
How to bake carp in foil. Stuffed carp baked in the oven: recipe

Carp is a freshwater fish whose meat contains many vitamins, for example: E, B 1, B 3, C, B 6, B 9, A, B 12, C, PP, as well as micro and macro elements. This has a positive effect on the nervous system and the digestive tract, helps regulate blood sugar, and improves skin condition. The most important thing is to cook carp correctly and tasty at home.


Carp has dietary meat, the energy value of which is only 97 kcal per 100 grams.

The meat is very tender and slightly sweet in taste. There are many decent ways to cook, however, baking is best, because the carp in the oven turns out soft, juicy and amazingly tasty.

Delicious baked carp with potatoes

Ingredients (for fish weighing 1 kg)

  • Carp - 1 pc.
  • Champignons - 250 gr.
  • Butter - 60 gr.
  • Eggs - 2 pcs.
  • Breadcrumbs - 30 gr.
  • Onion - 80 gr.
  • Garlic - 3 cloves.
  • Black pepper - 3 gr.
  • Salt - 5 gr.
  • Parsley - 15 gr.
  • Sour cream - 100 gr.
  • Half a lemon.

How to cook

  1. Thoroughly clean and rinse the mushrooms. Cut the mushrooms into cubes and fry in a pan until tender, with the addition of black pepper and salt.
  2. Cut the onion and garlic into small cubes and fry until translucent. Since the onion takes much longer to cook than the garlic, sauté it first and add the finely chopped garlic two minutes before it's ready. Do not overcook foods - they will continue to cook with the main course and then they will reach readiness. But the taste of burnt onions will be difficult to get rid of.
  3. Take the eggs and separate the whites and yolks into separate bowls.
  4. Mix egg yolks with breadcrumbs, salt and butter. Blend until smooth.
  5. Whisk the whites into foam. Chill the egg whites in order to whip them properly. You can also add a pinch of salt to speed up the formation of foam.
  6. Combine the yolk mixture with the beaten egg whites, stirring gently with a wooden spatula or spoon so that the foam does not settle.
  7. Add the fried mushrooms, onion, garlic to the resulting mixture and mix gently.
  8. Pat the carp dry with paper towels, then season with salt and pepper. Stuff with mushroom mixture. Secure the belly with toothpicks or sew.
  9. Lay the fish on a baking sheet, greased with oil, and send it to the oven, heated to 180 degrees. Baking paper, foil, heat-resistant film, etc. can be used, but should not be hermetically sealed. In this case, the carp will simply boil.
  10. Bake for 40-50 minutes, periodically pouring over the juice that forms on the baking sheet. 5-10 minutes before readiness, grease the carcass with sour cream.
  11. Be sure to remove string or toothpicks before serving.
  12. You can decorate the dish by making a grid of mayonnaise. To do this, simply put some mayonnaise in a pastry bag and draw a grid or any other pattern. The pastry bag is easy to replace with a regular plastic bag. Put the mayonnaise in a bag and make a delicate hole by cutting off one of the corners.
  13. Carp is served whole on a large platter with lemon wedges and herbs.

Video recipe

Choice of dishes

To avoid problems during baking, you need to choose the right dishes for cooking. The material directly affects the result of your efforts. For baking fish in the oven, cast-iron or ceramic dishes are best suited. It perfectly retains the temperature and slowly releases heat to the product that is cooked in it. It is not recommended to bake in thin-walled dishes.

How to choose the right fish

Carp should not have an unpleasant odor, be with pink or reddish gills. Pay attention to the eyes: in fresh fish, they are convex and always transparent. Buy only fresh, chilled carcasses. If you cook frozen carp, the meat will turn out loose and dry. When frozen, tissue juice turns into ice, which leads to the destruction of the natural structure of the fibers, and defrosting is fraught with its loss, which will make the dish less juicy.

How to cut fish

Remove the scales and gut the carp. The cutting process is as follows:

  • Rinse fresh fish with cold water.
  • Pour boiling water over, and then lower the carcass into cold water. This temperature difference will make it easier to clean the fish.
  • Just slide the knife against the growth of the scales and it will be easily removed.
  • Cut out the dorsal fin and eyes. Open the belly and carefully clean the insides.
  • Remove the gills to avoid unnatural bitterness in the dish.
  • Rinse well with cold water again.

Bon appetit!

Fish dishes are in no way inferior in taste to meat culinary masterpieces. For example, carp baked in the oven is juicy and fragrant. There are many options for its preparation. The recipes are simple, but the result is licking your fingers.

How to cook carp in the oven

Mirror or regular carp can be boiled, fried, steamed, but it tastes best when baked. This type is cooked under the foil, in the sleeve, fried whole or in pieces. The carcass is stuffed with vegetables, mushrooms, spices and seasonings, baked using various sauces, marinades. Cooking starts with proper gutting.

