
How to cook pumpkin soup for a child. Useful vegetable elements

As soon as we hear the word "pumpkin" we immediately remember Cinderella, who was riding to the prince on a pumpkin carriage.

And this is not at all surprising, because an American farmer was able to grow a pumpkin weighing 900 kilograms, you can easily make a carriage out of such a pumpkin.

Pumpkin has been known since time immemorial; American Indians loved to fry pieces of pumpkin on a fire, African tribes baked pumpkin, Russians cooked fragrant porridge with millet, and Ukrainian girls gave pumpkin to a boyfriend who was not going to reciprocate.

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Growing pumpkins is not at all a troublesome business, so modern gardeners are very fond of this crop and grow dozens of different varieties of pumpkins.

I would divide the pumpkin into several types:

  • hard-barked- this is a pumpkin, which was grown by our ancestors, the fruit grows from 5 to 80 kg;
  • nutmeg- this is a more whimsical type of pumpkin, it grows most often in the southern territories, but it tastes very fragrant;
  • large-fruited- this pumpkin differs from hard-bark in its impressive size;
  • decorative- This pumpkin is grown for decoration, to create compositions.

Benefit and harm

Modern culinary specialists prepare many dishes from pumpkin, but pureed soups are especially useful.

Attention - this is useful! Pumpkin puree soup is especially useful in winter, as it contains a large amount of vitamin D, which we lack due to lack of sunlight.

Be careful! Carotene, which is found in pumpkin, is a strong allergen and can cause an allergic reaction.

For the preparation of soups, it is better to choose a hard-skinned pumpkin of the Dachnaya or Rossiyanka variety or a large-fruited pumpkin of the Gribovskaya variety.

When choosing a pumpkin for soup, pay attention to the density of the pulp of the pumpkin, it should not be juicy, but a little mealy.

When choosing a pumpkin in the market or in the store, be careful.

  1. The stalk of the pumpkin should be dry and free of mold.
  2. The peel of the pumpkin should not be too hard, the rigidity of the peel is a sign of old age.
  3. The pumpkin should be spotless, if the pumpkin is spotted it may taste like mold.

If you buy a pumpkin not whole, inspect the edges of the cut of the pumpkin, they should not be soft and slippery, and the seeds should not be moldy.

How many calories in pumpkin puree soup, you will find out from the recipe below.

  1. Difficulty level: easy.
  2. Calorie content: 40 kcal per 100 gr.
  3. Servings Per Container: 4.
  4. Time of use: lunch.
  5. Cooking method: boiling.

Main Ingredients:

  • pumpkin - 1 kg .;
  • onion - 200 gr.;
  • carrots - 150 gr.;
  • cream - 300 gr. (fat content not less than 20%);
  • vegetable oil;
  • salt;
  • pepper.

Additional Ingredients:

  • crackers;
  • pumpkin seeds.

  1. Finely chop the onion.
  2. Grate carrots on a coarse grater.
  3. Peel the pumpkin and cut into cubes.
  4. Pour vegetable oil into a saucepan (3-4 liters) and sauté the onion until transparent.
  5. Add carrots to the onion, fry lightly.
  6. Add the pumpkin, stir and cover with water so that the vegetables are covered by 1 cm.
  7. After boiling, cook for 15-20 minutes. Salt and pepper.
    Important! Vegetables are salted shortly before the end of cooking.
  8. Grind with a blender, add cream, bring to a boil and immediately remove from heat.
  9. Important! Do not let the soup boil for a long time, as the cream can curdle, and the beneficial substances will lose their properties.

  10. Before serving, add homemade croutons and garnish with pumpkin seeds.

Homemade croutons are very easy to prepare - cut the loaf into cubes and dry in a dry frying pan until a crust forms. If you want to make pumpkin puree soup with cream, go to, you can cook from a variety of vegetables with.

Watch the video to prepare the puree soup:

There are several options for soups with pumpkin, which can be classified as especially vitamin, depending on the combination of ingredients, you can achieve different results.

