
How to pickle mackerel at home lightly salted. How to salt mackerel - step by step photo recipe

  1. The weight of the fish should be about 300 g. When salted, mackerel gives off moisture abundantly. Small, already lean individuals are too dry.
  2. Take fresh or frozen fish. Preferably with head and innards. It's easier . The carcass should be elastic, the aroma should be unobtrusive, the color should be light gray with characteristic stripes.
  3. Choose non-oxidizing dishes: plastic, glass or enamel.
  4. Do not use iodized salt - it can make the fish friable.
  5. If you want to pickle mackerel quickly, choose recipes that feature pieces or fillets. A whole fish needs 2-3 days to be salted, cut - 12-18 hours. By using vinegar, the salting time can be shortened.
  6. Refrigerate the brine before pouring. In a hot and especially boiling liquid, the fish will cook.
  7. Keep salting time and store salted mackerel in the refrigerator or other cool place.


Mackerel in its own juice, dry salted.


  • 2 mackerels;
  • 3 tablespoons of salt;
  • 3 black peppercorns;
  • 3 bay leaves;
  • 1 tablespoon of sugar.


Cut off the heads of the fish, gut and rinse it. At the bottom of a plastic or glass container, pour a spoonful of salt, put pepper and crush the bay leaf.

Mix the remaining salt with sugar and rub the mackerel inside and out. Put the fish in a container, tightly close the lid. Refrigerate for 2-3 days. Before serving, rinse the mackerel under running water and pat dry with paper towels.


Fragrant and very tender mackerel, which, thanks to cutting into pieces, salts quite quickly.


  • 2 mackerels;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 3 tablespoons of salt;
  • 1¹⁄₂ tablespoon of sugar;
  • 5 black peppercorns;
  • 5 peas of allspice;
  • 3 stars of cloves;
  • 3 bay leaves;
  • ½ teaspoon coriander.


Cut the mackerel: get rid of the heads, innards and skins. Cut the fish into pieces 3-4 cm wide.

Prepare the brine by boiling all the seasonings in water. Strain, chill. Put the fish in a plastic container, cover with brine and leave at room temperature for 12 hours. Then refrigerate for another 2-3 hours.


Tender, moderately salty, with color and taste reminiscent of cold-smoked mackerel.


  • 4 mackerels;
  • 4 tablespoons of black tea or 8 bags;
  • 4 tablespoons of salt;
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 1 onion;
  • 1 liter of water.


Gut, rinse and dry the mackerel with paper towels. Cut off the neck of a one and a half liter plastic bottle. Put the fish tails up in the bottle.

Put tea, salt, sugar and a whole peeled onion into a saucepan. Fill with water, put on fire, boil. Strain and cool completely.

Pour the mackerel with the resulting solution and remove for 3 days. Every day turn the fish by the tails so that it is salted evenly and acquires an even shade.


Variation of the previous recipe. The color is more golden, but the taste remains the same gentle.


  • 4 mackerels;
  • 3 handfuls of onion peel;
  • 2 tablespoons of black tea or 4 bags;
  • 4 tablespoons of salt;
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 6 black peppercorns;
  • 3 bay leaves;
  • 1¹⁄₂ liters of water.


Prepare the mackerel for salting: cut off the heads, gut, rinse. Place the fish in a plastic bottle or other convenient container.

Rinse the onion peel and place in a bowl. Send tea, salt, sugar, pepper, bay leaf there. Pour in water, bring to a boil and simmer for 5 minutes. Then remove from heat, strain, cool.

Pour the chilled brine over the mackerel. Keep in the refrigerator for 3-4 days. Flip over from time to time.


Mackerel pieces with a piquant taste and a beautiful shade.


  • 1 teaspoon mustard powder;
  • 3 tablespoons of salt;
  • 1¹⁄₂ tablespoon of sugar;
  • 5 black peppercorns;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 2 mackerels.


Prepare the brine: pour mustard powder and other seasonings with water, bring to a boil and cook over high heat for 3-4 minutes. Remove from heat and cool to room temperature.

While the brine is cooling, gut and rinse the mackerel. Cut it into pieces and place in a glass bowl. Pour in brine and refrigerate overnight, preferably overnight.


Interesting taste with sourness and hints of spiciness. Great for sandwiches. And most importantly - it cooks very quickly.


  • 2 mackerels;
  • 3 tablespoons of salt;
  • 3 cloves of garlic;
  • 2 bay leaves;
  • 5 black peppercorns;
  • 50 ml of unrefined sunflower oil;
  • 2 large onions.


Fillet the mackerel. This can be done in a way convenient for you, by analogy with herring.

Sprinkle the fillets with salt and set aside for 10-15 minutes. At this time, peel and grate the garlic, break the bay leaf. Combine garlic, parsley, peppercorns, vinegar and sunflower oil.

