
How to make apple cider vinegar at home - a simple recipe. apple cider vinegar for weight loss, hair and nails

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Apple cider vinegar at home. Cooking is accessible to everyone, quickly and without problems. , use in medicine for weight loss, from varicose veins and other diseases. Recipes from juice, pomace, with honey, through a juicer, without yeast and according to the Jarvis recipe.

Apple cider vinegar - the benefits and harms

Apple cider vinegar has long been proven effective in solving a number of health problems. Contains in its composition the necessary trace elements: sodium, calcium, potassium, phosphorus, fluorine and others. It includes vitamins A, B, C, E, P. In addition, the drink is generous in amino acids and enzymes. Together, these substances have a beneficial effect on health, helping to cope with a huge number of diseases.

Vinegar has been proven effective over the years of human use. The tool is able to get rid of problems with the throat, veins, activates metabolic processes. Effective for acne and other problems. In addition to the undeniable benefits, it can be harmful. You should consult with specialists before starting treatment.

It is strictly contraindicated for people with high acidity. Rinse your mouth with a remedy should not be for those who have problems with enamel. Before using, it is advisable to consult with a specialist.

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Application in traditional medicine for hair

In folk medicine, there are many options for use, 1001 cooking methods are described on the forums. It has been used since ancient times and is considered a healing agent. Vinegar improves the appearance of hair and skin many times over. Suitable for all hair types.

Used to relieve sore throats, colds and heart disease. Apple vinegar copes with excess weight, allowing you to acquire the desired shape without any extra effort. The tool can help with varicose veins and joint pain.

For varicose veins and spider veins

The composition is an effective remedy for getting rid of varicose veins. To achieve the effect, doctors advise regularly rubbing the affected areas. It is recommended to use inside, dissolving 2 teaspoons of vinegar in boiled water. Applying systematically, there is a chance to prevent allergies.

For this in a glass mix water, apple cider vinegar, a couple of tablespoons of honey and take the resulting drink daily. Apple cider vinegar is suitable for the treatment of sore throats. It is advisable to gargle every hour, dissolving in a glass of water. A solution with the addition of vinegar effectively relieves joint pain. It is advised to take it internally 3 times a day.

Copes with insomnia, headache, head lice, heartburn, burns and ODS. It is useful to make a drink from vinegar and mineral water.

For weight loss

To give the body the desired shape and get the result, you need to regularly drink apple cider vinegar for weight loss. It is recommended to use every time after a meal. A single dosage is 2 teaspoons. After a couple of months, the first results are observed. With regular use, the effect will be amazing.

How to cook fast

There are various recipes for making apple-based vinegar. To prepare a useful tool, you must adhere to the following algorithm:

  • wash apples thoroughly;
  • cut unpeeled apples;
  • squeeze out the juice from the darkened pieces;
  • pour the resulting juice into glassware;
  • put a ball or rubber glove on the jar;
  • infuse the mixture for several weeks, hiding in a dark place at room temperature;
  • after primary fermentation, pour the liquid into another dish with a wider neck and cover with a cloth;
  • after repeated fermentation, the vinegar should be strained through cheesecloth and used in accordance with the recipe.

A simple recipe with photos step by step without yeast

Cooking with apples is quite simple. To do this, follow the proposed recipe and the corresponding photo. Be sure to use real garden apples without additives. First, wash well and cut into 4 pieces.

After that, the slices should lie down for some time before acquiring a dark color.

Fold in a glass dish, filling completely with water and covering the slices.

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The dishes must be covered with a paper towel and hidden in the kitchen cabinet.

Apples should be infused for six months, stirring them once a week with a wooden spoon. Strain after time.

For the final preparation, it is necessary to pour the apples again with the already filtered liquid.

Exactly one month later, real homemade vinegar made from apples can be consumed.

Grandmother's Recipe

By Jarvis

Jarvis showed how to make and created a recipe that is famous and popular, used by thousands of people. The technology is easy, for application you will need apples, core, yeast and honey. To begin with, wash 1 kg of fragrant apples and grate. Dilute the resulting slurry with a liter of water and add 100 grams of honey, 10 grams of dry yeast.

For 10 days, keep the dishes open and mix the contents daily with a wooden product. Then strain, cover with gauze and keep under 25 degrees for another 2 months. At the end of the period, the vinegar will be cooked. Store only in the refrigerator.