If you want to stop the aging process, saturate your body with vitamin D and enrich it with iodine, then pumpkin, celery and pine nuts puree soup is for you.

  1. Difficulty level: easy.
  2. Servings Per Container: 4.
  3. Time of use: lunch.
  4. Cooking method: boiling.

Main Ingredients:

  • pumpkin - 500 gr.;
  • petiole celery - 300 gr.;
  • water - 0.5 l.;
  • onion - 1 head;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • cheese - 100 gr.;
  • pine nuts - 2 tbsp.

Additional Ingredients:

  • toast;
  • greenery.

  • Peel and cut the pumpkin and celery into small cubes.
  • Fill with water and put on fire. We cook until ready. Important! Celery should be put in the pan 10-15 minutes later than the pumpkin.
  • Saute finely chopped onion and garlic until golden brown.
  • We combine the pumpkin with overcooked vegetables and chop with a blender.
  • Add finely grated cheese to the pan, wait until it melts, and remove from heat. Brie or Parmesan cheese is ideal for this soup, but if you only have melted cheese at home, you can add it, just the taste will be more creamy .
  • Fry pine nuts in vegetable oil, finely chop the greens.
  • Sprinkle the soup with croutons, pine nuts and herbs.

If you want your cholesterol levels to be in order, your blood vessels to be strong and elastic, and your brain to work perfectly, then you need to eat red fish, which contains unique omega-3 fatty acids.

How to cook vitamin puree soup, you will learn from the video:

  1. Cooking time: 30 - 40 minutes.
  2. Difficulty level: easy.
  3. Servings Per Container: 4.
  4. Time of use: lunch.
  5. Cooking method: boiling.

Main Ingredients:

  • pumpkin - 300 gr.;
  • celery root - 300 gr.;
  • onion - ¼ onion;
  • leek - 100 gr.;
  • salmon (or any other red fish) - 150 gr.;
  • garlic - 1 clove;
  • olive oil - 2 tbsp. l.

Additional Ingredients:

  • thyme;
  • greenery;
  • Sesame oil.
  1. Cut all vegetables into small cubes.
  2. Heat olive oil in a saucepan, you can add a small piece of butter, add thyme and garlic.
  3. If, when frying vegetables, you add a little butter to vegetable oil, then the vegetables will not burn, but will acquire a pleasant golden hue, while the taste of the dish will be more delicate.

  4. Fry until golden brown, pour a small amount of water and cook until tender.
  5. Blend with a blender if you want to achieve smoothness, or mash with a masher if you like to come across pieces of vegetables. Salt.
  6. Add chopped fish and cook for 5 minutes.
  7. Add greens and drip a few drops of sesame oil.

Many doctors recommend eating raw pumpkin, especially recommended for pregnant women, but we are not used to taking this vegetable raw, so we recommend dietary or lean pumpkin puree soup, it does not include high-calorie ingredients, but is able to retain a maximum of useful substances.

  1. Cooking time: 20-30 minutes.
  2. Difficulty level: easy.
  3. Servings Per Container: 4.
  4. Time of use: lunch.
  5. Cooking method: boiling.

Main Ingredients:

  • pumpkin - 500 gr.;
  • onion - 1 head;
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • tomato - 1 pc.;
  • bell pepper - 1 pc.;
  • garlic - 2 cloves.

Additional Ingredients:

  • curry;
  • greenery.
  1. Cut the vegetables into small cubes, put in a saucepan.
  2. Fill with water 1 cm above the vegetables and cook until tender.
  3. Salt and grind with a blender to a puree state.
  4. We vary the density by adding water, add garlic and curry and simmer for 5-10 minutes over low heat.

Important! You can vary the thickness of the soup with skim milk.

In the adult menu, unfortunately, pumpkin is not the most popular vegetable, but our children begin their acquaintance with vegetables from zucchini and pumpkin. Read more about mashed potatoes diet soup.

Watch a useful video of cooking diet pumpkin puree soup:

Never cook for a child for the future, the soup should be prepared for one serving.


  • pumpkin - 50-70 grams;
  • rice - 1-2 tbsp. l.

