
How to fry fish in a pan: recipes and cooking tips. How much to fry fish and how: a question of healthy nutrition

The traditional everyday dish has its own cooking secrets. At first glance, nothing is easier than frying river fish in a pan. But as a result, the integrity of the structure is lost, the meat breaks up, becomes dry, tough. Another feature of fish from fresh water is a specific smell. Culinary secrets will help to achieve a balanced taste, cooking a familiar dish will not cause difficulties, it will decorate the festive table.

The taste of river fish will help to reveal juicy vegetables, baked potatoes, greens

Beneficial features

River fish contains a low amount of fat (up to 7-8%), helps to cope with obesity, atherosclerosis. Regular use helps to normalize the work of the cardiovascular system, increase the immune properties of the body. Low calorie content allows the use of river fish during diets, high-quality protein is a building material for cells. Fried river fish contains 160 calories per 100 gr. only 20 gr. proteins, 8 gr. fat and 5 gr. carbohydrates. It can be served with rice dishes, potatoes, vegetable salads, creamy and tomato sauces.

How to choose the right river fish

  • first you need to smell the fish, raise the gills, there should not be a specific pungent smell, only a slight aroma of mud is possible;
  • the smell of ammonia or the bright aroma of fish indicates not the first freshness of the product, it is better to refrain from such a purchase;
  • the scales should be wet, dry and cracked, like a curved tail, they indicate that the product has been on the counter for a long time;
  • the eyes should be clean, the gills should be bright red or pink;
  • it is better to buy whole fish, carcasses are usually cut up by unscrupulous sellers, so that it is difficult to check the freshness of the product.

For frying it is better to choose fresh fish


Immediately before the frying process, the fish must be prepared. Frozen must be properly thawed so as not to violate the integrity of the fibers. For 1 kg of product, 2 liters of cold water are required, the process may take a sufficient amount of time.

Hot water will only boil the fish, it will lose its taste properties.

Then you need to clean from scales, gut. It is better to clean with a metal grater under running cold water. First rub the too slippery fish with salt, do not forget to cut off the fins with kitchen scissors. At the next stage, you need to remove the insides, do it carefully so as not to damage the gallbladder. If it still bursts, quickly rub with salt and rinse the carcass under running cold water.

It is important to know not only how to fry properly, but also how to neutralize the specific smell and taste, for which many do not like fish dishes. You will need to soak the peeled carcasses in milk, 1 liter of milk will be required per 1 kg. Leave for 2-3 hours, this time is enough to make the meat tender and soft. Then you need to rinse again under running water to get rid of the notes of milk this time.

Serve with herbs, vegetables, garnished with berries

Fish in spicy breading


  • 1 kg of fish;
  • 2 limes;
  • 15 gr. salt;
  • 30 gr. mixtures of basil, parsley, dried garlic dill;
  • 200 gr. flour;
  • 200 gr. rye crackers;
  • 50 ml of sesame oil;
  • 2 eggs.

Breading is used for frying, otherwise the pieces will lose their shape, the skin will stick to the surface of the pan. In a deep plate, beat the eggs until foamy, in a separate container, combine the crackers with spices. Sift the flour 2 times, then pour into a flat plate. Half an hour before frying, add salt and lime juice to 1 liter of water, lower the prepared fish. Large cut into equal parts, small - fry whole. Heat the pan, add sesame oil, it should cover the carcasses by half. First roll in flour, then dip in egg, lastly - again breading with spices. Fry on each side for no more than 5-6 minutes, then put on a paper towel to remove excess oil. The dish is served immediately with heat, heat, with herbs and vegetables. Cooking takes a minimum amount of time, and the result will please the taste of tender juicy fish meat with spicy notes.

Fish in batter


  • 500 gr. fish;
  • 100 ml soy sauce;
  • 3 cloves stars;
  • 20 gr. ginger;
  • a pinch of salt, dried fennel, dill;
  • 4 eggs;
  • 200 gr. oatmeal.

