
How to cook tangerine jam slices. Mandarin peel jam


  • Tangerines (medium size or small) - 1 kg
  • Sugar - 1 kg 200 g
  • Water - 250 ml
  • Citric acid - 1/3 tsp.

Cooking time 20 hours, of which 19 hours - infusion slices.

Yield: 1 kg of tangerine slices - 1 kg of jam.

Surprisingly bright and unusual, and at the same time delicate, the taste of jam from tangerine slices without peel will appeal to everyone. Amber slices attract attention to themselves, hands themselves are drawn to this fabulous delicacy. Preparing tangerine jam with slices according to the recipe is a long process and requires patience. Step-by-step photos will clearly show the progress of processing tangerines and cooking.

How to make tangerine jam with slices

To prepare tangerine jam slices, you need to select ripe dense fruits. They should be juicy and the same size - all small or all medium. Identical slices will evenly boil. Peel thoroughly washed tangerines and divide them into slices. Do not throw away the crusts - you can also make jam from them or make candied fruits.

With the end of a sharp knife or a toothpick, carefully, trying not to damage the surface of the slices, remove the seeds, if any.

Fold the prepared tangerine slices into a saucepan, pour cold purified water so that it should completely cover the tangerines. Bring to a boil over medium heat and continue to simmer for 15 minutes.

Put the tangerine slices with a colander spoon into a deep bowl, wrap it in a warm blanket and leave for about 10 hours. Do not pour out the water where the slices were cooked. Syrup will be prepared on it.

Boil syrup from sugar and a glass of water in which tangerines were boiled. Put cooled citrus slices into boiling syrup, let it boil, boil for 5 minutes, set aside from heat. Cool by covering the pan with a towel. Let it brew for 5-8 hours (you can leave until the next day).

Put the tangerine slices soaked in syrup on a slow fire, bring to a boil. It is necessary to stir often so that the slices do not burn to the bottom. Boil for about 30 minutes 30 minutes. If the tangerines are sweet, then you can put a little citric acid. It can be replaced by the juice of a small lemon. Transfer the finished tangerine jam slices into sterilized jars, roll up the lids.

Mandarin jam slices are ready. This jam will appeal to both adults and children. Transparent slices of amber flowers can decorate cakes, pastries, buns and pies, any cottage cheese dishes.


Tangerine jam is a tasty and very healthy delicacy, a real storehouse of vitamins. Do you know how to make tangerine jam?

Let the tangerine jam prepared by you give you many pleasant moments, wonderful memories and a real "tangerine" mood!

Everything is possible - cook tangerine jam! It won't take much effort or time. You can give yourself and your loved ones such “tangerine joy” all year round, because these fruits are on sale both in winter and in summer. The main thing is to choose whole, unspoiled tangerines for cooking and follow the recipe. Moreover, it is not at all necessary to choose sweet tangerines for jam, their taste can be corrected. For example, if you want the jam to turn out sour, take a ratio of 1: 3 (part of sugar to three parts of fruit). Prefer the classic version of jam - stop at a 1: 1 ratio.

Mandarin jam can be prepared in different ways. There are recipes for cooking with the skin, which, by the way, is almost as healthy as the pulp. It's time to introduce you, our dear hostesses, to the recipes for this amazing delicious dish.

1. Tangerine jam from whole fruits

1. Tangerines - 1 kg.
2. Lemon - 1 pc.
3. Sugar - 1 kg.
4. Water - 1 glass
5. Cloves - to taste and desire.

How to make whole fruit tangerine jam:
Choose ripe tangerines, wash them thoroughly and pat dry. Pierce each tangerine in several places with a toothpick and insert a few cloves into each fruit to add extra flavor to the jam. Then put the tangerines in a deep container, fill with water and cook for 10 minutes over low heat until they become soft. In a separate saucepan, boil the syrup from water and sugar for 10 minutes. As soon as it thickens, dip the tangerines in it and cook for 10 minutes. Then remove the pan from the heat, let the contents cool for 2 hours and repeat the procedure 2-3 more times until the syrup is clear and amber in color. A few minutes before full readiness, add lemon juice to the contents of the pan.

