
How to cook potatoes with skins in a pan. Boiled young potatoes

Potato is a product loved by many, which has become traditional not only in everyday life, but also on the festive table. It can be boiled, fried, added to salads, vegetable and meat casseroles. Admirers of potatoes talk about its benefits, and opponents talk about negative influences. Most consumers are loyal to this vegetable: they do not note negative consequences, but they also do not observe a positive effect.

Benefit or harm

Potatoes supply a lot of useful substances to the human body. It helps improve digestion, promotes metabolism, removes toxins and prevents the development of diabetes. And the presence of potassium supports the work of the heart and removes excess fluid from the body.

However, frequent consumption of potatoes, due to the carbohydrates they contain, will add additional calories to the diet. Therefore, overweight people should not abuse this product. It is enough to eat potatoes several times a week. And it is better to choose a boiled or baked product.

cooking secrets

How to cook potatoes to make it quick, tasty and healthy? Sooner or later, this question is asked by any hostess. Chefs have a few secrets:

  1. To facilitate cleaning, young tubers should be soaked for 20 minutes in cold salt water.
  2. To preserve the maximum of vitamins, it is preferable to put the vegetable in boiling water.
  3. You can enjoy a pleasant aroma by dropping a peeled onion or a few crushed garlic cloves into boiling water with potatoes. At the end of cooking, it is recommended to add your favorite spices.
  4. To enhance the taste, after draining the water, sprinkle the tubers with chopped dill, cover and scroll the pan several times clockwise and back.
  5. The only way to speed up the cooking of any product is to increase the cooking temperature. How to quickly boil potatoes? It is enough to put a little butter in the pan. It will disperse over the entire surface of the water, forming a film. This will eliminate the effect of evaporation of moisture, and the temperature will become slightly higher.
  6. So that the potatoes do not boil during the cooking process, they are boiled for 15 minutes and the liquid is drained to the maximum, leaving a little at the bottom. In this residue, the product is cooked on low heat until cooked.
  7. Leaving the tubers white after cooking will help add small amounts of vinegar or citric acid.

simple recipe

The easiest way to cook is called boiling the tubers in the skin. Most housewives know how to boil potatoes in their skins. Perhaps the only distinguishing feature in this case may be the moment of adding salt. Some do it immediately after boiling, others - in the middle or even at the end of cooking. Usually, cooking potatoes in their skins over an open fire consists of 4 steps:

  1. Thoroughly wash the tubers from dirt and cut out the eyes.
  2. Place vegetables in boiling water.
  3. After 10 minutes of cooking, the product is salted.
  4. After another 10 minutes, check the potatoes for readiness by piercing.

A fork or knife that easily enters the tuber indicates that the product can already be removed from the fire and eaten. If this does not happen, it is recommended to boil the potatoes for a few more minutes and again evaluate the degree of readiness. Before serving, each tuber can be cut, knead the inside with a fork and garnish with fresh tomato slices.

classic dish

How to boil potatoes? Given the age of speed and the lack of time to prepare delights, most families eat simple meals. One food that saves time and money is potatoes. To easily cook a vegetable, you need to adhere to the following scheme:

  1. Wash and peel tubers of the same size.
  2. Cut large specimens in half.
  3. Pour water over potatoes and season with salt.
  4. Cook over medium heat.
  5. Cook for 20 to 40 minutes, checking the doneness with a knife or fork.

To eliminate wateriness, young potatoes must be dipped in boiling water, old ones can be put in slightly warm water. Drain the water from the pan with the finished product, put the butter. Once the butter has melted, you can gently stir the potatoes with a large spoon or wooden spatula. Then you need to let the dish rest under the lid for 10 minutes. Potatoes cooked in the classic way can be a side dish for any meat or fish. And the decoration will be greens or any pickled vegetable.

For mashing

How to boil potatoes in a saucepan to get a delicious dish known to all mothers. Vegetable puree is introduced into complementary foods for a baby from 6-7 months. Since the taste buds of the child are not yet corrupted, he will always feel false.

