
How to boil the tongue so that it is soft. How to cook beef tongue

Tongue, pork and beef, although it belongs to offal, is quite rightly considered a delicacy. The tongue has a huge amount of iron, minerals and vitamins. It is recommended to eat in case of anemia, during recovery after surgery, it is necessary for pregnant women and children. For all its benefits, the tongue is also very, very tasty. It is often prepared for slicing, and also added to salads, julienne, aspic. The main thing is to cook it correctly.

Selection rules

First, we will try to choose the right and fresh product. It should not be weathered, with dark spots and so on. Choose a language that is even in color.

Do not aim to buy a very large tongue, as it may be from an old animal. It will have to be cooked for a long time, and by the end of cooking there will be practically no useful substances left in it. And besides, it is known that in young, veal tongue, as in any young meat, there are much more nutrients and vitamins.

Before cooking, thoroughly wash the tongue, cut off all the remnants of gore.

How to cook a tongue: two ways

It is better to choose a larger cooking pot, with a margin, since the tongue tends to increase in size during cooking.

The first way to cook the tongue

If we cook the tongue for cutting, then pour hot water into the pan, put the tongue there, bring to a boil and cook, reducing the heat, for about 15 minutes. Then, as with cooking any offal, drain the water, pour in a new one and cook further until cooked . This is done so that all unpleasant odors are removed from the meat. During the cooking process, and the cooking time, depending on the size and age of the tongue, can reach up to 4 hours, we monitor the water level and add it if it boils away.

About half an hour before the end of cooking, add carrots and onions to the broth. Many years of experience and experiments have proven that by adding whole vegetables and roots to the broth, you allow the meat to absorb their aroma and benefits as much as possible. In addition to carrots and onions, you can add bay leaves, peppercorns, dill and parsley. In order not to subsequently catch the greens from the broth, you can add only the stems. It will be easier to get them completely. And the aroma from them is absolutely the same as from the leaves. Salt the tongue shortly before the end of cooking.

We check the readiness of the tongue with a fork. Having pierced the tip, we look at what juice came out of the puncture. If it is unclear, then the tongue still needs to be boiled for a while. If the juice is clear, then our tongue is ready. We take it out of the broth and put it in cold water for a few minutes. This is done in order to make it easier to peel it off the skin without tearing it off in pieces and without spoiling the appearance of the finished tongue.

How long does it take to cook the tongue? Its cooking time depends on its size and age. The veal will have time to cook in an hour and a half, and the tongue of an adult, or rather, even an elderly animal, can be cooked for up to four hours. But we do not recommend choosing this one, since its nutritional value is much less.

Second way

There is another way to cook the tongue. After pre-rinsing, put it in boiling water for fifteen minutes, then take it out, clean it and then cook it until tender.

There is no fundamental difference, you can choose any method convenient for you, but keep in mind that less vitamins remain in the peeled tongue after cooking, but it better absorbs salt, spice and the aroma of spices and vegetables.

If you are cooking a tongue for a baby, then use the first method, since it is more useful for a child to eat food rich in vitamins, and he will still have time to eat salt in his whole life.

How to serve the tongue on the table

After we have boiled the tongue and cleaned it of the skin, we cut it. Cut it like a regular sausage, starting from the tip. The thickness is up to you as you like. Someone likes thicker. My dad always said: “A big piece and the mouth is happy,” my mother, however, always cut pieces as thick as a sheet of paper.

Lay the sliced ​​pieces on a plate in a circle. You can decorate all this splendor with greenery on top. And you can immediately put on lettuce leaves. As you like, and based on what is at hand. Serve with mustard or horseradish as a condiment or sauce.

For a salad, the tongue is cut into slices of the required size - straws, cubes, whatever. It all depends on the recipe, the general appearance of the finished salad and your imagination.

You can use the broth left after boiling the tongue to make aspic. You can cook soup on this broth by adding leftovers after a beautiful festive cut to it. Only the vegetables must be removed from the broth, and cut into new ones for the soup. The broth can also come in handy when preparing julienne. As a zealous housewife, let everything go to work in your kitchen.

