
How to cook borscht with beans. Appetizing and hearty lunch for everyone - borscht with beans

It is unlikely that culinary experts will ever agree on the classic recipe for borscht. But it is not needed, because it is the variety of cooking methods that is the highlight of this popular dish. I used to cook borscht. But sometimes I tried something new: I slightly changed the technique of processing vegetables, added or removed certain foods, spices. Most of the experimental options succeeded, so they were included in our family daily menu. That's right, for a change, I once cooked borscht with beans according to this recipe. It turned out very tasty, incomparably, appetizing! Now, if I remember to soak the beans in the evening, I cook a hearty dinner that way.

Features of cooking borscht with the addition of beans

  • Bouillon. A very important component of delicious borscht. Traditionally, it is cooked on moderately fatty meat, always with bones. A delicious borscht base comes out on homemade chicken. If there is no meat or poultry, brain bones or a soup set will do.
  • Cabbage. Depending on the degree of maturity of the vegetable, it is laid at the beginning or at the end of the preparation of the dish. Together with fresh cabbage, you can put a little sauerkraut. She will give borscht a special piquancy.
  • Consistency. To achieve density, 1-2 boiled whole and mashed potatoes are added to the borscht. Also, the broth is thickened with flour. It is added to carrots and onions at the final stage of frying. Then put the tomato in the pan and pour in the water.
  • Beans. Both dried and canned beans are suitable for this dish. Dry beans are pre-soaked and boiled until cooked in a separate pan. Canned beans are laid 10-15 minutes before the dish is ready. It turns out delicious with any beans - white, red.
  • Beet. An essential ingredient in borscht. It is brought to readiness (boiled, baked) separately or rubbed on a coarse grater and fried with onions and carrots. The most incomparable color is obtained with baked beets. See the rest of the tricks for making rich red borscht.
  • Tomato. It is allowed to use tomato paste or tomato pulp, wiped from seeds.
  • Spices. The main spices for borscht: bay leaf, peppercorns (broth); garlic, herbs, ground pepper, etc. Other seasonings can be added to taste.

Ingredients for a 4-5 liter pot:

homemade chicken with bone (pork, beef) - 500-600 g; potatoes - 5-6 medium tubers;
smoked bacon (brisket) - 150 g (optional); dry beans (any variety) - 1-1.5 tbsp.;
carrots - 1 pc.; onion - 1 pc. (moderately large);
white cabbage - 300 g; sweet pepper - 1 pod;
beets - 200-250 g; lemon juice - 1 tbsp. l.;
vegetable oil (lard) - for frying (if necessary); tomato paste / fresh tomatoes - 2 tbsp. l / 3-4 pcs.;
dill (greens) - medium bunch; garlic - 2-3 teeth;
salt - 1.5 tbsp. l. (taste); sugar - 0.75 tsp;
bay leaf - 2 pcs.; coriander grains, allspice, etc. spices and roots - to taste (for broth);
ground (crushed) pepper - a large pinch.

How to cook an incomparable, thick borscht with boiled beans (delicious recipe with photos):

Beans, if dry, soak overnight in cold clean water. It will swell, absorb almost all the water. Rinse, put to boil, adding cold drinking water (twice as much in volume as beans). Simmer over low heat until tender (40-90 minutes). Cooking time usually depends on the variety of beans.

Wash the beets. Without removing the "uniform", send to boil or bake (pre-wrap the root crop with foil). Cooking time - 40-80 minutes (depending on the size of the vegetable).

This time I cooked the broth on a chicken back with a minimum set of spices. I didn’t add vegetables, because they are part of the borscht in sufficient quantities. Rinse the meat (bones). Place in a suitably sized pot. Add a couple of dried bay leaves, coriander, peppercorns. Fill with filtered water. Place on stove, turn on medium heat. After waiting for the boil, screw the burner to the minimum value. Boil the broth for 1-2 hours, depending on the type and quality of the meat.

