
How to salt red fish with steaks. How to salt red fish at home

The world knows a lot of cold snacks. But gourmets especially prefer salted red fish. Its savory taste and versatility, combined with a variety of alcoholic beverages, is valued in different countries.

The benefits of this delicate delicacy have long been known. There is more than one way to salt red fish.

Selection of red fish

Any type of red fish is suitable for a delicious salting of the delicacy. You can stop at sockeye salmon or salmon. The most delicious trout fish will not yield to pink salmon. Moreover, pink salmon has a grayish tint and great softness, so you need to cut it with special care. The popular chum salmon and coho salmon are a little difficult to fry and stew, cooking this fish can take a long time. So that the product is not dry, everyone has to learn different culinary techniques.

What is the best way to cut fish?

Not completely thawed inhabitants of the seas, rivers or lakes are cleaned of scales and skins, and also gutted with a medium-sized blade of a knife or scissors.

First, the tail and head are cut off. After cleaning the scales, the fish must be washed. The skin is cut along the ridge. The ridge is separated with fingers, approaching the spine, it is necessary to separate the dorsal part of the fillet from the bones.

Scissors will help get rid of the ventral fins. The carcass should be turned over, while the detachable part is placed at the bottom, the boneiness will, on the contrary, be at the top.

With the help of a knife, the meat is separated from the ribs, the tail spine is cleaned last. The films on the inside of the carcass are removed. The dorsal fins are separated, the fin is cut off at the bottom in the tail area. With a knife, it is easy to separate the second part of the ridge of the carcass. At the end of the cleaning, you will get two loin parts.

About the simplest method of salting

To salt red fish according to a simplified scheme, for a kilo of meat you will need salt in the amount of two tablespoons, one spoonful of sugar is enough. Sprinkle the sirloin generously with salt and sugar. The fish is placed in a container with the skin side up. Cover the raw material with cling film, the top of the container should be closed with a lid. Products are salted in their own juice.

Tip: For thick meat, the pressure of a half-kilogram weight will be required. If the fish weighs 2 or 3 kilos, you can do without a load.

What can you salt red fish with?

During salting or later, fish products are sprinkled with dill. Lemon zest is good for seasoning. Thin slices of lemon are sometimes added to the chopped ready-made snack.

For excellent salting and tenderness of red meat, fish slices are smeared with a small amount of refined vegetable oil.

Salted preparations are often added to taste or as required by the recipe for spices, ground pepper or peas, bay leaves and garlic.

Salting time for red fish meat

Not everyone knows how much to salt red fish according to the rules. Lightly salted red fillet is cooked from 8 to 10 hours. But for greater safety, it is better to keep the product in brine for a day or a couple of days, so that any pathogenic bacteria are definitely destroyed.

Salting ends when all the juice secreted by the fish or brine is drained. You can cut the fillet into pieces. The fish skin should lie on the board, and the meat should look up. Otherwise, the pieces may fall apart.

Each piece should be wide. To do this, the fillet is cut with a sharp knife, holding it at an angle. The skin is not thrown away, it is usually covered with pieces so that they do not wind up.

Cooking red fish fillet

Which red fish to salt is chosen according to their preferences and recommendations of experienced culinary arts masters.

Tender fat salmon is fried for steaks, baked in the oven and stewed. Trout is baked wrapped in foil, which makes the dish more tender and juicier.

Bright coho salmon with coral meat does not differ in fat content, it is often salted or stewed. Pinkish with a gray bloom, keta is dryish, it is usually purchased to salt. Pink salmon tastes delicious when salted. It is added to the soup and cutlets are cooked from its minced meat.

Salmon is salted, stewed, fried, baked and smoked. Chinook, which belongs to the salmon group, can be considered the best salted fish. It has dense meat, it is good to bake and smoke it.

Methods for salting red fish meat

Salting red fish at home is quite simple. You need to choose only the recipe you like:

  • Salting with the addition of cognac will give a piquant taste to fish meat, which will become denser. For a kilo of fillet you will need cognac in the amount of two tablespoons, you can salt it with vodka.

You also need to stock up on two large spoons of salt and one spoonful of sugar. The process of salting pieces or steaks begins with sprinkling the fish on each side with a mixture of sugar and salt. Putting the meat in a bowl, pour the raw materials with cognac or vodka, tightly close and put on the shelf of the refrigerator. For two or three days, red fish turns over several times.

