
How to pickle volnushki mushrooms. Volnushki with onions and carrots

Salting is the most popular and common way of harvesting waves. Salted mushrooms are eaten instantly in winter. And now I will tell you how to properly and tasty pickle volnushki at home so that they are crispy and fragrant.

Salt volnushki can be in two ways - cold or hot. I prefer hot salting - this method is faster and does not require certain conditions.

The following mushrooms are suitable for salting: volnushki (they are also called volzhanki), bitters and milk mushrooms.

There are many options for harvesting mushrooms for the winter: they are boiled, dried, cooked, but it takes much more time to pickle the mushrooms, but it's worth it - the salty flakes turn out to be crispy, appetizing and very tasty.

Since it takes quite a long time to salt the frills for the winter in the cold way, many choose the hot method to speed up the process of preparing salty frills. It is very easy to salt the volnushki in a hot way.

For 1 kg. waves we need:

2 dill umbrellas

10 black currant leaves

3-4 garlic cloves

3 tablespoons of coarse rock salt (without iodine)

bay leaf, cloves, allspice and black peppercorns - optional

Mushroom preparation:

1). For salting, both large waves and small ones are suitable. Volnushki need to be sorted out - cleaned of dirt, leaves and other debris. We do this carefully, because they are fragile and can crumble in your hands. We throw out spoiled and wormy specimens.

2). Unlike other mushrooms, cleaning the mushrooms does not take much time, so you can immediately start cutting them - cut off the legs (if too long, cut in half), cut the caps of large mushrooms into 4 parts, medium ones into 2, and small hats can be left untouched .

3). Then thoroughly wash the mushrooms from the remaining dirt. Then, in order for the waves not to be bitter, they need to be soaked in cold water for two days. This must be done before salting the waves!

We put a plate of smaller diameter on top and some kind of load on it to prevent the waves from floating up. Mushrooms must be completely covered with water. During the soaking period, you need to change the water at least twice a day, otherwise the mushrooms will start to turn sour. If possible, leave them in a cool place, if this is not possible, then change the water more often.

4). After two days, we drain all the water. Then we boil them in lightly salted water for 20 minutes over low heat, removing the foam with a slotted spoon and stirring occasionally. Be careful not to let the mushrooms stick to the bottom. If there are a lot of mushrooms, we do it in several steps. We throw back the waves in a colander.

5) . Next, we proceed directly to the salting of the waves. We put currant leaves and dill cut into pieces on the bottom of the enameled dish (you can also take cherry, horseradish or oak leaves) and lay out cloves and peppers to your liking.

Next is a layer of waves (the thickness of the layer is about 5-8 cm) - lay it with the hats down and fall asleep with about one tablespoon of salt and cut the garlic into slices there.

We put under oppression and clean in a cool place for 2-3 days. During this time, a brine will appear, which will cover the waves. As salting mushrooms will decrease in volume.

Of course, you can also immediately lay layers on glass jars, but I usually wait a couple of days until they sit down and until the brine appears. Then we put it tightly in ordinary jars with twisting lids. Salted mushrooms in this way can be eaten in a month.

The recipe for salting volnushki in a hot way is the most common. Such waves are stored in a cool place.

Salting the waves in a cold way


1 kg. fresh waves

rock salt - 40-50 g.

horseradish leaves, cherries and currants - to taste

dill stalks

garlic - to taste

citric acid - 2 g.

peppercorns, allspice - optional


The principle of salting the waves in a cold way is simple to the point of banality. Unlike hot salting, they do not need to be boiled. We soak the cleaned and washed volnushki in salt water for 2-3 days to remove the milky juice that gives the mushrooms bitterness. We put 10 grams of salt per liter of water and add another 2 grams of citric acid.

We change the water several times a day. Then, on the third day, mushrooms and greens are tightly placed in the selected container (bucket or basin) with their hats down. First, a sheet of horseradish, currant leaves, dill stalks, peppercorns, allspice are placed at the bottom, and then we put a layer of waves and sprinkle everything with salt. per kg. approximately 40 g of non-iodized rock salt. So we continue until then layer by layer.

We put the waves under oppression (we put the load necessarily) so that the mushrooms are later covered with brine. After a couple of days, the mushrooms will secrete juice and sit down. After that, we remove them in a cold place (the recommended temperature should be from 0-10 degrees). We leave there to salt for 1.5 -2 months. Then we put the pickles in jars and roll them up. Some still, before laying in layers, pour over the waves with boiling water, but this is not necessary.

Ready-made salty flakes are washed in clean water before serving.

According to what recipe to salt the waves, it's up to you. If the salting technology has not been violated, then there is no danger of poisoning with waves.