Pay special attention to the freshness of the product from which you are going to cook.

After all, it is very important that the child is not poisoned in any case.

Boil pumpkin in water, add boiled rice, cook for 5 minutes and puree with a blender.

If you get a thick mass, then you can add a little breast milk, formula or water.

Important! Do not add whole milk if your child is not accustomed to it.

The recipe for pumpkin soup for a child after a year is significantly different from the previous recipe. At this age, we can already cook chicken broth soup for a child.


  • pumpkin - 70 grams;
  • rice - 1-2 tbsp. l.;
  • chicken broth - a glass of 250 ml;
  • a piece of boiled chicken - 50 gr.
  1. We cook chicken broth, boil rice on it.
  2. When the rice is almost ready, add the pumpkin, cook until tender.
  3. Grind with a blender to a puree state.

Salt is better not to add!

Low-calorie pumpkin can be combined with not quite ordinary products, such combinations are suitable for those who tirelessly monitor the harmony of their figure.

How to cook a healthy soup for a one-year-old child, look at the video:

  1. Cooking time: 30 - 40 minutes.
  2. Difficulty level: easy.
  3. Servings Per Container: 4.
  4. Time of use: lunch.
  5. Cooking method: boiling.

Main Ingredients:

  • pumpkin - 600 gr.;
  • water - 1 liter;
  • onions - 2-3 pcs.;
  • fresh ginger - 2 cm;
  • cream - 100 gr.;
  • butter - 50 gr.;
  • shrimps.

Additional Ingredients:

  • greenery;
  • potato.
  1. Cut vegetables into cubes, throw into boiling water and boil until tender.
  2. Boiling time: 15-20 minutes.

  3. We bring the blender to a puree state.
  4. Add salt, cream, butter, ginger, bring to a boil and immediately turn off.
  5. Decorate with boiled shrimp and herbs.

The preparation of shrimp soup is very simple, as shown in the video:

If your diet does not allow you to eat potatoes, then you need to exclude them from the recipe, adding pumpkins according to the weight of the potatoes.

Puree soups can be prepared from any vegetables that you like: from or cabbage, from, from, even from.

Summing up

Pumpkin is a very versatile vegetable that can be used in more than just soups. Pumpkin can be fried, baked, boiled with cereals and even cooked from it and safely used for weight loss.

The sunny color of the pumpkin will help maintain high spirits during the snowy winter, a rich harvest of pumpkin will please any gardener, and the low calorie content of pumpkin will delight any young lady.

Cook with love! Bon appetit!

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Does your child love pumpkin? I would like to suggest cooking very tender and tasty milk-pumpkin soup. The dish is designed for children from 1.5 years old, if there is no allergy to pumpkin.

Last week I tried something new again. We have a small stock of pumpkins, so there is a lot of interest in using them. liked me milk pumpkin soup from the site "Mom Cooks with Theme".

When I just made it At first glance, it seemed to me too "milky", because there is nothing essential in it, like potatoes, or meat. But I served it for lunch to both my son and myself. And that's just when I I realized how tasty and tender it is.

An excellent addition to it was white bread cut into small cubes and placed in the middle of a plate.

We ate our portions with great pleasure and decided to periodically please ourselves with such a soup. Certainly, as the only type of food for lunch - there is too little of it. There must be more second course.

Again I will deviate from the original recipe in proportions. In the original, the portion of the soup is very large, rather designed for a large family. And as far as I cook food for a child only once, and only he eats such “children's” food, then we needed much less.

Ingredients needed (for 2 bowls of soup)

  • pumpkin- 170 g.
  • butter- 10 g.
  • semolina– 13
  • sugar- 5 years
  • milk- 500 ml.

How to cook pumpkin milk soup for a child

1. Pumpkin (170) cut into cubes.

Pumpkin cut into cubes

We put it in a saucepan and fill it with water so that it completely covers the pumpkin.

Cook for 15 minutes and check with a fork for softness. If it pierces well, then it's done.

2. softened oil (10 g) and puree the pumpkin with a blender until a homogeneous mixture.

