
How to heat interior lard. Pork fat: medicinal properties, benefits and harms, use in cooking and cosmetology

Due to the fact that children have a weaker immune system than adults, they are more likely to suffer from coughing. This disease sometimes appears suddenly, and for completely different reasons - from the common cold to viral infections.

Among the many non-native remedies for the treatment of cough, an honorable place is occupied by interior fat, which copes well with the disease.

The effect of visceral fat on the body

Most people ask the question - what is visceral fat? In fact, this is ordinary fat, which finds its application in various fields - from soap making to cough treatment, as in our case.

Most often, this name refers to lard, since it is the most common.

Interior fat differs from the usual one in that it is not extracted from the subcutaneous layer, but is extracted from the inside of the animal's body.

Most often it is detached from the internal organs of pigs. Such fat has a whitish tint and crumbles easily, unlike subcutaneous fat.

Interior fat has a healing property. In order to turn it into a medicine, it is enough to melt the substance, after which it can be used for treatment. The leftovers can be hidden in a jar by putting it in the refrigerator, and if necessary, re-melt.

The benefits and harms of the remedy

By itself, pork fat is safe and cannot harm the child's body in any way. The benefit from it is huge. First of all, it has a warming effect, thanks to which you can cure a cough in a short time.

To do this, the interior fat is heated, and then rubbed with it on the back and chest, after which they put on a warm shirt. This remedy also has a positive effect on the joints, which can be rubbed with pain.

cooking recipes

There are a huge number of recipes for using visceral fat. You can't tell which one is better and which one is worse. Use the ones that seem most effective to you.

Recipe #1

In order to warm up the chest and back, thereby curing a cough, you can mix pork lard with honey in a proportion of 5050. After that, take the resulting ointment and rub it into the chest and back. Then wrap the patient's body with plastic wrap - this will enhance the effect of the ointment. From above, put on warm clothes - you can simply wrap the torso with something warm. Goat lard works best for this recipe.

Recipe #2

Take pork interior fat and heat it in the oven or over very low heat, then pour it into a jar. Subsequently, heat the resulting substance, add one dessert spoon to a glass of milk and drink. Such a tool will penetrate the body and will warm up the lungs from the inside, which increases the effectiveness of the tool. Recommended for use hot.

Recipe #3

By analogy with the first recipe, you can rub goose fat into your neck, but cook it a little differently. To do this, finely chop the onion, then mix it with goose fat in the proportion of 5050 and rub it into the chest and neck. Then wrap the treated areas of the skin with cellophane, and cover with something warm on top.

Recipe #4

With bronchitis, you can use boar fat, which is also warmed up, after which they rub their back, simultaneously doing a massage in the area of ​​​​the lungs. After this procedure, a hot compress is placed on the back.

For this, warmed potatoes in a bag or a heating pad with hot water are perfect. This algorithm must be done twice a day. The course of such treatment is at least a week and until complete recovery. Even if bronchitis has passed, all the same, as a preventive measure, this procedure should be carried out for several more days in a row.

But keep in mind that before treating a child for bronchitis in this way, first consult a doctor. Perhaps such treatment will be more effective if combined with the use of medications.

Recipe number 5

For small children, you can make a special mixture, which can then be melted in milk.

To do this, mix the following ingredients:

  • 200 grams of lard;
  • 100 grams of butter;
  • 200 grams of honey;
  • 2 tablespoons of cocoa.

Stir the resulting mixture, after which you can safely put it in the refrigerator - it will not lose its properties. Give it to your child once a day by adding one teaspoon to a glass of hot milk.

You should not use pork interior fat very often. One teaspoon per day will be enough for a child. For an adult - two dessert spoons a day - in the morning and in the evening will help to quickly get rid of a cough.

Don't be afraid to mix lard with other ingredients like butter, cocoa, honey, nuts, and more. After all, this is a simple analogue of vegetable oil, just more effective for treatment. Its plus is that it retains heat much longer and lingers on the walls of the esophagus for a longer time, heating the internal organs much longer than ordinary syrups or various hot decoctions do.