Waves in the forests of the middle belt usually grow from June to October. That is, all summer and half of autumn you can safely collect them and harvest them for the winter, although the main harvest still falls on the second half of August and the beginning of September. It was then that the mushroom comes into force, it has a high taste.

It is not difficult to distinguish volnushki from other mushrooms. They have a characteristic hat that cannot be confused with any other mushroom. On the edges it is shaggy and woolly. Fans of the "quiet hunt" for mushrooms are well aware that the wave is considered a conditionally edible mushroom. That is why, before use, it must be thermally processed for a long time and very carefully.

Actually, our article today will be devoted to this issue. In most cases, the waves are salted in a variety of ways. We will tell you about the most delicious recipes, thanks to which the waves acquire a special taste and aroma. They go well with almost any side dish, just with bread or in salads with onions and sour cream. Overeat!

General principles of salting waves

In fact, there are a great many ways to pickle mushrooms. According to some mushroom pickers, it is necessary to soak the mushrooms in cold water before salting. Others pour boiling water over them, others boil them altogether, and others consider all this to be superfluous. As for spices, opinions differ even more here, although all the owners and hostesses are right in their own way. In fact, you can salt not only volushki, but also any other mushrooms, with the exception of russula, morels and stitches. In salting, russula never loses its bitterness, and morels become loose and lose their taste.

It is recommended to salt volnushki in wooden barrels and tubs. Meanwhile, if you do not live in a rural area, this is unlikely to be possible. Where to get a wooden tub in a city apartment? So if you live in a city and there is no wooden utensils at hand, use glass or enameled utensils to salt the waves. The enamel must not be damaged. Salting mushrooms in tin galvanized dishes is unacceptable - as well as in clay pots. In many cookbooks you can find such recommendations, but they have no objective basis. The fact is that in the process of fermentation, salts and acids can form, which destroy the glaze covering the pottery. Since the glaze contains lead, it dissolves and can cause severe poisoning.

Before salting, glassware is washed well with washing powder or any other detergent. Do this until all foreign odors are removed. Then the dishes are rinsed several times with hot and cold water, scalded with boiling water, dried in the oven.

How to salt volnushki by cold salting (with soaking)?

First, we will learn how to salt the waves in cold and salted water. By the way, milk mushrooms, serushki, some types of russula, and other mushrooms are usually salted in the same way.

So, you will need to clean the waves from debris, earth and sand, which are present on the mushrooms in a fair amount. Rinse them thoroughly and pour salted cold water at the rate of 0.5 tablespoon of salt per liter of water. It is recommended to change the water about 2-3 times a day, and best of all every 4-5 hours, so that the mushrooms do not sour. Volnushki are usually soaked for 1-2 days. For comparison, mushrooms such as valui can be soaked for 5 or even 6 days.

After soaking, you will need to brush the mushrooms again with a brush or nylon cloth. They are placed in the right dish with hats down in layers of about 5-7 cm each, sprinkled with coarse salt (necessarily not iodized). Do not spare salt - take about 30 grams for each kilogram of mushrooms. Why not use iodized salt? It causes rapid souring of the waves.

Now let's go over the spices. The following spices are placed on top of the mushrooms and at the bottom of the dishes: 2 grams of bay leaf, a gram of allspice per 10 kg of mushrooms. You can also use cloves, blackcurrant and horseradish leaves, cherries, etc., to your liking. If you salted the flakes in a wooden dish, then it is covered with a wooden lid or a circle that freely enters the dish. Some oppression is placed on top of it. For comparison, if you salt the waves in a 50-liter barrel, the weight of oppression should be at least 8 kg. Be sure to wash the lid and oppression before salting.

The brine usually forms in 2-3 days. Then the mushrooms begin to settle. You drain the excess brine, add a new batch of mushrooms that have gone through all the processing described above. If after 3-4 days the brine does not appear, your oppression is too weak and you need to increase its mass. Also make sure that the top layer of the waves is constantly covered with brine.

How to salt volnushki by cold salting (without soaking)?

You clean the mushrooms of debris in the same way, wash them twice in cold water - best salted or acidified. Mushrooms are stacked in layers in a container at the rate of 1 kilogram of mushrooms per 30-40 grams of non-iodized table salt. With this type of salting, you do not need to use any spices. As for the terms of readiness of mushrooms (the so-called fermentation period), they are the same as in the first case. True, the preliminary soaking of the waves lasts 40 days. It is noteworthy that some mushrooms (for example, mushrooms, russula) are salted without soaking. Mushroom pickers are limited only by washing them in salt water. At the same time, salts put 5% of the total mass of fresh mushrooms. That is, about 50 grams of salt are taken per kilogram of mushrooms.

How to salt volnushki using hot salting?

