
How to dry whole pears in the sun. Drying pears - what are the methods and their main differences

How to dry pears at home? For this most suitable fruits are slightly unripe, not very juicy, having dense pulp with the presence of hard inclusions - "stony cells". It is also desirable that the pears have few seeds and have a small seed chamber.

Fruits with a viscous taste not worth using, it is recommended to dry sweet summer or early autumn varieties.

The most preferable choice is the fruit of the golden product Fragrant, Ilyinka, Bergamot, Zaporozhye, Forest Beauty, Limonka, Victoria. It is better to take fruits of medium size. In the process of making dried fruits, you can use sugar.

First of all, fruits are a must. wash. If you intend to grind them, first cut into quarters, cut out the seeds, and then cut into thinner slices.

To prevent them from turning dark, they need to be soaked in tartaric acid(1% solution). Before drying, the fruits are dipped for 1-3 minutes in boiling water.

When the process lasts mainly 2-3 days, after which the product is dried in the shade - in a ventilated area. If , then choose the starting temperature of 75°C ... 85°C, and the final temperature is not more than 65°C. Drying time - 5-6 hours.


How to dry pears at home? Consider how to dry pears different ways. This can be done both naturally and using special drying devices:

  • in the sun;
  • in an electric or gas oven;

You can also find on our website.

Preliminary processing

How to dry pears at home? Drying pears at home involves preliminary preparation of fruits.

Collected pears should not be stored over 2 days, this will soften them and make them unsuitable for drying.

Preparation of fruits for drying is the same for all its methods. First, you need boil water in a saucepan. Then, if desired, add Sahara. Fruits are sorted according to the degree of maturity, damage is cut out of them, and running water is used for washing.

Damaged by pests and rotten are culled. After washing, the fruits are boiled in boiling water 10-15 minutes (depending on the degree of maturity) until soft. After cooling, taking into account the size and type of pears, they are either cut into slices about 10 mm thick (large specimens), or into 4 parts, can be in half (medium), or left whole (wild).

Then they should be put on the basis in which they will be dry.

Processing in tartaric or citric acid (in 1% solution) protects the product from darkening when drying.

Slices to give them elasticity, you need to blanch for 5 minutes in boiled water.

natural technique

The method of how to dry pears at home in a natural way is as follows. Parts of the fruit are laid out on a sieve or baking sheet, a tray, which are placed in a place with a good solar lighting, windless and dustless. The slope of the base should be given such that the pears are illuminated for as long as possible during the day.

In the private sector, to dry apples and pears, you can also use roofs of houses. In the evening, the fruits are covered with polyethylene and brought into the house. After 2 days they are laid out in a shaded place and finish drying within 2-3 days. For full, uniform drying, the slices must be periodically turned over.

Some in the middle of drying squeeze the slices with two boards, then put on a thread, hang and dry. Sometimes, in the manufacture of dried fruit, for better preservation, it is fumigated with sulfur dioxide.

However, due to the danger of gas, it is necessary to use special rooms, observing safety regulations.

Using the oven

How to dry pears at home using the oven? Since weather conditions do not always provide an opportunity to dry fruits, this can be successfully done using an oven, in the kitchen. The fruits are laid out on a baking sheet in one layer and dried at a temperature of 55 ° C ... 60 ° C.

After 2 hours, the heating must be raised to 80°C. When the fruit is reduced in size, it is reduced to 55°C, this temperature is finishing. The duration of the process depends on the size of the product used: for slices it takes 12-16 hours, for whole fruits - 18-24.

Using an electric dryer and microwave

How to properly dry pears at home using household appliances? Drying apples and pears using household appliances has its own peculiarities.

Electric dryer, equipped with several trays-layers, allows you to dry a decent amount of product overnight.

The technology provides for complete autonomy of the process: uniform automatic circulation of warm air is provided, fruits do not need to be turned over.

The method of drying 18 kilograms of pears in an electric dryer in this video. We look:

Usage microwave oven- the fastest way to prepare drying: one portion is cooked for 2-3 minutes. However, not everyone accepts it, since here you can not calculate accurately and overdry the fruits, turn them into coals. Before being placed in the oven, the pears are washed out, placed on a plate covered with cotton cloth.

