
Which sausage is less harmful according to nutritionists. Why you should give up "meat" products

What can be found in every second refrigerator? If we were to ask this question, the answer would not surprise us at all. In a place of honor, on the middle (or maybe the top or bottom shelf) almost every second of us has sausages - boiled, smoked, semi-smoked sausages, sausages, sausages ...

Notably, according to statistics, it is sausages and sausages that occupy the 4th place in the scale of products that are in constant and unchanging demand among the population, and are second only to bread and bakery products, as well as the "second bread" - potatoes.

Today we decided to talk about the "sausage" topic, and figure out why we love sausage so much, what this product brings to our body, and how to choose the right sausages so as not to harm our health and stomach ...

Cooking sausage - what's harmful

Despite the fact that every year the number of fans orthorexia(healthy eating psychosis) and, despite the active propaganda that sausage is a harmful product, which contains not only nothing useful, but does not even contain meat, the queues in the sausage departments of shops and supermarkets are not getting smaller, and sausage products are still remain one of the sought-after products from the list of products. Therefore, we will still try, as far as possible, to rehabilitate this sausage product in the eyes of our customers, and for this we will objectively answer the questions of what is included in the composition of the sausage and how it is produced ...

How boiled sausages are prepared

How boiled sausages are prepared

Depending on the type and variety of sausage, the technology of its preparation also changes. So, for example, boiled sausages are prepared from salted minced meat with certain additives - all this sausage mass is cooked at a temperature of 80 degrees. And, here boiled sausages are more expensive, and the highest grade is prepared from natural pork and beef meat, and natural casings are used for packaging, or protein or gosonic and vapor-permeable barrier casings. It is noteworthy that, according to the sausage buyers themselves, they prefer artificial casings, since, in their opinion, this allows you to extend the shelf life of such a sausage product and reduces the risk of buying stale sausage.

According to the standards, the batch of goods must be indicated on the packaging (shell) of sausages, as well as the composition of such sausages (the first ingredients represent the majority, and then in descending order). In addition, on the casing of such a sausage, it is mandatory to indicate those added to its composition (the permission to use which is “de facto” and “de jure”) and in no case should exceed the permissible norms ...

And, now look at the stick of boiled sausage that lies in your refrigerator ... Must - this does not mean that it is so, and this is exactly what is written on the shell of your sausage ...

Boiled sausage - harm and benefit

A sandwich with pieces of boiled sausage - than, not an ideal breakfast option. However, do not rush to draw such conclusions. So, as if you learn about all the properties of boiled sausage, your opinion will definitely change. But, let's start by remembering what boiled sausage is made from.

And, they cook it (or rather, they should cook it) from lean meat, fat, spices and salt. It is possible to add spices such as garlic, cumin, onion, nutmeg, cardamom, pepper ... Theoretically, from such a composition and provided that the sausage is fresh and made in compliance with all necessary sanitary production standards, there will be no particular harm to our body. . True, the main thing is not to abuse such breakfasts, since such sandwiches, and also dry food, can become fertile ground for the development of gastrointestinal diseases.

But, this is all theory, let's move on to practice. And, in practice, it turns out that in order to give the sausage a presentation, reduce the cost of the production process, increase the shelf life of such boiled sausage, which the manufacturer does not add to the composition of such a product. Moreover, such additives, as well as their quantity, are very often on the verge and beyond the permissible. And it’s not just about eggs, milk proteins, whole milk or animal blood plasma…

Therefore, most often such a boiled sausage on the shelves of our stores does not bring any benefit to our body, even when it is fresh. And, frequent use of such sausage can cause diseases such as gout, diabetes, hypertension, coronary heart disease, disrupt kidney and liver function, and promote the growth of cancer cells, lead to obesity and atherosclerosis. Here's a sandwich with boiled sausage!

Harm of meat and vegetable sausages

Sausages or sausage products, which, in addition to meat, include cereals, soybeans or beans are called meat and vegetable. At the same time, the biological value of such products does not decrease at all, since fiber of plant origin and biologically active substances are added to the composition of such sausages, which we have already written so rich in. These products must comply with GOSTs, and the content of the plant part must not exceed the allowable standards. However, if you see a record on the casing that the sausage complies with TU (technical specifications) - think about it! Each manufacturer has its own technical conditions and they do not always guarantee the benefit to our body and the absence of harm..

Harm of blood sausage

Krovyanka is usually called the type of sausage in which the main ingredient is purified blood (depending on what kind of minced blood is made from - veal, pork, bovine).

It is noteworthy that the blood drop has long been considered the traditional food of nomadic peoples, who prepared just this type of sausage from the meat and blood of animals.

