
How beer is brewed. How to brew beer at home with a recipe

Germans are legally allowed to cook 200 liters per family per year without taxes. Therefore, a mini-brewery in the kitchen is an ordinary thing in Germany. And profitable in addition, because. Buying industrial beer is more expensive.

In Russia, the situation is different. Remember that the other day our State Duma adopted in the third and final reading a law stating that by 2013 beer should be completely withdrawn from sale in non-stationary outlets (stalls and tents)? And it will be possible to sell it only in shops and catering facilities.

Trade in beer will be prohibited at public transport stops, markets, railway stations, airports and gas stations. In addition, from January 2012, the authorities will ban the consumption of alcohol, including beer, in public places - parks, porches, squares and recreational areas within cities. The document limits the sale of any alcohol with a strength of more than 0.5 percent from 23 pm to 08 am.

Definitely good. Young people will not go around night and day with a bottle of beer glued to their lips, and there will be less poor-quality surrogate. And true lovers will be able to brew beer at home - no worse than the Germans.

Why not? Today, equipment, raw materials and the process itself are available to everyone. A small factory and consumables are quite inexpensive, and the recipe is simple and straightforward.

It is possible to buy a ready-made extract with the standard formulation issued along with it and adjust it according to one's own preferences. Add a little more or a little less sugar, put a little bit of honey or malt extract - all these subtleties make such a process as making homemade beer extremely exciting. You can even print labels with your own name and treat your friends.

In European cities of the 13th - 14th centuries, classes of master brewers arose, specializing in the production of beer of different varieties. In Germany, a beer called bock (from Munich) and mumme - from Braunschweig are especially famous. The famous English porter appeared in 1770.

In Rus', four times a year, usually on Great Day (Easter), Dmitriev Saturday, Shrovetide and Christmas, as well as at christenings and weddings, peasants were allowed to brew beer, mash and honey for home drinking, so such festive feasts in those days called a special beer. However, the right to a special beer was given with analysis, usually only to the most hard-working and enterprising peasants, and only for 3 days (sometimes for a week).

In the diamond mines of Sierra Leone, gemstones are examined in beer. According to British geologists, the visual qualities of diamonds become apparent precisely in the mentioned liquid medium.

In the 18th and early 19th centuries, most medicines in hospitals were taken only with beer. As a tonic and disinfectant drink, beer was given to convalescent patients in St. Petersburg hospitals until the middle of the 19th century.

In the Czech Republic, there is a special “test” for a beer hat: it is believed that the foam of the “correct” beer should hold a Czech coin placed on it.

Recipes and conditions

There are two ways to brew beer at home: from malt extract and, of course, from the grain itself.

Cooking from the extract is the easiest. You will need to buy a jar of malt extract (preferably English), then dilute it in 25 liters of water, add 1 kg of sugar or glucose, yeast from their kit and set to ferment for a week. Then you bottle the young beer, add more sugar and leave it for a week to saturate with carbon dioxide. Beer can already be drunk, but it is better to let it ripen for another 3-4 weeks.

Another way to brew beer at home is with grain. Take brewing malt (4 kg), grind with a rolling pin, heat 12 liters of water to 70 degrees and lower the grain in 3-4 bags. Within an hour it is necessary to maintain a temperature of 65-70 degrees. Then heat the water to 72 degrees and wait another 15 minutes.

Take a drop of wort and mix it with iodine (the mixture should not turn blue). Squeeze the malt bags, measure the density with a hydrometer and bring it to 12 with water. Boil for 90 minutes. At the 60th minute, add 20-25g of hops. Cool to 25 degrees and add brewer's yeast. Leave to wander for a week.

Add 8 g of glucose per liter to the bottles and bottle the young live beer. After a week, remove for two weeks in the cold.

5 old recipes for making beer at home

juniper beer

Juniper berries 200 gr., water 2 liters, honey 50 gr., yeast 25 gr.

Boil fresh juniper berries in water for 30 minutes, strain and cool to room temperature, add honey and yeast, stir and leave for fermentation. When the yeast rises, stir again and bottle. Seal with corks and put in a cool place for 5 days. The strength of the drink is 3-5 degrees.

English beer

Take 3.5 kg of barley or oats and, stirring constantly, pour out the grain so that it does not fry.

Crush the grains, pour into the boiler and pour 15 liters of water (65 C), let stand for 3 hours and carefully drain the liquid. Again, pour the grains remaining in the boiler with 12 liters of water (72 C) and drain after 2 hours. And once again pour the grains with 12 liters of cold water and drain after 1.5 hours. Mix all three of these waters.