The device is set to 200 W and 2.5 minutes of operating time. If the pears do not dry out, repeat the process for half a minute. Cooked dried fruits should be elastic, springy when pressed.

hard will be for one reason: the carrion was dried or completely immature specimens.

Whole fruit drying

Another question arises, how to dry whole pears at home. There are no special moments here, the principles of drying them are almost identical to the rules for drying crushed fruits. For this they take small fruits and kept in the sun for 6-8 days.

For cooking in the oven, the oven also uses whole fruits of small size. They need to remove the sepals and stalks, the skin does not need to be removed. Dry for about 20 hours, turning frequently. The process is accelerated by 2-3 times in the presence of good ventilation. The color of properly dried pears is light and dark brown.

Wild pears: features of drying wild wild

Now about how to dry wild pears at home? In the process of drying, the wild birds have their own specific features. It is not harvested from trees, but is expected to fall naturally. Then they put it in a container - a box, a bucket, let it rest until it darkens and the skin turns brown.

Then their taste will turn into fragrant-sweet instead of bitter and tart. Ignorant people often throw away such fruits, taking them for spoiled, but this is an error.

Then the game is washed, cut into halves (or left whole) and dried in the same way as cultivars.

Their seed nest is not cut out, they also should not be fumigate and blanch.

With the correct execution of the process, the pears are elastic, soft, do not break when compressed or bent.

They are pleasantly fragrant, their taste is sweet, the color varies from light to dark brown.


Pear is one of the most valuable products for good health. It contains vital elements for the body, fiber, iron, vitamins. Thanks to various antioxidants, it rejuvenates the skin, normalizes the functioning of the heart, and is an excellent immunomodulator.

Its intake does not lead to the appearance of nutritional allergies.

Of course, Homer was not mistaken when he called this fruit "the gift of the gods", since its use prolongs youth. By harvesting this sunny fruit for the future, you are saving on the shelves a divine gift that provides you healthy and fulfilling life.

Stocks for the winter are never enough, any housewife will tell you about it. Therefore, it is necessary to think in advance about the preparation of drying, from which in winter you can make delicious compotes for children. In today's article, drying pears at home and its features will be considered. We will also talk about how it happens in the sun.

Drying pears: which one to choose?

First of all, you should know that the pears that you selected for drying should not be stored for more than 48 hours. Since we are talking about pear cultivars, it is best to use for drying those that have a minimum of "stony" cells, dense pulp and small seed chambers. Such varieties are, Talgar beauty, Forest beauty, Fragrant, etc.

In no case do not take overripe pear fruits for drying. Of these, it is best to make delicious jam or marmalade.

Why drying pears in the sun is better?

You can dry pears not only in the oven. Often they are dried in the sun, in ovens or even in microwave ovens. It is impossible to say that pears dried in the oven will be worse than those dried in the oven. Both those and others, with the right approach, will be good.

Another thing is that the sun is a force of nature. And dried fruits, dried in the sun, retain a piece of it. However, today is not about lyrics.

Sliced ​​pears must be immediately exposed to the sun. There they should “languish” for about three days. It is advisable to choose the time so that sunny days are not replaced by rains. Next, the drying is placed in the shade, where there is good ventilation, and already dried there.

Drying pears in the oven is a delicate matter ...

When pears are dried in the oven, there are rules here. The temperature in the chamber should be between 85 - 90 degrees Celsius. Please note that the final drying temperature should not exceed 55 degrees. This temperature regime is also valid if pears are dried in an electric oven.

As for the duration of drying at home, everything will depend on whether you are drying whole pears or sliced ​​ones. After all, sliced ​​\u200b\u200bfruits need to be dried for about 20 hours, while drying whole fruits will take as much as 24 hours.

Drying pears for the winter: technology tricks

If you want to get better drying, then simply slicing pears is not enough. To begin with, it is necessary to peel the pears from the skin, and then remove all the seed chambers and fumigate the fruits.

To improve the appearance of future drying and also speed up the process itself, it is recommended to carry out a preliminary heat treatment.

So, first we sort the pears according to the degree of maturity. Next, they must be washed well. Washed fruits are dipped in boiling water and boiled for 15 minutes. Note that mature fruits need to be cooked less than green ones until they become soft. The processed pears are caught with a scoop or sieve, and the next batch is loaded in their place until all the prepared pears have been processed.

To add extra sweetness, it is recommended to add a little sugar to the water in which the pears are processed.