The method of cooking potatoes for mashed potatoes is reduced to several stages:

  1. Wash and peel tubers.
  2. Cut the potatoes lengthwise into two halves.
  3. Pour in boiling water or hot water.
  4. Put on fire.
  5. After ten minutes of cooking, salt.
  6. Trying for readiness, wait until the halves begin to break from piercing with a knife.
  7. Drain boiling water.
  8. Peel the potatoes by hand, gradually pouring in warm milk.
  9. Add butter.
  10. Stir the puree and evaluate the density.
  11. You can add a little more milk if you like.

Potato tender

For adherents of a separate diet or people who do not eat meat, you can use the boiling of tubers in milk. In this case, potatoes will be a little more complicated than the classic methods. To begin with, the tubers washed, peeled and cut into rounds should be evenly spread out in a deep saucepan with a thick bottom. Pour the contents with boiling milk, slightly covering the potato slices.

Boil over low heat covered for about 15 minutes. Salt the dish and cook until the plates break on their own, without covering the pan. Spices can be added to cooked potatoes. It is recommended to serve the dish in deep plates, garnished with a sprig of parsley or chopped dill.

How to cook potatoes in the microwave

A feature of this cooking method is high speed, which is important for any housewife. Before cooking, the potatoes are peeled and cut lengthwise. Then spread in a glass pan, pouring 150 ml of boiling water into it. Cover with a lid with a hole and put to cook in the microwave. After 8 minutes, carefully remove the dishes and turn the potatoes over to the other side. Again placed inside the device and cooked for a few more minutes. Since the product in this case turns out to be a bit dry, it is served with sour cream and coarsely chopped greens.

Juicy and fast

How to deliciously cook potatoes using a microwave, leaving all the vitamins in it? You can use ordinary polyethylene. Washed in cold water, medium-sized potatoes with or without a peel should be placed in a transparent bag, salted and poured with a spoonful of olive oil. For exclusivity of the dish, you can put a few slices of bacon between the tubers. Tie the bag and pierce it in several places. Now it’s worth putting the bag in the microwave so that the potatoes lie in one layer. It is necessary to cook the tubers for about 15 minutes, then put them out of polyethylene on a dish and pour over the accumulated liquid. The result is a juicy potato with a maximum of vitamins. It is better to eat such a product with bread or sliced ​​\u200b\u200bfresh vegetables.

There are a lot of recommendations for cooking potatoes. Only the hostess should decide how to cook potatoes, taking into account the characteristics and taste preferences of each family member. It is important to remember that this vegetable is quite high in calories, and you should not abuse it. It is preferable to eat boiled potatoes in complex dishes with fish or other vegetables.

Since ancient times, a lot of various and tasty dishes have been prepared from potatoes: casseroles, stews, salads, they are fried, stewed, boiled, etc. And any housewife needs to know how to properly cook this vegetable, because in this way you can cook a lot of dishes. Like any other, potato dishes require their own subtleties and nuances, only then they will turn out to be unusually tasty and healthy.

How to cook potatoes in a pan correctly?

If you feel like cooking mashed potatoes or just boiled potatoes, then the following recommendations may be useful.

Select tubers of the same size, which will allow all potatoes to cook at the same time. If they are of different calibers, then small potatoes will boil, and large ones will remain damp. If you can’t pick up the same tubers, then just cut the large ones into several parts.

Next, wash the vegetables and start cleaning them. So, potatoes in a pot. It must be filled with water until completely covered and add salt to taste. Under a closed lid, the potatoes must be brought to a boil, and then reduce the heat. Record 20-25 minutes. If the tubers are cooked longer than this time, then there is a risk that they will boil and turn into a watery puree. Therefore, after 20 minutes, you need to check the readiness of the potatoes with a fork. When the fork becomes easy to enter into the largest tuber, the pan can be removed from the stove.

Once the potatoes are ready, immediately drain the water. If it is mashed potatoes, then start cooking it according to the recipe, if you just want boiled potatoes, then put it on a dish, pour over melted butter, sprinkle with herbs and you can start eating.