When using fat inside in the form of a solution, drink it in slow sips to stretch the effect of the action.

You can also use pork interior fat inside, while simultaneously rubbing it outside, for example, in the evenings. This will greatly enhance the effect, and therefore your child will recover much faster.

Results of use

As a rule, after the start of using lard for the treatment of children, results are felt within a few days.

If the cough was dry, it becomes wet, mucus begins to be expectorated. These are sure signs that the child has begun to recover.

If the child had a wet cough, then the cold begins to gradually subside. In the morning, the sore throat is no longer felt, which is also an important sign.

After the baby's cough has practically stopped, it is necessary, as a preventive measure, to continue to give him pork fat for several days. Thus, you will protect him from re-infection.

After all, the most common scenario is a recurrence of the disease, when the child was not cured. Thus, the cough can develop into a chronic one.

Intestinal fat is great for treating children's coughs for many reasons. It is easy to purchase, it has no contraindications and will not be able to harm the health of your baby. It is relatively inexpensive compared to other drugs. Based on it, you can prepare a syrup that does not contain sugar. And this is very good for children with problems with the pancreas. You can also prepare lard to your taste so that your child enjoys eating it.

However, it is better to prevent your child from getting sick, and even more so from developing a cough.

To do this, dress your baby according to the weather, make sure that he eats fruits and vegetables that contain vitamins that are beneficial for immunity, and also breathe fresh air more often - this minimizes the possibility of catching some kind of viral disease.

This article will discuss how to render pork fat, why it is needed and whether it has useful properties. This product has long been mistakenly considered harmful to the heart. It had high cholesterol levels. However, in families where they keep pigs for themselves, they never doubted its quality and always used it. Today, lard obtained from melted lard is not considered dangerous. It is widely used for frying during the preparation of many dishes.

Beneficial features

For a long time, vegetable fats were considered more useful than animal fats. However, new studies in this area have presented evidence that the composition of lard is no longer dangerous to health.

Pig fat contains fats related to saturated, that is, solid. They are found in the meat of animals and some birds. This product contains fatty acids, including palmitic, myristic, lauric, stearic, oleic. As for the latter, it is for it that many appreciate olive oil. It is considered the healthiest food.

Saturated fats in lard help the human body absorb fat-soluble vitamins and various nutrients. After all, many elements cannot be fully accepted by the body without the help of other particles. For example, vitamin D needs saturated fats to do this. Without them, it is of no value.

In the composition of pork fat, vitamins A, E and Omega-3 fatty acids can be found. When using the product, these elements are easily absorbed by the body.

Pork fat has a long shelf life due to slow oxidation. All this is due to the low level of polyunsaturated fatty acids. Also, this product is not afraid of high temperatures. When heated and melted, carcinogens will not be released. For example, vegetable oil does not have such properties.

We use it correctly

Pork fat or lard are very high-calorie foods (898 kcal / 100g). Their use in food should be moderate (100 g per day). Only in this way can we talk about a beneficial effect on the human body. Such a product has contraindications for young children.

As already mentioned, in pork fat, all vitamins and minerals are interconnected and interact with each other for better absorption. Cholesterol, which is in its composition, and which was considered the most dangerous, has a good effect on the synthesis of hormones. It also has positive effects on the nervous system.

Melted lard can be used to prepare many dishes. The baked goods are especially delicious. Harmful confectionery fat cannot be compared with this natural product. Another lard is simply spread on bread and sandwiches are made. It is also suitable for frying and for dressing cereals.

In folk medicine, many recipes include pork fat. It is used both to lower the temperature and to brew a healing drink for colds. For sore throats, rendered pork fat (50 g) is mixed with vodka (2 tablespoons) and fir oil (5 drops). Compresses or rubbing on the chest are made from the resulting mass. Usually, interior fat is used for this recipe, that is, its deposits on the internal organs.

