
What are the rules for playing literball? Folk fun - literball. It's our way! We play literball

Literball To play literball - to drink alcohol, usually beer, vodka, etc. I was at the literball yesterday. Gopnik jargon

Dictionary of modern vocabulary, jargon and slang. 2014 .


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    Dictionary of Russian Argo

    LITERBALL (LITERBALL)- Play literball (literball). Razg. Shuttle. Get drunk. Baldaev 1, 168. Engage in (get involved in) literball (literball). Razg. Shuttle. Drink alcohol frequently. Elistratov 1994, 229 ...

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    LITERBALL, a, LITERBALL, a, m. Drinking, alcohol; drinking process; drunkenness, alcoholism. Engage in (or get involved in) letterball drinking alcohol frequently. The master of spirits in letterball is an alcoholic. Redistribution.; Wed commonly used "liter" + "football", "handball", etc. ... Dictionary of Russian Argo

Literball is Russian folk fun .. the point is who outdrinks whom .. :)

The idea to introduce classification and rules for competitions in literball came to us when we returned from training and discussed the beer marathon...

It is not at all clear why such a popular and undeservedly bypassed by the Olympic Committee sport as literball (even Word, in which I am typing this article, does not have this word in its dictionary and stupidly underlines it in red as incorrectly written) still does not have competition rules, categories and categories of difficulty. We decided to correct this shortcoming. As you know, I have already used the climbing term twice - the category of difficulty, and this is not accidental. There is a lot in common between these sports: in both you need a sense of balance, in both you need to correctly distribute forces over the entire “distance”, in both you need to have outstanding physical abilities and good “technique”, in both you need to take care of “insurance” in advance, in general if you look closely, you will find a lot in common. Both are the sport of real men. Therefore, in order not to invent a bicycle, it was decided to take as a basis a system of categories of difficulties and rules for holding competitions, as well as terminology from rock climbing - for holding competitions in literball.

1. Since there are several types of climbing in rock climbing (free climbing, sports climbing and using aids), it was decided to draw an analogy for literball:
a. Free climbing (climbing with the organization of points of insurance without using them for support) - in literball this is the organization of drinking alcoholic beverages without first choosing a place and drinks, i.e. drinks and the place for drinking them are chosen spontaneously without prior agreement (as in free climbing, there is a certain risk of “breaking loose” - that is, getting into a sobering-up station or bullpen);
b. Sports climbing (climbing along a route with prearranged safety points) - in literball this is the organization of drinking alcoholic beverages in a predetermined place with a predetermined drink and dose (often turns into free climbing);
c. With the use of ITO - in literball in our area it is practically not used (in any case, such cases are not known to me). Its essence lies in the fact that improvised means are used that allow an additional dose of alcohol to be taken into the body, which is not available when using free and sports "lasagna". Those. enemas, intravenous injections (syringe and dropper), as well as the absorption of alcohol vapors by sniffing the cork, which is especially popular among beginners.
2. We argued for a long time about the categories of difficulty, but nevertheless came to a consensus. It was decided to separate difficulty and bouldering (albeit an original solution).
a. So complexity: the French system of categories of complexity is taken as a basis, i.e. "routes" from 5th to 9th categories, plus letter postfixes (a,b and c) to separate the complexity within the categories and a plus sign for the same purposes (for example 8c+). For example, consider the 5th category - this is drinking beer or other low-alcohol drinks in volumes of 3 liters or more. In turn, the 9th category of complexity is drinking moonshine 700 or absinthe in volumes of 3 liters or more (that's why it is the 9th category, only athletes with extensive experience and in good shape, there are only a few of them !!!).
b. Bouldering: this is based on the American system - the letter V plus a number indicating the difficulty, from 1 to 15 (for example, V8). The main difference between difficulty and bouldering is that in difficulty rather large volumes are taken, distributed over a relatively long period of time, and bouldering is a “strength” exercise performed in one breath. For example, let's take the highest category of complexity - V15, this is drinking 250 ml of a glass of pure carbonated alcohol through a straw in 1 minute. (and no one said that it's easy - it's bouldering).
c. Well, let's briefly touch on speed - everything is simple here: drinking alcoholic beverages at speed (most often beer is not bouldering), here our athletes, just like in rock climbing, are confidently leading, although they say that German and American athletes can make us real competition .
3. The most heated disputes were about the rules for evaluating the passage of the "route" by the athlete. As a result, by analogy with the assessment of the passage of the route in rock climbing - a glass or other measuring container is an analogue of a hold. Suppose an athlete drank 9 glasses (took hold of the 9th hold), if he lifted the 10th glass (moved to the 10th hold) but could not knock over, then the result is 9+. And if he not only took the 10th glass, but also “tipped” it, but could not swallow it (who doesn’t happen to him), then this is already 10-. Accordingly, if he drank the 10th glass, but could not even raise (make a move) the 11th, then the result is 10. It is not without breakdowns ... (well, if successful, he managed to run to the toilet, otherwise it could be and worse...). It all depends on the class of the athlete - on the ability to calculate their strength.
4. And finally, the ranks and ranks in literball. Everything is as usual here - in order to complete the CCM, you need to get into the top three winners (be able to drink more) in a company with existing CCMs at least twice in half a year (you need to confirm the title). Well, on the master you already need to drink two MCs in letterball. To receive the MSMK, it is necessary to win prizes in several international competitions with MS class athletes.

