
What fruits are the most high-calorie table. Refrain from temptation

Fruits contain sugars of natural origin, they contain a minimum of fats and a lot of useful vitamins and minerals that the human body needs. Diets exclude confectionery and pastries from the diet of a person who is losing weight, but fruits are a great alternative and satisfy the need for sweets. Fresh apples contain a minimal amount of calories and a lot of fiber, which cleanses the intestines of harmful substances and toxins.

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What fruits can you eat while losing weight?

The most low-calorie fruits are lime and lemon. These fruits contain about 30 kilocalories per 100 grams. Their use contributes to the rapid burning of the subcutaneous fat layer. For weight loss, it is recommended to drink a glass of water with fresh citrus juice daily. It is advisable to do this in the morning, before breakfast.

People who want to lose weight are advised to include in their diet the following fruits:

Name Useful action How to use
Grapefruits and orangesCitrus fruits are a source of vitamin C. They also contain bioflavonoids and enzymes that effectively fight extra pounds. Fruits stimulate the digestive system and speed up metabolic processes in the body.Grapefruits and oranges go well with stewed chicken breast. They can be used not only in fruit salads, but also in vegetable salads, complement seafood dishes with citruses
AvocadoThe most high-calorie fruit, but this exotic fruit is a dietary product, because it contains easily digestible fatty acids and relieves hunger for a long time. This unique fruit contains practically no sugar, but contains vitamins of all groups and mineral salts (potassium, sodium, phosphorus, calcium and magnesium)

Avocado goes well with:

  • fish dishes;
  • meat; seafood;
  • fresh vegetables and fruits
KiwiIt has a mild laxative effect and contributes to the normal functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. This fruit is high in fiber and low in sugar.Nutritionists recommend eating one ripe kiwi half an hour before the main meal.
ApplesThey are the most affordable fruit with a low calorie content (about 35 kcal / 100 g). It is better to choose sour varieties, because they contain less sugar.You need to eat apples with the peel - both fresh and baked.

It is undesirable to eat bananas and grapes during the diet, because these products contain a lot of fructose and they have a high calorie content.

fruit calorie table

The list of calorie content of fruits in ascending order and their nutritional value (BJU) are presented in the table:

The product's nameCalories per 100 gramsBJU, g per 100 g
Lime27 0,85/0,12/10,6
Lemon32 0,93/0/3
Grapefruit34 1,11/0,13/11
Watermelon37 0,65/0,12/8,9
Melon37 0,65/0/9
pomelo38 0,92/0/10
Orange39 0,91/0,24/8,2
Mandarin42 0,63/0,25/8
Apricot43 1,4/0,11/9
Peach44 1,2/0/9,4
Plum45 0,85/0/9,7
Pear46 0,52/0,33/9,6
Apple47 0,14/0,12/8
A pineapple48 0,43/0,22/12
Nectarine51 1,25/0,22/11,1
Papaya52 0,63/0,14/11
figs53 0,74/0,1/11,4
Persimmon54 0,53/0/13
feijoa56 1,6/0,52/13,2
Quince56 0,54/0,12/15
Mango58 0,53/0,22/11,6
Kiwi62 1,14/0,6/4
Grape66 0,73/0,23/15,1
Pomegranate75 1/0/11,3
Banana91 1,41/0,14/20
Avocado183 2,4/9/15,2

The daily norm of fruit for an adult is 250-300 grams.

And some secrets...

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I was especially depressed by the eyes, surrounded by large wrinkles, plus dark circles and swelling. How to remove wrinkles and bags under the eyes completely? How to deal with swelling and redness?But nothing ages or rejuvenates a person like his eyes.

If you are on a low-calorie diet and want to lose weight, and your diet allows you to snack or eat fruit for dinner, be careful: Not all fruits contribute to weight loss! From our article you will learn about which fruits are the least calorie and really allow you to lose weight!

Fruits to include in your diet

Fruits are low-calorie foods and, in addition, have many other advantages: they supply us with antioxidants, minerals, vitamins and plant fibers. It is recommended to consume an average of 3-5 servings of fruit per day, evenly distributing them between breakfast, lunch and dinner, or snacking on them.

In general, all fruits are your helpers if you want to lose weight: they are not high in calories, but they give a feeling of fullness (especially if you eat them with the skin), help cleanse the body and remove harmful substances, improve digestion and get rid of, and, finally, are antioxidants. : in other words, they neutralize free radicals, improve cellular metabolism and facilitate the process of splitting fats (lipolysis).