If you don't want to wait weeks for delicious mushrooms, if you simply don't have time, you can try hot pickled mushrooms. Within a day or two after hot salting, you can eat russula. As for the waves, you have to wait 6-7 days. But still it is much faster than with cold salting.

Volnushki are scalded with boiling water, but not boiled, but simply kept in hot water for about half an hour. Then the boiled mushrooms are thrown into a colander, allowed to drain, washed in cold water and salted in the same sequence as with cold salting. It is extremely important that all pickled mushrooms be stored exclusively in a cool place at a temperature not lower than zero and not higher than 10 degrees. So, storing mushrooms at elevated temperatures will invariably lead to souring of mushrooms. If mold appears on the brine, do not be alarmed. Just remove it, and thoroughly rinse the oppression with a circle in boiling water. If the temperature is below zero, the mushrooms will simply freeze and begin to crumble, which is also not good.

What can be cooked from salty waves?

From volnushki, salted and chopped with onions, you can cook a delicious salad, mouth-watering mushroom gravy or filling for pies. You can also cook mushroom soup, cook hodgepodge or mushroom soup. If you wash the salted mushrooms in several waters, boil them in milk or water, then they will taste like fresh ones. After such processing, the mushrooms are fried, and then used for cooking both first and second courses.

How to store salty flakes?

Mushrooms such as volnushki are stored in a cool and well-ventilated room at a temperature of 5-6 degrees, but not below zero. Make sure that your mushrooms are constantly in the brine. If it evaporates and does not cover the mushrooms, it is advisable to add cooled boiled water to the dishes. If mold appears, the cloth and circle are washed in hot, slightly salted water. The mold that has appeared on the walls of the dishes is wiped with a clean cloth that has been dipped in hot water.

Please note that mushrooms are not completely preserved in a salt solution, since in such an environment the activity of microorganisms is limited, but it does not stop. The thicker the brine, the better the mushrooms will survive. Meanwhile, in this case, the mushrooms become so oversalted that they completely lose their value.

Another important point. If you do not want mold to appear on the surface of the mushrooms, put them in a hermetically sealed dish, be sure to store them in a dry and cold room. In no case is it recommended to cover the jars with cellophane or parchment paper. In a damp, warm room, the water in the jars will begin to evaporate, as a result of which the mushrooms will simply become moldy.

Every mushroom picker knows about beautiful and appetizing mushrooms, which have other names: Volzhanka or Volvenki. In Russian forests, you can find 2 types of volushki: whites (white), krasul (pink).

These are russula mushrooms, long-term heat treatment is not necessary for them, but lovers of the forest delicacy should know how to salt volnushki mushrooms.

Volzhanok pickling methods

To get a tasty and pleasant-looking snack, you need clarity of action, skill and a little creativity. There are several ways to salt the tangles at home correctly.

It is important not to violate the technology and recipe, then it will be impossible to get poisoned with a pickled or pickled delicacy. Salting for the winter must be done, observing all the rules for the procurement of raw materials and containers.

Preparing for salting

Tip: Before salting the volzhanki, they are cleaned with an unnecessary toothbrush, it is convenient for her to remove adhering leaves, litter, and insects from mushrooms. In order not to damage the fragile texture of the mushrooms, they should be cleaned and washed carefully, without pressure. Otherwise, the product will crumble.

Different containers are prepared for white and pink species. During preparation, the products are sorted by type and size. In the presence of large specimens, they are cut in half or into quarters. So that the raw material does not taste bitter, it is soaked for a couple or three days in salt water, which changes 5 times a day so that the mushrooms do not sour. The waves need to be completely immersed in the liquid so they don't get moldy.

Cold can method

To salt the mushroom, 40 grams of iodized salt, 4 bay leaves and 2 horseradish leaves, a glass of vegetable oil are taken for 2 kilograms of mushrooms.

Volnushki are salted by soaking in a solution of salt and citric acid. Mushrooms are put into pasteurized jars so that each layer is sprinkled with salt and covered with horseradish and bay leaves. Hot vegetable oil is poured on top. The blanks are closed with tight lids and stored for the winter in the refrigerator for a couple of months. Thanks to the oil, air will not penetrate to the products, and since the mushrooms have not been boiled, they are not in danger of darkening.

Combination Method

How to salt the waves using a combined technique is familiar to experienced chefs. Water with salt at the rate of 2 liters to 60 grams boil in a saucepan. Prepared mushrooms are laid out in portions there. At the same time, the mixture with mushrooms is stirred. 10 minutes, the waves are boiled with the removal of foam. You need to take them out with a colander or slotted spoon. The raw material is washed in running water.

Garlic is peeled, but not cut, only large cloves are allowed to be halved. A clean saucepan is taken, in which the waves are added layer by layer. At first you need to pour salt, put horseradish and garlic. For the second layer, you will need to salt the mushrooms, lay the bay leaf and leaves from the currant bush and 3 garlic cloves. The third layer is covered with a mixture of salt and dill, the last garlic is added.

