
How to celebrate the new year in a cafe. New Year's savings: at home or in a restaurant? Celebrate the New Year with exotic

The dream of any housewife or not a housewife, but rather a working woman or even a business woman on December 31 is a chic New Year's table laden with festive dishes, no problems with dirty dishes and cleaning after the guests leave.

The dream of the head of the family, who is tired of the business routine, is a cheerful, relaxed atmosphere, helpful service, they entertain you all the New Year's Eve, give you food and drink. You feel like the master of your life.

In both cases, the New Year's dream is quite feasible - a restaurant! You just need to book a table and make an advance payment. And then one concern: an outfit for going to a restaurant, a manicure-pedicure, a hairdresser.

But the essence, as usual, lies in the details. And not everything is so simple.

Pros of the New Year in a restaurant

  • An opportunity to shine and show off.

Going out to people means, preferably, a new one. What already looks tempting for the beautiful half of humanity.

  • An opportunity to dedicate the pre-New Year's bustle to your loved one.

I chose the right one, gave the money and “closed the topic”! And you don’t need to search for the right products, buying tons of mayonnaise and tangerines. No need to worry about the festive and know in advance that after Russian salad and dumplings, everyone sitting at the table will be “blown away”, and no fun will come of it. As usual.

Instead, you can sign up for a beauty salon to appear refreshed before the restaurant society on New Year's Eve.

  • The prospect of meeting new people.

The very possibility of meeting someone interesting or perhaps useful is attractive. In the family circle, the list of possible table conversations has long been studied up and down. Boring!

  • No business hassles.

He came to the decorated room, sat down at the festive table, watched the New Year's show, danced, had fun, had fun and returned home to a clean and quiet house, so beloved and dear. Beauty!

Cons of the New Year in a restaurant

  • Option for the prudent.

The decision to celebrate the New Year in a restaurant must be made in advance, preferably a month before the holiday. Otherwise, the choice of a place will take place according to the residual principle: the most inconvenient and the most expensive.

  • Restaurant food can be disappointing.

Disappointment can be caused by both quality and quantity. Unpleasant surprises are also likely in the form of additional fees - cork, for service, for "reorder", etc.

Tip: in order not to experience this, you need to carefully study the New Year's offer of the restaurant, find out all the "dangerous" moments until a table is booked and payment is made.

  • Taxi spending.

You need to get to the restaurant, and then return home. And since we are talking about a holiday and night time, taxi services will not be cheap.

Tip: sometimes spending on the road scares away from the country version of the restaurant. And in vain! Usually, in country restaurants, the prices are lower, and there are more opportunities for New Year's leisure.

  • You can't take children.

For some, this may be a plus, but for those who are used to the family New Year, the absence of children at the New Year's table is a problem and discomfort.

Tip: you should not take very young children to the restaurant New Year's Eve. But for a teenager, you can find options. There are entertainment centers and out-of-town restaurants that develop special family New Year's programs and hire children's animators.

  • Unfamiliar environment.

Those who celebrate the New Year with you at the next table can be both a pleasant and unpleasant surprise.

Tip: carefully study the reviews about the restaurant, the usual contingent of the institution.

  • High price.

New Year in a restaurant means that they will do all the work for you: decorate, cover, cook, entertain, and give pleasure. And you have to pay for the pleasure. These are the rules of the game! You need to come to terms with this - pay, and then immediately relax and start enjoying the situation.

And then your New Year will be enchanting, unusual, unforgettable and will give a lot of reasons for memories, such as: “Do you remember that presenter? And the turkey with cranberry sauce was good!” And leafing through a family album with photos from the restaurant, you will never regret that you decided on this option for celebrating the New Year.

Happy New Year 2017!

Every day, the favorite since childhood - the New Year - with tangerines on the table and the smell of spruce is getting closer! As always, I would like to meet this main holiday of the year romantically and cheerfully and, of course, at an exquisite feast. But where is more profitable: at home or in a restaurant? Let's find out!

According to astrologers, the Yellow Pig, which received “power” from the Yellow Dog in 2019 according to the Eastern calendar, is not so picky about food. So it's easy to please a pig. But do not forget about the tactful attitude towards the pig! It is unlikely that she will like a treat of pork on the table.

