
Which foods are actually incompatible for human consumption at the same time. Perfectly mismatched couple

Hello dear readers of my blog! Studying information about proper nutrition, I have repeatedly come across the concept of "Product Compatibility Table for Proper Nutrition." I decided to get acquainted with the basics of separate nutrition, understand the food groups and learn how to combine them.

The main ideologist of compatibility (incompatibility) of products is Herbert Shelton. He conducted research for several years, identified the enzymes involved in the digestion of food. This allowed him to think over and implement the concept of separate nutrition according to Shelton. Its basics are perfectly demonstrated by the product compatibility table.

The combination of products with proper nutrition table

So, what is a table, how to use it? Seventeen cells horizontally, seventeen vertically. The most popular products are listed here. For convenience, they are numbered. Each number corresponds to a column.

A certain color at the intersection of the row and column indicates the level of compatibility:

  • Yellow- are combined at an acceptable level;
  • Green- fit together well
  • Red- don't fit well.

So that you finally understand the principle of working with a table, I will give an example. Bread and meat - can they be served on the same dish and eaten at one meal? Bread - number 7. Meat - number 1. We look at the color at the intersection of row No. 7 and column No. 1 - red. Consequently, they do not combine well, which means that a lot of time will be spent on their digestion.

For convenience, I recommend product compatibility table, print and place in a conspicuous place. So you will not go wrong with the right selection of ingredients for breakfast, lunch or dinner. Look at the "color" of compatibility and adjust the menu.

Products from the table

I will not tell you about products such as eggs or vegetable oil. Everything is clear here. But about groups that consist of several products at once, let's call them generalized, I propose to talk separately.

Meat, fish, poultry- These are proteins of animal origin and the group of the most difficult to digest products. They are best cooked without fat. They go well with green vegetables and non-starchy ones. Worse with starchy, incompatible with bread, cereals, potatoes. Let me remind you that alcohol should not be consumed with animal proteins.

Sample menu:

  • Baked chicken with mashed carrots, cauliflower
  • Fish cakes with iceberg leaf salad, arugula, radish
  • Veal soup with celery, leeks, carrots

Legumes- this includes lentils, beans, beans, peas, soybeans. But, do not include green peas, green beans. Legumes are capricious and are well compatible with greens, vegetables (starchy, non-starchy).

Sample menu:

  • Chickpea Salad with Steamed Pumpkin, Carrots, Pumpkin Oil Dressing
  • Lentil cutlets with cabbage salad, dill, olive oil dressing
  • Beans stewed with cauliflower, carrots, celery

Bread, cereals, potatoes- oats, wheat, rye, buckwheat, rice, millet. Of course, potatoes, bread. Pairs well with herbs and vegetables.

Sample menu:

  • Potatoes stewed with eggplants, bell peppers, carrots, onions
  • Toasts with fragrant green butter (for this you need to mix butter with a fat content of at least 80% with basil, chili pepper, parsley)
  • Green buckwheat with baked beetroot salad, garlic, sesame oil dressing

Sour fruits, tomatoes- these are grapefruits, tangerines, oranges, lemons, pineapple, cranberries, pomegranates, grapes, sour apples. Plus tomatoes, so loved by many gourmets. Combine most successfully with vegetables, cheese, nuts.

Sample menu:

  • Smoothies from green apples, spinach, lemon juice
  • Baked apples with nuts, cinnamon
  • Salad "Caprese"

semi-acid fruits- raspberries, strawberries, blueberries, wild strawberries, sweet apples, apricots, plums, peaches, cherries.

Sample menu:

  • Freshly squeezed juice from grapefruit, orange
  • Fruit salad with apples, strawberries, blueberries
  • Frozen berry ice cream flavored with cinnamon and a dash of honey

Sweet fruits, dried fruits- bananas, persimmons, figs, dates, raisins.

Sample menu:

  • Banana, dates, almond milk smoothie
  • Prunes stuffed with hazelnuts and honey
  • Dried fruits compote

Vegetables are green and non-starchy- parsley, celery, dill, beet tops, radish, lettuce. This also includes white cabbage, onion, green, eggplant, cucumbers, garlic, bell peppers, green peas.