2. Tangerine jam halves

1. Tangerines - 1.5 kg.
2. Sugar - 2 kg.
3. Water - 1 liter

How to cook tangerine jam halves:
Choose undamaged tangerines for jam, prick them with a toothpick and blanch in hot water for 15 minutes, then remove them, immerse them in cold water and keep in it for 12 hours, changing the water twice during this time. When the time is up, cut each tangerine crosswise into 2 parts, pour over the prepared sugar syrup and leave for 8 hours. Then drain the syrup, boil and pour the tangerine halves again. Repeat this procedure 3 more times. Pack ready-made tangerine jam in sterilized dry jars and roll up with sterile lids.

3. Jam from tangerine slices

1. Tangerines - 1 kg.
2. Sugar - 1 kg.
3. Water - 200 ml.

How to make jam from tangerine slices:
Peel the washed tangerines from the peel and divide into slices. Place the tangerine slices in an enameled saucepan, fill them with water so that it covers the entire surface of the tangerine slices, and cook at a low boil for 15 minutes. Then remove the pan from the heat, drain the water, and cool the slices themselves. Then again fill them with clean cold water and leave for a day. Pour sugar into the pan where the jam will be cooked, add water and boil the syrup. Put the soaked slices in the syrup, mix gently and leave overnight. In the morning, put the pot on the fire, bring to a boil, reduce the heat to a minimum and cook for 40 minutes, removing the resulting foam from time to time. Pour the finished jam into sterile jars and roll up.

4. Tangerine jam with cinnamon

1. Tangerines - 6 pcs.
2. Sugar - 0.5 kg.
3. Cinnamon - 1 stick

KaTo prepare tangerine jam with cinnamon:

Wash the fruit, peel, remove the bones (if any), divide into slices and put in a saucepan. Sprinkle the slices with sugar and leave for 8 hours. Then put the pot with the contents on the stove, boil, reduce the heat and cook over low heat for 20 minutes. Then add the cinnamon stick and cook, stirring and skimming off the foam, for another 30 minutes. When the time is up, remove the cinnamon stick, and cook the jam itself until thickened for another 1 hour. Then pour into hot jars and close the lids.

5. Mandarin jam with apples

1. Tangerines - 1 kg.
2. Apples - 1 kg.
3. Sugar - 1 kg.
4. Water - 2 glasses

How to cook tangerine jam with apples:
Peel the tangerines from the peel and divide into slices. Grate tangerine peels. Peel the apples, remove the core and grate. Place the apples in a saucepan, cover with water and cook until pureed. Rub the cooled puree through a sieve, pour back into the pan, add sugar, zest and tangerine slices, mix thoroughly and cook, stirring constantly, for 20 minutes.

6. Mandarin jam with bananas

1. Tangerines - 1 kg.
2. Sugar - 1 kg.
3. Banana - 2 pcs.
4. Water - 200 ml.
5. Lemon juice - 1 pc.

How to cook tangerine jam with bananas:
Peel the tangerines from the skin and seeds, cut into medium-sized cubes and sprinkle with sugar. When the tangerines give juice, pour in water and put them on fire. Bring to a boil and simmer for 15 minutes over low heat. Then turn off and let cool. Repeat the procedure after 3-4 hours. Cut peeled bananas into thin circles, add to tangerines and pour in the juice of 1 lemon. Boil everything for 10-15 minutes, stirring constantly. Leave until completely cooled, and then repeat the procedure again. The liquid should evaporate by half, and the bananas should turn into a puree. After cooling, the jam should thicken. Arrange the finished jam in prepared jars and close the lids.