10 Lightball Games
1. "Bottle"
They play the same way as in an ordinary bottle, but no one kisses (well, except at the final stage of the game, after the "do you respect me?" stage). Whom the untwisted empty bottle will point to, he drinks a dose of vodka. Available with snacks. The "losers" carry the "winners" home.

2. "The bear has come" ("The Last Hero").
The classic lavender game. Everyone is sitting with glasses. Everyone pours vodka into a glass and puts a dollar next to it (you can just 10 rubles). They drink. The host announces: "The bear has arrived!". Everyone goes under the table. They pour again, put in a buck and drink. The host again says: “The bear has come!”, everyone again crawls under the table ... In the end, only one person crawls out. He takes all the loot and leaves (creeps away). The rest remain under the table.

3. "The brown bear has come!"
Extremely extreme competition. It is not recommended to play together. Champagne is poured into a large basin, participants sit around. Everyone takes turns drinking a glass of champagne and topping up a glass of cognac. When the liquid turns brown, they say: "The brown bear has come!" Further - on the contrary, after each stack drunk from the pelvis, champagne is added. When the liquid turns yellow, they say: "The brown bear is gone!". Few people saw the departure of the polar bear ...

4. "Tower"
Out to *** Oh yo! It's good that Admins don't see that I'm writing *** to three towers. We put the plate flat, then 2 plates vertically, one on top, one flat and so on. Whoever caused the tower to collapse must drink. There are no losers: after thirty minutes, the players together try to put another record vertically and roll with laughter on the floor, where they fall asleep ....

5. "Cowboy Joe"
The two stand on opposite sides of the table. A third thumps loudly on the table with his fist. On a signal, vodka is taken on the chest. The winner is the one who manages to return the empty container to the table. It is necessary to return loudly, with a roar.

6. "Metro"
We take a metro map and a bottle of vodka. We choose a route, for example: "Tushinskaya" - "Leninsky Prospekt". We appoint a leader - he will announce the stops. “Be careful, the doors are closing, the next station is Polezhaevskaya. Everyone drinks a glass. “The next station is Begovaya. Everyone is drinking again. For each transplant they drink separately. Gradually, as people get drunk, they begin to "get off the train." Wins respectively the one who gets to the place.

7. "Hundred"
Beer is poured into a bucket or keg. Athletes with 100-gram glasses sit around and, scooping up, drink once a minute. Ideally, the one who manages to drink at least a hundred glasses wins. With good preparation of the participants, the game can go without losers. You can run to the toilet, but very quickly - you can’t go astray, and exactly one minute later the participants must take another hundred-gram dose. If you have a cast iron bladder, then this game is for you.

8. "Drunken Checkers"
Even quite official competitions are held on this game. A real checkers board is used, and stacks instead of checkers. On the one hand, red wine is poured into the piles, on the other - white .. Then everything is the same as in ordinary checkers. He cut down an enemy stack - drank it. For a change, you can play giveaway!!! Special maniacs can pour cognac and vodka into shot glasses. In this scenario, only masters of sports of international class win five games in a row.

9. "Ishsho"
The game of the simplest. Three players each take a mug of beer. The first one to run to the toilet brings more beer to himself and others. So they play until the money runs out.

10. "Inkwell"
Also a simple game. A glass is passed around the circle, and everyone pours a little red wine into it (that's why the "inkwell"). The one who has a glass overflowing, drinks everything to the bottom. Then the process is repeated.

On warm summer and harsh winter evenings, people gather at home and around the yards with bottles of something intoxicating, and the competition begins. There are leaders and outsiders in it, there are rules and penalties. Seasoned fans of this sport even know how to figure out from the crowd those who are on doping. People like to play literball. This is not only Russian, but also worldwide fun, the name of which appeared with someone's light hand. Let's try to delve into history.

