
How to marinate kebab so that it is soft. Video: Marinade for pork skewers on kefir

Grilled meat is something special. At home, in the oven and even on an air grill, you will never cook such a fragrant, fried shish kebab as on the coals of a fire built on the banks of a river in the nearest forest. And to make the meat soft and tender, marinades were invented in the world.

Marinade is a mixture of spices, vegetable oils and natural products containing acids. The meat aged in the marinade acquires a soft texture and aroma due to the ingredients of the marinade. For pork, beef and lamb, marinades are made rich, while marinades for poultry and fish should be more delicate and tender. The tougher the meat, the longer you need to keep it in the marinade. It is not recommended to put salt in marinades, since the hypertonic solution will simply “suck out” all the juice from the meat, and the kebab will turn out dry. For the same reason, the marinade should not be made too “sour”.

Amateur cooks often experiment with marinades, sometimes adding the most unexpected and even exotic ingredients to them, making marinades sweet, spicy, sour or spicy. Ketchup, vinegar, soy sauce, kiwi, mayonnaise, cognac, coffee, mustard, sparkling mineral water, yogurt, a variety of spices, pomegranate juice, onion, garlic - all this can become the ingredients of your marinade. But the marinade should not be too much. Since the meat will give its juice during the marinating process, the amount of liquid will increase even more - this must be borne in mind.

Do not use aluminum utensils to marinate meat. Usually, the meat is marinated in a large enameled pot and even in a bucket if a large company is going to barbecue. But if such dishes are not at hand, it is quite possible to get by with an ordinary plastic bag, only a whole one.

The duration of marinating depends on several factors: the stiffness of the meat, the time you have before the “X” hour, and also on the availability of the right products in the refrigerator. If time is running out, choose a recipe for a more “vigorous” marinade, and if you add onion to it, do not cut it into rings, as usual, but rub it on a grater. In such a marinade, the meat should be kept literally for 2-3 hours, otherwise it will be bitter.

Fish should not be kept in the marinade for a long time - 45 minutes is enough. Does not require long preparation and poultry meat. You can start frying chicken skewers within half an hour after laying the meat in the marinade.

If you cut the meat into large pieces, it will take longer to marinate it. You need to cut the meat across the fibers so that the pieces do not “shrink” during cooking.

Dishes with meat should be placed in a cool place, preferably in the refrigerator.

Barbecue Marinade Recipes

Traditional marinade consists of vinegar, chopped onion rings, black pepper and salt. It is this marinade that is usually used for store-bought kebabs that no one likes. The disadvantages of this mixture are that the vinegar must be measured with jewelry accuracy, and the holding time should not be delayed, otherwise the meat acquires an unpleasant aftertaste, although, of course, it smells wonderful during cooking. But true barbecue connoisseurs reject vinegar and never add it to marinades. The same, incidentally, applies to mayonnaise.

lemon marinade connoisseurs of rejection does not cause and is great for pork. And all you need to do is add lemon juice of one or two lemons to the marinade instead of vinegar. The remaining ingredients are classic - onions, vegetable (preferably olive) oil, black pepper and peas, bay leaf. As for the proportions, 2-3 onions, four tablespoons of oil and spices to taste will be enough for two kilograms of pork.

coffee marinade generally does not involve the addition of acids to the meat. For the same two kilograms of pork with spices, 4 tbsp. spoons of olive oil and chopped onion rings (4 pcs.) You will need 1 liter of hot, but not boiling coffee. The meat is poured with this coffee, and then it is left to cool at room temperature first, and then marinate in the refrigerator. Soak the meat in this marinade for six hours. Your guests will never guess what gave the kebabs such tenderness and aroma.

Kefir marinade has recently become very popular with lovers of fragrant shish kebabs in the bosom of nature. For its preparation, for two kg of pork, a liter of low-fat kefir, spices and seasonings to taste, and four not too small onions are usually taken. Onions can be cut into rings, or cubes, then mixed with meat and seasonings, and pour the resulting mixture with kefir. The dishes with meat should be shaken well and put in the cold for 4 hours. Kefir marinade is not bad for chicken skewers and beef, but not too tough. A marinade based on yogurt is prepared in a similar way, but not sweet with fruit additives, but ordinary sour milk.

Marinade on mineral water made even easier. For him, one and a half liters of well-carbonated mineral water, herbs, spices, a little salt and 3 onions are taken. Even the oldest beef, after 4 hours spent in this marinade, turns into the most tender fillet. But attention, do not add medical table types of mineral water to the marinade: they have a peculiar taste and smell that they will not hesitate to tell your barbecue.

pomegranate marinade love in the east. For its preparation, two glasses of pomegranate juice, several bunches of greens (cilantro, mint, basil), more ground pepper and one large onion are taken per kilogram of meat. The meat is kept in such a marinade for at least 10 hours, and preferably a day, but, of course, in the refrigerator. For lamb and pork, this marinade is almost perfect.

wine marinade gives the meat a delicate aroma and makes it softer. However, not everyone likes the taste of wine. Nevertheless, for those who want to try pickling meat in wine, it is recommended to take a liter of dry red wine, three medium-sized onions, more black pepper and fresh basil for the same two kilograms of beef or pork. If you use white wine, your marinade will work for turkey as well.

There are hundreds of barbecue marinade recipes. Soy sauce, honey, kvass, beer, tomato juice, mustard, balsamic and apple cider vinegar and anything else are added to marinades. But now that the algorithm for preparing the marinade is clear, you can experiment with any ingredients, creating your own, unique and the best marinade.

Good day everyone!

Today we have a very tasty topic. And it will be dedicated to barbecue. Now it is impossible to imagine outdoor recreation without this delicious dish. At the dacha, in the forest, or just walking in the park, where there are street cafes ... Barbecue, it's everywhere!

In order for a culinary creation to become truly a miracle, it is necessary to adhere to some rules.

First, the meat must be pre-marinated. And, preferably, keep it in the marinade for a day. Then the meat will be tender, well-fried and the barbecue will turn out delicious. In addition, it is better not to use a frozen product, but only a chilled one.

Secondly, when choosing meat, it is better to give preference to pork neck. Today we will talk about pork skewers.

So, be patient. Let's cook the most delicious and juicy pork skewers, and for this we will analyze several methods of pickling. Each recipe will be with illustrations and cooking secrets.


