
What rolls can be pregnant at an early stage. Japanese cuisine for the expectant mother

Should a pregnant woman limit herself to eating sushi? The harm and benefits of sushi for the body of a pregnant woman. Recommendations for selection.

Mythbusting: "Yes" to sushi during pregnancy

Every second pregnant woman has heard warnings about the dangers of the Japanese traditional dish - sushi.

There is no scientific evidence that eating sushi during pregnancy threatens complications for the baby in the womb.

Can pregnant women eat sushi and rolls

In order to know if pregnant women can eat sushi, consider the composition of this dish.

In the first trimester of pregnancy, the fetus forms the organs and systems of the body. Different types of fish contain 2-35 micrograms of folic acid (vitamin B9), which ensures the full development of the embryo. Folic acid is involved in the formation and development of blood cells, nerve cells and prevents the risk of intrauterine defects, such as malformations of the spine and brain.

Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty acids, which are rich in fish, are involved in the maturation of the fetal central nervous system and brain function. Polyunsaturated acids reduce high blood pressure in pregnant women.

Rice is rich in easily digestible carbohydrates, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, necessary to avoid malformations of the embryo.

Before childbirth

It is equally important to eat fish dishes in the third trimester of pregnancy. Folic acid found in fish reduces the risk of premature delivery and the birth of a premature baby.

In late pregnancy, women suffer from constipation in 60% of cases. The pressure of the uterus on the intestines blocks the passage of feces, and the resulting swelling of the limbs reduces fluid intake, which thickens the feces. The use of rice with these symptoms is undesirable because of its "strengthening" qualities.

Women who have gained excess weight are also advised to give up rice, which can cause even more weight gain.

If a pregnant woman feels good, then she may well treat herself to Japanese cuisine.

What kind of roll is better to choose

Japanese rolls have many varieties. They differ in the composition of the ingredients and the method of preparation.

Is it worth eating hot

Hot rolls are heat treated, so they are safe to eat. Fish in rolls can be smoked or lightly salted. Often, hot rolls are wrapped in tamago - a Japanese omelet, fried in a thin layer and wrapped in a roll.

Should I eat with soy sauce and wasabi

Standard additions to rolls are wasabi and soy sauce.

Natural soy sauce is beneficial for digestion, and the antioxidants in its composition have a positive effect on the renewal of body cells.

Fake soy sauce is a surrogate, it is a synthetic product that contains heavy metals and toxins. It is strictly forbidden for women in the position to use it.

Wasabi is a spicy condiment that is added to soy sauce. Doctors do not recommend eating spicy foods during pregnancy. They provoke heartburn and increased gas formation and cause dehydration.


They differ from hot rolls in that they are baked in the oven. Their main ingredient is a creamy sauce or cheese that develops a crispy crust during the baking process. Any "cold" roll can be baked.

With salmon or shrimp

Shrimp and salmon are one of the popular ingredients in rolls. Eating lightly salted salmon is not only possible, but also necessary for a pregnant woman. Shrimps are easily absorbed by the body, saturate it with iodine and have a positive effect on the formation of the bones of the unborn child. The allowable consumption rate is 100-150 g per week.

When rolls should not be eaten by pregnant women

The composition of the rolls contains raw fish with a high content of mercury (sea bass, halibut, fresh tuna, sea trout, etc.). Acceptable values ​​are ˃0.29 ppm.

  1. Allergic reactions to the ingredients of the rolls.
  2. Hot rolls in tempura.
  3. Hot spices included.
  4. Constipation.
  5. Overweight.
  1. In the preparation of rolls, sea fish is used, which has practically no smell in comparison with river fish. An unpleasant smell indicates stale products.
  2. Freshly made rolls do not have windy ingredients.
  3. Rice rolls should be warm. Cold, falling apart rice suggests that sushi has been prepared for a long time and was waiting for its buyer.

If a pregnant woman loves to treat herself to Japanese cuisine, there is no reason to deny yourself the pleasure. Rolls do not pose a danger to the expectant mother and child, provided that the pregnant woman feels great and has no contraindications to eating sushi.