Video: how to cook beef tongue in a slow cooker

Due to its benefits and incredible taste, the tongue is quite popular. And with a little effort, you can also cook the tongue at home.

In order for the tongue to be tasty and become a real delicacy on your table, you first need to learn how to cook the tongue properly. Unfortunately, not every housewife knows how to properly cook a beef or pork tongue, to make a first-class treat out of an ordinary offal. How to cook the tongue correctly so that vitamins, minerals and trace elements are preserved in it, and the meat melts in the mouth, is juicy, fragrant and unique in taste!

But it's never too late to learn, and we'll be happy to tell you how to cook tongue. There is nothing complicated about this!

How to cook tongue

Before preparing various dishes from the tongue, it should be boiled, so the process of initial processing of the tongue is very important for the future taste of the dishes. Here are some tips on how to cook your tongue:

  1. First, rinse your tongue well under running water and remove excess fat.
  2. Soak your tongue for half an hour to make it more tender and soft.
  3. Then put it in a deep saucepan and cover with water. Put on medium heat. Salt is not needed. Bring to a boil, be sure to remove the foam with a slotted spoon and reduce the heat.
  4. Cook your tongue in two waters, what does it mean. First, boil the tongue for 15 minutes, then drain this broth, rinse the tongue thoroughly, pour new water into a clean pan and put the tongue back on the boil until cooked. This allows you to remove harmful substances and unpleasant odors when cooking the broth. Don't forget to skim off the foam with a slotted spoon.
  5. Don't let it boil too hard, just enough to make the water bubbling a little.
  6. Boil the tongue in water without salt - it is better to salt the tongue in finished form.

    How to determine how long to cook beef or pork tongue?

    Pork tongue is cooked for 1.5–3 hours, and beef tongue for 2–3 hours, it all depends on the size of the product.

An hour before the end of cooking, add peeled whole carrots, onions, bay leaves and peppercorns to the broth. Or add your favorite spices.

You can also make a mixture of 1 tsp. parsley, 2 bay leaves and 1 tsp. dry dill. This herbs set will help to make the tongue spicy in taste.

After you add the vegetables, cook the tongue for 1 more hour.

If you want to salt your tongue, then do it half an hour before the end of cooking.

Check language readiness it is possible so. Pierce the tongue with a fork, if it pierces easily, then it is ready. If tough, cook until tender.

In general, the cooking time depends on the age and weight of the tongue.

Language must be cleaned immediately after cooking. Do not keep it in the broth for a long time. Hold the finished tongue for several minutes under cold water and easily remove the skin with a knife. If the tongue is not cleaned well, then it is not yet ready.

store purified tongue in a saucepan covered with a lid so that it does not dry out. Maybe in broth.

Slice the tongue and serve. Optionally, you can prepare a side dish. Many people make delicious salads from the tongue. Try it too!

List of recipes

Beef tongue is high in protein and low in fat. It contains no carbohydrates at all. The tongue contains a lot of zinc and lecithin, which are useful for the nervous and cardiovascular systems. However, in order to preserve all the nutritional properties, it is important to follow the tongue preparation technology.

Beef tongue can be boiled in a saucepan or in a pressure cooker, baked in the oven, marinated, fried and stewed. To keep the offal tender, it is better to salt it in a ready-made form. How to calculate the time, how much to cook the tongue? Depending on the size of the product, the cooking time can be from 2 to 4 hours. However, boiled offal is not always used as an independent dish. A variety of salads and snacks can be prepared from the tongue. How much to cook a salad from the tongue depends on the recipe chosen. Usually 20-30 minutes is enough.

Fast Cooking

Boiled offal takes a long time to cook, but there is a way to reduce the time without losing the valuable properties of the finished dish. The secret is to use a pressure cooker. The device does not require your constant participation and at the same time allows you to cook a dish quickly and tasty. How long does it take to cook a product in a pressure cooker? It will take no more than 40 minutes.