How to marinate pork skewers deliciously so that the meat turns out juicy and soft

Let's get straight to the point, I will offer one of the best ways to marinate pork that I use. And those who want more recipes, and a step-by-step cooking process, then read the entire article.

So. My recipe to make the meat juicy and soft looks like this:


  • Pork neck (namely the neck) - 2 kg.
  • Onion - 10 heads (about the same as meat)
  • Green parsley and dill (a bunch to fit in your hand)
  • Red tomatoes (preferably in season, otherwise unripe tomatoes will not add the desired flavor to the marinade) - 3-5 tomatoes
  • Salt pepper

That's all. Simple recipe!

You need to cut the meat, then the onion as you like - rings or cubes. We cut the tomatoes into cubes, and parsley with dill. Do not overdo it with parsley, otherwise it can be very cloying! And so, parsley is one of the secret ingredients.

Move everything (meat, tomatoes, parsley, dill).

Bonus! Delicious Pickled Onions in a Hurry

As a bonus to the recipe, I decided to write my recipe for pickling onions. Great for a snack.


  • Small onion rings - 1 pc.
  • Vinegar (table 9% or vinegar essence 70% - 2 tsp) - 4 tbsp. l.
  • Sugar - 2 teaspoons
  • Salt (without a slide) - 0.5 teaspoon
  • Water (boiled chilled) - 1 stack (250 ml.).
  • Dill (to taste)

Easy way:

I add vinegar to the water so that there is a taste of vinegar in the water on the tongue. Not very overbearing. And then, when the water under the vinegar is made, I add all the other ingredients: sugar, salt and dill. At the end, I cut the onion into small rings so that I can marinate quickly in 10-15 minutes. And I put it in the fridge. I recommend!

The second way to pickle onions

Serve with fresh flatbread.

The cooking process consists of three stages:

– choice of meat and marinating it

– preparation of the brazier (breeding of coals)

- frying meat

The marinade can be different, like from vinegar (you can add red wines or sour juices), salt and spices ... And other, no less refined recipes. We will analyze a few of them.

The main thing for us is that the meat turns out to be soft, and when we eat it, it does not just melt in the mouth, but transfers all the juice through the taste buds, and each chewing with the “jaw” makes the facial expression satisfied, from this amazing soft and juicy meat.

Step 1. Choose meat

From the chosen meat, it depends on how kebab will be edible, tasty and low-fat.

As mentioned earlier, it is best to take chilled, not frozen. Chilled pork is more elastic, while frozen pork is loose and releases meat juice.

Young pork gives a more tender taste and is much softer. You can determine the age by the color of the meat, the darker it is, the older. In addition, you can check the freshness of the meat by pressing it with your finger. If the dent has leveled off quickly enough, the product is fresh. You can take!

Also, we choose meat with small streaks of fat, which should be light yellow and not hang down in pieces. If the fat is dark yellow, then the animal was old.

In addition, it is preferable to take meat in a whole piece and its parts such as loin, shoulder, neck or ham - you need to understand what exactly you are taking. Since, if you take the back ham, then no matter how hard you try, but do not expect juiciness. Might be able to make it softer. But the taste is incomparable, in comparison with the front part - namely the neck, or the front ham near the neck.

How do these parts of meat differ from each other?

It is the neck that is most often used in barbecue. If you use a moderately fatty piece, then the kebab will turn out soft and tender.

The ham is much drier than the neck, and the shoulder blade is tough. Therefore, using these parts for barbecue, they must be well marinated. And believe me, you need to try!

The loin is practically the fattest part of the pig. This must be taken into account for those who do not like too fatty meat.

Pork is good in that you can cook a good and tasty barbecue from many of its parts. The only difference is how long to marinate each part of the pork carcass. But if you are not a big professional in pickling, then choose the neck.

Step 2. Prepare the pieces. What should be the pieces of meat so that the kebab does not turn out dry?

Meat is selected. Now you need to cut it properly. Many may say: -what is difficult, take it and cut it". However, a lot depends on properly cut pieces. For example, the degree of their impregnation with marinade, sticking on skewers, and roasting.

It is better to cut the meat into medium pieces. These can be identical squares, 3-5 cm wide, or cubes 4x4x4 centimeters. If you cut the meat very finely, then it will be dry, and if large, then in the middle it may not be fried. In general, one medium-sized skewer should ideally fit six pieces.

The shape of the meat should be cone-shaped, but square is also fine. With this form, it is convenient to put the meat on the skewer, piercing it from corner to corner diagonally.

Cut into pieces, it is necessary across the fibers. If cut along the grain, it will shrink during frying and chew badly. Accordingly, during the cutting of meat, it is necessary to clean it of tendons and fat. In order to see how the fibers go, it is necessary to freeze the meat, and then carefully examine it. The fibers will look like white threads. We cut them across. However, they can also be seen on thawed meat. After all, little white streaks can be seen immediately. Especially if the neck is fat.
Even look at the image (photo below), there is a medium piece of meat in the pan, on which the fibers are clearly visible.

As for the knife, in order for the meat to be cut easily, it must be very sharp. I pre-sharpen the knife on a bar. I try to do sharpening every time when it comes to cutting meat.

Try to immediately choose the perfect piece of meat for barbecue in the market.

Better, once again walk around and see who sells what. And even better - take it in one place in the market, always from one saleswoman, that the source was verified, and you were confident in the product.

Here are the pieces you should get:

Step 3. Prepare the necessary ingredients

The meat is prepared, cut as needed. The next step is to prepare the marinade. The most interesting begins.

The taste of the finished dish depends on what the marinade will be.

Also, much depends on the choice of dishes. Moreover, soaking meat in brine will take a long time. The best utensils for marinade are glass, clay or enamel, but it is better not to use an aluminum or iron pan. Otherwise, it may oxidize, and its taste will deteriorate.

The tree, especially not processed, releases tannins, which can also change the taste of the barbecue.

As for the fat content of the marinade, when preparing it for pork, it is better not to use mayonnaise and vegetable oil. Because pork itself is fatty. And if the marinade is also fatty, then the kebab can be difficult for the stomach.

Moreover, many use it for alcohol. And this loads not only the stomach, but also the liver. On the contrary, it is important that the meat neutralizes alcohol, and is easy to digest.

Onions in large quantities will not spoil the meat. Don't be afraid with this moment.