When all the raw materials have undergone heat treatment, it is necessary to allow it to cool completely. Then they are cut into slices and laid out on a container in which they are going to be dried directly.

By the way, the water in which pears were boiled can be safely used to prepare a wide variety of goodies: jam, kvass, syrup, jelly or compote.

Often, pears for drying are processed in a different way. Also, as in the first case, they are washed well, and then cut into slices. Next, these slices are blanched for 7 minutes in boiling water to make them soft. So that the fruit does not darken, the slices are pre-soaked in a 1% solution of either citric or tartaric acid.

How is the drying of wild pears at home?

With wild pears, the drying process looks a little different. First of all, the main difference is that wild pears do not need to be picked from the tree. You have to wait until they fall off on their own. The collected pears can be put either in a bucket or in a basin and wait until the skin turns brown and the pears themselves darken.

This is done so that the pears acquire a sweetish and aromatic taste, instead of tart and bitter. Now they need to be washed, cut into halves and dried in the same way as cultivars of pears.

Now you know that the darkened fruits of wild pears are not a spoiled product. In addition, when drying wild pears, seed boxes do not need to be removed from them and they do not need blanching and fumigation.

If everything is done correctly, then the pears you dried should be soft and elastic, and not break when bent or squeezed. Their color is from light brown to dark brown, they have a sweet taste and pleasant aroma.

Good day to all!

We continue to dry fruits, and today we have pears in line. Dried pears are no less useful than other dried fruits.

What are the best pears to use for drying? The most suitable fruits are those that are slightly underripe and not very juicy. The pulp should be dense, few seeds. Pears should taste sweet. These are either summer varieties, or early autumn.

For this purpose, varieties such as Aromatnaya, Ilyinka, Bergamot, Zaporozhye, Forest Beauty, Lemonka, Victoria are suitable.

There are several ways to dry a pear. Traditionally, the fruits collected at the dacha are dried in the air (in the sun) so as not to be taken to the apartment. If the weather does not allow this, or if it needs to be dried quickly, then the oven is used. Now they often resort to more specialized devices, such as an electric dryer.

It is not worth talking about what is better to use, everyone chooses for himself.

So, let's start with a simple way - drying in the sun. The pear is pre-washed and cut into slices. Since drying occurs naturally, the slices should be thin enough. In order for the pear not to darken, it is recommended to soak the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bin slices in a 1% solution of tartaric acid. Immediately before drying, the slices should be dipped in boiling water for 2 minutes.

After that, we lay out the slices in one layer on a solid base - sheets of plywood, baking sheets, boxes, etc. We put it all in the sun. The roof of the cottage is ideal if direct rays of the sun fall on it.

For lack of sufficient space where pears can be laid out, they are strung on a rope (thread), like mushrooms, and hung on the sunny side. In winter, by the way, they often dry it over radiators.

Dry in this way for 2 days. In the evening, pears should be brought into the house. After two days, they are removed from the street and dried in a shady place for another three days. In this case, the slices must be periodically turned over.

This process is simple, does not require technical costs, but is somewhat laborious and time consuming. If you need to do it faster, use the oven.

We dry pears in the oven of a gas and electric stove

Drying in the oven is a classic way when there is no way to dry it in any other way. Now the apartments are either gas or electric ovens. Fundamentally, the drying process in each of them is no different. The only difference is that in a gas oven it is necessary to regulate the temperature, but in an electric oven it is not necessary.

The pear is prepared in the same way: it is washed and cut into slices. But here, unlike street drying, you can not cut too thinly. Cut as you like, either in circles or slices. We put everything on a baking sheet and in the oven.

Initially, the temperature is set to 55-60 degrees. After two hours, we raise it to 80 ° C. As soon as the slices began to decrease in size, again lower the temperature to 55 ° C. At this temperature, the pear is dried until tender. If you dry with slices, then it will take 16 hours, if with whole fruits - then 24 hours.

Toward the end of drying, you can check for readiness. We pierce the pear with a fork, if liquid appears from it, then we dry it again.

In an electric oven, the drying process is similar. But there is another nuance. In gas, there is only a lower heating, and in an electric one, there is also an upper one, which makes drying much better and more convenient.