Useful video

Rolls and sushi. More recently, we could hear about these dishes of Japanese cuisine, perhaps, in Hollywood films. And today for us it is delicious and quite affordable food of the national cuisine of the countries of the East. Such, for example, as shish kebab or khachapuri. But if the latter are prepared from products that are quite familiar to all of us, then the components of the delicacies served in sushi bars and yakitorias are completely exotic for us. And it is not surprising that women who are preparing to become mothers are wondering: “Is it possible for pregnant women to eat sushi?”. After all, it's no secret that raw fish is used to prepare Japanese cuisine. But is it just the fish? Let's figure it out.

Sushi and rolls - Japanese dishes

So, for starters, a little educational program. What is sushi and rolls?

Today, Japanese cuisine has become very popular, and most importantly, affordable for domestic consumers.

Sushi (in the East sushi) is a traditional Japanese dish. The main ingredients used for its preparation are rice and fish plus various seasonings and sauces.

In the old days, sushi was considered the food of the poor. Why? Yes, because fish and rice were the most affordable products in Japan. Remarkably, at first rice was used only as a preservative for fish. And only at the end of the 15th century they began to eat it together with fish.

For sushi, the fish was salted and placed under a press (large stones) for several weeks. And only at the beginning of the twentieth century, raw fish began to be used for their preparation. Since then, the composition of sushi has not changed significantly.

Sushi looks like a small sandwich, in which rice plays the role of bread, and on top of it is some kind of sea delicacy - a piece of squid or sea bass, mussel or shrimp, caviar or tofu. Sometimes, for strength, sushi is wrapped with strips of seaweed, called nori (aka kelp seaweed). They are served with thinly sliced ​​pickled ginger, Japanese wasabi horseradish, soy sauce.

Rolls (norimaki) - one of the types of sushi. For their preparation, a makisu bamboo mat is used, with the help of which the same ingredients are rolled up into a small roll. That's what sushi and rolls are in general terms.

It is immediately clear that all the talk about the usefulness or harmfulness of sushi for the health of the expectant mother and her baby is by no means due to their main component - rice. He's very helpful too. But as for the rest of the components, then, as they say, there is a “but”, but not one.

Benefit and harm

Fish and seafood for sushi must be cooked or pre-frozen. Only such sushi can be eaten by expectant mothers

What are the benefits of sushi?

  • As part of the sushi, in addition to rice, there are fish (seafood) and seaweed. These components contain protein - a building material for cells and tissues in the human body.
  • They have a whole, among which iodine occupies a special place. It has a positive effect on the brain activity of the expectant mother.
  • And polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids contribute to the normal development of the fetal brain.
  • Sushi is a low calorie food. One serving, usually consisting of 6-8 pieces, contains no more than 400-500 kilocalories. At the same time, you will have a feeling of fullness after dinner in a Japanese restaurant for quite a long time. This is important for pregnant women. No one wants to recruit during the period of bearing a child.

Raw fish may contain bacteria that cause infectious diseases

And what is their harm?

  • The main argument of doctors against eating sushi by pregnant women is the presence of raw fish in them. Fish, like meat, a woman, while carrying a child, should be eaten after appropriate heat treatment. Otherwise, there is a high probability of infection with listeriosis, helminths.
  • Fish and seafood can cause a future mother. The same can be said about exotic seasonings for this dish.
  • And mackerel, shark or swordfish, due to the content of mercury and other heavy metals in them, are not only harmful, but even dangerous for expectant mothers.
  • As for the freshness of the products that make up the sushi. It is in Japan they are really fresh. In the meantime, the same fish or shrimp will be delivered to your locality, if it is not located, of course, on the Pacific coast, then they can hardly be called fresh.
  • Well, about spices. Soy sauce, prepared according to the classic recipe, is very useful. Sushi bars serve a mass-produced sauce using dyes and preservatives. And their future mother is extremely undesirable to use. Many people are allergic to pickled ginger. And spicy wasabi can aggravate problems with the digestive system (nausea, flatulence) that are already preventing pregnant women from living in peace.
  • If we add to this list non-compliance with sanitary standards and technology for preparing sushi in some establishments where they are served, it becomes clear that, despite all their usefulness, it is hardly necessary for pregnant women to enjoy sushi. It is better to choose something less exotic and safer.