7. Tangerine jam with cognac

1. Tangerines - 0.5 kg.
2. Sugar - 0.5 kg.
3. Cognac - 3 tbsp. spoons

How to cook tangerine jam with cognac:
Take small tangerines to make jam, peel, divide into slices, sprinkle with sugar, add cognac and leave overnight. Put the container on the fire, without bringing the contents to a boil, simmer on a minimum heat for 40 minutes. Then cool, transfer to a 0.7 l jar, close the lid and store in the refrigerator.

8. Mandarin jam with vanilla, star anise and cognac

1. Tangerines - 1 kg.
2. Sugar - 500 gr.
3. Cinnamon - 1 stick
4. Vanilla sugar - 2 teaspoons
5. Star anise - 2 stars
6. Cognac - 50 ml.

How to cook tangerine jam with vanilla, star anise and cognac:
Peel the tangerines from the peel, white films and seeds, disassemble into slices, cut them in half, sprinkle with sugar and put on medium heat. When the juice appears, add spices and cognac, reduce heat and cook for 15 minutes over low heat, stirring occasionally. Determine the readiness of the jam according to your preference: if you like thick jam, cook in several stages for 5-7 minutes. If you like a more natural and lighter texture jam, then 15 minutes will be enough.

9. Tangerine jam with cardamom and pine nuts

1. Tangerines - 1.5 kg.
2. Sugar - 1 kg.
3. Vanilla sugar - 2 teaspoons
4. Cinnamon - 1 tbsp. spoon
5. Cardamom - 1 pc.
6. Peeled pine nuts - 50 gr.

How to cook tangerine jam with cardamom and pine nuts:
Peel two-thirds of the tangerines and cut the flesh into small pieces, trying to keep the pulp inside, while removing all the seeds. Place chopped fruit in a bowl. Squeeze the juice from the remaining tangerines into a saucepan. Put on fire, bring the mixture to a boil, add the remaining ingredients, reduce heat and cook, stirring, 30 minutes. At the end of cooking, add pine nuts and boil a little more.

10. Tangerine jam with ginger and rosemary

1. Tangerines - 3 pcs.
2. Apple - 2 pcs.
3. Fresh ginger root - 2 cm.
4. Rosemary - 1 sprig
5. Cardamom - 3 pcs.
6. Sugar - 1 kg.

How to make tangerine jam with ginger and rosemary:
Wash the tangerines, dry them with a napkin and cut each fruit into 8 equal parts without removing the peel. Take out the bones, if any. Wash the apples, dry them and peel them off. Cut them into small pieces, about the size of tangerines. Peel the ginger and cut it into thin strips. Pour the pieces of tangerines, apples and ginger into a small saucepan. Mix it all, add cardamom and sugar. Once again, mix the products thoroughly and leave for 1.5 hours so that the sugar is saturated with juice. When the time is up, stir the mass and, stirring, bring to a boil. Add a sprig of rosemary to the jam and continue to cook on minimum heat for 1 hour, remembering to stir. Pour the finished jam into jars and close the lids.

11. Tangerine jam with lemon

1. Tangerines - 300 gr.
2. Lemon - 1 pc.
3. Sugar - 0.2 kg.
4. Gelatin - 5 gr.

How to make tangerine jam with lemon:
Wash tangerines, peel, divide into slices and put in a deep container. Also wash the lemon, chop it together with the peel in a blender and add to the tangerines. Mix well the resulting mixture and leave for 1 hour so that the tangerines give juice. Soak in 2 tbsp. gelatin water. Transfer the tangerine mass to a saucepan, put it on the stove, bring to a boil, and then, reducing the heat to medium, cook the jam for 20 minutes. Then add gelatin, mix and cook for another half a minute. Pour the finished jam into a jar and cool.

12. Tangerine peel jam

1. Tangerine peels - 1 kg.
2. Sugar - 1.5 cups
3. Tangerine zest - 30 gr.
4. A little citric acid or lemon juice
5. Water - 2.5 cups

How to make tangerine peel jam:
Soak tangerine peels in cold water overnight. Then, cutting them into thin strips, blanch for 4-5 minutes, then drain the water, add sugar to it and boil the syrup for 10 minutes. Dip the crusts into the prepared hot syrup and cook until fully cooked for 30 minutes over low heat. Before the end of cooking, add tangerine zest, a little citric acid or lemon juice to the dish. Let the finished jam cool, pour into jars and close tightly with a plastic lid.

