
What types of whiskey exist. What is single malt whiskey Single malt (Single molt) and how is it different from blended

Although the concept of blended is familiar to many gourmets, not all of them know exactly how this drink is prepared, and why it is so in demand and popular in all countries of the world. What is blended? How is it made? What varieties and brands are the most popular today?

What is blended whiskey?

A blended drink is a drink that is obtained by mixing grain and malt whiskeys in different ratios and proportions. The blend, which is prepared by professional winemakers, usually contains from 10% to 60% malt varieties, with the remaining percentage being grain brands. The higher the percentage of malt whiskey, the higher the cost of the finished blend becomes.

In order to make a cheaper blend, mixed malts and grains are aged for 24 hours in special containers, after which they are stored in oak barrels for several months. Professional winemakers call this process a "wedding", as a result of which the drink acquires its own special unique taste, color and aroma.

The difference between blended whiskey and single malt

The main difference: single malt whiskey is made exclusively from barley alcohol, and in blended varieties alcohols of other grains are added to it. Therefore, gourmets who consider themselves connoisseurs of real whiskey treat blended whiskey with disdain, which does not prevent the latter from having a lot of its fans. Other differences resulting from the main:

  • The quality of blended whiskey is worse, but this does not mean that its taste will necessarily be worse. In good alcohol, on the contrary, it will be softer and less astringent.
  • Blended whiskey has many more brands, which is quite natural.
  • Blended whiskey has a sweetish taste, a light aftertaste, a more delicate smell. In single malt whiskey, the taste is more pronounced and deep, the aftertaste is sweetish, the smell is sharp.

Classification of blended whiskey

Blended whiskey is usually divided into three main categories approved by the Scotch Whiskey Association:

  • Standard blend is a variety that involves the usual blending of malts and grains;
  • De luxe blend - this means elite mixing and preparation of a drink;
  • Premium is a premium mixing category.

The cheapest varieties of blended whiskey, which are classified as conventional blending, contain no more than 25% malt spirits. The most famous regular blends are Johnnie Walker Red Label, Ballantines and Dewars. The elite blend category contains up to 50% malt spirits, which are aged from 10 to 12 years. And premium blended whiskey contains even more malt alcohol, due to which its cost is the highest among all the varieties of this drink presented.

Brands of blended quality whiskey

Blended whiskey is known to gourmets and connoisseurs of elite alcohol all over the world. Although the Scottish producers are considered to be the ancestors of this drink, the Irish and Japanese subsequently proved themselves to be skillful winemakers in this niche. Therefore, today, blended whiskey has many brands, usually represented by these three national manufacturers.

Among the brands of Scotch whiskey, the most famous.

Whiskey, like any alcoholic drink, has its connoisseurs. However, the methods of production of this product can be so different that whiskey connoisseurs often prefer one type of whiskey.

Perhaps the most popular - and most commonly sold - types of whiskey are single malt and blended.

single malt whiskey is considered the "cleanest" in terms of the nuances of production, the quality of the components and the technology as a whole. The fact is that single malt whiskey is made exclusively from barley malt. It is important that this type of whiskey is made in the same distillery, although there is a possibility of blending different aging years.

Macallan Rare Cask Black Balvenie Triple Cask 25YO Dalmore King Alexander III

The peculiarity of its preparation dictates its own rules: in order for the product to turn out to be worthy, each step of production must be performed perfectly. The taste of this whiskey is soft, with pleasant notes. The aftertaste is light, but has a strong severity, including due to the bright aroma. True gourmets, who above all appreciate the craftsmanship of the manufacturer, prefer single malt whiskey to other types of this product.

Blended whiskey, in turn, is not inferior to single malt in the number of fans, but rather the opposite. During the preparation of this drink, a blend of both single malt and grain whiskey is used. Thanks to this difference, the taste of blended whiskey becomes more complex and full. Mixed samples of different quality, first of all, should hide the flaws and emphasize the advantages of each other. Those who prefer blended whiskey say that this drink is folded like a puzzle - it combines the best that is in whiskey in principle.

Chivas Regal 25YO Johnnie Walker Blue Label Chivas Regal Ultis 40%

Blending allows you to get a wide variety of tastes, so everyone can choose blended whiskey according to personal preferences. It is believed that about 90% of all whiskey that can be found on sale is just the same blend. Blended whiskeys with a high malt content are labeled "Deluxe".