Feedstock for lard

To get lard (lard) you need the original product - lard or interior fat. The area of ​​​​the brisket or undercuts (peritoneum) is suitable. On occasion, goose or duck fat can be melted.

Properly cooked lard is creamy white in color. It is quite thick in consistency, but it can be scooped up with a spoon, spread on bread. This fat has a long shelf life. In past years, it was used to fill sausages to extend their shelf life.

To prepare high-quality lard, you need to choose good lard. Ideally, there should be a product obtained at home. It's more useful. From interior lard, you also get a good lard. The main thing is that the initial raw material should not be obtained from a breeding boar.

If you set fire to the original lard, then a good quality product will smell like pleasantly fried meat. We will tell you how to drown it yourself below.

We melt in a frying pan

To melt a good lard, the fat is cleaned of dirt and blood or meat inclusions. This can be done by placing the piece in cool, salted water overnight. The fluid can be changed twice during the whole time.

  • a piece of bacon is cut into small slices of 1 cm each (this is convenient to do if the product is slightly frozen);
  • the pieces are placed in a thick-walled pan (the fire is gradually added);
  • all contents should boil for some time (until the cracklings settle to the bottom);
  • a small amount of sugar can be added to the fat to improve the taste of the product (after turning off the stove);
  • lard must cool, after which it is filtered through gauze (storage in glass or ceramics).

Melted lard can be quickly frozen so that the lard is uniform in consistency and not grainy.

other methods

Internal fat or lard can be boiled on the stove in water (one part lard to three parts water) with 1 tsp. soda. Before the melting procedure, the original product must also be soaked for 24 to 72 hours, periodically changing the water. After that, it is cut into pieces and begin to boil. The smaller the pieces, the more lard you get.

When the contents of the container boil, you can remove the lard from the surface of the water with a spoon into a clean container. This is done before cracklings appear.

It often happens that the resulting lard has an unpleasant odor. To get rid of it, the product can be melted. With this method, 100 g of milk is added to 1 kg of lard. The process of re-heating takes place on low heat until the milk turns yellow. All contents must be mixed so that burning does not happen with fats.

To completely eliminate the unpleasant smell of lard, you can add strongly fried bread crusts to the product. After that, the fat is filtered, packaged in clean containers and stored in the cold.

If you need to melt the fat in the oven, then it is heated to 100 degrees. The product is placed there with a small amount of water. In the oven, the fat will begin to melt and the water will evaporate.

The same principle applies to the multicooker. Finely chopped bacon is placed in a saucepan and 60 ml of water is added. At the lowest temperature, lard is rendered from 2 to 8 hours. Sometimes you have to mix things up.

To explore other possibilities of pork products, we advise you to additionally read the article.

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Many housewives think that good lard can only be rendered from fresh, selected, lard, but not every housewife knows that fragrant good lard can also be prepared from the interior, kidney or subcutaneous fat of a pig. I am pleased to share one of the ways how to melt pork fat at home.

How to cook lard at home.

So, in order to melt lard according to our homemade recipe, we need subcutaneous, visceral or kidney fat of a pig. Fat trimmed from meat is also suitable.

First, we need to cut the fat into small cubes. We do this for convenience and speed of heating. Before cutting, I usually freeze the fat a little. This makes cutting much easier.

Then, in order for the cut fat to bleed, it must be soaked in cold water for 24 to 72 hours. During soaking, you need to change the water every 12 hours.

When the fat is sufficiently soaked, it will acquire a perfectly white color, without blood inclusions.

Then, it is necessary to pour clean water into the dish for rendering (one third of the amount of fat) and add 1 teaspoon to the water. baking soda.

We shift the chopped pork fat into a container with water and soda.

Lard begins to appear on the surface of the water after it boils. As it appears, it must be collected with a spoon in a separate container.