13. Jam from tangerine peels "To natural coffee"

Tangerine peels -400 gr.
Sugar - 1 cup

How to make jam from tangerine peels "For natural coffee":
Pour boiling water over the tangerine peel, finely chop, put in an enamel pan, cover with water, cover and leave for 12 hours in a warm place. Then drain the water, stir the crusts with sugar and cook the resulting mixture for 40 minutes over low heat. Transfer the finished jam to jars, close the lids and store in a cool place. This jam is served exclusively with natural coffee.

"Home Recipes" wishes you bon appetit!

Mandarin jam has the same taste as fresh tangerines, so you will get the same pleasure from eating a sweet delicacy. You can cook a delicious delicacy not only from tangerines alone, they are combined with gooseberries, lemon and other products. They even make jam from tangerine peels.

About the beneficial properties of mandarin

Mandarin jam carries a lot of vitamins, and all because they are very useful in themselves. Synephrine, contained inside the citrus fruit, helps relieve swelling of the body, clear mucus from the lungs. Fresh and canned tangerines are useful in the disrupted action of the gastrointestinal tract. Even tangerine peel has many virtues. Decoctions and jam from tangerines with peel are made from it. Fresh citrus juice fights fungal diseases such as microsporia and trichophytosis.

Some recipes for tangerine jam

Tangerines can be processed in any way you like. Cooking will find a place for these citrus fruits in any sweet dish as an additional element and as the main one. Mandarin jam, the recipe of which accurately describes how to make this sweet, should definitely appear on the shelf in the pantry. To bring such a culinary masterpiece to life, an ordinary cooking pot is taken, but modern technology can also play a leading role. The slow cooker does a great job of making jam.

Mandarin jam from wedges

To make tangerine jam with slices, you need 1 kilogram of tangerines. To obtain the desired sweetness of jam, you should take the same amount of sugar and about 200 grams of water.


When boiling tangerines, foam will definitely appear, which must be removed. Its presence can affect the storage of jam.

Whole citrus tangerine jam

Those who wish to eat jam in the form of whole tangerines can not suffer, and immediately close them without dividing them into parts. It will turn out very tasty jam from tangerines with peel. For such a dish, you should take 1 kilogram of fruit. Additional ingredients include the same amount of sugar, 1 medium-sized lemon and a glass (150 grams) of water.


When preserving whole fruits, it is advisable to pierce them with a needle or toothpick. This procedure is necessary for the rational exchange of fruit juice with sugar syrup, so that the jam is stored for a long time and is saturated with sugar.

Mandarin jam in a slow cooker

For those who want to reduce time in the kitchen, it is better to make tangerine jam in a slow cooker. For such a recipe, in addition to 0.5 kilograms of tangerine, you will need 1 more lemon, as well as 4 cups of sugar and 1 cup of water.


Mandarin peel jam

Tangerine peels are very useful. They contain organic, citric and ascorbic acid, mineral salts, pectin, essential oil, vitamins. It is rational to preserve these positive substances by making jam from tangerine peels. To do this, you need 2 kilograms of crusts, for which 2 kilograms of sugar will go. 1 lemon will help dilute the tangerine flavor and save food.


The readiness of mandarin peels is determined by color - it should be transparent.

Mandarin jam with gooseberries

Gooseberry pulp goes well with mandarin pulp. The taste qualities of such a mix are no less pleasant than the taste one by one. To make tangerine and gooseberry jam, you need to take 2 tangerines and 2 cups of gooseberries. For these ingredients, you need 4 cups of sugar.


Georgian mandarin jam

Sometimes you really want to enjoy some unusual and delicious fruit delicacy. Tangerine jam is perfect for this! The process of its preparation will not take much time, and the dessert itself will replenish the vitamin reserve in the body, give energy and a great mood!