Top 6 delicious marinades to make the meat soft and juicy

On the Internet, you can find hundreds of a wide variety of marinade recipes. You just need to decide which one you like and take it for cooking.

It is believed that it is best to marinate meat in onion juice. To do this, the onion is cut or grated, and meat pieces can be soaked in it. As a result, the barbecue will turn out very tender and juicy. This method begins still classic, in its own juice.

In this article, we will consider several of these recipes, from the most common to the original in their composition.

Below are the recipes for the most fastidious readers and gourmets:

Barbecue with vinegar. What are the advantages and disadvantages of vinegar marinade

Marinating in vinegar is considered a classic. However, some kebab lovers do not advise using vinegar, as it tightens the fibers and the meat becomes dry from this.

But, if you need vinegar, then here is the recipe for a classic vinegar marinade. Keep the meat in it for at least 12 hours.

For 1.5 kg of meat, we need 4 tablespoons of 9% table vinegar, 150 g of water, a teaspoon of sugar, 3 onions, add spices to taste.

  • Vinegar is diluted with water in a ratio of 2: 1, add sugar.
  • Cut the onion into rings, lay the meat with them and pour in the diluted vinegar.
  • You can also grate the onion and also pour it into the marinade.
  • Add spices to taste.

Everything is mixed and left for 12 hours.

If the meat is chosen to be tough enough, the vinegar will help correct this by softening it. However, at the same time, it also dries it out, therefore, it is not recommended to marinate soft meat in vinegar.

How to marinate pork skewers in mayonnaise with onions

Another popular marinade ingredient is mayonnaise. In general, mayonnaise is so popular that it is difficult to imagine a dish where it would not be used. Despite what was said above for mayonnaise - many use it, it is worth mentioning the method of pickling in mayonnaise, as one of the simplest and fastest.

For a kilogram of pork, we need 250 ml of mayonnaise, 3-4 onions, salt and spices to taste.

We start by salting the meat pieces, pepper and leave for 10-15 minutes. Then add mayonnaise and mix.

Mayonnaise should not be much so that the meat does not float in it, but covers the pieces in an even layer.

If you need spiciness, then before pouring mayonnaise into meat, it is mixed with mustard.

Please note that mustard is also used if you want to speed up the marinating process and make the meat tender.

For example, the case when they took a ham instead of a neck. And to soften it, you can pre-lubricate with mustard, and then after 1-2 hours - make a marinade of mayonnaise with onions.

I use this method when I buy a fresh pork neck, and after 2 hours guests arrive. To speed up the pickling process, I lubricate with mustard, and then choose the appropriate marinade.

Note! Many will use kiwifruit to soften hard pieces.

Recipe in own juice + correct proportions of lemon and onion

The onion and lemon marinade adds a delicate flavor and it also becomes soft. For such a marinade, it is better to use meat from the neck, as in most cases, if you want to get juicy pieces on a skewer as a result.

Here the process takes about 9 hours.

For a pound of pork neck, we need 2-3 lemons, one medium-sized onion, salt, garlic and seasonings to taste.

  • Squeeze juice from lemons.
  • Grind the onion and also squeeze the juice out of it, which we mix with lemon.
  • Grind the garlic, mix it with seasonings and salt, and add to the lemon-onion juice.
  • We put the finished pieces of meat in the marinade, close the lid with a smaller diameter than the dishes and put a load on top (for example, a jar of water).

In this state, the meat is aged for up to 9 hours, after which it is squeezed out and you can start frying.

If you want to experiment with lemon-onion marinade by adding various experiments to it, then the following options can be suggested.

- lemon-onion with mayonnaise

- lemon-onion spicy

Additional Ingredients:

  • 100 ml dry wine
  • 50 ml sour cream and the same amount of soy sauce,
  • a spoonful of sugar and a spoonful of honey.

Also, you can add grated pineapple, or cognac, kefir, mineral water to lemon-onion juice.

Marinade with soy sauce for pork. Marinade recipe:

Soy sauce lovers can use this product. Here, as in other recipes, there are many options.

The simplest recipe includes: for 1 kg of pork - 100 ml of sauce, pepper and spices to taste.

Since soy sauce is quite salty, it is better not to add salt so as not to oversalt.

Add pepper and spices to taste in soy sauce, put chopped pieces of meat and let stand for 2-3 hours. After that, you can start frying.

An interesting marinade recipe using honey (I recommend using it for chicken, fillets or wings are rich and tasty. And marinating takes no more than 3 hours)

For 1 kg of pork you will need 1 medium onion, a few cloves of garlic, 6 tbsp. l. soy sauce, 3 tbsp. l. honey, pepper and spices to taste.

Marinade on mineral water

One of the original ingredients is mineral water. It gives the meat an original taste. If you decide to use it, then at the beginning, you need to salt the meat, add spices and chopped onion rings. All this takes about 30 minutes. At this time, prepare the marinade itself.

For 2 kg of meat, we need 0.5 liters of mineral water, 3 medium-sized onions, 50 grams of dried tomatoes, 250 ml of mayonnaise, salt and seasonings.

Pour mineral water into a cup, add spices, dried tomatoes and leave for an hour.

Is it true that barbecue in a jar is tastier than on the grill?

If during frying it suddenly started to rain, or if you are in an apartment, then it turns out that you can do without a barbecue. You will say that this is unusual, take a frying pan and fry on it. However, meat in a frying pan is still not barbecue.

And in order to cook it on skewers, resourceful kebabs came up with a way to fry meat in a jar.

I confess, I did not know about this method before. But with each season, he is gaining more and more popularity among the Russians.

The method is quite simple! We string the pieces on skewers, put them in a jar and bake in the oven. The main thing is that the skewers fit in the jar. You can use bamboo skewers for this.

We put the remaining onion at the bottom of the jar and lower 4-5 skewers into each jar (if you have a lot of them) and cover with foil on top. We put the jar in a cold oven (otherwise the jar may burst), turn on the heat and bake for about an hour. At the end of the time, turn off the oven, but do not take out the jars, but leave to cool a little for about five minutes.

Someone, skeptically, will say that such a recipe has nothing to do with barbecue, but those who have tried it speak of it with enthusiasm. Of course, each case has its pros and cons.