Smoked brisket (lard with meat layer, bacon) cut into cubes. Place on a dry skillet. Fry until golden brown. At the same time, the pieces of brisket will decrease in volume, fat will be rendered out of them. Carefully transfer the resulting cracklings to a separate bowl. Use the rendered fat to fry vegetables.

Peel the carrots, grate coarsely. Remove the husk from the onion, chop into cubes. Remove the core of the bell pepper along with the seeds and tail. The rest - cut into thin strips (small squares). Heat the fat in a frying pan (if it turned out to be low, add oil). Add onion, fry until translucent. Send him a carrot. After 3 minutes - lay the pepper. Cook vegetables over moderate heat until almost cooked through.

Add a tomato. Thin with water to desired consistency if using a paste. Boil the mass for 5-7 minutes at a low boil. If the tomato seems too sour, add a little sugar, this will improve the taste of the borscht.

Strain the finished broth. Separate the chicken from the bones and skin. Cut or shred with your hands. Set the meat aside for now. Peel potatoes, cut into small pieces. Add to saucepan. Put it back on the stove.

While the broth boils again, after adding the potatoes, chop the cabbage. Since I had an "old" vegetable with a coarse texture, I put it in borscht right away. It is better to put young cabbage in borscht at the end so that it retains its shape and does not boil. As soon as the contents of the pan boil, pour the chopped cabbage into it. Let the dish cook without your participation for 10-15 minutes.

For now, take care of the other components. Cool the cooked beetroot a little and clean it. Rub coarsely. So that the beets do not lose color when cooking borscht, mix it with a small amount of acid - lemon juice or natural vinegar.

Coarsely chop the garlic and washed dill. Put in a blender. Sprinkle with salt. Grind. You will get a fragrant paste.

When potatoes and cabbage are half cooked, put a mixture of tomato and vegetables to them. Stir. Simmer for about 10 minutes after boiling.

Put the beets into the borscht.

Next is beans.

Then - brisket, chopped boiled chicken.

Lastly, add dill seasoning. Stir. Season the borscht with ground pepper, be sure to taste for salt. If necessary - add salt. Continue cooking until all the ingredients, from beans to cabbage, have reached the desired condition. Turn off the stove.

Ready tasty, thick borscht with beans, insist under the lid for 20-30 minutes. Then serve. Incredibly appetizing!

A dish such as borscht is prepared in all Slavic countries, even if they call it differently. Moreover, every housewife has her own tricks on how to cook, for example, borscht with beans. A recipe may differ from others not only in the list of ingredients included in it, but also in the way they are prepared before being reunited in the final dish. However, in any of the culinary fantasies on this topic, cabbage, beets and legumes are always present.

Tasty and satisfying

We’ll warn you right away that when you cook borscht with beans, the recipe simply cannot differ with particular accuracy. Someone likes thick soups, just so that the ladle turns with difficulty, while someone likes the abundance of a liquid base more. However, the approximate distribution of products can be estimated.

First of all, to make the broth more rich, a pound of meat, preferably ribs, is taken in a three-liter pan. A glass of beans is soaked overnight in cold water. If you don't feel like waiting for a long time, or you forgot to do it, outsmart nature. Put the beans to boil in a very small amount of water and constantly, as it boils, add half a cup. This will cook the beans pretty quickly.

The broth is cooked separately; in anticipation of its readiness, cabbage is cut (a medium-sized head) and, after taking out the meat, is laid in a saucepan. Ten minutes later, four chopped potatoes are added for the next five. Medium beetroot and large onion are chopped into cubes, carrots are rubbed on a grater. Everything is simmered together in vegetable oil with the addition of two cloves of garlic, disassembled into cloves. Before readiness, a couple of tablespoons of tomato paste are added. When it boils, boiled beans and ribs cut along the bones are laid. Greens can be poured directly into the pan, can be served separately. And of course - sour cream!

At the time of fasting

What beans are good for is their satiety and "independence". Using them, you can completely do without meat broth, which is very important for vegetarians, those who are on a diet or observe church fasts. What is especially pleasant - the main taste features of the dish are completely preserved. To cook lean borscht with beans, the recipe again advises soaking it overnight. The number of beans is either the same as in the previous recipe, or one and a half times more - depending on how rich the dish you intend to get.

