
How to remove excess salt from a dish? En: Terribly salted cutlets and what to do now.

Continuing the topic of cooking on the website "Babushkina Dacha", I could not get past the question: How to remove excess salt from a dish? It's a sin, I overdo it often. As it turns out, the ways save the dish if oversalted, great amount! Some tips are so ingenious, but at the same time simple, that every hostess simply needs to take note of them!

Salt out of the soup!

Salted soup is a classic of the genre! But it is possible to save the dish. How to remove salt from soup was discussed in Healthy Use 😉

If you oversalted the meat...

Fried meat can be cut into pieces into pieces and stewed with potatoes. Naturally, salting the dish is not required again. Potatoes in the dish will absorb excess salt.

Salted stew will be good to fill with sour cream, stew. Alternatively, prepare unsalted sour cream or tomato sauce for meat. Add rice to the meat while stewing - it will absorb excess salt. It is good to add vegetables (onions, carrots, cabbage, zucchini, eggplants, sweet peppers, tomatoes, cauliflower, beans) to fried or stewed meat and stew - you get a new, original dish.

The same potatoes will help remove excess salt from boiled meat: pour boiling water over the meat, add peeled potatoes and boil until the potatoes are ready. The result is a side dish, and the meat becomes less salty.

Gravy with meat or meat with sauce they save it like this: a piece of sugar is dipped into the liquid on a spoon. As soon as it begins to dissolve, take it out. The disadvantage of the method is that it is necessary to do the manipulations 5-6 times. Lemon juice and a spoonful of sugar added to the dish will save the situation. Stew, stew, stewed cabbage, pilaf are advised to slightly sweeten and flavor with lemon juice.

The simplest is to serve salted meat with unsalted side dishes (potatoes, rice, corn, legumes).

The main thing is to include fantasy and additional products that will take away excess salt.

Salted the chicken...

No problem! Turn on the fantasy and cook from salted boiled chicken… salad. Or we cut the fillet into pieces and prepare gravy or sour cream sauce with meat (salt, of course, is not necessary). Additional ingredients in the dish will remove excess salt.

Large pieces of chicken, if salted, can be washed in running cold water, and then boiled again.

If you salted the chicken during frying, pour a little water into the pan, season with lemon juice and simmer. Salt will partially pass into the water - drain it.

How to fix salted fish?

Salted fried fish can be masked with a bland sauce with the addition of a small amount of flour. An excellent side dish for salted fish will be mashed potatoes, which they “forgot” to salt. With such additives, it is enough to stew the fish for 2-3 minutes, and part of the salt will pass into them.

If you sprinkle pieces of fried fish with lemon juice and lightly sprinkle with sugar, the dish will not be so salty.

Vegetables are able to absorb excess salt: onions and carrots are fried in oil, but not salted, then the fish and vegetables are laid in layers in a deep frying pan and stewed for 5 minutes.

Herring is soaked in milk or water to remove excess salt from this dish.

Salted fish stew an easy fix if you make any unsalted sauce and marinate the pieces in it.

And, in the end, cutlets can be made from salted fish. Additional ingredients will partially “pull” the salty taste onto themselves, and dinner will be saved.

Salad oversalted...

If too salty turned out to be salad, cunning hostesses mask the salty taste of the dish ... with grated green radish. Didn't have a radish on hand? Add any unsalted ingredient to the salad, preferably a vegetable.


salted cheese experienced hostesses advise soaking in water: pour boiling water and leave for a day. Better yet, put a piece of cheese on a salad, pizza, cheese pie, sauce or even soup.


Overly salty cabbage will hide the rice, tomato paste, sour cream, sugar, and lemon juice. Experienced hostesses advise adding these ingredients to stewed cabbage to remove excess salt from the dish.

Salted cutlets, minced meat: what to do?

And finally what to do if minced meat is salted. Common situation, isn't it?

The easiest way is to add additional ingredients to the minced meat that will take away the salt: loaf slices soaked in milk, boiled potatoes, flour, potato starch. A loaf and potatoes can be passed through a meat grinder or grated on a coarse grater.

If salted cutlets, turn them into ... meatballs. To do this, boil rice until half cooked and combine with minced meat. Stew meatballs in unsalted sauce - and the dish will turn out mmmm ... lick your fingers!

Sour cream or an egg beaten into minced meat can also remove excess salt.