And another argument in favor of a home banquet. Chushka loves everything natural, so the rejection of semi-finished products is welcomed, so that everything - from the traditional Olivier salad to the New Year's pudding - is made by hand, which means at home.

For example, if in a cafe or restaurant the chefs most likely put sausage in the Olivier salad, then we are chicken fillet! A simple calculation shows that the appearance of this dish on the home table on New Year's Eve for more than two people with the most traditional set of products (400 gr. chicken breast, as well as potatoes, pickles, carrots; a jar (400 gr.) peas; eggs; onion; greens, mayonnaise) purchased in a supermarket with an average price segment will cost an average of around 1,500 tenge.

True, the same type of salad served in a cafe can be even cheaper - around 1300 tenge, reaching up to 2100 tenge. It is clear that the cost of a dish may vary depending on the type of products added to it. The menu of one of the restaurants indicated that Olivier costing 2,455 tenge included crayfish tails and red caviar.

The approximate price of the Caesar salad (traditional composition; chicken fillet, cheese, crackers, a number of vegetables and herbs), cooked at home, would cost 2 thousand tenge. In a number of cafes, the cost of this salad ranges from 1200-2500 tenge and more: in restaurants from 2500 to 3600 tenge and more. If the salad contains, for example, shrimp, then its price reaches 4600 tenge.

A feast will not do without “Herring under a fur coat” (composition: spicy salted herring (400 gr.); carrots; potatoes; onions; mayonnaise; eggs). A simple salad at home will cost an average of only 600-750 tenge. In a cafe, you can be treated to this dish at a price of 440 tenge (perhaps cheaper because the herring is after defrosting) and higher, and in restaurants up to 2 thousand tenge.

A similar calculation of the price at home of a besbarmak for four to five people (composition: about 1.3 kg of beef, as well as eggs; flour 600 gr., onion, herbs, spices) “pulls” 4700 tenge (meat is more expensive from the supermarket) and for 3200 (meat is cheaper - from the market). The cost of the same dish with the addition of kazy will rise to 6,000 tenge and 4,700 tenge, respectively.

Against the background of the cost of this “home-made” traditional Kazakh dish, but worked from the heart, the obvious modesty of the price tags of a number of cafes, varying from 1300 to 2900 tenge, pleases (at the same time, the number of people for which the treat is designed and the ingredients are often not indicated). So, those who decide to save money on home-cooking this delicacy at the expense of this category of catering, it would not hurt to first inquire about its components, as well as about the quality and weight characteristics.

Quite another thing is the menu of a number of Almaty restaurants with a description of the signature besbarmak. Those who like to eat “from the belly” before the exciting moment, “when the clock strikes twelve”, have a reason to pay attention to the art of restaurateurs.

“Kazi, zhaya, juicy, potatoes, served on a wooden platter,” reads one of the menus. Another says: - "Besbarmak "Talgar" (price 11,900 tenge) with horse meat and a ram's head." "Toy-besbarmak" for ten people, the cost is 21 thousand tenge, ”is indicated on the website of another restaurant.

Now just right to summarize our calculations. And so, in the event that we prepare food at the rate of an average of four people (with a small margin - suddenly someone will look at the “light”), then the cost of preparing three salads (“Olivier”, “Caesar” and herring under fur coat), plus besbarmak will amount to over 9 thousand tenge. Add here the purchase of fruits and sweets, and this amount increases to almost 16 thousand tenge. Now let's add the cost of red wine, champagne and vodka (all in one bottle) and Coca-Cola - about 5 thousand tenge in total. The total amount of expenses, as a result, will be about 20.5 thousand tenge. We divide this amount by the conditional number of eaters - the number four - and we get that, on average, for one person, a New Year's dinner at home will cost 5 thousand tenge with a "tail".

And now it is easy to get an answer to the question - where is it more profitable to celebrate a holiday: at home or in a restaurant - in terms of purely monetary costs, by comparing the above figure per person at home with the price of a restaurant entrance ticket per person.