For cooking in a pressure cooker, you should use:

  • Beef tongue - 0.5 kg.
  • Water.
  • Bay leaf.
  • Pepper.
  • Salt.

How to cook the product in a pressure cooker:

  1. Rinse the offal and clean with a knife, and then put it on the bottom of the pressure cooker.
  2. Pour in water so that it covers the offal by 1 cm.
  3. Turn on a quick fire and wait for a boil.
  4. Then reduce the heat, add salt and spices.
  5. Cook 35 min.
  6. Place the finished tongue under cold water and remove the film from it.
  7. Let cool and then cut into pieces.

Boiled offal can be used as an ingredient in various salads. It will give them nutrition and unique taste.

Salad with beef tongue, mushrooms and cherry tomatoes

Recipe for a gourmet salad for a festive table. The main components of the dish are boiled tongue, several types of mushrooms, cherry tomatoes and fragrant greens. Rucola in salad is used not only for decoration, but also to give a spicy nut-mustard flavor.

To prepare a salad, you will need the following ingredients:

  • Beef tongue - 0.5 kg.
  • Champignons - 300 g.
  • Oyster mushrooms - 0.4 kg.
  • Shiitake - 0.4 kg.
  • Cherry tomatoes - 0.2 kg.
  • Onion - 2 pcs.
  • Eggs - 4 pcs.
  • Pickled cucumbers - 0.2 kg.
  • Arugula - 0.1 kg.
  • Mayonnaise.
  • Olive oil.
  • Salt.
  • Ground black pepper.

Cooking method:

  1. Wash mushrooms and oyster mushrooms and cut into pieces.
  2. Boil shiitake in a saucepan until half cooked.
  3. Fry all 3 types of mushrooms in a pan with heated olive oil. Sprinkle them with salt and pepper.
  4. Boil the beef tongue in a separate pan.
  5. Cut the boiled beef tongue into strips and mix with mushrooms.
  6. Add sliced ​​pickled cucumbers, onion half rings and arugula leaves.
  7. Salt the salad and season with mayonnaise.
  8. Decorate the dish with egg halves and cherry tomatoes.

Beef tongue goes well with mushrooms; various varieties can be used to prepare salads and second courses. But to make it tasty, it is necessary to pre-fry the mushrooms until golden brown.


Aspic is a dish consisting of broth and pieces of tongue. Aspic is usually prepared on holidays, as the process takes a lot of time. How much to cook aspic? This recipe takes up to 2 hours to prepare, given the set time.


  • Offal - 1.2 kg.
  • Bulb.
  • Carrot.
  • Parsley root.
  • Parsnip root.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Gelatin - 1 pack.
  • Parsley for decoration.
  • Salt.
  • Spices.

You need to prepare the dish according to the following instructions:

  1. Rinse the beef tongue and place in a pot of water, put on the stove.
  2. Bring to a boil, constantly skimming off the foam.
  3. Then add the onion, carrot, salt, spices and cook for another 15 minutes.
  4. After that, you should remove the bay leaf from the broth.
  5. Cook on low heat for 2 hours.
  6. Then you can remove the pan from the stove, and rinse the offal under cold water and remove the film from it.
  7. Cut the beef tongue into small pieces.
  8. Take the carrots out of the broth and cut into slices. They will be required to decorate the aspic.
  9. Next, you need to strain the broth.
  10. Salt and sprinkle with pepper.
  11. Stir gelatin in a glass of broth and pour into the pan where the aspic was prepared.
  12. Pour 3-4 mm of broth into prepared plates and let cool.
  13. Put the slices of the tongue and carrots, and pour the aspic from the pan on top.
  14. Put the aspic to solidify in a cold place, preferably at night.

You can serve aspic with horseradish or mustard, and use mashed potatoes as a side dish.

Tongue baked with mushrooms "under a fur coat"

The tongue can be baked in the oven and get a gourmet dish for a holiday or family dinner. The recipe for baking the tongue in the oven with vegetables and cheese is often called “under a fur coat”, for the appearance of the crust on the finished dish.