How to choose fruits?

To prepare an incomparable tangerine dessert, it is worth making a choice in favor of varieties originally from Spain. The best option would be the fruits of Morocco. They are the sweetest (this will allow you to use less sugar), and also do not contain seeds. If it is not possible to find this variety, you can choose another one, you need it to have a sour smell and thin, light orange skin.

Moreover, the latter should be given special attention. It should be free of all kinds of damage, mold and rot.

The fruits themselves should be of medium softness. If they have a sour taste - it's okay, this oversight can be corrected with granulated sugar. A matter of taste already plays a role here: someone likes sourness, and someone loves rich sweetness. Our recommendations will help you cook tangerine jam at home, for example, from Yulia Vysotskaya.

Preparation of ingredients

If the recipe involves the use of a peel, then the fruit must be thoroughly washed and the dirt removed. You can use a hard sponge or brush, you need not to overdo it and not damage the zest, as it contains many useful substances and oils that have a beneficial effect on the functioning of the body.


There are so many recipes for tangerine delicacy that it is impossible to list them all. The most popular, healthy and tasty of them are described in detail below.

classic jam

Ingredients that will be required:

  • Sugar - kilogram.
  • Tangerines - kilogram.

Cooking method: pre-washed and dried fruits are peeled and pitted (if any). The pulp is divided into slices and placed in a large bowl. On top, sugar is poured in an even layer, and the mass is placed in a place protected from sunlight for ten hours. During this period of time, the pulp will be saturated with sugar and release the juice.

The resulting composition should be gently mixed and put to boil over medium heat. As soon as the mixture boils, the gas should be reduced and cooking should continue for about twenty minutes. The composition must be stirred regularly to avoid burning it and monitor the appearance of foam. After the time has elapsed, the resulting sweetness must be removed from the heat and let it brew for at least two hours. Traditional tangerine jam is ready! It remains only to decompose it into containers.

Recipe with whole fruits

Required products:

  • Tangerines - one kilogram.
  • Water - 250 milliliters.
  • Sugar - one kilogram.
  • Carnation - the ratio of fruits and buds is 1/1.
  • Lemon juice.

First of all, it is necessary to clean the fruits from dirt and stalks. All prepared fruits are placed in a deep bowl and filled with liquid to the very top. In order to completely get rid of the bitterness in the zest, the fruit must be infused in it for at least ten hours. After, the fruits are pierced - three times each. A clove bud is inserted into one resulting puncture. All this is transferred to a saucepan, boiled to a boil, and five minutes after boiling.

After the tangerines are completely softened, they can be put on a plate and cool. While they are cooling, you can proceed to the preparation of syrup. In a deep bowl, sugar is mixed with water, and the mixture is placed on the stove. Mixing thoroughly, it is brought to a boil and boiled for about two minutes. Fruits are laid out in hot syrup and infused for two hours, during which they need to be mixed three times.

This dessert is cooked in five stages. It is brought to a boil and removed from the stove to cool. At the fifth brew, lemon juice is added to it. For this recipe, medium-sized fruits are best suited. If it is possible to use only large fruits, then they need to be cut into halves.

Dessert from whole hearths can be prepared without zest. For this, it is best to choose slightly unripe fruits, since due to their density they will not boil soft. All other ingredients remain in the same proportion. The cooking technique does not change either.

From tangerine slices and cognac

This jam perfectly fights colds and flu, and will also be a great treat at any feast. The taste of cognac is practically not felt due to sweetness, therefore, due to this ingredient, the dessert turns out to be fragrant and specific. Ingredients you will need:

  • Tangerines (preferably small) - half a kilo.
  • Sugar sand - half a kilo.
  • Cognac - three tablespoons.

Cooking process: fruits are peeled and divided into slices. Then they are mixed with sugar and cognac, and the resulting composition is infused for about eight hours. After that, he goes to the stove, and, before reaching a boil, boils over very low heat, for about forty minutes. After cooking is completed, the resulting sweetness should cool down and you can start eating it!