    • Marinated salmon is cooked with soy sauce, which makes eating a salty delicacy especially tasty. Olive oil (2 tablespoons), ground coriander (half a teaspoon), lemon juice (2 large spoons) are added to soy sauce (2 tablespoons). Salmon pieces are dipped in salt and sugar, put into a container, poured with marinade liquid. Salt in the refrigerator will have 2 or 3 days.
  • Salted salmon is very juicy and fragrant. The recipe calls for salt in the amount of 4 tablespoons per kilo of fillet, a pinch of ground black pepper, 4 bay leaves and half a lemon. Salt is mixed with pepper, filleted fish parts are dipped in this mixture, or sprinkled on each side of the pieces. Lemon juice is squeezed out, they will need to sprinkle the meat. Laurel leaves are placed in the spaces between the pieces. Products are salted for a day or two.

Today we will tell you all about such a delicious delicacy as red fish. We will discuss how this fish differs from other breeds, and present to your attention several recipes for salting it at home.

red fish

Of course, in everyday life, this fish earned the name "red" because of the characteristic delicate color of its meat. In Rus', the word "red" denoted everything beautiful and expensive. So now many species of fish are called, they all belong to the family of sturgeon, salmon. The most delicate fillet of pink salmon, salmon, sturgeon, stellate sturgeon, beluga, sterlet, trout and others has an exquisite taste, high nutritional value, digestibility and nutritional value.

Red fish is easy to pickle at home

Being a primordially Russian delicacy, this fish is caught mainly in the Far East, in the Barents and White Seas. In recent years, some of their species have begun to be grown in specialized fish farms, including private ones. Red fish often began to appear on store shelves, not only from our catch, but also brought from Norway, where it is also often bred in nurseries.

Government food authorities monitor these farms closely, so captive-raised red fish are as nutritious and tasty as wild fish. When buying fresh fish for the purpose of home salting, there is no need to specifically find out its origin, since, for example, Norwegian red fish is imported to more than a hundred countries around the world, and its quality and safety are confirmed by numerous certificates.

Separating the fillet from the bones

Of course, you can cut the fish into portions and then cook it. But we offer another option:

  • we separate the loin from the bone;
  • noble meat is sent for salting;
  • from the head, spine and fins we cook an amazing broth for fish soup.

You can devote a separate article to cooking fish soup, but now we’ll tell you how to properly separate the fillet so that there are no bones left in it, and the pieces look beautiful and appetizing, as a real delicacy should look like.

Fish cutting

So, let's start the section:

  • sharpen the knife to the state of a razor;
  • cut off the head and the very tip of the tail;
  • we make a small incision along the spine, in close proximity to it, starting from the end of the carcass where the head used to be;
  • we pry the skin with our thumbs and, holding it with our hands, trying to prevent delamination of the fibers, slowly and carefully tighten the skin (you can skip this point if you don’t mind cutting the meat from the skin of the finished product);
  • we continue to make an incision along the ridge of the fish so that the knife blade slightly touches the ribs, but does not cut them;
  • carefully pull the fillet off the ribs, using the direction of movement along them.

All! As a result, we have 2 large pieces of fillet for salting from each carcass, a spine with ribs, a tail and a head for other culinary needs.

How to salt red fish at home

Cooking this product yourself will not require much time and will not be too difficult. We will give only a few salting recipes, and you choose which one you really like. You will need:

  • black pepper, fresh coarse grinding and peas;
  • coarse salt;

For salting red fish, you will need salt and spices to taste.

  • sugar (add a little, to taste);
  • Bay leaf;
  • fresh or dried herbs (choose the one whose smell and taste you and your family love).

Recipe 1. Quick salting "for sandwiches"

We immediately cut the fillet into small equal pieces, add all the spices, salt and sugar individually, according to your taste. We spread it in a clean glass or ceramic dish, mix thoroughly, cover with a lid. We put in the refrigerator for 24 hours. You can eat, bon appetit!

Some gourmets believe that the exposure time can be reduced to several (two or three) hours if the dish is prepared from freshly caught fish and does not need to be refrigerated. But, as a rule, the product comes to us from the shelves of markets and shops. Not always chilled, more often already frozen. In this case, a reasonable marinade time is at least 20 hours.

