
What harmful substances are added to the energy drink. Energy drinks: harm or benefit

The intense rhythm of life of an active adult makes him turn to various stimulants for help in order to gain additional strength. Sleep is a pleasant thing, but if it is necessary to complete an urgent matter, rest, as a rule, has to be postponed. Someone helps to cheer up a contrast shower, someone sports, and someone cannot do without coffee. Among modern destructive addictions that help to get together and feel cheerful for a while, one can single out the frequent use of energy drinks. Before suppressing fatigue with the help of such a tool, it would be useful to figure out if there is any benefit and what is the harm of energy drinks?

The appearance of the first power engineers

It is believed that drinks that are intended to stimulate brain and physical activity are an innovation of the third millennium. However, this is not the case. In Germany, the first power engineer saw the light in the twelfth century, but he did not receive much popularity. But in the first half of the 20th century, the Englishman Smith-Klein Bichamon prepared such a drink for a team of athletes, which almost led to their mass poisoning. Strangest of all, this fact did not reduce the British demand for energy.

In the sixties, the Japanese, taking Bichamon's technology as a basis, created a new energy drink, which made Japan the most famous supplier of this product. In Europe, the first extensive production of invigorating drinks was already in the eighties. It was created by the Austrian Dietrich Matesets and gave the drink the name Red Bull. This energy drink generated a huge demand, which was the impetus for the emergence of various analogues similar to it in properties.

How Energy Works

The energy drink is invigorating due to caffeine and glucose. In addition, all drinks in this category are carbonated, so they start working faster. For athletes, there are special energy cocktails that act excitingly due to the presence of inositol, vitamins and sugar in them. After drinking a jar, the effect occurs in 5-10 minutes, and even faster on an empty stomach. The vigorous state caused by the energy drink can last up to 4 hours. When the action of the drink ends, a person is visited by severe fatigue and an irresistible desire to sleep.

The main components of power engineers

The benefits and harms of energy drinks depend on the components that are present in them. What is contained in this invigorating drink that makes the body squeeze out the last of its strength and actively fight fatigue?

  1. Caffeine. It is a widely used mental and physical stimulant. After drinking a cup of black tea or coffee, after 15 minutes you can feel a surge of vivacity. Caffeine makes the heart beat faster and has a stimulating effect on the nervous system. The constant ingestion of this substance and the lack of proper sleep leads to irritability, depression and insomnia, there are failures in the cardiovascular system. If you constantly drink a daily dose of caffeine, everything ends with abdominal pain, cramps and even death.
  2. Taurine and vitamins B and D. The cysteine ​​amino acid taurine, which is secreted in the body in small amounts, is responsible for concentration, increases endurance and helps to absorb minerals, therefore it is a component of many vitamin complexes for both children and adults. In fact, taurine is simply irreplaceable and is used as an adjuvant in the treatment of many serious diseases. However, its harmlessness has not been proven.
  3. Levocarnitine and glucuronolactone. These substances are also necessary. They are found in many foods. Carnitine accelerates metabolic processes and has a beneficial effect on reproductive function in men. Glucuronolactone is, in a sense, a sorbent, as it detoxifies and promotes the removal of harmful substances. Whether there is any harm to humans from these components, scientists are just finding out.
  4. Guarana and ginseng. Such components have an invigorating effect similar to caffeine. In small quantities, they are useful, but as part of an energy drink, subject to its regular use, they can cause insomnia and irritability.

Harm of power engineers

It is a mistake to believe that an invigorating drink adds energy - in fact, it brings even more exhaustion. The maximum harm from such exposure is applied to the nervous and cardiovascular systems. By forcing the adrenal glands to constantly release adrenaline, the energy drink artificially stimulates the work of all organs and systems. After the surge of vivacity recedes, the person feels even more exhausted.