Recipe with ginger and oranges

all fruits should be peeled and divided into slices. Sprinkle them with a pound of granulated sugar and leave to infuse for ten hours. After the time has passed, place the slices in sugar on the stove, add ginger to them and cook until boiling over medium heat. After boiling, the composition must be cooked for another hour, while the fire should be moderate. After that, the resulting slurry should be cooled and put back to boil. The remaining sugar and vanillin are poured into it. The mass is again brought to a boil and boiled for about an hour, after which it cools completely. Delicious and aromatic jam is ready!

At a low temperature, it can be safely stored for more than a year.

With kiwi and lime

This delicious delicacy has an exotic flavor and aroma. Especially it will be appreciated by lovers of spicy, but at the same time very light acid. By the way, when preparing the components, you should not rush to throw away the zest, as it plays one of the main roles.

For this healthy and unusual dessert you will need:

  • Tangerines - kilogram.
  • Lime.
  • Kiwi - 250 grams.
  • Sugar - kilogram.
  • Water - 350 milliliters.

Cooking sequence: half a kilo of tangerines should be peeled and divided into slices, and the remaining fruits should be cut into four parts each without removing the peel. The lime is also peeled off (the white part is not affected) and chopped into thin strips. Sugar is poured into a deep cooking bowl, diluted with water and boiled until boiling. After the liquid boils, chopped zest is poured into it and boiled for about two minutes over low heat. Then tangerine slices are placed in the same container and boiled for exactly one minute, after which the composition is removed from the heat.

As soon as the resulting gruel has cooled completely, it should be boiled again and boiled for two minutes. While the composition is cooling, the fruits are peeled and cut into thin slices. After the dessert boils for the third time, kiwi and squeezed lime juice are added to it. The sweetness should boil for at least three minutes, after which it can be considered absolutely ready.

Delicious tangerine jam

To prepare a delicious dessert, tangerine peel is just as good as the fruits themselves.

If you are going to use this recipe, you should make sure that the skin is completely free of dirt and damage. In the zest of citrus crops, bitterness is increased, so you should first soak it in cool water. The process itself should take at least ten hours. It is recommended to change the fluid at least three times.


  • Mandarin peel - 400 grams.
  • Sugar sand - half a kilo.
  • Pure water - one and a half liters.
  • Citric acid - one teaspoon.
  • Freshly squeezed tangerine juice - 100 milliliters.

Cooking process: Boil water, add sugar to it and mix the liquid thoroughly until it is completely dissolved. After the syrup boils, the tangerine peel, previously cut into small pieces, is added to it. After the composition with the zest boils, the fire should be reduced and the jam should be boiled until it thickens completely and the crusts become transparent. Don't forget to stir regularly.

As soon as the sweetness turns into a thick slurry, the fire must be turned off and the mass cooled. When it has completely cooled down, you need to put it on the stove, on a slow fire. Then add tangerine juice to it, mix thoroughly and boil for about fifteen minutes. Then add citric acid to the composition and simmer for another fifteen minutes over low heat.

Be sure to stir it regularly to avoid burning, as most of the moisture evaporates at this stage.

After the time has elapsed, the sweetness should be removed from the stove and cooled. The jam is ready! It remains to decompose it into jars or immediately serve with tea. You can give the delicacy an original appearance by twisting the crusts into curls. To do this, chop the peel into long strips, one centimeter wide. Roll each of them into a tight roll, thread it onto a thread with a disinfected needle and pull it very tightly.

The peel rolls are soaked in water and then boiled in sugar syrup. When the dessert is completely ready and cools down, the threads are carefully pulled out. With this jam, you can surprise guests or use it as a sweet gift to someone. By the way, in order to get rid of the bitter taste as much as possible, you can use the following method. The chopped zest is placed in clean cool water for ten minutes. Ten grams of salt is poured into it. All this is boiled over low heat for an hour. After that, the crusts must be cooled, and you can begin to implement a culinary masterpiece!