How to clean

Before starting the preparation of the dish, the carp is cleaned. This process is carried out as follows:

  1. First, the fish is well washed with running water.
  2. Next, you need to get rid of the scales. There is a simple but effective method for this. Carp is poured with boiling water for half an hour, then it is processed with a stream of cold water. If you carefully hold a knife or fork against the scales, then it will be easily cleaned.
  3. After that, the fin is cut out from the back, the abdomen is torn open, the gallbladder, liver and other entrails are removed.
  4. Eyes and gills are removed.
  5. The fish is washed again.

How much to bake

Many are interested in the question - how long will it take to bake? Experienced chefs recommend cooking fish at a temperature of 180-200 degrees, and the cooking time depends on the size and weight of the carcass. Baked carp up to a kilogram is 50 minutes of time. A fish product weighing 1-1.5 kilograms is cooked for 60 minutes. Large carp (3-5 kg) are baked in the oven for about 2-2.5 hours. How to cook a fish dish?


The first recipe for baking carp in the oven gives you a chance to make a very tasty, satisfying, but low-calorie dish for the whole family. Baked fish carcass with greens will perfectly complement the spring or summer menu. It is worth grating the carp with white ground pepper, it will give a unique aroma and emphasize the taste. And if you fill the fish with herbs, you can easily eliminate the unpleasant smell of mud.


  • whole carcass - 1.5 kg;
  • garlic - 4 cloves;
  • greens (dill, parsley) - 1 bunch each;
  • white, black ground pepper, salt - to taste;
  • mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • sunflower oil.

Cooking method:

  1. The fish is cleaned, the insides are removed from it, it is thoroughly washed with water.
  2. Finely chop the greens, combine with chopped garlic on a grater.
  3. Carp is rubbed with salt, pepper inside and out, stuffed with herbs and garlic (as in the photo).
  4. In order for the fish to languish in its own juice, it is slightly smeared with mayonnaise, sprinkled with vegetable oil.
  5. The carcass is laid out on a baking sheet, poured with a glass of boiled water.
  6. Bake for 1.5 hours at 180°C.

How to cook in foil

The next option for creating a delicious, nutritious, healthy dish is baking in foil with vegetables and sour cream. Such a dinner or on a normal day or treat friends to a celebration. To cook fish, you will need available store products. You can buy a mirror or ordinary carp, regardless of this, the dish will turn out to be appetizing and tender.


  • fish - 1 kg;
  • potatoes - 6 pcs.;
  • onion - 3 pcs.;
  • carrot - 1 pc.;
  • sour cream - half a liter;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • dill - 2 bunches;
  • seasonings for fish, rosemary, salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. The cleaned fish is rubbed with spices and seasonings. Marinate the carcass for 60 minutes.
  2. The potatoes are boiled until half cooked, cut into circles.
  3. The carrot is chopped with a grater, the onion is finely chopped. Mixed with chopped herbs, garlic.
  4. Stuff the carp with the resulting mass, generously grease with sour cream on all sides.
  5. A sheet of foil is laid out on a baking sheet, potatoes are laid out on it, which must be salted and also flavored with sour cream.
  6. A stuffed fish carcass is located on top, and the remains of potatoes are laid out on it. Products are wrapped in foil.
  7. The dish is sprinkled with finely chopped dill. Baked for 50 minutes.

How to bake whole

Some housewives prefer to fry the fish in pieces, but the uncut carcass turns out to be very tasty. The recipe for cooking fish will be completely mastered even by an amateur culinary specialist. A nutritious dish is relatively quick to prepare and does not require special culinary skills. First you need to prepare edible ingredients that can be found in any supermarket.


  • main product - 1.5 kg;
  • mayonnaise - 300 g;
  • sunflower oil - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • salt, ground pepper, seasonings - to taste;
  • dill, parsley - 1 bunch each.

Cooking method:

  1. The fish is freed from scales, entrails, washed well.
  2. The greens are finely chopped with a sharp knife.
  3. The carcass is generously rubbed with pepper, salt, seasonings inside and out. Stuffed with greens.
  4. After the carp is coated with mayonnaise, a little sprinkled with oil.
  5. A fish is laid out on a brazier covered with vegetable oil. 200 ml of water is added to it.
  6. Bake for 60 minutes at 180°C.

in sour cream

Another interesting recipe that is perfect for a festive table is baking fish in sour cream. The fish carcass is stuffed with fresh mushrooms and topped with homemade sour cream. It turns out an unusually tender, appetizing and fragrant dish. If you add hard cheese and mushrooms, then you will get just a culinary delight that will not leave anyone indifferent.