It is recommended to eat fruits in between main meals: if we eat fruits right after a meal, most of the nutrients and vitamins are “lost” during digestion. It is better to use them as a snack, 2-3 hours before lunch or dinner.

On the other hand, you also need to know that fruits contain such a substance as fructose, which our body converts into glucose (that is, into energy). The resulting glucose must be consumed so that it is not deposited in the body in the form of fat. Therefore, it is believed that it is best to eat fruits in the morning - at this time, the metabolic rate is maximum. At these moments, the body not only burns glucose, but is also saturated for several hours ahead.

Pears, kiwis, and tangerines are the fruits that will help you lose weight, as they contain the least amount of calories when considered in relation to other substances such as proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. It is especially pleasing that at least one of these fruits is at our disposal at any time of the year.

Almost any healthy and effective diet allows you to eat a significant amount throughout the day, and therefore it is important to understand which ones will help you achieve the desired result in a timely manner. How to find out? There is a special table that shows the energy value of a variety of fruits. You can use it to select those fruits that are the least calorie dense and get in shape without any extra effort.

Keep this chart handy so you can determine which fruits you can eat in large and which in smaller quantities, or calculate how many calories you consume daily. The indicated energy value is calculated for approximately 100 grams of product.

  • Watermelon: 15 calories
  • Pomelo: 26 calories
  • Strawberries: 27 calories
  • Loquat: 28 calories
  • Raspberries: 30 calories
  • Peach: 30 calories
  • Melon: 30 calories
  • Blackberries: 35 calories
  • Plum: 36 calories
  • Redcurrant: 37 calories
  • Pear: 38 calories
  • Cranberries: 41 calories
  • Tangerine: 41 calories
  • Apple: 45 calories
  • Figs: 47 calories
  • Cherries: 48 calories
  • Apricot: 52 calories
  • Orange: 53 calories
  • Pineapple: 55 calories
  • Kiwi: 56 calories
  • Grapes: 61 calories
  • Pomegranate: 62 calories
  • Mango: 73 calories
  • Banana: 85 calories
  • Avocado: 232 calories

Can dried fruits be included in the diet?

If we want to diversify the diet with proteins, then including dried fruits in it will be a great solution. They contain much more calories than fresh fruits, but at the same time they help to cope much faster. This table calculates the calorie content of dried fruits (as in the previous one, for about 100 grams of product).

  • Prunes: 177 calories
  • Dates: 256 calories
  • Dried figs: 270 calories
  • Raisins: 301 calories
  • Chestnuts: 349 calories
  • Peanuts: 452 calories
  • Almonds: 499 calories
  • Pine nuts: 568 calories
  • Pistachios: 600 calories
  • Hazelnut: 625 calories
  • Walnut: 670 calories

You may think that dried fruits are too high in calories, but they are loaded with fatty acids and nutrients, and therefore are a healthier alternative to many dishes. For example, 100 grams of soft or fresh cheese contains more than 300 calories, 100 grams of fried meat has more than 400 calories, sausages contain at least 300 calories per 100 grams, and legumes have about 350. As for vegetables, lettuce, cucumber, radish and pumpkin are the least nutritious.

If you dream of a slim body and at the same time do not want to exhaust yourself with exhausting diets, then this article is for you. It tells how to properly and satisfyingly eat the gifts of the plant world in order to lose weight and at the same time feel cheerful and active. Also below is a table describing the energy value of greens, fruits and berries.

General principles of a vegetable diet

It turns out that the calorie content of green fruits is the most minimal. This applies to both vegetables and fruits. At the same time, the former are more useful for losing weight, as they contain a minimum of carbohydrates. As for fruits, the sugars they contain can lead to fat deposits on your body. The least amount of calories contains ordinary greens - dill, parsley, onion, cilantro, basil. The same applies to herbs - mint and lemon balm, which not only help to make dishes fragrant and tasty without harm to the figure, but also dull the feeling of hunger, improve immunity, and positively affect the functioning of the nervous system.

Remember that fresh fruits are more useful. Their contents have less calories than boiled vegetables. The table in this article is focused specifically on products that are not amenable to heat treatment. After all, when we cook vegetables, they absorb oil. In addition, housewives can pour sauce over them, which increases their calorie content several times. Therefore, if you decide to cook food, avoid frying and stewing, preferring safe boiling without adding fatty ingredients to the dish.

vegetable calorie table

For cooking, use only fresh products. Put some of the fruits in a special container on the table - they will always be in sight, pushing you to unusual experiments, awakening your imagination and forcing you to create culinary masterpieces. Put the other half in the refrigerator - under the influence of low temperature they last longer, remaining beautiful on the outside and juicy on the inside.