To decide on the type of "your" whiskey, you need to try the product of at least several types and several producers. Regardless of the classifications, types and methods of production, choose the drink that you like the most. Quality whiskey is always available for selection on the site

No one will say how many years whiskey has been around, as well as exactly where it first began to be produced. Most historians agree that, most likely, the distillation process underlying the technology for making this alcohol was discovered almost simultaneously in several places independently of each other, so the production of whiskey had a regional character for a long time. The first documentary mention of it refers to the Irish monastic chronicles of 1405, and it is already clear from them that whiskey has been made for more than one hundred years. Only one thing is known for certain: today it is one of the most popular alcoholic products in the whole world, not excluding Russia. In 2014, this popularity was recognized at the legislative level: sanctions for a ban on the import of imported food and non-food products into Russia, established for a number of foreign companies for a period of one year, did not apply, for example, to Scotch whiskey.

Varieties of whiskey

In the 21st century, whiskey is produced by:

  1. Scotland.
  2. Ireland.
  3. Canada.
  4. Japan.
  5. French province of Brittany.

Each country has its own traditions and features of distilling, each country has its own famous brands of this alcohol, but in fact they can be combined into two categories: single malt and blended whiskey. Sometimes grain whiskey is also isolated, but it is rarely found on sale, because it is usually used to produce blended whiskey, and after additional purifications, to make gin or vodka. Often, those who encounter this drink for the first time do not see much difference between all types, although the difference is very significant. First of all, it concerns manufacturing technology, then - the end user.

Brief description of single malt whiskey

Single malt whiskey is alcohol produced and bottled in a single distillery. Its base is exclusively barley malt. Blending (mixing in a certain ratio of different varieties of one drink) is permissible only if the whiskey has a different age and if it is made at the same distillery. When labeling blended single malt whiskey, the age of the youngest of the varieties is taken as its age. In addition to the barley base, single malt whiskey also has aging requirements. The minimum period is three years (for Scottish producers it is from 8 to 15 years). Currently, it is considered the most valuable and expensive drink, produced only for gourmets, connoisseurs and, perhaps, for those who are not stopped by the price of one bottle of this alcohol. Its strength is usually 40-43%, the taste is characterized as deep and pronounced, and the smell is sharper.

Apparently, single malt whiskey is the oldest variety of this alcohol, which was produced by medieval monks, and it was it that was once called the “water of life” (although one can also find the opinion that it began to be made no earlier than the 18th century). However - and this is somewhat of a paradox - the fame and reputation of this alcohol in the modern world began to take shape only in the 60s of the twentieth century, when the same old recipe for its production was restored at one of the Scottish distilleries. Prior to this, blended whiskey had been produced for almost a hundred years, and the reconstruction of the recipe caused skepticism at first. Manufacturers were afraid that too sharp individual taste and smell, diluted with a blend for a long time, would not be to the taste of consumers, but they were wrong: single malt whiskey is slowly but surely gaining popularity all over the world. There are only about a dozen varieties of this type of alcohol, all of them are made in Scotland or Ireland, but each has its own, different taste and aroma. No one, not even the manufacturers themselves, can reliably say why this happens. Reasons often cited include:

  1. possible minor differences in technological equipment.
  2. climatic conditions inherent in each area.
  3. the quality and characteristics of local water, as well as the degree of its purification. It is interesting to note that, for example, in Japan, this factor is treated so fundamentally that even water for making their own whiskey is bought only in the mountainous regions of Scotland.
  4. quality indicators of barley from which malt is produced, including the degree of its drying and germination.
  5. the grade and other characteristics of the wood from which whiskey barrels are made, as well as the drink contained in them earlier. It is a very common practice to age different types of whiskey in sherry and Madeira casks, so that it acquires a special aroma and taste.
  6. possible production secrets that exist in almost every distillery and are carefully guarded by manufacturers.

The quality of blended alcohol also depends on these factors.

There are several types of single malt whiskey:

  1. "Single malt" (Single malt) - a drink made in one distillery. It also includes blended single malt whiskey produced in one place.
  2. "Single cask" (Single cask) - a drink spilled from one barrel.
  3. "Quarter cask" (Quarter cask) - whiskey from one small barrel, the material for which was American oak wood. Unlike other types, the strength of such alcohol can reach up to 50%.
  4. "Blended malt" or "cask" (Pure malt, Vatted malt, Blended malt) - whiskey based on barley malt, but produced at different enterprises.