The readiness of the fish is determined by breading, it should be golden

Before frying river fish, you must first marinate it. Heat soy sauce in a water bath to 50 °, add cloves and chopped ginger on a coarse grater. Remove from heat, pour over the fish, leave for half an hour. While the meat is marinating, you need to prepare a delicious batter. Beat eggs with a pinch of salt and dried herbs. Remove the fish from the marinade, dry on a towel. Dip in batter, then dip on both sides in flour. For frying, instead of oatmeal, you can take wheat, but for those who count calories, it is better to stop at the first option. Then once again immerse the carcasses in batter and send to a heated frying pan. For this recipe, vegetable oil should be replaced with butter, this will emphasize the delicate taste of the fish.

fried catfish


  • 800 gr. catfish;
  • 500 ml of white wine;
  • 50 ml of refined olive oil;
  • orange;
  • 15 gr. salt;
  • 100 gr. crackers;
  • 5 gr. dry garlic;
  • 4 eggs.

Delicious frying catfish is not so easy, first you need to prepare a special marinade. To make the meat tender and juicy, without a specific river aftertaste, it is necessary to marinate for at least half an hour. Peeled fish cut into strips, pour dry white wine, squeeze orange juice, salt.

Fry pieces of large fish along the cuts of meat, and not from the side of the scales

While the fish absorbs the taste of the marinade, you need to prepare the batter. Beat the eggs with a whisk, be sure to salt and pepper, otherwise the crust will be fresh. Thoroughly mix crackers with dried garlic, it is better not to use fresh, it will be bitter when frying. Heat the pan, pour in the oil, dip the catfish pieces first into the egg, then into the breading. Gently put on a hot surface, it is important to know how much to fry on each side - 6-7 minutes. Then put the cooked fish on a paper towel, then you can decorate with herbs and vegetables. Fried catfish is served with mashed potatoes or pumpkin, fresh vegetables.

Fish roe fried in a skillet

You can not only fry river fish in a pan, but also cook a delicious caviar dish. You only need to choose a mature one, eggs are clearly visible in it, there are no turbidities. Before starting the process, rinse the caviar under running water, separate from the film. Then salt, pepper, traditional spices are enough to reveal and not disturb the taste of the product.


  • 75 gr. caviar;
  • 30 gr. wheat flour;
  • 20 ml sunflower oil.

Prepared with the addition of flour, mixed with caviar, heat the pan and pour the oil. Put on a hot surface, 3 minutes is enough on one and the other side, turn over with a wooden spatula so as not to violate the integrity of the eggs. Ready fried, it acquires a beautiful golden color, so you can determine the readiness of the dish. Calories in caviar contain 220-240, regardless of the type of fish.

For fried fish, you can choose a classic serving with potatoes and sour cream sauce

Cooking delicious tender fish meat with a crispy crust is easy by following simple recommendations. Low calorie content and rich taste of the dish will delight even gourmets. Cooking features will allow you to achieve a golden, appetizing color, while maintaining the juiciness of a river fish.

It doesn't matter where you usually get your fish from: catch it yourself or bring it from the market. Almost any fish turns out delicious if it is fried. But you need to be able to fry fish.

Frying fish in a pan

Once you have chosen the right fish, it should be cleaned and gutted. This is not difficult, but requires caution if the fish's fins are spiky. Also, be careful when pulling out the insides so as not to damage the gallbladder. Otherwise, the meat of the fish will become bitter. The head of the fish is not needed for frying, so it is usually cut off and used to boil the fish broth. And the rest of the carcass is washed and sprinkled with salt at least ten minutes before frying, so that the fish meat absorbs the salt. However, this is not critical, and you can salt the fish in the process of rolling in flour.

It is always better to fry fish in flour breading, otherwise it will not work crispy, and the fish will stick to the pan tightly, no matter how much oil you pour. Flour is poured into a large bowl, and pieces of fish collapse in it from all sides. Some clever housewives pour flour into a plastic bag, and put pieces of fish into it one at a time. So the fish will be breaded in flour, and the kitchen will remain clean. Pieces of fish should not be too thick, otherwise the fish in the middle will not be fried, and the outside will burn. Small fish do not need to be cut - they are fried whole. You can bread in another way: first dip a piece of fish in the egg mixture (a beaten egg and a couple of tablespoons of milk), and only then roll it in flour.

