
How to cook lard in onion skins. Salo in onion skins is the most delicious recipe, how to salt correctly, how much to cook

Salo in onion peel

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I continue the series of meat snacks. Over the past couple of months, I have cooked lard in onion skins several times, the most delicious recipe I have ever tried. And I have considerable experience in handling this product: I twist rolls, salt with dry salting, and do it in brine. But this one is still out of competition. If you take a good piece of bacon, in which there will be wide meat layers, then after salting, ham will taste one to one. The meat is tender, very juicy, and the fat just melts in your mouth. And what a flavor! In a word, friends, do not miss the recipe and be sure to cook the lard in onion skins. What’s more, it only takes half an hour to prepare.

In terms of composition and method of preparation, the recipe for lard in onion peel is extremely simple. First we make a decoction, and then we cook lard with spices in it, the set of which can be changed to your taste.


To deliciously cook lard cooked in onion peel, you will need:

  • undercuts or brisket (fat with layers of meat) - 1 kg;
  • bay leaf - 2 pcs;
  • black peppercorns - 1 tsp;
  • allspice - 1 tsp;
  • grain coriander - 2/3 tsp;
  • cumin - 2-3 pinches;
  • water - 5 glasses;
  • coarse table salt - 5 tbsp. l. with a slide;
  • onion peel - 3 large handfuls.

How to cook lard in onion skins. Recipe

Where can I get enough onion peel? There are several options. If you plan to cook in advance, then collect the cleanings in a separate bag. If you want to do it right today, but there is no husk, ask the sellers in the vegetable rows at the market. Usually there is a lot of it and you can get a decent package for free. Husks need a lot to cover the fat from all sides. The more it is, the more intense the color of the finished fat will turn out.

I always wash the collected husks to remove dirt, soil residues, and dust. Pour boiling water for a few minutes, then rinse very thoroughly under running water. The husk will get wet, it will become clean and soft.

For my taste, the best lard with onion peel is obtained when there are meat layers in a piece. But this is not necessary, everything is up to you. I took a high piece of undercut (or peritoneum), in which meat and fatty layers alternate.

The skin must be cleaned of soot, scraped out to become light. I do this: I pour over a piece of slightly warm water and carefully scrape with a knife until the skin brightens.

All brown areas must be cleaned, if there are remnants of bristles, singe over an open fire. After cleaning, I rinse again, dry.

I'm making a spice tea. Pour a liter of water into a wide saucepan plus another 250 ml glass.

I add five tablespoons of coarse table salt. I type with a small slide as shown in the photo. I put the pot on a low fire. By stirring, I dissolve the salt. If there is sediment at the bottom, I filter it.

Spices and seasonings are the ingredients that affect the taste of the finished product to a greater extent. The set can be any, choose at your discretion. But there must be black peppercorns, allspice and lavrushka. I added cumin and coriander to them. More options: Provence herbs, paprika, cumin, white and black mustard, a ready-made spice mixture for meat or barbecue.

I bring the water to a boil, pour out the spices along with the bay leaf, boil for five minutes.

Salo is more convenient to cook cut into large pieces. I cut a kilo cut in half.

For cooking, use stainless steel, coated or cauldrons. Enamel may become dark in color. At the bottom of the cauldron I put half the onion peel. On it in one layer pieces of lard skin down.

From above I throw a husk to completely cover the surface.

I pour out the boiling brine. It needs so much that the fat is completely immersed in the brine. Otherwise, it will salt unevenly, the color will also be different.

I put the pot on medium heat. As soon as the brine begins to boil, adjust the heat so that the boil is moderate. Cover with a lid and cook for 15-20 minutes. I turn over a couple of times while cooking.

I turn off the fire, leave the fat in the cauldron, without removing it from the brine. When it cools to room temperature, I take it out to a cool place or put it in the refrigerator until the next day. During this time, the fat will absorb all the flavors, take as much salt as you need and turn into a pleasant golden color. It is possible to withstand more, I somehow had almost two days in the refrigerator, and for my taste from long-term salting it only became tastier.

Garlic is another essential ingredient. I rub it with fat after it marinates for the right time. I take it out of the cauldron, dry it and squeeze more garlic directly onto a piece through a press.

I rub it on all sides except for the skin. Well, now it remains to withstand a few more hours for the garlic to soak in, and you can try.

If you are preparing a large portion, then after rubbed with garlic, wrap each piece in foil or put in a tight bag and freeze.

How many times I have cooked lard in onion peel, it always turns out delicious, very tender and fragrant. So friends, the recipe has been tested repeatedly, the best and very simple. Try it and see for yourself that with such a detailed description of how to salt lard in onion peel, you will succeed, and the finished product will be tastier than store-bought delicacies. Happy cooking and bon appetit! Your Plushkin.

Detailed cooking recipe in video format

Step 1: Prepare the onion peel.

We remove the husk from one kilogram of onions with a knife. This can be done gradually: during cooking, do not throw out the peel all the time, but collect it in a bag or a convenient box, which must be stored in a dry place. Then, if necessary, you can always use it without spoiling a good bow. This husk must be rinsed in water. We collect 1.5 liters of water in a large saucepan, bring it to a boil and add a few tablespoons of salt. When it is completely dissolved, add onion peel to boiling water and boil over medium heat for 5-7 minutes.

Step 2: Prepare the fat.

While the onion peel brine is being cooked, we have time to prepare the lard. It is worth mentioning that this should not be a simple layer of white fat. For the preparation of this dish, the so-called undercuts are needed. That is, lard with a meat slot, and the larger it is, the tastier the finished snack will turn out. It must be washed in water, cut off all the films with a knife and slightly cleaned of the top layer of dirt by scraping the entire surface of the fat with a knife blade. Next, it must be cut into pieces, each of which should weigh 200-300 grams. That is, if you use a kilogram, then cut a piece into 4 - 5 parts.

Step 3: Cook the lard in onion skins.

Add pieces of lard to the pan with the husk. It must be completely covered with liquid. If this is not the case, then add a little boiled water. Bring all this to a boil, then reduce the heat and cook for 25 minutes. Then we remove the pan from the stove and let its contents cool: lard and brine. It is very important that at this point the pieces are completely immersed in the liquid. It is also impossible to remove lard from the pan.