Put the mackerel in a glass jar, sprinkling the layers with chopped onion half rings. Pour in the marinade, close the lid and refrigerate for 12 hours.

Onions will also marinate and will be delicious.


Express salting in case there are guests in the evening. Mackerel turns out lightly salted and very appetizing.


  • 2 mackerels;
  • 2 purple onions;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 3 tablespoons of salt;
  • 1¹⁄₂ tablespoon of sugar;
  • 5 black peppercorns;
  • 2 peas of allspice;
  • 3 bay leaves;
  • ½ teaspoon coriander;
  • 2 tablespoons of table vinegar;
  • 2 tablespoons of sunflower oil.


Cut the mackerel into fillets. Peel the onion and cut into half rings.

Prepare the brine. Pour salt, sugar, two types of pepper, bay leaf, coriander into the water. Boil and cool. Add vinegar to the cooled brine.

Put the fish in an enamel bowl, sprinkling with onions. Fill with brine. Cover with a plate of a suitable diameter, put something heavy on top, such as a jar of water. Place in refrigerator for 2-5 hours. Dry the mackerel pieces with paper towels and drizzle with sunflower oil before serving.

This marine fish, which has a rich taste, contains many nutrients, especially valuable omega-3 fats, and is easily absorbed by the body.

To prepare an environmentally friendly product without preservatives and chemicals, you need to know how to pickle mackerel without brine, and I will tell you how to do it simply in the recipe below. Firstly, it is cheaper than buying ready-made salted fish, secondly, it is much healthier, and thirdly, there is nothing complicated in cooking salted mackerel.

About mackerel

This fish belongs to fatty varieties. But do not be afraid of this for those who follow the figure. The maximum amount of fat that mackerel gains by autumn is approximately 16-17%, which, in principle, is not so much.

It is during this period of the year that the highest content of vitamins and microelements is concentrated in fish meat. Fats contain useful and necessary elements for the body. In the spring, the fish is a little depleted, it becomes less oily.

In 100 grams of meat, there are approximately 180 kcal and half the daily protein requirement. So in any case, it can be attributed to dietary products.

For salting, it is best to buy fresh medium-sized fish. If only frozen mackerel is sold in your area, it's okay, just thaw it naturally, so it retains its structure and more nutrients.

How to pickle mackerel without brine: a recipe without brine

For salting you will need

  • Mackerel fish - 2 pcs.;
  • Salt medium or large - 5 tablespoons;
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp;
  • Ground black pepper - to taste;
  • Ground bay leaf - a pinch;
  • Lemon juice - 1 tablespoon;
  • food film;
  • Container with lid.
  • Clean the fish from scales, gut, remove the head and fins. Rinse the carcasses thoroughly under running water and dry them with paper towels.

  • In one cup, mix salt, sugar and spices.
  • It is not necessary to cut the carcass, take it whole and rub it thoroughly with the mixture on all sides. Set the carcass aside for 15 minutes so that it is slightly saturated with salt, then repeat the process.
  • After that, sprinkle the fish lightly with lemon juice and wrap each in cling film. You can also use a regular plastic bag.
  • Place the mackerel in a food container, close the lid and refrigerate. The ambassador will take two days. if you want salted fish, you can keep it only for a day.

After a while, remove the carcasses from the film, wipe them off the salt with napkins, cut into pieces and serve. This is how easy and simple I salt mackerel at home in a dry way.

The fish goes perfectly with an onion marinated in vinegar, under potatoes or stewed vegetables. Just a meal! And most importantly - the fish is useful and very necessary for our body. Of course, in reasonable quantities.

Mackerel, like any fish, is very useful. 100 grams of the product contains half the daily requirement of protein. In addition, the composition contains phosphorus, calcium, potassium, iodine, sodium, zinc, fluorine, magnesium, as well as vitamin D and nicotinic acid. Fish can be eaten fried, baked, smoked, but salted mackerel is also very tasty. Salting mackerel yourself at home is not difficult. Today we will share with you several recipes and culinary tricks, thanks to which the salted fish is sure to succeed in your glory.

A few tricks about salting mackerel at home

  • Large carcasses and medium-sized fish are suitable for salting, but small ones are not the best option, because they have a lot of bones, and they are not so fat. The carcass should have a light fishy aroma, be elastic and slightly moist. A light gray color indicates the freshness of the fish, but a yellowish tint is a reason to be wary and refuse to buy.
  • You can salt mackerel both whole and in pieces. In the latter version, the fish will be ready to eat a little earlier.
  • It is impossible to oversalt mackerel! Being quite oily, the fish will take as much salt as it needs. For salting, we recommend using coarse non-iodized salt. The fact is that iodine can spoil the appearance of the finished product, although it will not negatively affect the taste.
  • Salt the fish should be in a dish that does not undergo oxidation, so an enamel pan, glass and plastic bowls are suitable. It will not be superfluous to sharpen your favorite knife before cooking, then the process will be easier and more enjoyable.
  • It is necessary to store mackerel salted at home in the refrigerator for no more than 5 days, after filling it with odorless sunflower oil.