In 2.5 buckets of warm water, dilute 6 kg of molasses, pour into the prepared liquid, add 200 gr. hops and boil everything together. After 2 hours, when the liquid has cooled, pour 2 tbsp. l. yeast, mix and leave at room temperature.

When the fermentation process is over, pour the beer into a barrel and leave it open for 3 days. Then hammer it with a sleeve, and after 2 weeks you will get the finished beer.

Baturin beer

Take 2.5 kg of juniper, 8 kg of rye malt, 80 gr. dry apples or pears.

Pour the malt with water and boil, after 5 minutes. Remove from heat and stir in juniper berries and apples. Stir and pour into a barrel, fill with water up to half. Score and let stand for a day, then add water daily until the barrel is full. Then remove the cork, close the hole with gauze (at this time, the beer will make noise). When the beer stops making noise, it can be consumed.

Zaporozhye beer

100 gr. hops, well ground with flour and 3 cups of sugar, pour 10 liters of boiling water.

Let it brew for 2-3 hours, filter, pour it still warm into a barrel, add 2 cups of molasses and 50 gr. yeast diluted in warm infusion. When the beer is fermented, it is bottled, corked and stored until consumed in a cold place.

Crimean light beer

Put in cast iron 3 pounds of sliced ​​and dried white bread, 1.5 pounds of rye malt, 10 crushed cloves, 1 pound of scalded hops, 10 gr. yeast diluted in water.

Cover with a towel and put in a warm place. The next day, pour 10 bottles of boiled water, stir, cover tightly with a lid and put in a warm place overnight. Then pour more water (up to the top) and put another night in a warm place, then strain the beer.

Cork bottles with scalded corks, tie with thin wire. Put bottles with finished beer for 10 days in a cool place.

Note: 1 pound is about 450 grams

5 most frequently asked questions

1. What is brewing malt?

Malt is a germinated grain, with a sprout of 3-5mm, and roots of at least 15mm. For brewing, the malt is dried and the roots and sprouts are removed. The traditional grain for brewing malt is barley. The type of malt depends on the temperature, time and method of drying, and, accordingly, the type of beer made from it. If the drying temperature does not exceed 70˚C, light malt is obtained, from which light beer is obtained. At temperatures above 130˚C, dark and burnt malts are obtained; when mixed with light malt, dark beers are obtained.

2. What is hops and what is it for?

Hop is a climbing plant. It is divided by gender. Fruit-cones ripen on female plants. These are the pins that are used. Hops have long been used in brewing not only to impart a specific aroma and taste. A decoction of hops tends to have a deadly effect on many microorganisms, except for yeast. And it also contains many micronutrients useful for yeast nutrition.

3. What are the main steps involved in making beer from malt and hops at home?

Grinding malt (0.1-1 hour). Mashing - preparation of an aqueous solution from ground malt, holding at the necessary temperature pauses (1-2 hours). Filtration - separation of beer wort from malt grains (0.5 hours). Washing the grains with hot water, the goal is to extract the remaining extractives (0.5 hours). Boiling the wort with the addition of hops, the purpose is disinfection and evaporation of excess water (1.5-3 hours). Wort cooling (0.5 hours). The transfer of the wort to the fermentation tank (0.25 hours) with the separation of hop particles and coagulated protein flakes is achieved either by careful removal from the sediment or by filtration through a sieve. Sowing with yeast. Main fermentation (5-10 days). Removal from the yeast sediment and overflow (0.5 hours) for secondary fermentation (7-15 days). Bottling with the addition of sugar (glucose) for saturation with carbon dioxide, capping. Exposure-maturing (from 21 days).

(The time given is approximate, for the preparation of 25 liters of beer)

4. What is the difference between homemade beer from ready extracts and from malt-hops?

The difference is that in the preparation of beer concentrate at the factory, half the work has already been done for you, that is, they have ground the malt, prepared the mash, filtered, boiled with hops, made a concentrate from the wort by removing the water. And at the same time chose the recipe. It remains only to add water, boil and ferment.

If you make beer truly on your own, that is, from malt, you have complete freedom in choosing the recipe and the quality of the initial ingredients. But you will have to work harder, buy additional equipment. Example by analogy. You can take the dry powder and dilute it back into "milk". And you can feed the cow with grass, water it and milk it at the end. There is no reason to think that powdered milk and cow's milk will be of the same quality.

5. Is anything else added to beer besides malt, hops, yeast and water?

Yes, in some recipes. Most often, unmalted grains are present in recipes - wheat, rice, rye and others. In the world of beer, “non-malt” is used very widely, but not to reduce the cost of the product, but to form a bouquet. In particular, the British are very fond of barley, wheat and, of course, "Oatmeal Sir". The Belgians use up to 60% unmalted wheat in their witbiers. Speaking about unmalted raw materials, it should be said that its use is justified only if it is provided for in the recipe and the brewer knows why he uses this or that grain. Small amounts of spices, fruit juices, and more can also be used. Beer is very different. Experimenting is not allowed!