Vegetable calorie table per 100 grams
ProductkcalProtein (g)Fat (g)Carbs (g)
Potato75,7 1,8 0,6 14,9
Jerusalem artichoke61,03 2,34 0,1 13,1
Sweet potato60,22 2,1 0,24 14,3
Kohlrabi44,13 2,72 0,1 8,17
Beet42,1 1,6 0,15 8,69
Hot pepper40,7 2,1 0,5 7,5
Swede37 1,1 0,12 7,5
35,9 2,47 0,29 6,51
Carrot35 1,43 0,17 7,28
Brussels sprouts35 5,14 0,2 3,2
Broccoli34,12 2,6 0,63 7,1
Turnip32 1,49 0,17 6,36
Cauliflower30 2,62 0,38 4,4
Artichoke28,2 1,24 0,19 5,35
tops28,2 1,12 0,18 6,17
Gherkin28,2 1,2 0,1 4,9
White cabbage28 1,53 0,11 5,3
red cabbage26,2 1 0,2 4,8
Bell pepper26 1,5 0,1 5
ground tomato24,12 1 0,2 4,1
vegetable marrow24 0,63 0,32 4,6
Eggplant23,9 1,11 0,19 4,83
Pumpkin22,5 1,42 0,15 4,61
Radish20 1,45 0,17 3,47
Pattison19,3 0,54 0,1 4,33
Chinese cabbage16 1,24 0,2 2
ground cucumber14 0,83 0,15 2,61

Remember that zucchini is digested for the longest time in the intestines and tomatoes and, oddly enough, potatoes are most quickly digested.

Canned and pickled vegetables

They are very high in calories. Olives have the highest energy value - 175 calories per 100 grams of this product. Next come eggplant and squash caviar - 148 and 119, respectively, then olives - 115 and tomato paste - 102. Peas are the safest for the figure - 40 kcal, green beans and canned spinach - 16 kcal each. As for fermented and pickled foods, they are healthier than canned, but much more harmful to the figure, unlike ordinary fruits.

The vegetable calorie table above shows fresh. The calorie content of pickled vegetables is not much different: we give priority to beets - almost 33 calories, then carrots - 25 and cabbage - 23. Among the pickled fruits, sweet peppers are in the first position - 24 kcal. Tomatoes and cucumbers, salted or pickled, have very little nutritional value - from 13 to 16 calories. As for greens, garlic, cilantro and dried celery have the highest energy value. Then come parsnips, parsley, dill and horseradish. The lowest-calorie foods are lettuce, onions, rhubarb, asparagus, spinach, and sorrel.

Energy value of fruits

Some of them are real fat burners. Firstly, it is a grapefruit - it well cleanses the body of toxins and toxins. In 100 grams of the product - only 35 calories. Eating two medium-sized fruits, not only will you not gain weight, but, on the contrary, you will be able to get rid of several kilograms. Secondly, a higher-calorie apple (46 kcal) will also make you much slimmer. The fruit is ideal for fasting days, replacing your favorite harmful sweets. Thirdly, I really want to note the pineapple (48 kcal), which is useful for the figure, which perfectly breaks down fats and satisfies the feeling of hunger.

The calorie content of vegetables and fruits differs significantly: the table above shows that the first of them have a rather low energy value. Fruits are higher in calories. Superiority for exotic fruits - dates, apricots, dried apricots and avocados - 281, 278, 272 and 223 kcal, respectively. Among domestic specimens, grapes, cherries and apricots are in the lead, but their nutritional value is significantly lower than that of overseas "brothers" - 69.49 and 46 kcal. The most harmless berries for the figure are cloudberries, viburnum and sea buckthorn. Their energy value does not exceed 30 calories.

How to lose weight?

Here the above figures will come in handy - the calorie content of vegetables and fruits. The table will help you choose the most useful for the figure. Remember: adding juiciness to a dish is not necessary with the help of harmful oil and mayonnaise sauces - make them a berry counterpart. Fruit pulp puree mixed with red wine and lemon juice will be a wonderful dressing for salads and other dishes. You can cook pizza from vegetables, where rice sheets will serve as a dough, and eggplant, zucchini, peppers and mushrooms will serve as a filling. Dessert can be made from healthy fruits and skim milk - you get a delicious and fragrant cocktail.