However, despite the fact that, it would seem, this product is the most natural (ideally, homemade black blood should not contain any other components other than meat, blood, salt and spices), and the fact that such sausage contains vitamins , minerals, important amino acids and even use it, this type of sausage is contraindicated for people who are overweight, have a problem of obesity, diseases of the liver, pancreas, biliary tract, diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

In addition, it should be understood that in view of the peculiarities of its preparation and the ingredients from which blood is prepared, the shelf life of this sausage is very short. And, poor quality or expired blood can cause severe food poisoning.

Therefore, if you are a blood drop lover, and it’s still difficult for you to refuse this product in your diet, use blood drop only fresh and in limited quantities, and in order to reduce the risk of possible infectious diseases, subject the blood drop to thermal before serving. processing.

Liver sausage - benefits and harms

Another sausage variation on the main theme of the benefits and harms of sausage is liver sausage. They produce such sausage from the liver, or rather, they used to produce it. Now you can’t find anything in the composition of liver sausage: starch, thickeners, preservatives, and even ... cardboard and paper.

In order to make sure that this is indeed the case, simply put pieces of such liver sausage in a heated pan and try to fry them. What you get as a result of such thermal exposure will look like anything but liver or liver.

And, once upon a time, real natural liver sausage was completely different, and its caloric content even exceeded the calorie content of boiled sausage, and it was possible to use liver sausage in principle (if you had no contraindications) - tasty and healthy. But, today's livery, which even cats refuse to eat, will not bring you anything but harm: it contributes. And, with diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, the use of such a dubious treat can cause an exacerbation of your chronic diseases or an impetus for their development.

Similarly, in case of diseases of the biliary tract, liver, pancreatitis, you should not eat liver sausage (if you still eat it!)

How to choose harmless sausage

What should you pay attention to when choosing sausages and sausages? This question interests all "meat-eaters". So, here, according to experts, the criteria for choosing sausages should be:

  • sausage color- the brighter and less natural it is, the more sodium nitrate is in the composition of such a sausage, which is added to the sausage to give the product a marketable "meat" appearance. In addition, such sodium nitrite also acts as a preservative, and in the case when its concentration exceeds the permissible norm, it can harm your health, since such nitrites in the human body turn into nitrosamines, which promote the growth of cancer cells.
  • packaging and information on it- carefully read the composition of such sausages and sausages and remember that if food additives are immediately indicated in the first place in the composition, then there is no meat in such a sausage at all.
  • if you are buying not a natural sausage, but a meat and vegetable one, pay attention to the fact that the soybean that is part of such a sausage is not genetically modified, but a product.
  • producers often add starch to the composition of sausages of not the highest grades. The more starch - the more such sausage crumbles. Think about it...
  • very often in the composition of sausages you can find ... phosphates. They are added to color and improve the consistency of the sausage product. However, in the event that the manufacturer has overdone or deliberately exceeded the allowable dose of phosphates, such sausage will look loose and not have a dense texture, and this is already a dangerous symptom, since an excess of phosphates leads to an imbalance of phosphorus and calcium in the human body and provokes the development of osteoporosis which over time will bring no small harm to your body.
  • voids in the section of the sausage may indicate a technological defect, or else hint at the reproduction of botulism bacillus in such a sausage.
The benefits and harms of familiar products. The truth that Igor Podoprigora was hiding from us

The harm of modern sausage

The harm of modern sausage

Alas, we have to admit the disappointing fact that the modern sausage, so beloved by us, carries more and more harm to our health. We sometimes wonder where these or those of our sores come from, where acetone in the blood of very young children comes from, and at the same time we don’t think at all that one of our enemies is very close. We ourselves raised him, cherished him and put him on a pedestal ...

Here it is, get acquainted - so tasty, so beautiful, so dear to our heart ... sausage. Her Majesty Sausage! Yes, yes, she is the best!

What makes such a familiar product one of the most harmful to human health, and is it really so? Let's try to figure out what modern sausages consist of.

There are special GOSTs that clearly regulate the composition of a particular type of sausage, and in particular the amount of meat in it. However, many meat processing plants either do not adhere to the standards, or even replace them with specifications (technical conditions), which they themselves develop. Therefore, anything can be found in sausage: various preservatives, emulsifiers, thickeners, flavor enhancers, and even special additives that mimic the taste of meat.

Their manufacturers keep their recipes for making cheap boiled sausages a great secret. Of course, it's their intellectual property!

But everything secret sooner or later becomes clear, and here is one of these recipes for you:

Meat - 10%;

Poultry meat - 30%;

Soy protein - 25%;

Emulsion - 25%;

Flour - 8%;

Food additives - 2%.