Useful information

From the "Instructions for the technochemical control of brewing production" VASKHNIL ()

Table of the relationship between the mass fraction of solids in the initial wort (MSw), the mass fraction of extract (Me) and alcohol (Ms) in beer and the degree of fermentation (n)

In addition to the selection of ingredients, it is very important to pay attention to the preparation of equipment for homebrewing. If you want to make a really high-quality and tasty drink, then you will need certain tools.

Necessary equipment for home beer

Professional brewers use:

  • Scales and measuring cup for weighing;
  • Wort preparation tank with a capacity of 5-10 liters;
  • Meat grinder or manual mill for grinding malt;
  • Sieve or gauze for filtering;
  • Wooden spoon with a long handle;
  • Large saucepan with a capacity of 20-25 liters;
  • Fermentation tank with a tight-fitting lid or water seal of at least 20 liters;
  • Glass bottles of 0.5 liters, preferably dark glass;

How to make homemade beer - basic ingredients

The main ingredients without which you cannot make this drink: malt, hops and brewer's yeast.


Before you can brew homemade beer, you must prepare the malt. The main ingredient that affects not only the taste and aroma of the drink, but also its quality. That is why the preparation of malt is a very important and responsible stage. It is prepared from grain crops - barley, wheat, rye and other cereals. Some of them need to be germinated beforehand, for example - barley, wheat. Without germination, corn and rice are used.


Every homebrew recipe contains hops. This plant is added to the drink not only to give it a special taste and aroma. It is hops that contribute to the formation of traditional beer foam. For brewing beer, only female inflorescences are used - cones collected at the end of August.

Brewer's yeast

Even the simplest homebrew recipe is rarely complete without this ingredient. Brewer's yeast is added to the wort for better fermentation. It should be noted that only pure yeast culture is used in brewing, which belong to the Saccharomycetaceae family and the Saccharomyces genus. The unique aroma and original taste of the drink largely depend on their quality.

Homemade Beer Recipes

You can purchase a ready-made kit with which you can try out a few simple recipes.


Knowing the basic recipe for how to make homemade beer, you can experiment and prepare a variety of variations of this drink. By adding new ingredients and changing proportions, you can create your own unique signature recipe.

Fry the mixture of grains in a dry frying pan until brown, you can use a regular baking sheet and roast in the oven. Grind the fried grains into flour in a meat grinder and mix with chicory. Pour the resulting malt into a large saucepan, pour three liters of water and bring the mixture to a boil.

Brewing homemade beer is a very important process, which will affect the taste of the finished drink. That is why it is very important to stir the mixture all the time with a wooden spoon so that it does not burn.

Remove the pan from heat, add sugar, zest from one lemon and hops, mix and leave in a warm place for several hours. When the infusion has cooled to room temperature, it must be filtered through several layers of gauze and poured into a fermentation dish. After three days, bottle the drink, close tightly and place in a cool cellar or refrigerator.

This recipe for making beer at home is one of the easiest and most affordable. It is perfect for those brewers who do not like to wait a long time - the drink will be ready in two weeks.

Royal beer

Royal beer is prepared on the basis of a ready-made drink. Homemade beer prepared according to a simple recipe, which has already been sufficiently infused and ready to drink, is poured into a large saucepan.

Pour sugar into the pan and fry over medium heat. Sugar should not just dissolve, it should turn into caramel. Since sugar should acquire a burnt taste, it must be stirred all the time with a wooden spoon, preventing combustion. While the caramel has not frozen, pour it with boiling water and mix very well.

Pour some water into a small saucepan, add ginger, coriander, chopped lemons and cinnamon to it, bring to a boil and cook for 20 minutes. While still hot, this broth must be filtered and mixed with burnt sugar dissolved in water. Separately, boil the hops - pour water, bring to a boil and cook for half an hour.

Strain the hop broth, mix with the previously prepared fragrant sourdough and pour into the finished cold beer. Mix everything well, cork with a lid and put in a cool place. To prepare this drink, a home-made beer recipe is used. If the beer has already been aged for two weeks, then the Royal drink can be tasted the very next day. If the beer is fresh, it will need to brew for 10-14 days.

Watch the video on how to brew homemade beer - the recipe is quite simple and affordable. But you must understand that the brewing process still requires attention and strict adherence to all rules and technologies.