Sitting on a diet, you can cook barbecue. The vegetable calorie table shows us the products that need to be used for this. If your weight is very high, take the gifts of nature for the dish, located at the very bottom. When it is necessary to throw off only a few kilograms, then use all of the listed products. Nutritious and satisfying barbecue is obtained from eggplant and mushrooms - they are "fleshy" and low in calories. Constantly replenish stocks of vegetables and fruits. Do not forget that even an ordinary omelet can be varied with pepper slices, carrot strips, tomato rings and zucchini cubes. It turns out very useful and amazingly appetizing.

Fruits and vegetables are the first and most important foods that are used during the diet. This is very justified, because in their composition there is a minimum number of calories, but at the same time, the energy value of the product is quite high.

But the degree of this component in each vegetable and fruit is actually different and not all plant products can be used while dieting. All the subtleties of choosing the right products for weight loss will be discussed in detail in this article.

fruit calorie table

Using the calorie table, you can easily calculate the most optimal fruits that are suitable for weight loss. Such a table greatly simplifies the procedure for compiling a dietary menu.

Fruit name A portion calories
Apple The average size 70
Apricot The average size 20
Banana The average size 50
Grapefruit The average size 20
Kiwi The average size 40
Mango The average size 100
Orange The average size 30
Peach The average size 40
Pear The average size 75

vegetable calorie table

Vegetables, like fruits, have different calorie content depending on the type and variety of the vegetable product.

Detailed data on the calorie content of vegetables can be compared using this table:

Vegetable name A portion calories
bell pepper The average size 30
Broccoli Medium portion 20
Cabbage Medium portion 20
Carrot The average size 55
Corn The average size 60
Cucumber The average size 10
Eggplant Medium portion 20
Potato The average size 125

This tool will be a good helper in losing weight. The components of sweets gently affect the body, have a 100% natural composition, this determines the absence of side effects.

Of course, it is especially important to combine taking pills with proper nutrition and exercise. In this case, the efficiency will be maximum, and the result is noticeable on the face.

Are there negative calorie foods?

One of the most popular foods that have caught everyone's attention lately is the concept of "negative calorie foods".

According to this theory, you can eat as many foods as you want without gaining weight. And that's because digesting these foods takes more calories than what they contain.

Therefore, there is no addition of this component in the body. This does not mean that these products do not contain calories, but only the fact that the body spends burning more of this component than what is consumed in food.

These calories fall into two categories. Empty calories and negative calories.

  • Empty calories are those that, when consumed, generate a huge amount of this component (fast food and refined sugar are the main sources). They contain no nutritional value.
  • Others, negative calories, come from foods that are nutritious and low in calories. They fit perfectly into any diet when it comes to losing weight, as the body requires minimal levels of this component in order to produce energy and maintain an active lifestyle.

Low calorie foods

There is such a definition as "free food". These are the foods that have 25 calories or less in one medium serving. "Nearly free foods" have 25 to 60 calories per average serving.

Also, there are "free" and "almost free" products from this component, which can be found in various departments of any grocery store.

Many high water vegetables eventually become "free" or "almost free" of this component. Therefore, when deciding to go on a diet, you should think about eating just such foods.

Here are a few foods with minimal calorie levels:

  • 2 large stalks of celery = 13 k., 1.2 g of fiber;
  • 2 cups shredded lettuce = 18 cups, 1.4 g fiber
  • 1/2 cucumber = 20 k., 1 gram of fiber;
  • 1 medium tomato \u003d 25 k., 1.3 g of fiber;
  • 1/2 cup baked peas = 30 k., 3.4 grams of fiber;
  • 1 carrot = 30 k., 2 grams of fiber.

These are just a few of the main products that contain the minimum level of this component. In fact, there are many more.

Note! If you follow a diet, you can make a list of such food, on the basis of which you can create a varied menu that will not get bored for a week, two or even a month. Moreover, the menu can be periodically changed or certain changes can be made.

When following a diet, it is very important to make the right menu, which will include products with a minimum content of this component. In many sources it is written that the fruits can also be eaten during the diet.

However, there are fruits with different content of this component. That is, not all fruits can be eaten to achieve the results of the diet.