  1. An energy drink can cause irreparable harm if you use more than two cans. A person's blood sugar rises and blood pressure rises, which can result in a hypertensive crisis. The case when a completely healthy eighteen-year-old athlete drank three cans of energy drinks in a row and died right on the field a couple of hours after that acquired a wide resonance.
  2. The impact of energy drinks on the body, when they are consumed with alcohol in exorbitant amounts, all this can be fatal.
  3. The constant ingestion of caffeine when using energy drinks harms the water-salt balance, as it causes increased urination and removes the salts that a person needs. In addition, caffeine is a narcotic substance, so getting used to it comes quickly enough, and at one fine moment yesterday's dose may not be enough.
  4. The harm of energy drinks also lies in the fact that they deplete the body's energy reserves, and do not bring additional strength, as many believe. Therefore, a few hours after drinking a can, a person feels completely “squeezed out”. This is where addiction comes from: when fatigue comes at the wrong moment, it becomes necessary to drink another can, and so on in a circle.
  5. Long-term and regular use of energy drinks worsens the condition of a person who suffers from diseases of the liver, kidneys, heart, diabetes and nervous disorders;
  6. The dyes and sour taste of energy drinks slowly lead to problems with the digestive system. One fine day, after drinking another jar, there is a risk of discovering gastritis or an ulcer.
  7. Taurine and glucuronolactone are present in energy in an amount exceeding the daily human need for these components by 250 times. The harmfulness of an overabundance of these components has not been proven, however, together with caffeine, they lead the body to a state of exhaustion and have a bad effect on the heart.

In addition, there is a group of people who are contraindicated in using energy drinks, among them:

  • children under 18 years old. The harm of energy drinks for adolescents and young children is very significant, since all the systems of their body are not yet strong, and the heart is in a state of growth, so death is possible;
  • pregnant and lactating women. It is obvious that for such states the use of energy drinks is prohibited. Even after childbirth, when a woman does not feed her baby and feels very tired and lack of sleep, it is impossible to turn to such invigorating remedies, since the mother is still very weak. And it’s completely scary to talk about how energy is harmful to a fetus or a breastfed child.
  • people with serious illnesses such as hypertension, diabetes, gastritis or stomach ulcers, chronic depression, etc.

In addition, if a person constantly feels tired, then this is not normal. Before resorting to invigorating agents, you need to undergo an examination and only then decide whether it is worth drinking energy drinks at all and whether this will bring even more harm to the body.

Is there any benefit

Despite the harm, energy drinks are in good demand among the population. If such statistics are present, then, apparently, there is some benefit from this invigorating drink. What's the point of using it anyway? There are several options here:

  • increase in working capacity. If you need to get together and finish an important task or reach your destination, but you no longer have the strength, their benefits are obvious. Athletes choose vitamin-carbohydrate drinks - these are more harmless energy drinks, and students prefer caffeinated drinks during sessions;
  • convenience. If a cup of coffee in transport is inconvenient, then a tin with an energy drink is very appropriate;
  • intake of vitamins in the body. Glucose, which is contained in energy, improves brain function.

However, all these points are relevant, if you do not turn the use of energy drinks into a daily necessity. As they say, everything is good in moderation.

Rules for the use of energy drinks

  • study the composition of the energy drink and make sure that there is no allergy to any of the components;
  • do not drink more than two cans or 500 ml of an invigorating drink per day;
  • sleep well when the action of the energy drink is over;
  • do not drink one can after another, but endure a break;
  • for athletes, it is better to drink an energy drink before training, and after it you need to give yourself a rest;
  • do not combine the use of energy drinks with taking medications, drinking coffee or tea;
  • do not mix energy drinks with alcohol;
  • do not drink energy drinks daily and during illness.