The taste of red fish sets off the lemon well

Recipe 2. Dry salting in a large piece

Fillet of salmon, pink salmon, etc. must be rubbed with a mixture of salt, pepper and herbs in a thick layer. Cover with scalded wet bay leaves, wrap in a thick cotton cloth and put in a cool place on a dish or tray for 48 hours. Done, you can enjoy a delicious and nutritious snack.

Recipe 3. Cooking chum salmon, trout in brine

This is a wet recipe. Some believe that this is how the fish absorbs salt and spices deeper, better and more evenly. Any flat enameled or glass container is suitable as a dish.

We prepare the required amount of brine, adding all the ingredients to it to taste, mix for a long time, until they are completely dissolved. Just enough brine is needed to completely cover the fish after it is laid. Pour over the fish, lightly knead the meat with your fingers. We leave it at room temperature for six hours, then put it in the refrigerator for a day, after which we take it out - now it is completely ready for use. Red fish cooked in this way is very juicy.

Red fish in brine

Quantity of ingredients

All ingredients are added to taste. But we will give here their approximate number during salting, for those who decide to cook fish in this way for the first time.

  1. For 1 kilogram of fish fillet, you need to take about 150-200 grams of salt, depending on the thickness of the pieces.
  2. Sugar is sometimes added, sometimes not, but if you decide to use it, you will need about 50 grams for the same kilogram of product.
  3. Peppercorns can be sprinkled in unlimited quantities.
  4. But freshly ground black will be enough and one teaspoon.
  5. We use water sparingly, it needs just enough so that the brine covers the meat completely, leaving no dry areas.

If you are using previously frozen fish, it must be completely thawed before cooking. Otherwise, salting runs the risk of becoming uneven, damp areas will come across.

Always use only coarse salt, especially for the dry method. It is difficult to oversalt it, since the meat, if it is not immersed in brine, will not be able to take in the excess. Coarse salt absorbs moisture well and allows the product to cook in its own juice.

Try to choose freshly caught live fish for cooking. If it is not possible to take one, then chilled will do. Fish contains a lot of protein, oxidative processes in the carcass proceed quickly, which means that it quickly deteriorates and loses its biological value for the body.

When buying, carefully inspect the fish so as not to buy stale

A little about the freshness of fish

Fresh fish have bright red gills. Its meat is elastic, when pressed with a finger on the skin, there are no characteristic dents. The skin is bright and beautifully colored, the eyes are bright and slightly protruding. The meat is bright red or pink (depending on the breed).

As the fish begins to spoil, the gills take on greyish, brownish, and greenish hues. The smell intensifies and becomes unpleasant. The eyes become cloudy, the meat loses its elasticity and color. The coloring of the scales turns pale, becomes less clear, a sticky mucous layer appears. It is easier to keep fish fresh if they are gutted, headless, and with their gills removed. Since it is these parts that are subject to the most rapid biological decay.

What to serve with

Lightly salted trout, chum salmon, salmon, etc. can be served with steaming boiled potatoes or put on a sandwich. To soften the taste, it is recommended to use in combination with butter and lemon juice.

Attention! Spoiled fish should not be tried to "save" by exposing it to smoking or salting. Food poisoning after this low-quality product is the most severe, up to death. If the fish has gone bad, then it will undoubtedly have to be thrown away.

Salting red fish: video

How to pickle red fish: photo

A red-orange slice of delicate, fatty fish, indescribably exquisite taste ... Who would refuse such a delicacy? You can’t always buy a ready-made delicacy, but few people know that pink salmon, trout, chum salmon, or salmon can be quickly salted at home. There will definitely be no preservatives, flavor enhancers and dyes in a homemade fresh dish. Thanks to this article, you will learn how to properly salt red fish. All the nuances and details are in the recipes with photos.

Is red fish a delicacy for the elite?

There are products that neither doctors, nor nutritionists, nor adherents of a healthy lifestyle argue about the benefits of. Red fish is one of such indisputable authorities. This is the only option when a large amount of fat is ideal even for dietary nutrition. Salmon breeds are rich in:

  1. Polyunsaturated fatty acids;
  2. Easily digestible protein;
  3. The main sets of vitamins and trace elements;
  4. Essential amino acids;
  5. Substances that improve digestion.