The boned pieces of fish are placed in a heated frying pan, in which refined vegetable oil is preferably poured. It is not necessary to feel sorry for the oil: it is best if the fish is half immersed in it. Butter can be mixed with butter or ghee. The main thing is to heat the oil well, then the fish will be “sealed” with a fried crust and will not absorb excess fat. Fry for 5-7 minutes on each side. It is very important not to disturb the fish until a strong, crispy crust forms on the bottom, otherwise the piece will simply lose its shape. You should not cover the pan with a lid, because our goal is fried, not stewed fish. Serve the fish to the table with heat, with heat, otherwise it will cool down, soak in fat and become not so tasty at all. A side dish for fried fish can be ordinary mashed potatoes, pasta, or just a couple of lemon slices.

Grilled fish

Fish can be fried not only in a pan, but also on the grill. This method is especially good for oily fish, which usually turns into shapeless, unattractive pieces in a pan. The main problem that worries those who want to taste grilled fish is that the fish sticks to the grill during the frying process. As a result, when she tries to separate pieces of fish from this grate, they break and hopelessly spoil the mood of the cook. There is only one way out: clean the grate to a shine and grease well with oil. Grilled fish is cleaned in the same way as usual, very large pieces are cut so that the tightening skin does not deform the entire piece. You can stuff the fish with herbs or lemon slices. The top of the fish is rubbed with oil and salt and pepper. The prepared fish is placed on the grate over a well-heated grill and fried for about 10 minutes on each side. If the pieces are very thick, increase the frying time. If you are still afraid of not coping with the sticky grate, wrap the pieces of fish in foil: the fish will still turn out very tasty.

Young inexperienced housewives do not always know how to fry fish in a pan. This dish is appropriate to serve for a family dinner with a variety of side dishes. The cooking process takes no more than an hour, despite the fact that most of the time is spent on butchering the fish carcass. You can fry a delicious fish using various recipes, but the simplest method is to carry out this process in a frying pan with the addition of vegetable oil, after rolling the chopped carcasses in flour.

A properly prepared dish is very beneficial for the body, as it contains phosphorus, fish oil and other important components. It is no coincidence that many people prefer fish instead of meat, since such food is better absorbed by the body and is less high-calorie.

The taste of a dish depends on many factors. It is necessary to choose high-quality fish, so that in finished form it turns out to be tasty and healthy for the body. There are many ways to choose a better product. The best option would be to purchase it live. Now in many large stores you can find large aquariums with fresh goods. This method guarantees that you will buy fresh fish.


The main sign of a recently caught fish is the scarlet color of the gills. If they are too dark in color or have an unpleasant odor, it is forbidden to buy such a product.

It is impossible to say exactly how long fresh fish can be stored after being caught, but the shorter this period, the higher quality the product will reach your table. The second sign of freshness is transparent eyes. It is unacceptable to buy a carcass whose eyes have become cloudy, yellowish.

Fish scales can also tell a lot about the quality of a product. When buying river fish, you can not be afraid of a small amount of mucus. But marine fish must certainly be distinguished by shiny scales without signs of turbidity and mucus formation.

If you gently press your finger on the carcass of fresh fish, then within one second the hole formed from pressing will disappear. If the dent remains, then you have a stale carcass in front of you. When buying red fish, you need to pay attention to the color of the fish fillet, which should have an orange tint. At the same time, various varieties, such as salmon, trout, pink salmon, can be from light orange to red.


It is much more difficult to make the right choice when buying a ready-made fillet that is sold frozen. Very often you can see pollock, hake, pangasius in this form. Such a product is chosen by its appearance. It is worth paying attention to how much ice the frozen semi-finished product contains. A large amount of frozen water indicates that the product has already been defrosted, which negatively affected its quality.