As you can see, the meat in the aggregate is as much as 40%, but do not flatter yourself about this! Not all meat that smells like meat... Read on to find out why.

The low purchasing power of the population forces manufacturers to produce cheap sausages. Think about it, but how can a meat product cost much less than the meat itself? But the meat still needs to be processed, packaged, delivered to stores in the form of a finished product - sausages ... So, manufacturers work at a loss? Of course not! And the low price of sausage is explained very simply: there is almost no meat in it, the most expensive ingredient.

You have probably noticed more than once that cats refuse to eat cheap sausage - you can’t fool an animal!

Buying expensive sausage, we, alas, are also not immune from fakes. It just so happened in our country: expensive goods are not always of high quality.

Once, a friend of the sausage department salesman advised me to buy not the smoked sausage that had just been brought to the store, but the one that had already lain in the refrigerated display case for a couple of weeks. Why, I wondered, should fresh sausage be better and tastier?

Everything is very simple! It turns out that according to the technology, smoked sausage must sag for at least 15 days before it goes on sale, so that excess moisture evaporates from it and it reaches its condition.

What is really going on? Of course, manufacturers do not meet these deadlines. Sausage piping hot, immediately after production, goes to the shelves, and we pay for the extra water, thereby increasing the already high profit of the manufacturer!

Even if meat is included in the sausage, it is, as a rule, frozen briquettes of pork or beef of dubious quality, which came to us from some distant Brazil. In addition, manufacturers replace pork or beef with a special chicken filler of Chinese origin, which, although it does not contain meat, but it has a taste, color, and smell “identical to natural”, and it costs much less than the meat itself!

And of course, all meat production waste is used - from ground intestines, tails, skin and other inedible parts of the animal, up to finely chopped bones. This is evidenced by the greenish tint of the sausage.

In order to somehow bind excess moisture and, accordingly, make the product even tastier and cheaper, phosphates are added to the sausage, which are very harmful to our health. They disrupt the balance between calcium and phosphorus in the human body, calcium is less absorbed, and as a result, a disease such as osteoporosis may occur.

And in order to achieve a beautiful pink color and thus make the sausage more attractive to the buyer, nitrites are also added, which lead to oncological diseases.

When choosing a sausage, remember that the brighter the color of the sausage, the higher the concentration of nitrates in it.

In the EU countries, it has long been forbidden to add gelatin to sausage, as it can lead to a disease such as spongiform encephalopathy. And with us - please, in almost every type of sausage gelatin is a welcome guest!

In addition, genetically modified soy can often be found in sausage, which is also a substitute for meat, and starch is present in 9 out of 10 sausages.

More than half of the sausages are generally produced not at meat processing plants, but in underground workshops, in conditions of complete unsanitary conditions, and getting serious food poisoning after tasting such a sausage is a waste of time!

One of my acquaintances, who works in a similar “left” workshop, told me that if people saw the whole process of making their favorite sausage, they would refuse to eat such a “delicacy” for the rest of their lives.

And even at large, officially operating meat processing plants, not everything is as good as we would like. Yes, quality checks are regularly carried out there by the relevant authorities, but so far the inspectors at the enterprise follow the technology, and after they leave, everything returns to normal again ...

Yes, and many of our stores often sin with all sorts of dubious manipulations with sausage. So, in order to return an attractive marketable appearance to an old, moldy smoked sausage, it is, at best, rubbed with vegetable oil, and at worst, treated with ammonia! This sausage has a suspiciously good shine.

Boiled sausage should not have large voids and cavities inside the loaf, since such defects, although they do not affect the taste of the sausage, can cause such a formidable disease as botulism!

In Latin " botulus" means ... "sausage"!

But even if you are still lucky and you buy a more or less high-quality product, you should not forget that with some diseases the use of sausage is contraindicated.

Do not eat sausage:

People who have problems with being overweight, with obesity, since sausage is a very high-calorie food product;

It is contraindicated to use sausage for diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, problems with the gallbladder and biliary tract, for liver diseases (because it is hard to digest, and the fat in its composition disrupts the liver and makes it difficult for the outflow of bile);

Smoked sausages in particular can harm your health with stomach and duodenal ulcers, nephritis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis;

Sausage increases the level of cholesterol in the human body and can cause atherosclerosis;

It is necessary to significantly limit the use of sausages for food with gout, urolithiasis, hypertension, heart failure, and in general for people who have problems with the work of the heart, since the sausage contains a high salt content.

For small children under 3 years old, it is better not to give sausage at all, and for older children, you need to choose sausage varieties that are recommended specifically for baby food.

Before eating, boil it, removing the shell, in boiling water for 5-10 minutes in order to reduce the content of fat, salt and nitrites in the sausage.