Apple cider vinegar according to Jarvis is a popular method, known and in demand.

From cake

Easy to prepare is vinegar using cake. Cut fresh apples into large slices and put in a jar with a wide mouth. Add the cake to the dishes, which remained after making the juice. Pour boiled water, covering the mixture with it by about a couple of centimeters.

Sugar is added, it needs 50 grams for 1 kilogram. Cover the resulting mixture and put it in a warm place for several months. After that, the liquid is filtered and stored in the refrigerator.

How to do with honey

There is an option for making apple cider vinegar using honey. Why should the fruit be cut into large enough pieces, put in a suitable bowl and add honey. The volume per 1 kg of apples should be 300 grams of honey. Next, pour boiling water, completely covering the contents.

Cover the dishes with gauze folded in a couple of layers. It is necessary to withstand apples for about 10 days, stirring a couple of times daily with a wooden spoon.

After the specified period, the apples should be squeezed using a sieve. The resulting juice must be mixed with honey infusion, covered with gauze and put in a closet for about a month.
Next, strain the resulting vinegar, pour into bottles and close. It must be stored in the refrigerator.

From juice, from compote

You can prepare vinegar from the juice of your own production. To begin with, you should choose high-quality apples, fragrant and grown without the addition of harmful chemicals. Make juice using a juicer. Add a mixture of 100 grams of boiled water, a small spoonful of sugar and ¼ of dry yeast.

The monthly period of the resulting mixture should be kept warm by pulling a rubber glove over the container. Pour the liquid into a shallow dish, cover with a cloth and keep in the same place for about 3 months. Ready vinegar is well filtered and stored in the refrigerator.

Just make your own vinegar from apples with sugar, observing the proportions of 100 grams per 1 kg. To begin with, the apples are coarsely rubbed and placed in a bowl. Sugar should also be added there. Everything is poured with hot water a few centimeters above the apples.

It is necessary to insist the mixture for 2 weeks in warmth, tying the jar with gauze. After that, the contents should be filtered and insisted for another couple of weeks. Then the finished vinegar must be removed in the refrigerator.

Where to buy a natural product

There is a wide variety of apple cider vinegar on the market. It can be made according to various recipes. But it is not uncommon to find a product that is synthetic. There are main differences between natural vinegar:

  1. A characteristic dark sediment should be present in the bottle.
  2. The fortress should be from 4 to 6 percent.
  3. On a bottle of natural vinegar, the following words are found: alcohol, natural, biochemical.

Self-cooking at home is the surest way to get 100% natural. It is this quality that makes real homemade vinegar not just a piquant spice, but also a useful product in many ways.

Why make seasoning at home when this product is presented in a wide range on store shelves? Yes, all because of the same naturalness!

Most manufacturers use apple peels, cores, and even spoiled trimmings to make spices - all that usually goes to waste.

Often from apples in an industrial product - only the name. In fact, this is ordinary table vinegar with apple flavor. Also, manufacturers can add all kinds of preservatives to the composition - to extend the shelf life, and dyes - for a presentable appearance.

Of course, a spice made by yourself will have a shorter shelf life, and its appearance may not be very presentable. But, having prepared vinegar at home, the hostess will be firmly convinced of its safety for health.

Another plus of the home-made composition is lower acidity (4-5%) than that of the industrial counterpart (at least 6%). Thanks to this, the first one can be used not only as a seasoning and marinade, but also for the preparation of cosmetics, and even for the treatment of certain ailments.

The conclusion from the above suggests itself: the best way to get quality is to make it yourself at home. Cooking does not require much time and cost - the seasoning recipe is quite simple and affordable.

Apple Vinegar at Home: General Cooking Principles

The first and main ingredient of homemade spice is the pulp of apples or their juice. Overripe fruits and those that are collected not from a tree, but from the ground are perfect. But they should all be good, with no signs of rot.

To make, it is best to take sweet apples. Although in the absence of sweet fruits, sour-sweet and sour will do.

Sugar is the second required ingredient (although there are cooking options without using it).

Also, the composition of the wort for home seasoning may include honey, yeast, rye bread and croutons from it.

One of the advantages of a natural product is that homemade recipes exclude the pasteurization process. This allows you to save all the benefits of raw materials in the seasoning.