Mandarin jam with bananas

The process of preparing this sweet will take a minimum of time. This will make it possible to enjoy dessert at any time (you can drink tea with it). This portion is for one serving only.

Ingredients needed for cooking:

  • One small banana.
  • Sugar - 100 grams.
  • One large mandarin.

First, peel the banana and cut it into slices. The tangerine is also peeled and divided into slices, which, in turn, are cut into small cubes and poured into the pan. Banana circles and granulated sugar are laid out next. The jam is boiled for about fifteen minutes, then cooled and served with tea.

Mandarin dessert with vanilla in a slow cooker

Products you will need:

  • Tangerines (pitted) - one kilogram.
  • Water - one liter.
  • A few sprigs of vanilla.
  • Sugar - 950 grams.
  • Lemon.

First of all, you need to thoroughly rinse the citrus fruits under cold water. Then they are peeled and divided into slices, which are placed in a deep bowl. A peeled vanilla sprig is added to them, and the composition is poured with water. Cook it over medium heat until it boils. After that, the fire is reduced and cooking continues for another five minutes at low heat. The mixture at this time requires plenty of stirring.

Many people associate New Year's holidays with champagne, a salad named after a famous French chef, and a lot of tangerines. Sometimes too big to eat.

Very tasty tangerine and clementine jam - photo recipe

The recipe for tangerine jam will also help those housewives who live in regions with a mild climate and tangerine gardens regularly produce these wonderful fruits. The delicacy will be tastier and more elegant if you put whole clementines in it.

In order to cook tangerine and clementine jam:

  • 700 g tangerines.
  • 300 g clementines.
  • Large orange.
  • 750 - 800 g of sugar.


1. All fruits are washed well with hot water. To wash away all the harmful substances that citrus fruits are sometimes treated with, washed fruits are poured with warm water and washed again after a quarter of an hour.

2. Cut the orange in half and squeeze the juice out of one half with a fork.

3. Drain the juice into a heat-resistant bowl or pan, the juice should be at least 100 ml, if less, then water is added to it. Pour in sugar.

4. On low heat, the mixture is heated until a syrup is obtained.

5. Tangerines are peeled and disassembled into slices, the remaining orange is cut into circles.

6. Fruits are dipped in syrup and simmered for 15 minutes.

7. After that, clementines are dipped in tangerine jam. Before that, they are pricked with a thick needle or toothpick.

8. Bring everything to a boil, cook for half an hour.

9. After that, the tangerine and clementine jam is completely cooled at room temperature.

10. Tangerine jam is reheated to a boil and boiled for another half hour. The operation is repeated.

11. After that, they drink tea with tangerine and clementine jam, use it for fillings and desserts.

Recipe for tangerine jam slices

The first thing you need to know is how to choose the right fruits. Abkhazian and Georgian are considered the best, although they are smaller in size and may have a sour taste.

But they are better from the position that in the territories of Georgia and its neighbor Abkhazia, chemicals that increase the shelf life of fruits by several times are not yet so actively used.

The second point is the method of preparation. The most popular is jam, in which tangerines are divided into slices, it can be served with tea and used to decorate the cake.


  • Tangerines - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 1 kg.
  • Water - 1 tbsp.
  • Cloves (spice) - 2-3 buds.

Cooking technology:

  1. First, select tangerines, of course, it is best to take the most ripe fruits.
  2. Wash fruits. Remove the peel, remove the white veins, as they give a bitter taste, divide into slices.
  3. Put the prepared raw materials into a suitable container and fill with water.
  4. Put on fire. After boiling, keep on fire for 15 minutes.
  5. Drain the water. Cool the tangerine slices. Soak in cold water overnight.
  6. Proceed to the next process. Pour water into the container in which the jam will be boiled, put the clove buds to boil, remove the buds.
  7. Add sugar and boil the syrup.
  8. Turn off the fire in the syrup, put tangerine slices, of course, after draining the water. Leave in syrup overnight.
  9. Boil the jam over low heat for 40 minutes. Remove the foam that appears on the surface with a wooden spoon.
  10. Sterilize containers. Pack the finished jam in them, cork tightly.