The recipe for baking offal in the oven requires the use of the following ingredients:

  • Beef tongue - 0.5 kg.
  • Mushrooms - 0.2 kg.
  • Cheese - 0.2 kg.
  • Tomato - 2 pcs.
  • Cream - 50 ml.
  • Bulb.
  • Flour.
  • Vegetable oil.
  • Salt.
  • Spices.

Step by step cooking recipe:

  1. Finely chop the mushrooms and onions and fry them in a pan.
  2. In a separate bowl, mix flour with cream, salt and spices.
  3. Pour the sauce into the skillet and heat until thick.
  4. Pre-boil the tongue in a saucepan, and then cut it into slices of 1-1.5 cm thick.
  5. Place tongue pieces on a baking sheet, top with mushroom mixture, slices of tomato and cheese.
  6. Bake in the oven for 15-20 minutes.

The offal baked in the oven is recommended to be served hot. You can decorate the dish with herbs. If desired, the recipe can be diversified by adding bell pepper or eggplant. These vegetables, when baked in the oven, give a delicate taste and sophisticated aroma to the finished dish.

pickled tongue

Another way to prepare an offal is pickling. The use of seasonings and hot sauces allows you to get a savory snack for the festive table.


  • Offal - 0.7 kg.
  • Bulgarian pepper - 0.3 kg.
  • Garlic - 3 cloves.
  • Dill.
  • Olive oil.
  • Soy sauce.
  • Sugar.
  • Vinegar.

Step-by-step recipe for marinating the tongue:

  1. Boil offal in a saucepan or pressure cooker. Remove film from it.
  2. Wash the bell pepper and bake in the oven whole.
  3. Place the hot vegetable in a plastic bag to steam. This will help to remove the film from it. You will also need to clean the pepper from the seeds inside.
  4. Grind the offal and pepper into pieces, chop the dill, crush the garlic.
  5. Put all the ingredients in a jar.
  6. Mix soy sauce, sugar, olive oil and vinegar.
  7. Pour the contents of the jar with the resulting mixture.
  8. Put in the refrigerator for a day.

Fried tongue in breadcrumbs

This recipe makes for a delicious main course or a delicious hot appetizer. The crispy crust will please even picky gourmets.

Beef tongue is a delicious, tender, nutritious delicacy that is used as an independent dish - in the form of a favorite snack for many, present on almost every holiday table, served with horseradish or mustard, as well as in many salads and other snacks. It is usually sold fresh or frozen.

Compared to other similar offal, such as pork or lamb, beef, the recipe of which we will consider in this article, has a greater nutritional value. Tongue is considered a dietary food that is recommended in many common diets for various ailments. For example, due to the fact that it contains a large amount of iron and protein, the use of the tongue is necessary in case of anemia, as well as in the recovery period after surgery. In addition, it is recommended for the nutrition of lactating and pregnant women and children who especially need enhanced replenishment of these essential elements for the body. A large amount of B vitamins and zinc also add value to the beef tongue. 100 grams of the product contains the daily value of vitamin B12 and 40% of the daily value of zinc. And, of course, this is not all of its useful properties, but this is already enough to understand how useful it is to include this delicious product on the menu.

Recipe: Boiled Beef Tongue

First you need a tongue and water. Pour the required amount of water into the pan and put it on fire. The recipe for "Boiled" begins with the preparation of the main product - the tongue. It must be thoroughly washed under running water. Excessive zeal is not necessary - the layer covering it will be completely removed after cooking.

Place your tongue in the already hot water. It would be useful to put onions, carrots, celery in a pan. The boiling tongue will absorb their aroma with pleasure, acquiring an amazing shade of taste. All these seasonings must be washed and cleaned, but it is not necessary to cut them finely. Onions just need to be peeled and placed in the broth as a whole, carrots cut into large pieces.