Step 4: Season the fat.

In a mortar (garlic press or using a blender), grind the washed bay leaf and peeled garlic. This can also be done with a kitchen knife, but in this case the process will drag on for a longer period. Season this mixture to taste with a mixture of black and red ground pepper and salt. We take out the cooled fat from the brine, soak it with a clean kitchen towel or napkin. Next, you need to carefully rub the pieces of bacon on all sides with a mixture of parsley, garlic and pepper. Wrap tightly seasoned lard in foil and send it to the freezer for 12 hours.

Step 5: Serve the appetizer "Lard in onion skins".

If necessary, we take the lard out of the freezer, peel off the seasonings a little, cut into thin slices and serve as a fragrant homemade snack. The taste of such a dish is truly indistinguishable from smoked meat, so even on a holiday, your menu should have a place for lard in onion peel. Enjoy your meal!

In the preparation of snacks, be sure to use onion husks. And for a more saturated color, you can add a few pinches of ground paprika to the brine.

In the future, such fat is suitable for secondary processing and use in the preparation of other dishes. For example, it can be fried and added to scrambled eggs instead of bacon, or chopped and used in salads and even soups.

The appetizer goes well with spicy, sour or creamy sauces, as well as vegetables and herbs.

The article will tell you in detail about how to properly marinate lard so that it turns out tasty and fragrant.

For hundreds and thousands of years, people have been preparing lard: they salt, boil, bake, smoke, marinate, close it in jars and cook various dishes with lard. Fat is a product not only tasty, but also very healthy due to the fact that it contains a lot of nutrients. The tips from this article, which has collected the most delicious salting and pickling recipes, will help preserve the nutritional value of lard and preserve it.

Salo in brine: the most delicious recipe

Salted lard is a classic recipe for preparing this product while preserving all its nutritional value and the ability to be stored for a long time. You can change the recipe in your own way by adding a number of other spices or spices to it, or you can exclude some.

You will need:

  • Piece of fresh fat at about 0.5-0.6 kg. (with slot or without - your choice).
  • coarse salt(preferably sea) - 5-7 tbsp. (do not use "Extra" salt, it is not suitable for this recipe).
  • Dried bay leaf - 5-6 pcs. (small size).
  • Dill, seeds - 1 tsp (can be omitted or replaced).
  • A mixture of peppers quantity according to taste and spiciness.
  • Peppercorns and allspice - small handful of grains
  • Garlic - 1 small head
  • Purified cold water 1 liter (approx.).


  • After buying the fat, wash it thoroughly and scrape off the bristles from its skin, if this has not been done before.
  • You can buy both fresh and frozen lard, defrosting it in advance.
  • Cut the fat into pieces, so it will be more convenient to put it in the brine and it will be able to soak it. Don't cut too much fat.
  • Garlic is peeled and each piece should be stuffed with small pieces, putting the pulp of garlic as deep as possible. Leave a couple of cloves intact.
  • Carefully place the lard in a saucepan or deep bowl
  • Salo sprinkle with salt, spices and fill with water. Let it stand for 20-30 minutes and only then put it on fire.
  • Bring the water in a saucepan to a boil and cook for 2-3 minutes, no more.
  • Mince the remaining garlic and simply add it to the water.
  • Keep the lard in the brine until it cools completely, after which the lard should be placed under oppression.
  • In this state, the fat should stand for 3-5 days and all this time it should not be "disturbed".
  • After that, drain the brine and dry the fat. You can store it in the refrigerator or freezer.
Recipe in brine

Salo in onion skins: the most delicious recipe

Onion peel is very often used for salting and cooking lard. In addition to giving lard a pleasant spicy taste sensation, it allows it to acquire a beautiful golden hue due to its pigment. Such bacon will definitely look appetizing and tasty.

You will need:

  • Piece of fresh fat up to 800 g (preferably not ice cream, the taste of the finished dish depends on it).
  • Pure water for marinade - 1 liter
  • onion peel - with 5-6 bulbs (or more)
  • Coarse sea salt (optional) 5-6 tbsp (Salt "Extra" should not be used).
  • Sugar - 1-2 tbsp (optional, can be excluded)
  • Bay leaf -
  • Sweet Pepper - a few grains
  • Cumin - a small handful
  • Garlic - 1 small head
  • A mixture of peppers a little, depending on the spiciness of the spice.


  • Buy only fresh fat with a good meat streak of 0.5-1 cm.
  • Before cooking lard, boil the onion marinade from the husks washed with running water. Squeeze, fold to the bottom, put the bay leaf and fill with water.
  • Add sugar and salt to the pan, as well as other spices from the recipe or to taste. Bring to a boil.
  • Cut the salo into two or three parts. Boil it for a few minutes until the husk gives pigment. Dip in the boiling marinade.
  • Boil the lard in the marinade for about 20 minutes (plus or minus 5 minutes, depending on the fire).
  • It is not worth taking out the lard, you must wait until the marinade has completely cooled and hold the lard a little more (up to 10 hours).
  • Dry the finished fat, rub with chopped garlic with salt, a mixture of peppers and cumin. Wrap in parchment or foil, leaving it to soak in spices for up to 4 hours, only then put it in the refrigerator for storage.

Recipe with onion peel

Salo in a jar: the most delicious recipe

Salo, salted in a jar, has a long shelf life and excellent taste. Such bacon can be your signature dish and the best appetizer on the festive table.

You will need:

  • Piece of fresh fat up to 1 kg. (preferably with meat cut).
  • Coarse sea salt - 250-300 g (do not use Extra salt).
  • A mixture of peppers 1 tbsp (not spicy)
  • Bay leaf - several pcs. small size


  • Prepare dishes for salting, for 1 kg. The product will require a glass jar with a volume of 3 liters.
  • The jar should be thoroughly washed in advance with hot water and soda - this is a kind of sterilization.
  • The lard should be washed with running water, cutting off any “flaws” of the skin, for example, bristles or dirt.
  • Salo should be cut into small pieces, slightly larger than a matchbox.
  • Dry bay leaf should be crushed with a mortar or in any other way into crumbs, mixed with salt and a mixture of peppers.
  • Each piece of lard should be rubbed with a fragrant mixture of salt, if you have leftovers, pour them to the bottom of the jar and carefully fold the lard into it.
  • After filling the jar with lard, sprinkle the contents with an additional portion of salt and roll up the jar in the usual way (this will extend the shelf life of the lard).