We have to agree with the fact that sausage is not one of the foods that are good for our health. But even if you still cannot do without it, then at least follow the measure in its use and be careful when choosing it in the store - read the label and study the composition of the product.

From the book Conversations of a Children's Doctor author Ada Mikhailovna Timofeeva

Sausages and sausages are dangerous to health! It is necessary to build nutrition in such a way that the products used do not contribute to the occurrence of diseases. And, sadly, at the present time it is necessary to exclude just those products that we quite often use in our diet.

From the book How Vanga Taught ... Vanga's Healing Remedies and Cooking Recipes author Krasimira Stoyanova

DISHES FROM HOMEMADE SAUSAGE 177. Homemade sausage with beans Soak 1 tea cup of beans overnight in cold water. In the morning, drain the water, put the beans in a saucepan and add fresh water to just cover the beans. Bring to a boil and drain the water. Pour 2 liters of cold water and

From the book Salad Diet. 500 salad recipes for weight loss author Svetlana Alexandrovna Khvorostukhina

Sausage and ham salad For 5 servings Calorie content 1 serving - 100 kcal Cooking time - 10 minutes Ingredients Boiled sausage - 200 g Ham - 100 g Onion - 50 g Pickled cucumbers - 200 g Vegetable oil - 20 ml Lemon juice - 10 ml Mustard - 0.5 tsp Salt and pepper

From the book Products without secrets! author Lilia Petrovna Malakhova

Sausage salad with pickled cucumbers For 5 servings Calorie content 1 serving - 180 kcal Cooking time - 30 minutes Ingredients Boiled sausage - 200 g Smoked sausage - 100 g Ham - 100 g Bulb onion - 100 g Pickled cucumbers - 300 g Vegetable oil - 20 ml Juice

From the book Treatment of prostatitis and other diseases of the prostate gland in traditional and non-traditional ways author

Boiled sausages It is difficult to answer the question whether there is now a normal boiled sausage. They say there is. Only its cost exceeds the cost of red caviar. Therefore, in ordinary stores you will not find it with fire during the day - natural sausage has become a real delicacy.

From the book What do we eat? How to determine the quality of products author Leonid Vitalievich Rudnitsky

Smoked sausages Smoked sausages include boiled-smoked, half-smoked and raw-smoked. The last type of sausages is expensive, but they have the least additives, and they are prepared from raw materials of the highest quality. The recipe for semi-smoked and boiled-smoked sausages

From the book Lose Weight on Soups author Daria Vladimirovna Nesterova

Boiled-smoked sausages Filled casings are first boiled, then subjected to full-fledged smoking. These sausages have more spices and fat than boiled sausages, and they are 30% more calories. The shelf life of boiled-smoked sausage in the absence of preservatives is no more than two weeks in

From the book The benefits and harms of familiar products. The truth that was hidden from us author Igor Podoprigora

Raw-smoked sausages Produced in accordance with GOST 16131-86 “Raw-smoked sausages. Specifications” and TU 9213-005-58099196-05. Meat for raw smoked sausages is first kept in brine for several days, then chopped. Since smoked sausages are expensive

From the book Beauty and Health of a Woman author Vladislav Gennadievich Liflyandsky

Dried sausages Of all the sausages, these are the most natural and safest for health. They belong to expensive sausages. In accordance with GOST 16131-86 “Smoked sausages. Specifications” and TU 9213-063-52924334-04 only premium meat is used in dry-cured sausages, other

From the book On the Other Side of Beef by Jeremy Rifkin

Liver sausages Once upon a time, this type of sausage was called “dog's joy”: waste and often stale ones went into minced meat for it. Now liver sausage is produced in three types: actual liver sausage, smoked liver sausage and vegetable sausage. Liverwurst comes in four varieties:

From the author's book

Boiled bean and sausage salad Ingredients: 100 g boiled beans, 100 g boiled low-fat sausage, 2 apples, 100 g low-fat sour cream, 1 bunch of green salad, salt to taste. Cooking method: Cut the sausage into cubes. Wash, peel, core and chop apples

From the author's book

A brief reminder to the buyer of sausage Pay attention to the presence of GOST. A product prepared according to TU (technical conditions that the enterprise itself establishes) can have as little as 50% meat, contain soy, starch, dyes and artificial flavors. Attention

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Sausage soup with carrots and rice Ingredients: 250 g boiled fat-free sausage, 2 carrots, 50 g rice, 1/2 bunch of parsley, salt to taste. Method of preparation: Cut the sausage into strips. Wash the carrots, peel, cut into strips. Wash parsley, chop. 1.5 l

From the author's book

The past benefits of sausage In general, talking about the benefits of sausage for our health can only be a stretch, and here's why. Yes, in the good old Soviet times, we were not pampered in abundance. Then there were only four (!) varieties of boiled sausage - "Children", "Ostankino",

From the author's book

Sausages It should be borne in mind that in the production of sausages, smoked sausages, ham, canned meat, bacon, nitrites are used, which color the meat in a bright pink or red-scarlet color instead of the natural brown. By the way, in many European countries (Germany, England)

From the author's book

FACTS: HEALTH DAMAGES THE REAL COST OF BEEF IS A HEALTH DAMAGE Beef is high in cholesterol and saturated fat, and is often contaminated with chemicals and disease. Beef may be one of the most unhealthy foods on the planet.