A clean cloth is taken, which covers the products, and is pressed with oppression from above. A saucepan with waves is stored on a sturdy shelf in the refrigerator. This is the best winter method. The combination of the advantages of the two methods allows mushrooms to be stored longer than usual. Heat treatment makes winter snacks safer to eat. But the time of hot cooking of salted mushrooms is reduced, their own juice helps to salt the volnushki, so they are crispy.

hot method

One and a half kilos of waves will require salt in the amount of an incomplete glass, 4 currant leaves, five cloves, 4 garlic cloves, 6 bay leaves, 4 peppercorns, 5 g of allspice, a liter of water, iodized salt in the amount of 30 grams.

You need to salt the waves, first by pouring water and bringing to a boil. After boiling, cook them, stirring, for 15 minutes. Boiled products after draining the water through a colander are placed in an enamel pan. From above it is necessary to put leaves of currant and laurel. Mix salt with pepper and cloves, pour on top. Thin slices of garlic are best placed on top of the salt layer.

The broth in which the waves were boiled boils again. They are poured with raw materials, which should be covered with a plate on top with the establishment of oppression on it. The cooled products are left in the refrigerator for the time of the day.

4 half-liter jars are sterilized in the oven for 10 minutes. The lids are boiling. Volnushki are laid out in jars, brine is poured on top. Products are wrapped in hot and dry jars. Salted crispy billets are stored for the winter at 16 or 18 degrees Celsius.

Cold pickling method

It is necessary to salt the waves in a cold way, having specifically prepared the raw materials. For this method, soaking should be with the addition of 50 grams of salt per liter of liquid and 2 grams of lemon to the water. For three days, the mushrooms are in a solution that changes every 5 hours.

200 g of salt are mixed with 50 g of dry dill seeds and 20 g of cumin. After the water is drained, mushrooms in the amount of 7 kilograms are stacked in eight-centimeter layers so that the location of the hats is down. Sprinkle each layer with a mixture of salt and seasonings. A cabbage leaf is placed on top, if a barrel serves as a container, several leaves can be used. On top of the product should be a plate with a load.

Mushroom preparation is stored for the winter in a room with a temperature of 0 to 10 positive degrees. It takes a month or two to salt the waves with this method.

Many do not know how to salt volnushki, although this is one of the most popular snacks in traditional Russian cuisine. Mushrooms have a slight bitterness, but if cooked properly, they will delight your taste buds.

The use of salty waves in food helps to strengthen the cardiovascular system and prevents the deposition of harmful cholesterol, and a high content of vitamins and trace elements supports the normal functioning of the body. If you prefer healthy and tasty food, you will definitely need knowledge on how to salt volushki at home.


Clean the mushrooms from forest debris and earth with a soft brush, being careful not to damage the hats - these mushrooms are fragile. If you have collected white and pink waves, do not salt them together, it is better to sort them by color. To get rid of the bitter milky juice, soak the mushrooms for 48 hours in cold water. Water should be changed up to 5 times a day - if this is not done, the waves will turn sour and will be unusable. Be sure to ensure that soaked mushrooms are completely covered in water, as they are prone to mold when exposed to air.

The most popular recipes with photos

It is recommended to salt volnushki mushrooms by cold, hot or combined methods. The main thing is not to violate the technology and strictly follow the rules of canning in order to prevent food poisoning. When cold pickling, mushrooms should be soaked in water with the addition of a small amount of citric acid and rock salt. Subject to all the rules, you can pickle the flakes so that they are crispy, fragrant, tasty and healthy.

Cooking mouth-watering fritters with salt and spices is a popular "grandmother's" recipe for an appetizer that goes well with "smoking" boiled potatoes. With a jar of salted mushrooms on hand, you can easily and quickly prepare a tasty and nutritious treat for guests or your family.

Servings/Volume: 4-5 l


  • fresh waves - 6 kg;
  • coarse rock salt - 350 g;
  • citric acid - 12 g;
  • dill (dry seeds) - 50 g;
  • cumin - 20 g;
  • black pepper sweet peas - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • cabbage leaf - 3 pcs.


  1. Preparation begins with soaking - dilute salt and citric acid in cold water (per 1 liter of water: 10 g of salt and 2 g of acid). Soak the cleaned, washed mushrooms in brine and leave for a day.
  2. Drain the water, dry the waves slightly and lay them in layers in a large enameled container, placing them with the hats down. Sprinkle each layer of mushrooms generously with coarse salt, peppercorns, fragrant cumin and dill seeds.
  3. Cover the top layer of wedges with cabbage leaves and press down the contents of the pan with a wide lid or plate, placing a jar of water on it.
  4. Place the pot in a cold place (with a temperature of 0 to + ℃), where the flakes will be salted for 1-2 months.