Sample menu:

  • Salad of radishes, cucumbers, dill, white cabbage with sunflower oil dressing
  • Eggplant baked with tomatoes, cheese, garnished with basil greens
  • Cabbage, celery, carrot, garlic, bell pepper soup

Starchy vegetables- carrots, beets, zucchini, horseradish, squash, pumpkin, cauliflower, celery root, parsley. This group of products also includes turnips, radishes, radishes, swedes.

Sample menu:

  • Oven baked carrots with pumpkin, seasoned with pumpkin seeds, olive oil
  • Zucchini spaghetti with pesto
  • Soup - mashed cauliflower

Separately, I want to say about the melon. It doesn't match with anything. It must be eaten separately, as an independent dish.

Separate nutrition for weight loss

Compatibility of products for proper nutrition is very important for weight loss. This is not a diet, this is a special approach that takes into account how one product is combined with another. See how the real inhabitants of nature behave - animals. They don't combine different foods. They don't fry it, they don't process it. Only a person spends a lot of manipulations with food before it enters his stomach. This causes bloating, heartburn, or nausea. The problem is that the products are not digested. And they are not assimilated due to the fact that they do not combine. The simpler the food, the less processed it is, the fewer different components it contains, the easier it is for the body. When there are no such problems, then excess weight goes away by itself.

Therefore, you just have to be more vigilant about cooking and eat only compatible foods at one meal.

Using incompatible products, we do not even suspect how difficult the task is for our body. As well as how adequately he will cope with it. Eaten together, some of them can not only negate the benefits of each and cause discomfort, but also “give” serious health problems. Some of the incompatible pairs are known even to a schoolboy, for example, fresh cucumbers with milk.

But many irreconcilable enemies are erroneously listed as almost companions.

A bit of theory

Each type of food for processing requires a certain composition of gastric juice and enzymes, its own special environment. For carbohydrates, it should be alkaline, for proteins, it should be acidic, etc. You don’t need to tell the stomach: it knows everything itself. Now imagine what position the digestive system is in when it is supplied with, for example, a pork chop with mashed potatoes. Alkaline enzymes immediately rush towards the potato, which blocks the digestion of meat. It will begin only after the potato is completely "neutralized". Everything else is no longer reached, and it moves on in a completely undigested form.

This leads to fermentation processes in the intestines, during which there is an intensive release of toxins. The liver and pancreas enter the fight against them, and this is a serious burden for them. If it becomes regular, they may fail. In addition, fecal stones are formed from undigested residues, forming whole deposits in the intestines. Hence - constipation, flatulence, general intoxication of the body.

And this is just one example. There is a whole science of how to combine products correctly. But for starters, it would be nice to know at least that it is impossible to combine.

Tea and milk

Tea is a healthy drink. In particular, it is valued for the presence of antioxidants, the benefits of which need not be discussed. And milk is proteins that put a barrier to the absorption of antioxidant substances and turn tea - even black, even green - into an empty and useless drink.

Cheese and meat

Phosphorus is present in cheese, and zinc is present in meat, which is extremely poorly absorbed due to phosphorus. Sour cream in meat dishes gives the same anti-effect.

Melon and milk

The same as cucumber. Moreover, if the cucumber is not combined only with fresh milk, then the melon does not recognize any dairy products. Therefore, if you ate a fragrant slice after milk soup, do not go far from home.

Meat and red wine

Yes, unexpectedly and outrageously, but nutritionists are adamant: the tannins contained in red wine negate the benefits of meat as an iron-containing product. And iron is extremely important for the quality of the blood.

Alcohol and cola

Another very common, but highly discouraged combination. For the body, this is cosmic fuel. You can quickly start the engine on it and even fly for a short time, but the most harmless consequence of such a mix is ​​the strongest morning hangover. This applies not only to cola, but also to other soda. But the cola in this regard is perhaps the record holder.

Beer with peanuts

It seems to be a classic of the genre. However, peanuts, as many are mistaken, do not apply to nuts. This is a legume, which, in combination with alcohol, turns into a heavy brick for the stomach. There is no mention of any useful properties of speech, respectively.

White bread and jam

It turns out that they are extremely incompatible products. A high dose of simple carbohydrates can sabotage the pancreas and greatly increase the risk of diabetes. Jam refers to all products of this series: jams, marmalades, etc.