The classic way of salting mackerel

You will need:

  • mackerel - 1 carcass,
  • salt - 4 tablespoons,
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons,
  • vinegar 9% - 2 tablespoons,
  • bay leaf - 3 pieces,
  • black pepper - 3 peas,
  • allspice - 2 peas,
  • water - 1 liter.

Cooking method

  • My fish. We discuss. We cut into pieces. We remove the insides.
  • Pour the specified amount of water into an enameled pan.
  • We add spices. Put on fire and boil for 5 minutes. We take it off the fire.
  • Pour vinegar into the cooled brine. We mix.
  • Put the pieces of mackerel in a glass jar.
  • Pour in the marinade. Leave for a day at room temperature. After the specified time, put the fish on a plate and serve.

Another option for salting mackerel in brine

You will need:

  • mackerel - 2 carcasses,
  • vegetable oil - 3 tablespoons,
  • salt - 2 tablespoons,
  • onion - 3 pieces,
  • bay leaf - 5 pieces,
  • allspice - 5 peas,
  • black pepper - 5 peas,
  • cloves - 2 buds,
  • water - 250 ml,
  • vinegar 9% - 50 ml.

Cooking method

  • We gut the fish. Remove the head and fins. We wash well. We discuss. Cut into small pieces. We put it in a glass / enamel / plastic container.
  • We clean the onion. My. Cut into thin half rings.
  • Mix prepared spices.
  • Fill with water.
  • Add vegetable oil and vinegar. We mix.
  • Pour the prepared marinade over the fish. We close the container. We put it in the refrigerator. After 2 days, you can take a sample.

Dry salting mackerel

You will need:

  • mackerel - 2 carcasses,
  • salt - 4 teaspoons,
  • granulated sugar - 2 teaspoons,
  • mustard powder - 2 teaspoons,
  • vegetable seasoning - 1 teaspoon,
  • black peppercorns - 7 pieces,
  • bay leaf - 2 pieces.

Cooking method

  • We gut the fish. Cut off the head and fins. We wash. Dry with paper towels. Cut into pieces one and a half centimeters wide.
  • Sprinkle the fish pieces well with the prepared mixture.
  • We put the fish in a suitable container. We close the lid. We put it in the refrigerator. Trying in 2 days!

Another recipe for salting mackerel in pieces

You will need:

  • mackerel - 2 carcasses,
  • salt - 2 tablespoons,
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon,
  • ground coriander - 1 teaspoon,
  • dried basil - 1 teaspoon,
  • cloves - 3 buds,
  • bay leaf - 1 piece,
  • water - 200 ml.

Cooking method

  • Pour the amount of water indicated in the list of ingredients into the pan.
  • Add the listed spices. Bring to a boil, stirring occasionally. Sugar and salt should be completely dissolved. Remove the finished brine from the heat, cover with a lid and wait for it to cool.
  • While the brine is cooling, gut the fish. Cut off the fins and head. We wash. We remove the spine. Cut into pieces of medium size.
  • Put prepared pieces of fish in a glass jar.
  • Fill with brine. We seal the jar. Leave for a couple of hours at room temperature, and then put in the refrigerator for a day.
  • We put the finished fish on a beautiful plate. Sprinkle with onion rings. Spray with vegetable oil. Let's try!

Salt whole mackerel

The fish salted according to this recipe looks like smoked fish, but it is not subjected to heat treatment during cooking.

You will need:

  • mackerel - 3 carcasses,
  • salt - 3 tablespoons,
  • black tea (brewing) - 2 tablespoons,
  • granulated sugar - 1.5 tablespoons,
  • water - 1300 ml,
  • onion peel.

Cooking method

  • Pour water into a saucepan. We put on fire.
  • We send prepared spices and well-washed onion peels into the water (the more, the better, but 3 handfuls are enough).
  • After the brine boils, reduce the heat, cover the pan with a lid and cook for 5 minutes.
  • The brine cooled to room temperature is filtered through a sieve.
  • We gut the mackerel, remove the head. Rinse thoroughly. We discuss.
  • We put the carcasses in a container suitable for salting.
  • Fill with brine. Make sure the carcasses are completely covered with liquid.
  • We cover with a lid. Leave for 12 hours at room temperature.
  • After the specified time, we send the fish to the refrigerator for another 3-4 days, periodically not forgetting to turn the carcasses over to another barrel. After that, you can treat the household with healthy yummy!