Such pickling is not rolled up: it is not protected from botulism, and it is dangerous to seal it hermetically, so just keep it in the cold until you eat it (you can in the same bowl in which it was salted). If it is more convenient for you to transfer it to jars, you can transfer it (along with the brine), but do not close it tightly.

Bon appetit!

Juicy and tender fritters, hot-salted in jars, acquire a piquant taste due to heat treatment, spices and spices. This is a hearty dish that can be served without a side dish.

Servings/Volume: 1.5 l


  • fresh waves - 1.5 kg;
  • rock salt - 75 g;
  • blackcurrant leaf - 6-8 pcs.;
  • dry cloves - 5 pcs.;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • bay leaf - 6 pcs.;
  • black pepper in peas - 10 pcs.;
  • black pepper sweet peas - 5 pcs.


  1. Soak the tangles cleaned of impurities in cold salted water for several days to remove bitterness (do not forget to change the water).
  2. Put the soaked mushrooms in a pot of water (it should completely cover the mushrooms). When the contents of the pan boil, continue to cook the volnushki for another 15 minutes, stirring constantly and skimming off the foam with a slotted spoon.
  3. Transfer the boiled mushrooms to a wide enameled container and mix them with salt. Add black and allspice, cloves, bay leaf and garlic, broken into thin slices.
  4. Pack this mixture tightly into pre-sterilized jars. Cover the top layer of mushrooms with currant leaves.
  5. Boil water and fill jars under the necks.
  6. Pasteurize jars with mushrooms in a pot of boiling water or in the oven for at least 10 minutes (for jars of 0.8-1 l) and immediately close them tightly with lids. Turn the jars over onto the lids and leave to cool completely. After 1.5-2 months, delicious waves will be ready to serve.

In a hot way, it is customary to salt the waves for the winter. After sterilizing the jars and pasteurizing the finished workpiece, you can store it not in the refrigerator, but in a kitchen cabinet or pantry.

The combined method is perfect for those who appreciate the naturalness of the product, but are afraid of poisoning and prefer the mandatory heat treatment of mushrooms before harvesting. The main difference between this method and hot salting is that the heat treatment is faster, and the waves remain elastic and crispy, salted in their juice. Mushrooms prepared according to this popular recipe are good as an additional side dish for meat, vegetable and cereal dishes, but the mushroom soup with salty mushrooms is especially delicious.

Servings/Volume: 3-4 l


  • fresh waves - 5 kg;
  • coarse rock salt - 250 g;
  • bay leaf - 6 pcs.;
  • blackcurrant leaf - 6 pcs.;
  • horseradish leaf 3 pcs.;
  • fresh / dry dill - 50 g;
  • garlic - 2 large heads.


  1. Clean the volushki and soak them in cold salted water for 2 days, periodically changing the water.
  2. Bring 2 liters of salted water (50 g of salt is enough) to a boil in a large saucepan. Put the prepared mushrooms in boiling water and boil for 20-25 minutes, stirring constantly and removing the foam with a slotted spoon.
  3. Rinse the boiled mushrooms in a colander under cool water and put in layers in an enameled container. Shift the first layer of waves with salt, horseradish leaves and garlic cloves, cut in half. Cover the next layer with laurel and currant leaves, garlic and salt. Lay the last layer with dill umbrellas, the remnants of salt and garlic.
  4. Cover the contents of the pan with clean gauze, put a wide plate on top and press it down with oppression. Place the saucepan with salted waves on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator. Delicious mushroom appetizer will be ready in 3 weeks.

You need to store such a workpiece in the cold in any convenient container along with the brine (do not roll hermetically into jars).

Bon appetit!


How else can you salt the waves - recipes can be viewed in the following videos:

Freelancer with diverse interests and hobbies. He likes to be close to nature, eat delicious food and philosophize about the eternal. She has been writing articles on a variety of topics for so long that she is already erudite in the most unexpected areas. He loves forests, flowering gardens, space and fried potatoes with smoked ribs. He doesn’t like to stand at the stove, but among his friends there are several professional chefs who always serve delicious food and share cool recipes. pathologically optimistic.

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Mushrooms also have delicacies. At least that's what connoisseurs of this product say. In Russia, salted volnushki are considered mushroom delicacies. Abroad, this fact would be surprised: in many countries, flakes are considered inedible. And all because of the milky juice, which gives a characteristic bitter taste. But domestic housewives know how to salt volushki at home so that they do not taste bitter.