Fruit for dessert

If you want the food you eat to immediately rot right in your stomach, complete your hearty meal with a fruit plate. Eaten last, fruits stand in line for digestion for the first, second and salad. By the time this turn reaches them, they will already be something very sad.

Greens and salt

In particular, spinach greens and lettuce. Sprinkled with salt, they do not become harmful, but absolutely useless - guaranteed. Salt draws out of them, along with the liquid, everything for which they are valued in terms of a healthy diet.

pasta and meat

Bad news for navy pasta and bolognese pasta lovers. Food of this type is digested for a long time, not fully and provokes fermentation and bloating.

Milk and cereals

Yes, this is what we often eat for breakfast with full confidence in the usefulness of the morning meal. The combination of fast-absorbing elements in these products causes increased gas formation and spikes in blood sugar levels. Moreover, it is here that the “dog” of increased desire is buried.

eat some "nasty things" during the day.

Dairy products and kiwi

They like to add kiwi to all sorts of yogurts or all sorts of smoothies. And absolutely in vain! Kiwi contains an enzyme that catalyzes the rapid breakdown of protein found in dairy products. Because of this, the taste does not change for the better, bitterness appears. We are talking, of course, about natural milk.

Potatoes and tomatoes

Along with potatoes, it is unacceptable to use other products containing starch with tomatoes. Tomatoes with starch are old implacable enemies. Heaviness in the stomach and indigestion are still flowers. With a regular test of the body for strength, such gastronomic duets can earn gastritis and even peptic ulcer.

Of course, it is difficult to keep track of all undesirable combinations, and it is not always possible. Therefore, it is important to be able to provide yourself with prompt assistance in such cases. If a “party” has begun in the stomach, sorbents will help. This is a duty activated carbon, Polysorb or Enterosgel. They will also remove the symptoms of intoxication, if it was not caused by more serious reasons. And yet it is better to try to exclude food-enemies from one meal altogether. At best, wholesome food turns into an empty, meaningless edible mass, at worst, into a poison prepared by oneself.

+ good, 0 acceptable, - bad 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
1. Meat, fish, poultry - - - - - - - - + 0 - - - - -
2. Pulses - 0 + + - 0 - - + + - - - - 0
3. Butter, cream - 0 0 - - + + - + + 0 - 0 - -
4. Sour cream - + 0 0 - + + 0 + + - + 0 0 -
5. Vegetable oil - + - 0 - + + 0 + + - - - - +
6. Sugar, confectionery - - - - - - - - + - - - - - -
7. Bread, cereals, potatoes - 0 + + + - - - + + - - 0 - 0
8. Sour fruits, tomatoes - - + + + - - 0 + 0 - 0 + - +
9. Sweet fruits, dried fruits - - - 0 0 - - 0 + 0 0 + - - 0
10. Vegetables are green and non-starchy + + + + + + + + + + - + + + +
11. Starchy vegetables 0 + + + + - + 0 0 + 0 + + 0 +
12. Milk - - 0 - - - - - 0 - 0 - - - -
13. Cottage cheese, dairy products - - - + - - - 0 + + + - + - +
14. Cheese, cheese - - 0 0 - - 0 + - + + - + - 0
15. Eggs - - - 0 - - - - - + 0 - - - -
16. Nuts - 0 - - + - 0 + 0 + + - + 0 -

The product compatibility table is the basis of a separate power supply system. It consists of sixteen lines - categories of products that can be combined in different ways. Good compatibility is marked with a “+” sign, and bad compatibility is marked with a “-” sign. The sign "0" means that such a combination is allowed.

The table is easy to use - you select the product category in the first column and then the number of the other product in the top row. Everything is simple, as in the Pythagorean table.

1. Meat, poultry, fish

The first column is the most important, since it is here that it is easiest to break the product compatibility rules. The nature of food determines the composition of enzymes released for its processing. So, for the digestion of meat, the strongest juice is needed, it is released in the first hour of digestion. For bread - after 3 hours, and for milk - at the last hour. In addition, the strength of the juice and its acidity, and, consequently, the activity of the gastric glands and the speed of digestion, vary depending on the quality of the food. Animal proteins are the most difficult food to digest.