Some people like it with smoke, in the fresh air, while others will be satisfied with the home version in the bank. Each of these methods is good in its own way. And it seems to me that there is no point in arguing which is better.

How to fry pork skewers on the grill?

Fine. The meat was marinated, and now, you can proceed to the cooking process itself ...

First of all, you need to prepare the grill. It can be metal, or made of bricks, or a whole kitchen complex: barbecue, barbecue and oven.

As firewood, it is better to use deciduous trees. Plum, apple or apricot will work well. Now ready-made coals are sold in stores. This greatly simplifies the process of preparing the barbecue, since the logs turn into coals for a long time. Therefore, it is enough to kindle a small fire in the barbecue, and only then add the purchased coals to it, wait until they heat up enough, and only then start frying.

How to determine the readiness of the barbecue? Bring your palm to the coals at a level of 5 cm from the upper edge of the sides of the barbecue, if the palm cannot withstand the heat, then you can start cooking.

The coals should not burn, but only have a red color. If they go out, use a sheet of cardboard, waving it over the barbecue.

Putting pieces on skewers, make them tightly to each other. The skewers themselves on the grill are laid out just as tightly, but so that they can be rotated freely.

Do not turn the skewers too often. Otherwise, the meat will be dry, and the juiciness that we want to get in the framework of today's article will not work.

Do not allow flames to appear.

If, during cooking, the juice secreted from the meat drips into the coals, sprinkle the skewers with marinade.

The meat is fried for at least 20 minutes, but not more than 40 minutes until a golden crust appears. To check readiness, you need to cut the largest piece. If the secreted juice is transparent, then the kebab is ready, and if it is red, then you still need to hold it on the coals. And if very little or no juice is released at all, then the kebab is overcooked. We can say that the party is spoiled.

Shish kebab in a pan - fast and tasty!

Classic barbecue, of course, is done on the grill, no one will argue with that. However, there are situations when it is not possible to make this dish on the grill. For example, it is winter outside the window, and you are “horror” as you want kebabs. Then you can take a frying pan and fry the meat on it.

We will use all stages of cooking, from cutting the meat into cubes, and ending with marinating it in any marinade of your choice.

It is better to use a cast iron skillet.

  • We heat up on fire.
  • Put the meat in one layer and fry for 1-2 minutes, then turn over and fry on the other side.
  • Fry until golden brown.
  • Then, pour 100 ml of water, close the lid, and simmer in this way for 10-15 minutes.

During this time, the water is completely evaporated and the meat is already fried in its own juice.

We open the lid, turn the meat over from all sides and see that it has acquired the color of a mangal kebab. Remove the pan and serve the finished dish to the table.

How to cook barbecue in an electric barbecue

The electric barbecue is convenient for apartment residents. Does not take up much space, no need to make a fire. Some benefits. And the most interesting thing is that the result is worthy!

The meat is cooked and marinated in the same way as for a regular barbecue.

The only difference is that the skewers are placed horizontally on the grill, and vertically in the electric grill. Therefore, it is necessary to string pieces of meat in several places so that they do not slide down.

Having installed the skewers, cover the device with a cap and turn it on.

Due to the fact that there is a scroll around its axis, the meat is fried evenly.

Cooking time is 20-30 minutes.

It is important to control the process.

In the meantime, you can pour some foamy, and spend time with a friend in the kitchen, in the aroma of a haze, like in nature.

Shish kebab in the oven on skewers or a baking sheet

Cooking in the oven was discussed earlier. It was a kebab recipe in a jar. Let's look at another "oven" option - on skewers and a baking sheet.

We will use the following recipe.

For 1 kg of pork you will need 200 grams of lard, 2 pcs. onions, 3-5 tbsp. table vinegar, 3-4 pcs. bay leaf and salt and pepper to taste.

  • Cut the pork into cubes 3-5 cm,
  • Onion rings and put everything in a marinating dish.

  • Add lavrushka, pepper
  • Pour vinegar (you can use any other sauce instead: kefir, mayonnaise, ketchup).
  • We cover everything with plastic wrap and put in the refrigerator for 8 hours.

After the time has elapsed, soak wooden skewers in water for 30 minutes, and alternately string a piece of meat, an onion ring, a slice of lard.

It should look something like this...

After that, lay the skewers on a baking sheet or wire rack.

Here is the result:

Preheat the oven to 250°C and roast for 20-25 minutes. Every 5-7 minutes it is necessary to turn the meat over and pour over the brine from the remaining marinade.

The dish is ready, you can serve it with fresh vegetables, pita bread and herbs.

And what method of marinating do you choose to make the meat soft and juicy?

In this article, we reviewed the most popular and interesting recipes. We hope you found it useful.

Your opinion matters!

Another interesting marinade option that I will definitely try in the near future is beer marinade. If you have already used it, then give advice or recommendations please ...

And that's all for today. I wish you good luck and bon appetit!

Share your experience too. Comments and suggestions please below...

Meat cooked over smoldering coals is a self-sufficient dish. But I know how to make it better! I offer you as many as five almost perfect solutions on how to marinate pork skewers so that the meat is juicy, soft and fragrant. Why "almost"? Because usually the chef rarely manages to "snatch" a piece from the meat masterpiece he created with a delicate smoky aroma. While he is putting out the brazier, the shish kebab splendor has long been laid out on plates or even actively involved in the digestion process. But even here there is a wonderful way out - to entrust the preparation of juicy shish kebab to someone else. But be sure to write down the pork marinade recipes, they will come in handy repeatedly.

How to marinate pork skewers with onions and spices

The more onions, the juicier and tastier the pork kebab will be. I will tell you how to marinate meat in two ways - regular and fast. Both options are simple and win-win.


How to marinate barbecue in onions:

You probably already know how to choose meat for barbecue, but let me remind you again. To make the dish juicy and tender, it is better to choose moderately fatty pork - neck, shoulder blade or ham. The cut may be dry. But if you are going to grill it on the coals, just thread a small slice of lard on skewers between pieces of meat. Before marinating pork, wash it thoroughly and dry it from moisture with paper towels, for example. Cut into small pieces so that it is convenient to string them on skewers, and then eat. Go for double the size of a matchbox, but I usually cut a little smaller.