Acute wasabi in pregnant women causes heartburn. Pickled ginger can cause allergic reactions

Can pregnant women eat sushi?

Drawing conclusions from the above, it is already possible to formulate a detailed answer to the question “Can pregnant women eat sushi?”.

  1. Expectant mothers should not eat sushi made from raw fish.
  2. Certain varieties of fish and seafood should be avoided.
  3. You need to be very careful with various kinds of seasonings.
  4. And do not go to places of Japanese cuisine with a dubious reputation.

Looking at the number and significance of contraindications, many expectant mothers will be very upset that they will have to give up the Japanese delicacies they love so much during pregnancy. But do not rush to be upset. Not everything is as bad as it seems at first glance.

Soy sauce is only good when it's made according to the original recipe.

Which Japanese delicacies are safe for expectant mothers?

Not all sushi is bad for women who are expecting an addition to the family. With a few precautions, you can sometimes treat yourself to a Japanese restaurant without the risk of harming yourself or your unborn child.

The safest sushi for a pregnant woman - prepared by her own hand

If you really want to dine in yakitori, order yourself rolls with boiled crab, for example, or fried eel. Better yet, make your own. Fortunately, today you can buy everything you need in the nearest supermarket ...

Video "Harmful foods during pregnancy"

It's no secret that Japanese cuisine is very fond of all of us, for some it has become a vital necessity, and not at all exotic. Until quite recently, we didn’t even know what ginger, wasabi, sashimi were, and now we can’t live a month without going to some Japanese restaurant. So one of the most original cuisines in the world has firmly entered our gray everyday life, painting them in all the bright colors of the inhabitants of the sea depths.

It is not at all surprising that the question suddenly arises before the expectant mother: is it possible for pregnant women to eat sushi rolls? As in everything and everywhere, experts cannot answer this question unambiguously. Therefore, mothers have to, having studied all available sources, make a decision at their own peril and risk. We are ready to help. In this article, we will look at the pros and cons, and also try to find the safest options.1. What do we know about sushi?
2. What are sushi and rolls made of?
3. What is the risk?
4. Vegetarian option
5. The safest options

Sushi, or sushi (that's right) in the form it is now appeared only at the beginning of the 20th century. Prior to this, the cooking process was different: the fish was canned with rice for two months to a year, when it began to release enzymes, and the lactic acid from the rice helped it marinate. It is worth noting that rice was not eaten later, they only ate fish marinated in this way.

Nowadays, rice vinegar is used to speed up the process, and rice itself has become the main ingredient of the dish. The fish began to be used not pickled, but raw.

What are sushi and rolls made of?

In traditional versions, rolls and sushi consist of only a few components:
  • Seafood (fish, shrimp, etc.),
  • nori,
  • Vegetables can also be added
  • Sauce,
  • soft cheeses,
  • Greenery,
  • And sometimes even meat - chicken, beef.
Rice is rich in B vitamins, potassium, which makes it extremely beneficial for the nervous and cardiovascular systems. Rice does not contain gluten - a vegetable protein that causes an allergic reaction, so rice is considered a safe product and is introduced into the baby's diet with one of the first complementary foods.

Fish is useful for everyone, especially expectant mothers, as it is rich in protein - a source of amino acids, phosphorus and calcium, necessary to strengthen the bones and teeth of the baby and mother. Fish oil contains omega-3 fatty acids, which are very important for the growth and development of the brain and the whole body of the unborn child.

Nori - dried seaweed, in which rolls are twisted, contains iodine, which is useful for both the baby and the mother, as it is involved in the formation of thyroid hormones and is important for brain development.

So, everything is clear with the ingredients, the conclusion is that sushi and rolls are extremely useful for both a young mother and a developing child.

What is the risk?

What can be the risk of eating sushi and rolls by a pregnant woman?

Also, do not overdo such accompanying products as ginger (may cause allergies), soy sauce (it contains a lot of salt, which can lead to excessive swelling) and wasabi (irritates the walls of the stomach in large quantities and can lead to gastritis).