Salo in the bank

How to salt boiled bacon: recipe

You can preserve in a jar not only raw, but also boiled lard, which has softness and tenderness. Such lard will become a delicious treat and your signature recipe. You can salt in a jar lard boiled in brine or marinade with onion peel.

You will need:

  • Salo - a large piece of 1 kg (or a little more, when cooking, the fat decreases in volume).
  • Salt - a few tbsp. (for boiling and adding to the jar)
  • A mixture of peppers 1 tbsp (not spicy)
  • ground paprika - 1 tbsp (not sharp, red)
  • Garlic - 1 head (medium size)


  • Stuff the salo with chopped garlic, deepening it with your fingers as much as possible inside.
  • Salt the water on the eye (1-3 tbsp) and put the fat to boil. Cooking will take 20-30 minutes (on moderate heat).
  • After cooking, you should not take out the fat, leave it to cool completely, then dry it.
  • Rub the slices of chopped boiled lard with a mixture of salt, pepper, paprika and crushed garlic.
  • Fold the fat neatly into a jar and sprinkle with salt, roll up in the usual way.

How to preserve boiled lard?

How delicious to pickle lard in brine?

Brine is a saline solution that serves as a marinade for lard. You can mix in the marinade not only salt, but also spices to taste.

You will need:

  • Salo with a streak of meat - approximately 800 g - 1 kg.(it is best to use fresh).
  • Salt - a few tbsp. (taste the brine)
  • ground pepper - 1 tbsp (can be replaced with a mixture of peppers)
  • head of garlic - 1 PC. (medium)
  • Clean water for brine - 1 liter (approx)
  • Bay leaf - a few pieces, not large


  • Prepare a steep brine by boiling water and dissolving 3-4 tablespoons in it. salt (more or less, depending on the fat: the more meat it contains, the less salt is required).
  • Rub the salo with salt and pepper, stuff with garlic and fold neatly into a jar, laying bay leaves between the pieces.
  • Pour the lard with hot brine and wait for the jar to cool, only then roll it up.

Salo in brine (brine)

How delicious to pickle lard in a marinade?

You will need:

  • Pure water - as much as you have meat
  • Bay leaf - several pcs. (small)
  • Garlic - a few teeth
  • A mixture of peppers is not spicy - 1 tbsp (red, black, white, paprika).
  • Onion - 1 PC. (large head)
  • Coarse sea salt - 5-6 tbsp spoons with a slide


  • Boil water and dissolve salt in it, as well as put bay leaves and spices that you can choose to taste.
  • Salo should be washed and cut into small pieces, rub them with a little salt, pepper and crushed garlic.
  • Put the fat in a bowl, for example, a saucepan and pour brine, place under oppression for 3-4 days.

How to salt the fat in the marinade, brine?

How delicious to pickle lard with garlic?

Garlic is the perfect addition to any lard: pickled, salted, boiled, smoked or raw. Garlic not only complements the taste of this product, but also facilitates its digestion. The aroma of garlic permeates the fat, adding to its fat content.

You will need:

  • Piece of fresh fat any size (up to 1 kg).
  • Garlic - 1-2 heads (depending on the size of the piece of fat)
  • A mixture of peppers 0.5-1 tsp (depending on whether your mixture is spicy or not).
  • Salt - a few tbsp. (according to your preferences).
  • Cumin - 0.5 tsp (can be excluded or replaced, for example, with cloves).


  • Boil water by dissolving a few tablespoons in it. salt, send the lard, cut into pieces, into boiling water.
  • Wait for the next boil and cook the fat for exactly 5 minutes, then remove it and dry it.
  • The brine should be cool
  • While the brine is cooling, grate the lard and stuff with garlic and cumin, finally rub the lard with a mixture of peppers.
  • Let the lard stand at room temperature for 1-2 hours, wrap it in foil.
  • After the brine has cooled, the solo is poured into a saucepan and put under oppression for 2-3 days.

Recipe with garlic

How delicious to pickle lard with pepper?

Pepper will give the fat a pleasant spiciness and emphasize its fatty taste. Depending on your preference, you can choose from a mixture of hot peppers or an aromatic spice made from neutral peppers.

You will need for the spicy pickle:

  • A mixture of peppers is not spicy - 1-2 tbsp
  • Chile ground - 0.5 tsp (you can exclude or add less).
  • Paprika - 1 tsp (possibly less)
  • Garlic - 1 head (medium)
  • Salt - a few tbsp.


  • Prepare the lard for salting in advance, rinse it with running water and dry it. You can also use boiled lard dried after cooking.
  • Make a lot of holes in the fat, which are filled with chopped garlic. Chop the rest of the garlic.
  • Mix salt, garlic and pepper (all kinds). Grate the fat generously on all sides and wrap with parchment (or foil).
  • The lard should be left at room temperature for several hours so that it is saturated with taste and aroma.
  • After that, make a simple brine of water with salt (you can add bay leaves if desired).
  • Fill them with lard and leave it under oppression for 3 days (this method is not suitable for boiled lard, only for raw).

Recipe with pepper

How delicious to pickle lard with spices?

Spices will allow the fat to reveal its pleasant taste and acquire an unusual aroma. You can add any spices you like to the brine.

Spicy brine for raw or cooked lard:

  • Water - 1 liter (approximately 1 kg fat)
  • Bay leaf - 3-4 pcs. (small leaves)
  • Garlic - a few teeth (optional)
  • Cumin - 0.5-1 tsp (according to your taste)
  • Rosemary - 1-2 sprigs (can be replaced with dry)
  • Salt - a few tbsp. (it is desirable to use a large sea)
  • Italian herb blend 1-2 tbsp


  • Boil water and dissolve salt in it
  • Add all the spices and a couple of sprigs of rosemary to boiling water
  • Leave the brine to cool
  • Stuff the salo with garlic inside and rub on top along with salt.
  • Pour chopped bacon with cold brine and put it under oppression for several days.

Spicy lard in spices

How delicious to pickle lard for smoking?