The use of tender, piquant, light-salted fish melting in your mouth helps to cleanse blood vessels, improve skin structure, reduce eye fatigue and pressure. Valuable fish is especially good in the nutrition of children and expectant mothers.

Attention! Why is the red fish named that way? Indeed, in the salmon family there are also white specimens. In the past, fishermen called "red" a particularly valuable catch. Hence the name of sturgeon and salmon breeds.

After listing the advantages of red fish, the desire to buy it increases, and when looking at the price tags, it gradually fades away. Meanwhile, this delicacy is quite possible to cook on your own. And it will turn out, at least, no worse than the Finnish and Norwegian counterparts. It is enough just to purchase an individual frozen or stored on ice, which is many times more economical than a ready-made lightly salted product.

Express - salting red fish in brine

Salting in brine is a quick recipe. It will come in handy before the holidays, when the hostess is very busy in the kitchen or before the sudden arrival of guests. For the readiness of lightly salted fish, 2 hours is enough. You only need to prepare 1 kg. raw or thawed fish, 3 tbsp. l. salt, 1 tbsp. l vinegar, 1 onion, ¼ cup vegetable oil, a little peppercorns and bay leaf.

Salted red fish in brine

Advice. Fresh fish is best cut immediately. Frozen pink salmon or salmon is advised to cut without defrosting to the end. To get the maximum fillet, experts advise to cut off the ribs with jewelry, capturing the least amount of pulp. And remove the remaining bones in the red meat with tweezers.

How to salt properly:

  1. Cut fresh fish, separating the head, tail, fins. Cut lengthwise, separating the bones, form a fillet of two halves of the fish. Unused pieces can be put in the freezer, and next time you can cook an ear out of them.
  2. With a sharp knife, separate the skin and cut the pink-orange flesh into slices.
  3. To prepare the brine, you need to prepare another container. Pour in ½ liter. water, carefully stir the salt in it and pour the red fish with the prepared brine.
  4. Cover the fillet with a light oppression. The main thing is that the fish does not rise to the surface.
  5. The water can be drained after 1.5 hours. Then dilute the vinegar in a glass of water and pour it halfway through the finished fillet. After 3-5 min. drain the liquid.
  6. The last stage of preparation for the table is the addition of seasonings. Season the fish with onion rings, pepper, oil. In 20 minutes. delicious dish to eat.

Fish salted in brine can be eaten after a few hours

Dry salted red fish with spices and sugar

Salmon, trout and salmon can be quickly and easily salted. One of the features of red fish is convenient for novice cooks, it is impossible to spoil it. She will not take more salt than she needs and in any case will remain lightly salted. To prepare 1 serving of food, the following ingredients are needed:

  • 1 kg. trout or other type of fish;
  • 2 tbsp. l. salt;
  • 1 st. l. Sahara;
  • black pepper, bay leaf, basil - optional.

Before salting, red fish is removed from the bones and cut into slices.

Action steps:

  1. Cut the fish with a sharp knife, separating the bones from the pulp so that you get a fish fillet.
  2. In a small bowl, mix salt, sugar and black pepper.
  3. Sprinkle the fish pieces evenly over the top. Set aside some of the mixture in a bowl.
  4. Roll the fillets into rolls and place them in a plastic container.
  5. Lay the resulting rolls with bay leaves.
  6. Sprinkle the remaining seasoning mixture on top.
  7. Close the container with a lid and leave for 4-5 hours on the table.
  8. At the end of the period, put in the refrigerator for the whole night.
  9. In the morning the red fish is absolutely ready!

Piquant salted fish with an unusual taste

If you want to change the classic methods of salting to something original, then this recipe is for you. This is how tender trout is salted in the houses of Norway, preparing for family holidays. For 1 kg. trout or any other type of red fish will take you 3 tbsp. coarse salt, one - white pepper and 3 tbsp. l. cognac.


  1. In a bowl, mix cognac, salt and pepper.
  2. Gently rub the fillet so that all sides are covered with the mixture.
  3. Wrap appetizing slices in foil or film and - for 2 days in the refrigerator.

Lemon fish - not a hindrance. Recipe for salting in jars

Light-salted pink salmon, trout, chum salmon or salmon with a citrus flavor will appeal to even the most demanding chefs. And lemon, a natural preservative, will successfully replace vinegar and a lot of salt.