TV once again issued a broadcast-exposure to the mountain. This time the beaters went to the sausage. The author of the sensational program was looking for meat in the sausage for six months. Have not found. And he got very angry. And why, one wonders, strained, if it is known that according to the standards of meat in sausage, some miserable 10% was initially provided. Such an amount, except under a microscope, needs to be considered.

And in general, who was the first to say that sausage is a meat dish? Do not believe that pioneer, he shamelessly powders your brains. Sausage is the same ersatz product as margarine. But it doesn’t occur to anyone to call margarine butter, although it looks very similar, doesn’t it? Or, for example, take any salad for consideration. What is there just not mixed! Some salads also have meat, but this does not make them meat dishes. Don't count sausage as meat. Therefore, you should not strain in vain, looking for meat crumbs in it. Just as it is not worth being indignant, and blaming, and suffering, not finding them in the quantity in which we ourselves would like. These are all empty nerve costs.

Therefore, how many manufacturers do not report meat to the sausage is not a question. The question needs to be put quite differently: to eat or not to eat sausage? This is what we'll deal with.


It has long been customary in society to sarcastically ridicule sausage for all kinds of additives. The most venomous of all ridicule claims that sausage is made from toilet paper. Apparently, we are talking about cellulose. Yes, there is cellulose in sausage. And it is also found in the fiber of potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes, all kinds of cereals and other vegetation. And together with them safely enters our body. And this very cellulose is in a sense considered useful, since it takes part in cleansing the intestines.

Well, yes, there is also starch in the sausage - the same one from which we cook jelly. But it does not cause any mortal harm to the human body.

And there is bone meal in the sausage. By the way, it has a lot of calcium. The peoples of Southeast Asia (the same Vietnamese, for example), who traditionally practically do not eat dairy products, make up for the lack of calcium with the bones of animals, reptiles and fish: they grind them, fry them and eat them with a spoon.

I will not analyze all the sausage ingredients - there is no point in it. And the moral here is this: in sausage trimmings there is not a single substance that would harm the body in the truest sense of the word - that is, from which one could stretch one's legs. Indirectly, sausage can damage health. But here we mean not the sausage itself, but the state of the body of the person who eats it. Some sausages are really not worth eating. And here's more on that...


Sausage has four problem points: it has too much fat, too much salt, too many calories, as well as nitrogenous extractives and spices. Therefore, I warn you right away - only practically healthy and physically very active people can eat sausage without hesitation. citizens. For everyone else, you first need to think about whether there are any health problems that sausage can aggravate?

For example, due to the large amount of salt, sausage is undesirable for people with cardiovascular diseases, kidney diseases, pregnant women, and those who suffer from edema, even if the reason is not yet clear.

Secondly, a large amount of fat makes the sausage unsuitable for people with atherosclerosis, diabetes and obesity. And thirdly, large calories will settle with excess weight in people who are inclined to be overweight and lead a sedentary lifestyle.

And, finally, a few words about nitrogenous extractives. They are known to excite the nervous system, and many diseases are more severe than they could be. This is especially true for diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems, gastrointestinal tract and kidneys. And there are quite a lot of extractive substances in sausage, because this product is impregnated with nitrate (sodium nitrate) with sucrose, treated with smoke, and some products are also smoked for a long time. Therefore, sausage cannot be called a dietary product.

And if sausage is not allowed for health reasons, but you really, really want it ... Then you need to learn not only to choose it correctly, but also to use it correctly.


Naturally, you need to take the sausage, which has less fat, salt and calories. By the way, most citizens make the wrong choice of sausages, so before analyzing sausages in terms of the composition of problematic substances, I will allow myself a small lyrical-sausage digression.

The main misconception of citizens lies again in the amount of meat. If there is a lot of meat in the sausage, it means that it is more useful - this is how the average consumer argues and chooses raw smoked sausage, while being cruelly mistaken. It is the most UNuseful: it contains the most fat, salt, nitrogenous extractives and calories. Therefore, stamped phrases like “It is better to eat smoked sausage than boiled sausage” do not correspond to reality. Once again I want to warn you - do not look for meat in the sausage! Treat it like a very convenient product, ready to use.