Fantasize: add vegetables (cabbage, carrots, mushrooms, zucchini, pumpkin) to salted cutlets / minced meat - this will give them a new original taste.

If it turned out that the cutlets were salted when they were already fried, they can be steamed slightly additionally: pour water directly into the pan and simmer after boiling for 6-7 minutes. Then the water is drained. Cutlets become less salty.

We fix small failures in the kitchen. What to do if something is not cooked, the dish is salted, it is not baked? If the minced meat for cutlets came out too liquid? Everything can be corrected.

1. What to do if the potatoes in borscht are not cooked.

First, we will talk about the reason. The potatoes seem to have been cooked for enough time, but they are not harsh on the inside of the slice, but on the outside. This may be with young potatoes, but this will not bring an unpleasant sensation. It is clear that young potatoes do not cook how much and how, but since we do not peel them, but scrape them, the skin will remain a little harsh. It's not scary.

But we find the usual, ripe potatoes undercooked in soup or borscht because ... we hurried. It does not matter in which water to put potatoes for soup, boiling or cold. It is important not to add pickles, citric acid or vinegar until the potatoes are cooked. How to save the situation and the soup? Put 20-30 grams of butter in a saucepan, reduce heat and cook for another 15 minutes. The potatoes will boil.

Rule. We cook chicken or meat broth, then put potatoes, other vegetables and cook for 20 minutes, and put tomato paste, vinegar or pickles last.

2. Boiled potatoes, accidentally drained the water, but she did not finish cooking?

Potatoes can be saved in several ways. If you wanted to make mashed potatoes - pour 1 cup boiling water into a saucepan. Close the lid and cook over low heat for 10 minutes. Drain the water. Then add milk, egg, butter, boil and puree with a blender or crush.

If you wanted to make just boiled potatoes, but she did not finish cooking. Place the potatoes in a single layer on a plate and microwave for 4-5 minutes.

You can also cut the potatoes into slices and fry in a pan with sunflower oil.

But if you come to the pan already drain the water, but remember that forgot to salt the potatoes , then add 2 times more salt, cook for 1 minute and drain the water.

When should you salt potatoes while cooking? In general, you need to salt the potatoes after boiling, and no later than 10 minutes of boiling. The potatoes will cook faster if they are cut into 4 parts and after 10 minutes of cooking add a piece of butter. In 5 minutes it will be ready.

3. What to do if you oversalt ...

Salted stew with gravy. You cooked the meat but, after tasting it, you found that you oversalted it. No problem. If the meat was made with gravy, stewed, then you need to put a cloth bag filled with rice or flour into the pan. Add water, reduce heat and cook for 20 minutes. The rice will absorb the excess salt. Almost any cereal will also work - buckwheat, millet, pearl barley or noodles, such as gossamer.

Salted fried meat. They fried the meat in a pan, but it turned out to be over-salted. We return the meat to the pan, cutting the steaks into pieces 5 by 5 cm, fry the onion in meat roasts and add 2 cups of water. Simmer on low heat for another 20 minutes. You will get a delicious second course with gravy.

Salted cutlets. Here, perhaps, any hostess will take her head, especially if they have already been fried. But it's not worth it! There are several options and all will be very tasty. I hope you tried them on your first batch of frying.

If you still have minced meat, then make meatballs. Boil the rice until half cooked (10 minutes), stir in the minced meat and fry or simmer with tomato paste.

We send the fried salted cutlets back to the pan. Peel and cut into slices 3-4 potatoes. Add water, a little butter, herbs or seasonings without salt, bay leaf. A very tasty dish will come out, and the potatoes will take on the extra salt.

You can cut the cutlets into small pieces, add rice and tomato paste, 3 times more water than rice, as well as greens and cook pilaf. No one will guess that this was not intended!

If the cutlets are already fried in more than one or two pans, do not despair, freeze them. And in the future you will be able to cook them one of our ways or make naval pasta with them. Just do not forget that the pasta does not need to be salted, and at the end of cooking, leaving some water from the pasta, transfer the cutlets and pasta to the pan, evaporating the water under the lid over low heat, you will defrost the cutlets, remove excess salt from them and salt the pasta. Cheap and angry!))