  • carcass - 1 kg;
  • mushrooms (it is better to use champignons) - 300 g;
  • cheese - 150 g;
  • thick homemade sour cream - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • flour - 2 tsp;
  • potatoes - 4 pcs.;
  • salt, ground white pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. The cleaned fish is salted, peppered from the outside and inside.
  2. Mushrooms are finely chopped, lightly fried in butter, laid inside the fish.
  3. On a baking sheet with vegetable oil, potatoes are laid out, chopped into thin rings. Salt, pepper.
  4. Stuffed carp is located on top.
  5. The dish is laid to bake for 50 minutes.
  6. While the carcass is browning, the sauce is being made. To do this, sour cream is combined with flour, put on a slow fire. When the mixture thickens, remove from the stove.
  7. The fish is poured with ready-made sauce, sprinkled with cheese, chopped on a coarse grater.
  8. Returns to oven for 10 minutes.

With potato

If you need to quickly prepare a hearty dinner, then carp in the oven with potatoes is perfect for these purposes. The result: a delicious fish with a fragrant side dish. For this recipe, lemon, vegetables, seasonings are used. To get tender meat, and the rest of the ingredients are well baked, you should strictly follow the step-by-step cooking technology.


  • fish carcass - up to 1 kg;
  • carrot - 1 pc.;
  • onions - 5 heads;
  • potatoes - 8 pcs.;
  • lemon - ½ part;
  • mayonnaise - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • spices, seasonings - to taste;
  • sunflower oil.

Cooking method:

  1. Cuts of medium depth are made across the carcass. It is rubbed with spices, seasonings, well coated with mayonnaise.
  2. The lemon is cut into thin slices that are inserted into the cuts.
  3. Carrots are chopped into slices.
  4. The potatoes are peeled, cut along the entire length, but not completely. Peppered, salted, slightly sprinkled with oil. Potato stuffed with carrots.
  5. Bulbs are cut into rings.
  6. The baking dish is greased with sunflower oil.
  7. A layer of onion is laid in it, fish is placed on the “cushion”.
  8. Around it is a potato.
  9. The dish is covered with foil.
  10. The dish is cooked for 60 minutes (half an hour under foil, half an hour without it).

With vegetables

The fish, cut into portions, comes out very appetizing and tasty. Carp baked with vegetables is easy and quick to prepare. To create a healthy, dietary dinner, you will need a minimum number of ingredients and some free time. For this cooking technique, you need to stock up not only with fish, but also with potatoes, eggplant, lettuce peppers, and tomatoes.


  • main product - 1 pc.;
  • bell pepper - 2 pcs.;
  • lemon - half;
  • eggplant - 2 pcs.;
  • potatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • fresh tomatoes - 3 pcs.;
  • spices, seasonings;
  • mayonnaise.

Cooking method:

  1. Carp, cleaned and washed, cut into pieces.
  2. Each portion is generously rubbed with salt, pepper, favorite seasonings that suit the fish.
  3. Pieces are sprinkled with lemon juice, marinated for 60 minutes.
  4. While the carp is soaked in the marinade, the eggplants are cut into rings, sprinkled with salt and set aside for 15 minutes. After they are washed with water, dried and slightly fried in oil.
  5. Potatoes and lettuce peppers are chopped into small slices.
  6. The baking sheet is greased with vegetable oil. Pieces of fish are laid out on it.
  7. From above they are covered with a thin layer of mayonnaise and vegetables.
  8. Cook 40 minutes.


It is very easy to please loved ones with the help of tasty and healthy food. Especially if stuffed carp in the oven is served at the table. The carcass is baked whole, previously cleaned of scales, fins and entrails. It goes well with mushrooms, vegetables and sour cream. The main thing is to choose fresh fish, then the dish will definitely turn out juicy, satisfying and fragrant.


  • fish - 2 kilos;
  • carrot - 1 pc.;
  • onion - 2 heads;
  • champignons - half a kilo;
  • lemon - 1 pc.;
  • sour cream - 5 tbsp. l.;
  • spices, seasonings.

Cooking method:

  1. A thoroughly washed carcass is rubbed with lemon juice, spices, seasonings from all sides. Marinated for 30 minutes.
  2. Bulbs are cut into half rings, carrots are chopped with a grater, mushrooms are cut into small cubes.
  3. Vegetables and mushrooms are lightly fried in vegetable oil.
  4. The carcass is smeared with sour cream from the inside, the belly is stuffed with stuffing (vegetables + mushrooms).
  5. Incisions are made on the back, it is poured with sour cream on top and placed on a baking sheet with butter.
  6. Thin slices of lemon are inserted into the incisions (shown in the photo).
  7. Bake the dish for one hour.