The choice of a catering point is very important so that you can be sure that the restaurant complies with sanitary and hygienic standards. Otherwise, stale rice, insufficiently clean hands of the cook, with which he wrapped the rolls, can cause food poisoning.

If you are such an ardent fan of sushi that you are ready to eat them around the clock, another danger lies in wait for you - malfunctions in the functioning of the thyroid gland due to an overdose of iodine.

Vegetarian option

So, what conclusions can we draw when asking the question, is it possible for pregnant women to eat sushi? Yes, Japanese cuisine, namely sushi and rolls, can be dangerous for pregnant women. But what if we cannot live without land? Very simple! We order rolls and sushi with vegetable filling. And you can also treat yourself to dessert options - rolls with fruit, ice cream. Delicious and completely safe!

Perhaps the best option to eat sushi for pregnant women is to share the preparation of homemade rolls with the future dad and then enjoy the result together.

Reading time: 7 minutes

There are many delicious original recipes in Japanese cuisine that have become part of our daily diet. During pregnancy, women have to be careful when choosing products and listen to the recommendations of doctors. Revising the nutrition system, you don’t want to deprive yourself of your favorite treats. There is also such a question: is it possible for pregnant women to eat sushi? Information on this subject is contradictory, so the opinion of experts should be taken into account.

Can pregnant women eat sushi and rolls

  • Fresh, high quality ingredients must be used.
  • Do not use rolls with raw fish or seafood that have not been frozen or heat treated.
  • If there is a risk of allergies, you should abandon hot spices, ginger.
  • Rolls with meat of sharks, whales, marine predators, coastal fish are not recommended.

If there are concerns about the quality of products and the observance of technology in catering establishments, cook rolls without fish or with heat treatment yourself.

Making sushi is easy, so it's easy to make rolls at home.


Hot rolls are a delicious and original version of sushi loved by many. In the process of cooking, the products undergo heat treatment, so nutritionists recommend this recipe to pregnant women.

It will take half an hour to prepare and cook the dish and the following ingredients:

  • wasabi - 5 g,
  • smoked salmon - 100-150 g,
  • cucumber - 1 pc.,
  • soy sauce - 1 tbsp.,
  • nori - 2 pcs.,
  • mayonnaise - 3-4 tablespoons,
  • rice - 150 g,
  • vinegar (rice) - 30 ml.

Step-by-step instructions with a photo of making baked rolls:

  1. Check to see if all the ingredients are on the list.
  2. Finely chop the salmon.
  3. Mix mayonnaise and soy sauce until thick cream, then add chopped salmon.
  4. Boil rice until fluffy and soft, drain excess water from it. Add vinegar to it, set aside to infuse.
  5. Peel the cucumber, cut into cubes. Prepare long strips of smoked salmon.
  6. Place cling film on a bamboo mat and lay out a sheet of nori. Then add a thin layer of rice on top, leaving a few centimeters from the edge of the sheet, in the center - cucumber sticks and salmon.

  1. Carefully twist the roll, evenly distributing the load. Brush the part of the nori sheet that is not covered with rice with water.
  2. Put the finished roll on the board, carefully align on both sides.
  3. Cut the prepared blank into two halves.
  4. Cut each half into six pieces with a sharp knife.
  5. Put the rolls on a baking sheet, pour over the sauce.
  6. Bake for 10 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees under the grill. Garnish with sesame seeds, poppy seeds or herbs. Serve warm.

With shrimps

Shrimp is a seafood product that contains not only protein and a complex of vitamins, but also polyunsaturated acids. Of particular value in the diet of a pregnant woman are trace elements: magnesium, calcium, iron, fluorine, selenium. Experts recommend including shrimp in the diet of a future mother, because 100 grams of shrimp contain the daily rate of iodine, which is so necessary for the normal development of the fetus.