Bring the water to a boil over high heat, then reduce it to medium and leave to cook, now for a long time. Cooking time for beef tongue - 2.5-3 hours. The recipe is also suitable for cooking a more tender, veal tongue, but the cooking time will be reduced to about 2 hours. Readiness should be checked, as when cooking meat, piercing the tip of the tongue with a fork. When the tongue is ready, the fork will easily pierce it. 30 minutes before the end, salt the water to taste and add peppercorns and bay leaf to it.

When there is no doubt about the degree of readiness, turn off the fire, pull the finished tongue out of the water and place it in a bowl filled with cold water. After the tongue has been lying like this for a while, the skin covering it will easily come off if you pry it off with a knife. Clean the tongue completely and place it briefly back into the fragrant broth in which it was boiled.

That's the whole recipe! Boiled beef tongue is completely ready. Now you can cool it and cut it into slices, serve as an appetizer on its own, or start preparing a dish that will contain it.

Beef tongue is considered a delicacy because it has an original delicate taste and dense structure, and you can cook a lot of gourmet dishes from it. By its structure, the beef tongue is a solid muscle, covered with a hard, rough shell, which is removed after cooking. Beef tongue weighs from 800 g to 2.5 kg.

Before entering the trading network, the beef tongue is freed from fat, connective tissue and lymph nodes. The color of the tongue on the cut should be uniform, light pink.

The benefits of beef tongue

Beef tongue contains a large amount of protein and digestible iron, so nutritionists often recommend including it in the diet for anemia, as well as for children, pregnant women, and people who have undergone surgery.

It is very useful to eat beef tongue for food with stomach ulcers, anemia and gastritis.

This offal contains almost the entire range of B vitamins, especially a lot of vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 in children promotes growth, improves appetite and well-being. It increases energy. Maintains the nervous system in a healthy state. Reduces irritability. Improves concentration, memory and balance.

The calorie content of beef tongue is 170 kcal.

How to cook beef tongue

1. Wash the beef tongue well under running water. Place the tongue in a large pot of boiling water. Bring to a boil again and remove the foam with a slotted spoon. Reduce heat and cook at a temperature close to the boiling point.

How long does it take to cook beef tongue?

2. Cook for 3 hours a tongue weighing 1-1.5 kg. If the tongue weighs more than 2 kg, increase the cooking time to 3.5 hours. Veal small tongue (400 gr) is cooked for about two hours.

3. Half an hour before the end of cooking, add onions, carrots, bay leaves, celery can be. We check the readiness of the tongue with a meat fork. If the tip of the tongue pierces easily, then the tongue is ready.

4. We take out the hot tongue from the pan and be sure to place the tongue under a stream of cold water for a couple of minutes so that the skin easily separates from the tongue. We take off the skin.

5. The language is ready. Now cut it into thin slices across the grain.


The weight of a veal tongue is about 350-400 grams, the weight of a beef tongue (an adult cow) is about 800-1500 grams.

In a pressure cooker, cook the beef tongue for no more than 30-40 minutes.

In a slow cooker, cook the beef tongue in the "Stew" mode for 5-6 hours.

Boil the beef tongue in a double boiler for 3 hours.

The cooked product is best stored in the refrigerator, wrapped in food foil. Boiled beef tongue is used not only as a snack (cut into thin slices, like sausage), but also in salads, aspic dishes, and also for cooking julienne.

As an appetizer, boiled tongue goes well with pickled mushrooms and salted watermelons, with asparagus and artichokes, with canned pineapples or green peas. Various sauces (apple, berry, nut) are also suitable for such an appetizer.


Beef tongue in tomato sauce

boiled beef tongue - 2.5 kg; butter - 2 tbsp. l.; garlic - 1 clove; onion - 1 onion; tomatoes (fresh or canned) - 8-9 pcs.; dried basil - 1/2 tsp ; salt - 1 tsp; ground black pepper - to taste

Melt the butter in a saucepan and fry finely chopped onion and garlic in it until brown. Add basil, salt and pepper. Bring to a boil and keep on low heat under the lid for half an hour; pass through a sieve. Put the tongues on a baking sheet, pour over the sauce and put in a medium-heated oven for about 40 minutes. Drizzle the sauce over the tongues from time to time.