The next morning, the beans are cooked (from an hour to two, depending on the variety and degree of freshness; dry, of course, takes longer to cook). When it becomes soft, cubes of potatoes are thrown, and after five minutes - chopped cabbage. While it is cooking, beets, onions and carrots are fried. Such a recipe for red borscht with beans requires adding not only tomato paste (or peeled chopped tomatoes), but also a tablespoon of vinegar and half the same spoon of sugar to the fry. It is necessary to simmer everything together for about 6 minutes, then pour it into the borscht and cook it for another 10 minutes. After turning off the fire, chopped dill and parsley are poured into the borscht and left to brew for a while.

Borscht with green beans

Some people are not too fond of regular, red or white beans. Or maybe they just don’t trust these beans, believing that they cause bloating and gas. They can be advised to cook borsch with beans, the recipe of which replaces the beans we are used to with green beans. It can be cooked both in a lean version and in meat broth.

If the first option is chosen, the chopped onion is first fried with chopped straws (here it is better to cut rather than grate) with carrots. At the same time, beets, also chopped into straws, are placed in three liters of boiled water. A quarter kilogram of green beans are cut into squares and added to the vegetables in the pan. Together they will fry for about ten minutes, but at the same time the container must be covered. Then 2 cups of tomato juice are poured under the lid, the frying is mixed, strips of bell pepper, salt, pepper and chopped greens are added to it. After extinguishing everything for another 15 minutes, the fire is turned off. In the pan, when the beetroot is slightly discolored, potatoes are put, as it boils a little - cabbage, and almost immediately - frying. After a few minutes of general cooking, the borsch is turned off and served on the table traditionally, with sour cream.

Carpathian borscht

Very appetizing and fragrant is a dish that describes the recipe for Ukrainian borscht with beans and mushrooms. They like to cook it in the Carpathians; there, of course, forest mushrooms are added, but it has been verified by many culinary specialists - it also turns out very well with champignons. The basic cooking techniques, the calculation of products and the sequence of actions are the same, only in addition to the same three-liter pan, only half a glass of beans and 200 grams of fresh mushrooms are taken. While the beans are boiled as standard and roasted, chopped champignons are stewed in vegetable oil. Please note: mushrooms are greatly reduced during processing, so they should not be fried completely. In addition, if you evaporate all the liquid, the mushroom flavor in the borscht will be significantly less. It is necessary to add champignons to the common pan just before the end of cooking, and after 5-10 minutes of boiling, remove the container from the stove and leave to brew for a bit.

To have borscht in winter

Of course, it tastes much better when prepared with fresh vegetables. However, in the cold months they are more expensive and the quality is worse. So fans of this Slavic dish make sure that they have a dressing for borscht with beans in stock. In principle, it is also readily used at the height of the vegetable season, since it significantly speeds up the cooking process. It is made according to your favorite recipe, but it should definitely include overcooked onions, carrots and beets. Many also add bell pepper, and tomato paste is replaced with peeled tomatoes. The main difference from the standard frying preparation is the rather large amount of table vinegar added during the stewing process. It requires 150 ml per 5 kg dressing. To avoid excess sourness, 3 tablespoons (tablespoons) of sugar are also added. When the dressing is ready, it is laid out in sterile jars, sealed and hidden for storage.

Creative approach to the idea of ​​borscht

It is curious that in the old days, when borscht with beans was “invented”, the recipe did not require the obligatory frying of individual products. Opponents of frying may well follow the precepts of previous generations of cooks and lay all vegetables raw.

For those who prefer a more uniform first, it is recommended not to cut the beetroot, but to rub it in the same way as a carrot.

Many housewives advise not to fry garlic with other vegetables, but to squeeze it through a press just before the dish is ready.

Love smoked meats - remove meat from the base, cook vegetable borscht with beans (the recipe is similar to the lean version), and a quarter of an hour before removing, put smoked ribs, chopped sausages or sausage into the soup. You will get Moscow borscht.

