
How to freeze pepper with a film. How to freeze stuffed peppers

It so happened among our people that summer is not only a fun time for holidays, but also a hot time for preparations. Ripe fruits and vegetables want to be preserved in some way until the winter period. Many housewives cook jam in the old fashioned way and close the preservation in jars. But unfortunately, vitamins cannot be completely preserved in this way.

So how to be? Our answer is extremely simple - freezing! It is this method that helps to preserve almost all useful substances. Of course, various fruits, berries and vegetables have their own little freezing secrets and it is better to know them before proceeding directly to action.

That is why today we will tell you how to freeze bell peppers correctly - in strips, slices and whole.

Some are wondering if it is possible to freeze bell peppers? Of course you can, during freezing, both the taste and the beneficial substances of bell pepper are preserved. You have probably seen that frozen bell peppers are also sold in supermarkets. For example, the famous Mexican mixture, which, in addition to pepper, includes green peas, corn and green beans.

Last time we talked about how to cook with meat and rice, the recipe has been tested by many of our readers. This time we will explain and show how to freeze sweet bell peppers for filling, cooking first and second courses.

For freezing vegetables, it is ideal to use a large freezer, which will have many drawers and divide them into vegetables, fruits, meat.

Taste Info Home freezing


  • Sweet bell pepper - any quantity.

Freezer bags.

How to cook the right bell pepper for freezing for the winter in slices, whole and straws

First, let's answer the question: for what purpose will we freeze bell peppers and in what form? Or rather, what we can cook with his participation.

And we will freeze it entirely without filling, for further stuffing. So that later, without any hassle and with great pleasure, make such a dish as stuffed peppers.

At what we can stuff it both in the classical form - minced meat with rice and a mixture of vegetables and rice. It will be equally tasty and satisfy different preferences. After all, someone loves meat, and someone loves vegetables more or does not eat meat at all.

In addition to harvesting a whole pepper, we will also make a blank in pieces, moreover, in two forms. We will cut into cubes and straws.

Bell pepper cubes can be used in stews or winter salads, when preparing vegetable casseroles. They have a particularly attractive appearance if you take peppers of different colors. Sliced ​​straws are perfect for borscht and soups, and you can also cook a great healthy omelette with it.

You can also freeze bell peppers with other vegetables and use for borscht, soups, main courses.

Which bell pepper to choose for freezing

First of all, of course, it must be freshly picked, since with every day of delay the pepper loses its valuable qualities. Therefore, it is best to purchase it in the market where there is always plenty to choose from.

The most delicious sweet bell pepper is, of course, thick-walled! With his participation, any dish will be especially delicious! If possible, take peppers of different colors for freezing: yellow, red, orange, green.

To freeze for further stuffing, you need to take peppers of the same size and best of all not large. And for cutting into pieces suitable for any size.

Preparing Bell Peppers for Freezing

Our first action is to wash the purchased pepper. Then we have to clean it up. We will do this as follows: cut off the hat with a sharp knife as shown in the photo.

Don't throw away hats! We will also put them into action: we will free them from the tails and cut them into pieces.

To freeze into slices, first cut the pepper into halves.

And then grind it into strips.

To cut into squares, divide the pepper into four parts and chop.

How to freeze bell peppers

We place the whole pepper intended for freezing on a flat surface (cutting board) covered with a paper towel and send it to the freezer.

After about 2-3 hours, the bell pepper will freeze enough and we can fold it like a pyramid (inserting one into one). Then we put the "pyramids" in a plastic bag and send it back to the freezer for further storage.

Pour the Bulgarian pepper, cut into pieces or straws, on a flat surface covered with a cotton towel, level it and also cover it with a towel on top. We send it to the freezer.

After a couple of hours, we take it out, pour it into a special bag with a clasp, remove almost all the air and close the bag. We return to the freezer.

Add to frozen meals.

Whole peppers are also stuffed frozen.

That's all! Now you know how to freeze bell peppers - in pieces and whole without stuffing for stuffing.

Store frozen peppers in the freezer for up to 15 months.