Choice of young potatoes

If you know how to cook new potatoes, then consider that you own a truly royal recipe. So, before you start cooking new potatoes, you need to choose the right one.

The best option, of course, would be tubers grown in your summer cottage or garden. But not everyone has such a great opportunity, so we will go to the market.

It is preferable to buy young potatoes in the market, since you can buy a real homemade product there.

Choose medium-sized young tubers, as you will need to boil the potatoes in a saucepan whole. Be sure to inspect the potatoes for green spots. If they are, this indicates that the growing tubers were poorly covered with earth and unsuitable for food.

The process of cooking young potatoes

Let's describe in detail how to cook young potatoes. First of all, the skin must be removed from the tubers. You don't need to cut it with a knife, just scrape it lightly. After all the tubers are peeled, they need to be washed, put in a saucepan and pour water. At this stage, there may be two options: pour potatoes with cold water or boiling water. Many cooks believe that while the water in the pan is heated, the vegetable will absorb excess liquid and become tasteless.

In the water where the new potatoes will be boiled, you need to pour a little salt. We put the pan on the fire for about 25 minutes. To prevent the product from overcooking, you can carefully check its readiness with a toothpick. You should not do this with a knife, this will only spoil the appearance and taste of the new potatoes.

So the potatoes are ready. Drain the water, add green onions, parsley, dill and butter to the tubers. Carefully mix everything, close the lid and wrap the pan with a warm scarf. We leave the container for a quarter of an hour. This will allow the young potatoes to brew, as well as to be saturated with the aroma of greens and oil.

Secrets of a young potato

You have learned how to boil new potatoes, but there are little secrets that will make this simple dish just great.

If you serve salted cucumbers or salted red fish with potatoes, then consider that you have created a masterpiece.

If, after cooking, young potatoes are fried on all sides in vegetable oil, then it will acquire a golden color and a stunning crust.

If you didn’t have time to cook anything else (except potatoes), then sour cream and garlic will help you out. Just make a sauce out of them, and the taste of the dish will be unforgettable.

Potato in skin

Potatoes boiled in their skins, or, as they say in other words, in their skins, are considered very useful, because thanks to the skins, vitamins remain in the tubers and are not digested. In addition, unpeeled boiled potatoes have a special aroma and elasticity. Let's learn how to boil potatoes in their skins correctly.

Select potatoes of the same size, wash them with a brush, put them in a saucepan and cover with water. Potatoes must be salted. If the volume of dishes in which it is cooked is 2-3 liters, then 1 teaspoon of salt will be needed. Salt will not only give the best taste to the potatoes, but also prevent them from cracking. Next, bring the potatoes to a boil at maximum heat and immediately reduce the heat. Boil vegetables for 25-30 minutes. As soon as the tubers are ready, remove the pan from the heat and drain the water.

Boil potatoes for salad

Many young housewives are wondering how to boil potatoes for salad so that they remain strong. If the potatoes turn out to be soft and crumbly, then it will not be possible to cut them into even and identical cubes, which is completely unacceptable for a properly prepared salad. Boiled tubers are suitable only for mashed potatoes.

So, to cook potatoes for salad, you need to boil them in their skins. And only in its entirety! We already know how to cook potatoes in a saucepan and the fact that the peel allows you to maintain the elasticity of the tubers, so we will focus on which vegetables to choose for the salad so that they cook in the best possible way.

Potatoes will not crack during cooking if the selected tubers are pierced with a fork from all sides, and the water in the pan is salted. Boiling time will depend on the type of potato. If you need a product specifically for salad, then buy potatoes that are low in starch.

Immediately after boiling, pour cold water over the tubers, which will make it easy to remove the peel from them. And, of course, an important rule: you can not leave boiled potatoes in water. From this, it acquires an unpleasant smell, bad taste and will fall apart when cut.