When the product ripens, its surface is covered with a film called acetic mat. Her appearance indicates that everything was done correctly. It is recommended to remove the film only after death, when it sinks to the bottom of the container.

Live vinegar uterus can be placed in another portion of the product. It will enhance the aroma and improve the taste of the seasoning.

Important! After ten days of fermentation, adding sugar, straining and pouring the composition, it is necessary to withstand 60 days. All this time, the container can neither be shaken nor even moved.

How to make apple cider vinegar at home

Vinegar made from sugar or honey with apple juice or softened fruit has been popular since antiquity. Today it has a wide variety of uses.

In the culinary world, there are a large number of recipes and tips on how to cook at home with a minimum number of ingredients.

Homemade apple cider vinegar (quick)

The most popular recipe without the use of yeast is from fruit puree.

For him you will need:

  • ripe fruits - 3 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 150 g (if the fruits are sour, then up to 300 g);
  • water.

To begin with, carefully washed apples are finely chopped, kneaded with a pusher, and placed in an enameled container, covered with sugar, poured with boiled water, cooled to 70 ° C.

The mixture prepared in this way is kept warm, away from sunlight. The contents of the pan are thoroughly mixed twice a day.

After 2 weeks, the composition is filtered and poured into glass jars. For filtering, a triple layer of clean gauze is used.

NOTE! For proper fermentation, the wort is not added to the edge of the container by 5-7 cm!

Jars with vinegar semi-finished product are kept in a dark, warm place for no longer than two weeks, after which their contents are poured into pre-prepared glass bottles.

Thus, you can get at home, a simple recipe for cooking which does not require much time and large financial costs.

The whole process of creating such a spice will take about 1 month.

Jarvis' Homemade Apple Cider Vinegar

At the beginning of the 19th century, the American doctor D. S. Jarvis proposed his own recipe for cooking enriched with potassium. Subsequently, this recipe has become quite widespread under the name of its creator.

The preparation of such a product takes more time, but its quality is much higher.

At the heart of such vinegar seasoning are ripe and overripe apples, peeled from the slightest traces of rot and wormholes. They are passed through a meat grinder (you can use a grater or a blender) - to get a homogeneous mass. At the same time, apples should be unpeeled - with peel, partitions, grains.

The resulting apple mass is placed in a large (enamelled or glass) dish, and poured with warm boiled (but not hot!) Water. The volume of liquid in this case should be equal to the volume of the fruit mass.

Yeast (10 g), black bread crumbs (20 g) and honey are also added to the composition (it is he who gives the finished seasoning additional potassium). Add it at the rate of 100 g/l of the resulting composition.

After that, the container (it is not necessary to close it tightly) is sent to a place where it is dark and warm for 10 days. Periodically (recommended 3 times a day) everything is mixed.

After the expiration date, the liquid is drained, filtered and enriched with an additional portion of honey at the rate of 50-100 g per 1 liter. The dishes are covered with a multi-layer gauze napkin, and again cleaned in heat.

The further process of “ripening” of the spice according to Jarvis can take up to 40-50 days. A change in the appearance of the liquid will tell about its readiness - turbidity will disappear.

Homemade apple cider vinegar

An interesting and simple way is from juice. The amount of fruit is taken as a basis - 2 kg (you can take more or less).

Fruits, cut into large pieces, are allowed to lie in the air - until oxidized. Then juice is squeezed out of them and poured into a glass bottle. A medical glove is put on top of the neck of the bottle. To start the fermentation process, all this is removed to a place inaccessible to sunlight, but at the same time warm (optimum temperature + 30 ° C).

How long it will take to make vinegar according to this recipe is impossible to predict in advance. Depending on various conditions and factors, the process takes from 1 week to 1.5 months.

The main indicator of the completion of the process is the glove. You should wait until its maximum swelling. After that, the gloves are removed, and the contents of the bottle are poured into a wider container, which is covered with a cloth or gauze napkin.

In this position, the vinegar is left until the bubbling is complete, after which it is filtered, bottled, and put away for storage.

Simple homemade apple cider vinegar with honey

The preparation of which is similar to the Jarvis recipe. However, there is no bread here.