It doesn't matter if you cut red fish, pollock, pelengas, halibut, hake. In a fresh product, the bones should not easily separate from the fillets. Sea fish should not have a pungent odor. If an unpleasant odor is present, it is best not to eat such a product.

It is advisable to buy fish in trusted places where quality control is carried out, for example, in large retail chains. In order not to harm your health, it is better to refuse to purchase goods from random sellers in places of unauthorized trade.

The classic way to fry fish fillets in a pan

To fry fish deliciously, it is important not only to buy a fresh, high-quality product, but also to properly cut and cook it. Red fish are very easy to clean from bones and scales. But pollock, pelengas requires considerable effort. You can fry a product cut into pieces of fillet, which is completely cleaned of inedible components.

To prepare such a dish in the classic way, you will need to take the following ingredients:

  • fresh or thawed fish, such as pollock;
  • 1 - 2 cups of wheat flour;
  • salt;
  • spices;
  • vegetable oil.

Before frying the fish fillet, it is necessary to divide it into portions, salt and add spices. Ground black pepper, white pepper, dried basil, oregano, and any other spices you like are best.

It is very important to properly salt the carcass to make a delicious dish. This requires culinary experience. Usually, 500 grams of fillet takes 2 teaspoons of salt and 0.5 cups of flour. After adding salt and spices, you need to leave the semi-finished products for 30 minutes, only after that fry them, rolling them in a small amount of flour.

Add a small amount of vegetable oil to the pan and put the pieces of fish. First, you can fry it in a frying pan without a lid until a golden crust forms. After that, it is better to complete the frying process under the lid over medium heat.

If the fillet quickly browned during frying, then you did not use enough flour.

Depending on how many carcasses need to be fried, the cooking time varies. To check readiness, you need to cut one piece. If the meat inside is white and easily separated from the bones, then the dish is ready.

Pollock, red fish and other varieties of this product after frying in a pan, it is appropriate to serve with a variety of snacks and side dishes.

The most popular in Eastern European cuisine are the following additions:

  • mashed potatoes, buckwheat and rice porridge,
  • a fresh vegetable salad,
  • broccoli puree.

Adherents of a healthy diet eat fish with fresh or baked vegetables. It is believed that this combination is the most beneficial for the body. There is another tip that allows you to cook healthy food: you need to fry this product in refined oil, which is used once. To prepare the second batch, change the oil.

Cooking delicious fish in batter

Batter for fish is always prepared from eggs, flour and other ingredients. To prepare this dish, you need to use a boned fillet. Well suited for this hake, pollock, pike perch. You can fry other types of fish fillets in batter. The main thing is that the semi-finished product can be easily cleaned of bones. For this reason, carp and blue bream are not suitable for this dish.

You need to take the following ingredients:

  • fish fillet;
  • 300 grams of flour;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 200 grams of sour cream;
  • 150 milliliters of water;
  • salt;
  • spices.

First you need to make a batter. Depending on how many fillets are available for frying, you need to cook a sufficient amount of batter. To do this, mix the entire portion of flour with beaten eggs, sour cream, water. Then it is necessary to add salt and spices to it, after which it is good to beat with a fork or whisk.

Before frying fish fillets, you need to salt and pepper them, then dip in batter. After that, it must be fried in a pan in the usual way - with the addition of vegetable oil. This dish should be served garnished with lemon wedges.

Frying fish fillets in a pan is not difficult. Such a dish has a large number of advantages - it is unusually tasty and healthy. Today there are a huge number of varieties of fish, such as pollock, pelengas, pangasius, hake, pike perch. Each of them has a special taste. It is very important to choose a fresh product in order to prepare a fragrant, healthy dish. It is recommended to consume such food at least 2-3 times a week.

fry fishis a whole art. Real chefs have specialfried fish secretswhich make dishes not only healthy, but also incredibly tasty. In the article you will find not only tips, but alsooriginal fish recipes

Secrets of cooking fried fish

Cooking fried fish:

Stage one - defrosting
Let's learn the first rule: cooking fried fish is not an occupation for those who like to do everything in a quick way. And it begins a few hours before the main process - frying. After all, before the fish gets into the pan, it needs to be prepared. For starters, defrost properly. And here haste becomes the main enemy. Because you need to defrost fish in cold water (2 liters of water per 1 kg of fish) or at room temperature. And it's not that fast. If you decide to speed up the process and defrost the fish in warm water, you risk losing the taste. Hot water will just boil your fish. With fillet, the situation is simpler: it can be fried without defrosting. To speed up the defrosting process, you can apply one trick: fill the uncut frozen fish with cold water and throw a pinch of salt into the water (1 teaspoon per liter of water). Note: this way you can only defrost whole fish (except for saffron cod), gutted fish will lose its taste and fried fish will turn out not so appetizing.

We clean the fish
When the fish is defrosted, proceed to the next step - cleaning. Mucus from the fish is easily removed if you first rub the fish with table salt and wash it. The scales will be better cleaned if you dip the fish for a second in boiling water. If the fish is slippery, dip your fingers in salt and things will go faster. It is convenient to clean the fish with a metal grater under a gentle stream of water. First remove all fins from the fish, so it will be more convenient for you to work.
After cleaning the fish, you need to remove the insides. The main task in this case is not to damage the gallbladder, otherwise the fried fish will turn out bitter. If this incident nevertheless happened, try to save the situation by wiping the places that got bile, salt and rinsing with water.

Get rid of bad odor
Many types of fish have their own specific smell. Experienced chefs know that this problem can also be dealt with.
For example, the specific smell of flounder can be eliminated by removing the skin from the dark side during cutting. It is easy to get rid of the smell of cod by holding the fish for an hour in a solution of vinegar (2 tablespoons per 1 liter of water) or by rubbing with lemon. Milk also works just as well. Pour milk over the cod and leave for a while - the fish will become softer and tastier after that, and the smell will go away. The same method is suitable for other types of fish.
The smell of mud is the trouble of river fish. You can get rid of it in this way: the fish is cut into pieces, folded into non-oxidizing dishes and covered with finely chopped bay leaves (5-6 pieces). Then it is poured with barely warm water and left for an hour. Before frying, the water is drained, but the fish is not rinsed.

The basics of perfect frying
So, all the preparatory stages are already behind, you can start frying the fish. First, cut it into portioned pieces (if the fish is large). Smaller fish are best fried whole. Make small cuts over the entire surface of small fish - so it does not curl when frying. Salted fish should be salted and left for 10-15 minutes. Salt will make the fish stronger and will not crumble during frying. The taste of sea fish will improve if it is sprinkled with lemon juice or wine vinegar before frying and left for 15-20 minutes. Before frying, portioned pieces of sturgeon fish should be put in hot water for 2-3 minutes, and then washed with cold water.

In order for the fish to retain its shape during frying and not stick to the pan, it must first be breaded. You can roll the fish only in flour, or you can make a multi-layer breading of flour and breadcrumbs, fastening them with a beaten egg. Such a delicious shell will help keep the fish juicy and tasty. So, how to cook breaded fried fish?
Pour flour into one container, breadcrumbs into another, break the egg into the third. Lightly beat the egg with a fork until the egg white and yolk become a single mass. Now we take pieces of fish, pat them (not three!) With a paper towel, removing excess moisture, and lower them into the egg. One, two - top, bottom ... The egg should completely cover the fish. After the fish we put in flour. Dip and drop back into the egg. And after the eggs, bread in breadcrumbs. Halibut is especially tasty in such a breading.