Before proceeding to the comparison, we note that most restaurants organize an appropriate menu for this holiday, as well as entertainment programs. And the payment for this pleasure is also added to the price for the service. Ordinary restaurants have simpler scenarios and a more modest menu, and they charge a fee from their customers, starting from about 7-8 thousand tenge and more; the more popular ones have larger programs with the participation of popular presenters, artists, show ballet, a photographer, with congratulations from Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden. And here are the prices for comparison. One of the restaurants determined three categories of payment from 15 to 18 thousand tenge and 21 thousand tenge (per person) - depending on the comfort zone in this institution.

Another restaurant offers everyone who has paid 120 thousand tenge a thorough refreshment, promising to change the table twice in the evening with dishes with a complete set of strong drinks. At the same time, they undertake to impress the client with an enchanting show-ballet “in the Venetian style”, “intrigue” with a masquerade ball, and, to top it all off, make the client treated kindly with congratulations from the restaurant. As they say, for your money - any whim!

So, a purely monetary comparison of the cost of a restaurant "paradise" with the celebration of the New Year at home will show noticeable cost savings in favor of the latter.

However, many people are well aware of the reverse side of this way of celebrating this holiday: the tedious preparation of food, as well as the preparation of various dishes, and after the party - cleaning ... Therefore, if you are also simply bored of celebrating the New Year at home and your financial situation allows, then why not celebrate the New Year in a restaurant, use the opportunity to meet new people and communicate.

By the way, if we are already talking about the desire to diversify sensations, why not go further and on the eve of the New Year, try to change something for the better. Let's say, to finally switch to a healthy lifestyle - to stop making a cult of food, to start with a bowl of salad, at least on New Year's Eve.

By the way, some experts, in order to diversify our life, fill it with unusual, exciting, advise to celebrate the New Year in an original way, for example, in the mountains, in the forest or somewhere in a cave.

Happy Holidays and stay healthy!

To celebrate the New Year fun, you just need to prepare well for it in advance. This holiday can be successful both at home or at a party, and in a restaurant. Both methods have their advantages and disadvantages.

New Year at home or away: pros and cons

Celebrating the coming year in the circle of close people has been an unchanging tradition for our country for several decades now. About 60% of the Russian population celebrates this holiday in this way. The benefits of celebrating the New Year at home are:

  • cozy warm atmosphere;
  • homemade delicious food;
  • the ability to call Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden;
  • opportunity for easy communication.

And of course, the undoubted plus of celebrating the New Year at home is a noticeable cost savings.

The disadvantages of this way of meeting this holiday are:

  • tiring New Year's shopping for groceries;
  • the need for self-preparation of a large number of complex dishes;
  • time-consuming cleaning after the celebration.

Also, for some people, celebrating the New Year at home or with loved ones can be simply boring.

Where to celebrate the New Year: restaurants

The main advantage of celebrating the New Year in a restaurant is, of course, the absence of the need for lengthy cooking before the celebration, as well as laborious cleaning after it. In this case, no one will have to serve at the table either. This work for the celebrants will be done by the waiters. The restaurant is also considered the best answer to the question of where to celebrate the New Year by those citizens who like to meet new interesting people.

The disadvantages of celebrating in a restaurant are:

  • the need for advance planning (search for a good institution, ordering and paying for convenient places);
  • inability to take children with you;
  • unfamiliar environment;
  • the risk of not too high-quality menu.

High costs are, of course, also a serious disadvantage of celebrating the New Year in this way. In addition to visiting the restaurant itself, in this case, you will also have to pay for a taxi, put on the most expensive outfits, etc.

Another obstacle to meeting the New Year in a restaurant can be simply the lack of a decent institution in the place of residence. For residents of more or less large cities, such a problem, of course, cannot arise. But residents of settlements, regional centers, and even more so villages, may not have the opportunity to visit a worthy institution. The idea of ​​​​celebrating the New Year in some cheap cramped noisy cafe or public dining room is unlikely to seem too successful to anyone.

So where is the best place to celebrate the New Year?

Thus, both of these methods have their pros and cons. The specific choice of the venue for the New Year may depend only on the personal preferences of the celebrants themselves, their financial capabilities, or this particular situation.