Recipe for salting mackerel with lemon

You will need:

  • mackerel - 3 carcasses,
  • salt - 2 tablespoons,
  • lemon juice - 1 tablespoon,
  • black pepper - 10 peas,
  • bay leaf - 3 pieces,
  • water - 500 ml.

Cooking method

  • Pour water into a saucepan. We add spices. We put on fire and cook for a few minutes after boiling.
  • My fish. We remove the fins, head and entrails. We wash. We discuss. Cut into medium sized pieces.
  • We put the pieces of fish in a dish suitable for salting.
  • Drizzle the fish with freshly squeezed lemon juice.
  • Pour in the brine that has cooled to room temperature. Don't be alarmed if it turns a little cloudy, this is a normal reaction when combined with lemon juice.
  • We seal the container. We put it in the refrigerator. In just a day, you can already evaluate the result. By the way, according to this recipe, mackerel can be salted as a whole, only in this case you can taste salted fish no earlier than in 3 days.

Express salting of mackerel fillet

You will need:

  • mackerel - 2 carcasses,
  • salt - 2 tablespoons,
  • sugar - 1 tablespoon,
  • freshly ground allspice - 1 teaspoon,
  • ground black pepper - 1 teaspoon.

Cooking method

  • Mix all prepared spices.
  • We gut the fish. Cut off the head and fins. We wash. Remove excess moisture with paper towels.
  • We fillet the fish, that is, we remove the backbone and all the bones. Cut the fillet into small pieces.
  • Put the fish pieces in a glass bowl. Sprinkle generously with spice mixture.
  • We cover with a flat plate and put oppression on top, for example, a jar filled with water or some heavy object. We send the fish to a cold place. After just 7 hours, you can enjoy the taste of self-salted mackerel. Bon appetit!

Salting mackerel at home is a fairly simple task, as you can see. You just need to stock up on fresh fish and be patient, it's so hard to keep yourself from taking a sample prematurely. Perhaps you have your own recipe for salting fish, we will be grateful if you share it in the comments to this text. Culinary success to you!

Mackerel is an ocean fish that is great for salting. The salting technology is distinguished by its simplicity and manufacturability, which allows it to be carried out by every housewife.

Fish cooked on your own is not much different from salted mackerel, which is sold in the supermarket. The most important thing is to properly prepare the carcass and cook the marinade. The marinade is cooked in several stages, after which it cools. Warm marinade is allowed to water the mackerel.

Preparing dishes and fish

To avoid any delays in the course of salting, it is necessary to prepare everything you need in advance.

For this you will need:

  • cutting board (for cutting fish);
  • sharpened tool;
  • large deep plate;
  • jar with a lid (glass);
  • transparent bag (polyethylene);
  • utensils for preparing brine (pan).

So that the mackerel does not lose its taste, it must be cut accordingly. First of all, the carcass is removed from the tail, head and fins. After that, offal with a dark film is removed. The cut fish is washed well in clean water and dried. Depending on the recipe, the carcass is left whole or cut into a small number of pieces.

How to quickly and tasty pickle mackerel with your own hands

What is needed for this:

  • two carcasses of medium-sized fish;
  • 1 liter of clean water and a bowl;
  • pepper;
  • Bay leaf;
  • a little bit of mustard powder;
  • three teaspoons of sugar;
  • five tablespoons of table salt.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil 1 liter of clean water.
  2. Bring to a boil with spices.
  3. Turn off the fire and let cool.
  4. Process and prepare the fish.
  5. Pieces of mackerel are laid out on a plate and poured with marinade.

Fish prepared in this way is placed in the refrigerator for a couple of days. After that, mackerel can be served on the table.

Easy Recipe for Salted Mackerel

Need to cook:

  • two fish;
  • 50 g 9% vinegar;
  • a couple of onions;
  • 30 g of salt;
  • vegetable oil - 100 g;
  • 2 leaves of lavrushka;
  • pepper to taste.


  1. The fish is cleaned and cut into individual pieces.
  2. Pieces of fish are laid out on a plate and stirred with salt.
  3. Add the onion rings and peppers and stir.
  4. Prepare a marinade based on spices and sunflower oil.
  5. Fish pieces are poured with marinade and aged for a day.
  6. After that, place in the refrigerator for several hours.

Salted mackerel with cinnamon

The following products should be prepared:

  • one large carcass of fish;
  • water;
  • 250 g of salt;
  • peppercorns;
  • cinnamon - on the edge of a knife;
  • two bay leaves.