Up your sleeve

The next option for a nutritious and quick dish is carp in a sleeve in the oven. River fish is easy to prepare, and the result will please with its taste indicators. Thanks to the use of the sleeve, the carp languishes in its own juice, it turns out tender, fragrant. In addition to this, the hostess does not have to wash the baking sheet or baking dish. For the process of creating healthy food, you need a small number of components.


  • main product - 2.5 kg;
  • lemon juice - ½ cup;
  • homemade sour cream - 2 cups;
  • salt, black ground pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. The fish is salted, peppered from the inside and outside. Sprinkled with lemon juice, marinated for 15 minutes.
  2. The carcass is abundantly smeared with sour cream, placed in a sleeve.
  3. The device is tied, laid out on a baking sheet.
  4. The oven heats up to 200 degrees.
  5. Bake 40 minutes.

in salt

Among the large assortment of methods for preparing river fish, baking in salt in the oven stands out. This recipe belongs to the lightest, has a low calorie content. Spices will give the carcass a great flavor, and the salt “shell” will make it soft and juicy. It is recommended to serve such a dish with sour cream sauce, which favorably emphasizes the taste.


  • carcass - 1 kg;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • lemon juice - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • rock salt - 1 tbsp.;
  • lavrushka - 3 pcs.;
  • allspice and black peppercorns.

Cooking method:

  1. The fish is carefully coated with citrus juice (inside and out).
  2. Garlic, cut into pieces, bay leaf, pepper is laid inside the carcass.
  3. Half of the salt is poured onto a board or a large dish, carp is placed on top.
  4. The remaining amount of salt is laid out on top of the fish, pressed tightly, evenly distributed over its surface. Do the same on the other side.
  5. The carcass is laid out in a dry brazier.
  6. Bake the dish for 15 minutes, then turn the carp over and put in the oven for another 15 minutes.
  7. At the end of cooking, shake off the salt, remove the skin.


For the festive New Year's table, you can cook something special. The role of an unusual and appetizing dinner will be handled by a mirror carp in the oven in foil. The dish is prepared on a “cushion” of vegetables, it turns out with a beautiful toasty crust. Guests will be delighted with such a treat if you make a dish according to the recipe below. Before you start cooking, you need to buy a number of available products.


  • main fish component - 2 kg;
  • onion - 1 head;
  • carrot - 2 pcs.;
  • mayonnaise - 3 tbsp. l.;
  • lemon - 1 fruit;
  • seasonings, spices.

Cooking method:

  1. The carcass is well rubbed with spices and seasonings, smeared with mayonnaise and marinated for 1 hour.
  2. Onions are cut into half rings, carrots are cut into cubes. Vegetables are fried in a little oil.
  3. Cuts are made on the upper part of the fish, circles of lemon are inserted into them.
  4. Vegetables are evenly laid out on the brazier, carp is on top.
  5. Cook 45 minutes.

cooking secrets

To make baked carp really tasty and fragrant, you should read the advice of experienced chefs:

  1. It is not recommended to bake the fish for more than the time indicated in the recipe, otherwise it will turn out dry and tasteless.
  2. In order for the carcass to acquire a crisp, before rubbing it with spices and seasonings, you need to blot the skin with a paper towel.
  3. As a side dish, potatoes, zucchini, eggplant, tomatoes and so on are ideal.
  4. Larger fish are often baked in pieces, it is better to cook medium-sized carps whole.


Carp is an unusually tasty fish. It can be fried, steamed, but baked carp is especially popular. With this method of cooking, the maximum amount of vitamins and water-soluble proteins is preserved, but at the same time the dish turns out to be incredibly tasty.

Chilled carp is perfect for baking. If there is a frozen semi-finished product, it must first be thawed, and only then proceed to cutting and further cooking.

Oven baked carp recipe


Carp - 1.5 kg

Salt to taste

1 small onion

2 medium sized carrots

Vegetable oil for frying

Greens for decoration

How to cook carp baked in the oven:

  1. Rinse the carp, remove the scales, cut off the fish's head, tail fin, open the abdominal cavity and remove the insides. Rinse the prepared semi-finished product under running water and dry its surface with a paper towel.
  2. The carp carcass should be rubbed with salt on all sides and put in a deep bowl for salting for 15-20 minutes.
  3. While the fish is salting, peel a small onion and 2 carrots. Onions should be finely chopped, and carrots should be grated on a coarse grater. In a heavy-bottomed pan, heat a tablespoon of vegetable oil and fry the vegetables in it for 5 minutes.
  4. Carp should be stuffed with a mixture of fried vegetables, smeared with sour cream, and then wrap the fish in foil and put on a baking sheet. The baking sheet should be placed in an oven preheated to 180 ° C and bake the dish for 40-50 minutes.
  5. 15 minutes before the end of cooking, open the foil and continue cooking. This is necessary so that a golden crust forms on the surface of the fish.
  6. The finished carp should be put on a serving dish and garnished with chopped herbs.
  7. Sour cream sauce can be served separately with fish.