How to dry pears in a convection oven

There is another feature associated with electric ovens. Most of them have a convection mode. What does it mean? And this means that in such an oven there is a fan that makes the drying process much more efficient by distributing heat throughout the cabinet.

Prepare the pear, cut into slices and lay out on a baking sheet in one layer. We put it in a preheated oven. After an hour, turn the slices over, and raise the temperature to 80 ° C. When the excess moisture evaporates, the slices will decrease, set the temperature to 50 degrees and dry for two hours. In total, it will take from 3 to 6 hours.

Can you dry pears in the microwave?

Of the modern kitchen appliances for drying, the microwave is just as well suited. Of course, it is not intended directly for these purposes, but what our man will not come up with!

Moreover, drying takes very little time compared to drying in the oven - only 2-3 minutes. But, it also has its own subtleties. If you do not calculate the time, then the product can be dried out and it will turn into coals.

Before drying, the pears are well washed and cut into slices. We take a special plate and lay out the slices in one layer. We put the plate in the microwave. Set the mode: 200 W and 2.5 minutes. After stopping the microwave, check the pears. If suddenly they are not completely dried, turn on again for half a minute. The readiness of the product is determined by how elastic they are and do not break when bent.

That's the whole process.

Video and description of how to dry pears in an electric dryer

The electric dryer is good because it is a specialized device for drying any fruit.

The temperature here, unlike the oven, does not need to be regulated. It is set constant - 70 degrees. True, the time takes a little more: from 15 to 20 hours. To dry the slices evenly, they still need to be turned over periodically.

For information on how to properly dry pears in an electric dryer, see the video below.

Here are some easy ways to dry. Using them, you will provide yourself with dry healthy fruits.

Pears are useful in any form, but the most convenient option for harvesting them for the winter with the possibility of using them both in their pure form and for making compotes, fillings for pies, mashed potatoes and other things is drying. Now you will learn how to dry pears at home and how to store them properly after.

How to dry pears: preparing the product for processing

The easiest way is, of course, drying raw fruits. However, this option is only suitable for subsequent use in compotes and fruit teas. A more refined and varied delicacy in terms of further use can be obtained by drying boiled fruits. In both cases:

  • the fruits are sorted, removing rotten, frozen, damaged by pests;
  • fruits are washed thoroughly, preferably with a brush, and dried;
  • cut large pears into slices no more than 1 cm thick without removing the seed box and skin;
  • for a more delicate product, the seeds and skin are removed, cutting is done into quarters or eighths.

How to dry pears at home?

Next, fruits prepared for drying in their raw form are laid out on a baking sheet: a tray, a dryer grate and the drying process begins. Those pears that require additional processing - too hard, not sweet - are boiled until soft in water or weak syrup, the amount of sugar depends on the desired sweetness of drying, after which they are also laid out on a plane.

How to dry pears: in the air, in the oven, dryer or in the microwave

When drying in the fresh air, the fruits are placed in the sun. At night, the product is removed into the room, after two days of such drying, the pears ripen in the shade. Using the oven involves keeping the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bfruits at a temperature of 55–60 degrees Celsius in an ajar oven with a minimum fire for two hours. After that, for an hour or two, until the slices or whole fruits in volume decrease, the temperature rises to 80 degrees, then decreases again to the initial level and is maintained until drying is complete.

As for the microwave oven, it dries as quickly as possible, but the portions loaded are small. For cooking, fruits are laid out on a dish of the oven in one layer over linen or cotton fabric. It takes 2-3 minutes at full power for the juicy fruits to turn into drying, the time is selected individually.

Proper storage of dried pears

Having figured out how to dry pears in the oven, other devices or in a natural way, it is also important to figure out the correct method of storage. The best option is a tight bag made of high-quality natural fabric, better than linen, stored in a dry and ventilated place. It is also acceptable to keep dried fruits in tightly closed glass jars and containers. Periodic inspection, drying or sorting out the harvested product will prevent it from being damaged by mold or fruit moth.

The pears were washed and peeled from the skin and core. Cut into 5 mm slices and laid out on trays.

From 5 kg it turned out:
3.62 kg (72%) - purified product
1.38 kg (28%) - waste.

The pears were dried for 13 hours at +55°C in an Ezidri Ultra dryer on 8 trays. During this time, the electric dryer consumed 6.85 kW of electricity. It turned out 518 grams of dried product. Shrinkage 7 times.