Prepare the marinade. The secret of this recipe is in a large amount of onions. Don't be afraid to go overboard with this ingredient. If you plan to cook the dish in a day and a half, cut the onion into rings of medium thickness. Or half rings when the bulbs are large. But if you are going to a picnic in a few hours, it is better to grate the onion. The procedure, of course, is "tearful", but your sacrifices will not be in vain. One of my friends puts on a diving mask while rubbing onions so as not to cry. It's funny to watch such eccentricity. But, according to her, this is a 100 percent way to protect against vain female tears. I suggest you just be patient. Or use a blender to grind the onion. Transfer the onion rings or puree to a bowl.

Prepare the second part of the fragrant marinade. I had a ready-made spice mixture for barbecue. It includes black pepper, coriander, basil, thyme, sweet paprika, cumin. You do not have a ready-made bouquet of spices? Take about half a teaspoon of each of the listed aromatic herbs. Or you can use another seasoning of your choice. Add spices to vegetable oil. I used olive oil, but sunflower will also work. Don't add salt yet, it can make the dish tough.

Mix thoroughly.

Pour the aromatic oil into a bowl. Spread it with your hands over the ingredients. Cover with a lid or tighten with food grade polyethylene. And put it in a cold place. Marinating time for the express method is 2-3 hours. If you cut the onion into rings, keep the meat in the refrigerator for about a day. Or at least 10-12 hours.

Thread pork onto skewers, alternating with onion rings. If you cooked according to an express recipe, just brush the kebab on top with the rest of the marinade.

Cook over coals. Flip over from time to time. It is better to salt a ready-made kebab. Or you can sprinkle with salt during cooking (already fried side). To prevent the dish from burning, periodically sprinkle the pork pieces with the liquid remaining after marinating, clean water or beer. Check for readiness with a knife. If completely transparent juice, without blood admixture, stands out from the incision, the dish is ready.

Kiwi for a delicious tough meat kebab

This "magic" marinade makes even the toughest meat soft and juicy. It can be used to barbecue or roast pork, beef or lamb in the oven.

What products will be required:

  • pork - 1 kg;
  • kiwi (small size) - 1 pc.;
  • onions - 2-3 medium onions;
  • garlic - 3 cloves;
  • salt - 1-1.5 tsp (taste);
  • a mixture of peppers (ground) - 1-2 tsp.

Detailed marinade recipe:

  1. Peel a few small onions. Wash thoroughly. And then cut into rings or half rings about 1-1.5 cm thick.
  2. Chop the peeled garlic into thin slices. If fresh is not available, replace it with dry seasoning. It will take about 1 tsp.
  3. Remove the skin from the kiwi with a knife. Wash. Grind into a pulp with a blender. Or just finely rub.
  4. Prepare the main ingredient. Wash it thoroughly. Remove veins and films (if any). Pat dry with paper towels. Cut into portions for grilling or skewers. Then place in a suitable glass or enamel deep bowl.
  5. Add chopped onion, garlic, kiwi puree to pork. Also add a little ground mixture of peppers or other spices to taste. Stir. Cover the bowl. Marinate meat in a cold place from 30-40 minutes (pork neck, tenderloin) to 2 hours (ham, shoulder) depending on its rigidity. This is an express pickling method. Pork should not be left in a mixture of kiwi and spices overnight or for a day. This is the case when the best is the enemy of the good. Overcooked pieces of meat will turn into gruel.
  6. Salt before cooking. Put the meat slices on skewers or grill the way you like. This is how I barbecued last weekend. The meat was juicy and appetizing. And even my husband ate such pork with pleasure, although he loves lamb more.

Beer based marinade

Just don't tell the men what you're going to marinate the kebab in. In 99 cases out of 100, the reaction of "beer club members" is easy to predict. They will never allow such a "barbaric" way to deal with their favorite drink. But most of them will easily come to terms with the fact that their beer norm has decreased by exactly 1 liter when they try the juicy and fragrant kebab prepared according to this recipe. The pork will be soft, melt in your mouth, and have a pleasant aftertaste.

What will we cook from:

  • boneless pork - 2 kg;
  • beer (light) - 1 l;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs.;
  • seasonings for barbecue - 2 tsp;
  • salt - 2 tsp (taste).

Step-by-step instructions for cooking shish kebab in beer:

  1. Best of all in the "company" with this marinade will "feel" the neck, loin or ham. Wash the meat. Blot off excess moisture. Remove all films and hanging fat. And cut the pork pulp into slices suitable for the chosen cooking method. We will marinate in a deep container. Plastic (even food grade) is best left aside. Because it will be difficult to wash it later. I advise you to choose glass, ceramics or metal (necessarily with enamel). Place the pork pieces in a bowl.
  2. Top with beer.
  3. There, in a bowl, put a few bay leaves and a couple of teaspoons of spices. You can use ready-made seasoning. They usually include a ground mixture of peppers, coriander, basil, thyme, cumin, paprika. You can also add some garlic.
  4. Mix with your hands. Place a flat plate on top of the future barbecue. And put oppression on it. For example, a three-liter jar of water. Send the pork to marinate in a cold place for 4-5 hours. And then start frying juicy and tasty meat. Don't forget to add salt as no salt was added to the marinade. By the way, you can cook a kebab marinated in this way both in a frying pan and in the oven. It turns out great!

How to marinate barbecue in mineral water

It is not clear whether the bubbles contained in the mineral water, or the very presence of water in the marinade makes the meat so soft and juicy. But the fact remains - pork kebab marinated in this way will always be incomparable and softest. It is better to marinate it in the evening, so that during the night the meat has time to infuse well and absorb water mixed with spices.

List of required products:

  • meat (pork) - 1 kg;
  • onions - 2 pcs.;
  • coriander seeds (cilantro) - 1 tsp;
  • ground black pepper - 1 tsp. (maybe more, to taste);
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • ground paprika - 1 tsp;
  • mineral water (highly carbonated) - 0.5 l.

How to cook pork skewers on a mineral water:

  1. Cut well-washed meat into fairly large pieces. But keep in mind, the larger the cut, the longer the kebab will be fried. Fold it into a spacious deep bowl or bucket.
  2. Clean the onion. And chop medium-thick rings, half rings or quarters of rings.
  3. Transfer to meat. Pour all dry spices there - coriander grains, paprika, black pepper. You can adjust their quantity to your liking. Also add salt immediately. Mineral water will not let the meat become tough, even if you salt it right away. Mix with your hands. I even advise you to mash the ingredients a little so that the juice stands out from the onion.
  4. Pour in mineral water. It should completely cover the meat. Any mineral left? Save it for drizzling pork while grilling. Well, for emergency extinguishing of coals, if they suddenly ignite. Cover container tightly. And send it to the refrigerator for 8-12 hours.
  5. Cook the kebab in the traditional way, pouring the rest of the marinade and mineral water in the process.