  • apples (1 kg);
  • chilled boiled water (1 l);
  • honey (200 g);
  • sugar (100 g);
  • dry yeast (20 g).

A puree is prepared from the fruits, to which the remaining ingredients are added. The entire composition is mixed and removed in heat (gauze can be used instead of a lid). Within 10 days the wort is mixed 2 times a day.

For further maturation, the recipe provides for filtering the must and additional pressing of the fruit mass. Both resulting liquids are mixed and left to continue fermentation for another 1.5-2 months.

The spice is considered ready when it becomes transparent.

Homemade apple cider vinegar

Another homemade recipe. For it, the cake left after making the juice is used.

Raw materials are filled with sugar syrup, cooled down to 40°C. Rye crackers and yeast are also placed there (their addition is not necessary).

All this is placed in a glass jar, after which the neck of the container is tied with gauze folded in 4 layers.

The solution is stirred every other day. The total fermentation period is 10 days, after which the liquid is filtered and returned to the jar again.

Before removing the seasoning to ripen in a dark place, a little honey is added to it. After that, the jar is not rearranged or shaken for 50 days.

Homemade Apple Cider Vinegar: Tricks and Helpful Tips

To make homemade apple vinegar as useful and fragrant as possible, in addition to the recipe, you must follow a few rules and recommendations:

  1. It is advisable to use natural garden fruits for cooking, and not store ones. If you have to choose fruits in the market, you should give preference to fruits with small wormholes. The presence of the latter indicates the absence of harmful chemical additives in apples.
  2. Dishes for fermentation should choose glass or enameled. A container made of "stainless steel" will not work.
  3. It is necessary to mix the wort exclusively with a wooden or glass spatula (stick).
  4. To obtain the most useful product, it is necessary to strictly observe the technology of preparation, to withstand the fermentation time. The latter should be watched especially carefully.
  5. For the proper fermentation process, the wort needs access to oxygen.

Ready-made can be used both in cooking and to eliminate the symptoms of a cold, treat bruises, massage procedures, lose weight, etc.

Important! With gastritis with high acidity, ulcers, hepatitis and some other diseases, you can’t even use vinegar of your own preparation inside!

Packaging and storage

So, now you have learned how to make your own apple cider vinegar. Now it must be carefully poured into clean glass bottles. In this case, one should try not to shake the sediment and not to stir up the liquid.

The latter result can be achieved with the most accurate transfusion in the usual way, or using a rubber tube.

NOTE! At this stage, various herbs can be added to the liquid to give it additional healing properties and flavor. After 3-4 weeks, this ingredient can be removed from the bottle - by that time the herb will already transfer all its properties to the seasoning.

It is better to store home-made in small glass jars (it is necessary not to pour “under the neck”), closed with nylon lids or tight stoppers.

Storage temperature - 6-8 ° С.

Shelf life - 3 years.

Where to buy natural vinegar

If it is not possible to cook at home, you can look for it from those who are engaged in their own production. It is necessary to focus on the reviews of people who have already used the services of this manufacturer.

And when purchasing a seasoning in a store, you should pay attention to its consistency and color - the natural product is darkish and slightly cloudy. There should be some sediment in the bottle.

Summing up, it can be noted that it is quite simple to do at home. At the same time, the home one will definitely have a lot of advantages over the store counterpart, and it can be safely used for a variety of purposes.

The benefits of apple cider vinegar have been known for a long time. It helps to grow lush, shiny hair, is an excellent assistant in the fight against cellulite, stretch marks and acne. This infusion is used in combination with weight loss therapy, procedures to restore the functions of the gastrointestinal tract. Even with varicose veins, this apple product does an excellent job.

And everything would be fine, but in the store it is almost impossible to buy high-quality apple vinegar. Manufacturers sin by making an infusion from the remains of garden fruits, using cores, peels and other illiquid assets. But it just so happened that these parts of apples do not have any useful properties. And if, in addition, the waste is flavored with preservatives and dyes, then at the output we get a mixture that can also harm. Do not buy something that does not work a priori.

In the conditions of eternal lack of time, it is easier for people to buy ready-made and think “maybe it will blow over”, rather than work on the creation of raw materials on their own. But you must admit that it is better to spend time and prepare an assessment yourself than to solve problems later that a low-quality store product can cause.