Many people love smoked lard, but not everyone knows that the secret of its delicious preparation is a good pre-marinade.

You will need:

  • Wash with running water 1 kg. fat with a thick cut of meat.
  • Cut the lard into several large pieces
  • Dissolve a few tablespoons in warm water. salt
  • Put the meat in a saucepan, first rub it with a little salt, pepper, stuff with garlic.
  • Put bay leaves between the pieces of meat, pour the lard with warm brine and marinate for 3-4 hours.
  • After pickling, dry and send to the smokehouse.

How delicious to pickle lard in a bag?

Salo in a bag is a delicious and easy way to marinate lard. You can independently adjust the amount of spices for such pickling. For such salting, you can use both raw and boiled meat.

How to do the salting correctly:

  • Raw bacon should be washed in advance and cut into large pieces, or boiled in advance.
  • Stuff the salo with garlic, chop some of the garlic in a bowl.
  • Rub salo with salt and pepper
  • In a bowl with crushed garlic, add a few tablespoons. water, salt, spices.
  • Place the lard in a bag, send the garlic mixture to the lard, tie the bag.
  • Store the bag in the refrigerator for 2-3 days, take it out every day and mix the contents thoroughly by simply dangling the bag in your hands.

Pickling recipe in a bag

How delicious to pickle lard in a dry way?

Dry salting of lard is very simple. It can be considered a classic.

For this you should:

  • Rinse a piece of lard in advance with running water and remove all “suspicious” pieces: weathered lard, dirty or stubble.
  • Dry the fat
  • Pour a layer of salt into the bottom of the pan, put the fat on top.
  • Sprinkle the lard with plenty of salt so that it is literally covered with it.
  • In this state, the fat should stand for 4-5 days at room temperature.
  • Don't worry that it will become very salty, because the fat will take exactly as much salt as it needs.

How to deliciously pickle lard in a cold way: a simple recipe

You will need:

  • Prepare for salting a piece of raw or boiled lard.
  • Prepare the brine: dissolve salts and spices in warm water, cool and let it brew.
  • Cut the lard into pieces and place in a saucepan, laying a layer of lard with bay leaf or other spices.
  • Pour the fat with cold brine and put it under pressure for several days.

How delicious to salt brisket lard with layers of meat?

The more meat vein in the fat, the less salt is required for pickling. Indeed, unlike the white part, the meat absorbs salt very well. If 5-6 tablespoons of salt are required for white lard (in relation to 1 kg), then 2-3 will be enough for flank (lard with meat).

IMPORTANT: You can marinate the flank cold or hot, in a bag or under oppression. Use whatever spices you like and season the meat with plenty of garlic.

Salo with meat layer

How delicious to salt thin bacon with a skin?

Thin fat should be marinated in a brine prepared on the basis of water, spices, salt and garlic. It is not worth falling asleep and rubbing salt with such fat, because it can absorb too much. Also, do not put such a piece of fat under oppression.

Do I need to wash the fat before salting?

If you buy fresh lard, be sure to rinse it thoroughly under running water before marinating or salting. Frozen lard should first be left at room temperature, and then cleaned (cutting off dirt or bristles). Pure fat pickles well and is stored for a long time.

How long to cook lard in onion skins?

Cooking in onion skins allows the lard to acquire not only a spicy flavor, but also a beautiful copper tint. Depending on how much you want to cook the meat and what part you have, the cooking time is 20 to 40 minutes.

How many days in time to salt the lard in a dry way, in brine, onion peel?

It is necessary to marinate lard in spices and husks in a dry way for 3-5 days. The first day you should marinate it at room temperature and only then put it in the refrigerator. The longer the lard marinates, the richer its taste will be and the pulp will be softer.

Video: "Delicious lard in brine"

  • Salo with meat (brisket, undercuts) - 0.5 kg,
  • Water - 1 l,
  • Rock salt - 1 tbsp.,
  • Husk from 4-5 large onions,
  • Garlic - 1 head,
  • Allspice - 10 peas,
  • Bay leaf - 2 pcs.,
  • Coriander - 10 peas,
  • Paprika - 2 tsp,
  • Onion - 1 pc.

Cooking process:

Place spices in a saucepan: onion peel, coriander, pepper, salt, whole onion, bay leaf. If you have red onions, great! Add a small handful of husks - the color of the finished dish will turn out even more interesting.

Pour the contents of the pot with cold water. Send to moderate fire. Boil the composition for 10 minutes so that the spices give off their color and aroma.

Before heat treatment, the main product must be prepared. Carefully scrape the peel with a knife, then rinse under running water. If the piece is long and does not fit in the pan, you can cut it in half. Send the fat to the boiling broth, cover with a lid. Cook over low heat for 40 - 50 minutes, if the fat is with meat layers. If there are no layers in the fat, 10 minutes is enough. Then remove the pan from the heat, leave the product in the brine until it cools completely. And even better, if time permits, put it in the refrigerator for a day - this way the piece will be better salted.

Generously rub the cold boiled lard on all sides with garlic, passed through a press and ground paprika. And now the finishing touch - wrap the fat in foil or cling film, and send it to the freezer for 10 - 12 hours.

Thinly slice the frozen bacon, serve with black bread.

How to cook delicious lard in onion peel told Ksenia, recipe and photo of the author.

It is not so difficult to cook delicious salted lard in onion peel at home.. You can use any fat, but fat deposits with a meat layer are ideal. This wonderful dish will decorate any holiday table.

Step by step recipe with photos. We prepare the lard, cook it in onion peel and add the appropriate seasonings:

Vintage recipe:

This recipe is very famous and very old, which means it is proven. Unsalted bacon with a meat layer is best for him - brisket or undercuts. Salo, boiled in onion peel, takes on the appearance of smoked bacon, and the husk gives it a delicate aroma. The dish is very tasty.


  • about a kilogram of fat with a meat layer,
  • 2 large handfuls of onion skins (red or golden onion skins work best)
  • 150-200 grams of salt,
  • two tablespoons of sugar
  • allspice,
  • bay leaf (3-4 pieces each).

In addition, to coat the fat, you need to take: a mixture of peppers, three cloves of garlic and paprika (or dry adjika).