Puree butter and pumpkin together

3. We put to cook 500 ml milk until it boils.

4. Pour into a saucepan with milk and pumpkin in a thin stream 13 g. semolina and stir constantly.

One of these healthy foods is pumpkin. Pumpkin seeds are not recommended for the first, although they are rich in protein and iron. Seeds are a rather heavy product for the delicate digestive system of the baby and, moreover, are an allergen.

An allergy to pumpkin pulp, on the contrary, is a very rare occurrence, but you still need to be careful and careful when introducing a new product into a child's diet.

Pumpkin puree soup

  • pumpkin pulp,
  • potato,
  • carrot,
  • a little butter
  • melted cheese,
  • grated cheese, nuts or pumpkin seeds can be added to older children and adults.

How to make Pumpkin Soup

  1. Wash pumpkin, potatoes, peel and cut into cubes.
  2. Finely chop the onion and carrot and sauté in butter until golden brown.
  3. Boil in a small amount of water in a saucepan or slow cooker slices of pumpkin, potatoes, carrots, you can any other vegetables.
  4. 10 minutes before the end of cooking, you can add melted cheese.
  5. Then grind everything in a blender, add cream, salt and pepper, bring to a boil and turn off. For small children under the age of 1.5-2 years, it is better to cook without processed cheese).

Ingredients for Puree Soup:

  • Pumpkin - 1 or 2 slices
  • Carrot - 1 pc.
  • Cream - 150 ml.
  • Butter - a small piece.
  • A pinch of salt

A healthy vitamin vegetable that contains dietary fiber helps to better digest food and relieves constipation. Therefore, it is advised to enter. In this recipe, I will share my recipe for pumpkin puree soup with cream (or milk). I have been making this soup for my child since he was 8 months old.

Pumpkin puree soup for children with cream - Recipe with photo:

1. The pumpkin must be peeled and pulped, then cut into cubes. Peel the carrots and cut into cubes. After that, pumpkin and carrot cubes should be put in a pot of water. Boil until cooked (until soft).

2. Pull the cooked pieces into the bowl and grind with a blender (or rub through a sieve).

3. Add butter and cream. And mix everything together again.

4. Add a little salt to the pumpkin milk mixture, pour it back into the pot with pumpkin broth and bring to a boil. After that, immediately remove from the fire.

5. Pumpkin puree soup for babies is ready. Grow healthy!

Depending on the child's tolerance for foods, you can add the following vegetables to the soup: potatoes, broccoli, cauliflower. They also need to be boiled first, and then mashed into a puree. You can add boiled chicken or quail yolk.

Hours in the gym, multi-kilometer runs, severe dietary restrictions ...

What kind of sacrifices do women not make for the sake of chiseled and slender legs! And the results will certainly become visible sooner or later: the buttocks are tightened, fat is leaving the hips. But the shins do not always respond to efforts, and sometimes even become larger.

Bulky calves look disharmonious, interfere with wearing short skirts and tight trousers, and become the cause of complexes. Sometimes the desire to reduce calves reaches the point of absurdity. So, in the United States, plastic surgery to correct this part of the body is gaining more and more popularity.

In order to quickly and correctly get rid of large calves, first of all, you need to find out the main reason for their appearance and try to eliminate it.

The main "culprits" are an excessive layer of subcutaneous fat, too voluminous muscles that appeared as a result of training or are a hereditary feature.

Genetics. If large shins are your genetic feature (this can be seen by looking at your parents and immediate family), then reducing the muscles on the calves will be extremely difficult.

You can try to slightly change the proportions of the body and adjust the features of the anatomy. For example, if you have a short Achilles tendon that connects the back of your heel to your calf, then your calves will look bigger. This is due to the fact that the muscle has to stretch down a lot to connect with the short tendon.

If the tendon is long, then the place of its connection with the muscle is higher. As a result, the calf muscle "sits" high, the lower leg looks thinner and more elegant. Unfortunately, tendon lengthening is not possible. The only thing that can be advised in this case is to avoid loads that provoke the growth of the calf muscles.