Even to prepare a small amount of this drink, you will need a lot of free space - try to brew it in a separate, well-ventilated room. Before making homemade beer, make sure you have all the ingredients you need. In addition, you will need to free up space in the refrigerator or shelves in the cellar. You may also need additional equipment for beer at home: a funnel for filling bottles, a brush for washing dishes, and more.

Take your time and try the finished drink - the longer it is infused in a cool place, the more aromatic and tastier it will be. Serve well chilled in large glasses.

Foamy intoxicating drink came to us from Ancient Egypt. For brewing, people from the African continent took malt, hops and water. The Egyptians did not brew beer for the sake of intoxication - they saw it as medicine and bread. Over time, in the process of improving production, recipes began to be supplemented with various additives, sometimes useless and even harmful to the body. They are included in the composition of beer for the sake of a unique taste. But what if you want a natural, environmentally friendly drink? We will answer this question by telling you how to brew beer at home.

Preparation of the base for beer

The main components of the foamy drink are:

  1. Water is free from impurities, does not leave a strange aftertaste and is absolutely transparent. In the absence of artesian water, it is replaced with filtered water. Store-bought water is also allowed. Its advantage is the passage of bacteriological control.
  2. Yeast. Recipes suggest taking beer. If there are problems with the purchase, you can put the usual "live".
  3. Hop. This phyto product gives the beer the necessary density and taste. The best drinks are obtained from reddish or yellow-green cones with yellowish pollen under the scales. Green and cloudy fruits are not suitable for brewing.
  4. Malt. The good quality of this ingredient is confirmed by the white color, pleasant smell and sweet taste. He must not drown in water. Before making homemade beer, the malt should be soaked and germinated at a temperature of 10 - 30°C. Then the component is dried and ground to obtain grains. The drying conditions of the malt determine the color of the beer. A light drink is obtained from naturally dried barley, a dark drink is obtained from raw materials roasted and steamed in the oven.

Equipment for making beer at home

For convenient work with the ingredients you will need:

How to make beer at home: instructions

To get high-quality homemade beer, you need to do some preparatory work.

  1. Equipment must be washed, sterilized and dried. Hydrometer and thermometer should not be doused with boiling water. After preparing the malt in the manner described above, the yeast is activated. Before being introduced into the wort, they are diluted with boiled, not hot water.
  2. The second stage is grouting the wort, that is, mixing the wort with hot water. 25 liters of prepared liquid are heated in a saucepan to 80 degrees. Then the grainy malt is poured into water or put first in a gauze bag and lowered into a container in this form. The bag will prevent the mixture from burning and will save you from excavating the remaining malt. As soon as the malt is in the water, the pan is closed and set on low heat. The contents should be slowly cooked for 90 minutes, and its temperature should fall within the range of 61 - 72 degrees. If you want to make a strong drink, keep the temperature around 61 degrees. If you need a weak product with a pronounced aftertaste, increase the temperature to 70 degrees. The optimum thermometer reading is 65 °. Compliance with this condition allows you to get a bright taste and a standard strength of 4%. After an hour and a half, a little wort is placed on a clean white plate and iodine is dripped onto it (1 - 2 drops). The blue color of the wort indicates the presence of starchy particles, which must be removed by an additional 15-minute boil. The initial shade of the mixture indicates the absence of starch and suggests the transition to the next stage of brewing.
  3. The temperature of the contents of the pan is increased to 78 - 80 degrees and detected for 5 minutes, after which the bag of malt is removed. It is washed in the remaining water, heated to 80 °. The liquid with extracts is poured into a common container.

  4. Boiling the wort is an important step in beer brewing. After filtering, it is brought to a boil and combined with 15 g of hops. After 30 minutes of boiling the composition, a second portion of hops is introduced into it, and after another 40 minutes, a third 15-gram share. Boiling is extended by 20 minutes. In total, the wort is boiled for 90 minutes, and it must constantly gurgle - this is how the recipe prescribes.
  5. Cooling of the wort brewing technology requires to be carried out quickly, avoiding the ingress of foreign microorganisms into the composition. The pan is carried to the bathroom and placed in cold water. Within 15 - 30 minutes, the wort should cool to 25 degrees. The mixture is passed through a piece of gauze over the dishes in which the subsequent fermentation will take place. To enrich the wort with oxygen, it is poured twice from container to container, but without gauze.
  6. To ferment the wort, it is combined with activated yeast and mixed. The product of top fermentation can be introduced into the wort at a temperature of 18 - 22 °. Bottom fermenting yeasts require conditions of 5 - 16°. A variety of yeast allows you to make two types of beer. Dishes for fermentation with all ingredients should be transferred to a dark room. The temperature regime should be as required by the type of yeast. A lid with a water seal is placed on the container and the mixture is kept for 7-10 days. Gradually, fermentation will become regressive, and the intoxicating liquid will clear up by the last day. Its readiness is determined by a water seal or a hydrometer. In the first case, understanding is facilitated by bubbles, in the second - by the same indicators taken at intervals of 12 hours.
  7. The preparation of the drink is completed by corking and carbonization. To obtain foam and excellent taste, sugar is poured into opaque sterilized bottles at the rate of 8 g per liter of hop liquid. A silicone tube allows you to carefully pour the beer, it also prevents sediment from getting into the beer. During the pouring process, it is important to ensure that the tube remains in the middle of the contents of the pan and does not touch its surfaces, on which the yeast has remained. When filling the bottles, leave 2 cm from the top and cork the container. Homemade beer is saturated with carbonic acid in sugar, which gives the effect of light fermentation. For the course of this process, the drink requires placement in a dark place and a temperature in the range of 20 - 24 °. The container with beer should stand for 3 weeks, but from the 8th day it is recommended to shake it weekly. At the beginning of the 4th week, the bottles are transferred to the cellar or refrigerator.