How to cook onion lard:

Take a large saucepan, it is better if it is not too light and new, because the onion marinade will stain the sides of the dish. Pour a liter of water into it, add sugar, salt, bay leaf and onion peel, previously washed with water. Bring this mixture to a boil and then lower the lard.

It can be cut into portions or twisted a little. Cover it with a plate on top so that the fat sinks into the liquid completely. Bring to a boil again. Cover the pan with a lid, cook for about twenty minutes over low heat. Then turn off the stove and leave the lard to simmer in the pan for another 12 hours.

When the liquid has cooled, take it out to the cold. After 12 hours, remove the fat from the brine and wait half an hour until all excess liquid drains. Mix pepper and chopped garlic, add paprika or, if desired, a little dry spicy adjika.

Rub the dried lard on all sides with the resulting aromatic mixture, wrap with cling film and put in the freezer.

Salo in onion peel is ready!

Keep the frozen lard warm for about five minutes, then cut into thin slices and serve with mustard and brown bread.


Salo is a wonderful product that contributes to the accumulation of energy and strength, quickly satisfies hunger and improves immunity. If, when using it, you observe the measure, it definitely will not bring any harm. Many housewives buy a fatty layer of pork or beef in the markets in order to pickle it on their own.

Finding a recipe for salting fresh bacon is not as difficult as choosing the right product. In order to buy bacon that is ideal for salting, pay attention to whether its structure is uniform. It should have a nice pink or white color.

It is not necessary to buy lard with a meat vein, but if it is, then its thickness should be about two centimeters. Sellers sometimes offer striped bacon, but it is not at all suitable for salting. But it is ideal for smoking. When choosing a product, pierce it with a sharp knife.

If there are a lot of veins in the product, it is better not to take it, buy lard, into which the knife enters easily. Before you tastefully pickle the purchased product, select salt and the necessary seasonings: peppers, bay leaf, garlic, cardamom or marjoram. Mix all the ingredients in one bowl, and then rub the bacon with it.

Leave it for a few days in a cool place - salt out.

The recipe for salting lard will make it very easy and without outside help to get a tasty and fragrant dish. Do not forget that it is better to freeze the finished pork fat, so it will be tastier and retain its taste for a long time.

how to quickly and tasty pickle lard at home.

We will need:

one and a half kilograms of fresh fat,

six tablespoons of coarse salt,

three heads of garlic

four to five tablespoons of ground black pepper. These ingredients will make six servings and will take four days to cook. First you need to peel the garlic. Cut the lard into layers of 5-6 centimeters, make cuts in each of them, into which place the garlic, cut into slices.

Mix the spices, rub each piece of bacon with the mixture. Put the lard in a bowl, sprinkle chopped garlic on top for flavor. Put under oppression and leave for a day at room temperature, then transfer to coolness, but not to frost. After three to four days, the fat can be removed in the refrigerator or freezer for storage.

Now you know how tasty it is to pickle fresh lard on your own.


Homemade salting of lard in brine will not cause great difficulties. First you need to boil and cool the water, then add a few finely chopped garlic cloves and crushed pepper to it. Moreover, it is better not to spare pepper, the more you put it, the tastier the fat will turn out.

Before salting the fat in brine, you need to salt the water at the rate of three to four tablespoons per liter. The brine should smell strongly. Cut the lard into small pieces and put in a jar. If you wish, add a bay leaf. Salting bacon in brine should take place in a cool place, preferably in a freezer, for three to four days.

After this time, remove the finished pieces from the jar and dry with a towel or napkins. The finished product is best stored in the freezer, wrapped in foil.

The recipe for cooking lard in brine can be changed to your taste. For example, the salting time depends on the size of the pieces.

By cutting the fat into smaller pieces, you can speed up the salting time. You can vary the proportions of spices and add something from yourself, showing imagination.

Every experienced housewife has a favorite recipe for making lard in brine, but some are especially popular. For example, lard in garlic solution. Salo must be cleaned and placed in cold clean water overnight.

Before salting the lard in garlic brine, you need to cut it into pieces and make deep cuts. Garlic prepared in advance is inserted into them. For spiciness, you can grease each piece with crushed garlic. Then the lard is sprinkled with pepper and coarse salt.

The brine is prepared separately, at the rate of two kilograms of salt per five liters of water. Salo is poured with a cold solution of salt, and then placed under oppression and put in the cold for exactly a week. The finished fat must be removed from the liquid and allowed to dry, after which it must be cleaned of salt.

Then the fat can be eaten. It is best to store it in the freezer.


Salo baked in the oven will help to significantly diversify the festive (and not only) table. This is a very delicate dish, saturated with the aroma of fragrant spices and melting in your mouth. In order to prepare it, you will need:

- 500-600 grams of fat with a layer; - a head of garlic; - salt and pepper;

- any spices of your choice.

First you need to clean and rinse fresh lard, dry it with paper towels. After that, unwind a large piece of foil on the table, taking into account the fact that the fat needs to be wrapped very tightly and well. Salo grate with pepper and salt, spread on top of the selected seasoning.

Wrap the piece in foil, then place in the oven for about one hour at a temperature of about 180-200 degrees. Carefully taking out the fat, open the foil, leaving it inside, and then put it back in the oven, now for only 15-20 minutes. As a result of this, the bacon that you baked in the oven will brown.

In this case, the temperature must be doubled. While the dish is browning, peel the garlic and divide the head in half. Cut the first half into thin slices, grate the second half. Take out the lard, remove the foil and rub the piece with garlic.

Insert thin slices into pre-made holes, if there are none, just make new ones. Then leave the lard to cool. There is a very good and simple recipe for cooking potatoes with lard in the oven. You can take any lard, but the tastiest of all is salted in fragrant spices.

For cooking, you need 100 grams of fat and about a kilogram of potatoes. This will make four servings and take about 45 minutes to cook. Peel the potatoes and cut them into thin slices. Lay them on a baking sheet greased with a little oil, and cover with thin slices of bacon on top.

Bake the dish in the oven for about half an hour at 200 degrees, until browned. Potatoes with lard in the oven are a very satisfying, tasty and fragrant dish that you are not ashamed to offer guests.


