries.

Modern scientists have proven that moderate heating of pork fat is not terrible - when melted, its biological properties and digestibility only improve. On it you can not only fry, but also just eat. Moderately salted, with black bread and garlic, lard is not only tasty, but also healthy.

Unlike other fats of animal origin, which consist mainly of saturated fatty acids, pork fat contains many useful unsaturated fatty acids, including arachidonic acid, which is rarely found in our diet.

Modern scientists believe that pork fat is one of the most complete among vegetable and animal fats. It is 5 times more biologically active than butter.

Vegetable oil

Cooking can also be done with vegetable oil, which has a high smoke point. So experts call the temperature at which the oil heated in a pan begins to smoke. It is impossible to cook food in oil with a low smoke point: it produces many products of high-temperature oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids that are harmful to humans.

Ideal for cooking are olive, grape and high oleic sunflower oils - all of which consist mainly of fairly heat-resistant oleic acid.

On unrefined vegetable oil: sunflower, corn, etc. - frying, in principle, is possible, but only at a moderate temperature (150-170 ° C), which should not be exceeded. The fact is that they contain a lot of polyunsaturated fatty acids, which, when heated above 180 ° C, begin to oxidize intensively with the formation of peroxides, ketones, aldehydes and other chemical compounds, which not only give the product an unpleasant taste and smell, but are also toxic substances, adversely affecting human health.

Palm oil can be a good alternative to hydrogenated cooking oils. In our country, it is used so far mainly in the food industry, but it is also quite suitable for home use. You can fry, bake on it, you can season salads with it.

Like lard, palm oil is made up primarily of the thermally stable fatty acids saturated palmitic and monounsaturated oleic, so it can withstand temperatures that make most other oils smoke and break down.

In addition to high thermal stability, palm oil has other advantages. To begin with, benzene and other organic solvents are not used in its production, so it is environmentally friendly. Further. Foods fried in palm oil have a beautiful golden color. In addition, palm fat has the ability to retain the smallest air bubbles on its surface, which give the finished product a subtle taste and friability. Therefore, palm oil is not only fried, but also added to the dough for cookies, cakes, muffins and other confectionery.

Despite the excellent consumer properties, palm oil until recently was considered by many, and some still consider it to be almost the worst vegetable oil due to the high content of palmitic acid. There is really a lot of this atherogenic fatty acid in palm oil - about 50%. However, in the world of fats, not everything is so simple. Biochemists have proven that the nature of their effects on the human body depends on the location of saturated fatty acids in triglyceride molecules (in fat molecules). In palm oil, a significant part of palmitic acids is in the second, so to speak, position that is not harmful to human health. It is interesting to note that the same position in the fat molecule is occupied by part of the palmitic acids found in cow's milk.

For several years, experts from the World Health Organization (WHO) have dealt with the safety of palm oil for human health. His studies showed that people who switched to eating palm oil had a significantly reduced risk of developing cardiovascular diseases compared to those who continued to consume hydrogenated fats with 20% of trans isomers.

And the daily experience of the peoples of tropical countries, traditionally eating palm oil, indicates that it does not have a negative impact on health. Hypertension and other cardiovascular diseases, which are associated with saturated fats and cholesterol, the people of these countries suffer less often than Europeans or Americans, who until recently did not eat palm oil. Given all this, WHO experts consider palm oil as one of the most promising oil and fat products that can replace hydrogenated fats.

The process of making dishes should combine a pleasant taste, aroma and unconditional benefits for the body. In order for food to have a healing effect on the health of the body, and not aggravate diseases, use the correct methods of its preparation.

Contrary to judgment, the frying process can be beneficial. The main thing is to know which oil is preferable to fry.

At the present time, a large number of vegetable oils are known. In supermarkets, the choice of types and brands of edible oils is huge. Some are cheap, others are expensive and new to us.

Vegetable oils are good for the body if consumed in their natural form and in moderation. However, only a few of all varieties of vegetable oils can boast the same benefits in the frying process. When choosing an oil for frying foods, special attention should be paid to the oxidation process during high heat treatment. This fact will be decisive when choosing an oil.

Types of vegetable oils for frying

Cold-pressed coconut oil contains a high percentage of saturated lipids (fatty acids) that are resistant to the oxidation process, so it does not smoke when frying;

· Olive oil contains in its composition monounsaturated and saturated fatty acids, which practically do not oxidize when heated strongly;

Light sesame (sesame) oil;

· Avocado fruit oil;

· Peanut butter;

· Rice oil.

The benefits of vegetable oils

According to their useful and healing properties for the body, almost all popular types of vegetable oils are used in functional nutrition and diet therapy for the treatment of a number of diseases, such as atherosclerosis, chronic colitis, biliary dyskinesia.

There are no contraindications to the consumption of these oils, with the exception of hypersensitivity (allergy). You can use them both in fresh salads and for cereals, soups, boiled vegetables.

Useful properties of vegetable oils used for frying

Studies have shown that cold-pressed coconut oil, olive oil, avocado oil, and peanut oil:

Increases the protective forces of immunity;

Reduces the risk of developing cardiovascular diseases, reducing the percentage of heart attacks and strokes;

Removes cholesterol from the body, preventing atherosclerosis of blood vessels;

Improves metabolism in the body;

Plays an important role in the prevention of cancer;

Light sesame oil contains calcium obtained from seeds, and as part of complex therapy, it helps with osteoporosis and bone fractures.

Rice oil has similar healing properties, but increases appetite, which can be detrimental to those who are already obese, but may be necessary if they are underweight.

Types of oils that are undesirable for frying

Sunflower oil is not recommended for frying food due to its low smoke point. In addition, we have a low content of monounsaturated and saturated fatty acids, as opposed to a large amount of polyunsaturated lipids, which are quickly oxidized during frying;

· Corn;

· Soya;

· Linen;

· Cold-pressed rapeseed oil has been studied and confirmed its healing qualities, but there are also harmful substances that adversely affect the body. High-quality cold-pressed rapeseed oil that can be used for frying is virtually impossible to find in our shopping centers.

· Dark sesame (sesame) oil.

These types of vegetable oils are not suitable for frying because of their rapid oxidation and rancidity during strong heating. The harm of the substances formed in these oils in the process of strong heat treatment is enormous and cannot be compared with the benefits that we are accustomed to receiving from using them in their natural, unprocessed form.

Simple principles of frying

· Fry food on low heat and at a low temperature;

Reduce the amount of oil used in the frying process;

· For frying, use unrefined cold-pressed oil, which includes a large number of monounsaturated and saturated fatty acids (lipids);

Do not use oil after frying twice or more;

Remove excess oil from cooked food by blotting with paper towels;

· Store vegetable oils in a dry place, impervious to sunlight, in dark glass containers. For example, in a cabinet with closing doors without glass.

When should you stop eating fried foods?

Remember that fried foods are contraindicated in atherosclerosis, diseases of the cardiovascular system, gastrointestinal tract and liver, as the number of saturated fats increases during frying.

In case of peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum in remission, chronic gastritis with high acidity of gastric juice, atherosclerosis, chronic pancreatitis, especially with exacerbation, hepatitis, cholecystitis, the content of fats and fat breakdown products that are formed during frying should be reduced or completely excluded from the diet.

Moreover, when combining frying and improperly selected oil, carcinogens arise, which are strictly prohibited for patients with cancer. In order to prevent cancer, you should limit the consumption of fried foods.

With the above diseases, it is more correct to refuse frying altogether.

Be healthy!

Christina Teploukhova