Now you can fry. Heat up a frying pan and pour vegetable oil into it. You can also add a little butter, then the fish will turn out especially tasty. Just enough fat is needed so that the bubbles of hot oil blush the fish from the barrels. Pour a lot - the fish will turn out unpleasantly oily, a little - dry. When the oil warms up well and begins to bubble, put the fish in it. There is more oil in the middle of the pan, so first put a piece of fish in the middle of the pan and immediately move it to the side. We fill the pan so that the fish is not very crowded, but not very spacious. If the pan is spacious, the oil that is not occupied by the fish burns. Closely - the fish will be steamed, not fried. We fry the fish over medium heat: make a strong fire - the fish will shrink and burn, weak - it will turn out pale, without a ruddy crust. To prevent splattering of oil during frying, you can cover the pan with a colander. The strong smell of fish during frying will help eliminate peeled and sliced ​​potatoes laid out in oil.
Do not keep the fish in the pan for a long time. It is enough to fry the pieces until a golden crust appears. After that, put the fish in a colander, let the excess fat drain and place in the oven for 5-8 minutes. There, the fish will be completely fried and, at the same time, will not burn.
If the recipe for fried fish involves cooking in a large amount of vegetable oil (deep-fried), you need to remember that only hard and strong fish species are recommended for deep-frying - pike perch, catfish, sea bass, hake.
You can serve side dishes of potatoes, greens, spinach, and vegetables to the finished fish. Olives, capers, salted and pickled vegetables emphasize the taste of fish well.

Fish fried with ginger
Starch - 2 tablespoons
Ginger - 0.5 tsp
Sea salt - 1 tsp
White fish - 750 g
Peanut butter - 3 tbsp.
Ginger root - to taste
Green onion - 4 pcs.
Red wine vinegar - 1 tbsp.
Sherry - 2 tablespoons
Soy sauce 3 - tbsp.
Sugar - 1 tsp
Orange juice - 3 tablespoons
Mix corn flour, ground ginger and salt, add the fish in parts so that it is evenly covered with flour. Heat up the oil in a wok pan. Add the fish and fry for 4 minutes, turning gently from time to time, until the fish is browned. Mix the rest of the ingredients, pour them into the pan, reduce the heat, cover and fry for 4 minutes.

Fish fried with spices and garlic
Flounder - 200 g
Merlan - 200 g
Cod - 200 g
Sole tongue - 200 g
Cumin - 1 tsp
Coriander - 0.5 tsp
Anise seeds - 1 tsp
Chili pepper - 0.5 tsp
Garlic - 3 cloves
Sunflower oil - 1000 ml
Lettuce leaves - 4 pcs.
We remove the bones from the fish, remove the skin, wash and blot with paper towels. Cut the fish into large pieces. Grind cumin, coriander, anise seed, ground chili, garlic, salt in lemon juice until a homogeneous mass is obtained. We coat the fish with it, which we then place in the cold for 1 hour. Fill a deep frying pan or deep fryer halfway with oil and heat to 180°C. Fry the fish in several pieces at the same time for 2-3 minutes until golden brown. Wet with a paper towel. Serve hot, garnished with lettuce leaves and lemon slices.

Fried fish with cranberries
Carp - 1000 g
Cranberries - 600 g
Honey - 300 g
Flour - 1 cup

Salt - to taste
We clean the fish, gut it, roll it in flour and fry it in a hot frying pan in oil. We knead the cranberries, squeeze the juice, add honey to the juice and evaporate by almost half. Put the fried fish on a plate and pour over cranberry juice with honey.

Fish with mushroom sauce
Halibut - 700 g
Flour - 1 tbsp.
Salt - to taste
Pepper - to taste
Vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.
Garlic - 3 cloves
Onion - 1 pc.
Ginger root - to taste
Shiitake mushrooms - 115 g
Green onion - 2 pcs.
Salt and pepper the flour, and then lightly sprinkle the fish with it. Melt the butter in a large deep frying pan to 180 ° C, put the fish in it and fry for 4-5 minutes until a crispy crust forms and the fish is browned, and then turn over to the other side for another 4-5 minutes. In the meantime, dissolve 2 tablespoons of oil in a wok, add garlic, onion and ginger, stirring, fry for 2 minutes. Add mushrooms and continue to fry for another 2 minutes. Pour in fish sauce, 3-4 tablespoons of water and pour green onions. We mix. Let's boil a little. We spread the fish with a spatula on absorbent paper so that it “takes away” excess oil. Then we shift to a warmed dish and pour the sauce with mushrooms over the fish. Decorate with green onion tassels.

