
How to pickle corn at home. How to preserve corn grains and cobs in jars at home for the winter

Canned corn- healthy and very tasty, it is added when preparing salads, as well as a side dish for meat and other dishes. Preservation of corn at home, without preservatives - excellent taste, will exceed all your expectations.

Recipe for preserving corn for the winter at home.

The Secret to Delicious Corn

To corn it was delicious, you need to cook it correctly, and this applies not only to canning, but also during normal cooking, you need to add sugar to the pan with corn (about 1.5 liters per 1 liter of water), in no case salt (otherwise the corn will be tough).

The marinade in which the corn is boiled should be sweet - the corn will cook faster and turn out soft and juicy.

Preservation of corn for the winter recipe

Before cooking, clean the corn from leaves and hairs, rinse in cold water.

We put the heads of cabbage in a saucepan, pour water to cover them completely. Add sugar to taste and cook until fully cooked for about 40 minutes or more (it all depends on the ripeness of the corn). Corn should be soft and fluffy.

We clear the heads of grains, this can be done with a knife. Now you need to rinse the corn kernels with boiling water. This is done in order to remove the debris after trimming from the heads.

We drain the water and you can lay out the corn in sterile jars.

Marinade for 1 liter of water: 2 tbsp. l. sugar, 2 tbsp. l. salt without a slide, citric acid 1 tsp. without a slide.

Pour water into a saucepan, add sugar, salt, citric acid and bring to a boil.

Meanwhile spread out cans of corn, not getting enough sleep to the top 1.5 cm, and to the waist of the can.

Fill jars with corn with boiling brine to the top, cover with lids and set to sterilize.

At the bottom of a large saucepan, put any napkin and put the jars. Pour hot water over the cans.

Pour salt into a saucepan with jars, 100 grams, to increase the boiling point.

Sterilize corn, if she was younger - 40 minutes, if dense - 1 hour.

Upon completion of sterilization, we take out the jars and immediately roll them up with lids. Turn upside down and cover with a blanket to cool completely.

Video - Corn recipe for the winter

Many people love corn for its pleasant taste and value for its health benefits. Now, in the season of home preparations, many housewives are stocking up on autumn gifts for the future. They also harvest corn. For example, pickled grains or whole cobs. Homemade canned corn is very popular. In winter, it can be used as an independent snack, or you can add grains to a variety of salads, cold and hot appetizers, main courses. This will certainly add a piquant taste and a festive look to the finished dish.

Many people use already mature corn for pickling, but young, milk ears are much tastier and softer. Although this is an amateur. If you like firm, mature corn, you can also pickle ripe corn.

Let's talk about how pickled corn is prepared at home, and look at simple, popular recipes for harvesting young and mature cobs for the winter. Well, let's talk a little about the beneficial properties of the "queen of the fields."

Pickled corn on the cob for the winter

Pickled corn on the cob - young

For pickling, take young corn. Its grains are almost white, milky in color, and the cobs are no more than 15-18 cm long, taking into account the leaves. You will also need water, 9% vinegar, black peppercorns (optional), a decoction left after boiling the cobs, as well as salt, sugar - for the marinade.


Clean the cobs of leaves and hairs, wash well and dry on a towel. Boil them over low heat, in the right amount of water to fill the jars. It only takes 5 minutes to cook. After that, remove the cobs, pour over running cold water. Lay out on a towel to absorb excess water.

While the corn is “soaking”, prepare the jars and lids: wash them well, preferably with soda, put their necks down in a wide pot of water, lower the seaming lids there, and boil. Reduce heat and sterilize for 15 minutes. Take out the hot jars (in order not to burn yourself, put a kitchen mitt on your hand or wrap the jar with a dry towel). Place neck down on a clean towel. Leave the lids in a pot of water.

Now let's deal with the marinade: for 1 liter of corn broth, put 1 tablespoon of salt, 2 tablespoons of sugar, pour in a quarter cup of vinegar. Boil the marinade, cook for 3 minutes.