The question remains - what determines the calorie content of fruits:

  1. Firstly, the calorie content of fruits depends on their taste. That is, the sweeter the fruit, the more of this component in it. This is due to the level of sugar in the composition of the fruit, and sugar is the first and most important component of calories.
  2. Secondly, the calorie content of fruits comes from the fat content factor. The fatter the fruit, the more of this component it contains.

Do you want to lose weight?

A slim figure is the dream of many women and men. I want to be at a comfortable weight without exhausting myself with strict diets and heavy exercises.

In addition, overweight can lead to health problems! Heart disease, shortness of breath, diabetes, arthritis and a markedly reduced life expectancy!

It has the following properties:

  • Accelerates metabolism
  • Burns body fat
  • Reduces weight
  • Lose weight even with minimal physical activity
  • Helps to reduce weight in cardiovascular disease

High and low calorie fruits

Fruits are one of the most nutritious, dense and healthy foods. Besides water, soups and vegetables, fruits are the lowest calorie food group and should be part of any weight loss diet.

However, not all fruits have an equal degree of content of this component. Some of them are quite high in sugar and calories.

The list below is intended to provide low calorie fruit serving for the diet. These include strawberries, peaches, melon, grapes, blackberries, and papaya. These are the most common fruits, which contain a very low level of this component and sugar.

In addition to low-calorie fruits, there are also fruits that are very high in calories and should never be eaten while on a diet.

Here are a few of them:

  • Avocado. 322 k.;
  • Figs. 350 k.;
  • Banana. 400 k.

Note! These are the most high-calorie fruits, but in fact, there are many fruits that also contain a large amount of this component. Figs, avocados and bananas are among the most high-calorie fruits among all kinds of fruit foods.

Stories from our readers!
“I don’t have a lot of excess weight, only 5 kilograms. But these kilograms are located in very unpleasant places that you can’t correct with exercises. Regular diets also didn’t work - completely different parts of the body lost weight!

A friend advised me to “disperse” my metabolism and ordered these sweets. I was very pleased with the natural composition, pleasant taste and ease of use! Combined with a light diet and plenty of fluids. I recommend!"

Calorie content of dried fruits

Dried fruit is an excellent source of nutrition because it is simply a fruit that has removed most of its water content but still retains its sweetness, flavor and nutrition. Some popular types of dried fruits, such as raisins and dates, provide good nutritional value, as the nutritional facts show.

Dried fruits tend to be high in this compound, but the nutrition label will show that it is a good source of vital nutrients. Refer to the calorie chart for your favorite type of dried fruit for calorie and nutritional information.

During the drying process, fruits lose a significant proportion of their water content. Therefore, most food ingredients are highly concentrated, resulting in relatively high calorie content compared to the same fruit when fresh. Sugar is sometimes added to these fruits during the drying process.

The following examples refer to one serving of fruit (each serving contains an average of 60 fl.):

  • 2 dried figs;
  • 2-3 dried apricots;
  • one piece of dried pineapple;
  • 2 slices of dried apple;
  • 2 dried prunes;
  • flat tablespoon of raisins

How many calories do you need to consume every day in order not to gain weight?

People who want to get rid of extra pounds and maintain an excellent shape eat as many fresh vegetables and fruits as possible. This is quite reasonable. The energy value of these foods is much lower than fried potatoes, meatballs, hamburgers and other similar foods. In addition, vegetables and fruits contain many vitamins, minerals and these components have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the human body as a whole, give energy, and help fight diseases.

Fruits have not only a lot of useful properties, but also a pleasant sweet taste. Therefore, fruits are loved by everyone without exception. Agree how pleasant it is: to enjoy the taste of sweets and think that you are losing weight. However, do not forget that the energy value of some fruits is quite high. Eating the most high-calorie fruit without restriction, you will not be able to lose weight. But what does this mean? Losing weight people need to exclude fruits from the diet? Of course, you should not go to extremes. Knowing the calorie content of fruits, you can independently calculate your fruit diet. Even the most high-calorie fruit, eaten in a small amount, will not harm the figure and will bring a lot of benefits and pleasure.

So, let's figure out how many calories are in the fruits that we usually eat.

Dates are the calorie champion

Dates can be called champions in terms of energy value . This is the most high-calorie fruit. 100 g of fresh fruit contains about 200 kcal. The content in the composition of a huge amount of useful substances makes dates a real natural first-aid kit:

  • and pectins improve the work of the gastrointestinal tract and start the lazy intestines;
  • B vitamins improve metabolism;
  • vitamins A, C and E prolong the youth of the body;
  • a complex of minerals maintains water balance and eliminates swelling.