If you don’t want to do only vegetables, but if you want a less fatty dish, cook chicken-based cabbage soup. It turns out tasty and diet food.

The recipe for Ukrainian borsch with beans involves either frying vegetables in lard, or adding it at the end of cooking, grated with chopped garlic. Choose the option that suits you best!

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Borscht is so popular in our country that any lunch is not complete without it. Everyone prepares it in different ways, but the principle is always the same: meat is boiled for broth, and then vegetables and fragrant tomato overcooking are put. In my own recipe, I also put beans. Borscht with beans, the recipe is very tasty incomparably, it turns out very rich. It turns out very tasty! For fish lovers, I want to show such an unusual one.

Required products:

- 300 grams of meat for the broth;
- 200 grams of potatoes;
- 300 grams of beans;
- 100 grams of onions;
- 100 grams of carrots;
- 150 grams of burgundy beets;
- 250 grams of tomato juice (or 50 grams of tomato paste);
- ½ a turn of cabbage;
- 3 liters of water;
- sunflower oil for overcooking;
- salt to taste.

Recipe with photo step by step:

First of all, I wash the chilled piece of meat, and then put it in cold water and start cooking the broth. The type of meat doesn't really matter. I cook from what is available: chicken, pork or a piece of beef. You can take both meat with a bone and fillet. The broth is still delicious. I add salt to taste and during cooking I remove the foam that forms with a slotted spoon so that the broth is then transparent. In a separate bowl, boil the beets until soft. I like it very much and this one is already waiting for you.

While the broth is cooking, I prepare the overcooking. I cut the onion into fairly small cubes, and rub the carrots on a grater.

I begin to sauté vegetables with the addition of sunflower oil (30 grams).

I rub the boiled beetroot through a grater

and put to the already overcooked vegetables.

After that, I pour in canned tomato juice for overcooking. You can also replace it with regular tomato paste. I simmer the carcass for 10 minutes and remove from the fire. In the meantime, I peel the potatoes and cut into cubes.

Thin white cabbage, so that it is convenient to eat.

I add to the broth (I cut the meat from the broth separately into small pieces, and then put it back into the broth) potato cubes. During fasting, you can cook such a delicious one.

After 15 minutes, I pour cabbage into the borscht and cook the borscht over medium heat so that it boils a little.

When the cabbage boils for 10 minutes, I pour the tomato overcooking into the borscht.

I also add canned store-bought beans. You can also use raw beans, but you just need to put them in borscht along with potatoes so that they (the beans) have time to cook.

7 minutes after laying the last product, borscht with beans is ready. I sprinkle it with herbs and serve it hot to the table! It just turns out incomparable.

Of the many dishes that I cook, borscht with beans, the recipe is very delicious and incomparably in the first place for my family. The dish turns out so rich, thick, satisfying and very tasty!

Bon Appetite!

Well, what could be tastier than freshly brewed, mouth-watering, homemade borscht with beans, fresh vegetables and sour tomato juice? Try to cook delicious Ukrainian borscht according to this recipe with step by step photos. I am sure that such a hearty and tasty first course will not leave your household indifferent and you will return to the recipe again and again.

Products for borscht in a three-liter pan:

  • beef meat (rib or shoulder part) - 300 grams;
  • beans - 150 grams;
  • potatoes - 4 pcs.;
  • beets - 1 pc.;
  • cabbage - 300-400 grams.
  • carrots - 1 pc.;
  • onions - 1-2 pcs.;
  • garlic - 1 head (medium);
  • salad pepper (frozen or fresh) - 1 pc. ;
  • dill (fresh, dried or frozen) - 3 tbsp. false;
  • tomato juice - 150 ml;
  • vegetable oil - 40 ml;
  • table salt - to taste.

How to cook borscht with beans

Starting to cook, we need to put the meat on to boil. This is done according to the standard procedure for all first courses.