Arrange the cobs on the banks. Add 3 peppercorns to each, pour hot marinade over. Cover the jars with seaming lids, place in a pot of hot water, bring to a boil. Pasteurization will take about an hour, with a small boil. Such a long pasteurization will prevent canned food from souring.

When the right time comes out, take out the jars, tighten the lids. Turn upside down, cover with a blanket. After a day, you can put them in storage.

Mature corn with vegetables - spicy

For this recipe, both young and fully ripe cobs are suitable. We will marinate ripe corn.

We will need: Mature corn with yellow, hard grains. Take two large cobs: 1 carrot, a few currant leaves, as well as raspberries or cherries, 2 tsp salt, 2 tbsp sugar, 4 tbsp 9% vinegar, 6 peas of a mixture of peppers, corn decoction.


Boil the cobs in enough water to marinate. We need a decoction for the marinade. A liter jar will take about 0.5-0.7 liters. Cook for a long time until soft. Periodically add boiling water to boiling water.

While the cobs are cooking, prepare jars and lids: wash, sterilize. How to do this, we described in detail in the previous recipe.

Let's take care of the marinade: when you get the boiled cobs, put them on a clean dish. And use the finished broth for the marinade. Add the right amount of salt, sugar, pour vinegar into it. Boil 5 min.

At the bottom of each hot jar, put a currant, cherry (or raspberry) leaf, add half a carrot cut into circles. Cut the cobs with a sharp knife into 6 cm sticks. Fold tightly into a jar.

Pour hot marinade over, throw in a few peppercorns. Cover with lids. Place the jars in a wide saucepan filled with hot water for pasteurization. This will take about an hour.

Roll up the finished canned food, turn over, cover tightly with a blanket. After a day, you can put it away for storage.

Useful properties of corn

The grains of the "queen of the fields" contain substances necessary to maintain human health. They contain valuable amino acids, iron, calcium and magnesium, as well as manganese and phosphorus, which is so necessary for bones. In addition, it contains vitamins from group B, ascorbic acid, as well as PP and E.

Corn, especially cooked at home, is useful for people suffering from diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous systems. It must be included in the diet and healthy, in order to prevent these ailments. Regular consumption of grains reduces the likelihood of developing cancer, rejuvenates the body, cleanses it of radionuclides, toxins and toxins.

According to nutritionists, harvested corn in jars does not lose its properties, and even surpasses boiled grains in terms of benefits in the usual way. So, do not miss the moment and make canned cobs for the winter.

How do you harvest corn for future use? Maybe you know some new, original recipes? If so, please share with us. Your new recipes will be gladly adopted by both young and experienced housewives. Write to us here in the comment box. Thank you in advance!

Preparing canned corn:

We clean the corn very well from leaves and hairs - stigmas.

Since we will be canning corn kernels, they must be very carefully separated from the cob. To make this faster and easier, dip the corn in hot water and boil for about two to three minutes.

Pour the prepared corn with cold water - it is best to use running water, so the cobs will cool faster. Carefully separate the grains and transfer to a colander.

To make quality canned corn, boil and cool a fairly large amount of water beforehand. It will be needed to wash the grains.

Also, do not forget about the banks - they must be well washed and sterilized. We wash the peeled grains in cold boiled water, after which we transfer them to boiling water.

We also blanch the corn kernels for about three minutes - this time will be enough, do not overcook.

Cooking filling for canned corn:

The marinade in which we will cook corn at home is very simple. For one liter of water we take one tablespoon of coarse salt - preferably sea salt. We also add granulated sugar - three teaspoons. Boil water with sugar and salt for about three minutes.

We transfer the prepared corn to prepared jars - do not spread too many grains, it will be enough to fill the jars by about 2/3. Fill with hot filling of grain, cover the jars with lids and set to sterilize.

Corn grains contain a very large amount of protein, but there is practically no natural acid, so corn can only be preserved by sterilization. Thus, we will protect our canned food from fungal and spore microbes.