Type designations are applied to each bottle of one or another variety, and this allows any consumer to understand what kind of alcohol is currently in front of his eyes. Some sources refer to this classification as "malt whiskey classification", in which case single malt whiskey becomes the common variety. However, it seems to us that this is just a game of terms that does not change its essence.

Features of blended whiskey

Blending technology has been known almost since the time of the British East India Company (1600-1874). In those days, it was most often applied to tea, delivered by ship from the British colonies (mainly from India) to the metropolis. At the same time, two goals were pursued: to diversify the tea assortment and to restore the taste of tea delivered by sea, whose leaves coarsened and lost their aroma during the sea voyage. They were mixed with tea that came to England by land through Russia and the Middle East, and so the famous brands of English tea were born, differing from each other in the number of blended varieties and their percentage.

A similar technology was applied to whiskey in 1853 by the Edinburgh distiller Andrew Asher, who wanted to expand the circle of consumers of this drink and at the same time reduce its cost, which was already quite “biting” at that time. The blend took root so much that in 1860 a special law was issued that regulated the aging time for a drink made in this way. Nowadays, despite the revival of single malt whiskey, the share of this alcohol in the world market is almost 90%.

As the definition suggests, a blend is a mixture of malt and grain whiskey in varying proportions. For Scotland, for example, the optimal ratio of these species in a drink is 2:1. Initially, two types of alcohol were offered for mixing - one from each type - but over time, such experiments have gained such scope that now some producers can mix up to 50 different varieties. It is also possible to mix different malt bases in the production of this whiskey, and this feature is the main one for some national productions. For example, in Ireland blended whiskey is a mixture of rye and barley malt, and in America - rye, wheat and corn.

The advantages of blended whiskey, which ensured its favor and popularity in various circles of society, are as follows:

  1. availability.
  2. a deeper disclosure of the aromatic and flavoring possibilities of the drink.
  3. softness with perhaps more strength, achieved by mixing different malt bases. However, some varieties as a result of blending can become more rigid.
  4. taste features. Connoisseurs assure that the blended drink has a delicate sweetish taste that provides a light aftertaste, so beginners are advised to start their acquaintance with this alcohol with mixed varieties.
  5. the ability to hide the shortcomings of the selected samples, skillfully masking them and blocking them with advantages. Not least of all, blending has become so widespread precisely for this reason, since manufacturers often faced the difficult task of doing something with mediocre raw materials. Often, the best blended whiskeys were obtained by mixing two mediocre samples that turned out to be perfect for each other.

According to the classification proposed by the Scotch Whiskey Association, there are such types of blended alcohol:

  1. "standard blend" (Standard blend), which is characterized by an affordable price and exposure for more than three years.
  2. "de luxe blend" (De luxe blend), considered the best option for those who are just starting their acquaintance with the world of whiskey. The requirements for these varieties are aging for more than 12 years and the content of single malt whiskey at the level of 35%.
  3. premium (Premium). Varieties of this type, mostly collectible, have an exposure of over 12 years and a price comparable to the price of single malt whiskey.

Like single malt, blended whiskey is also labeled accordingly.

How is one different from the other

Briefly summarizing all of the above, we can say that single malt whiskey differs from blended whiskey in the following:

  1. place and method of production.
  2. taste, aftertaste, aroma and possibly quality.
  3. the number of brands (single malt has much less).
  4. the presence of varietal traits. As you can understand, blending initially does not imply their preservation.
  5. following technology. In the production of single malt whiskey, it must be relentless.
  6. flavor additives. In single malt whiskey varieties, they do not exist in principle, but in blended varieties, depending on the recipe.

Conclusion, or What to choose?

Modern real whiskey is of such quality that none of the types of this drink is inferior to another and each has its fans around the world. Therefore, if you decide to join their ranks, it does not matter at all what exactly you will prefer - a single malt drink or a blend. Both of them are able to give you an unforgettable true pleasure. The main thing to do when choosing one or another type is to pay attention to the price / label / age ratio:

  1. if blended whiskey has a low price, be prepared for too harsh taste and aroma. Although, perhaps, for fans of everything brutal, this option is just right.
  2. if the drink has been aged for ten or twelve years and at the same time is relatively inexpensive, it does not matter what type it belongs to: its quality will be very, very good.
  3. if you are a potential gourmet and do not stand behind the price, then most brands of single malt whiskey (in this case, you should focus on the label “single malt”) and the “premium” blended drink variety will, of course, attract your attention. If single malt whiskey is very cheap, and regular blended whiskey is too expensive, it is better to refrain from buying them: most likely it is a fake.