Chilled beer is completely ready to drink. But an additional month's exposure in a cool place will significantly increase its taste. We invite you to watch the brewing process in the video below.

An old recipe for homemade honey beer

You can prepare this delicious drink from the following ingredients:

  • live pressed yeast - 100 g;
  • natural flower honey - 4 kg;
  • red or yellow-green hop cones - 65 pcs.;
  • purified cold water - 20 liters.

How to brew beer at home? Hops are added to a pot of water and the raw materials are boiled over low heat for 2 hours. The broth is cooled to 70 degrees and honey is gradually introduced. The sweet liquid is brought to 25 ° and stirred with yeast. The container is left ajar and kept in a room at room temperature for 6 days. On the 7th day, the beer is bottled and put back in a cold place. After 24 hours, the container is sealed. After 2 days start tasting. How to brew a honey intoxicating drink, the video clearly shows.

Easy recipe with molasses

For a change, you can make beer with molasses. 45 g of hops are boiled in 10 liters of water and, after straining, added to 1 kg of molasses. The mixture is boiled again, after which it is poured into a barrel and removed for cooling. The wort is prepared from 260 g of diluted yeast and wheat flour (the recipe can be taken from the literature on baking pies). Noisy volumetric wort is poured into the cool contents of the barrel and mixed well. Next, the barrel is sealed and transferred to heat for 6 hours. After the time has elapsed, the container is moved to a cool place and kept for 3 days. The preparation is completed by pouring the drink into bottles and corking with corks filled with wax, resin or sealing wax.

Recipe for homemade table beer

You can make table beer yourself from the following components:

Prepare table beer by mixing wine, water and sugar in a saucepan. The composition is supplemented with hops and raisins, they wait for it to boil and boil for 35 minutes, stirring constantly. Malt and 9 liters of water are added to the liquid filtered through cheesecloth. The mass is re-boiled, cooled to 30 degrees and combined with yeast. Then she is allowed to stand for 8 days, but periodically visit the vessel and remove the foam. Finally, homemade beer is bottled and put away in the cool. It turns out 10 - 15 servings, which are recommended to be consumed in 2 weeks. With a longer shelf life, the beer becomes cloudy and loses its taste.

Vilna beer recipe

In order to make delicious Vilna beer, the hostess must put the following components in the container:

  • rye malt - 1 kg 200 g;
  • linden honey - 200 g;
  • kishmish - 400 g;
  • scalded hops - 900 g;
  • mashed crackers - 400 g;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • yeast combined with a glass of warm boiled water.

The video shows how to make beer at home. The Vilna drink is prepared using the same technology. Production begins with the dilution of the created mass with water to a thick creamy consistency. The container is covered with a thick cloth and cleaned for a day in a warm room. The next day, the mixture is diluted with 3.2 liters of boiled water, and after thorough mixing, 10 grains of grated bitter almonds are placed in it. And again, the container is covered and cleaned for a day in heat.

Further, the recipe prescribes adding 6.5 liters of boiled water to the composition and pouring it into a cast iron, which will languish all night on a hot stove. In the morning, 50 g of baking soda is poured into the mass and after a couple of hours the infusion is drained, passing through a canvas. Filled bottles are sealed with corks and the top is reinforced with wire. First, the container is placed in a warm place, and after 6 days it is transferred to the cold. The drink will be ready in 10 days.

Now you know how to brew beer at home in many ways. Having mastered these simple recipes, you can please your loved ones with a delicious drink without additives harmful to the body. We hope our selection of videos will teach you the art of brewing.