Meat, fish, poultry should be lean. During the processing of these products, all external fat must be removed. For meat of all kinds, a combination with green and non-starchy vegetables is favorable, because. this combination neutralizes the harmful properties of animal proteins, helps their digestion and removal of excess cholesterol from the blood (kalorizator). The combination of animal proteins with alcohol brings great harm, because. alcohol precipitates pepsin, necessary for the digestion of animal proteins. The combination of meat with animal proteins related to it, such as milk, eggs, cottage cheese, cheese ... is negative, because each of them requires special digestive secretions and different processing times, so mixing them is not recommended. This is what the authors of the separate power system say, and this is what finds it tough.

2. Legumes (beans, peas, lentils)

Pulses are beans, beans, soybeans, peas, lentils, etc. These products are complex carbohydrates, but contain a large amount of protein. Therefore, they require great attention when combined with other products. Features of the compatibility of legumes with other products are explained by their dual nature. As starches, they go well with fats, especially easy to digest - vegetable oil and sour cream, and as a source of vegetable protein, they are good with greens and starchy vegetables. They cannot be excluded from the diet, as it is a source of vegetable protein rich in amino acids, vitamins and minerals.

3. Butter and cream

For their good assimilation, an abundance of green and non-starchy vegetables is necessary, since they themselves contain a lot of fat, which is difficult for digestion. Logically, you can combine butter and cheese, but from a dietary point of view, a large amount of fat in one meal is not advisable.

4. Sour cream

Sour cream, although it belongs to fats, but its calorie content is three times less than the calorie content of vegetable oil. Those who lose weight on a separate food system can add it to their meals, combine it with grains and legumes, vegetables, sour fruits and sour-milk products.

5. Vegetable oil

Vegetable oil is a very useful product if it is consumed raw and unrefined. It is logical to use it in combination with vegetables, but to combine it with sugar, cottage cheese, milk ... and it will never occur to anyone. Therefore, use it in salads for health, just remember that this is a high-calorie product.

6. Sugar, confectionery

As for sugar and confectionery - they should be avoided. All sugars inhibit the secretion of gastric juice. If sweets are eaten with other food, then lingering in the stomach for a long time, they very soon cause fermentation in it and, in addition, reduce the mobility of the stomach. Sour belching, heartburn are the results of this process. That is why it is not recommended to feed children with porridge with syrup, sugar and jam. Also, sugars lead to gastritis, constipation, poison the body, causing constant fermentation in the digestive tract. And if the food rots and ferments in the body, then it does not give up its calories and does not provide the body with minerals and vitamins.

7. Bread, cereals, potatoes

These are foods that are called starches or carbohydrates. All foods rich in starch should always be treated with great attention, since starch itself, in its pure form, is a difficult to digest product. The ban on the combination of animal proteins with starchy foods is the first and, perhaps, the most important law of separate nutrition, which has not been scientifically confirmed for decades. The authors and followers of the separate nutrition system believe that the first stages of digestion of protein and starchy foods occur in different environments: proteins need an acidic environment, and starch needs an alkaline one. Nature does not produce sandwiches, which means they cannot be useful. But somehow, nature produced peanuts, chickpeas, and beans that contain both proteins and starches.

At the same time, bread is considered a separate meal (for example, with butter), and not a mandatory addition to each meal. However, bread made from unrefined, whole grains can be eaten with a variety of salads, regardless of their composition.

8. Sour fruits, tomatoes

Tomatoes are included in this section because they have a high content of acids: citric, malic and oxalic. That is why, in terms of compatibility with other products, they are adjacent to sour fruits, such as: oranges, tangerines, grapefruits, pineapples, pomegranates, lemons, cranberries, sour in taste: apples, pears, plums, apricots, grapes.

9. Sweet fruits, dried fruits

It is better not to combine fruits (both sour and sweet) with anything at all, since they are absorbed in the intestines (you need to eat them at least 15-20 minutes before eating). It is known what a huge role fruits play in the body as natural vitamins and minerals. Their combination with milk and nuts is acceptable, but in small quantities, as this is difficult for digestion.