Weather conditions in our country do not allow growing fruits and vegetables year-round. In summer, we can eat an unlimited amount of fresh fruits, saturating our body with essential vitamins and minerals, but in winter, most people suffer from a lack of nutrients in the body. Many housewives try to preserve the summer gifts of nature by canning or freezing. It is important to note that frozen fruits and vegetables, such as bell peppers, practically do not lose their vitamin qualities.

Sweet pepper is a storehouse of useful substances: minerals, carotenoids, vitamins, bioflavonoids. Due to its rich taste and multi-colored color (green, yellow, red, orange), it makes dishes colorful, bright, savory and tasty. Frozen bell peppers are an ideal winter preparation that is quickly defrosted and used to prepare garnishes for soups, goulash, pastries or a main dish. We will talk further about whether it is possible to freeze bell peppers and how to do it correctly at home.

How to choose bell pepper for harvesting for the winter

In order for the vegetable to be stored for a long time and not lose its beneficial properties, you need to know which fruits to choose for freezing, for this, use the following recommendations:

  1. The peel of the vegetable should be smooth, without dents, wrinkles, scratches, cracks. Flaws on the fruits indicate improper care or long-term storage in unsuitable conditions for this.
  2. Pay attention to the stalk of the vegetable; in freshly picked sweet peppers, it has a juicy green color.
  3. Spots of white or brown color on pepper indicate a detrimental effect on it. The vitamin content of this fruit is very low.
  4. Fresh, juicy fruits have more weight than stale ones.
  5. The pulp of the fruit should be firm and thick.
  6. Black spots on peppers indicate diseases of the vegetable during growth.
  7. When buying a vegetable in supermarkets, pay attention to how it is packaged, whether there is moisture or drops of water inside the package. These fruits do not like moisture, quickly deteriorate.
  8. The color of bell pepper speaks of its positive properties:
  • Red pepper varieties have the greatest amount of vitamins and carotene. The red vegetable is the sweetest.
  • Yellow varieties - useful for people with problems of the cardiovascular system. This yellow vegetable is good for children, it contains a lot of phosphorus, which contributes to the proper formation of bones.
  • Green - the lowest calorie, it contains vitamin K, which increases blood clotting, improves its composition.

9. For stuffed peppers, pick medium-sized, elongated fruits.

10. For stews, salads and stews, prepare peppers of different colors to saturate the dish with bright sunny colors after.

11. Green pepper is used only for fresh consumption, after heat treatment it starts to taste a little bitter.

12. For harvesting in small pieces, use large-sized fruits, it has thick walls, and after thawing it will completely retain its integrity and vitamin properties.

What utensils do you need

To freeze, prepare the following inventory:

  • If you have removable trays of different depths in your freezer, set aside the middle one for the peppers.
  • If your freezer only has standard built-in shelves, prepare a plastic tray, tray, or flat container that won't freeze to the freezer walls.
  • Line all pepper utensils with a clean cotton cloth.
  • Already completely frozen vegetables are placed in tight bags.

Recipes with photos

Freezing sweet peppers is an alternative to canned vegetables. After all, when freezing, the maximum amount of useful substances is preserved, and the consistency, color, taste of the thawed product are no different from fresh ones. There are several ways to freeze sweet peppers - whole, in pieces, with herbs. We'll talk about them further.

in pieces

An excellent addition to stews and salads in the winter season will be multi-colored frozen pieces of bell pepper. Duration of storage from 4 to 6 months. For cooking we need:

  • Sweet pepper (different colors) - 2-3 kg.
  • Water.

Cooking method.

  1. Choose good ripe fruits without damage. Sort them, rinse in running water, cut the stem with a knife, remove the seeds.
  2. Cut each peppercorn as you like - into halves, quarters, rings, half rings, cubes, straws.
  3. Cover the tray with a clean cotton cloth, put the peeled pieces of vegetable on it.
  4. Place the tray with slices in the freezer for 48 hours.
  5. After the time has elapsed, lay the hardened sweet pepper in tight plastic bags, close tightly. Send to the freezer.