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Malt. Hop. We brew beer.

The preparation of beer takes place in several stages and on an industrial scale, of course, is almost completely automated. A person can only control the equipment. When brewing beer at home, the situation is quite different.

Of course, a lot of good and convenient equipment for brewing beer at home is being sold now, but the price of this equipment can surprise, and sometimes even scare. If you decide to try to brew beer at home, then I would advise you not to rush to spend money. The stages of beer brewing are the same both in industrial brewing and in home brewing, but the approaches to these stages and the equipment are significantly different.

What do you need to brew beer at home?

Almost everyone has the most minimal set - a wooden spoon and an enameled or stainless steel saucepan. You will also need an electronic kitchen scale and, as well as an ordinary sieve. This is the minimum kit for brewing beer at home.

What would be nice to have?

If you're brewing beer for the first time, then you don't have to worry about a bunch of equipment. In general, you will also need a fermentation tank with a water seal, a malt mill and much more that you can do without. Since this article is aimed at those who first decided to brew beer with their own hands, I will try to get by with a minimum set of tools and equipment.

Stages of brewing beer at home.

As I wrote above, the preparation of beer consists of several stages. Each stage has its purpose and pursues a specific goal, so it cannot be said that one or another stage is more important than others - they are all needed, otherwise the beer simply will not work.

Stage one: Preparation.

At the preparation stage, our task is to find all the necessary equipment and wash it thoroughly. Next, you need to measure and grind the malt (you can buy ground malt), calculate the required amount of mash water and heat it up.

Naturally, all proportions of malts, hops and water should be taken based on the recipe. You can choose any from our site. All of them are verified and tested in practice.

Also, do not be afraid of small deviations from the recipe in the amount of malt or water. However, with hops, you should not deviate much from the recipe.
When everything is prepared and washed, and the malt is ground, you can proceed to the second stage.

Second stage: Mashing.

At the stage of mashing, fermentation and saccharification of starch occurs. Since different enzymes work at different temperatures, when mashing malt, you should maintain temperature pauses in accordance with the recipe.

So, you have poured the right amount of water into the pan - this is mash water. We heat the mash water to the temperature of the first temperature pause and pour in the ground malt (). At the same time, mix everything well with a wooden spoon to avoid clumping.

During the temperature pause, it is important to monitor the temperature of the mash, it should not rise, but also should not fall, so the heating should be reduced or turned off altogether. At the same time, it is necessary to periodically mix the mash and control its temperature.

After the time allotted for a pause, the heating is turned on again to the maximum and the brewing of home-brewed beer continues. When the next temperature pause is reached, everything repeats again.

Usually, after a pause of 72 degrees, it is done, after which the temperature rises to the last pause and at this the mashing stage ends.

The third stage of brewing home beer: Removing from the sediment and boiling the wort.

Now that the mashing is complete, the wort is drained into another container - this can be done through a simple sieve. The malt left after mashing is called grain. The pellet is washed to extract the maximum amount of sugars. At this stage, the amount of wort removed will be greater than the planned amount of finished beer.

Now we need to measure the density of the wort. If you don't have a hydrometer and you followed the recipe, you can skip this, this measurement is not critical when brewing homemade beer, it will still be delicious. To measure the density, a small amount of wort is taken and must be cooled to 20 degrees. After that, freezing is done. The rest of the wort is put on fire and brought to a boil. It is important that the boiling process occurs quite rapidly and without a lid. Otherwise, your beer will have a vegetable flavor.

During cooking, hops are added in accordance with the recipe. After the end of the boil, the loss of wort will be about 20% -30%, so you can add hot water during the boil. It is important to control the density.

When cooking is completed, we move on to the next step.

Stage 4: filtration, cooling, adding yeast.

Hot wort must be cooled as soon as possible. To do this, you can use, and if it is not there, then just put the pan in a bath of cold water or in the snow. Stir the wort to cool it down quickly. In the process of cooling the wort, it can also be removed from the sediment by filtering through a sieve, gauze or other filters.

When the temperature of the wort is 20-24 degrees, you should select 10% of the wort for the primer and put it in the refrigerator. You also need to take a small amount of wort to rehydrate the yeast (how to do this, read here)

After adding the yeast, the wort is poured into the fermentation tank and sent for fermentation.

Fermentation stage of home beer.

When we brew beer at home, it happens that fermentation takes place in 2 days, and it happens that it starts only on the second day - do not be alarmed. usually fermentation takes 3-4 days. After the yeast cap has settled, fermentation is complete and can be bottled.

The final stage of brewing homemade beer.