Fish with ginger
Vegetable oil - 6 tbsp.
Cod - 1000 g
Onion - 1 pc.
Green onion - 6 pcs.
Ginger root grated - 1 tbsp.
Soy sauce - 1.5 tbsp.
Sugar - 1 tsp
Coriander - 3 pcs.
Heat 4 tablespoons of oil in a deep, wide skillet over medium heat. We spread the fish there and fry for 5 minutes, until it is browned and the layers of meat begin to be easily separated with a knife, and then turn over to the other side for about 5 minutes. Meanwhile, heat the remaining oil in a small saucepan over moderate heat, add the onion and fry, stirring, until lightly browned. When the fish is ready, lay it out on absorbent paper to “take away” excess oil, then transfer to a warmed plate and cover to keep warm. Put green onion, garlic and ginger in a deep wide pan. Fry, stirring, for 2-3 minutes, and then pour soy sauce into the pan and add palm sugar. We mix. Keep the pan on the fire for a minute, season the mixture with black pepper, and then pour it over the fish. Sprinkle the fish with fried onions and decorate with green sprigs.

Fish is one of the main and indispensable foodstuffs of man. Fish has been fried and baked since ancient times, but despite the extreme simplicity of cooking fish in a pan, you should still know a few simple rules on how to fry fish so that it turns out delicious, juicy and crispy. I tell you how delicious fried fish is prepared in a pan.


(4 servings)

  • 1 kg. fish
  • 2 tbsp flour
  • vegetable oil
  • fish spices to taste
  • According to this recipe, you can fry any fish, silver carp, hake, hake, salmon, etc., and both fish fillet and steaks are suitable - fish slices cut across. I have hake in the photo, it is a rather large fish, so it is convenient to cut and fry it in circles. If your plans include frying a whole fish, then the main points of this recipe will also be very useful.
  • We clean the fish, gut it, and then rinse it under running cold water. We remove the black films that give the fish bitterness.
  • We salt the fish on one side and the other. You can sprinkle with ground spices for fish.
  • Dip each piece of fish in flour. What is it for? Firstly, the fish does not stick to the pan (this is in case the pan is ordinary, without a special coating). Secondly, thanks to a thin layer of flour, the fish is obtained with a crispy crust.
  • We take a clean frying pan, it should not contain any old fat or food residues from previous frying.
  • Pour vegetable oil into the pan.
  • A separate question is what kind of fat is better to use for frying fish. Sometimes you can find advice like, if you mix sunflower and olive oil, or add butter, margarine, etc., then the fish will have a divine taste. Dietitians and many culinary experts do not recommend doing this. Different fats have different boiling points, so mixed fats form carcinogens faster, and such fats are more absorbed into foods.
  • In addition, olive oil has a specific taste, and if you or your family are not used to this taste, then even a well-fried fish may seem strange. Therefore, I recommend using ordinary vegetable oil, it is important that it is fresh (fresh from the bottle) and without bitterness. Pour a little so that the oil covers the bottom of the pan.
  • Heat up a frying pan with oil. The oil should sizzle when it gets wet or a drop of water.
  • Put the pieces of fish on a well-heated pan at a small distance from each other. No need to strive to dump all the available fish into the pan, it is better to fry in several stages.
  • We fry the fish over a fairly high heat so that a golden crust forms on its surface faster. This is an important point, because thanks to the fried crust, the fish juice does not flow out, and the fish ends up juicy.
  • If you suddenly see that the fish begins to “release” the juice into the pan, we urgently increase the fire. And the second extreme, if the fire is too strong, the fish will burn, so we carefully monitor the frying process.
  • Fry the fish on one side for 2-3 minutes. The time depends on the thickness of the piece. For a thin fillet, one and a half to two minutes is enough, for a thick steak, 3-4 minutes.
  • When one side is browned, turn the fish over to the other barrel. The second side cooks faster than the first. Do not forget this, otherwise there is a risk of overdrying the fish.
  • Put the fried pieces of fish on napkins or paper towels to absorb excess fat. One minute is enough for this procedure.
  • Serve hot fish fried in a pan, the best side dish is