Symptoms of an overdose of invigorating drinks

The harm of energy drinks to the human body can result in poisoning. If symptoms of an overdose of energy drinks are detected, you should immediately call an ambulance and try to induce vomiting in the victim (if not). Leaving a person alone in such a situation is highly discouraged. In a medical institution, in such cases, they do a gastric lavage and put a dropper in order to prevent the absorption of substances into the blood as soon as possible. Overdose symptoms:

  • redness of the skin;
  • increase in pressure;
  • disorientation and tremor;
  • excessive sweating;
  • insomnia;
  • aggression towards others and excessive irritability;
  • recurring diarrhea;
  • hallucinations and lethargy;
  • tachycardia;
  • dry lips, increased urination, which indicates dehydration;
  • fainting.

Finally, I would like to say that not only power engineers increase productivity and restore vigor. Sometimes, in order to feel full of energy, it is enough to change the diet, eat more greens and fruits, play sports and drink enough water. It is these factors that contribute to the improvement of the general condition. It is better to draw strength from the power engineer only when there is an urgent need. In situations where you can do without it, you should choose a different path, given how the energy drink affects the body.

Energy drinks Carbonated drinks containing in their composition substances that stimulate the nervous, cardiovascular and endocrine systems of the human body, creating the effect of a surge of strength and vigor.
  1. Energy drinks (stimulants)
  2. Isotonics (sport catalysts)

Energy drinks are produced by a large number of companies, but they differ only in labels, the composition in large numbers is almost identical:

  • Caffeine
  • Taurine
  • Ginseng
  • Lemongrass
  • Guarana
  • Vitamins B2, B5, B6, B12, C, PP
  • Melatonin
  • Matein

What is isotonic

Isotonics are presented on the market in two forms - in liquid and in powders. And the formulas of their composition are very different from each other. Most often in isotonic drinks (they are also called iso-osmotic) the following components are found:

  • Sugar
  • mineral salts
  • Acid Regulator
  • Vitamins C, E, B1
  • Maltodextrin
  • beta carotene
  • Flavoring additives
  • Food coloring
Isotonic Drinks or dry mixes, which contain components that intensively compensate for the deficiency of fluid, minerals, salts and vitamins during physical exertion, through a special formula similar to human blood plasma.


The effect of energy drinks on the body

Many people believe that by drinking an energy drink, they replenish the energy resources of their body. Actually it is not. The energy drink only stimulates the nervous, cardiovascular and endocrine systems. As a result, the human body, experiencing stress, begins to work with an increased load, releasing a large dose of adrenaline into the bloodstream, causing the effect of euphoria or hyperactivity. In this state, the wear resistance of the body falls, and the resource of internal organs is significantly reduced.

With the constant use of energy drinks, a person depletes his internal body reserves and depresses the nervous system, which can lead to:

  • breakdown
  • insomnia
  • Irritability
  • depression
  • lethal outcome

Composition of energy drinks

Many energy drinks containing a large amount of vitamin B in their composition cause heart palpitations and tremors in the limbs.

The amount of caffeine in energy drinks can be harmful to your health. After consuming one jar of energy drinks, caffeine is excreted from the body within 3-5 hours, after which the body needs rest. If at this moment you drink coffee, tea or drink another jar of energy drinks, then the daily allowable dose of caffeine will be exceeded several times, and this can lead to an increase or decrease in pressure, tachycardia.

The amount of taurine, which is part of energy drinks, exceeds the daily norm by hundreds of times. In case of an overdose, it can cause:

  • Stomach ache
  • Exacerbation of the ulcer
  • Gastritis
  • arrhythmia
  • Interruptions in cardiac activity

It is for this reason that the sale of energy drinks is prohibited in a number of countries.

Some energy drinks contain glucuronolactone, "veiled" in the composition with different spelling variations. This drug was developed by the US Department of Defense. It was tested on American soldiers during the Vietnam War. The main purpose of the drug was to raise the morale of the soldiers. As a result of the test, it turned out that glucuronolactone simply destroys the human body, causing brain tumors and progressive cirrhosis of the liver. As a result, the drug was banned as a hazardous chemical.

Caffeine is addictive. Therefore, lovers of "recharge" after a while begin to increase the number of cans of energy drinks they drink per day, and some switch to alcohol-containing energy drinks.