Medium difficulty

Volnushki belong to the Syroezhkov family. Their close "relatives" are milk mushrooms, mushrooms, russula. Waves have other names - volnyanka, volzhanka. These mushrooms grow in forests under old trees, they like to "settle" under birch trees. There are several types of waves, but only white and pink ones are suitable for cooking. A characteristic feature of the gifts of the forest is a bitter milky juice, which causes serious indigestion if cooked improperly. Raw volzhanki have a beautiful pinkish or white hue, but when cooked they turn gray. You should not be afraid of such metamorphoses: even if the color of the mushrooms is not “noble” enough, the taste can pleasantly surprise gourmets.

What are useful…

In Russia, volnushkas are assigned the category "conditionally edible". This means that you can eat them, but it is important to follow a special cooking technology. Only thanks to this will it be possible to reduce all risks to a minimum. Domestic housewives have long mastered the methods of preparing volnushki, they successfully harvest these mushrooms for future use. It turns out a healthy, tasty and low-calorie snack, which often becomes the "star" of the festive table.

Even children know that mushrooms are useful. Waves are no exception. Their vitamin and mineral composition is impressive. Volzhanki help fight viruses, help restore strength, improve eyesight and even preserve beauty.

  • Protein source. In terms of the amount of protein, mushrooms can compete with meat products; it is not for nothing that they are called “forest meat”. Protein is the main "building material" of the body: it takes part in cell regeneration.
  • Useful amino acids. Wave protein is enriched with 18 amino acids. They have a general strengthening effect, increase immunity, help organs and systems to function normally.
  • Minimum calories. The waves contain a minimum of calories: 22 kcal per 100 g. Mushrooms are recommended to be included in the diet: the food will be complete, and the centimeters at the waist will not increase.
  • Vitamin bomb. From the waves you can get more B vitamins than from vegetables and cereals. Mushrooms are also rich in vitamins D, C, E, PP. This composition helps to strengthen the protective function of the body, has a beneficial effect on the nervous system. Vitamins stand guard over beauty: thanks to them, the skin looks healthy, the nails become strong, and the hair becomes lush and shiny.
  • A treasure trove of minerals. Volnushki provide the body with the necessary minerals: phosphorus, potassium, sulfur, copper, and other important elements. Minerals strengthen bones, normalize metabolism, and slow down the aging process. Macronutrients are important for the normal functioning of the heart.

In the course of research, a unique substance, beta-glucan, was revealed in mushrooms. It activates the immune system so much that as a result the body itself can overcome even serious diseases. After the discovery, the substance began to be synthesized in the laboratory, used to combat cancer.

... and who should not eat them

Although volushki contains a large amount of useful substances, mushrooms can be harmful. The threat to the body is posed by improperly prepared gifts of the forest, so it is imperative to master the culinary technology to make the product safe. This type of mushroom is undesirable for children under seven years of age. Mushroom delicacy should be discarded during pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Volzhanki are contraindicated in:

  • cholecystitis;
  • reduced acidity of gastric juice;
  • pancreatitis;
  • removal of the gallbladder.

Mushrooms contain a lot of chitin, which is poorly digested. With an excess of the substance, gastritis and other diseases of the stomach develop. But in a small amount, chitin is useful. He plays the role of a sorbent, removes toxins. To get the right portion of chitin, a small amount of mushrooms is enough, but it is better to use them with legs: the substance is concentrated there.

4 stages of raw material preparation

Before salting the waves, they need to be prepared. The taste and safety of pickles depend on this stage. Soaking raw materials for salting will take at least two days: this is the only way to remove the bitter milky juice. Preparation of waves for salting consists of four stages.

  1. Sorting. Collected mushrooms must be sorted. Salt white and pink should be separately. Size must also be taken into account. Small - young - Volzhanka are considered optimal for salting. "Forest dwellers" with large hats are overripe. They are not suitable as raw materials for salting: the taste is not the same.
  2. Cleaning. Mushrooms need to be cleaned of everything superfluous. Two-thirds of the legs are cut off. With the help of a knife and a brush (you can take a new toothbrush), traces of earth, sand, grass are removed, and places of damage are cut out. You have to be careful not to break the caps. The waves are thoroughly washed: the water should finally remove all the rubbish.
  3. Soaking. This is one of the main stages of preparation for salting: without soaking, it is impossible to remove bitterness. It will take a long time to soak - at least two days. Mushrooms need to be folded into an enameled container, pour filtered water. You will need a lot of liquid - 5 cm above the caps. Water for soaking must be salted. If cold salting is planned in the future, then the water must also be acidified. A liter of liquid will require 10 g of salt and 2 g of "lemon". So that the mushrooms do not sour, you need to change the water often: up to five to six times a day. The container with the waves covered with gauze should stand in a cool place.
  4. control wash. After soaking the mushrooms, rinse thoroughly with cold water. Clean waves are thrown into a colander, allowing excess liquid to drain. After that, you can start salting according to the selected recipe.