You can collect lard until a golden crust forms on the fried cracklings. Then, the cracklings must be shifted with a slotted spoon into a colander and left there until cool. While they are warm, the fat remaining on them will drain from the cracklings.

The next stage of preparation is to remove the unpleasant odor from the melted lard. To do this, you need to melt it again. During re-melting, for each kilogram of finished lard, you need to add 100 grams of fresh milk. Lard with milk must be heated over low heat until the milk turns yellow and sinks to the bottom. It is very important to make sure that the lard does not burn and stir it in time.

If the unpleasant smell of the insides still remains, then in order to completely get rid of it, it is necessary to lower a small amount of heavily fried bread crusts into the lard.

Homemade lard prepared according to this recipe is very well suited for frying various vegetables, and for many it is delicious, just like in the photo.

Pork fat is melted internal pork fat and lard, i.e. subcutaneous fat. For a long time, pork fat, along with other animal fats, was criticized by scientists and doctors, he was blamed for increasing the risk of cardiovascular disease, high cholesterol and other troubles. Today, fat has been rehabilitated and is re-entering culinary practice. True, buying animal fat in the store is still problematic. It is much easier to melt it yourself at home. How to melt pork fat and will be discussed in this article.

What is useful pork fat

For many years, the refusal to use pork fat was explained by the risk of high cholesterol, which is the main cause of heart and vascular diseases. It was classified as one of the most unhealthy fats and all our attention was turned to vegetable oils. Now many studies show that they do more harm than good.

Animal fats are made up of saturated, monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids. Most of the monounsaturated fatty acids are oleic acid, the acid found in olive oil. It is for the high content of oleic acid that this oil is considered one of the healthiest vegetable oils.

Saturated fats are also important for the human body. We need them to absorb and assimilate fat-soluble vitamins and some other nutrients. For example, when we drink skim milk fortified with vitamin D, there will be no benefit in it, since saturated fat is needed for its absorption. And if it is not enough, then no vitamin will be absorbed.

In addition, pork fat is rich in vitamins A, E, Omega-3 fatty acids. Not only that, this fat helps absorb and absorb these important nutrients and vitamins.

The low level of polyunsaturated fatty acids in pork fat means that this fat is slowly oxidized, it does not become rancid, i.e. it can be stored for a long time.

Pork fat has a high smoke point, i. it can be heated to higher temperatures without fear of release of carcinogens. It is suitable for frying at high temperatures that many vegetable oils cannot provide.

Which fat to choose

Pork fat is not the same in quality. For different needs, you need to take different fat for rendering fat.

Firstly, the quality of fat depends on what and how the pig was fed.

Secondly, from what part of the pig carcass will you melt fat.

To make it easier to figure out which fat is better, for which culinary needs to melt fat from which part, take note of these tips.

Salo or bacon. This is subcutaneous fat, which is usually salted. But it can also be taken for reheating. It is sold in the market or in the store in pieces. This fat is great for frying and stewing.

Fat from the abdomen or undercuts. Soft layered fat with meat. Mostly bacon is made from this part. This fat is suitable for frying.

Internal fat or internal fat. This is fat that is located on the internal organs of the pig. It is cut off in layers, soft. This is the purest fat. After melting, the fat will have a white color, practically odorless and tasteless.

The fat rendered from such lard is highly valued by bakers. It is added to the dough, pies are greased to get a fragrant beautiful crust. It always stays soft.

How to melt pork fat at home

The technology for preparing and rendering pork fat is the same regardless of which part of the carcass you will melt it from.

You can melt fat on the stove, in the oven, in a slow cooker. There are two different ways to get fat.

wet way. Place the chopped fat in a saucepan with a little water. Turn on the stove and bring to a boil. Reduce so that the water boils a little and melt the fat until it melts in the water. Cool and pour into a jar. This method is suitable for both rendering internal fat and fat.