Attention! When choosing fresh fish, experts recommend paying attention to its eyes, which should be transparent. A fresh, good-smelling product usually has firm, smooth skin. When butchering, the meat should not move away from the bones; this is a sure sign of the fish not being the first freshness.

To get a full jar of salted fillet with a capacity of 500 gr., You need to use:

  • 0.5 kg. red fish;
  • 1 st. l. salt and sugar;
  • vegetable oil, lemon, bay leaf;
  • onions, garlic and spices - optional.

Advice. The secrets of professionals: to add softness to pink salmon and chum salmon, add a little olive oil to the salt. Do not salt the delicacy in a metal bowl, it will give the fish a metallic taste. A little dill and garlic are appropriate when salting any fish.

Step-by-step instruction:

  1. Peel the skin of chum salmon (pink salmon, trout), remove scales, cut the fish, separate the fillet. Cut the pulp into small pieces of 5-6 cm.
  2. Put the chopped fillet in a jar in several layers, sprinkling each layer with spices, onion rings, chopped garlic and sprinkling with lemon juice.
  3. Fill the last "floor" with vegetable oil.
  4. Put the jar in the refrigerator for a full 12 hours. Healthy yummy is ready!

Having acquired the skill of salting pink salmon, chum salmon, salmon, trout at home, you are unlikely to return to purchased analogues. Homemade dish is guaranteed fresh, its ingredients are only natural. In addition, you can add this or that spice to taste, adjust the salt level. Appetizing red fish will turn out deliciously tender and fragrant and, perhaps, will become a favorite treat for the whole family.

How to pickle red fish - video

Salting red fish - photo

Salted red fish, delicate, fragrant, spicy, can be a great appetizer, filling or an independent dish. Due to the economic crisis, fish prices have jumped a lot, so many housewives have thought about how tasty it is to pickle red fish on their own so that it turns out no worse than Finnish or Norwegian. The advantage of home salting is that there are no preservatives and dyes in your delicacy, and the amount of salt can be taken to taste - after all, most often store-bought fish is too salty. And most importantly, salting allows you to mask stale fish, which is what some manufacturers use.

How to quickly pickle red fish

Many housewives buy salted fish for only one reason - for some reason they are sure that it is too complicated and troublesome. In fact, you can pickle fish in just 10-15 minutes if you bought a ready-made fillet. If you need to cut fish, you will have to spend a little more time, but save money - after all, red fish is not the cheapest pleasure.

So, let's talk about how to pickle red fish fillets and enjoy a delicious homemade delicacy. Buy for salting salmon, trout, sockeye salmon, pink salmon, chum salmon or coho salmon. After removing the skin (or butchering), lightly blot the fillet with a paper towel to keep the flesh dry. Next, put the fish in portions in a deep container, sprinkle with coarse salt at the rate of 1 tsp. per pound of fish and a small amount of sugar. You can add soy sauce, bay leaf, ground coriander, allspice, herbs and other spices. Next, put the fish under oppression, cover with a film, leave for a couple of hours at room temperature, then remove excess salt and refrigerate for a day. You can do without oppression, but then the fish should be kept in the cold from one and a half to two days. If you don't want to wait, then make a marinade of vegetable oil, salt, sugar, onion and spices and fill it with pieces of fish in a jar - after 8 hours, lightly salted tender fish that melts in your mouth will be ready to eat!

An important point: if you want to stop the salting process, just drain the liquid that the fish gave, clean the fillet of the remaining salt and dry it with a napkin - only after that you can taste the resulting delicacy!

Secrets and rules of salting red fish at home

  • Pink salmon and chum salmon turn out to be a bit dry when salted, so to make the fillet soft, olive oil should be added to the salt.
  • Do not use metal utensils for salting, otherwise the fish will taste like iron.
  • Some housewives, after sprinkling the fish with salt and spices, “swaddle” the fish with a towel to make spicy dry-salted fish.
  • Do not be afraid to overdo it with salt - the fish will absorb it exactly as much as necessary.
  • When salting, you can add dill and garlic to the fish - they will give it a fragrant and spicy taste.
  • Serve sliced ​​red fish with lemon, herbs, black olives, fresh vegetables and white wine.