Carp - 1.5 kg

Salt to taste

1 lemon cut into slices

1 small zucchini

How to cook carp "the Sicilian way"

  1. Rinse the carp, make cuts on the back, rub the fish with salt on all sides and put slices of fresh lemon into the cuts.
  2. Put the fish on a baking sheet lined with foil, and put circles of zucchini and tomato on top. Vegetables can also be spread around the carp and cover the baking sheet with foil.
  3. Carp should be baked in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for 40-50 minutes.
  4. In order for the fish to cook faster, you can bake it not whole, but in portioned pieces. In this case, you need to cut the carcass into pieces 2-3 cm thick, salt, sprinkle with lemon juice and wrap each piece in foil, and then put on a baking sheet and place in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for 20-30 minutes.
  5. Pieces of carp should be laid out on portioned plates and served with boiled potatoes, rice or fresh vegetables. As a decoration, you can put slices of fresh lemon on the fish.

In order for the dish to succeed, it is important to buy good fish. Experienced housewives prefer to buy live carp. If this is not possible, freeze-dried fish will do. You need to defrost it immediately before cooking, it is best to leave the carcass in the refrigerator until it thaws on its own. Re-freezing is excluded, the fish will become dry and tasteless.

Fish intended for baking should be elastic, covered with even, shiny scales. The eyes of a good carp are clear, not cloudy, the gills are bright red. A very important point is the slight smell of mud. It is characteristic of river fish and quickly disappears with preliminary soaking or the use of seasonings and herbs.

When preparing, it is important to proceed step by step. The fish must be carefully prepared, completely removing the scales, removing the gills, fins, entrails and films. On the carcass in the back area, make frequent notches with a sharp knife, grinding the sharp spinal bones. After this procedure, the fish can be eaten without the danger of choking.

Carp with herbs baked in foil: tasty and fast

To make the fish juicy and not overdried, it is better to bake it whole.

  • 1 kg carp;
  • 50 g of fresh parsley;
  • 4 cloves of young garlic;
  • 50 g of dill greens;
  • 20 ml of olive oil;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • ground lemon pepper.

Clean the carcass with a sharp knife or a special scraper, dry with a paper towel. Crush the garlic in a press, mix with lemon pepper and coarse salt. Rub the mixture thoroughly on the inside and outside of the fish. Coarsely chop the greens and place inside the carcass, leave 2-3 sprigs for decoration.

Lubricate a sheet of foil with olive oil, lay out the prepared carp. Sprinkle the fish lightly with vegetable oil on top, wrap the foil in an envelope and place the bundle on a baking sheet or in a roasting pan. Place the container with the fish in a preheated oven to 180 degrees. Medium-sized carp should be baked for 40-50 minutes over moderate heat.

In order for the fish to acquire an appetizing ruddy crust, 10 minutes before the readiness, the foil must be unfolded and the roaster put back into the oven. So that the carp does not dry out, it can be watered with the resulting juice. It is better to serve the fish hot, with young boiled potatoes, garnished with sprigs of parsley and dill.

Carp with herbs baked in foil

Carp in sour cream: a simple recipe

River fish goes well with a thick, slightly sour sour cream sauce. Thus, you can cook both a whole carcass and portioned pieces. Suitable sour cream of any density and fat content. The more natural the product, the more delicious the dish will be.

For cooking you will need:

  • 1 kg carp;
  • 1 glass of sour cream;
  • large white onion;
  • coarse sea salt;
  • ground white pepper;
  • juice of 0.5 lemon;
  • 1 st. l. flour;
  • refined vegetable oil.

Clean carp carcass from scales, gut, remove gills and fins. It is convenient to clean large fish from the head, small ones are processed starting from the tail. Rinse the carcass thoroughly with running water and dry with paper towels. To remove the smell of mud, characteristic of large carps, the fish can be sprayed with freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Grate the prepared carcass with coarse salt inside and out. Lubricate a sheet of foil with vegetable oil, place the fish on it and carefully wrap the edges so that delicious juice does not leak out. Place the bundle in a brazier and put in the oven, heated to 200 degrees. After half an hour, the bundle can be unrolled so that the fish is slightly browned. Continue baking for another 10-15 minutes.

While the fish reaches readiness, you need to make sour cream sauce. Peel and finely chop the onion, then brown in a small amount of vegetable oil. When the onion becomes soft and acquires a golden hue, put sour cream and flour into the pan. Lightly salt the sauce, add pepper and stir until the mixture thickens.