And one more feature by which it is easy to distinguish high-quality alcohol from cheap one: in any good whiskey there is no pronounced alcohol smell, even if it is sharp.

Well, what to choose in the end - it's up to you. In any case, you will not lose, unless you fall for a fake.

Each type of whiskey is distinguished by its unique aroma and taste, due to their composition and production technology. At the disposal of lovers of elite alcohol there are blended and single malt whiskeys.

Blended whiskey
is made from a combination of malt and grain raw materials.
single malt whiskey Made exclusively from water and barley malt.

It is impossible to understand all the facets of such a unique drink if you do not know how to drink good whiskey correctly and do not put this knowledge into practice. Agree, it’s a pity if a noble drink made at a well-known distillery and aged for at least three years does not bring any pleasure just because you chose the wrong glass or did not follow simple recommendations.

We offer you a short master class on the use of blended and single malt whiskey, which will help turn the process of drinking Scotch into a special ritual and become an ardent fan of this drink.

1. As mentioned above, a glass is of great importance, and it is best to use special deep containers with thin walls and a slightly narrowed top. This form will give a chance to explore all the shades of the liquid and appreciate the amazing aroma.

2. In no case should whiskey be served in glasses - this should only be done in a bottle or decanter, not forgetting to put water on the table, because it is not customary to use single malt whiskey in its pure form.

3. Cocktail lovers can mix whiskey with:

  • dry or sweet vermouth (the most popular option is the Manhattan cocktail).
  • Coke is a great way to smooth out the bitterness of a drink and make it less astringent.
  • lemon juice, which complements the original taste and does not "clog" the taste of malt alcohol.

4. Many true connoisseurs of whiskey believe that it is not worth biting it. However, the Scots (in fact, experts in the culture of drinking whiskey) know very well what to eat whiskey. So, in a nutshell: salmon, tongue, foie gras, fusion seafood, lamb and beef dishes, and also ... batter-fried mars bar pieces.

In principle, the rules for drinking blended whiskey or single malt scotch are very similar, but when using them in cocktails, you need to remember that they still differ in taste. To select all the components correctly, use.

The sequence of actions when drinking whiskey is based on the so-called 5 "S", which implies:

  • Sight- assessment of the consistency and color scale of the whiskey.
  • Smell- inhaling the aroma of the drink.
  • Swish- taking the first sample.
  • Swallow- making the first sip.
  • splash- dilution of whiskey with water in order to maximize its aroma and taste.

Here are some examples of the most famous brands of blended whiskey.

WhiteHorse(White Horse)

Blended Scotch whisky. The blend consists of 30% malt whiskey and 70% grain whiskey, it includes four dozen brands of different whiskeys. White Horse Distillers Limited was founded in Glasgow in 1883 by James Logan Mackey. According to legend, the name of the brand comes from the name of the tavern "White Horse" (White Horse), which was owned by the Makki family. And the inscription on the bottle “created in 1742” is the date of the opening of the tavern. Officially, the name of the whiskey was registered in 1891 by the nephew of James Logan Mackey - Peter.

After the death of Peter Mackey in 1924, the company was part of various alcohol holdings, in our time it is owned by Diageo.

TullamoreDew(Tullamore Dew)

An Irish blended whiskey that has received only positive reviews from fans for almost 200 years. The Tullamore distillery in the Irish city of the same name was founded by Michael Malloy in 1829.

But the word "Dew" in the name is the initials of another creator of this whiskey - Daniel Williams. In addition, the word "dew" is translated as "dew".
Since 1903, the Williams family has owned a controlling stake in the enterprise; currently, the Tullamore Dew brand is owned by Cantrell & Cochrane and is exported to almost 90 countries around the world.

HankeyBannister(Hanky ​​Bannister)

In the eighteenth century, the Scotsman Mr. Hankey, a hardworking man with good business acumen living in London, quickly developed the business from a small shop to a chic pavilion in an exclusive area of ​​London, which sold the best varieties of Scotch whiskey. In 1752, he decides to create his own variety, which is greatly facilitated by his acquaintance with the whiskey maker Bannister. And they succeed. So Hankey Bannister whiskey was born, now popular in many countries of the world.

The secret of the quality of the drink is that Hankey Bannister & C, even 250 years after its foundation, uses time-tested technologies and strictly adheres to the original recipe.