Cooking technique:

  1. The fish is cleaned and washed.
  2. Water is poured into the pan and spices are added.
  3. The marinade is boiled and then cooled.
  4. A whole carcass of fish is poured with cold brine.
  5. Placed for 3 days in a cool place.

Marinated mackerel with basil and coriander

It is necessary to prepare:

  • fish;
  • Bay leaf;
  • some cloves;
  • 5 g basil and 5 g coriander;
  • a pinch of sugar;
  • 25 g salt;
  • clean water.

Cooking process.

  1. A glass of water is poured into the dishes and spices are added.
  2. Boil and then cool the marinade.
  3. Clean and cut the fish, rinse with clean water and dry. Pieces of mackerel are placed in a jar and poured with marinade, after which the jar is tightly closed. Leave in a cool place for a day, after which the fish can be eaten.

Cooking salted mackerel without marinade

The following products are being prepared:

  • mackerel;
  • 25 g salt;
  • 2 teaspoons of sugar;
  • a little bit of pepper;
  • 1 leaf of lavrushka;
  • 1 teaspoon mustard and 1 teaspoon coriander.

Salting process:

  1. The fish is cleaned and washed, and then dried on a napkin.
  2. Spices with bay leaf and salt are poured into the dishes.
  3. The fish carcass is rubbed with a mixture of spices and moved to a cool place for a couple of days. Before this, the mackerel is placed in a plastic bag and tied tightly. The package needs to be shaken several times so that the spices are evenly distributed around the carcass.
  4. Put the package on a plate.
  5. After two days, the carcass is removed from the bag and washed with cold water. After that, mackerel can be cut into pieces and served.

Salted mackerel in tea leaves

To begin with, two carcasses of mackerel are cut, with the removal of all excess parts and washed in water. After that, a brine is prepared from tea leaves with the expectation of 1 liter of water. The solution should cool down, after which 40 g of salt with sugar should be poured into it and stirred. Soak the fish in the solution, and then refrigerate for 2 hours, or maybe more. It all depends on the color of the fish and the amount of salt. After a few hours, the fish is pulled out of the brine and hung up to drain from the fish. The mackerel is then placed in a paper bag and moved to the refrigerator.

Mackerel spicy salted in marinade


  • two large fat mackerels;
  • 30 g of sea salt;
  • spices for fish;
  • a little bit of pepper;
  • 2 cloves;
  • a few juniper berries;
  • a little bit of coriander.


  1. The fish is cut to obtain a fillet.
  2. All spices are crushed and mixed with fish seasonings.
  3. Mackerel fillets are placed in a deep bowl and crushed with spices.
  4. Mix the fish and spices, after which the fish is covered with something heavy.
  5. The fish should be soaked in spices at room temperature throughout the day.
  6. After that, the fish is placed in the refrigerator for three hours.

Salted mackerel with mustard

Need to prepare:

  • one large carcass of mackerel;
  • one liter of water;
  • 45 g salt;
  • 30 g of sugar;
  • 10 g mustard powder;
  • a few pieces of bay leaves;
  • 20 ml sunflower oil and a little peppercorns.

Cooking method:

  1. Mackerel cut, peel, wash and cut into small pieces.
  2. Pour all the seasonings into the water and boil for 7 minutes.
  3. The marinade must be cooled and filled with a container with pieces of mackerel.
  4. Move for two days in a cold place.

Salted mackerel in brine and onion peel

Main components:

  • fillet of three small mackerels;
  • onion peel;
  • sugar and salt 2 tbsp. l;
  • spices to taste.

How to cook:

  1. Prepare the marinade by letting it simmer for 7 minutes.
  2. Put the pieces of mackerel in a large, deep dish and fill it with marinade.
  3. Put for three days in a cool place (refrigerator).

Fast salted mackerel

Main Ingredients:

  • several carcasses of fish;
  • a couple of onions;
  • 35 g salt;
  • 2.5 glasses of water;
  • peppercorns;
  • Bay leaf.

Cooking technology:

  1. Boil water.
  2. In boiling water, add bay leaf, salt, pepper.
  3. Add two onions here, after cutting them into four parts.
  4. Bring the marinade to a boil and cook for 10 minutes, then cool it.
  5. Cut the fish into small pieces and place in a glass jar.
  6. Pour the prepared pieces of fish with marinade and refrigerate for several hours, after which the mackerel can be served at the table.

Some secrets and practical advice from experienced chefs on how to properly salt mackerel

It is faster and easier to salt fish using the dry salting method. All spices and seasonings are rubbed into the cleaned carcass, after which it is placed in a plastic bag and must be refrigerated for several days. Before serving, it is pulled out of the bag and cleaned of excess salt and spices. If the mackerel is cut into pieces, then it will quickly absorb the aroma of seasonings and absorb salt faster. And if all the bones are removed from the fish, then this will be the best serve.