A primer is added to the fermentation tank, the young beer is well mixed, left for 30-40 minutes and bottled. Try to minimize the amount of sediment in your bottles. Then the bottles are sent for fermentation for 2-3 weeks.

After fermentation, your homemade beer, hand-brewed with malt and hops, is ready.

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The article will tell you about the principles of making beer at home.

Simple Classic Hop and Malt Homemade Beer Recipe and Ingredients: Brewing Process

Beer has been one of the most beloved drinks of mankind for several centuries in a row. However, it should be noted that the classical natural beer is significantly different from those alcoholic synthetic drinks that are now presented in a wide variety. Natural beer is not only tasty, it is also healthy, as it consists only of products of plant origin.

Of course, in the modern world you can find many establishments (beer boutiques, bars and restaurants) that have their own brewery. This pleasure is not cheap, and therefore not everyone can afford to have “their own brewery” for the production of beer at home. However, remembering the old "grandmother's recipes", you are quite capable of making beer at home, it is only important to observe the accuracy of the steps and the number of ingredients.

You can buy the main ingredients, in particular hops and malt, in the markets, where summer residents and villagers often sell what they have grown on their plot. If you did not find these products, they are always presented in the assortment of online grocery stores. As equipment for brewing, you do not need a mini-brewery and the whole process will cost only a fermentation tank (glass bottle) and a saucepan.

You need to stock up for the recipe:

  • Malt (only barley) - 4.5-5 kg
  • Hops - 4.5-5 stack. (need fresh buds)
  • Brewer's yeast - 50 g (fresh or dry can not be replaced)
  • Sugar - 140-150 g (required for the fermentation process)
  • Salt - 2/3 tbsp
  • Purified water - 20 l (filtered or purchased, without impurities, cold boiled can be used).

Brewing beer:

  • Soak the malt for about a day, dissolving it with all the purified water. Let stand until tomorrow.
  • After infusion, the liquid should be poured into a large saucepan, it is not necessary to filter it. Turn on the fire and add salt.
  • Boil the malt over moderate heat for about 2 hours.
  • After that, pour the hops into the pan, mix and cook for another 25 minutes.
  • Turn off the fire, cool the brew a little. Now it should be filtered. To do this, use gauze, folded twice or thrice. This is the must. Keep it warm, at about 30 degrees. Pour into a fermentation bottle.
  • In the strained wort, you can now pour the yeast along with sugar (it is important to do this at the same time). Stir thoroughly with a long wooden spoon.
  • Ferment beer should be up to 18 hours. The place where you place the bottle should be warm and dark.
  • After 18 hours of fermentation, bottle the beer and put it in the pantry, the drink will be ready only after 12-14 hours

IMPORTANT: From 20 liters of water you get almost 20 liters of beer, if you do not need a drink in such a large amount, you can evenly reduce the amount of all ingredients by two or three times.

How to make wort for beer?

Properly prepared beer wort is the secret to delicious beer that you can get from the very first time. Its preparation begins in several stages and, observing each, you will definitely do everything right.

Wort preparation steps:

  • Malt preparation. Malt is soaked grains of wheat. After they have sprouted, the liquid should be drained from them, and the grains themselves should be crushed. It is the malt that gives the beer a rich taste and body. You can crush it with a coffee grinder, meat grinder and even a blender (if there is such a function). The size of the crushed malt should be about half the size of a grain of buckwheat (this is very important for the entire brewing process).
  • Mashing. This process includes pouring grated malt with purified water and boiling. The process got its name many years ago and in brewing it is still referred to as "mash". During the cooking process, the starch of the grains is split and the acidity changes.
  • Readiness. The wort should be boiled for several hours. The characteristic sour aroma, richness of taste and color of the liquid will tell you about the readiness of the wort. After that, hops can be added to the wort and beer is brewed.

How to make homemade beer yourself without equipment in a saucepan: a simple recipe

A simple recipe for making homemade beer will not take you much time and effort. The method of brewing beer in a saucepan is simple and accessible to everyone. Adjust the amount of ingredients yourself, focusing on the required amount of the finished drink.

What do you need:

  • Hops - 15 g buds
  • Purified water - 5 l (plus 250 ml for sugar syrup).
  • Sugar - 240-250 g.
  • Dry yeast - 10 g (can be replaced with brewer's yeast).

Cooking process:

  • Boil the water
  • Add the hops to the pot and boil the liquid for exactly 1.5 hours.
  • While the hops are cooking, prepare the sugar syrup (water and sugar in equal parts - 1 tbsp each).
  • After 1.5 hours of boiling hops, pour the syrup into the liquid and continue boiling for another 20-25 minutes.
  • Remove the saucepan from the heat and leave to cool completely (to room temperature).
  • Pour yeast into liquid
  • Cover with a lid, let it ferment for 10-12 hours
  • After that, carefully strain the drink and bottle it. They must be closed tightly. Infuse the drink for another 2-3 days before drinking.