A simple recipe will help you prepare delicious lard with garlic. Take lard, five or six cloves of garlic, black pepper (both ground and whole), salt and bay leaf - as desired. Before salting lard with garlic, it must be cut into pieces.

Then cut each of these pieces several times, but without touching the skin. Cut the garlic cloves into thin slices. Mix salt and pepper and roll each piece of lard in the resulting mixture.

Cover the lard with slices of garlic, put in a deep plate, shifting each piece with a bay leaf.

Cover the plate so as to create oppression. Leave for several hours at normal room temperature, then put in the refrigerator for a day.

The finished fat must be cleaned of excess salt, put in a bag and hidden in the freezer.


As you can see, lard with garlic is a simple dish, the recipe of which you don’t even have to write down.

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Source: http://bebi.lv/samyye-prostye-retsepty/usnoye-salo-v-lukovoy-sheluhe.html

Salo in onion peel

Posted by Olga Gorashuk | in the category Preparations, Recipes tasty and inexpensive, Recipes for pickles 10.11.2014

Total cooking time - 0 hours 40 minutes
Active cooking time - 0 hours 30 minutes
Cost - very economical
Calories per 100 gr - 797 kcal
Number of servings - 10 servings

How to cook lard in onion skins


Salo - 0.5 kg
Onion peel - to taste
Salt - 6 tablespoons
Garlic - 2 pcs.
Pepper mix - to taste
Spices - to taste herbs


Any method of preparing lard begins with the purchase of the main ingredient. The final taste of the dish depends on what kind of fat you buy. Believe me, it is. Even if you know how to cook lard in 150 ways, the main thing will still be what kind of fresh lard you bought.

First of all, you need to buy fat in the market. I have never met a delicious store-bought lard (maybe, of course, I go to the wrong stores!).

So you are in the market. Fresh fat is usually presented in a huge assortment. But not all pieces are suitable for salting. First of all, we need to find really fresh lard. You can easily determine the freshness by such an uneven structure, the fat is still literally alive, it moves easily at the slightest touch.

The consistency looks like a frozen thick jelly. In addition, you need to pay attention to whether there is a thin, light, transparent strip between the fat and the skin. If it is in place, it means that the lard is well baked, and you will get a delicious result! If not, then you should not take such lard for salting.

And yes, be sure to try if the skin is tough on the fat. To do this, just pry the skin with your fingernail and pull it slightly, as if tearing it off.

Is this procedure easy to perform? Know, and the skin will be soft! Just do not trust this action to the seller.

They usually show the buyer so quickly that the skin is thin and soft, which is better to check in person, everyone, after all, has their own idea of ​​\u200b\u200bsoftness.

And, finally, I always smell fat. My acquaintances butchers are no longer surprised, but look at me with respect. The fact is that the pig should be well greased (one of the first carcass processing processes), and not just like that, but ideally - greased with straw. Then you will feel a subtle incomparable aroma.

So, we chose a worthy piece of lard and brought it home. And here the first danger lies in wait - in no case should you start salting fresh fat right away. It should take at least 1-2 days. During this time, the fat will mature and subsequently it will be convenient to work with it. I usually put lard on the shelf of the refrigerator.

It's time to cook the salo. To do this, you need to cut it into convenient pieces, the bars should be small in size so that they are quickly saturated with spices.

And do not be embarrassed that by cutting the fat into beautiful even pieces, you will have trimmings.

I would advise you to sort them right away: some parts can be salted, some can be used raw for frying (who would refuse scrambled eggs in lard or potatoes fried with lard ?!)

Now we need that special recipe ingredient that will give a special charm to the fat: an unrealistically beautiful color. I'm talking about onion skins.

When I decided to cook lard, it turned out that there was no onion peel at home. Well, no big deal. You went to the market for bacon, didn't you? Walk through the vegetable rows and ask the sellers to pick up the husks from the onion box. Not only will it be completely free, but the sellers will also thank you for cleaning the onion for them)))

Before cooking, the husk must be rinsed under running water.

To continue cooking, you need to put a pot of water on the fire. Please note: onion peel is an excellent dye. It gives a wonderful color to Easter eggs and, for example, lard. But the pan will also certainly be painted. Therefore, avoid using enamel pans, especially white ones.

As soon as the water in the pan boils, it must be generously salted. It was not in vain that I wrote “generously”, because lard is just that unique product where there is no excess salt. Now it's time to throw in the onion skins. Leave the pan to simmer for about 10-15 minutes for a stable coloring of the brine (this is often called a strong saline solution).

If it seems to you that the color is not intense enough, then throw in pieces of fresh beets - there will be a guaranteed beautiful shade.

It's time to lower the fat into the solution. If onion peel gives you an aesthetic inconvenience, then remove it before laying the fat. From my own experience I will say that this is an extra step in the recipe, it is quite possible to leave the husk in the pan.

We boil the bacon quite a bit - literally 5-7 minutes. You can object to me that this is very little, in such a short period of time it is impossible to cook lard. Of course not. But we do not need boiled bacon, this is not our goal. Therefore, we will focus on a short heat treatment. And then just turn off the fire under the pan and leave it to cool right with the fat.

During such a gradual cooling, the fat will still be cooked, because it will always be in hot, and then warm, brine.

While the lard is cooling, we need to prepare a mixture in which we roll the lard. This blend is an absolute fantasy. Consider your tastes and taste preferences of your family members! This time I made a very simple deboning: I combined finely chopped garlic with a freshly ground mixture of peppers and herbs.

The cooled fat can be rolled in this mixture in a whole piece. And you can stuff the fat with aromatic additives. Or - as I did - cut a large bar of lard into several parts (we make an incision to the very skin, but so that the bar of lard does not break into pieces, but remains the same size). It seems to me that with the latter method, deboning will be the most successful.

So, the fat is already fragrant, but it does not hold its shape very well. So, wrap the pieces in cling film and send them to the freezer - let them rest for about 1 day.

Time has passed, it's time to take a test.

Delicate fat, literally melts in your mouth. The color of the fat is very appetizing. And what a flavor! Help yourself! Even just put a few pieces of such bacon on a piece of black bread - and the enjoyment of taste is guaranteed!