Gait and movement. Repeated day-to-day actions can affect the shape of your legs. For example, walking on your toes all the time, with your body weight on the forefoot (as when wearing heels), can lead to calf muscle buildup.

It is also worth analyzing your gait: with weak other leg muscles, especially the tibialis anterior, the calves can compensate for the entire load, increasing over time. The solution to the problem is a comprehensive strengthening of the leg muscles.

Body fat is another very common reason why calves look big. Each person has their own specific problem areas, from which fat disappears last. If these are calves and ankles, then you will have to be patient and persevere in order to find the legs of your dreams.

  • Remember that it is impossible to lose weight locally, along with the calves, the hips and buttocks will decrease. You may need to add isolated exercises for them if your goal is to be in good shape.
  • For slimming legs, drying the muscles of the thighs and calves, cardio training with minimal or no resistance is recommended. This means that you need to choose a flat place on the street, and set the minimum slope on the treadmill. It is with such training that the legs and calves will lose weight and at the same time acquire a beautiful shape. Endurance running helps to reduce the calf muscles and fatty tissue around the calf (as well as throughout the body), which make the legs look bulky. Double benefit - burn fat and reduce muscle!
  • Avoid exercises aimed primarily at developing leg strength, as they cause muscle growth and make the calves even more voluminous. For example, short and intense cardio workouts, strength exercises for the legs (squats, lunges), step aerobics, mountain hiking are contraindicated. Walking uphill, including on a high-incline treadmill, makes the calves even bigger.
  • Do not jump rope and generally avoid jumping with high leg lifts. Swimming, walking, cross-country and elliptical trainers are more suitable for losing calves. The elliptical trainer is a great tool for low-intensity cardio when you set the resistance to the minimum. Instead of burning calories by increasing resistance, increase your exercise time. Long walks also slim down the lower legs, as they lengthen the hamstrings and calf muscles.
  • Avoid step machines and other exercises that simulate climbing stairs or mountains, as they primarily increase the calf muscles. Remember that your goal is to make the calves thinner, not to "pump" them even more.
  • It is better to refuse resistance training or perform more repetitions with small weights. Weight-bearing exercises that involve the calf muscles only lead to more calf muscles, even if your goal is fat loss. It is absolutely impossible to reduce the point of the lower leg with their help. Effective methods for getting rid of calf fat are diet, low-intensity cardio and liposuction.
  • Stretching exercises help stretch and lengthen the large calf muscles, including the “pumped” ones. For this purpose, you can attend stretching training, yoga or Pilates. Great calf exercises can be done against a wall. Stand facing her, one foot at a distance of 25-30 cm from the wall, the second - at 70-80 cm, the feet are parallel, the heels are on the floor, and the socks are looking at the wall. Bend your front leg while keeping your back leg straight, lean over and place your hands on the wall. You should feel a stretch in the back of your leg and especially your calf. Hold this position for 15-30 seconds, switch legs and repeat. This exercise helps stretch the calf muscles.
  • Pilates is great for shaping toned and elongated muscles. Even with intense workouts, your calves will not swell.
  • The following simple calf stretching exercise can be done anytime, at work or at home. Sit on a chair, with your back straight, press against its back. Raise your left leg and make 6 rotational movements clockwise with your foot. The amplitude should be maximum. Repeat the same number of times on the other side, and then do the same exercise on the right leg.
  • There are many ways to visually reduce large calves with clothes and shoes. By resorting to them, you can make the legs in girth look a few centimeters smaller.

Remember, you can be in good physical shape, fit and slender without protruding muscle bumps. The main thing is to correctly draw up a training program that includes strength and cardio exercises and avoid stress and diets that provoke muscle growth. With such tactics, volumes (and not only calves!) will steadily decrease.

How to treat full calves, each woman decides for herself. For example, actresses Mischa Barton and Katie Holmes are not shy about these body parts and look great. Even if you are unable to reduce calf volume, do not dwell on it. Focus on the best parts of the body and emphasize them.