Dates quickly restore a weakened body, provide a powerful surge of strength. Dates are not recommended for diabetics due to their high sugar content.

Avocado Secrets

In second place in terms of calories is avocado. 100 grams of fruit pulp contains 100 kcal. However, it does not have a sweet taste, the sugar content in it is minimal.
The green-fleshed, pear-shaped fruit contains a significant amount of fat, but is monounsaturated and healthy. The content of vitamins E and F in avocados gives the fruit antioxidant properties. This fruit with an oily nutty taste is invaluable for hypertensive patients, improves memory and heart function, stabilizes the condition and gastrointestinal tract, gives vigor and improves mood. It is worth being careful with the stone and leaves of avocados containing toxic substances.

Banana is the best antidepressant

A banana can compete with avocado in terms of calories. 100 g of this fruit contains 90 kcal. Its sweet taste, due to the presence of glucose, fructose and sucrose, is familiar, perhaps, to everyone. And in terms of potassium content, bananas bypassed many fruits and vegetables. This makes them The high content of sugars mobilizes the activity of the body, stimulates brain activity. This property is widely used by athletes and students. Eating bananas normalizes bowel function, eliminates constipation. The content of the amino acid tryptophan, a precursor of serotonin, in fruits makes bananas a real antidepressant.

Unique properties of grapes

Grapes are also characterized by a fairly high calorie content. 100 grams contains about 70 kcal. The unique composition of grapes makes it not only a delicious treat, but also helps prevent many dangerous diseases. Polyphenols protect against atherosclerosis, tartaric acid - from bowel cancer. From the latest discoveries of scientists: green grape juice promotes weight loss, and special substances in grapes reduce the risk of cancer in smokers.

There are the following table grape varieties:

  1. Kishmish is a variety of high quality and productivity. Refers to early varieties. Berries of pink and red color are seedless. Contains a lot of sugar and has a long shelf life.
  2. Arcadia is a variety with a very high yield. Berries are white in color with a strong skin and have a moderate sweetness.
  3. Kodryanka is a variety that is unique in the chemical composition of the berries. It contains a balanced combination of vitamins and minerals and is recommended by nutritionists for mandatory inclusion in the diet. Dark purple, fleshy and juicy berries of this variety are very palatable.
  4. Flora is an early table variety. The berries are light green in color with elastic pulp and large seeds, quite sweet.
  5. Kesha is a breeding variety, it has a good yield. The berries are large, white in color, with elastic pulp, they are distinguished by increased sweetness.

These table grapes are by no means a complete list, but they are the most popular.

Cherry strengthens the heart, bones and nerves

The next representative of high-calorie fruits is cherries. 100 grams of cherries contain 53 kcal. The pulp of delicious berries contains a large amount of dietary fiber, which stabilizes the digestive tract. Vitamins A and C prevent the aging process in the body. Potassium strengthens the heart muscle, calcium is essential for strong bones, and magnesium is essential for strong nerves. These miraculous berries also help fight Alzheimer's and fight cancer.

Kiwi is a cold and flu fighter

Completes the rating of high-calorie fruit kiwi. This unusual fruit with an unsightly skin and amazing emerald pulp contains 50 kcal per 100 grams. The content of a large amount of vitamin C strengthens the body's immune forces, which makes kiwi an indispensable product in the season of the SARS epidemic. The low sugar content allows this fruit to be included in any diet. Kiwi has a slight laxative effect on the intestines, increases metabolism and cleanses the body.

You need to have information about the energy value in order to calculate the calories of fruits. The table below describes the calorie content of the most popular fruits.

fruit calorie table
Fruit nameFruit nameEnergy value, Kcal/100 g
Fresh dates200 Currant43
Avocado100 Pear42
Banana90 Mandarin, dogwood41
Grape70 Watermelon40
Cherries53 Cherry plum, strawberry38
Kiwi50 Blueberry37
Gooseberry48 Cranberry33
apricots47 Blackberry32
Apple, peach, raspberry, orange, lingonberry, melon45 Quince, grapefruit, lemon30
Plum, blueberry, pineapple44 Cherry25

Knowing the calorie content of fruits, you can safely control the daily menu. But don't get hung up on scrupulous calorie counting. Remember: by eating even the most high-calorie fruit, you enrich your body with invaluable vitamins and minerals that will be absorbed much better than pharmacy pharmaceuticals. And the calories eaten can be spent doing your favorite sport.