Potatoes boiled in pieces

If you need to cook something very quickly, then we will tell you how to boil potatoes in slices. First, determine how you will cut the vegetables: large slices, cubes, quarters or halves. Remember that the smaller the pieces, the faster they will cook. After the potatoes are ready, be sure to drain the water. Meat, fish or fresh vegetables are ideal for this dish as a side dish.

Can you cook potatoes in the microwave?

Many people know how to cook potatoes in a saucepan, but not everyone knows that you can cook them quickly and tasty in the microwave. And this can be done in different ways, which we will now consider.

1. Select medium-sized potato tubers, wash them well and place them in a deep microwave-safe dish. Add water, but quite a bit, about 3 mm, cover the dishes with a lid, put in a microwave oven. Make the power maximum, and set the time to 10-12 minutes. After 10 minutes, you can check the stage of readiness of the potatoes, and if the vegetables are hard, then just add a few more minutes.

2. Wash the potatoes, make small cuts in each tuber and put them on a plate. In this case, water is not needed. Put the plate in the microwave, set the maximum power and time for 6-7 minutes. Then check the doneness of the potatoes and add a few more minutes if they are not done.

3. Take a baking bag, potatoes and salt. Wash the vegetables, remove the skin and cut the potatoes into pieces. Salt and fill the bag with them. Put it in the microwave oven, set 15-20 minutes of time and maximum power. After the signal for cooking, remove the bag and carefully, so as not to burn yourself with steam, cut it open and put the potatoes on a dish.

Bon appetit!

At the beginning of summer, fragrant and crumbly young potatoes appear on our tables - a low-calorie, tasty and easily digestible dish. In addition to the fact that this vegetable has wonderful taste, its tubers are rich in important and beneficial substances for the body: potassium, iron, phosphorus, vitamins C, P and B.

But in order to enjoy this wonderful and irreplaceable vegetable, you must be able to cook it. Only then will the young potatoes turn out tender, soft and will not fall apart into pieces.

How long to cook new potatoes

On average, medium-sized young potatoes are cooked in a saucepan on the stove for at least 20 minutes. If the tubers are larger, the cooking process will increase by several minutes.

But it should be remembered that potatoes come in different varieties, some of which are cooked very quickly and immediately become crumbly, while others, although boiled for a long time, still remain firm.

The readiness of potatoes is checked with a fork: if it easily enters the tuber, then it is already ready for use.

If you cook young potatoes in a slow cooker, then it will take no more than 10-12 minutes if you use small tubers. If the potatoes are larger, then it will take 5 minutes more to cook them.

If you use such a kitchen device as a double boiler, then after 15 minutes you can extract a tasty, juicy potato from it, in which all its vitamins have been preserved.

How to cook new potatoes

Young boiled potatoes with sour cream, butter and dill - nothing can be more appetizing than this popular dish. However, in order to serve whole fragrant potatoes for lunch or dinner, it is necessary to follow the technology of their preparation.

  1. Young potatoes must be peeled. But it is not cut off, but gently scraped off.
  2. Small tubers are best boiled whole, and large potatoes are cut into quarters of approximately the same size.
  3. Pour cold water into a saucepan of the appropriate size and put on fire. When the water boils, young peeled potatoes are thrown into it. It is necessary that the water is 1-2 fingers higher than the potatoes.
  4. Potatoes are boiled over low heat for 15-20 minutes. It is best to check its readiness with a toothpick - if it easily pierces the potato, then the dish is ready. If you check the readiness of potatoes with a knife, then it may happen that whole tubers fall apart, and the appearance of a delicious dish will be slightly spoiled.
  5. It is better to salt young potatoes at the end of cooking, then they will definitely not boil soft.
  6. When the potatoes are cooked, the water must be carefully drained, and then the pot with the finished potatoes left for another 1-2 minutes on the fire - excess moisture will completely disappear during this time.
  7. If desired, butter, sour cream and dill are added to the potatoes, gently mixed, shaking the contents of the pan.

Now this fragrant dish can be transferred to plates, and invite family to the table.

It seems to any person that there is nothing easier than boil potatoes, and even a child will certainly cope with this.