10. Vegetables are green and non-starchy

All green and non-starchy vegetables are given the green light by nutritionists. They are well combined with almost all products, and in the villages they often drink milk with cucumber and without any harm to digestion (calorizator). This category includes the tops of all edible plants (parsley, dill, celery, radish tops, beets), lettuce, wild "table" herbs, as well as white cabbage, green and onions, garlic, cucumbers, eggplant, bell peppers, green pea. Radishes, swedes, radishes and turnips are “semi-starchy” vegetables, which, in combination with various foods, are more likely to adjoin green and non-starchy ones.

11. Starchy vegetables

Starchy vegetables are the best addition to starchy foods. However, the combination of these vegetables with sugar causes strong fermentation, other combinations are either good or acceptable. This category includes: beets, carrots, horseradish, parsley and celery roots, pumpkin, zucchini and squash, cauliflower.

12. Milk

Milk is a separate food, not a drink. It contains calories, proteins, fats and carbohydrates. All babies in nature feed on milk, but note that they do not take any more food. And if in the animal world milk goes out of nutrition in a natural way, then in the human world, people lose their ability to absorb lactose over the years. According to the rules of separate nutrition, milk does not go well with anything, but its combination with starchy vegetables and sweet fruits is acceptable.

13. Cottage cheese, dairy products

Cottage cheese must be carefully combined with other foods, as it is an indigestible complete protein (milk casein). Products homogeneous with milk, such as sour cream, cheese, cottage cheese, are compatible with it due to their similarity. Sweet fruits, vegetables and nuts are also combined with cottage cheese.

14. Cheese, cheese

Nutritionists treat cheeses with caution because of their high salinity. The most acceptable cheeses are young cheeses of the home type, i.e. something between cottage cheese and cheese. As for cheese, it is a healthy protein product, which, however, requires soaking in cold water to remove excess salt. Salt in the diet of losing weight and thereby masks weight loss.

Cheeses and feta cheese are a combination of protein and fat in almost equal proportions, which slows down the process of food decomposition in the stomach. They are good to combine with sour fruits and tomatoes. Cottage cheese and dairy products are homogeneous with cheese, so they are quite compatible. Processed cheeses are an unnatural product, significantly processed, so it is difficult for the body to process, although it is much better than sausage.

(prevents the development of anemia);

  • (fights against violation of vital activity of cells);
  • (participates in the mineral metabolism of the human body).
  • 16. Nuts

    Nuts are easily digestible vegetable fats. They are combined with sour fruits, vegetables, dairy products. But you should be careful with nuts, as this is one of the most high-calorie foods.

    To eat according to the rules of separate nutrition, you need to know which foods belong to which groups: starchy and non-starchy, sour and sweet, etc. Carefully study the compatibility table and.

    Not always the use of high-quality and natural products favorably affects the digestive system. Often this reaction of the body is due to the fact that we incorrectly combine certain types of food. The importance of separate nutrition was understood even by ancient scientists. Now this concept serves as the basis for most diets and has many followers. So which products are incompatible with each other?

    The history of the concept of product compatibility

    Even people of antiquity knew what a separate diet is. Incompatible foods are mentioned in his writings by the ancient Roman physician Celsus: he strongly recommended that patients track food combinations in their daily diet. And the Persian healer Avicenna at the beginning of the first millennium BC in his writings touches on the topic of the harm of the simultaneous consumption of various types of food products. The well-known academician Pavlov conducted research on the enzymatic function of the stomach and concluded that when different types of products are digested, its chemical composition changes. Nowadays, separate meals are very popular among those who monitor their health or want to lose weight.

    How does the body digest food?

    Each product is digested by the body at a certain rate. For example, an apple eaten on an empty stomach passes through the esophagus and stomach and enters the intestines within 20 minutes, and the meat takes longer to digest. If, after a heavy meal, you eat a grapefruit or any other fruit, then its absorption will be inhibited by the food taken before, as a result of which it begins to rot in the intestines.

    The digestive process involves not only the participation of gastric juice in it. Gastric and intestinal bacteria, pancreas, gallbladder and saliva are also involved. Incorrect operation of at least one of the links in this chain affects the outcome of the process.

    Why are some products incompatible?