Jim Beam (Jim Beam)

The world's best-selling bourbon and whiskey. The first plant was founded in 1795 by Jacob Beam in the American city of Claremont, but the drink received its current name only at the end of the 19th century, in honor of Jacob's great-grandson, James Beam. The Beam family is involved in production to this day, but the Jim Beam brand itself is owned by Beam Global Spirits & Wine.

Nowadays, under the Jim Beam brand, 11 varieties of classic American bourbon and whiskey are produced.

ChivaRegal (Shivas Regal)

Elite blended Scotch whiskey aged for at least 12 years. Shivas Brothers was founded in 1801 by brothers James and John Shivas. The whiskey they created quickly gained popularity among the wealthy of Scotland, and then at the English royal court. Since the early 19th century, Shivas Regal whiskey has been sold in the United States. In 2000, Shivas Regal was bought by Pernord Ricard.

At the moment, only Shivas Regal is sold with an exposure of 12 years.

Jameson (Jameson)

Blended Irish Whiskey. John Jameson & Son was founded in Dublin in 1780 by John Jameson and quickly became the largest in Ireland. And by the time Jameson Sr. died, his whiskey had become the most popular in all of England. In the first half of the 20th century, the company was on the verge of bankruptcy, due to the rapid growth of Scottish competitors, the Irish War of Independence, Prohibition and the Second World War. But in 1966, John Jameson & Son, teaming up with two other major Irish whiskey producers, was able to get out of the crisis. Currently, Jameson, as before, is considered the benchmark for the quality of Irish whiskey, for its unique taste and aroma.

Johnnie Walker (Johnnie Walker)

Blended Scotch whisky. The company was founded in the early 19th century by the Scotsman John Walker and was originally engaged in blending from various varieties of tea. Whiskey blends began to make the son of John, and the heyday of the company came in 1893, when his grandchildren acquired the first distillery.

Their scotch quickly gained wild popularity and by the beginning of the twenties of the 20th century, Johnnie Walker whiskey was sold in more than a hundred countries around the world, which was an absolute world record.

There are five varieties in total. Whiskey Johnnie Walker: red label(the cheapest, with an exposure of three to five years), black label,(12 years old) green label(only includes malts) Gold Label(has the mildest taste) and blue label(the most expensive, elite whiskey).

Now the Johnnie Walker brand, along with the equally famous White Horse whiskey, belongs to the Diageo concern.

Grant's (Grants)

One of the youngest brands of Scotch whiskey. William Grant & Sons was founded in 1886, and after three decades Grant's whiskey was sold in America and most of Europe. In 1957, an unusual triangular bottle appeared, which for many has become a symbol of this whiskey. In 1963, the company built the Girvan plant, and began to use only water from a local natural reservoir in production, which allowed it to start producing alcohol with a unique taste. In 2007, Grant's whiskey was recognized as the best scotch in the world, aged for at least 12 years.

The multifaceted world of alcoholic beverages today is ready to please the consumer with an abundance of various products that can not only charm with non-trivial taste embodiments, but also surprise with bold tasting symbioses, where aroma and taste are intertwined, creating a reference composition.

Single malt whiskey among all these drinks takes an honorable leading place. And this is not surprising, because whiskey is one of the best-selling drinks in the world, and single malts are the best aged options that have no equal on the market. Each drink that belongs to this class embodies excellence and gives pleasure from every minute of tasting.

Whiskey is a drink that adheres to strict regulations. There is a whole set of rules by which you need to make this drink. And one of them is the law that the minimum period of aging of alcohols in the composition must be at least 3 years. It was installed in 1916.

This type of alcohol is considered ideal, and it is created exclusively for connoisseurs and gourmets. Single malt varieties are divided into such subspecies as:

  • single malt- alcohol of one distillery with a possible variety of spirits of different ages in the composition.
  • single helmet- expensive alcohol, which is taken exclusively from one barrel.
  • Quarter helmet- alcohol with a strength of at least 50%, which is aged exclusively in their American oak barrels.
  • Pure malt- a product made from pure barley malt, which is taken from various distilleries.

Looking at examples of any of the above products, you can be sure of ideal tasting characteristics that are reflected in all the main parameters of the liquid.


External performance is often based on amber color and color reflections, from pale gold to red.


Aromatic symbiosis is built on a combination of fruity undertones and oak barrel smoke. Each representative of the class has its own special characteristics in terms of smell.


A common gastronomic feature for all products of this series is their roundness and restraint.

Production technology

Single malt whiskey can only be called if the manufacturer has met two fundamental conditions.

Firstly, all products of this series must be made exclusively from barley malt, and secondly, the production process must use the double distillation method within the same distillery.