You can determine that the Volzhanki are ready for salting, you can “by touch”. Remove the mushroom from the container where it is soaked, gently press the hat. It bends gently, but does not break - the mushrooms are soaked properly. If the waves are moldy in a container of water, then they are not suitable for subsequent salting, even if you rinse them well.

How to salt the waves in a cold way

Most housewives prefer to salt traps for the winter in a cold way. Dry salting is mainly chosen, that is, no liquid is added. The brine is formed during the cooking process: the caps release juice. Mushrooms are soaked, then put in a container, sprinkled with seasonings and wait until they are ready. An ideal container for salting is an oak barrel. However, in the absence of such a container, you can use a saucepan, an enameled bucket, and even jars. It is strictly forbidden to salt mushrooms in clay and plastic containers, galvanized buckets.

The cold method has many advantages. Mushrooms are salted without cooking, which means that the product retains the maximum amount of nutrients. Due to the absence of heat treatment, the waves are dense, crispy, fragrant. The only disadvantage of this method is that in order to take a sample from pickles, you will have to wait one and a half to two months.

For salting mushrooms, only ordinary table salt is used. It is better to take a large one. Sea and iodized provoke fermentation processes, due to which the blanks quickly turn sour.

in a saucepan

Description . The easiest recipe for salty waves. It is better to take only hats. They are pre-soaked in saline-sour water. A special technology allows you to enjoy the natural taste and aroma of volushki.


  • waves (hats) - 2.5 kg;
  • rock salt - 125 g.


  1. Place the hats in a bowl. Sprinkle each layer generously with salt.
  2. Cover the mushrooms with gauze. Put a flat plate on top, oppression is on it. It may be small, but it is important that the mushrooms are well packed.
  3. Place the container in a cold place where the temperature does not exceed 6°C.
  4. Periodically look at the workpiece. If the gauze shows signs of mold, change it.
  5. You can try after two months.

There is another interpretation of this recipe. According to her, it takes six days to salt the waves under oppression in a saucepan. During this time, a large amount of brine will stand out: the mushrooms must be covered with it. At the end of the allotted time, the hats with brine are transferred to sterile jars, closed with nylon lids and sent to the cold. After two months, a sample is taken.

in a barrel

Description. Many generations of housewives preferred to salt volnushki cold in oak barrels. The "grandmother's" method can be repeated if there is an appropriate container on the farm. Barrel mushrooms will turn out to be especially tasty, crispy, and will not lose their shape.


  • volzhanki - 7 kg;
  • "lemon" - for soaking;
  • salt - 200 g;
  • cumin - 15 g;
  • dill seeds (dried) - 40 g;
  • cabbage leaves - the width of the pan.


  1. Soak the waves in acidified and salted water. Throw it in a colander.
  2. Mix salt, cumin and dill seeds.
  3. Put the waves in the barrel with the hats down. The layer should be approximately 8 cm. Sprinkle seasonings. Then another layer of mushrooms. Repeat until the container is full.
  4. Cover with cabbage leaves - they will protect against mold.
  5. Place a wooden circle or plate on the mushrooms. Above is the load.
  6. Place the barrel in a room where the temperature does not exceed 10°C and does not fall below 0°C. Pickles will be ready in two months.

Mushrooms cooked using cold technology may be over-salted. Before serving, it is recommended to rinse them thoroughly with cold filtered water - the taste will become balanced.

in banks

Description. Salty waves in jars are prepared with the addition of heated vegetable oil. It blocks the access of air to the container: this way the taste qualities of the mushrooms are preserved and you can not be afraid of souring. Volnushki prepared according to this recipe do not darken.


  • waves - 2.5 kg;
  • coarse rock salt - 45 g;
  • vegetable oil - one glass;
  • laurel - six sheets;
  • horseradish leaves - four pieces.


  1. Soak the mushrooms in the traditional way.
  2. Sterilize the jars by any method (steam, boiling water or in the oven).
  3. Fold the waves in a glass container. Sprinkle mushrooms with salt, shift with horseradish and laurel leaves
  4. Warm up the oil. Fill them with Volzhanki.
  5. Close the jars with plastic lids. Remove to refrigerator.
  6. Try what happened after two months.

From improper soaking and violation of the salting technology, the waves can become moldy. Mushrooms will have to be thrown away, because their use is fraught with serious poisoning.

hot method...

Description. The hot salting method reduces the risk of mushroom poisoning. To salt volnushki in a hot way, they must first be soaked, and then boiled and preserved. The hot technology has a number of advantages: the mushrooms will be ready much faster than the "cold" ones - after two weeks you can try. The blanks will stand all winter and will not deteriorate. They are easy to store: seams can withstand temperatures up to 16°C. Mushrooms are less crispy than the cold method. But if you know the subtleties of cooking, then elasticity and crunch can be preserved even after heat treatment.