Freezing whole for stuffing

In Soviet times, stuffed peppers were equated with a festive dish, it was cooked on a special occasion. In order to pamper their relatives with delicious, hearty stuffed peppers in winter, they marinated them in three-liter jars. But the amount of pickled vegetable in the jar was often not enough for a huge family, or vice versa, it was in abundance and something else had to be cooked, and the taste of such pepper differs significantly from fresh. We suggest you use the modern, rational way of harvesting a whole pepper for stuffing.


  • small Bulgarian longish pepper - 23 kg;
  • water.

Cooking method number 1:

  1. Wash the fruits, dry them with a paper towel, remove the stalk and seeds.
  2. Put the fruits on a tray previously prepared and covered with a cloth.
  3. Send to the freezer of the refrigerator for 1-2 days.
  4. Then pack portions of the frozen product for compactness and convenience in bags, pack tightly. Put in the freezer.

Cooking method number 2:

  1. This option requires more time to harvest, but the pepper is obtained as fresh. Washed vegetables, cut out the caps with a knife and set aside, remove the seeds.
  2. Put a pot of water on the fire, bring to a boil.
  3. Dip all the peppers in boiling water for half a minute. Thanks to this heat treatment, vegetables will retain all their vitamin properties and will not lose their shape when frozen.
  4. We put the processed peppers into each other and pack them in bags. Add caps to them.
  5. We send everything to the freezer.

Freeze with dill and parsley

Greens will give the pepper a special rich flavor. For harvesting, you need to take only young plucked parsley and dill. To prepare we need:

  • Bulgarian pepper - 2-3 kg;
  • Dill - 150-200 g;
  • Parsley - 150-200 g;
  • Salt - half a teaspoon.

Cooking method:

  1. Leave the well-washed greens to soak for 5-10 minutes in a large bowl of cold water.
  2. Then carefully drain the water and fill it with new water for another 10-15 minutes.
  3. After dill and parsley, pull out from the water, shake. Dry the greens, but make sure that it does not begin to fade, then chop it.
  4. Meanwhile, prepare the pepper. Wash it, remove the seeds, the stalk, cut it the way you want (cubes, straws, etc.).
  5. Separately, lay out a thin layer on a tray of medium depth pepper, on a flat tray - chopped greens. Send for a day in the freezer to freeze.
  6. At the end of the time, take out the trays with vegetables and herbs.
  7. Evenly mix pepper, dill, parsley, pack in bags, pack hermetically.
  8. Freeze until winter.

Semi-finished product from peppers stuffed with meat and rice

In winter, it is nice to pamper your loved ones with summer dishes, but you need to take care of their preparation in advance. , quick and easy to prepare. If you have a freezer at home, use the following recipe for a hearty convenience food. Essential ingredients for a family of three:

  • Sweet pepper - 9-10 pcs.;
  • Minced meat - 500 g;
  • Rice round - 100 g;
  • Onion - 1 pc.;
  • Carrots - 1 pc.;
  • Salt, seasonings - to taste.
  • Vegetable oil.

Cooking method:

  1. In a pre-washed pepper, remove the cap and seeds.
  2. Peel carrots, onions, finely chop, lightly fry in sunflower oil until golden brown.
  3. Boil the rice until half cooked, rinse with cold water.
  4. In a bowl with minced meat, add frying, half-cooked rice, season, salt. Mix everything thoroughly.
  5. Stuff the peppers with stuffing.
  6. Put stuffed vegetables in bags, pack well. Send for storage in the freezer.

Freezing Roasted Sweet Peppers

Frozen baked peppers are delicious. In winter, such vegetables are simply defrosted, poured with vegetable oil, seasoned with garlic, spices and served as a ready-made dish. To prepare we need:

  • Pepper - as required, without proportions;

Cooking method.