For cooking, you will need an hour of free time and the following ingredients:

  • shrimp - 500 g,
  • rice - 300 g,
  • flying fish caviar - 50 g,
  • water - 350-400 ml,
  • lemon - 0.5 pcs.,
  • rice vinegar - 2 tsp,
  • nori - 6 pcs.,
  • Philadelphia cheese - 100-150 g,
  • sugar 2-3 tsp

Step-by-step instructions with a photo of making shrimp rolls:

  1. Prepare all the ingredients you need for the dish.
  2. Wash the rice thoroughly.
  3. Pour the cereal with water, bring to a boil over high heat, without closing the pan with a lid.
  4. Reduce the heat to a minimum and simmer for 10-12 minutes with the lid closed. Turn off the fire, let it brew for 10 minutes.

  1. Combine sugar, rice vinegar, add a little boiled water to make rice dressing.
  2. Add the dressing to the still-hot rice.
  3. Rinse shrimp in cold water.
  4. Bring the water to a boil, add one teaspoon of salt and the juice of half a lemon. Then put the shrimp into the boiling liquid. The timer will beep after 5-7 minutes. So the shrimp are ready.

Further actions will also not cause difficulties:

  1. Peel the cucumber, cut into thin sticks.
  2. After the shrimp have cooled, peel them from the shell.
  3. Prepare nori sheets, place them on a makisu (bamboo sushi mat). Spread rice on top in a thin layer.
  4. Place flying fish roe (tobiko) in the center.

The rolls are almost ready, the finishing touches are left:

  1. Next, carefully, to get an interesting pattern for the finished rolls, distribute the cucumber and shrimp sticks.
  2. Using a pastry bag, add soft cheese.
  3. Roll up carefully and tightly. Leave the seam side down for 10 minutes.
  4. Cut each roll into 6 pieces, garnish and serve with wasabi.

with salmon

Salmon and Philadelphia Cream Cheese Rolls require one hour and the following ingredients:

  • rice - 300 g,
  • salted salmon - 250-300 g,
  • avocado - 1 pc.,
  • Philadelphia cheese -100 g,
  • nori - 3 pcs.,
  • cucumber - 1 pc.,
  • sugar - 2 tsp,
  • rice vinegar - 2 tsp

We offer step-by-step instructions with photos:

  1. Prepare food.
  2. Rinse rice.
  3. Pour in water, bring to a boil over high heat. Then reduce the heat to a minimum and continue to cook for 12 minutes.
  4. Remove the rice from the stove, let it brew for 10 minutes.

The preparation technology involves the following steps:

  1. Mix sugar, rice vinegar with one teaspoon of water.
  2. Add this dressing to hot rice.
  3. Peel the cucumber, cut into thin slices.
  4. Cut the avocado in half, then remove the skin and core.

Well, there are a few left:

  1. Cut the avocado into strips.
  2. Salmon fillet must be cut into thin slices.
  3. Wrap the bamboo mat in cling film.
  4. Spread a thin layer of rice on half a sheet of nori.

The last moments will allow you to make the dish original: carefully place salmon slices on top, turn the workpiece over, lay the avocado on the edge. Put the cucumber next to the avocado, squeeze the cheese on top, wrap the roll tightly so that the fish is outside. Leave the finished roll for 10 minutes, cut it into equal parts and decorate.


Rolls without fish and seafood are a great option for those pregnant women who are allergic to these products. If you have an hour of free time, we recommend cooking hosomaki with cucumber, which will cost much less than, for example, in the Toma-Sushi sushi bar. This is a simple recipe for making rolls with one type of filling.

You will need these ingredients:

  • cucumbers - 3 pcs.,
  • rice - 300 g,
  • water - 350-400 ml,
  • sugar - 2 tsp,
  • nori - 4 pcs.,
  • rice vinegar - 2 tsp

Step by step instructions with photos:

  1. Prepare food.
  2. Boil rice.
  3. Make a dressing with sugar, vinegar, and a teaspoon of water. Add it to hot rice.
  4. Cut peeled cucumbers into thin sticks.

We finish cooking like this:

  1. Spread a thin layer of rice on half of the nori sheet, leaving the edges free.
  2. Place cucumber slices on top.
  3. Roll tightly and leave for 10 minutes.
  4. Cut into equal parts, decorate.