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Source: https://menunedeli.ru/recipe/salo-v-lukovoj-sheluxe/

Salo in onion skins: the most delicious recipe

I continue the series of meat snacks. Over the past couple of months, I have cooked lard in onion skins several times, the most delicious recipe I have ever tried. And I have considerable experience in handling this product: I twist rolls, salt with dry salting, and do it in brine. But this one is still out of competition.

If you take a good piece of bacon, in which there will be wide meat layers, then after salting, ham will taste one to one. The meat is tender, very juicy, and the fat just melts in your mouth. And what a flavor! In a word, friends, do not miss the recipe and be sure to cook the lard in onion skins.

What’s more, it only takes half an hour to prepare.

In terms of composition and method of preparation, the recipe for lard in onion peel is extremely simple. First we make a decoction, and then we cook lard with spices in it, the set of which can be changed to your taste.

To deliciously cook lard cooked in onion peel, you will need:

Where can I get enough onion peel? There are several options. If you plan to cook in advance, then collect the cleanings in a separate bag.

If you want to do it right today, but there is no husk, ask the sellers in the vegetable rows at the market. Usually there is a lot of it and you can get a decent package for free.

Husks need a lot to cover the fat from all sides. The more it is, the more intense the color of the finished fat will turn out.

I always wash the collected husks to remove dirt, soil residues, and dust. Pour boiling water for a few minutes, then rinse very thoroughly under running water. The husk will get wet, it will become clean and soft.

For my taste, the best lard with onion peel is obtained when there are meat layers in a piece. But this is not necessary, everything is up to you. I took a high piece of undercut (or peritoneum), in which meat and fatty layers alternate.

The skin must be cleaned of soot, scraped out to become light. I do this: I pour over a piece of slightly warm water and carefully scrape with a knife until the skin brightens.

All brown areas must be cleaned, if there are remnants of bristles, singe over an open fire. After cleaning, I rinse again, dry.

I'm making a spice tea. Pour a liter of water into a wide saucepan plus another 250 ml glass.

I add five tablespoons of coarse table salt. I type with a small slide as shown in the photo. I put the pot on a low fire. By stirring, I dissolve the salt. If there is sediment at the bottom, I filter it.

Spices and seasonings are the ingredients that affect the taste of the finished product to a greater extent. The set can be any, choose at your discretion. But there must be black peppercorns, allspice and lavrushka. I added cumin and coriander to them. More options: Provence herbs, paprika, cumin, white and black mustard, a ready-made spice mixture for meat or barbecue.

I bring the water to a boil, pour out the spices along with the bay leaf, boil for five minutes.

Salo is more convenient to cook cut into large pieces. I cut a kilo cut in half.

For cooking, use stainless steel, coated or cauldrons. Enamel may become dark in color. At the bottom of the cauldron I put half the onion peel. On it in one layer pieces of lard skin down.

From above I throw a husk to completely cover the surface.

I pour out the boiling brine. It needs so much that the fat is completely immersed in the brine. Otherwise, it will salt unevenly, the color will also be different.

I put the pot on medium heat. As soon as the brine begins to boil, adjust the heat so that the boil is moderate. Cover with a lid and cook for 15-20 minutes. I turn over a couple of times while cooking.

I turn off the fire, leave the fat in the cauldron, without removing it from the brine. When it cools to room temperature, I take it out to a cool place or put it in the refrigerator until the next day.

During this time, the fat will absorb all the flavors, take as much salt as you need and turn into a pleasant golden color.

It is possible to withstand more, I somehow had almost two days in the refrigerator, and for my taste from long-term salting it only became tastier.

Garlic is another essential ingredient. I rub it with fat after it marinates for the right time. I take it out of the cauldron, dry it and squeeze more garlic directly onto a piece through a press.

I rub it on all sides except for the skin. Well, now it remains to withstand a few more hours for the garlic to soak in, and you can try.

If you are preparing a large portion, then after rubbed with garlic, wrap each piece in foil or put in a tight bag and freeze.

How many times I have cooked lard in onion peel, it always turns out delicious, very tender and fragrant. So friends, the recipe has been tested repeatedly, the best and very simple.

Try it and see for yourself that with such a detailed description of how to salt lard in onion peel, you will succeed, and the finished product will be tastier than store-bought delicacies.

Happy cooking and bon appetit! Your Plushkin.

Detailed cooking recipe in video format

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Source: http://recepty-Plushkina.ru/salo-v-lukovoj-sheluxe.html

Salo in onion skins is the most delicious recipe, how to salt correctly, how much to cook

If you love lard, you simply had to try cooking it in onion peel, you can choose the most delicious recipe right now. I share my best ways of preparing this folk delicacy, simply because I myself love it very much and have been cooking it for a long time.

I don’t understand at all those who consider lard to be harmful, a couple of pieces a day have not hurt anyone yet, and if it’s with garlic and black bread, well, generally lovely. Here you just need to know the measure and not get carried away.

Salo in onion skins the most delicious recipes

The most delicious recipes for lard boiled in onion skins involve the use of a fresh, ideally home-grown product.

  1. If there is only one option, buying fat in a supermarket, then take a piece as fresh as possible and by no means frozen. Then it will be much tougher and drier.
  2. If you don’t have a subsidiary farm with your own pigs, then I suggest you go to the market and choose a piece of fresh meat for yourself.
  3. Pay attention to the color, grayish or yellowish, just pass by. You can smell it, the smell should be fresh, pleasant, if the khryundel was covered with straw, it’s generally wonderful, take such a piece right away.
  4. You can try the fat when choosing and taste, though only a few dare to do this. And also try the seller at the expense of the sex of the pigs, for wild boars, especially those not castrated during heat treatment, the fat begins to emit such a terrible pungent smell of urine that you cannot eat it with any recipe.
  5. For our recipes, pick up slices with layers. If you are going to make a roll in onion peel, then you need the peritoneum from a young piglet, three or four centimeters thick. Undercuts in onion peel will not yield to smoked taste.
  6. For such recipes, do not tear all the husks from the onion at once. Gain it gradually and store somewhere in a dry place, maybe in a kitchen cabinet in a cardboard box.
  7. Before cooking, our workpiece (a fresh piece of bacon) should be washed well under running cold water and dried with a paper towel.
  8. There are several ways to prepare lard in onion peels; for gourmets, saturated brine is used; for lovers of healthy food, simply boiled lard.