According to all indicators, the least harmful sausage is boiled. Judge for yourself.

The calorie content of sausages is(kcal per 100 g):
boiled - 170-316;
boiled-smoked - 360-420; semi-smoked - 372-466;
raw smoked - 473-514.

It is almost impossible to give an exact figure for the sodium content in sausages. Firstly, salt is put into each sausage according to different standards, and now there are more than 300 types of sausages. are observed and workers of meat processing plants often pour salt into minced meat by eye. There is a third - you need to take into account the season for making sausages. Usually in the summer they put more salt. Therefore, we can only say about sodium that its content, depending on the type of sausage and the methods of its preparation, ranges from 822 to 1636 mg%. This is a huge number!

Is there a dietary sausage? A very interesting question. The fact is that from time immemorial such qualities were attributed to the "Doctor's" sausage. And again, this is another misconception. The "dietary" nature of this sausage is apparently associated with a meaningful name. In fact, it also has a lot of fat - 28.0 g%, moreover, more than half of them are refractory, and there is a lot of sodium - 828 mg%. It's just that in the "doctor's" sausage, unlike many others, all the ingredients are thoroughly mixed into a homogeneous mass. But in comparison with raw smoked sausages, "Doctor" really has an advantage.

In principle, what to focus on when choosing sausages is already clear. I would also like to add that experts recommend using sausages from young animals for baby food. And what is suitable for children is not a sin for adults to eat.

There is a whole series of diabetic sausages, brawns, as well as sausages made from the blood and liver of slaughtered cattle. They can also be used in the diet of not very healthy people, but only if their diets are not strict. By the way, blood sausages contain a lot of iron and proteins, so they can be used in the treatment of anemia.


Healthy people do not have this problem. He put the sausage in a frying pan, filled it with an egg and quickly ate it. This is a very nutritious breakfast for those who do not have much time for cooking.

For people who are not quite healthy, this dish is not suitable. If you want to eat sausage, then you need to boil it in water. During cooking, excess salt and extractives will also pass into the water. And then the sausage will be safer.

You can also fight with sausage fats. So that they do not burden our body with excess cholesterol, it is better to eat sausage with some cereal porridge. Preferably with oatmeal.

If one day you decide to eat sausage, on the same day limit yourself to other fats - do not eat butter, sour cream, etc. anymore.

Since there is a lot of fat in the sausage, it can be safely considered a seasonal product. In winter and in general in the cold season, sausage can be eaten without a second thought about fats - they will come out in calories to heat the body. In the hot season, it is better not to eat sausage at all - extra calories will settle in the body, unless, of course, they are used up by special great physical activity.

For the same reason - too many fats and too many calories - sausage should be considered a morning product. I don't recommend eating it at night.

Well, on great holidays, you can treat yourself to raw smoked sausage. If you follow these simple rules, sausage will not cause significant damage to health.

Sausage does not heal, but it does not cripple either.

Sausage is perhaps the most common food in our refrigerators. With it, you can make a sandwich for work, put a child, cut it on a festive table and just have a snack - and everywhere it is appropriate. But, is the sausage that is sold in stores really all natural? Is it possible to eat it every day, and even more so - to give it to small children?

Sausage according to GOST

Sausage according to GOST is a product made from minced meat, placed in a casing. Sausages are: blood, smoked, raw smoked, semi-smoked, boiled, blood. In the composition of sausages according to GOST, the following are allowed: fatty / lean meat, fat, pepper, salt. According to the same GOST, there should be lard in the sausage. But, in order to save money, manufacturers add there not natural fat, but vegetable fats. Thus, the cost of the product is reduced in price, which is beneficial to the manufacturer, but there is no benefit to the buyer.

Natural sausage should contain seasonings such as onion, garlic, cumin, cardamom, allspice and red pepper. The more expensive sausage contains cognac, but you must understand that the cost of such a product will be the same as cognac.

In order for the sausage to contain more protein and be even healthier, milk, milk protein, whole milk, and eggs are added to it. Again, we are now talking about natural sausage.


Depending on what type of sausage you bought, its calorie content will also differ.

Boiled sausage- 300 kcal per 100 grams (contains 30% fat, 15% protein).

Cooked-smoked sausage- 410 kcal per 100 grams (40% fat, 17% protein).

Smoked sausage- 580 kcal (57% fat, 30% protein).

Product benefits

Can sausage be useful? Absolutely any doctor will tell you that sausage can be useful only if it is made from natural meat without any additives (except for the spices necessary for taste). But! Have you read the composition of those sausages that are presented in stores? Surely their composition is far from what is indicated in the GOST for sausage and sausage products.