Pour the toasted carp carcass with plenty of sauce and put in the oven for 5-7 minutes. Before serving, sprinkle the fish with freshly ground white pepper and garnish with a lemon wedge. As a side dish, you can cook french fries or any baked vegetables. Light white wine goes well with carp in sour cream.

Carp in sour cream

Spicy fish with honey

A savory dish, perfect for a festive dinner. As a side dish, you can serve a green salad or crispy potato croquettes.

For cooking you will need:

  • 1 kg carp;
  • 100 g of liquid honey;
  • 200 g of onions;
  • butter;
  • balsamic vinegar;
  • coriander;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • ground black pepper.

Prepare carp carcass: gut, clean, rinse and dry. Finely chopped onion fry in butter, stirring constantly. Add honey, balsamic vinegar, coriander seeds to a pan with onions. Brush the fish inside and out with the sauce and set it aside to soak.

After half an hour, put the carp on a baking sheet covered with parchment, greased with butter. Put the fish in a preheated oven and bake at 180 degrees for 35-40 minutes. Put the finished carp on a warmed dish, garnish with herbs and lime quarters. Separately, serve small boiled potatoes sprinkled with coarse sea salt.

Carp baked with mushrooms

For this dish, a large carp is suitable, the taste will be more saturated. To beat off the taste of mud, after cleaning and washing the carcass, pour lemon juice diluted with water and leave for half an hour.

For cooking you will need:

  • 1.5 kg carp;
  • 1 kg of white onion;
  • 200 g of champignons;
  • 0.5 lemon;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • ground lemon pepper;
  • parsley.

The filling should be cooked while the carcass is soaked in lemon juice. Cut the onion into thin half rings, mushrooms into slices. Products fry in vegetable oil separately. The onion should brown but not burn. For a more beautiful color, you can add a pinch of granulated sugar to it. Salt mushrooms to taste and mix with finely chopped parsley.

Remove the carcass from the marinade and dry with a napkin, then rub with a mixture of salt and pepper. Inside, layer onion and fried mushrooms with herbs in layers. To prevent the mixture from falling out, fasten the edges of the cut with wooden toothpicks. On the skin of the carp with a sharp knife, make pockets, put thin slices of lemon with peel into them. Place the fish on a baking sheet and pour over freshly squeezed lemon juice.

Bake carp in a preheated oven for 20-30 minutes at a temperature of 200 degrees. After the fish is ready, it must be left warm for 5-7 minutes, and then transferred to a warmed dish and garnished with lemon slices. As a side dish, a green salad with vinaigrette sauce or baked new potatoes is suitable.

Carp with mushrooms

Carp with oranges

Connoisseurs of river fish will love Italian-style carp with oranges. Fruits are best taken juicy, with a rich sweet and sour taste. Spicy Mediterranean notes are given by fresh thyme.

Sweet and sour oranges well set off the fresh taste of fish.

For cooking you will need:

  • 1 medium sized carp;
  • 2 oranges;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • ground black pepper;
  • 2 sprigs of fresh thyme.

Clean the fish with a special scraper or a sharp knife, gut, rinse thoroughly and dry with paper towels. Grate the carcass with coarse salt and ground pepper.

Squeeze juice from 1 orange, cut the second into slices along with the peel. Finely chop the thyme sprig and add to the orange juice. Lubricate the refractory form with oil, lay out the fish, pour over its juice. Place circles of oranges on top in the form of scales.

Put the form in the oven, heated to 200 degrees. Bake the fish for 40 minutes, basting from time to time with the juice that stands out. Carp can be served with potato casserole or steamed green beans. Garnish the dish with fresh thyme and a slice of orange.

Carp baked with nuts

Fish stuffed with nuts and pomegranate seeds has an unusual taste. You can serve it without a side dish, garnishing with lemon slices and fresh herbs.

For cooking you will need:

  • 1 medium sized carp;
  • 0.5 cups of chopped walnut kernels;
  • 1 glass of pomegranate seeds;
  • 2 onions;
  • 0.25 tsp ground cinnamon;
  • 1 st. l. olive oil;
  • salt;
  • 3 cloves;
  • ground red pepper.

Clean the carp, gut, rinse with running water and dry with napkins. Leave the fish, rubbed with salt inside and out, for half an hour.

Peel the onion, chop in a blender along with the fried walnut kernels. Add the pomegranate seeds to the mixture and stir until completely combined. Distribute the pomegranate-nut mass inside the fish. Put the carcass on a foil greased with vegetable oil. It must be carefully wrapped so that the juice does not leak out. Place the fish on a baking sheet and put in the oven, preheated to 180 degrees.

Bake the carp for 20 minutes, then unfold the foil and put the baking sheet back in the oven so that a beautiful crust forms on the fish. Carp should be served hot, accompanied by a glass of white wine.