Rebellious Russian soul

Our people are strikingly different from the rest of the world's population. It is not for nothing that Russians are immediately visible at any resort, at a reception or an important presentation. We love to be in the spotlight, spread our feathers and amaze in a big way. At the same time, we are not poseurs and not at all egoists. The broad Russian soul is an inexplicable phenomenon, since our generosity knows no boundaries, but the ingenuity of the city takes. In any sport, we try to take the top, and we don’t leave places on the podium for other countries. Alas, because of our perfectionism, we often make enemies. And how can a Russian person get away from painful experiences? The tried-and-tested folk version helps - to hit the drinking of alcoholic beverages.

When did it start?

Here the question is complicated, since they always drank in Rus', and they did it with pleasure and pleasure. It should be noted that this does not at all make us a godlessly drinking country, but only speaks of our sincerity. Yes, we often arrange feasts and drink. All because we love to drink on occasion and in good company. It was these aspects that made us think that drinking alcohol in Rus' is not just fun, but a real art. Or sports. For the first time they began to mention literball at the beginning of the "zero" in conversations about beer marathons. Then the conversations became more serious and longer. And after that, a set of rules appeared, which a self-respecting "athlete" simply would not dare to violate.

We play literball!

This is not just doing nothing, but a science that not everyone can comprehend. Schoolchildren are already starting their "introduction" into sports, from the 7th-8th grade. Of course, they don’t pull on masters, but they learn the basics with fervor. Schoolchildren can realize only small volumes; often a light beer or wine is enough for them to feel like "athletes". But literball is a science with development and complication, and therefore already at the university you have to conquer new heights, take on board fortified wines, liquors, cocktails with vodka and vodka itself in its pure form. Literball students often elevate themselves to the rank of a great culture and give themselves to it without a trace. Hence their crumpled appearance, uncleaned teeth, bloodshot eyes. An unprepared body cannot cope with the consequences of drinking and may respond with poor health, heartburn or nausea. By the way, increasing the degree rarely does without dizziness and even hallucinations. Experienced literball players are advised to expel the disease by smoking. It is worth warning that most often the recommendation does not work and the novice athlete goes to bed right where he stood.

Crazy crazy world!

Sometimes literball is not only a sport, but also really entertainment. For example, at a friendly get-together it is hardly worth setting records for what you have drunk, but arranging a tasting of drinks would be very useful. Let's figure out which "drunken games" will be really interesting for guests. The most common fun is just like a sports game. On the table we arrange cups with the same portions of the drink. We retreat a few steps and try to hit the ping-pong ball into the glass. If we hit, then we empty the glass. Who knocked over more glasses, he won. Amateurs warn: excessive passion for the game is dangerous for your health and your coordination. The most gamblers can try the game "The bear has come!". In it, all players sit down at the table and put a bill next to the glass. After each toast, the host says “the bear has come!”, And those present crawl under the table, and when they get out, they put new money on the table. The game lasts until one person is left on their feet, and everyone else falls asleep peacefully under the table. The winner, respectively, takes all the money on the table.


And finally, you need to tell that in literball, as in any sport, there is its own classification, and the title of "Master of Sports in literball" must be earned. If a bottle of beer with roach and a loyal attitude to jokes are enough for the third youthful category, then for the second category the amount drunk should be at least three times more. For the first youth one, you need to master 6 bottles of beer, but the KMS are already switching to vodka and mixing it with beer. This trick, by the way, will not be possible for a new person. Only those who can master 0.8 liters of vodka and 4 liters of beer at once can become a master. In the morning, the master should be able to go to work! The upper step of the literball is a master of sports of international class. He easily consumes 1.2 liters of vodka, as well as 5.5 liters of beer. Sometimes without snacks. After such a shake-up, he should only survive!

3rd junior category

1 bottle of beer

snack: vobla

conditions: do not fall into a drunken stupor

2nd youth category
3 bottles of beer
snack: vobla
conditions: do not fall into a drunken stupor

1st youth category
6 bottles of beer.
Condition - able to crawl to the house, run to the toilet no more than every half hour.

CMS (candidate for master of sports)
0.4l vodka + 3 liters beer
appetizer: herring, cheese "Yantar" (no more than 2 pcs)
conditions: the applicant must be able to hold a conversation on topics of mutual respect, tell jokes, participate in choral singing.

MS (master of sports)
0.8l vodka 4 liters beer
appetizer: herring, juice, cheese, half a loaf of bread, zanyushka with the head of a drinking buddy
requirements: see CCM, plus the applicant must go to work in the morning.