Dry way. In this way, you can melt fat on the stove, oven, slow cooker, pan. Heat the dish in which you will melt the fat, and place the chopped fat in it. In this way, you can render both interior fat and lard. During the melting of fat by this method on the stove or in a slow cooker, periodically stir it with a wooden spatula.

How to melt lard into fat

First you need to cut into small cubes, no larger than 1x1cm in size. like this

The finer the fat is cut, the faster it will melt and you will get more finished fat. You can twist it in a meat grinder.

Transfer the chopped bacon to a bowl. Add water. For 1.5-2.0 kg of fat, about 200-300 grams of water.

Cover with a lid and put on the stove. As soon as the pan warms up well and the first bubbles appear on top, reduce the heat. Fat must be melted at the lowest possible temperature. When rendered at a high temperature, the fat is melted faster, but it turns out darker in color, and may even be brown.

About once every half an hour, the fat should be gently mixed with a wooden spatula. The whole process of rendering such an amount of fat can take from 4 to 5 hours.

Strain the melted fat through a sieve to separate the cracklings, and pour into clean, dry jars. Once cooled to room temperature, put in the refrigerator.

How to render pork fat in the oven

What is good to melt fat in the oven is to prepare it, put it in a pan and you can go about your business while the fat is melted.

Preparation of fat is the same as for rendering on the stove. First you need to finely chop pieces of bacon or visceral fat. The smaller the better. Can be twisted in a meat grinder.

Put everything in a pan that can be put in the oven. It is good to melt in cast iron.

Preheat the oven to a temperature of about 105-110 degrees. Put the pot in the oven. The melting time depends on the amount of fat. The more fat, the longer the fat is rendered. You can carefully remove the pan and mix. Just be very careful not to burn your hands with grease.

Separate the melted fat from the cracklings and pour into glass jars.

How to drown internal pork fat

The internal fat is soft and layered. Almost all of it melts.

Cut fat into small pieces. Place in a saucepan.

Add approximately 500-100 ml of water depending on the amount of fat. You don't need to pour a lot of water. It turns out a softer consistency compared to fat from rendering lard.

Put on the stove on a small fire. After about an hour, check the pan and stir. It is very important at the very beginning not to let the fat burn.

When melted, it will form cracklings, which will gradually settle to the bottom.

Strain the melted fat through a sieve or gauze and pour into jars.

Regardless of what you are rendering fat from, the most important thing at the initial stage is to clearly regulate the temperature. If the heating of the plate is strong, then the fat may burn.

Until the first melted fat appears, you need to monitor this process and mix the fat in time.

As soon as a certain amount of fat is rendered, the remaining pieces will boil in it, giving off fat.

It needs to be stirred periodically. This will ensure that all pieces of fat are melted more evenly.

It is not necessary to melt the fat until the cracklings are crispy. They should remain soft and light. They can then be sautéed separately to make them brown and crispy. They can be used to stew potatoes or other dishes. Fried cracklings can be sprinkled, for example, on potato salad.

Properly rendered fat in a glass jar should be pale yellow in color. When it freezes it will turn white.

Before pouring it into jars, cool the fat so that the jars do not crack and your work is not in vain.

Keep fat in a cool place. You can freeze.

Pork fat can be stored in such conditions for a long time, more than a year.

How to use pork fat

Pork fat can be used in the same way as vegetable oil. It can fry meat, vegetables, stew. Make the dough on pork fat. Only for baking it is better to take only internal fat and preferably in the kidney area.

Salt is a lumpy, white, odorless fat that coats the internal organs of animals. Unlike ordinary fat, which appears to be a solid mass, it is a crumbling product. It has important medicinal qualities that are used to treat a wide variety of diseases. It should be noted that ordinary fat, which is customary to use, for example, in salted or smoked form, does not possess these properties. So what is lard valued for, what are its benefits for the body and whether it can harm, we will talk on this page www ..