This technology is suitable for salting any fresh or frozen fish. So that frozen fish does not lose its qualities, it should be properly thawed. And it thaws in cold water during the day. If the defrosting process is forced, the fish will lose its natural elasticity.

How to pickle freshly frozen mackerel quickly and tasty

Food preparation:

  • 0.5 kg of fish;
  • two bulbs;
  • a little salt and sugar (a pinch each);
  • a little pepper (a pinch);
  • 2 leaves of lavrushka;
  • some herbs.

How to cook:

  1. Clean the carcasses of all excess, rinse well and cut into pieces.
  2. Cut the onion into rings.
  3. Grind remaining spices.
  4. Pieces of fish are laid out in a jar in layers, while each layer is shifted with onions and spices.
  5. The jar is tightly closed with a lid and left for one hour. Then the jar is turned over and again left for an hour.
  6. May be chilled before serving.

How to pickle freshly frozen mackerel whole

For this you need:

  • several carcasses of fish;
  • 30 g of salt;
  • 15 g of sugar;
  • water;
  • onion peel and black tea.

How to prepare:

  • A pot of water is placed on the fire.
  • All spices are poured into it, including onion peel.
  • The water is brought to a boil.
  • The composition boils for a short time.
  • The brine is filtered and brought to room temperature.
  • The insides are removed from the carcasses and washed.
  • All fish are poured with cooled brine.
  • Mackerel carcasses are left for 12 hours.
  • After this time, the mackerel is moved to the refrigerator for 4 days. Every day, the fish carcasses are turned over for the best effect.

How to pickle slices of freshly frozen mackerel

It is necessary to prepare:

  • a couple of mackerel carcasses;
  • 25 g salt;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of sugar;
  • 1 teaspoon dried basil;
  • 1 glass of water;
  • a little cloves and bay leaf.

Cooking method:

  1. All spices are placed in warm water.
  2. Bring the marinade to a boil.
  3. Let the marinade cool.
  4. Clean and cut the fish.
  5. Put the pieces in a suitable container and fill with brine.
  6. Allow to stand at room temperature for a while, then move to a cold place for 24 hours.

Some more interesting recipes

Salted mackerel with lemon


  • 3 fish carcasses;
  • 20 g of salt;
  • 10 ml lemon juice;
  • a few pieces of peppercorns;
  • 0.5 l of water;
  • Bay leaf.

How to cook:

  1. Pour the spices into a bowl of water and boil, and then boil for a few minutes.
  2. Clean and cut the fish carcasses.
  3. Put the chopped mackerel in a container and pour over the lemon juice.
  4. All fish is poured with a cold marinade.
  5. Seal the container tightly with a lid and refrigerate for a day.

If the marinade darkens, then nothing special. It's all about the lemon, which can cause a chemical reaction.

Salted mackerel with prunes


  • one carcass of fish;
  • one liter of water;
  • a handful of prunes;
  • 3 tablespoons of salt (table);
  • 2 tablespoons of sugar (table);
  • 1 spoon of black tea.

How to cook:

  1. The fish is cleaned and washed well.
  2. Fish and prunes are placed in a deep bowl.
  3. Prepare the marinade: add tea, salt and sugar to boiled water, then boil the composition for seven minutes and cool. Be sure to pass through a sieve.
  4. Pour the fish with brine and leave for a few days.
  5. Every day, the carcass of the fish should be turned over.
  6. Salted fish is smeared with sunflower oil and cut into pieces. Ready fish is stored in a hermetically sealed container.

Salted mackerel in mayonnaise


  • freshly frozen fish and a pinch of black pepper;
  • two tablespoons of salt;
  • 120 g mayonnaise.


  1. Mackerel is thawed and butchered with the removal of all bones. In this case, the skin is not removed. The carcass is cut into small pieces.
  2. A mixture of pepper and salt is rubbed into each piece.
  3. After that, the whole fish is smeared with mayonnaise.
  4. Pieces of mackerel are stacked on a plate and placed in the refrigerator for 2 hours.

Smoked Fish Recipe

Procurement of products:

  • several carcasses of mackerel;
  • 3 handfuls of onion peel;
  • 0.5 cups of liquid smoke;
  • 40 g of salt;
  • 20 g of sugar;
  • 1 liter of water.

How to prepare:

  1. Each carcass is cut, with the removal of the head, tail and fins, as well as the entrails. Then rinse and cut into pieces.
  2. Place the husk in a container of water and boil until the water turns dark.
  3. Add salt and sugar, stirring constantly.
  4. Boil the composition over low heat for 20 minutes.
  5. Cool and strain, then add liquid smoke and stir.
  6. Place the mackerel in a deep container, pour over the marinade and cover with a plate with a load.
  7. Put the marinated fish in the refrigerator for a couple of days.
  8. Before serving, the fish is washed and dried on a paper towel.

