
How to make hard gingerbread soft. Gingerbread houses - cooking with children

What can be done to cook from dried gingerbread?

    You can make a cake from old gingerbread cookies. To do this, break the spears by any means, for example, put them in a bag, then wrap them in any material and knock with a hammer.

    Then pour everything with condensed milk diluted with milk or pour sour cream (sour cream with sugar). All in any proportions, by eye. Let stand, soak.

    Line the form with cling film or tracing paper, pour out the mass and refrigerate for several hours.

    You can cook something like a potato cake. To do this, we need about 700 grams of gingerbread, a can of boiled condensed milk, 180-200 grams of butter (pack), an incomplete glass of sugar, a tablespoon of cocoa. Let's start cooking with the fact that the gingerbread must be chopped in a blender, in a meat grinder or a crush. Then add butter and condensed milk to them, mix well, form balls and roll in cocoa with sugar. Place in the refrigerator to set for 6 hours.

    There is also another version of the cake. Add milk, honey, nuts, condensed milk to the ground gingerbread by eye. Knead, roll into balls and also in the refrigerator to solidify.

    Their dried gingerbread can be cooked chocolate sausage. For this berm:

    1) 0.5 kg of gingerbread;

    2) condensed milk 200 gr;

    3) butter 200 gr;

    4) cocoa 1 tablespoon.

    We crush the gingerbread cookies well in this way: put them in a tight bag and tap them well with a hammer. Mix softened butter with condensed milk and cocoa. We mix all the ingredients, form a sausage, put it on cellophane, wrap it and put it in the refrigerator for a couple of hours. Sun is ready!

    You can try to cook such a cake: soak the gingerbread in milk or kefir, put it in the refrigerator for several hours, add two eggs, then choose raisins, chopped dates, prunes, dried apricots (any dried fruits), a little bit of flour (so that the dough takes shape) , baking powder, bake in the oven for 30-40 minutes.

    And you plentifully moisten these gingerbread cookies with milk or water, put them in a baking bag and put them in the oven for a small light or in the microwave. Gingerbread cookies will become soft and almost fresh, like freshly baked. I always reanimate dried bread like this - I put it in the oven right in the original packaging.

    If not very dry, then dry and chop. Then you will sprinkle them with homemade cakes, and not only.

    I say this because I really saw that they do this in catering establishments. More precisely, they make crumbs (I don’t remember exactly what it was called) from old cookies, gingerbread ...

    gingerbread cake

    Gingerbread, can be stale 300g.

    Butter 1/4 pack

    Blackcurrant (can be jam) 100g.

    Cottage cheese 1 pack

    Egg 1 pc.

    Sugar 9 teaspoons

    We take gingerbread (can be stale), grind into flour, mix with softened butter (as if kneading the dough). We spread the form with this dough, put currants on top, on it - cottage cheese mixed with yolk. Beat sugar with protein in a steep foam, pour everything on top. We put in the oven for a short time until the protein with sugar is browned.

    They can be crumbled into some sweet dishes: pies, cakes, muffins. And you can also crumble dried gingerbread into semolina on a grater. There it will soften a little and in the end it will turn out quite interesting if you add more jam.

    But this is not for everyone!

    You can make cakes. It will take 300g. gingerbread, 50g butter, 50g. condensed milk, 1-2 tbsp. cognac, coconut flakes.

    It is necessary to combine condensed milk and softened butter, add dried gingerbread, grated, and cognac to them. Mix everything well, the mass should resemble a stiff dough in consistency. Form potato cakes, roll them in any coconut or cocoa powder and put in the refrigerator for three hours.

    If the gingerbread is not only dried up but also covered with mold, then it remains only to throw it away or crumble it to the birds.

    If the fungus has not visited the forgotten sweets, then a blender will help.

    Add condensed milk to the ground mass and mix well, add cocoa, sprinkle with powdered sugar and refrigerate for a couple of hours.

Gingerbread cookies are very dense in their composition, so they can be stored not for one week, but for several months. Honey and ginger, which are part of the dough, are natural preservatives that protect the product from spoilage. And how to soften gingerbread, you will learn from this article.

Gingerbread made from honey and ginger is never soft. Compared to other gingerbread, these are a little tougher in structure: this is a feature of the dough recipe. It must be elastic so that the figures do not blur during baking. Gingerbread cookies can be made softer by adding more honey to the dough.

If you are wondering how to soften stale gingerbread cookies, use these tips.