Caffeine in combination with alcohol causes the strongest blow to the heart. The fact is that these two substances have a multidirectional effect. Alcohol has a depressant effect, and caffeine has a tonic effect, as a result, the heart cannot adapt and begins to work in the wrong rhythm.

Caffeine, which is part of the energy drink, has a strong diuretic effect. Usually, after drinking an energy drink, people do not drink water, since the energy drink is used not only to restore strength, but also to quench thirst. In fact, the result is the opposite. The body is dehydrated.

D-ribose, a carbohydrate required for ATP synthesis, can lead to overexcitation and muscle pain.

Artificially synthesized vitamins D6, B12, C can cause gastrointestinal disorders, and vitamin C also causes allergies.

Ginseng can lead to overexcitation and high blood pressure.

Due to the large amount of sugar and acids contained in energy drinks, their use disrupts the acid-base balance in the mouth, and also destroys tooth enamel.

Harm of isotonics

Isotonics do not harm the body, with the exception of individual intolerance to certain components in the composition.


The benefits of energy drinks

Energy drinks stimulate the central nervous system, the cardiovascular system and the endocrine system, causing a surge of strength, a feeling of cheerfulness, lack of fatigue, and improve thought processes.

Glucose, a number of vitamins and herbal ingredients found in energy drinks, speeds up the oxidation process in the body, which gives muscles and internal organs extra strength.

After drinking an energy drink, the tonic effect lasts twice as long as from a cup of coffee, and a feeling of a surge of energy is felt almost immediately after taking an energy drink due to gases.

The energy drink can be consumed wherever it is convenient due to its compact and convenient packaging.

The benefits of isotonics

Isotonics quickly replenish fluid losses in the body during heavy physical exertion.

The use of isotonic supplies the body with a complex of carbohydrates, replenishes glycogen stores during exercise, and vitamin B1 is involved in the metabolism that occurs in the body and in the process of assimilation of carbohydrates.

Also, isotonics contribute to the compensation of calcium and magnesium lost during active sweating, and necessary for the normal functioning of the muscles. That is, isotonic helps the muscles replenish vital minerals, helping to increase endurance, improve strength, prevent cramps and speed up the recovery process after a workout.

Protective vitamins C, E and beta-carotene, which are part of isotonic drinks, limit the production of free radicals during sports activities.

Drinking energy drinks

When drinking energy drinks, do not mix them with alcohol. This will cause a sharp jump in pressure and can lead to a hypertensive crisis.

Do not allow children under 12 years of age to use energy drinks and try to protect teenagers under the age of 18 from them. Energy drinks harm the growing and developing body.

Do not drink energy drinks after sports training. This leads to dehydration of the body, increased blood pressure.

It is better to refrain from using energy drinks in the heat. At high temperatures, the vegetative and cardiovascular systems already work at full capacity, trying to balance the temperature of the body, and the energy drink, speeding up the processes in the body, warms it up even more. In addition, energy drinks are most often sold cold, which worsens the situation even more, as the body begins to experience stress from temperature changes. All these factors can cause vegetative crises with hypertonic or hypotonic slopes.

Do not consume more than two cans of energy drink per day and do this no more than twice a week.

After drinking an energy drink, do not drink drinks containing caffeine (coffee, tea, etc.) for 5-6 hours, so as not to become a victim of an overdose.

After drinking an energy drink, be sure to give your body a rest.

It is strictly forbidden to consume energy drinks: for the elderly, pregnant or lactating women, people suffering from glaucoma, hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, increased excitability. People suffering from sleep disorders, nervous disorders and with individual intolerance to caffeine.

If you are actively involved in sports or experiencing heavy physical exertion, you can use Isotonics. They contribute to the rapid recovery of the body and have virtually no contraindications.