Carp with nuts

Carp baked with vegetables: tasty and healthy

A very hearty dish, suitable for a family dinner, which does not require an additional side dish. To make the taste more spicy, you can increase the amount of spices.

For cooking you will need:

  • 1 kg carp;
  • 200 g carrots;
  • 100 g of onions;
  • a bunch of dill;
  • 2 cloves of garlic;
  • 0.5 cups of sour cream;
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt;
  • ground white pepper.

Gut the carp carcass, clean, rinse with running water and dry. After rubbing with a mixture of salt and pepper, set the fish aside for 30 minutes.

Salt the sour cream, pepper, mix with chopped garlic and dill. Peel the carrots and grate on a coarse grater. Onion cut into thin half rings. Fry the vegetables over moderate heat with a little vegetable oil, making sure that they do not burn. Add half of the sour cream to the mixture and mix well. Stuff the carp with vegetables, fastening the cut with toothpicks.

Brush the remaining sour cream on both sides of the fish. Lay the carcass on a sheet of foil and carefully wrap it with an envelope. Place the bundle in a brazier and put in the oven, heated to 200 degrees. Bake the fish for 30 minutes. Then carefully unfold the envelope, preventing the juice from flowing out, and put it back in the oven for 5-7 minutes. Decorate the finished dish with herbs and serve on a warmed dish.

Black pepper can be replaced with white or lemon.

Methods for cooking carp in the oven are now just a dime a dozen! But we carefully weighed all the factors and still decided to create recipes for you that people like the most.

We will cook carp with vegetables, in sour cream, in foil and in Arabic. Only four recipes, but everyone can choose their own. For example, in sour cream - this is more for children, because they need tender meat. In foil is a classic that can be suitable for those who are on a diet. Asian carp for those who love spiciness. Well, the option with vegetables is suitable for everyone.

To cook delicious carp and serve it beautifully, you definitely need to know how to choose the right, good quality fish.

In order to avoid mistakes, we decided to write you a whole list of rules by which you will have to choose a fish. This applies to store-bought products as well as products from the market.

  1. First of all, attention should be paid to the color of the fins. They must be red, never grey, green or black;
  2. There should not be any stains or traces of blood on the carcass. If there are two or three spots, this is an acceptable norm. If more than that, the fish is sick;
  3. If you take frozen carp, then look at the texture of the ice. It should be smooth, like frosting. If there are cracks, bumps and other imperfections, the fish was frozen incorrectly;
  4. Perhaps the fish was frozen by the dry method. This means that there should be no traces of ice at all. Essentially, the fish is as fresh but hard as a rock;
  5. When pressing down on the carcass, you should see the dent go away in less than a second. If it takes a few seconds for the surface of the fish, then the fish has been frozen more than once;
  6. Fresh fish can also be quickly identified by the eyes. It is for this reason that many recommend buying a carcass with a head. Let you overpay, but you will be sure of the freshness of the purchased product. So, in fresh fish, the eyes are bulging and clear. In a standing one, they become flat and cloudy;
  7. The scales of fresh fish are smooth and slip a little. But the layer of mucus should be small. Large layer - old fish;
  8. The gills of a carp should in no case be stuck together;
  9. The surface of the carcass should be even in color, without sharp transitions to other shades.

Now that you are almost a master in choosing fresh carp, you can start studying our recipes, namely lists of ingredients, preparation methods.

Carp in sour cream, baked in the oven

Cooking time

calories per 100 grams

This option can play as a full lunch or dinner. And this is only because, in addition to fish, there is also a side dish in the form of potatoes. Which, by the way, can be replaced by any other.

How to cook:

Tip: Mayonnaise can be used instead of sour cream in this recipe.

Fragrant carp in foil

They say that fish baked in foil is not so appetizing when served. Are you afraid that there will be no golden brown? Just open the foil a few minutes before the end of baking.

How much time is 1 hour and 35 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 184 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the carcass of the fish, remove the scales;
  2. Cut off the head, fins, tail and gut the belly;
  3. Rinse the fish again thoroughly;
  4. Dry the fish as well as possible with napkins;
  5. Then carefully rub with spices;
  6. Sprinkle carp with lemon juice and put in the refrigerator to soak;
  7. Combine sour cream with vegetable oil and mayonnaise there, mix well;
  8. Lubricate the fish with sauce on all sides;
  9. Peel the bulbs, remove the roots, wash the heads;
  10. Next, cut them into rings;
  11. Marinate the onion in the rest of the sauce for at least ten minutes;
  12. Preheat the oven to 200 Celsius;
  13. Put the foil in the form, put on it part of the onion, then the carp and then the onion again;
  14. Wrap the fish and put it in a hot cabinet for forty minutes;
  15. Ten minutes before the end of cooking, look at the fish, open it and let it bake with a crust.