But it turns out that this familiar vegetable has many little secrets that must be taken into account when preparing it. Otherwise, you will have to dine with either undercooked hard or watery boiled potatoes.

  • If the potatoes will be cooked whole, then it is advisable to choose tubers of the same size.
  • So that young potatoes do not turn out watery and tasteless, it is better to fill them with boiling water, and not cold water.
  • Young potatoes are peeled immediately before cooking, otherwise they will quickly darken.
  • The peel from young potatoes is not cut off, but scraped off with an ordinary knife or vegetable peeler. You can also use a dish brush or a hard kitchen sponge for cleaning.
  • The skin of a new potato can stain your hands, so it's safer to peel it with gloves.
  • Young potatoes are boiled in a small amount of water. The best option is when water is poured two fingers above the level of the potatoes.
  • If young potatoes are salted at the very beginning of cooking, then it will turn out dense. This is usually done when dealing with soft-boiled varieties or when boiling potatoes for salad. If mashed potatoes are to be prepared from this vegetable, then in this case it is better to salt at the end of cooking.
  • If young potatoes need to be boiled as quickly as possible, then a small piece (20 grams) of butter must be added to the water. This will increase the boiling point, which will speed up the cooking process by almost 5 minutes.
  • So that young tubers do not burst during the cooking process, it is better to cook them over low heat. In this case, they will boil evenly, the top layer will not burst and the middle will not remain raw.

Young potato recipes

Absolutely everyone loves young potatoes flavored with butter and sprinkled with fresh dill. But it is not only boiled, but also fried, stewed and baked, and such dishes are no less popular.

Baked new potatoes

To prepare this yummy you will need: about 600 g of potatoes, a few cloves of garlic, seasoning from aromatic herbs, 3-4 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil, salt, pepper.

Wash medium-sized potato tubers thoroughly, as they can be used unpeeled, and cut into halves.

Put the potatoes in a saucepan, salt, pepper, pour vegetable oil. Add chopped garlic and herb seasoning there. Mix everything thoroughly and leave for 20 minutes to marinate.

Then transfer the pickled potatoes to a heat-resistant baking sheet, pour the remaining marinade on top and send to the preheated oven. It will be possible to serve ruddy potatoes with a deliciously crispy crust in 40 minutes.

Rating: (9 Votes)

There are so many potato dishes that you can't even count them. How and how much to boil potatoes so that the fruits do not boil soft, and the dish turns out delicious - the duration depends on the variety and size of root crops. On average, cooking potatoes takes 25-35 minutes.

Lay potatoes for cooking second courses in boiling water, so you save more nutrients. Salts are added 3-5 grams per 1 liter of water, after boiling. Sometimes, so that the potatoes do not boil, they are steamed, with the lid closed.

Root crops are thoroughly washed before cleaning, damaged areas are removed. If you are peeling potatoes more than 15 minutes before cooking, soak the prepared tubers in cold water so they don't turn brown.

Prepare mashed potatoes from freshly boiled, hot potatoes. To properly mash the root crops, use a wooden pusher. The contact of potatoes with metal can give an unpleasant aftertaste to the whole dish.

Time - 40 minutes. Exit - 2 servings.


  • potatoes - 600 gr;
  • milk - 80 ml;
  • bulb bulb - 0.5 pcs;
  • butter - 1 tbsp;
  • boiled egg - 1 pc;
  • green onions - 4 feathers.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the washed and peeled potatoes into 2-4 parts and send them to boiling water. Add a pinch of salt, half a peeled onion.
  2. Lower the heat, open the lid and cook for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Check the readiness of the potatoes by piercing them with a fork. If the fork goes freely into the potato slices, turn off the stove.
  4. Drain the water from under the potatoes, remove the onion. Add warm milk and mash the puree, at the end add a piece of butter.
  5. Place the puree on serving plates, sprinkle with chopped egg and green onions on top.