The debate about energy drinks has been going on for a good ten years. A few years ago, they even tried to legally “reason” the popularity of energy drinks: the chief state sanitary doctor proposed introducing restrictions on the production and sale of energy drinks. The main argument against them was a significant one: “energy drinks” are absolutely incompatible with alcohol, since drinks contain caffeine, and this is in some way a psychostimulant.

Doctors have accumulated other claims to the “power engineers”. Some experts argue that for some potential patients in narcological hospitals, these drinks can be the first step towards the use of psychostimulants. More specifically, to psychoactive drugs. Perhaps there is a reason for such fears.

The composition of drinks is also disturbing. Usually, in addition to caffeine, they include the amino acid taurine, which promotes nervous excitement, glucose, vitamin B. How all these components together, even without alcohol, affect the human body is still little understood. Stimulate human activity for a while? Without a doubt! And then what? Prostration.

“It is no coincidence that in some European countries energy drinks are not available for sale,” say skeptics. - Only in pharmacies! Anything little studied should not be widely available.”

So to drink or not to drink "energy drinks"? And if so, how to determine a safe dose? Aleksey NADEZHDIN, the editor-in-chief of the Narcology journal, Candidate of Medical Sciences, helps to sort out the problem.

"Energetik" "energy" strife
- The problem is that two lines of different products coexist under the term "energy". The first is soft drinks that contain caffeine, taurine and a number of vitamins. The second is cocktails, which, in addition to these components, also contain alcohol. It is this type of "power engineers" that is dangerous. Yes, their production and sale should be strictly regulated, even better - banned. The combination of alcohol and caffeine in one drink is dangerous for humans. And because of toxicity, and because it leads to inappropriate behavior. Caffeine masks and modifies the effects of alcohol in a special way. This further stimulates the consumption of such "energy drinks".

But non-alcoholic energy drinks are dangerous only if you drink them in liters. Or, again, mix with alcohol. If you follow the rules of use, then, at least, they saved the life of more than one driver.

Why are "energy drinks" considered "club drinks"?
- At youth parties with endless movement, dancing, such drinks are very popular. Energy "mixtures" contribute to such activity. But alcohol in its pure form, on the contrary, is too relaxing. But in general, there is not so much caffeine in energy drinks: each can is comparable to 1-2 cups of coffee. This is safe in principle, but only if the caffeine is not "spurred on" by alcohol. Alcohol makes such mixtures highly toxic compounds. The result is toxic damage to internal organs. Especially in the liver and brain.
But even in a pure, "non-alcoholic" form of "energy" it is better not to go over. Caffeine is a double-edged sword. In moderate doses, it has a positive effect on humans, has the so-called antioxidant activity. Overdose, on the contrary, is insidious in its consequences. Leads to increased blood pressure, increased heart rate, headache. Anxiety and fear are also side effects of caffeine. So everything is good in moderation.

The "first step" to addiction? Not true!
- I disagree when some of my colleagues say that “energy drinks” can lead to much more addiction. If only because the content in them of a psychoactive substance, caffeine, is about the same as in a cup of strong coffee.
Let's figure it out. Caffeine is an integral part of not only coffee, but also tea. Especially green. So what? In China, tea has been consumed for thousands of years. But did its use lead to the tragedies of this civilization? Vice versa! Harm - only in a regular overdose.
It's the same with "energy" drinks: drink, but know when to stop. Don't treat them like regular "soda". The measure is always individual. In any case, even for a very healthy person - no more than two cans per day!

Serafim Berestov

Manufacturers of energy drinks do not recommend drinking more than two jars a day (as it is written on the package). It is in this volume that the daily dose of caffeine is contained. Energy drinks can be called a kind of concentrated coffee substitute, which also contains glucose, providing a burst of energy for the brain and muscles. You probably noticed that many energy drinks are carbonated. Because of this, they act much faster than coffee.