Cooking mackerel without vinegar


  • 3 carcasses of fish;
  • 2 glasses of clean water;
  • 35 g salt;
  • 20 g of sugar;
  • nutmeg, coriander and pepper optional.

Salting process:

  1. Mackerel is cleaned, washed and cut into pieces.
  2. Water and spices are poured into the container, along with salt and sugar.
  3. Water is brought to a boil and boiled for 5-7 minutes.
  4. The fish cut into pieces is placed in a container and poured with warm marinade.
  5. The container is tightly closed and left in a cool place for 24 hours.

Salting mackerel in brine

What is necessary:

  • 1 liter of pure water;
  • 2 tbsp. spoons of salt;
  • a pinch of sugar;
  • 1 bay leaf;
  • allspice - to taste;
  • some cloves.


  1. The marinade is cooked over medium heat. Water, salt and sugar boil with stirring for 8 minutes.
  2. The mackerel is cleaned and washed.
  3. Pieces of fish are poured with a cooled marinade.
  4. In this state, the fish is in the refrigerator for 48 hours.
  5. After this period, the fish is mixed with spices and placed in a bag.
  6. Mackerel in the bag again lies in the refrigerator for 15 hours.


Mackerel is a tasty oily fish, but it is also nutritious. Its meat contains the necessary amount of fatty acids and fast-digesting proteins. Moreover, mackerel meat contains such trace elements as zinc, selenium, phosphorus and others that positively affect human life.

What to serve with mackerel

Many people prefer salted fish with baked or boiled vegetables. Vegetables and fish complement each other. Most people prefer to cook delicious salads from pieces of fish, and also use it with beer.

Do you like homemade salted fish? Make it your signature dish: learn these top recipes, practice and become the master of homemade mackerel salting.

Salted and smoked seafood is very loved by our compatriots. If earlier we bought the finished product without fear, then nowadays, due to the abundance of carcinogens, store-bought salted fish cannot be called healthy. How to salt mackerel at home, many hostesses are trying to find out. The step-by-step salting recipe is very simple, and the fish comes out very tasty, healthy and without the addition of harmful substances.

Mackerel: useful properties

This type of fish is considered the leader in the content of fluorine, cobalt and chlorine. In addition, mackerel is wonderful, just a 100-gram piece of fish contains up to half of the daily protein requirement.

We know that our bodies need fats to function properly. Unlike fats of animal origin (pork, veal), unsaturated mackerel fats are healthier and easier to digest. It has been proven that, which are present in fish, prevent the development of cardiovascular diseases, improve brain activity, and prevent the formation of blood clots. Regular consumption of mackerel reduces the risk of developing asthmatic bronchitis, rheumatoid arthritis, and atherosclerosis.

Most recipes use 2-3 fish. Give preference to large or medium-sized mackerels. Small fish are bony and also not as fat as large ones. The average weight of mackerel suitable for salting is 300 g.

When choosing seafood, pay attention to its appearance. Fresh mackerel has a slight fishy smell. A sharp strong aroma should alert. To the touch, the carcass should be elastic and slightly moist.

Normally, the fish has a light gray color. If you notice yellow streaks or a yellowish tint on the carcass, be vigilant. Most likely, the fish has either been thawed several times and then refrozen, or it is old, which will negatively affect the taste after cooking. To salt fish, choose only a fresh product, not frozen or freshly frozen. Pictured is fresh mackerel.

How to salt mackerel at home: recipes

To make the fish tasty, juicy, moderately salty, you need to know. Initially, it is worth deciding whether the mackerel will be lightly salted, lightly salted or dried, taking into account the factor of whether the product is fresh, frozen or frozen. This determines the amount of salt that will be needed for cooking, as well as how much liquid the mackerel will release during the salting process. This method of cooking seafood allows you to save all its useful properties.

Salted mackerel pieces

You will need:

  • 2 pcs. mackerel (approximate size 700-800 g);
  • A glass of water (200-250 ml);
  • 2 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 1 st. l. Sahara;
  • 1 PC. bay leaf;
  • 1 tsp ground coriander;
  • 3 pcs. carnations.
  • If desired, 1 tsp is added for flavor. dried basil.
  1. We prepare the marinade: pour water into the pan, add sugar, salt and all the spices according to the recipe. Bring water to a boil, stirring occasionally to dissolve grains of sugar and salt. Remove from heat, cover with a lid and leave until the marinade has cooled completely.
  2. In the meantime, let's fish. We wash it thoroughly, cut off the fins and head, cut it and get rid of the insides. Carefully remove the spine. Cut into pieces of medium size.
  3. In a dry, clean jar, we put the prepared seafood in layers and pour it with the cooled marinade.
  4. We seal with a lid. Leave at room temperature for 2 hours. Then we put the jar in the refrigerator for a day.
  5. After 24 hours, salted mackerel is ready to eat. Serve it with onion rings, pouring a few drops of vegetable oil.