MSMK (master of sports of international class)
1.2 liters of vodka 5.5 liters of beer
snack: doesn't matter
requirements: survive
Literball rules
Start with a light drink, such as 2 liters of beer or more (you need to calculate the number of microalcoholic bucephalus per gram of skin: the more beer, the more liquid mixture called urine will come from the participant).
Be sure to wear a ritual t-shirt! It will bring good luck to the owner, and will facilitate the ritual of "washing" (see below).
With an increase in the degree, uncomfortable hallucinogenic situations may arise, caused by the so-called Potter molecules. Experienced lightball players exorcise them with smoking tobacco sticks (see Exorcism)
If the participant can no longer continue, he says the key phrase "oh, I'm going to wash myself ...", and proceeds to the ritual of washing. Washing is a ritual invented by the great Greek philosopher Fliontin.
Never drink blue and acetone!
Do not read the fairy tale about Kolobok and Collider after 15 eggplants!
You need to jump on one leg with a bottle of vodka in a certain rhythm!

Posting 10 literball games!! ! In my opinion it will be very useful in life!! ! 1. "Bottle" It is played in the same way as a regular bottle, but no one kisses (well, except at the final stage of the game, after the stage "do you respect me?"). Whom the untwisted empty bottle will point to, he drinks a dose of vodka. Available with snacks. The "losers" carry the "winners" home. 2. "The bear has come" ("The Last Hero"). The classic lavender game. Everyone is sitting with glasses. Everyone pours vodka into a glass and puts a dollar next to it (you can just 10 rubles). They drink. The host announces: "The bear has arrived!". Everyone goes under the table. They pour again, put in a buck and drink. The host again says: "The bear has come!", Everyone again climbs under the table ... In the end, only one person gets out. He takes all the loot and leaves (creeps away). The rest remain under the table. 3. "The brown bear has come!" Extremely extreme competition. It is not recommended to play together. Champagne is poured into a large basin, participants sit around. Everyone takes turns drinking a glass of champagne and topping up a glass of cognac. When the liquid turns brown, they say: "The brown bear has come!". Further - on the contrary, after each stack drunk from the pelvis, champagne is added. When the liquid turns yellow, they say: "The brown bear is gone!". Few people saw the departure of the polar bear ... 4. "Tower" We build a tower from dominoes. We put the plate flat, then 2 plates vertically, one on top, one flat and so on. Whoever caused the tower to collapse must drink. There are no losers: after thirty minutes, the players together try to put another record vertically and roll with laughter on the floor, where they fall asleep ... . 5. "Cowboy Joe" Two stand on opposite sides of the table. A third thumps loudly on the table with his fist. On a signal, vodka is taken on the chest. The winner is the one who manages to return the empty container to the table. It is necessary to return loudly, with a roar. 6. "Metro" We take a metro card and a bottle of vodka. We choose a route, for example: "Tushinskaya" - "Leninsky Prospekt". We appoint a leader - he will announce the stops. “Be careful, the doors are closing, the next station is Polezhaevskaya. Everyone drinks a glass. “The next station is Begovaya. Everyone is drinking again. For each transplant they drink separately. Gradually, as people get drunk, they begin to "get off the train." Wins respectively the one who gets to the place. 7. "Hundred" Beer is poured into a bucket or keg. Athletes with 100-gram glasses sit around and, scooping up, drink once a minute. Ideally, the one who manages to drink at least a hundred glasses wins. With good preparation of the participants, the game can go without losers. You can run to the toilet, but very quickly - you can’t go astray from the schedule, and exactly in a minute the participants must take another one hundred gram dose. If you have a cast iron bladder, then this game is for you. 8. "Drunken Checkers" Even quite official competitions are held in this game. A real checkers board is used, and stacks instead of checkers. On the one hand, red wine is poured into the piles, on the other - white. . Further, everything is the same as in ordinary checkers. He cut down an enemy stack - drank it. For a change, you can play giveaway!! ! Special maniacs can pour cognac and vodka into shot glasses. In this scenario, only masters of sports of international class win five games in a row. 9. "Ishsho" A game from the simplest. Three players each take a mug of beer. The first one to run to the toilet brings more beer to himself and others. So they play until the money runs out. 10. "Inkpot" Also a simple game. A glass is passed around the circle, and everyone pours a little red wine into it (that's why the "inkwell"). The one who has a glass overflowing, drinks everything to the bottom. Then the process is repeated. Now tell me, what kind of literball games do you like the most?