Then, it is necessary to send the washed and pre-soaked beans to cook in a pan with meat. If you didn’t manage to soak it in advance, don’t worry. Just remember that in time, such beans will be cooked longer.

Beets are also cooked for a long time, therefore, they can be sent to the pan immediately after the beans. After the beets are thrown into the borscht, the broth can be salted to taste.

Well, now, it's time to prepare a dressing for our borscht. To do this, we need to peel the onions and carrots. Three carrots on a coarse grater, but onion, cut into small cubes. Salad pepper in this variant of borscht I took frozen in halves already without grains. Just cut it into 1x1 cm cubes.

Then, in vegetable oil, stirring occasionally, we fry the chopped vegetables.

When you see that the onion has become transparent in the dressing, you need to add tomato juice, fruit drink or tomato diluted to the appropriate density. After adding the tomato component, we need to continue to simmer the dressing for another ten minutes over low heat. Usually, during this time, the liquid from the tomato evaporates and the dressing becomes thick.

At the end, put the dill and chopped garlic in the dressing.

During the time while we were preparing the dressing, the meat usually has time to cook. We need to get it out of the broth, cut into portions and put it back in the pan.

First, we add potatoes to the borscht and cook it for five minutes.

Then, you need to add cabbage. Cook until vegetables are ready.

At the last stage, we add dressing to our borscht.

Bring it to a boil again and turn it off.

Delicious homemade borsch with Ukrainian beans is ready.

You can serve a healthy and tasty first course simply with chopped onions and fresh bread. If there is time, then you can please your relatives with beautiful and fragrant ones.

In this article, you will learn how to cook borscht with beans. This borscht has long been known and enjoys well-deserved popularity in the countries of the former Soviet Union.

This unusual soup in its composition can be either vegetarian or cooked with meat or mushrooms.

Borsch with beans is familiar to everyone as "Ukrainian". This country even included it in the list of the best national dishes, and every Ukrainian housewife knows how to cook it.

For cooking you will need:

  • 100 gr. bone-in beef,
  • 15 gr. salted fat,
  • 100 gr. beans,
  • 200 gr. potato,
  • 200 gr. beets,
  • ½ head white cabbage
  • 1 onion
  • 50 gr. fresh carrots,
  • 50 gr. tomato paste,
  • 2 pcs. bell pepper,
  • vegetable oil,
  • sour cream, garlic, herbs, salt, sugar.

The cooking process can be divided into several stages:

1. Pre-soak the beans for 4 hours. Then boil it for 1½ hours, drain the water, rinse the product and put it aside.

You need to salt the beans at the end of cooking, otherwise they will become tough and will have an unpleasant aftertaste. Also, do not add additional cold water while boiling the beans, otherwise you will have to cook them much longer.

2. We lower a piece of beef into a saucepan with cold water, bring to a boil and carefully remove the foam. Then cook the meat for 1½ hours until cooked (the finished product should easily fall behind the bones).

Take out the meat and set it aside. At this time, we filter the broth through a sieve and put it on fire again. It will continue to prepare the main course.

3. Cut the boiled meat into pieces, and cut the pre-peeled potatoes into strips. We lower the products into a boiling broth and add a little salt.

4. At this time, fry the bacon cut into small pieces in a hot frying pan. Add chopped onion there and pass it in fat until golden brown.

Pour the grated carrots into the same pan and continue to fry everything together until the carrots turn orange. We add the frying to the broth, in which the meat and potatoes are already cooked.

5. At the same time, we lower the beans into the pan along with the broth.

6. Cut fresh peeled beets into thin strips or rub on a coarse grater. The crushed product is lightly fried, and then stewed, covered with a lid, in a pan, adding a little water, salt and sugar. The beets should be quite soft.

At the very end, add a little vinegar to the pan to preserve the color of the product. Add the stewed beets to the pan as soon as the potatoes are ready. Otherwise, it will not boil to the end and will be hard.

7. Add the cabbage to the borscht, after cutting it into strips. We also send washed, seeded and diced bell pepper there. After 15 minutes, when all the products are ready, it's time for additives and spices.