You can not only salt the fish, check it out - this recipe was highly appreciated by true gourmets!

Whole salted mackerel

According to this recipe, the finished whole fish will look like a smoked product, but it will not be cooked during the cooking process.

  • 3 mackerels;
  • 1300 ml of water;
  • 3 art. l. with a slide of salt;
  • 1.5 st. l. with a slide of sugar;
  • black tea - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • onion peel (the more the better) about three full handfuls.
  1. Prepare the brine: put a pot of water on the fire. Add all the spices according to the recipe. We also send thoroughly washed onion peels to the pan. We are waiting for the brine to boil, make the fire smaller and cover the pan with a lid. Cook over low heat for about five more minutes. Remove from heat, cool to room temperature and strain through a sieve.
  2. The head, tail and entrails must be removed from the fish. Next, rinse it under running water, remove excess moisture with a paper towel.
  3. We put the carcasses in a large container of suitable size, preferably glass.
  4. Fill with cooled brine so as to completely cover the mackerel.
  5. We cover the dishes with a lid and leave it to salt for 12 hours at room temperature. Then put the container in the refrigerator for 3-4 days. Twice a day we turn the fish to another barrel.
  6. After 4 days, the fish is ready to eat.

You will need:

  • 2 fish;
  • 3 pcs. onion;
  • 2 pcs. cloves;
  • 2 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 50 ml of vinegar 9%;
  • 3-5 pcs. allspice;
  • 3-5 pcs. black peppercorns;
  • 3 art. l. vegetable oil;
  • 5 pieces. bay leaf.

Cooking sequence:

  1. At the stage of preparing the fish, it must be washed and all the insides, tail, head and fins removed. Cut into small pieces.
  2. Onion cut into thin half rings.
  3. Mix a glass of water with all the spices from the recipe, including oil and vinegar. We can add 3-4 slices of lemon, 2-3 carrots, cut into strips. Mix thoroughly. Spicy filling is ready.
  4. We spread the fish in a glass container, we shift the layers with onions.
  5. Top with brine to completely cover the fish.
  6. Cover with a lid and shake a few times.
  7. We send to marinate in the refrigerator for two days.

Salt mackerel without water


  • 2 pcs. mackerel;
  • 4 tsp salt;
  • 1 tsp granulated sugar;
  • 2 pcs. bay leaf;
  • 6-8 pcs. black peppercorns;
  • 1 tsp vegetable seasoning with pieces of carrot.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Remove the entrails, tail, head and fins from the fish. Rinse and dry.
  2. Cut into pieces 1.5 cm wide;
  3. Mix salt with sugar, add all the other spices according to the recipe. To make the dressing more spicy, and moderate salting, add 2 tsp. mustard or mustard powder.
  4. Thoroughly roll the fish pieces in this mixture, put them tightly in a container with a lid.
  5. We remove to prepare in the refrigerator for 2 days.

Using liquid smoke will allow you to smoke mackerel at home, without using it.

You will need:

  • 3 fish;
  • 1 l. water;
  • 4 tbsp. l. black tea;
  • 4 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 2 tbsp. l. Sahara;
  • 4 tbsp. l. liquid smoke (it adds a smoky flavor to the finished dish).

Cooking sequence:

  1. We clean and wash the mackerel. Remove excess moisture with paper towels.
  2. Add salt, sugar, tea to the water and boil. Cool down.
  3. Pour liquid smoke into the cold brine.
  4. We put the mackerel in a glass container and fill it with brine.
  5. We close the lid, put it in a cold place, smoking takes three days.

Salt mackerel without vinegar


  • 1 mackerel;
  • 3 art. l. salt;
  • 5 pieces. bay leaf;
  • 2 tbsp. l. special seasoning for fish.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Gut the fish, wash and dry.
  2. Boil a liter of water with the spices, herbs and seasonings listed.
  3. Cool the brine to room temperature.
  4. Fill them with fish in a suitable container.
  5. Close the lid and put in the refrigerator, pickling lasts 2-3 days.
  6. After cooking, serve with Korean cabbage, salted cucumbers.

If you find that mackerel has an unpleasant odor, you can get rid of it by soaking the fish in water for 30-40 minutes. This video will help you cook and salt dry-salted mackerel deliciously and demonstrate a quick way to salt a fish. Note: remember, the finished product must be stored only in the refrigerator but not in the freezer.

Learn at home.