Marinating pork for barbecue in wine

Wine gives the meat juiciness, softness, appetizing intense color, unique aroma and subtle tart taste. Such a barbecue is a temptation even for an avid vegetarian. It is better to marinate in wine the neck part of the carcass or ribs.

List of required:

  • pork - 1 kg;
  • red wine (dry) - 250-300 ml;
  • onions - 4-6 pcs.;
  • ground mixture of peppers - 1 tsp;
  • salt - 1 tsp (taste).


  1. Rinse the piece of meat under running water. Try to wash away all bone fragments and small debris. Remove films and veins. Cut the pork first into strips 5-6 cm wide. And then divide into rectangles. Place in a deep bowl.
  2. Peel and wash the onion. Divide in half. Grate one half. Or grind with a blender into gruel. And the rest - cut into thick rings.
  3. Add the chopped onion to the meat. Put salt and ground black pepper there. Stir to distribute the spices evenly over the pork pieces.
  4. Slowly pour in dry red wine. At the same time, massage the meat, as it were, so that the marinade is better absorbed into the fibers.
  5. After pouring all the liquid, put the onion rings on top. This onion is needed for frying barbecue. Therefore, it is important that it is not completely immersed in the marinade. Otherwise it will soften.
  6. Marinate at room temperature for 3-4 hours. Alternatively, keep the bowl in the kitchen for 60 minutes and then refrigerate for another 6-12 hours.
  7. Thread onto skewers, alternating meat with onions. Cook over coals. The dish turns out extremely juicy!

Happy barbecue season with smoke!

Hi all. Spring has come and the weather has become noticeably warmer. I live in Central Asia and we can say that at the moment it is very warm and even hot. So, in light of this, my friends and I recently went out into nature - on vacation. It was a very hot day - the thermometer in the afternoon showed a little more than 30 degrees Celsius. It is still too early to swim, as the water is still not warming up well, but for a good outdoor recreation, now is the best time for us.

In general, we left the city, away from the hustle and bustle of the city. The question of what to cook with us, of course, was decided immediately. What would a holiday be without barbecue? On that, they decided that the main dish would be pork skewers. The rest did not bother either. We took with us vegetables for salads and okroshka, a variety of drinks, light snacks we grabbed from home, already ready.

We marinated the barbecue meat the day before. In my opinion, this is convenient from several sides: everything is at hand at home and it is more convenient to marinate shish kebab in the kitchen - firstly. Secondly, the meat is marinated much better and, therefore, the kebab is tastier and juicier. The third plus is that upon arrival at the place of rest, you will have other chores: for example, you will need to decompose, collect and chop firewood, and prepare salads.

How to marinate pork so that the kebab is soft and juicy

Surely everyone at least once in his life tried to cook this dish. Some people get it right the first time, while others don't. It all depends on what recipe you are cooking and who is cooking.

Let me start by saying that cooking barbecue is a man's job. In no way do I want to offend women, but still I think that most will agree with me. To be honest, I have never seen a woman at the barbecue. After all, you must admit that preparing firewood and lighting a fire is by no means a female occupation. Yes, and the process of frying, too. Ladies, no offense!

So, the entire cooking procedure can be conditionally divided into several stages: marinating, preparing the barbecue and frying. However, these three stages are also divided into several steps:

  1. For pickling, you need to choose and cut the meat correctly, prepare all the necessary ingredients and marinate the meat in the correct sequence.
  2. Preparing the brazier is the choice of fuel (firewood) and, accordingly, the brazier itself.
  3. Grilling a barbecue is one of the most important steps with a lot of subtleties and nuances that must be taken into account.

How to choose meat for barbecue

To cook a barbecue, the first thing you need to buy meat. And to make it tasty and juicy, you need to purchase the right meat, no matter what you cook it from: whether it be pork, beef, chicken, lamb or fish. The main thing is to initially take the choice of products very responsibly.

I do not think that you will get a tasty dish from an old piece of meat stale on the counter. And this is regardless of how you marinate it. The maximum that can work out is the “Friendship” barbecue - chew it and tell it to your neighbor. Of course, you can add kiwi or something else containing acid to the marinade, which will simply make the meat look like a chewed rag. Believe me, this is not entirely correct.

To prevent this from happening, it is advisable to take only fresh (not frozen) meat - this is the first. For pork skewers, the ideal option would be to buy a pork neck, but with the right approach, it will also turn out very well from other parts - this is the second.

As for the quantity, you can easily calculate it from a simple formula: 0.6 kg is enough for 1 adult man, 0.5 kg for a woman, 0.3 kg for a child. If you plan to go on a picnic, as we did, then take a little more. After all, everyone knows that in the fresh air the appetite is played out in earnest. Adhere to the principle - it is better to let it remain than not enough.

What pieces to cut the meat so that the kebab is not dry

Now let's figure out how to properly cut pork. Too small pieces will turn out dry, like crackers. If you cut it too large, it will turn out that by the time the meat is charred on the outside, it will still be raw inside. A lot also depends on the fire, but we will talk about this a little later.

So, the most suitable size will be about 5 by 5 cm. It is not necessary to measure with a ruler. Estimate by eye and try to cut into equal pieces along the fibers. Thus, the kebab will be fried evenly. We figured out the meat, we move on.

What ingredients to use and in what order to add them to the marinade

There is no clear set of ingredients for cooking barbecue. It all depends on personal preference. Meat for this dish is marinated on everything: it’s kefir, and tomatoes, marinated in soy sauces, vinegar, fruits and juices, pomegranates, mineral water, wine and beer, they add a wide variety of spices, onions and even mustard.