Recipe for boiled lard in onion skins

I found the easiest recipe for boiled lard in onion skins. Boiled, firstly, is much healthier than smoked, and secondly, much softer. How much time to cook lard depends on the size of the pieces, but now I’ll tell you how to boil it.

To get started, we will prepare:

  • Pork fat - kilogram (with a layer of meat)
  • Liter of pure water
  • Two hundred grams of ordinary fine salt
  • Three leaves of lavrushka
  • Two handfuls of onion skins
  • Eight peas of allspice
  • Large head of garlic
  • Black pepper and paprika

Preparation of bacon boiled in onion peel:

This recipe can be called a classic, it can be used as a base and various spices can be added.

First of all, we prepare the fat itself, wash and dry it, and also wash the onion peel in a colander and remove excess water.

Now we fill the husk with water, it can be already hot and put it on fire. Let's boil for about fifteen minutes, and then we put the wire cutters, salt, bay leaf and allspice there.

When cooking, it is important for us that all the pieces are covered with marinade. Cooking time, as I said, depends on the size of the pieces. Small ones, about three centimeters thick, can be boiled for 25 minutes, larger pieces are boiled from 45 minutes to an hour. Also, the fat should not boil much, so we reduce the fire to a minimum.

After the lapse of time, we remove the saucepan from the stove, but leave the fat in the brine until everything cools down completely. Only then you need to pull it out and let the brine drain.

Recipe for salted lard in onion skins

This salted bacon recipe takes longer, is more solid and tastier than the first recipe for regular cooking.

We will prepare the following products:

  • Eight hundred grams of fat with layers
  • A third cup of plain fine salt
  • Freshly ground red and black pepper
  • Paprika
  • Coriander
  • Five cloves of garlic
  • Liter of water
  • Two cups of onion skins

Preparation of salted lard:

Salo already washed and dried, cut into pieces, rub with salt, make “pockets” with a knife and put pieces of garlic in there. We put all our workpiece in a deep bowl, cover it with a plate on top and put it in the cold for two days.

After cooling, we take out the fat, dry it again and rub it with a mixture of seasonings. We spread it in a container and let it stand for a day.

Salo recipe in onion skins, video

Salo in onion peel with garlic

The recipe for lard in onion peel, and even with garlic, is a fairy tale. A snack that you need, you can't imagine better. Salo is sufficiently boiled, flavored with spices and moderately salted. In general, evaluate.

We will prepare the following ingredients:

  • Kilo fat with layers
  • Two handfuls of onion skins
  • A glass of common salt
  • One and a half heads of garlic
  • Ten black peppercorns
  • Three laurel leaves
  • Ground black pepper

How to pickle lard in a husk with garlic, step by step recipe:

We put the husk in a colander and rinse it under running water, fill it completely with water (liter) and keep it in a boiling state over low heat for fifteen minutes.

Rinse the salo and blot it with napkins, lower it into the broth.

Salt everything, add spices and four cloves of garlic, in this state, let it boil for about an hour.

When everything is cooked, leave the fat in the brine until it cools completely.

We take out the boiled bacon, blot excess moisture with a napkin.

We make a paste from the remaining garlic and freshly ground pepper, rub the pieces and put them in the cold for several hours.

Salo in onion skins in a slow cooker

Yes, with the help of a slow cooker you can even make very tasty lard. Who would have thought. With such a kitchen assistant, everything will be fast and beautiful, and most importantly, very tasty.

We will take the following products:

  • Kilo lard-undercut
  • A full glass of fine salt Extra
  • Three heaped tablespoons of table sugar
  • Two and a half liters of water
  • Two good squeezes of onion skins
  • Three cloves of garlic
  • Freshly ground pepper
  • five leaves of lavrushka

Salted Salt Recipe:

We also wash the onion peel and simply pour boiling water over it. Lay out half of it in a layer at the bottom of the multicooker bowl, lay out pieces of bacon on top, arranged with broken laurel leaves. Lay the rest of the peel on top.

Boil the required amount of water in a kettle and dilute sugar and salt in it. Pour the lard with the resulting brine, set the extinguishing mode for an hour and go for a walk.

The garlic that we have left is crushed into gruel and sprinkled with pepper. We rub each piece with such a paste and send it to the refrigerator, in a closed container for a couple of hours.

Salo in brine with onion skins

I learned the recipe for lard in brine with onion peel from my aunt, I tried it for a long time. Such a delicious fat, soft, lightly salted, just melts in your mouth. Now I also cook for every holiday, guests specially come to this appetizer.

We will need the ingredients:

  • Two kilos of fat from the brisket
  • two liters of water
  • Two husks of onion skins
  • Three tablespoons of table salt
  • One and a half heads of garlic
  • Ground black pepper
  • Paprika

Sala Ambassador:

We prepare the husk and lard, as in other recipes. Pour the husk with water, cook for fifteen minutes and lay the fat, salt and cook for another twenty minutes. The fire does not need to be made strong, let it boil slowly.

After that, remove the saucepan to the side and let it cool down. Then we put it in the refrigerator overnight. After we take it out and rub it with a mixture of crushed garlic, paprika and pepper. Let's lie down for a couple more hours and start trying.

Recipe for bacon roll in onion skins

The recipe for lard, rolled boiled in onion peel, is quite suitable for a festive table. My son and I made this for the first time this New Year, we liked it very much, we managed without harmful smoked meats on the table.

We use the following products:

  • Two kilo undercuts, about three cm thick
  • Half a glass of fine salt
  • Two glasses of tightly packed onion skins
  • five laurels
  • Four heads of garlic
  • Dried greens of your choice
  • Freshly ground red, white and black pepper


First of all, we make a decoction of the washed onion peel, boil it over low heat for fifteen minutes.

During this time, we prepare the lard, for this we chop the garlic with a blender, immediately with salt and seasonings. We rub the layer with the mixture obtained and roll it tightly into a roll (if necessary, cut it into several parts). Tie with twine.

We filter the decoction of onion peel and fill it with a roll. After boiling, we rearrange to low heat and cook for two hours. After that, we cool it down in this form, putting oppression on top. When a couple of hours have passed, you can take a sample.