It should also be noted that for the production of single molts, specialists use only barley malt, dried over peat smoke, to which water and yeast are added.

The standard fermentation temperature of the drink is 35-37 degrees. Exposure is carried out strictly in oak barrels. At the same time, the minimum age of the alcohols used is from 10 years.

How to distinguish the original from a fake

When choosing an inexpensive single malt whiskey in the store, be careful, as the alcohol market today is oversaturated with a large amount of counterfeit.

Fakes can be found literally on any alcohol, and eminent brands in this case are no exception. In particular, if you do not want to make a mistake in the process of purchasing a single malt, pay attention to:

  • External design of bottles. Each modern manufacturer supplies alcohol in its authentic packaging. Therefore, before going to the store, be sure to familiarize yourself with the packaging options for a particular product.
    Also, when choosing directly, pay attention to corks, labels and the bottles themselves.
    Everything must be impeccable. There can be no traces of glue, glass chips or deformations on the container of a quality product.
  • The purity of the consistency. Aged strong alcohol in the composition can not have any sediment or turbidity. Only uniform color and transparency.
  • Viscosity. Long exposure in oak barrels gives the drink an oily base. If you shake a quality product in a bottle, then on its walls you will notice a couple more drops of the drink, which slowly flow down to the total mass.

How to serve

For the best experience when tasting Scotch single malt whiskey, be sure to take care of additional ingredients in the form of water, ice, cola and juice. It is with these components that tasters most often interfere with branded drinks to lower their degree measure without harming taste and aroma.

It is also advisable to buy the right glasses with a transparent thin glass, which allows you to get acquainted with the exquisite color of the single molt. Another interesting point is that it is better to cool the product a little to 18-20 degrees. So it will open with a richer and more interesting aroma.

What products are combined with

When getting to know malt whiskey, be sure to take care of the right snacks. Cheeses, baked meats and seafood must be on the tables. Sometimes such strong drinks can be eaten with fruit, but not all tasters will appreciate this accompaniment.

Other uses

Buying a single malt or opting for a single malt may not give you the tasting experience you want. In such cases, cocktails will come to your rescue, which from the “ordinary” single malt will help create a unique and tasty mix. Some of the best cocktails of this plan include: Car Bourbon, Al Capone, America, Engagement, Barbera, Bishop, Father God and Big John.

During Prohibition, only Laphroaig whiskey was sold legally in America. And this product was present exclusively in pharmacies, as a medicine.

When you visit your nearest liquor store to purchase and experience the authenticity of single malt alcohol for yourself, you will come across an impressive abundance of products created in various regions of our planet. In particular, strong products that are especially popular include:

  • Strataille. Amber-golden drink with a pleasant aroma, where citrus, spices and flowers give a unique combination. The gastronomic ambitions of the product are expressed by a long fruity aftertaste.
  • Original. A light golden single malt with hints of honey in the nose. The taste ambitions of the product are revealed by a pleasant nutty tartness.
  • Doublewood 12 years old. Golden amber alcohol with sweet aromas of vanilla, honey and sherry. Its taste is a combination of cinnamon and nuts.
  • years old. The original golden-amber malt of rich amber color with a golden tint. Intense sea, oak and salt notes are hidden in the gastronomic foundation of the product, while the aroma stands out with the dominant note of sea iodine and sherry.

Historical reference

Oddly enough, but for the first time the world learned about the single-malt in the middle of the 20th century. It happened on June 1, 1963 in the Motel lounge bar, where The Original was presented. It was this product that became the first single malt scotch of its kind.

Up to this point, the Glenfiddich company was exclusively engaged in the supply of its spirits to other eminent producers, and they, in turn, carried out blending, creating their original blends. Glenfiddich has made a real revolution.

The product was so liked by consumers around the world that most Scottish distilleries, which had previously been engaged only in the supply of spirits, in 1968 began to gradually switch to the production of their own single molts.

India is the largest consumer and producer of whiskey-class spirits.

Enjoy the best alcohol products

Single malt whiskey is an example of an ideal drink that will not let you down in any situation in life. It will be a great addition to a large party, and will also act as an ideal gift for a loved one to whom you want to show your love and affection.

The variety of products belonging to this class deserves special attention. Today, single malt alcohol is presented to the world by leading companies from all over the world, which means that you can always choose a product with its own non-trivial tasting features specific to a particular region.

Head to your nearest liquor boutique to purchase a single malt that can expand your knowledge of hard liquor incarnations.