You can try everything and choose the best for yourself. I have tried different marinades. And you know what I can say? All of them are good in their own way. The main thing is not to overdo it with the selected spices and everything will be “good”.

and a recipe to boot. I recommend reading.
As for when to add the ingredients and in what order, everyone has their own opinion on this matter. Personally, I do this:

  1. First, I add coarsely chopped onions to the chopped meat, carefully squeezing the juice out of it with my hands.
  2. Salt comes next.
  3. Then peppers - paprika and black ground
  4. Spices to taste - what you like (I try not to add)
  5. Further bay leaf and sunflower oil

This sequence is for the simplest recipe, but it can also be a little different, depending on what you are going to marinate the future kebab on. So let's now look at several options for preparing this favorite dish of all.

How to cook delicious pork skewers. Top 7 barbecue marinade recipes to keep the meat soft and juicy

What is the secret of a delicious, soft and juicy kebab? The answer is simple - in fresh meat, the right marinade and good frying. We dealt with meat above. Now let's look at 7 recipes for a good marinade to get a dish that you will want to cook again and again.

Shish kebab in vinegar marinade. How to cook vinegar marinade

Vinegar marinade is the most common, but everyone makes it differently. This is the simplest, one might say classic, recipe of all that I know and about which I have read and heard. There is nothing superfluous here. Everything is pretty simple and easy. It turns out very tasty. Try it and I think you will like it too.

What do you need:

  • Pork neck - 5 kg.
  • Diluted vinegar 9% (per 100 grams of vinegar 200 grams of water)
  • Bay leaf
  • Black pepper (peas)


That's it, it's simple and easy. No wonder they say: "Everything ingenious is simple!". Cook and enjoy.

How to cook barbecue in your own juice with lemon

A good marinade recipe with lemon. The shish kebab turns out to be very tasty, with a pleasant aroma and a special note in taste that the lemon gives.


  • Meat - 2 kg.
  • Onion - 1.2 kg.
  • Lemon - 2 pcs.
  • Pepper

How to cook:

  1. Cut the meat into pieces.
  2. Cut the onion into half rings.
  3. Next up is the lemon. Dip it in boiling water and cut into small pieces.
  4. Let's start marinating. We put the meat in a deep bowl in layers, then pepper, salt, put the onion and lemon, squeezing the juice out of the last two a little.
  5. Repeat step 4 with all remaining meat.
  6. Squeeze well with your hands so that the lemon and onion give juice.
  7. Cover and leave for 6-7 hours.
  8. The marinade is ready, it's time to start frying.

Mineral water pork kebab

Marinating pork in mineral water is an excellent solution for getting a soft and juicy kebab in a short time. Everything is done quite simply. Let's take a look at the cooking process.

What you need:

  • Pork - 3 kg.
  • Onions - 6 medium onions
  • Bay leaf
  • Ground black pepper
  • Seasonings to taste

How to cook:

  1. Cut the pork into equal pieces. Salt.
  2. Finely chop the onion, put it in a bowl and salt it so that it gives juice.
  3. We crush the onion with our hands. Add 3-4 bay leaves to it.
  4. Put the meat in this bowl. Sprinkle with pepper and seasonings (I personally do not add seasonings).
  5. Mix well.
  6. Pour the meat with carbonated mineral water.
  7. Cover with foil and leave at room temperature for 1.5-2 hours.

    If you have time, it is better to send it to the refrigerator for 5-6 hours, it will be even better.

  8. We prepare the fire and after the required time we start frying.

Marinade for barbecue on kefir

When I first cooked this recipe, I did not take into account one important point - kefir should not be sour. As a result, no one began to eat the cooked barbecue. Therefore, take non-sour kefir. The meat will be very tender and tasty. Yes, and be sure to send the future barbecue to marinate in the refrigerator so that the kefir does not turn sour. Is it a little...


  • Meat - 2.5 kg.
  • Kefir - 1.5 liters.
  • Onion - 1 kg.
  • ground bay leaf
  • ground pepper


  1. Wash, dry and cut the meat.
  2. In a separate bowl, cut the onion into half rings and squeeze a little.
  3. Pepper meat and onions.
  4. Add ground lavrushka to both "containers" (you can also use leaves)
  5. Combine onion with pork, mix.
  6. Now fill the whole thing with kefir and mix well again.
  7. Cover and send to the refrigerator for 8-10 hours.
  8. Salt the meat 1 hour before frying.
  9. Marinade on kefir is ready. You can barbecue.

marinade recipe with tomatoes

If you like grilled vegetables, you will love this recipe. Let's cook a barbecue with tomatoes. In addition to the fact that you will have vegetables fried on the fire, the meat will also turn out to be very juicy and tender, because during frying, juice is released from the tomatoes, which soaks the barbecue.

If during frying you prefer to lubricate the meat with marinade, then this is not necessary here, since everything happens by itself. Try it. I'm sure you'll like it.


  • Pork - 1.5 kg.
  • Tomatoes - 700 gr.
  • Onion - 500 gr.
  • Table vinegar - 0.5 cups
  • Ground pepper (black, red)

How to cook:

Shish kebab in tomato juice

Probably many have heard and even tried to cook a marinade with the addition of tomatoes. Have you tried seasoning meat with tomato juice? If not, then be sure to try it. Barbecue soaked in juice. turns bright red. The result is very appetizing and, most importantly, delicious.

If there is no juice, then it’s a good idea to add a tomato to the marinade instead, which is added to the frying. Surely many preserve it for the winter. For 2 kilograms of meat, a half-liter jar of tomato will be enough. Personally, I often add tomato than juice. A matter of taste.

What do you need:

  • Pork neck - 2 kg.
  • Onion - 0.9 kg.
  • Pepper mix
  • Tomato juice


Classic barbecue marinade recipe

I present to your attention the easiest way to marinate. Here we will not use anything extra, but the result will be just as good, and maybe even better. This is probably the very first recipe according to which they began to cook barbecue.

The recipe is good in that you will only need to buy pork, and everything else can be found in the kitchen. The time is also pretty fast. Ideal if you don't have time to wait for the meat to be ready to fry.


  • Meat - 1.5 kg.
  • Onion - 1.5 kg.
  • Pepper


Rules for frying barbecue on the grill

Decided to cook barbecue on the grill? Then I want to tell you what kind of firewood to use, which brazier is best suited for this and how to properly cook on it.

A good barbecue should have:

  1. Openings for oxygen access. They are on the side or on the bottom of the barbecue. Both options are not bad in fact.
  2. Thick walls, since it is thick walls that maintain the temperature at the right level.