    The process of assimilation of the nutrients of each type of food requires the presence of certain enzymes. For example, the digestion of protein foods is carried out in an acidic environment, and carbohydrates in an alkaline one. When they interact, the result is that the body needs several times more time and energy to digest incompatible products. The consequences of such malnutrition are a feeling of heaviness in the stomach and a decrease in performance throughout the day.

    Compliance with the basics of separate nutrition helps to cure and prevent many diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. This is because incompatible foods give an additional burden to the digestive system, thereby reducing the amount of absorbed vitamins and minerals.

    Why is it important to choose the right food combinations?

    The task of the gastrointestinal tract is to digest various types of food, both plant and animal origin. The main element of the digestive system is the intestinal microflora. It is she who determines the outcome and quality of the entire process - how quickly the incoming substances will be converted into nutrient compounds or decay products.

    The intestinal microflora is represented by a large qualitative and quantitative composition. Moreover, some species are predominant, while others are oppressed. The species composition is determined by the nature of the food consumed and the metabolic rate. If the products included in the daily diet are natural and properly combined, the microflora becomes stable.

    If a person consumes incompatible foods or overeats, the work of the stomach and then the intestines is disrupted. Food that stagnates in the intestines begins to consume putrefactive bacteria. They secrete poisons and toxins that first enter the liver, then the kidneys, and then spread throughout the body. This mechanism is the cause of many diseases.

    Shelton principle

    Herbert Shelton is an American dietitian. His great merit lies in the fact that he collected and analyzed medical experience concerning the basics of separate nutrition. It is on his principles that most health diets are now based.

    Shelton also developed the so-called "simple diet" principle. Its meaning is that the maximum benefit from the consumed products can be obtained due to the uniformity of the diet at one meal.

    According to Shelton, for a greater healing effect, it is necessary to apply fasting. However, this aspect caused a storm of emotions and indignation among his colleagues. The application of these principles made it possible to cure many patients of such diseases as neurosis, diabetes mellitus of both types, and bronchial asthma. Nevertheless, not all of Shelton's patients were cured, for which the doctor went to jail.

    Compatible and incompatible human foods were summarized by scientists in a table that we are used to seeing now. In one meal, it is recommended to combine no more than three products. Ideally, there should be one product per reception.

    Hay's theory

    Howard Hay also did research in the field of nutritional separation in dietetics. He took Shelton's principles as a basis, but eventually developed his own theory.

    According to Hay, foodstuffs are divided into three classes:

    1. Protein.
    2. Carbohydrate.
    3. Neutral.

    Some types of food nutritionist urged to exclude altogether. He was also categorically against the presence of refined foods in the diet.

    What products are incompatible according to this theory? Hay was of the opinion that a person consumes a large number of foods that "peroxidize" the body. From this, a variety of diseases arise - from skin rashes to migraines and ulcers. Accordingly, you should eat food that causes an alkaline reaction, namely natural vegetables and fruits, dairy products. "Alkaline" food should be four times more than "sour". The latter included meat, fish, eggs, all citrus fruits, coffee, sweets and alcohol.

    A modern approach to separate nutrition

    All products are conditionally divided into 10 types. The main difference from the well-known classification is the division into moderately compatible and incompatible products. The fact is that some contain a lot of starch, while others, in turn, very little. In fact, they fall into the rank of "non-starchy" food.

    Fruits are sweet

    These include dried fruits of all kinds, bananas, dates, raisins, dried melons.

    Fruits are digested relatively quickly, with sour fruits quickly bypassing the stage of digestion in the stomach, and sweet fruits slowly. Therefore, it is best to use them separately as an independent dish or an hour and a half before a meal, moreover, at least three hours must pass from the last meal. You can not use them as a component of desserts. This rule also applies to fruit juices. Products of this type are quite compatible with any fruits, cereals, sour-milk foods.

    Fruits semi-sweet (semi-sour)

    These are forest berries, mangoes, apples, pears, cherries, watermelons, grapes, peaches, plums, apricots, tomatoes.

    Products of this type are perfectly combined with each other, as well as with all fruits, herbs, dairy products, high-protein foods (nuts, cheese, fat cottage cheese). Wild berries can be combined with milk. Incompatible foods - meat, fish, eggs, grains and legumes. This is explained by the difference in the rate of assimilation. Eating semi-sweet fruits with starchy foods is not recommended.