Useful properties of lard

The composition of lard contains arachidonic acid, which is part of the enzymes of the heart muscle and the membrane of human cells. With its help, some hormones are formed and cholesterol is exchanged. In terms of biological activity, lard exceeds the rest of their fats several times. If, when heated, many animal fats lose their useful qualities, then its properties remain unchanged. It is easy to mix with wax, glycerin, alcohol or resins to make medicated ointments.

Rules for the preparation and storage of pork fat

With the use of interior lard, various compositions of therapeutic action are prepared. When applied externally, they do not irritate the skin and can be easily washed off with ordinary soapy water.

In order to prepare pork fat suitable for nutritional or medicinal purposes, you can use the following methods:

Finely chop the lard or chop with a meat grinder, put in a saucepan and put on a slow fire. When the fat reaches a transparent state, it is drained through a colander, cooled and sent for storage in the refrigerator;

Shredded bacon, placed in a metal container, is heated in the oven until cooked.

Properly prepared liquid fat is clear (no sediment) and has an amber color. After freezing, it turns white.

Store prepared fat in a dark, cool place. Storage at high air temperature and the presence of light leads to the fact that a product with an unpleasant, pungent odor and a bitter taste is obtained. It becomes unsuitable for consumption, as it has an irritating effect. Pork fat can be stored on a refrigerator shelf for up to a year and a half, while it does not lose its beneficial and healing properties.

More benefits of lard

Pig fat, derived from lard, is a rich source of energy. It contains vitamins A, E, D and K. Cholesterol is present in it in small doses. Its useful properties should also include the presence in the composition of a sufficient amount of magnesium, zinc, potassium, phosphorus and a number of macro and microelements necessary for human life.

Its reasonable consumption in food allows you to maintain the vital functions of the body, and also gives the skin a healthy, “radiant” look. Pork fat is widely used in the treatment of a number of diseases, as a remedy for external and internal use.

Medicinal use

1. Joint pain

Sick joints are lubricated with pork fat at night, paper for compresses and a warm cloth are applied on top;

2. Skin diseases

For those suffering from weeping eczema, a composition of the following components is recommended: pork fat - 2 tablespoons, protein of two eggs, nightshade - 100 grams, celandine juice - 0.5 liters. The mixture must be kept for three to four days, and then rubbed into the affected areas;

For burns, use an ointment prepared as follows. In half a liter of lard, one medium-sized onion is fried. Five crushed tablets of acetylsalicylic acid are added to it. Apply the ointment to the burn several times.
Fat will help to avoid the formation of scars and scars, and with the help of aspirin it is possible to prevent infection of the burn. If the affected area is large, you need to lubricate it with this composition every hour for two weeks. This will allow new healthy skin to form quickly.

3. Respiratory diseases (bronchitis, pneumonia, etc.)

For internal use, dissolve a teaspoon of pork fat in a glass of hot milk. To improve the taste, you can add a little boiled honey to the resulting drink, since in its normal state it can increase coughing;

For external use, lard is mixed with a small amount of alcohol and rubbed into the chest of the patient;

To treat a runny nose, you need to rub the feet with pork fat at night and put on warm socks;

For preventive purposes, an infusion prepared from one glass of rosehip broth with the addition of two teaspoons of honey and half a teaspoon of lard is used. This will help strengthen the immune system and increase the activity of the body.

Now let's talk about whether lard is dangerous, what harm can be from it ...

Possible harm

The pig is a very clean animal, but it eats a lot that gets in its way. Therefore, lard, like meat, is sometimes infected with helminths and microbes that are dangerous for humans. It may also contain mycotoxins, which are formed during the decay of fungi and are collected in large quantities in adipose tissue. Therefore, before consumption of interior lard, it must be subjected to thorough heat treatment.

A healthy human body normally absorbs pork fat, since the latter melts at 33-40 degrees Celsius. This creates a feeling of satiety.

Consumption restrictions

Metabolic disorders;
Diseases of the pancreas and liver.

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that pork fat obtained from lard is a useful product, but only if the conditions for its preparation and proper use are observed.