Let's see what is usually included in the composition of energy drinks:

  1. Caffeine. The most important component, without which none of these miracle jars can do. It not only stimulates the activity of the brain, but also increases the endurance of the heart. So much for the harm of energy drinks - if you drink more than two jars, too strong an effect on the heart will begin.
  2. Carnitine. This component eliminates muscle fatigue and increases endurance. A very important component of sports energy drinks.
  3. Taurine. According to some studies, taurine improves heart function. Although not all experts agree with this.
  4. Matein. Extract from mate tea helps to cope with hunger.
  5. Ginseng and guarana. They have a tonic effect.
  6. Vitamins of group B. Positively affect the functioning of the brain and nervous system.

Why you need sports energy drinks

In addition to conventional energy drinks, there are sports energy drinks. For example, you trudge to a fitness club after a hard day's work and can hardly imagine how you will work out on simulators or jump on the step today. Of course, it is easier to drink something, feel a surge of energy and perform an active workout without any problems. But not everything is so simple. If you are tired, do not drink energy drinks, but rather go home or rest. Or start training through strength - sport will give you a surge of energy and strength.


Sports energy drinks are consumed by people who experience very intense physical activity, such as running a marathon. Think carefully about whether you need them, as their use can be followed by problems with the stomach and intestines. For a typical hour-long fitness workout, they are not really necessary.

The dangers of energy drinks

It is difficult to say something about the dangers of energy drinks, looking at the composition. There is nothing wrong with them, especially if you drink no more than two jars a day. But if you exceed the dose, expect these side effects:

  • Increased blood pressure and sugar levels.
  • Loss of energy, irritability and insomnia. These are not magic jars - they take all the resources from your own body, after which retribution inevitably comes.
  • Addictive. If you drink them every day, you will forget what it is to be cheerful just like that.
  • High calorie. In the struggle for a beautiful figure, they definitely will not help you. Here is another argument not to drink them at the gym where you are trying to lose weight.
  • Tachycardia, trembling and exhaustion of the nervous system (it's all caffeine).
  • Other effects. For example, scientists still know little about the side effects of taurine on the body. Maybe you should not be a field for experimentation?

Or is it still useful?

An energy drink will give you an energy boost for 3-4 hours, while coffee will only help you wake up for an hour or two. Therefore, sometimes, if you are facing very intense physical or mental stress, you can resort to using these jars. By the way, convenient packaging will allow you to use energy drinks on the road or at a disco - where you can’t find coffee.

Energy drinks have been controversial since their inception.: some consider them incredibly useful, empowering, energizing and supporting the body in an extreme situation; others, on the contrary, grumble at them, citing many arguments about their uselessness and even about their insecurity.

What are energy drinks

Energy drinks (or as they are also called energy tonics) are low-alcohol or non-alcoholic compositions, where the emphasis is mainly on anti-sedative effects and the possibility of temporary, but very active stimulation of the nervous system.

The main contingent of their consumers are students (especially at the time of the session), office workers seeking to complete urgent work in a short period of time, trainers in fitness clubs, frequenters of nightclubs, tired drivers and all those who want to get a surge of energy and vigor.

Energy drinks are usually included in the category of highly carbonated drinks., since this property has an impact on the speedy absorption of the substances contained in it and the immediate onset of the effect.

Composition of energy drinks

The composition of energy drinks includes a number of tonic components.. Their assortment largely depends on the manufacturer and type of drink (low alcohol / non-alcoholic), but more often than others, energy drinks are saturated with caffeine and other stimulants - usually cocoa alkaloids (theophylline) and theobromine, which are caffeine homologues.

In some cases, instead of caffeine itself, the components of energy drinks are extracts of mate, tea or guarana, which also contain it. The use of other names for caffeine is also noted - for example, theine or mateine, which are actually the same invigorating substance. In general, the concentration of caffeine in energy drinks reaches 240-360 mg per liter, with a permissible maximum per day of 150 mg.