"Fast" house beer

Homemade Grain Dark Beer Recipe and Ingredients

Dark homemade beer will truly become your favorite "hoppy" drink, as it is not difficult to prepare, but the taste leaves an incredibly pleasant feeling.

What do you need:

  • Dry hops - 50 g (crushed or cones)
  • Chicory - 30 g (natural, without flavorings and flavorings).
  • Lemon peel - from one fruit
  • Grain mixture for wort - 450-500 g (barley, wheat).
  • Sugar - 3.5-4 tbsp.
  • Purified water - 10 l.

Brewing beer:

  • Dry the sprouted grain (soak it in advance) in a frying pan, the sun or in the oven (at low temperatures).
  • The sprouted grain mixture should be ground with a manual coffee grinder or meat grinder (there will be exactly the consistency that is needed).
  • Mix the grated grain mixture with chicory. Do this ahead of time in a brewing pot.
  • Pour the grain mixture with water and put on fire, boil.
  • Dissolve sugar in the remaining water
  • Pour water with sugar into a saucepan with the grain mixture
  • Add the required amount of hops and finely grated zest from one lemon.
  • Bring to a boil again and turn off the heat
  • Let the brew cool for 3 hours
  • Pour the cooled wort into a fermentation bottle (it should be twice as large as the pot in which you cooked).
  • Leave the bottle to ferment in a warm place (about 25 degrees) for a few days. If fermentation has not started, pour in additional brewer's yeast and leave for another day.
  • Fermented beer should be carefully filtered from the cake and only then poured into cleaned bottles, corked with lids.
  • The beer infusion time is another 3 days in a cool place (during this time it will be saturated with gases).

Homemade Barley Beer Recipe and Ingredients

What do you need:

  • barley grain - 500-600
  • Hops - 5.5-6 st. cones
  • Brewer's yeast or dry - 50 g.
  • Purified water - 6 l.
  • Sugar - 240-250 g.
  • Rusks of black and white bread - 2 tbsp.

Brewing beer:

  • Pour the grains into a glass jar
  • Fill the grains with water and in this state let them stand for about 3 days so that they germinate.
  • Drain the water from the grains, dry them. Remove the germinated parts.
  • The grain should be ground, it is necessary for the preparation of the wort.
  • After that, fill the ground grain with boiling water (1.5-2 liters) and let them stand for about an hour.
  • After that, pour the black and white croutons into the malt (barley mass).
  • Pour another 1-1.5 liters of boiling water and leave for another hour.
  • After infusion, the liquid should be well filtered.
  • Put on fire and add hops, cooking time 15-20 minutes over moderate heat.
  • After that, cool the liquid again and strain again.
  • Pour yeast into warm liquid and add sugar, mix well and leave to ferment for 2 or 3 days.
  • After fermentation, the beer is bottled and sent to infuse for up to 2 weeks in a cool place.

Craft beer recipe at home

Craft in translation means “craft”, which means that “craft beer” is a drink produced at home and not in large quantities. In the modern world, "craft" beer can be called any beer that is made in personal and private breweries using traditional technologies. This is always an author's product and therefore you can always experiment with beer ingredients to get the most intense taste.

INTERESTING: Craft beer is often made from ready-made wort, which can be freely purchased on sale. In the assortment you will always find a variety of types of beer for brewing at home.

Simple homemade craft beer:

  • Purchase 5 kg of barley wort
  • Pour the wort with 35 liters of purified water and put on fire
  • The liquid should be boiled and left to infuse
  • Strain and boil again (about an hour)
  • After half an hour of boiling, pour hops into the pan - 30 g (granules).
  • 5 minutes before the end of the boil, add another 20 g of hops
  • After boiling, cool the wort to 20 degrees
  • Pour the wort into a glass bottle
  • Add 10-11 g of brewer's yeast to the bottle
  • At room temperature, the beer should be infused for up to 2 weeks, after which it can be cooled and drunk.

Important tips for making and drinking beer:

  • Beer should only be drunk after a complete brewing and brewing process, in no case should the finished beer be diluted with water.
  • No ingredients other than hops, malt, water, sugar, and yeast should be added to beer.
  • Homemade beer, corked in bottles, can be stored in the refrigerator for no more than six months.
  • Use only glassware for fermentation
  • Crush the malt with a meat grinder or coffee grinder, the blender can turn the grain into flour, and this is bad for the beer fermentation process.

Video: "Brewing beer at home"