  • waves of small size - 1.5 kg;
  • salt - 30 g;
  • filtered water - 1 l;
  • garlic - four cloves;
  • carnation - five buds;
  • currant leaves - four pieces;
  • laurel - six pieces;
  • allspice (peas) - five pieces.


  1. Soak the mushrooms.
  2. Fold the prepared waves into a saucepan, pour a liter of water, put on the stove. After boiling, boil for another 15 minutes.
  3. Put the mushrooms in a colander, let the water drain. Do not pour out the broth in which the waves were boiled.
  4. Put the boiled volzhanki in an enamel pan. Put the washed currant leaves, laurel on the mushrooms.
  5. Add all the spices, on top - thin plates of garlic.
  6. Boil the broth in which the mushrooms were previously cooked. Pour it into the pan to the waves.
  7. Cover the raw material with a plate, put oppression. Wait for the mushrooms to cool, put the pan in the refrigerator for a day.
  8. After a day, lay out the Volzhanki in pre-sterilized jars.
  9. Fill the workpiece with brine from the pan. Seal the jars tightly.

If you want to roll mushrooms for the winter, make sure that at the time of laying the raw materials, the sterilized glass container is hot but dry. Compliance with this condition is a guarantee that seaming will last a long time. Mushrooms wrapped in metal lids are good for ten months.

… and combined

Description. Hot and cold pickling methods can be combined to make delicious, crunchy mushrooms. In order to properly salt the waves, they must first be soaked. From the hot method, the combined took the heat treatment of raw materials, allowing to reduce the cooking time. Heat treatment makes mushrooms safe, helps to increase the shelf life of the workpiece. As in the cold method, salting should take place in its own juice - the waves turn out crispy. There is, of course, one drawback: with the combined method, you will have to do salting in a large saucepan. It will take up an entire shelf in the refrigerator, but for the sake of a mushroom delicacy, it is worth suffering inconvenience.


  • waves (hats) - 5 kg;
  • coarse rock salt - 150 g;
  • currant leaf - five pieces;
  • laurel - five leaves;
  • horseradish leaves - two pieces;
  • fresh dill - half a bunch;
  • garlic - one head;
  • filtered water - 2 l.


  1. Soak the waves in a known way.
  2. Place a pot of water on the stove. Add half of the amount of salt indicated in the recipe. Wait until it boils.
  3. Throw the waves into the boiling water. Boil the mushrooms for ten minutes. Do not forget to stir, remove the foam.
  4. Remove the wedges with a slotted spoon. Rinse them with cold running water.
  5. Put a small layer of waves in an enamel pan. Sprinkle with salt, put garlic cloves, currant leaves, horseradish leaves and bay leaves on the mushrooms. Repeat layout.
  6. Sprinkle the last layer of waves with salt, put dill branches on it.
  7. Cover mushrooms with clean gauze. Set the press.
  8. Store the pan in the refrigerator, regularly check the cheesecloth for mold, change if necessary. After three weeks, the mushrooms will be salted in their own juice, ready to eat.

Salty volnushki are seasoned with vegetable oil when served. Add the chopped onion to the mushrooms. Some housewives use sour cream as a dressing: unusual, but the taste is harmonious.

If you want to get a delicious snack, the recipe for salty fritters must be tested. Don't be afraid to experiment with seasonings. When preparing the waves in any way, the housewives add coriander, cardamom, mustard seeds, dried oregano. Thanks to seasonings, pickles will acquire new flavor notes.

Reviews: "Soaked in water for three days"

How salty volnushki is in our north: mushrooms are soaked in water for three days (the water is changed three to four times a day). Salted cold. Dry currant leaves, dry dill and dried garlic are added. Ready in 40 days. Pickling of these mushrooms is also practiced. But it is used only by the local indigenous population (Komi, Nenets). A European person can simply die from such mushrooms. Never noticed any bitterness. It is the main salting fungus in our region.

Igor Dementiev, http://forum.toadstool.ru/index.php?/topic/1664-%D0%B2%D0%BE%D0%BB%D0%BD%D1%83%D1%88%D0%BA%D0% B8-%D1%80%D0%B5%D1%86%D0%B5%D0%BF%D1%82%D1%8B/

I never boil mushrooms for pickling, they darken. I usually soak for 3 days, changing the water and rinsing 2 times a day. I sprinkle with salt for 4 days (without water) and put it in sterilized jars, shifting with herbs and black pepper (peas). All our relatives (excellent cooks) did not eat anything tastier! The main thing is not to overdo it with salt, but the lack leads to mold in the banks.

Olga, http://russianfood.com/recipes/recipe.php?rid=7323