Enhancers of smell, color, taste are added to the "modern" sausage. Moreover, if they did not pose a health hazard, then the sausage could be eaten in kilograms. But, as studies show, the constant use of sausage leads to the occurrence of diseases such as:

  • Diabetes;
  • Hypertension;
  • Cardiac ischemia;
  • Gout;
  • Inflammatory and infectious diseases of the liver and kidneys;

Those who eat sausage or sausages every day are obese and are more likely to experience atherosclerosis in the near future.

Conclusion: sausage, the composition of which is at least minimally close to natural, can be useful. If the number of ingredients on the product label is difficult to read, then you should not buy such a sausage - it obviously will not bring benefits.

Choosing a sausage

The most useful and most expensive is sausage, the main ingredient of which is turkey. In such a sausage, the minimum content of fatty foods and seasonings in the form of salt and pepper.

When choosing a sausage, be sure to pay attention to its color. Think the pinker the sausage, the better? The more meat in it? Wrong!

The rich pink color of the sausage indicates that it contains a large amount of sodium nitrite solution.

A few grams of sodium nitrite will not harm the human body, in large quantities it will provoke illness.

Also, remember the fact that absolutely all sausages are perishable products. Therefore, always pay attention to the date of manufacture of the sausage and its deadline for sale. Never buy sausage on a promotion that has expired or is about to end.

Try to choose a product that contains as few calories as possible. Do not forget to pay attention in accordance with which document the sausage was made. It is better to pay more and buy the sausage that is made according to GOST, rather than according to TU. Do not be surprised if sausage according to GOST is very expensive, in most cases more than a kilogram of fresh meat.

The World Health Organization has issued a statement that sausages and sausages warns that sausages, sausages, sausages, sausages in most cases can be compared in terms of hazard class with smoking and drinking alcohol.

As a result of the experiments, it was found that the constant use of sausage can provoke malignant processes in the intestines. Sausage consumption should be reduced to 50 grams per day.

  • Sausage is made from the meat of animals that are subject to an unnatural from the point of view of nature and physiology, but very beneficial for sellers - intensive fattening. Animals on farms practically do not move, due to which they intensively gain body weight. The meat of such animals has a light color and a loose texture.
  • Meat from a domestic cow will cost several times more than the meat of a cow grown in a meat processing plant. Why? It all depends on nutrition. In the first case, the cow eats natural grass, in the second - GMO corn, additives, protein.
  • The sausage contains a large amount of extraneous harmful fats - fat from animal skins, bones. All this is ground, boiled and goes into the sausage.
  • 95% of sausages on the market contain palm and other hydrogenated vegetable fats.
  • In order to make sausage meat more elastic, stabilizers, dyes, starch, hydrocolloids, and special glue are added to it.
  • The sausage contains a dangerous preservative - sodium nitrite.

food blogger Sausage, sausages, ham, bacon, as well as pastrami (familiar to everyone) and salami, as it turned out, can cause much more serious harm to our health than we imagined. According to the latest research from the International Association for the Study of Cancer, these meat products are carcinogenic (they can easily be put on a par with arsenic sulfide and asbestos) and even a couple of pieces (serving 50 g) can increase the risk of colorectal cancer by 18%.

Is it worth raising a panic because of this, or, optimistically quoting the aphorism of Stanislav Jerzy Lec: “To live is harmful. They die from this, ”to cut off a piece of smoked sausage ?! We decided to discuss this issue with experts.

Marina Gaysinskaya,
Candidate of Medical Sciences, Gastroenterologist-Dietitian, Clinical and Diagnostic Center "MEDSI"“I support this theory about sausages. I recommend to all my patients to completely exclude these products from the diet, replacing them with natural animal protein. I advise you to include in the diet white meat (chicken breast, turkey fillet) 2 days a week, fish - 2 days a week, seafood - 2 days a week (if there are no contraindications). But I do not recommend completely excluding red meat from the diet, it is enough to consume it only once a week.

nutritionist“First of all, it is worth figuring out what kind of sausage we are talking about. After all, what is smoking?! Smoking is the exposure of meat in smoke, for example, from fruit trees. Smoke with certain combustion products gives a certain taste and color. In the process of such smoking, a product with the presence of tar is obtained, which, as a food enzyme, is necessary for some people, since it serves as an excellent remedy for the treatment of gastritis and stomach ulcers. That is why gastroenterologists often prescribe a piece of smoked fish, chicken or red meat to support food fermentation.