    It is important to note that namely melons and watermelons cannot be combined with anything. After eating them, other food "gets stuck" in the stomach, and then begins to rot, which inevitably leads to bloating.

    Fruits are sour

    These include all citrus fruits, pineapple, pomegranate, and pears, grapes, sour berries (blackberries, cranberries, currants).

    Perfectly combined within their type, as well as with all fruits, dairy products, cottage cheese, sour cream, cream. Do not combine with high-protein and starchy foods, grains and legumes. It is undesirable to use with vegetables.

    Vegetables compatible with other products

    These include cucumbers, cabbage, radishes, radishes, sweet peppers, onions, garlic, beets, turnips, rutabagas, carrots, pumpkins, zucchini. Foods of this type are perfectly combined both within their group and with proteins, fats, starchy foods and greens, as they speed up the digestive process. It is not recommended to eat vegetables along with fruits, but exceptions are possible. Cannot be combined with milk.

    Vegetables less compatible with other foods

    These are cauliflower and boiled white cabbage, green peas, late pumpkin and zucchini, eggplant. They pair well with starchy foods and other vegetables, fats, and herbs. You can also pair them with cheeses. It is undesirable to use with protein foods of animal origin. Incompatible products - fruits, milk.

    Starchy foods

    This category includes cereals (wheat, rye, oats, buckwheat, rice, millet), as well as products from them (bakery, pasta), potatoes, corn, chestnut. Perfectly digested in combination with herbs, fats, vegetables of all types and within their group. When used with fats, it is recommended to add greens. Incompatible foods - protein (especially of animal origin) and sour-milk food, sugar, fruits.

    Protein products

    This includes meat, fish, poultry, eggs, cheeses, cottage cheese, dairy products, legumes, nuts, mushrooms. Protein foods are best combined with greens and all kinds of vegetables, as they speed up the digestive process and help eliminate poisons from food. You can also eat fats with protein foods, but since they slow down digestion, greens should be added to such dishes. Protein foods should not be combined with starchy foods, as well as with fruits and sugars. However, with fruits, as an exception, the use of cottage cheese, cheese, sour-milk products, nuts is permissible.

    Separately, milk should be isolated from products of this type. Milk is a food, not a drink. It needs to coagulate under the action of stomach enzymes before reaching the intestines. If milk enters the stomach along with other food, then it envelops the mucous membrane and prevents it from working in its usual mode. Products incompatible with milk are almost all types of food. You can combine fruits with it, but this combination is not suitable for all people. Nutritionists advise drinking warm milk.


    This type of food includes lettuce, nettle, leek, sorrel, cilantro, parsley, dill and other green plants used for food. Greens go well with any kind of food, with the exception of milk. Doctors recommend including one bunch of any in your diet every day. It is of particular benefit in combination with starchy and protein foods, as it speeds up its digestion, neutralizes poisons, improves intestinal motility, and contains vitamins.


    This group of products includes butter, ghee, vegetable, lard, cream, sour cream and other fats of animal origin. Often this includes fatty meat (pork), fish and nuts.

    The main distinguishing feature of fats is that they slow down the process of secretion of gastric juice, especially when consumed at the beginning of a meal. They also have a softening effect if products that are incompatible with each other have entered the body. For example, pork with potatoes is better absorbed if sour cream is added to it. Fats are perfectly combined with greens, all types of vegetables, foods rich in starch. It is allowed to use fats along with fruits of any type, for example, wild berries with sour cream.

    The most incompatible foods with fats are sugars. Such combinations should be avoided. It is in this case that the “inhibiting” effect of fats is most pronounced. It is also highly undesirable to mix vegetable and animal fats in food, and it is best to replace butter with melted butter.


    These include sugar (both white and cane), fructose, syrups, jams, honey.

    When combined with protein or starchy foods, sugars provoke fermentation, which greatly reduces the benefits of the foods consumed. Sugar should be consumed separately, but it is better to abandon them altogether. And if you decide to drink tea with sugar and sweets, then it is better to do this before meals, but in no case after it.

    However, there is an exception to these rules - honey. In small quantities, it goes well with all types of food, as it slows down decay and fermentation. But you can't use it every day.