Dried pears contribute to the removal of toxins and heavy metals from the body. Health-improving effect on the activity of the pancreas. The presence of more iron in dried pears helps the rapid healing of wounds, the energy of the body and a good appetite. A decoction of dried pears contributes to a quick recovery from a severe cough, cold and sore throat. Recipe for a decoction: 1 cup dried pears boil for 20 minutes in 0.5 liters of water. Let it brew for 4 hours in a warm place, then strain. Drink ½ cup 30 minutes before meals 4 times a day.


Due to the combination of taste and useful properties, the pear has managed to gain popularity around the world. It is believed that the discoverers of the pear were the inhabitants of Western China. This sweet, juicy fruit is also loved in our country. Even in "Domostroy" you can find information about the pear tree and proper care for it.

Europeans began to discover new ways of preparing pears in the 18th century, during which the plant was cultivated and the fruits were actively used in cooking. Then it became clear that dried pears are no less tasty than fresh ones. Although in some countries it was previously considered that it was dried and boiled fruits that were edible, and not raw. Drying the fruit can significantly extend its shelf life. After drying, if the whole process goes right, the pear retains most of its beneficial properties.

Sweet and large varieties with a small seed chamber are ideal for drying: Limonka, Bessemyanka, Bergamot, Tonkovetka, Ilyinka. Also, for these purposes, wild-growing fruits - wilds are often used. Before drying a pear, it is necessary to select suitable fruits, they must be sufficiently mature (but not overripe) and strong.

The benefits of dried fruits

. The content of vitamins PP, E, C, B1 and B2;
. the content of micro and macro elements: iron, phosphorus, potassium, magnesium, sodium, calcium;
. calorie content - 249 kcal per 100 g, so modern medicine often uses it as part of a diet menu;
. despite the relatively low calorie content, dried pear is quite nutritious and can be used as a healthy snack;
. dried fruits are included in the composition of decoctions, which are used as a diuretic, antipyretic, disinfectant or antitussive. Due to the low calorie content, dried fruit can become part of the diet. Dried pears do not contain sugar syrup, they have a natural sweetness, so they are great as an alternative to desserts. Also, dried fruit can be used for violations of the pancreas. The product helps to eliminate toxins, heavy metals from the body. A decoction of wild pear helps to cope with kidney problems and cystitis.

Compotes are often made from dried fruits. Such a drink is rich in tannins that have an astringent effect. Therefore, pear compote is recommended to drink with intestinal upset. Due to the antibacterial action of pear broth, it is recommended as a prophylactic against colds.

Potassium, contained in the product in large quantities, has a beneficial effect on the state of blood vessels and the heart. Therefore, the product is indicated for people with cardiovascular diseases. Cracks in the corners of the mouth, fatigue, rapid heartbeat, constant dizziness, loss of appetite - all these are signs of iron deficiency. By eating dried fruits daily, this shortage can be quickly filled.

Dried pears in cooking

Pears can be eaten as an independent dish. Proper drying in an electric dryer will ensure the preservation of vitamins, trace elements and nutrients. A small handful of dried fruits will allow you to satisfy your hunger, recharge your batteries and continue working again. Pear goes well with fermented milk products, such as cottage cheese. But with milk, it can cause a laxative effect. Dried fruits are added to cereals, the fruit goes especially well with oatmeal.

In winter, pears are added to decoctions, compotes, teas, jelly, coffee drinks. Moreover, you can make a drink exclusively from pears, or you can combine this product with other dried fruits, berries and herbs.

There are a huge number of desserts with the addition of dried pears. Baking is especially popular. For example, even the most inexperienced hostess can cook a simple charlotte. But in order to bake a pie with dried pears, it is recommended to pre-soak dried fruits in water. The fruit pairs perfectly with dried apples, bananas, wild berries, citrus pulp and zest.

Many housewives grind slices of dry pears into small pieces or even to the state of flour. Such preparations for the winter are added to cereals, drinks, cottage cheese or yogurt. Pear flour can be added not only to the filling, but also to the dough for pies. If desired, dried fruit powder can be mixed with sugar and cinnamon.

Dried pear is a simple and affordable way to saturate your body with vitamins, which is especially important in winter and spring. In addition, dishes with the addition of fruits give a great opportunity to remember the warm and cozy summer.