Student Roast Jacket Potatoes

Pick the same fruits, weighing 100-120 gr. Boil potatoes in their skins for 15-25 minutes. The larger the tubers, the longer the heat treatment. Avoid cracking root crops. Place potatoes in boiling water, do not add salt.


  • butter - 50 gr;
  • onion - 1 pc;
  • tomato - 2-3 pcs;
  • sausages - 3 pcs;
  • potatoes - 9 pcs.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the unpeeled potatoes until tender by placing the tubers in boiled water.
  2. Pour the finished potatoes with cold water for 5 minutes - the peel will be well peeled.
  3. Meanwhile, saute chopped onion in butter. Add tomato wedges and sausage mugs.
  4. Peel and slice the potatoes in their jackets, salt to taste, mix with languishing vegetables and sausages. Cover with a lid, simmer for 3-5 minutes.

Boiled potatoes with chicken breast with bechamel sauce

To prepare this dish, use young potatoes, weighing 60-80 gr. When peeling, give the tubers a rounded shape.

Time - 55 minutes. Exit - 2 servings.


  • boiled chicken breast - 200 gr;
  • potatoes - 10 pcs;
  • hard cheese - 100 gr;
  • parsley - 2-3 sprigs.

Bechamel Sauce:

  • butter - 30 gr;
  • flour - 1 tbsp;
  • milk or cream - 120 ml;
  • salt and pepper - on the tip of a knife.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil pre-washed peeled potatoes in boiling water, salt at the end.
  2. While the potatoes are cooking, prepare the sauce. Melt butter in a saucepan, add flour. Fry the mixture until light golden brown. Pour the flour passerovka with milk, break the lumps with a whisk and mix so that the sauce does not burn. Bring the mass to the consistency of thick sour cream.
  3. Lay hot potatoes on a serving plate. Arrange the warm chicken breast pieces on the sides.
  4. Pour the sauce over the dish and sprinkle with chopped parsley.

Steam potatoes with vegetables in a slow cooker

There is nothing easier than boiling potatoes in a slow cooker. Dishes can be cooked on water, with the addition of vegetables, roots, pieces of meat or fish. Cooked vegetables are juicy and tender. If there is no milk, cook with water.

Time - 45 minutes. Yield - 4 servings.


  • onion - 1 pc;
  • potatoes - 800-900 gr;
  • carrots - 1 pc;
  • bell pepper - 1 pc;
  • green onion - 1 bunch;
  • milk - 600-700 ml;
  • spices for vegetables - 1-2 tsp;
  • salt - 0.5 tsp


  • young potatoes - 500 gr;
  • lard with layers of meat - 100-120 gr;
  • onion - 1 pc;
  • dill and basil greens - 2 sprigs each;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • salt, pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Boil the peeled new potatoes in salted water until tender.
  2. In a hot frying pan, fry the sliced ​​\u200b\u200blard, add onion cubes.
  3. Cook until lard and onion are golden brown. Pour dressing over hot potatoes.
  4. Chop the greens with a knife along with garlic and a pinch of salt, sprinkle on the dish and serve.

Boiled potatoes with mushrooms under sour cream

Mushrooms or oyster mushrooms are suitable for this recipe. Instead of sour cream, use milk or cream. Serve the finished dish hot, sprinkle with chopped herbs on top.

Time - 50 minutes. Exit - 2 servings.


  • fresh mushrooms - 200 gr;
  • butter - 50-60 gr;
  • onions - 1 pc;
  • potatoes - 6-8 pcs;
  • low-fat sour cream - 4-6 tbsp;
  • spices and salt - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Cut the peeled potatoes lengthwise into 4-6 slices. Place in boiling water, cook until tender, sprinkle with a pinch of salt at the end.
  2. Sweat onion half rings in melted butter. Add mushrooms cut into medium pieces. Salt, pepper and stir-fry for 10-15 minutes.
  3. Pour the mushrooms with sour cream, cover and simmer for a couple of minutes, reducing the heat.
  4. Remove the cooked potatoes from the water with a slotted spoon, put on portioned plates. Top with mushrooms and sour cream.

Bon appetit!