Having learned correctly, you will refuse factory-packed fish, even if imported. You can cook salads, sushi, rolls, sandwiches, snacks, stuffed pancakes and many other yummy things from salted red fish. Get used to the sophistication and join the ranks of passionate fans of homemade salted red fish!

Red fish is a delicious appetizer for any festive table. However, the price for it in supermarkets is so high that not everyone can afford to buy it. It is much cheaper and tastier to salt fish at home. And how to do this, we will tell in this review.
Recipe content:

Solemn feasts are inconceivable without fish delicacies. The most popular fish dish is slightly salted red fish. This is tender salmon, and exquisite trout, and democratic pink salmon. However, the price of such delicacies is unjustifiably high. Therefore, it is better to know how to salt red fish at home on your own at minimal cost, while not saving on taste.

How to choose fish?

The first step is to choose the right fish. It can be chilled or frozen. The first option is preferable, but if you chose a frozen individual, then make sure that the carcass is properly thawed, i.e. naturally without the use of a microwave. This will spoil the taste of the delicacy.

When purchasing a chilled carcass, it is preferable to take it whole with the head and fins. It should not have stains and foreign odors. The surface should feel elastic to the touch. When buying cut fish, pay attention to the color. It should be a soft pink, but not bright red or yellow.

How to fillet fish?

How to pickle red fish - the subtleties of cooking

  • For salting, different available varieties of red fish are used. These are salmon, trout, salmon, sockeye salmon, chum salmon, pink salmon.
  • Pink salmon and chum are a little dry, so olive or vegetable oil is added to them. This will give the fillet softness.
  • For salting, do not use metal utensils, otherwise the fish will turn out with a taste of iron.
  • To get dry salted fish, after you sprinkle it with salt, wrap it with a towel.
  • Do not be afraid to overdo it with salt - the fillet will absorb as much as it needs.
  • When salting, it is permissible to add dill, garlic, tarragon, allspice. Spices will give the appetizer a fragrant taste.
  • Salt is desirable to use coarse or medium grinding. Sea salt without additives will do.
  • To make the fish cook faster, add sugar to it. The fish will not become sweet, but it will acquire a delicate taste. However, such fish will be worse stored. Therefore, it is desirable to eat it immediately.
  • Delicious slightly salted red fish will turn out in 8-10 hours. However, it is better to salt it for a day or two, depending on the size of the pieces.
  • To stop the salting process, drain the juice that has stood out from the fish.
  • Serve salted fish to the table as an independent snack, stuff pancakes with it, make sandwiches, prepare salads, rolls, etc.

How to quickly and tasty pickle red fish - salt pink salmon

Pink salmon is the most budgetary and economical type of red fish, and often underestimated. Although it turns out it is very tasty, satisfying and less greasy. If you salt it in a saline solution, it will become tough, and the addition of oil will make up for the lack of its own fat, and make the fish tender and pleasant.
  • Calorie content per 100 g - 148 kcal.
  • Servings - 2
  • Cooking time - 30 minutes


  • Fresh salmon fillet - 300 g
  • Fine salt - 1 tbsp.
  • Sugar - 1 tsp
  • Refined vegetable oil - 2 tbsp.

Step by step preparation:

  1. Wash the fillet and cut into small pieces. Rinse and wipe with a paper towel.
  2. Dip each piece in vegetable oil and shake off.
  3. Spread the slices in layers in a deep plate, sprinkling with a mixture of salt and sugar.
  4. Wrap the dish with fish in cling film and refrigerate for 5 hours or a day.

How to quickly pickle red fish - cook trout

You can enjoy a delicious delicacy by salting red fish - trout. It is not at all difficult. Having learned how to do this, you will always prepare such an appetizer with enthusiasm for all holidays and celebrations.


  • Trout fillet - 1 kg
  • Salt - 2 tbsp.
  • Sugar - 1 tbsp
  • Bay leaf - 1 pc.
  • Peppercorns - 2 pcs.
Step by step preparation:
  1. Pre-clean and butcher red fish.
  2. Remove excess moisture with napkins and dry a little.
  3. Place the fish in a salt dish.
  4. Mix salt and sugar and sprinkle evenly with this mixture.
  5. Put a bay leaf broken into several pieces and peas of allspice on top.
  6. Leave the fish to salt for a day. Then it will turn out slightly salted. For a more salty fillet, soak it for 1.5-2 days.