We sterilize at a temperature of 105 degrees for three and a half hours - this time is suitable for half a liter jars. Time is counted from the moment of boiling water. Cans with corn grains are sterilized in a saucepan or in an air grill, after which they must be immediately rolled up. Do not forget to check the tightness of closed jars. We store canned corn only in a dark, cool place.

After the corn has cooled down, it can be used for cooking various dishes. It is imperative to sterilize jars of corn grains if you want to get a tasty and healthy product that will last all winter, and in winter you can already prepare various salads with corn, for example, salad from.

If you want to prepare corn kernels for use within the next two or three days, you can leave them out. Then boil the grains in the filling until cooked, cool and use for salads. Store in the refrigerator for up to three days.

Bon appetit!

For canning, you will need the following ingredients:

  • corn;
  • water;
  • salt;
  • sugar;
  • vinegar (optional)

For proper preparation, it is necessary to adhere to the technology:

  1. Select heads of cabbage and boil for about 20 minutes, but you need to check for readiness: cooking time may increase by 10 minutes. When choosing a head of cabbage, pay attention to the ears. They should not be too young or too old. Corn is needed with already well-ripened grains.
  2. Cool the heads. Place them on the board on one side, and hold the other edge. Carefully cut off the grains, being careful not to touch the cobs.
  3. After all the grains are cut, it is necessary to separate them from each other. This is a very tedious and scrupulous task, but there is no getting away from it. Then put the corn in pre-prepared jars so that they remain incomplete. To this end, you can do the indicated work, focusing on the lower bend of your can (about two fingers from the top edge of the container).
  4. Now we need to prepare the brine for conservation. For its base, a ready-made decoction of corn, necessarily filtered through a gauze cloth, is best suited. Add 1 liter of water, salt and sugar to taste to the pan. The brine should be boiled for 5 minutes. after boiling. Then you can add vinegar. There is one caveat here: you must know exactly what taste you need. If it's sweet corn, no vinegar is needed. Stir again and remove from heat.
  5. Sterilization is an important part of the process. To do this, prepare a large, wide pan, laying a canvas on its bottom. Now put the filled jars there, the lids can be left, but if they are with an elastic band, then it is better to remove them. Pour water into the pot so that the level of water and corn in the jars matches. After boiling, keep the jars on low heat for another 40 minutes.
  6. Remove the preservation from the fire and roll up the jars. Then they need to be wrapped upside down.

When the jars have cooled, keep them still in a cool place for about a week.

on the cob

For lovers of boiled corn, there is an excellent recipe for preparing a blank for the winter with cobs. For this preservation, it is better for you to choose capacious jars - 3 liters.

Tangerine jam: simple step by step recipes

You will need about 8 ears, which can be cut to the size that suits you.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the corn until cooked, while it is better not to add salt to the water so that the heads do not become hard.
  2. Make a marinade: bring 1 liter of water to a boil, add a little salt to taste.
  3. After all the preservation components have cooled, put the corn in jars and pour over the cold marinade.
  4. Filled jars need to be sterilized for a couple of hours, then rolled up and wrapped.

Without sterilization: a step by step recipe

Not every hostess has enough free time to sterilize her blanks. Just for this case, there is one very good recipe.

You will need:

  • 20 corn cobs;
  • 1 liter of water;
  • 15 g of salt;
  • 30 g of sugar;
  • 2 tbsp. l. vinegar.

How to cook:

  1. Boil corn for 5 minutes. after boiling, then cool.
  2. The grains must be separated from the ears and tightly packed in sterilized jars. To make it easier to separate the grains, there is a little trick: heads of cabbage should be dipped in hot water for five minutes, then immediately poured over with cold water. This will greatly speed up the process.
  3. Fill jars with boiling water. After 15 min. this water should be drained into a saucepan, boiled and poured into the same containers again for 10 minutes.
  4. To prepare the marinade, boil 1 liter of water, add salt and sugar there. Remove the marinade from the heat, add vinegar to the container.
  5. Replace water in jars of corn with marinade. Roll up immediately and wrap well until cool.