For example, a restaurant can be just the perfect choice if a person has no one to celebrate the New Year with. Wealthy citizens often celebrate this holiday in this way.

In all other cases, people still usually prefer to celebrate the coming year at home. Of course, you can celebrate the New Year in a restaurant and with relatives or friends. But more often than not, they do it just to try something new. From year to year, not too rich people who have many relatives and friends, of course, usually do not visit restaurants on this holiday.

Where to celebrate the New Year - at home or in a restaurant? What is better to serve on the table? Is it necessary to buy expensive champagne? These pressing questions have been worrying humanity for more than a decade. We present to your attention the advice of Mrs. Elzbieta, written on the eve of the 1930th new year.

The custom of spending New Year's Eve in restaurants, drinking and drinking, came to us from the East, and like many other trends borrowed from there, it undermines the already not very stable foundation of our family social life.

The fact is that everyone wants to have a pleasant and fun first hours of the new year, because, according to a strengthened superstition, the whole next year will turn out like its first night. And people leave their family hearths, and go to pretend that they are having fun in smoky taverns, among the tipsy public. Some even spend the whole night moving from one restaurant to another in order to have time to visit everywhere and show themselves in front of everyone, denoting their belonging to an entertaining society.

But not so long ago, how nice it used to be, we celebrated the New Year at home! Now this practice has almost gone out of use. The reason for the refusal of such evenings is called the high costs associated with their organization: “Just think how much one bottle of champagne costs now!” It can always be answered that the same bottle of champagne, drunk in a restaurant, costs three times as much, and several bottles in several restaurants add up to such an impressive amount that it would be quite possible to organize a sumptuous dinner for it (perhaps not with champagne, but with other good wine). And why, in fact, is it necessary to drink champagne? After all, no happy omens are even associated with it, after the war they began to drink this wine for show - outside the home or on especially solemn occasions - at weddings, anniversaries and other similar holidays.

In the eastern regions of Poland, where many traditions are cultivated, similar to the traditions of our eastern neighbor, not on the eve of St. Andrew's Day, but just on New Year's Eve, it is customary to guess the future. With special zeal, young people of both sexes indulge in these amusements: they pour wax and tin, ask random passers-by what their names are, scatter wheat in front of roosters, throw shoes out the door ... The silhouette of wax figures should tell about the events of the coming year; the name of the passerby will be the name of the chosen one or chosen one; whose grain the rooster pecks first, that girl will be the first to marry; in which direction the toe of the shoe will look, the future groom will come from there, etc. The evening passes unnoticed, the clock is already striking eleven, dinner time.

Such a dinner does not have to be hot, rich or too long: one meat dish will be enough. Then follows some solid dessert. I suggest English plum pudding, which can be prepared even a couple of weeks before the holiday. When served, it is set on fire, which always produces a huge effect. At the same time, this is a tasty and nutritious dish that will satisfy even the strongest appetite. This is followed by nuts, dried fruits and coffee. At twelve o'clock - punch or hot mulled wine, and if a lot of young people gathered at the table and instead of fortune-telling dances began, then a refreshing and somewhat reminiscent of champagne champagne. That's the whole take.

We are so fond of copying foreign customs, and, for example, in France and England, family life is much better developed than ours. The French and the British (considered much less hospitable than the Poles) spend Christmas Eve and New Year's Eve at home with family and friends. On their tables, of course, they have a completely different dinner: the French “réveillon” is black pudding (boudin) and turkey with chestnuts or truffles. The British, in addition to their turkey coq, serve plum pudding and mince pies, in which beef tenderloin and marinated tongue are effectively combined with raisins and candied oranges. It does not occur to any person who has a house and a family to give up all this for the sake of wandering around taverns filled with bohemians, representatives of the demi-monde and all those who are deprived of their own or at least some other people's hearth, where he could warm himself. Meanwhile, the Germans or the former, pre-war Russians, accustomed to looking for entertainment outside the home, have long celebrated the New Year in restaurants or clubs. Do we really need to take an example from them?

I have heard of several cases where a group of friends or good friends, who could not throw a big party on their own, organized a clubbing party in the largest apartment they had at their disposal. Here is a good example to follow, if only not to run away from home to a tavern.