4. What to do if you poured a lot of vinegar into borscht?

Yes, this is a serious thing, vinegar. They simply won’t eat such borscht, and if someone has gastritis or an ulcer, it will generally lead to serious consequences. Do you think that everything is gone and the borscht needs to be poured out? No!))

Drain off about 1/4 of the broth (scoop out the water with a ladle and discard). Add the same amount of boiling water and 1 tablespoon of granulated sugar. And so that the broth does not turn out to be watery, you need to throw a bouillon cube into the borscht. The situation and borscht will be saved.

Be careful next time. All the same, normally cooked borscht is much tastier! ;))

5. If the minced meat for cutlets turned out to be too liquid ...

You need to beat it well first in your hands, and then on a table or cutting board, the cutlets will become more connected, excess moisture should go away.

If it is clear that the situation cannot be corrected in this way (the minced meat is completely liquid), then add breadcrumbs or not soaked bread, and pass the dry through a meat grinder or crumble with a blender. But it's good for meatballs.

You can also add some mango. And if the minced meat was needed for stuffing peppers or for stuffed cabbage - it's okay, with rice it will not be so liquid.

Dear visitors, comment, leave your questions in the comments. After all, we work for you!

There is nothing worse than an oversalted dish, because the situation is difficult to fix and sometimes the only way out is to throw food in the trash. That is why next time we advise you to undersalt rather than oversalt. In fact, even experienced hostesses often add too much salt. As a result, food becomes inedible. But if the soup can be diluted with water and broth, the situation with cutlets is much more complicated.

You spent time preparing a dish, but after tasting it, you realized that you added too much salt? There are a few tricks that can help you soften the salty taste and make it more neutral. If the patties are too salty and the tips below do not help, you will have to throw them away. Add less salt next time.

What to do, salted cutlets: how to fix the situation:

Serve cutlets with sauce. Of course, the sauce should not be salty, preferably even sweetish. It can be sour cream or cream sauce, tomato.

We use cutlets for cooking casseroles . This is where your imagination should come into play. You can lay out a layer of cutlets, then pour sauce over them and lay out a layer of potatoes or mashed potatoes, vegetables. Decorate the casserole with sauce and cheese.

We make a filling for baking from cutlets. Grind them in a blender or mortar, you will get a mixture of minced meat. Mix it with mashed potatoes and make delicious pies or pie.

We extinguish in water. Pour a little water into the pan and put salted products in it. Simmer on both sides for a few minutes and pour out the water. The disadvantage of this method is that the cutlets will no longer have a crispy crust.

We use a steamer. We put the meat products in a double boiler or a slow cooker with a steam function, cook them for 20-30 minutes. Due to the influence of moisture, part of the salt will leave them.

Serve with garnish. It will soften the taste of cutlets, but the side dish should be unsalted. It can be a vegetable salad or cereals, potatoes.

You might be interested in our Recipe for delicious buckwheat and minced meat cutlets step by step

We cook soup. Cut the patties into large pieces and add them to the soup instead of meatballs.

Porridge with meatballs. We cut the cutlets and add them to the porridge at the very beginning of cooking. Do not salt the dish!

Stew in tomato sauce . Pour meat products with tomato sauce with vegetables (carrots, onions, peppers, tomatoes) and keep on fire until cooked.

Cooking pasta in a naval way. This method will help if the cutlets are very salty. Grind them in a blender, fry with onions and add to boiled pasta.

As you can see, there are a lot of ways to fix the situation, so do not get upset ahead of time. Choose the method that suits you.

If you salted minced meat for cutlets: what to do?

In this case, correcting the situation will be much easier than if you have already fried cutlets. The easiest option is to add a little more minced meat to the patty mixture. If minced meat is no longer at hand, add boiled rice or cereals, coarsely grated potatoes.

Too much salt? Prepare stuffed cabbage rolls or stuffed peppers from minced meat. Add boiled rice and onions to the meat.

What to do if you oversalted cutlets? You can still save the product, for this you need to use our advice. Next time try not to overdo it with salt. Remember - it's better to under-salt than over-salt!

Answers (8):

If the cutlets or meat are too salty, put them in a saucepan and add some water, and also add half a raw onion or one raw potato and simmer your cutlets. Onions and potatoes absorb salt.

You can crumble and wrap them in pancakes, or you can stew them in a lot of water, but this is unlikely to correct the situation if the cutlets are too salty. Just some other dish.