    Incompatible foods for weight loss

    If you strictly follow the basics of separate nutrition, you can not only improve the body, but also lose weight, because most modern diets rely on them. Although such a nutrition system is unlikely to meet the definition of "diet", since here only a list of products that are most compatible with each other is mentioned.

    So, first you need to study incompatible products for weight loss. This group includes combinations:

    • Protein food with flour products.
    • A combination of vegetable and animal proteins in one go.
    • Combination in one meal.
    • Protein foods with sugars.
    • Flour products with fruits.
    • Flour products with milk.
    • Protein food with milk.

    The so-called "90" food system has gained particular popularity among diets. It lies in the fact that within 90 days it is necessary to adhere to the four-day cycle of the diet, that is:

    • The first day is protein.
    • The second day is starchy.
    • The third day is carbohydrate (you can eat sweets).
    • The fourth day is vitamin (vegetables, fruits).

    Such a diet is very easy to follow, because the body will be saturated with all the necessary substances, so there will be no breakdowns.

    • Refined foods should be excluded (wheat flour, white sugar, margarine).
    • There should be an interval of 3-4 hours between main meals.
    • Acidic fruits and protein foods should not be consumed with carbohydrate foods at the same time.

    Products incompatible with alcohol

    It is not recommended to combine alcohol with high-protein foods. The process of protein digestion begins in the stomach due to the action of the enzyme - pepsin. When alcohol is consumed, pepsin is precipitated, resulting in undigested food entering the intestines.

    The principles of a separate food system are based not only on the postulates of which products are incompatible. It helps to choose the most successful combinations of them, and many of them are sure to please everyone. Separate nutrition helps not only to improve the body, but also to say goodbye to extra pounds and get rid of food allergies, because the latter is a natural reaction to rotting protein foods. If you decide to stick to a separate food system, special food compatibility tables will come in handy. With their help, you can easily create a daily menu.

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    Nutritionists say that whole milk is not compatible with any food, and it is advisable to drink it separately. But kefir, due to its unique composition (which is fundamentally different from milk), is perfectly combined with a mass of products. Why, then, a drink obtained directly by fermenting milk can be consumed with other foods, but not milk itself.

    The fact is that in the process of preparing a sour-milk drink, part of the proteins breaks down, and the lion's share of lactose (milk sugar) is converted into lactic acid, which is an excellent accelerator of the process of digestion of the food received simultaneously with it. It is thanks to lactic acid that kefir is a dietary product that significantly improves the condition of the digestive tract and digestive processes.

    What products can kefir be combined with

    The most favorable combination can be called the use of kefir at the same time as vegetables, especially those containing a large amount of chlorophyll - these are green color vegetables (all leafy greens, including celery, parsley, coriander, dill, arugula, as well as cucumbers, zucchini, cabbage, green bell pepper ) .

    Kefir goes well with berries, fruits, including dried, dried and frozen, jam, natural bee honey. Kefir perfectly complements dishes from whole grains, various cereals, muesli, all types of bread, especially whole grains. The combination of kefir and fiber (wheat, flaxseed, milk thistle, pumpkin, etc.) or bran is an excellent remedy for normalizing weight, improving digestion and cleansing the intestines from fecal blockages, decay products, toxic compounds and accumulated toxins.

    With what products kefir is undesirable to combine

    There are a number of products that can be consumed together with kefir, but it is better to avoid this if possible. These include: seeds (poppy, sesame, pumpkin and sunflower seeds, cumin, sesame), nuts (walnut, Brazilian, almonds, cashews, cedar, peanuts, hazelnuts), legumes (lentils, beans, peas, beans), as well as all varieties of mushrooms, including dried mushroom dishes.

    What products to combine is contraindicated

    Scientists have proven that the compatibility or incompatibility of individual products is due to the fact that each of them requires a specific activity of the digestive glands. That is why two proteins of different nature and different composition, requiring different changes in the digestive glands and different times for digestion and complete breakdown, cannot be taken at the same time. For this reason, kefir is absolutely incompatible with eggs, whole milk, fish, caviar, seafood and meat.

    Consider these simple recommendations when compiling your daily diet, and your digestive system will always function normally, avoiding unnecessary overloads.