First way

In a box or bag of gingerbread, you need to put a few slices or half an apple, leave it all for several hours, you can overnight. Apples need to be washed, cut into slices, and put them between the gingerbread cookies. If the gingerbread is in a plate or basket, then you can wrap the dish with cling film, if the products are in a saucepan, then just cover with a lid. After this procedure, the gingerbread is soft and fragrant, has a pleasant smell of apple.

Second way

You can refresh the gingerbread in this way: put a sliced ​​​​banana between them. Also pack a container with a treat and leave overnight. From the gingerbread will come a pleasant aroma of banana.

Third way

If you want to make cookies as if they were just baked, then for this you need to take a few crusts of bread and orange slices. Leave them between the cookies overnight, while covering with a towel or film.

To keep the products soft for as long as possible, they can be removed in a kitchen cabinet, covered with a cloth, but not near heating appliances.

Most often, this confectionery product is stored as a souvenir. But it also happens that the aroma is so attractive and you want to eat it as quickly as possible. And yet, if you want to taste the souvenir, you can reanimate it in the above ways.

This sweet is specially packaged in paper or a box so that they can remain fresh for a very long time. Recently, it has become important to give such products as a souvenir. The gift is original, suitable for any age and no matter the man or woman will have such a souvenir.

The tradition of baking gingerbread houses appeared in Germany in the 19th century. After the publication of the fairy tale "Hansel and Gretel" by the famous Brothers Grimm in 1812, fairy houses gained incredible popularity in home cooking and at Christmas markets, and decorating gingerbread houses turned into a real art. Gingerbread houses gained particular popularity in the late Middle Ages with the invention of gingerbread dough, which allows confectionery products not to go stale for a long time. Now you could admire the houses to your heart's content without rushing to eat them.

Gingerbread dough can be kneaded as much as you like, it will not get worse, like chopped or shortbread. But if you take up gingerbread, then remember - they are not tender and crumbly, they are slightly viscous and dense. But they can not deteriorate for quite a long time and, importantly, they keep their shape very well when baking. Roll out the dough thinly and the gingerbread cookies will dry out quickly, and if you make thick printed gingerbread cookies, they will be soft inside for quite some time. If desired, gingerbread dough can be stored in the refrigerator for two weeks.


For gingerbread dough, mix 250 g of flour with spices (1.5 tsp ground cinnamon, 1/4 tsp ground nutmeg, cloves, ginger). If you want darker colored cookies, you can add a teaspoon of cocoa.

In a separate saucepan, heat: 35g butter, 60g sugar (2 tbsp), 80g honey (2 tbsp), 30g milk (2 tbsp) until the sugar dissolves and melts a little. Cool!!!

Put 1 egg into the flour, pour in the syrup and knead the dough with a spoon.

Put on the table, knead and roll out. Shake off excess flour.

Cut out shapes with cookie cutters and transfer to a baking sheet lined with paper. If you want to make holes for ribbons, this should be done before baking, the most convenient is with a cocktail tube.

If you have a gingerbread board, grease it with oil, stuff it tightly with dough, roll it with a rolling pin and turn it over. Bake ready-made gingerbread for 8 minutes at 200C, and printed ones for 12 minutes.


Whisk 1/2 of the protein until a dense foam, add 50 g of powdered sugar, beat well and add another 50 g of powdered sugar, mix. To make a colored glaze, add a little juice - carrot, for orange, for purple - beetroot, for burgundy - cherry, for green - spinach juice. Some juices are very liquid, so you can squeeze the berry or jam along with the pulp. It is important to mix the icing well until smooth, so that there are no lumps.

Why are gingerbread cookies dark?

Dark gingerbread is obtained if part of the flour (up to half) is replaced with rye flour. In addition, the color of the gingerbread can be darkened by using dark honey and/or dark molasses and/or brown sugar. Another common way is to put more cinnamon, or even cocoa. The cheapest, but most common option in industrial production is to use burnt sugar (an aqueous solution of burnt sugar) for coloring gingerbread.

How to make gingerbread soft?

There are also several ways. One of the easiest options is to put more baking powder, soda or use ammonium. Another affordable way is to replace most of the sugar with honey and / or molasses, products with them remain soft for a long time and do not stale. A lesser-known variation, and more complex, is to make choux pastry, in which flour is brewed into hot honey or sugar syrup. All these methods can be combined with each other, of course, which is done in most recipes. You can also just put less flour (make the dough softer, like in a French gingerbread man), but then it will be difficult to cut the dough and control the shape of the products when baking. But in gingerbread cookies (gingerbread, for example) they often just put more butter, and the dough turns out like shortbread, fragile and tender.