Benefits of sushi during pregnancy

The body of a woman during pregnancy needs a balanced nutrition. Nutritionists recommend sushi because it contains such healthy ingredients:

  • Nori is made from seaweed, which is rich in iodine and minerals.
  • Fish, seafood contain protein, polyunsaturated acids, vitamins A and E, minerals that are good for health.
  • Rice is rich in vitamins and a complex of minerals, and also helps to eliminate toxins and toxins from the body.
  • Vegetables and fruits provide not only a richness of flavors, but also benefits for digestion, as they contain vitamins and trace elements necessary for the normal development of the baby.

Why are rolls dangerous for a pregnant woman

A woman in position should not risk her health, so you need to know how dangerous sushi can be.

So that you do not worry about the health of your unborn child and do not have to choose a compromise between the benefits or harms of your favorite dishes, listen to the recommendations of doctors and choose only high-quality sushi products.

The information presented in the article is for informational purposes only. The materials of the article do not call for self-treatment. Only a qualified doctor can make a diagnosis and give recommendations for treatment based on the individual characteristics of a particular patient.

Not much time has passed since the Japanese cuisine came to Russia. However, during this period, sushi and rolls have become so firmly established in the life of every person that the question arises, is it possible for pregnant women to eat sushi?

The diet of a pregnant woman: what to include in food?

The diet of a pregnant woman must be made correctly. Both the development of the fetus and the well-being of the mother depend on this. Food should be rich in vitamins, nutrients, micro and macro elements. Gynecologists agree that during pregnancy, fast food should be excluded from consumption, as they contain harmful substances in their composition. You should also give up soda, the adoption of which affects the well-being of the mother and the development of the child.

The diet of a pregnant woman should be dominated by vegetable and fruit salads seasoned with natural sauces, sour cream or sunflower oil. It is very important for a woman to eat cape and fish dishes. These products are enriched with protein, which is important for the development of the baby. However, all products must be heat treated. It is advisable to eat boiled and stewed foods and completely abandon fried foods. You should not abuse sushi during pregnancy, as in most of them the fish is served raw.

Why shouldn't you eat sushi?

Why pregnant women should not eat sushi is a question that interests almost every woman in position. In general, the products that are used to prepare this Japanese dish are safe and even beneficial for both mom and baby. However, only if all sanitary and hygienic requirements are observed when preparing them in restaurants, cafes or sushi bars.

In addition, customers cannot be aware of where the fish was brought from, what processing it was subjected to, where it was stored and how it was transported. If one of the points is violated, fish products deteriorate very quickly. Pathogenic bacteria are planted in fish, which can lead, in the most extreme case, to the death of even a healthy person. This is why pregnant women should not eat sushi.

The immunity of a pregnant woman is very weak, so infection through fish occurs almost immediately. Infection of the child is unlikely, as it is protected by the placenta. However, the deterioration of the woman's condition immediately affects the development of the fetus. The use of sushi and rolls during pregnancy can provoke the development of hepatitis C, cause disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, or lead to anemia. Such diseases can cause spontaneous abortion. This is also the answer to the question why pregnant women should not eat sushi and rolls.

If you can’t, but really want to: or what kind of sushi to choose for pregnant women?

What kind of sushi can pregnant women - a question that is no less popular. The answer to it is quite simple - well-prepared and fresh. A woman should give preference to sushi and rolls during pregnancy without hot sauces, prepared on the basis of vegetables. IMPORTANT! Only the attending physician, having compared all the pros and cons, can give a clear answer, what kind of sushi can a pregnant woman in a particular case.

It is better, of course, if the sushi is prepared by a woman on her own, at home. In this case, the future mother will be able to guarantee a complete heat treatment of fish, which is so important in the preparation of Japanese cuisine. What kind of sushi can pregnant women eat? Those that are prepared with love and are completely safe for the health and development of the baby.

Before eating sushi, every woman should think a hundred times about what consequences can await after a momentary pleasure. Every woman is responsible for her child, who has not yet been born. The main thing to remember is that the future of the child depends on what a woman eats during pregnancy. And what it will be: happy or unhappy, it is up to the future mother to decide personally.