If we're talking about the kind of smoking that we often do, where you take half a bottle of one chemical, mix it with two-thirds of another, add another half bag of some strange shit, and the result is mmm ... liquid smoke , in which meat is marinated, or rather an offal of dubious origin, which eventually arrives on the shelves in the form of a loaf of smoked sausage, then this, of course, is a completely different story. The degree of danger of such a product depends only on the amount of muck that the manufacturer supplied it with.

My advice to you, if you do not want to deny yourself the pleasure of eating a piece or two of sausage, then look at least at the label. If a person has a predisposition to a set of toxins and toxins due to the frequent use of products that include stabilizers, thickeners, enhancers and other preservatives, then this, of course, can subsequently cause the development of a malignant tumor. After all, cancer, at the household level, is the inability of a cell to self-heal due to a lack of certain microelements. One unhealthy cell snatches what is missing from the other, that one from the neighboring one, thus affecting the entire organ.

Candidate of Medical Sciences, Medical Director of the Semeynaya Clinic“Sausage is the same carcinogen as a thousand other products. Similar studies were carried out with milk. It is common knowledge that milk is at the top of the list of cancer-causing foods, followed by yeast-containing foods. Now the entire protein structure has been added to this heap ...

In addition, in the above study, we were talking about a certain sausage produced in certain regions, mind you, NOT OUR country. Well, since no one has conducted such a study in Russia, it cannot be argued that the use of our meat products somehow affects the development of the same colorectal cancer. And if we take into account the fact that the import of meat into our country was stopped a year ago, it is possible that import substitution will turn out to be a lifeline. I believe that people can safely eat sausage, the main thing is to know the measure and regularly conduct oncological examinations according to certain schemes. After 40 years, do a colonoscopy every two years or take a special oncotest for the presence of occult blood in the feces.

author of health-improving and educational courses, yoga teacher, health-coach“The World Health Organization has recognized processed meat products (those that have been smoked, aged, added preservatives or salted) as carcinogenic. So what? It's no secret, for example, that smoking leads to lung cancer. Nevertheless, many, knowing this, boldly step forward to meet him ... In my opinion, the above statement was made not for those who consume meat products, but, on the contrary, for those who shout about their harm at every corner.

After all, the human body is structurally incapable of processing animal products. Eating meat is like putting the wrong fuel in a car. Poor-quality "gasoline" leads to rapid wear of the "engine", thereby reducing the quality of work and shortening its service life ... However, the health organization cannot say this openly, because if everyone is healthy, then WHO will have nothing to protect. In my opinion, this is a kind of Turkish gambit for vegans and people who prove that the meat and dairy industry is dangerous, not only for people, but for the entire planet.

For all this time, for some reason, I have not seen a single post on social networks from people who use sausage with the words “I quit”, but those who are part of the vegan community or fighters for a healthy lifestyle rejoiced. If animal products are already obviously unhealthy, then what about chemically processed products ?! The popularity of veganism is rapidly gaining momentum. Vegan cafes and shops are opening all over the world, influencers and media people are increasingly speaking out in favor of a vegan lifestyle, saying that the development of the meat and dairy industry is draining the planet's resources. Naturally, now that everyone around us is refusing animal products, the World Health Organization (which previously so strongly recommended eating meat in certain quantities) cannot just take it and say: they say, yes, we have been deceiving you all our lives ... Instead, they call sausages harmful, thereby creating the appearance of caring for people. So vegans seem to be happy, and meat is not banned ... "

founder of the center "Method of recovery of Dr. Elkin", master of manual modeling“Personally, I do not agree with this position. Not so long ago, an American group of scientists and oncologists proved that eating beef contributes to the prevention of cancer, because it is in beef that enzymes and active substances are found that help prevent the occurrence of cancer cells, as well as daily consumption of beef (a whole piece of meat) is the prevention of heart disease. vascular disease, heart attacks and strokes. Also, the use of lamb contributes to an increase in life expectancy, as an example - the countries of Southeast Asia, the Middle East, the Caucasus.

But as for veal, which is considered dietary meat, there is a big misconception here. Young meat is very rich in enzymes, it has a very active effect on the body, so it is better to use it when exhausted and at a young young age for active growth. As for eating meat with blood, theoretically, of course, it is useful, practically due to the various bacteria found in raw meat, I would recommend with very great caution.

If we are talking about sausages, then the quality of sausage production in our country is much higher than in the West, only everything depends on the manufacturer and preservatives, so it is impossible to unambiguously answer the question of whether or not to use it. Any meat product of industrial processing contains additives and preservatives that are unhealthy for the body. But to say unequivocally that all sausages contribute to the formation of cancer cells is more than conditional. I believe that moderate consumption of animal protein (meat) in its pure or processed form will not cause much harm to the body, but all this is very individual and in accordance with a certain age.