To soften the gingerbread, just put them in a closed plastic container with a piece of apple or gingerbread peel

How to choose spices?

Only for your taste! In general, gingerbread does not have to be spicy, you can make chocolate, mint or, for example, almond gingerbread. The amount and type of spices depends on who will eat your gingerbread. For children, cinnamon with a little nutmeg and cloves is good. And for adults, ground ginger and pepper will give some sharpness.

How to make gingerbread cookies sparkle?

The easiest thing is to grease them with yolk before baking. And the last: how to avoid mistakes in this recipe? Most often, they forget to cool the honey syrup, the flour is brewed and the dough is too dense. Remember that the syrup should be at room temperature. So that the gingerbread cookies do not burn, watch them carefully - on a dark dough, roasting is less noticeable, and you can miss the moment.

gingerbread houses

Blanks for gingerbread houses need to be cut out before baking, then baked and fastened with either boiled condensed milk (a simpler option):

or icing (see recipe above). In order for the glaze to fasten the walls and roof of the house well, you need to apply it to the edges and wait 10 minutes, then press it more tightly.

Take care of the finishing material: sugar glaze of all colors of the rainbow and fudge, different types of marmalades and chocolates, protein cream and marzipan, confectionery mastic and colored icing, candied fruits, candied, dried or dried fruits, berries, honey, jam, etc.

To make candy windows at home, crush the candies into crumbs, and when the gingerbread is ready, pour candy crumbs into the hole in the windows and place in the oven for a few minutes until melted.

You can insert a small flashlight into the finished house, then it will glow with a completely fabulous light! And do not forget the main thing - you can build gingerbread houses only when you are in a great mood! :))

gingerbread cake
Gingerbread, can be stale 300g.
Butter 1/4 pack
Blackcurrant (can be jam) 100g.
Cottage cheese 1 pack
Egg 1 pc.
Sugar 9 teaspoons
We take gingerbread (can be stale), grind into flour, mix with softened butter (as if kneading the dough). We spread the form with this dough, put currants on top, on it - cottage cheese mixed with yolk. Beat sugar with protein in a steep foam, pour everything on top. We put in the oven for a short time until the protein with sugar is browned.

Stale gingerbread cookies can be refreshed, made soft again. To do this, put them in a colander, pour hot water into a saucepan and put the colander on the saucepan (steam bath). Turn on the gas and wait 15 minutes after the water boils. Gingerbread should lie in one layer, and the colander should not touch the water. Bon appetit!

gingerbread pie
Recipe for recycling dried gingerbread.
It makes a great pie. Very soft and gentle. Really quite sweet. But the sour filling "takes away" excessive sweetness.
I really like the dried apricot filling. This time I added dates to it, and for acid - lemon.
As a filling, you can take thick jam or boiled condensed milk.

400g gingerbread, 150g butter, 1/2 teaspoon soda, 2 eggs, 1 tablespoon lemon juice
1 lemon, ~300g any dried fruits (raisins, prunes, dried apricots, figs, dates), nuts if desired
Grate the zest of the lemon and squeeze out the juice.
Set aside 1 tablespoon of juice.
Scroll dried fruits through a meat grinder (if dried fruits are too dry, pour boiling water over them for 15~20 minutes).
Mix the resulting mass with lemon juice and zest.
Pass the stale gingerbread through a meat grinder and stir in the soda.
Grind the resulting gingerbread flour with room temperature butter.
Add 2 eggs and a reserved spoonful of lemon juice. You should get a soft, slightly sticky, but not runny, dough.
Pour half of the dough into the greased pan and flatten.
Spread a layer of filling over the dough.
Top the filling with a second layer of dough.
Put the cake in an oven preheated to t = 200 ° C until browning (15 ~ 20 minutes).
Remove the finished cake from the oven and cool without removing from the mold.
Cut into pieces before serving.

200g butter, 4 eggs, 300g gingerbread, 1 cup nuts, preferably walnuts, 0.5 cup sugar, 0.5 cup milk, soda.
Beat butter with sugar, add gingerbread, milk, crushed nuts, a pinch of soda, passed through a meat grinder. Beat the whites with 2 tablespoons of sugar and mix with the bulk. Mix carefully until smooth. Pour into a greased pan and bake over moderate heat. Cool, cut into 2-3 layers. Sprinkle each layer with sour juice (grape, apple). Lubricate with cream, preferably chocolate (condensed milk, cocoa, draining butter), trim the edges, chop. Coat the top with cream or pour over chocolate, sprinkle with crumbs or nuts - everything is up to you. You can smear with sour jam instead of cream. Makes a good cake