Beef tongue with apple sauce

beef tongue - 2 pcs.; onion - 1 pc.; parsley (root) - 1 pc.; carrots - 2 pcs.; for the sauce: apples - 2 pcs.; red table wine - 3 tsp; lemon (zest) - 1/2 pc.; sugar, salt - to taste

Boil the tongue, process and cut into noodles. Prepare the sauce: peel the apples and seeds, cut into slices, add water until soft and rub through a sieve. Season the mass with wine, salt, sugar, grated zest, mix and boil a little. Before serving, pour the slices of the tongue with sauce and warm up.


beef tongue - 1 kg; onion - 1-2 pcs.; parsley (root) - 1/2 pc.; peppercorns, bay leaf, salt - to taste; for minced meat: wheat bread - 3 slices; egg - 1 pc.; ground black pepper, parsley (greens), salt - to taste; for the sauce: flour - 1.5 tsp; butter - 2 tbsp. l.; sour cream - 1/4 cup; broth - 1/4 cup; salt - to taste

Pour the tongue with cold water and cook over low heat for 2-4 hours. Before the end of cooking, put salt, parsley, onion and bay leaf into the water. Transfer the finished tongue to a bowl with cold water, immediately remove the skin from it and cut along it, take out a little meat from the inside, pass it through a meat grinder along with fat, meat from the throat and white bread soaked in milk. Mix the mass with eggs, pepper, chopped herbs, salt. Put the minced meat in the cavity, tie the tongue with a thread, put it in a frying pan, grease with oil and put it in the oven for 30 minutes, pouring from time to time with the broth in which it was cooked.

Prepare the sauce: spasser the flour in oil, dilute with broth and sour cream, stir and heat. Pour the sauce over the tongue and boil. Before serving, remove the threads, cut into slices and place on a dish, give the shape of a whole tongue. Serve hot.

tongue - 1 pc.; spices; boiled egg; vegetables; jelly.

Boil the tongue with the addition of spices (bay leaf, parsley root or celery). Cool and cut into thin slices, put them on a dish and decorate with boiled egg slices, vegetables (carrots, cucumbers, etc.), herbs.

From the broth obtained by boiling the tongue, prepare jelly (for 2.5-3 stacks of jelly, 20-25 g of gelatin).

Strain the jelly, pour it over the tongue and put it in the cold to harden. And you can get a little perverted: pour a layer of jelly, let it harden, then lay beautifully pieces of the tongue and so on, and then pour a second portion of jelly.

In this case, you can use the form. Before serving, heat it in hot water (40-50 gr.) And put it on a dish.

Language beef, fried in breadcrumbs

beef tongue - 1 kg; vegetables - 200 g; flour - 2 tbsp ; white bread crumbs or crackers (ground) - 6 tablespoons; egg - 1 pc.; fat - 4 tbsp. l.; tomato sauce (or red with wine) - 1 cup; butter - 2 tbsp. l.; bay leaf, ground black pepper, salt - to taste

Boil the tongue with vegetables, remove the skin and cool. Cut beef or pork tongues lengthwise into thin slices, leave lamb whole, salt, breaded in flour, and then, moistened in a beaten egg, breaded in white bread crumbs (or crushed breadcrumbs) and fry with fat. Serve with fried potatoes or mashed potatoes, drizzled with oil. Serve the sauce separately in a gravy boat.

Language beefwith berry sauce

tongue - 500 g; parsley, carrots, dill, onions - to taste; for the sauce: gooseberries or red currants - 200 g; salt, sugar - to taste; oil - 1 tbsp; flour - 1 tbsp

Pour the washed tongue with boiling water and cook over low heat, adding roots and salt. Remove the rough white skin from the boiled tongue, dousing it with cold water, cut the tongue across into slices, place in a bowl, pour over the prepared sauce.

Heat the oil in a saucepan, sauté the flour, add a little broth and the mass of red currant or stewed gooseberries rubbed through a sieve.

Let it boil, add sugar and salt to taste. Serve with boiled friable rice or potatoes.