Preservation in a slow cooker: note recipes

In Bulgarian: a simple recipe for the winter at home

This recipe originates in European countries. Corn is made spicy by adding acetic acid.

For preservation you will need:

  • corn;
  • salt;
  • Bay leaf;
  • vinegar.

A liter jar consumes approximately 600 g of corn, 1 tsp. vinegar, 1 tbsp. l. salt, three bay leaves and water.

Cooking process:

  1. Boil the corn for 20 minutes, then cool the vegetable under running water.
  2. 3 min. after boiling, cook the marinade: water, salt, bay leaf.
  3. Provide each jar with a bay leaf, fill with cobs and marinade, topped with 1 tbsp. l. vinegar.
  4. Cover the jars with iron lids and sterilize them for 20 minutes.
  5. Roll up the containers, turn them over and wrap them until they cool completely.

Canned sweet corn


  • 12 cobs of young corn (calculation for 4 cans of 0.5 l each);
  • 1 liter of filtered water;
  • 35 g salt;
  • 30 g sugar.

To get a good preservation, follow the recipe instructions:

  1. Separate the corn kernels with a knife.
  2. Sterilize jars and lids for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Place the grains in jars, leaving about 1 cm of free space on top.
  4. Make a filling: boil water, salt and sugar (loose ingredients must be completely dissolved).
  5. Next, pour jars of corn with hot marinade and put them on sterilization. It will take 3-3.5 hours.
  6. Roll up and securely wrap the banks, after turning them over.

Since one day, on the advice of my dacha neighbors, I decided to preserve the corn, which we could not eat boiled, I no longer buy factory canned corn. First of all, because homemade canned corn makes it possible to independently regulate the sweetness and naturalness of the workpiece.

I love sweet corn. This easy homemade canned corn recipe is just perfect. Step by step photos will show the preparation. Having tried to make such a preparation once, I am sure that homemade canned corn will be included in your list for mandatory canning for the winter.

What do we need:

  • raw corn on the cob - 20 pcs.;
  • salt - 1.5 tsp;
  • sugar - 4-5 tablespoons;
  • table vinegar 9% - 2 tablespoons;
  • water - 1 l.


  • jars with lids
  • freezer containers

How to preserve corn at home

The main secret of the recipe lies in the correct choice of corn and the observance of the technology for preparing raw materials for conservation. Dairy corn and very young is not good, just like the old one. Choose small ears with darkened but not dry tails, with grains of pale yellow color, in the middle of which a characteristic dent has not yet formed.

Peel the cobs from green leaves, wash, place in a freezer container and send to the freezer overnight.

Remove in the morning and thaw at room temperature. Refreezing corn grain will make it more tender, juicy and elastic. After completely defrosting with a sharp knife, cut the grains as close to the cob as possible.

Put the grains in a saucepan and boil for 15-20 minutes. Salt is not needed during cooking. I was advised to boil the corn on the cob and then cut it off. But by trial and error, it was found that it is better to cook grains already separated from the cob. You can also try both methods and choose the one you like best.

After cooking, drain the water and strain into a separate saucepan - we will cook the brine on it. In 1 liter of this broth, add sugar, salt and vinegar indicated in the recipe. Boil the marinade for 5 minutes.

Spread the corn grains over, without filling up to the top 2 cm. Pour in the marinade and close the lids (do not roll up). Put the jars with the contents in a pot of water so that the water reaches half the jar and at least 45 minutes. After sterilization, roll up the jars in the usual way and leave to cool completely at room temperature upside down.

Healthy and delicious homemade canned corn is ready! Its main use in winter is for salads. She is especially good in them, but children often eat just like that, on the hunt. 🙂

Please note that such sweet corn should be stored in the cold: in the refrigerator, cellar or on the loggia. Corn is a capricious product in terms of preservation, as it is easily fermented. Therefore, do not shorten the sterilization time. In the case of corn, longer is better than less. Bon appetit!