In addition, manufacturers often saturate tonics with vitamins: they are “stuffed” so much that one jar is enough to fill the daily requirement. However, do not think that all types of energy drinks contain the same amount of vitamins - some have a whole norm added, others - only half of it. Therefore, doctors advise limiting the use of energy drinks to 1 can per day.

Also, they often contain easily digestible energy sources - that is, carbohydrates (sucrose and glucose), adaptogens, and so on. Recently, energy drinks have also begun to saturate with taurine.

The figures indicated on the packaging are usually given for 100 grams of the product. For a better ratio, you should pay attention to the volume of one can, which, as a rule, ranges from 0.2 to 0.33 liters, often 0.5 liters, and already quite as an exception - 1 liter.

The benefits of energy drinks

Energy drinks are great for boosting your mood and stimulating your brain. At the same time, there are so many energy drinks today that everyone will find exactly what they need, based on their personal needs. The fact is that all energy drinks are conditionally divided into 2 groups:

  • in some, the emphasis is on carbohydrates and vitamins (these are suitable for those in need of urgent stimulation of mental abilities and the inclusion of the hidden reserves of the body),
  • in others - for caffeine (they are chosen by those who need to maintain vigor after hours to delay sleep, and those who experience increased physical exertion).

In addition, the glucose contained in energy drinks quickly enters the bloodstream, taking part in oxidative processes, providing muscles, the brain and other organs with energy.

Another of the positive aspects of energy drinks is that they keep the body invigorated much longer than coffee: this ratio in favor of energy drinks is 1-2 hours versus 3-4 hours. Among other things, they are also saturated with gases, which is several times accelerates the onset of their effects.

An important difference between energy drinks and the same coffee is that the latter cannot be carried everywhere with you, consumed at the right time, while energy tonics, thanks to a sealed and convenient container, can.

The dangers of energy drinks

The most dangerous is the addiction that the systematic use of energy drinks causes. Without them, the body after a certain period begins to feel an energy decline, exhaustion, lethargy, which makes a person again and again remove the unfavorable state that has fallen on him with some kind of energy tonic.

Energy drinks also provoke problems in the work of blood vessels and the heart., reduce potency, cause insomnia, rapid depletion of the body's natural resources, fatigue. Due to the increased doses of all kinds of substances and their concentration in incredibly large quantities, energy drinks cause:

  • anxiety,
  • excessive arousal,
  • tachycardia (rapid heartbeat),
  • spike in blood pressure
  • vomiting and nausea,
  • tremor of the limbs (involuntary trembling),
  • arrhythmia
  • increased release of sugar into the blood,
  • long term depression
  • depletion of the NA,
  • unmotivated anxiety.

This is especially true for energy drinks with bioactive additives.

Who Shouldn't Drink Energy Drinks

It should be noted that there are a number of strict restrictions and contraindications in the use of energy drinks due to the increased saturation with a variety of drugs and substances. Energy drinks should not be drunk:

  • people with an excitable nervous system,
  • sensitive to caffeine
  • suffering from extreme restlessness,
  • prone to sleep disorders
  • glaucoma patients,
  • rapidly losing control
  • having abnormalities in the work of the heart and blood vessels,
  • patients with hypertension
  • old people
  • teenagers
  • children
  • pregnant women
  • nursing mothers.

They should also be used with caution by those who are actively involved in fitness: the caffeine contained in them has a strong diuretic effect, and multiplied several times it can negatively affect the health of the trainees, because during the session they already have a strong sweating (loss liquids). Therefore, everything can end with dehydration of the body.

However, this is not the only danger for athletes: they are forbidden to drink energy drinks after exercise also because they increase blood pressure, which already becomes high during exercise. Hence the risk of a hypertensive crisis, at best.

Energy drinks are also contraindicated for those who abuse alcohol or mix them.. In this situation, a sharp jump in pressure is also provided and can play a cruel joke with a person, provoking anything - even cardiac arrest. The fact is that on the one hand, caffeine increases pressure, and on the other hand, alcohol greatly enhances its effect.

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