You can also grind. Or maybe just make mashed potatoes for them, not at all - not at all salty? I don't even know what I would do in this situation. Probably, I would grind it all the same, add unsalted minced meat and make meatballs for soup.

I remember it happened once. Salted cutlets. I did this: I bought 20% fat cream and, without diluting them with water, I poured cutlets with them. Topped with cheese. And stewed for 30 minutes in the oven right in the pan. When pouring cream, I tried so that the cream was a complete product. After stewing, having tasted cutlets, I was delighted, the salty taste turned into cream. And the cutlets were saved!)))

I think the second option you suggested is the best. Make navy-style pasta or a casserole with minced meat (cutlet) and tomato sauce. If the dish itself is not salted, it should turn out delicious. The combination of fried minced meat with pasta is a win-win option.

Ready fried cutlets can not be fixed. Don't soak them? Therefore, I completely agree with your option - grind them and use them in dishes such as meat casserole, empanadas, naval pasta, etc. And in order to remove the oversalting, add overcooked onions to this minced meat, and undersalt the rest of the products.

In the life of every housewife, there were moments when it was necessary to correct an oversalted dish. Everything is easy to solve when it comes to, for example, pasta. But what to do if ready-made cutlets are oversalted? You should never panivak, even if the trouble happened not with minced meat, but with the finished dish.

A few tips will help correct this error, useful for both beginners and experienced housewives.

If minced meat is oversalted

Cutlets salted, what to do? In the case when only minced meat is salted, everything is very simple. You can add boiled rice to it and make meatballs. Rice, of course, should not be salted during cooking.

Do you want meatballs? There is a solution in this case too: increase the amount of minced meat ingredients. Add meat, potatoes, cabbage or bread. Products will not spoil the taste of cutlets, but they will easily solve the problem.

But what to do if the hostess fried a full plate of cutlets, and only then realized that she had salted the cutlets? How to fix? There is a way out in this case, and far from one.

  1. Cutlets are sent to the pan. Add to them pre-peeled potatoes, butter and a little water. We also put greens there, seasonings available in the kitchen without salt and bay fox. We simmer for a few minutes. As a result, you will get a very tasty dish. Potatoes will absorb excess salt, giving the necessary taste.
  2. The second way to save cutlets is no less tasty. The oven will help us in cooking. We put cutlets on a baking sheet, add milk sauce with spicy seasonings (without salt!). Better to cook it yourself. Fill the cutlets with gravy and simmer at a temperature of 180 degrees. Everything will be ready in about 20 minutes. Instead of gravy, you can use milk or sour cream sauce with fresh herbs.
  3. If there is very little time for cooking, serve a fresh side dish to the cutlets. It balances the taste of food.
  4. There are other options for saving the dish. Cut the finished cutlets into small pieces, add rice, tomato paste and greens to them. Water must be poured three times more than rice. As a result, you will get a very tasty pilaf. No one will guess that a completely different dish was originally conceived.
  5. In the event that the cutlets are salted, the article will tell you what to do. In addition to the above options, there is one more. Prepare a gravy similar to the one served in kindergarten. Make it easy. Use water or unsalted broth as a base (vegetable broth works too). For 0.8 liters of broth, add 1 tablespoon of flour and about 30 grams of butter. Fry the flour in a pan. It should take on a light brown hue. Only then is butter added. Pour the broth into this mixture carefully, in small portions. Cook the gravy over low heat until it thickens. Add spices to your taste if desired. Cutlets are poured with this gravy and heated in the oven for 10 minutes. The volume of gravy is designed for 4 medium-sized cutlets. If there are more cutlets, the number of ingredients must be increased.

What to do if you fried a lot of meatballs?

Let's consider one of the most terrible scenarios for the development of events - not one or two plates are fried, but the cutlets are salted. What to do in this case? The main thing is not to despair! Put them in the freezer and freeze. After a while, you will have the opportunity to cook navy pasta from them or any other dish.

Defrosting salted meatballs

Defrost cutlets is also necessary wisely. First, you can not salt the side dish. Secondly, you should put them out in a pan, evaporating the water under the lid. Stew cutlets only on low heat.

This method of defrosting will allow you to remove excess salt from the cutlets, turning them into a delicious dish.

When the hostess of the cutlet salted it, it’s easy to decide what to do. There are many options to save the dish and please loved ones with an unusual dinner.