  1. Peppers, pre-washed and peeled from seeds and stalks, are laid out on a baking sheet.
  2. We send the vegetables to bake in a preheated oven to 180 degrees, for 30-40 minutes.
  3. Then we put the finished peppers in a saucepan and leave to infuse for half an hour.
  4. After that, we remove the skin from them, put them in plastic containers, hermetically close them with lids. Sent to freeze until winter.


Freezing vegetables is very popular among modern housewives. Unlike preservation, pickling, the vitamin composition of frozen fruits is not destroyed, and the freezing procedure does not take much time, effort, and does not require special knowledge. Anyone can cope with such a task at home, and for a good example, we recommend watching the following video.

And also about that, you can find on our website.

One way to store pepper for the winter is to freezing. Oh, and also about the possibility, read our articles. Moreover, you can freeze not only chopped peppers, but also whole.

He perfectly kept and when folded properly, it doesn't take up much space in the freezer.

You can take a whole pepper out of the freezer and start cooking right away. This perfect option for a prudent hostess. How to freeze peppers for stuffing for the winter?


How to prepare fresh peppers for freezing? After harvesting peppers, careful processing must be carried out.

To freeze pepper for stuffing for the winter, it should be prepare. So:

  • choose whole, healthy fruit. The skin should be even, not affected by diseases or pests;
  • Rinse under warm, running water;
  • dry towel
  • remove the stalk, hat;
  • cut the seeds clear the inside of the pepper.

Where and in what to freeze whole bell peppers? The ideal place to freeze peppers would be separate freezer. The freezer compartment of the refrigerator is also good for this.

However, it is better if the peppers have enough space to be stored freely. In this case, the pepper will not break, but will last through the end of winter.

Frozen bell peppers do not require any special container. For these purposes, ordinary plastic bags or substrates are suitable.

How to freeze bell pepper for stuffing?


At what temperature to freeze? Temperature suitable for freezing pepper for stuffing for the winter is the temperature maintained in the freezer compartments of the refrigerator.

It allows you to quickly freeze peppers and store them all winter, and even longer. The temperature is -18 degrees.


How to freeze whole bell pepper for the winter for stuffing? After preparing the bell pepper, you can proceed directly to freezing. There are several ways.

Method number 1:

  • put prepared peppers one by one on a flat surface;
  • put in the freezer for 10 minutes;
  • pull out, fold into plastic bags or on substrates compactly, close to each other;
  • put again into the freezer.

The first time the pepper is placed in the freezer compartment so that it hardens a little and did not stick together further.

Such a pepper completely ready for stuffing. To prepare a dish, you just need to get it out of the freezer and start cooking.

How to freeze whole fresh peppers for stuffing, you will learn from the video:

Method number 2:

  • put a pot of water on the stove, wait boiling;
  • put pepper into boiling water for 30 seconds;
  • pull out the peppers stack them on top of each other like ice cream waffle cones;
  • place in polyethylene bags or on substrates;
  • to freeze.

Heat treatment is carried out so that the peppers retain all their vitamins for the whole winter.

Instructions for freezing peppers for the winter for stuffing by blanching in this video:

Not worth it overstaff peppers in the freezer. They may break or wrinkle. However, if this happens, bell pepper can be consumed not stuffed, but in any other form.

Shelf life

Freezing for storing bell peppers is a method that allows as long as possible save the harvest.

The shelf life of frozen peppers is 12 months. Thus, for the entire period until the next pepper harvest, you can provide yourself with it using this method.

Freezing bell pepper entirely for subsequent stuffing, it is especially good as a preparation for the winter.

Harvesting pepper for the winter for stuffing

- a favorite and very common dish in many families.

You can cook stuffed peppers in anything - stew on the stove, simmer in the oven or cook. And you can stuff peppers with anything, not just meat stuffing. In fasting, such a dish as stuffed peppers, buckwheat with rice and fried onions is popular. Also, it is very tasty to use squid with rice, eggs with, dried fruits with rice (incredibly tasty and unusual), with cabbage and rice in the pepper filling.

More freezing recipes for the winter:

The site already has a recipe for cooking first courses, sauces, dressings. Now we will learn how to freeze peppers for the winter just for stuffing. So let's get started! Everything is very, very simple, you will see for yourself now.