Birch or oak is suitable as firewood. The best option would be firewood from fruit trees. They will give the dish a unique flavor. The most ideal option would be a vine. But not everywhere grows a vineyard, so use what is.

In no case do not take into account acacia, mountain ash, poplar and all conifers. Not only will the taste of the dish go bad, but you can also spoil your health. In the process of burning, these trees emit resins that are very harmful to the body. Also, do not throw plastic and polyethylene products into the fire. They are also very harmful.

The fire must be completely burned out. After that, you can “spread” the coals all over the barbecue and wait until it is slightly covered with ashes. Now is the time to start grilling the barbecue.

The distance from the coals to the meat should be about 15 centimeters. This is the most optimal height for barbecue. They put the meat on the fire. And when to turn over? Listen to meat. As soon as the meat begins to “sizzle” from the side of the fire, the fat drips onto the coal and such a pleasant smoke rises, it is at this very moment that you need to turn the meat over. If you turn it over in time, the meat will never burn. Brown the meat evenly on all four sides.

The whole frying process takes approximately 10-12 minutes. If you can’t determine by eye whether it is ready or not, then use a knife. Make an incision and see what it looks like inside. The main thing is not to overdry the barbecue. It should be light pink on the inside, with light gray edges and a ruddy crust on the outside. The resulting juice should be transparent, and the aroma must be unique. Only then the kebab is considered ready.

How to cook barbecue in a jar

Did you know that you can cook barbecue without coal, firewood, smoke and without barbecue right in the house. Of course, it will not be one hundred percent the same as we are used to cooking outdoors, but still. What to do if there is no opportunity to go out into the fresh air, and the soul wants a barbecue? An oven and a regular jar come to the rescue.

You can use any marinade that you like best - there are no special rules here.

So, you decide on the marinade yourself, and I will only give you recommendations on how to cook barbecue in a jar.

That's the whole cooking procedure. In my opinion, it works best with the addition of kefir to the marinade. And what do you think? And have you ever cooked in a bank? Share your experience and tell us which marinade recipe is best for barbecue in a jar.

Cooking barbecue on skewers in the oven

If the previous method with a jar does not suit you, then there is another way to cook in the oven on a baking sheet. Any marinade can be used. How to cook barbecue in the oven? Very simple:

Here is a kebab that you can cook right at home, without any hassle. I am sure that not everyone will be able to distinguish it from a barbecue cooked on coals. Try it and see for yourself. Bon appetit!

What is the best recipe of all to get a soft and juicy kebab

So we figured out with you the secrets of cooking barbecue. But which of all the recipes is the best? To answer this question, you need to try to cook everything. After all, tastes do not argue. Someone will like it with lemon, someone with kefir, someone with soy sauce, and someone generally doesn’t like shish kebab in any form. Yes, I don't like it. I know people who don't like this dish. Take at least vegetarians, because they are generally against the use of any meat.

Or maybe you have already tried to cook according to all these recipes and have already chosen the most delicious and juicy one for yourself? Then please share your opinion. It will be interesting to find out what exactly in this or that recipe you like the most.

Or maybe you have your own special recipe in stock, which not everyone knows about? It would be great if you share it. It's very interesting to learn something new.

On that note, I want to draw the line. I wish you a pleasant stay, delicious kebabs in a cheerful company in the open air. Bye!

P.S. We had a great rest then. We arrived home very tired but happy. It turns out interesting, like you are going to rest, but you get tired a lot more. Probably, this is the beauty of nature trips, otherwise no one would aspire to such trips ...

The long-awaited warm time has come, everyone is already striving to escape into nature at any suitable moment. And what is the most important thing here? That's right, skewers! Under a glass of cold beer or a glass of vodka - a miracle, how good! We will tell you how to properly cook pork skewers, show the most delicious marinade so that the meat is soft and juicy, tasty and fragrant. You just have to choose the right meat and marinating method and fry the kebab deliciously on the grill.

Well, if the weather fails, and you won’t be able to get out into nature, you can easily cook a delicious pork kebab quickly in the oven on skewers or in a sleeve, it will also turn out great. The main thing is a good mood and a suitable company. A couple of salads and sandwiches to warm up while the kebab is fried, and success is guaranteed.

Grilled pork skewers: 5 best marinade recipes

If you are going to nature and are looking for how to cook pork skewers on the grill, the right recipe, we will show you several options for marinades. With them, your barbecue will turn out amazingly soft and juicy and will delight your friends. You can marinate meat for barbecue with vinegar and onions, in beer and soy sauce, with mineral water, on kefir, with kiwi, with lemon and honey, with mayonnaise. We will also reveal the secrets of the marinade and the right choice of meat to you. It remains to fry it correctly - and this is also an art.

Pieces of meat are placed on a skewer across their fibers to give them a free state. It is not recommended to leave intervals with a skewer without meat, this will lead to charring of these places and give the skewers an unattractive look.

After the end of the planting procedure, it is worth examining the appearance of the barbecue and removing excess hanging pieces to avoid the appearance of coals. It is not recommended to put onions and vegetables on the skewer along with meat, as they differ in cooking time.

How and on what to fry pork skewers

The fuel can be charcoal, specially designed for barbecue and able to give heat in any case. In the absence of coal, you can use dry wood.

It is recommended to prepare the dishes in advance, in which there will be water mixed with vinegar in a small amount. A few drops should be used for one or one and a half liters of water. This composition is necessary for wetting the meat, in order to give it excellent taste and make it soft.

When cooking barbecue, you should monitor the coals, you must definitely wait until they burn out and lose their red appearance. Coals should be used hot, starting to gradually go out.

The meat is placed over the coals, and if there is a shortage of heat, it is pumped up with the help of a kind of fan made. If a fire breaks out in any place, it must be immediately extinguished by splashing water. Meat also requires infrequent wetting.

In the process of cooking, you should monitor the state of readiness of the meat, periodically turning it. It is advisable to constantly twist it, its appearance will tell about the complete readiness of the kebab, for complete certainty, you can cut and try one of the pieces.

If you follow all the rules for cooking barbecue, it will turn out excellent and will bring maximum pleasure when eating it.

Now you know how to cook pork kebab, we told you how to cook marinade to make the kebab juicy, soft and tasty, how to choose the right meat, how to cut and marinate it, how to fry it properly. It remains only to start eating it and enjoy it. Bon appetit and have a great weekend!