Store in the cold, serve on festive occasions or when you urgently need to cheer up one of the family members.

How to make tangerine jam with peel

The next method of making tangerine jam is suitable for big lazy people and lazy people, since the fruits are cooked immediately in the peel, that is, you do not need to peel or cut. In addition, according to the recipe, only small sunny orange tangerines are required.


  • Tangerines - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 1 kg.
  • Water - 500 ml.
  • Lemon - ½ pc.

Cooking technology:

  1. Since the skin of tangerines contains a lot of essential oils that can make jam bitter, you need to get rid of them. To do this, tangerines should be blanched - dipped in boiling water for 15-20 minutes.
  2. The next stage is soaking southern gifts in cold water - for a day, preferably, change the water several times.
  3. Throw away in a colander. Cut each tangerine in half (across the slices).
  4. Boil syrup from sugar and water, you need to take half the norm.
  5. Now pour the syrup over the fruits again for a day. Put in a cold place, cover with a lid so that the jam does not absorb foreign odors.
  6. The next day, dissolve the remaining sugar in 250 ml of water, add to the tangerines.
  7. Boil 20 minutes. Leave for 6 hours.
  8. Squeeze lemon juice from half a lemon. Boil 20 minutes.
  9. Cool down. Pack up.

In this jam, you get a delicious syrup and no less tasty and very beautiful halves of tangerines.

Delicious tangerine jam

On New Year's holidays, you can not deny yourself the pleasure and enjoy plenty of oranges and tangerines. But from the crusts, experienced housewives prepare amazingly tasty jam. And it is best to take two types of peels.


  • Peels of tangerines and oranges - 1 kg.
  • Sugar - 300 gr.
  • Water - 1 tbsp.

Cooking technology:

  1. Prepare citrus peels, rinse them thoroughly under water, if possible, cut off the white part inside the peels, which contains essential oils in large quantities.
  2. Next, a few days will be required for soaking. This is easy to do - fill the crusts with water, then just change the water. If it works, then several times a day, if not, at least once.
  3. After 3-4 days, you can proceed directly to the cooking process. Boil the syrup, dip the peels of tangerines and oranges squeezed from the water into it.
  4. Cook over low heat until they turn a clear amber.

If you add water, then there will be more syrup, with a small amount of water, citrus peels will resemble candied fruit.

How to make jam from whole tangerines

There are different ways to make citrus jam - some housewives take slices, removing the peel, others make puree jam. But the jam looks most impressive, in which tangerines are boiled whole, and therefore retain their shape, but become very beautiful.


  • Tangerines - 1 kg (small in size).
  • Sugar - 1-1.2 kg.
  • Water - 250 ml.
  • Lemon - 1 pc.
  • Cloves (spice) buds - according to the number of tangerines.

Cooking technology:

  1. Since tangerines retain their shape, the best fruits must be selected - without cracks, dents, rotten points.
  2. Wash under cold water, use a sharp knife to cut the stem.
  3. Pour the fruits with cold water for a day, this will get rid of the bitter taste that the essential oils contained in the peel give.
  4. Drain the water from the tangerines, make punctures in several places with a toothpick so that the syrup penetrates faster and the cooking process goes more evenly.
  5. Insert 1 piece into each fruit. cloves, which will give a pleasant spicy aroma.
  6. Put tangerines in water and boil for 10 minutes.
  7. Boil the sugar syrup separately.
  8. Transfer citrus fruits from boiling water to syrup. Leave until cool.
  9. Then bring the jam to a boil several times, boil for 5-10 minutes. Turn off the heat again and let it cool down completely.
  10. For the very last time, squeeze lemon juice into almost ready jam. Boil.

Pack hot, cork, looks amazing in glass containers. But he also has great taste.