  • Sweet pepper


  • cutting board

Tips for harvesting peppers for the winter for stuffing

  1. Try to pick up peppers of the same size. Firstly, it is more convenient to freeze it for the winter. Secondly, while cooking stuffed peppers with meat and rice, you will be sure that they will all cook evenly.
  2. It is recommended to freeze seasonal sweets grown in the open field, as imported ones have absolutely no taste and smell.
  3. Choose only meaty peppers, they are better suited for freezing.
  4. Red, yellow and orange bell peppers are sweeter (except for hot ones, of course), green ones are less sweet, with a pleasant bitterness.
  5. Do not re-freeze thawed peppers.

Peppers intended for stuffing, wash and dry.

Cut off the caps from the peppers, carefully remove the seed pods and inner membranes.

Caps can be finely chopped and also frozen for use in other dishes. Or you can freeze the whole caps along with the tails, and during cooking, cover each stuffed pepper for beauty. I don't usually freeze whole hats.

Insert peppers into each other, spread out on a wooden cutting board and send to the freezer. Don't press too hard to avoid breaking the peppers.

In general, there are recipes according to which the pepper must first be blanched for 2-3 minutes in salted water, then dried and frozen. Usually I don't do that. When stewing an already stuffed dish, the allotted time is enough for the dish to be fully cooked. And after blanching, the peppers become well, too soft. This method is more suitable if you are harvesting late-harvest peppers, when their skins become quite tough.

Ready frozen peppers for the winter for stuffing put in freezer bags and put in the freezer for storage.

Harvesting pepper for the winter for stuffing was successful. For cooking, peppers must be carefully removed from each other or completely thawed, which does not affect the taste in any way.

Enjoy your meal!

A detailed recipe with step-by-step photos will tell you how to stuff peppers with meat and rice for further freezing for future use.

How to cook stuffed peppers with meat and rice for freezing

To prepare this blank, we need 2 kilograms of sweet pepper. The first thing to do is rinse the pods well under running water. Then, cut out the stem and carefully remove all seeds and internal veins. We wash the "cups" of peppers again, trying to remove the remaining seeds with a stream of water.

Now, we need to blanch the peppers. This is done to make them softer. Such a pepper can be filled much denser with minced meat and it will not crack.

To blanch, pour water into a large saucepan and bring to a boil. We lower the pods into boiling water, and again we wait for the water to boil. In principle, peppers can then be immediately removed. This time for such processing is quite enough. Throw them in a colander and let cool.

After cooling, the color of the peppers will become slightly less bright, and the pods themselves will become slightly translucent. This difference can be seen even in the photo.

Let's take rice. In principle, you can use any rice, but I prefer to use long grain for stuffing. Rice (150 grams) should be washed in water.

Then lower it into 500 milliliters of boiling water and cook for no more than 5 minutes.

Drain the undercooked rice in a colander and leave to cool. How cooked the grains should be can be seen in the photo.

Onion (300 grams) peeled and cut into large pieces. We twist lean pork (1 kilogram) through a meat grinder along with onions. To the resulting minced meat, add the egg, salt, ground black pepper and half-cooked rice. We mix.

How to Freeze Stuffed Peppers with Meat and Rice

By this time, the sweet pepper pods have cooled down and can now be stuffed. We stuff them with minced meat as tightly as possible and lay them on a flat surface on which the initial freezing will occur.

It is convenient to use a cutting board for this. We place the semi-finished products in the freezer for about a day.

After the minced meat grabs, the stuffed peppers are transferred to bags for further storage and put back in the freezer. They can be stored as in the photo for up to 6 months.

I hope that this step-by-step recipe will help you prepare stuffed peppers for the winter and in your freezer there will always be a delicious and proven semi-finished product for a delicious dish.

At any time you need, further cooking is very simple: you just need to put the frozen stuffed peppers in a pan, cover with vegetables with tomato or just tomato, pour in the broth, and simmer for 1 hour. Bon appetit!