Tip: the remaining sauce is only enough for half an onion. If you want to soften the whole onion, then it is better to make a double portion of the sauce.

Delicious carp in the oven on a vegetable pillow

This version of the dish can also be considered as a full-fledged dish. As a side dish, there is a whole mountain of different vegetables and root crops. This is delicious!

How much time - 1 hour and 40 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 74 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Rinse the fish to wash off all excess;
  2. Next, clean it from scales;
  3. Be sure to open the belly and gut it, remove the gills;
  4. Rinse the carp and dry it with dry napkins;
  5. Get rid of the garlic, remove the roots and chop all the cloves in a convenient way;
  6. Mix garlic with mayonnaise, salt and black pepper there to taste;
  7. Dill and parsley rinse, finely chop;
  8. Lubricate the carp with mayonnaise both inside and out;
  9. Stuff it with chopped herbs;
  10. Set the fish aside for thirty minutes;
  11. Remove the husk from the bulb, remove the roots and rinse the head;
  12. Next, cut them into thick rings, disassemble;
  13. Peel the carrot, cut it into thin rings;
  14. Wash the eggplant, cut it into rings;
  15. Rinse the pepper, cut the membranes, cut into large pieces;
  16. Wash the lemon, cut half into half rings;
  17. Heat the pan, pour a little sunflower oil and add onions and carrots;
  18. Simmer them together for two minutes and transfer to a baking dish;
  19. Put the pepper in the same pan, fry it for the same amount of time;
  20. Transfer slices to onions and carrots;
  21. Next, you need to fry the eggplant on both sides and also for two minutes;
  22. Put the eggplants in the form with the rest of the vegetables;
  23. Cut the carp obliquely, insert lemon slices into the openings;
  24. Put the fish on the vegetables, pour over the vegetables with the juice of half a lemon;
  25. Put in the oven, bake for forty minutes at 180 Celsius.

Tip: if you cook vegetables for longer, then in the oven they will turn into porridge.

Spicy carp in foil in Arabic style

If you love spicy or savory food, save this chili recipe right away. There is not much of him here, but the dish immediately changes with his arrival.

How much time - 1 hour and 50 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 85 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the fish, but if necessary, defrost it in advance;
  2. Next, remove the scales, wash the carcasses;
  3. Rip open their belly, gut them;
  4. Make oblique cuts in each carcass;
  5. Squeeze the juice of one lemon into a bowl;
  6. Peel the garlic, squeeze it to the lemon;
  7. There fish spices and 130 ml of water, stir;
  8. Rub the fish with salt and pepper, dip in the garlic marinade and leave for one hour;
  9. Wash the green onion, finely chop it;
  10. Rinse the tomatoes, cut into cubes;
  11. Peel the onion, remove the roots and rinse, chop finely;
  12. Rinse the parsley, finely chop it along with the chili;
  13. Mix the ingredients, add sunflower oil, mix;
  14. Squeeze the juice of half a lemon, add some fish spices;
  15. Stuff the infused fish with the finished mass and put it in a mold or on a baking sheet;
  16. Cut the second half of the lemon into half rings and place them in the cuts;
  17. Pour the fish with the remaining marinade and put in the oven for thirty minutes at 200 Celsius.

Tip: when serving, fish can be beautifully decorated with tomato rings, sprinkled with dry herbs.

When you gut the fish, be very careful not to hit the gallbladder. It is better not to touch it, otherwise it will spoil the fish with its bitter taste. The bile will flow out and be absorbed by the fish very quickly. If this nevertheless happened, then the places where the bile got into should be rubbed with salt and left for a while so that the salt takes everything away.

In order for the fish to form a beautiful, appetizing, ruddy crust, it must be dried as best as possible with dry napkins and only then rubbed with spices and vegetable oils. If the fish is not wiped off, then the water will push everything away and the crust will not form.

If you do not want to stuff the fish, but want it to be rosy inside, then you need to fix everything with toothpicks. By the way, if you have stuffed fish, then it is also better to fix the filling with toothpicks so that nothing leaks / falls out.

For a better fish flavor, use lemon juice or white wine. It is these two products that improve the taste of carp.

What else besides vegetables can you stuff fish with? It can be mushrooms, nuts, citrus fruits or even sweet fruits/berries. Whatever you fill the carcass with - it will turn out insanely delicious!

Carp baked in the oven is very tasty and satisfying. In addition, it is not as high in calories as carp fried in oil in a pan. Therefore, it can be served even for a late dinner. Invite guests, treat relatives, neighbors, friends. It will be delicious for everyone!