And at home, you will surely prepare apple cider vinegar using only the best ingredients, which means that the product will serve you faithfully and show itself as a faithful companion on the way to your goal.

Composition of the product

As practice shows, not everyone understands what vinegar is. In fact, this is the most common fermented wine. Only wine sours under a tight lid, while vinegar needs air to fully transform. However, in both cases, it is fruit juice that becomes the basis of the preparation.

If we talk about the chemical composition, then a homemade bite is more than 50 compounds and contains about 15 amino acids that a person needs. That is, in your arsenal there will be a tool that surpasses the huge number of dietary supplements that the pharmacy chain offers us. But if an ocet will cost you a penny, then an additive from a pharmacy will significantly hit your wallet.

Let's summarize. Fruit cider contains:

  • pectin is a complex carbohydrate that is necessary for the body to produce energy;
  • vitamins A, B, C and E;
  • natural acids - malic, citric;
  • trace elements - sulfur, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium and others.

Cooking methods

In order for the product to turn out to be of high quality, it is necessary to use solid raw materials. It does not matter what color the apples you choose will be, the main thing is that they are ripe and juicy.

On a note! The riper the apples, the less sugar will need to be added to the infusion for the cooking process. Therefore, if you see overripe fruits, feel free to take them.

In addition to apples, the recipe also contains water and honey. If honey disgusts you, replace it with sugar.

Some, to enhance fermentation, put a piece of rye bread in a container with future vinegar, or rather, its crust or yeast.

Let's take a look at step by step how to make your own natural apple cider vinegar at home.

Classic recipe

Follow simple steps to get a quality product. We have described them in great detail so that you can avoid mistakes.

  • Step 1. Never wash apples! Yes, yes, they, like grapes for wine, must retain on the skin a natural layer of fungi necessary for fermentation. Just tear off the cuttings and cut out the rotten places, if any.
  • Step 2 You can grind fruits in any convenient way. They can be chopped, grated, passed through a meat grinder or turned into a pulp with a blender. Experienced people note that the best apple cider vinegar is obtained from raw materials processed in a food processor: not too thin, not too large, but just right.
  • Step 3 By proportions. Good vinegar is obtained if you take a liter of water for one kilogram of apples. Sugar, as you understand, should be added to taste.

Mix food in a deep bowl made of wood, glass or clay. But you can also take an enamel bowl. Products made of plastic, iron and aluminum will not work. Try not to fill the container to the brim, because the infusion will rise during fermentation.

  • Step 4 The mixture of apples, water and sweetener must be covered with a clean cloth so as not to cut off full access to oxygen, and put in a warm, dark place for two weeks. Watch the temperature! It should not be lower than +28 degrees. Otherwise, the fermentation processes will be weak. Stir every day with a wooden spoon or spatula. It is better if you do it in the morning and in the evening.
  • Step 5 After the specified time, it is necessary to strain our cider. It is most convenient to do this through a colander if you originally used pieces of fruit. If you had apple gruel, then you can separate the pulp from the liquid only with the help of a gauze cloth. Do not wrinkle the workpiece, just gently press it with your hands, thereby allowing the liquid to drain calmly.

Ideally, the infusion at this stage should be cleaned with several gauze bags. Even if you first used a colander, the second time you need to drive the juice through a mesh cloth.

  • Step 6 Next, the purified infusion is sweetened again, poured into a clean container and covered with a towel. In this state, our future vinegar should stand for about a month and a half, sometimes a little less, sometimes a little more. The product will be considered ready when the drink stops fermenting and acquires a characteristic transparency.

apple juice recipe

The easiest way to make an ocet at home from all existing ones.

The ingredients are the same as in the traditional version: water, sugar or honey. But instead of apples, apple juice is already used. According to the proportions: the juice should only be slightly diluted with water, somewhere around 1: 4.

And you should also add a product that will stimulate the fermentation processes. It can be a crust of black bread or a briquette of yeast (10 g), as well as a wort from previously made vinegar or its unstrained mass with sediment.

The steps for preparing vinegar are the same: fermentation, sediment removal, preparation for storage.

Yeast apple cider vinegar

The yeast in this recipe greatly simplifies the process of making apple cider at home. The secret is that fermentation using this product is an inevitable process. In addition, the yeast itself is very useful, which means that the output infusion will be of high quality.

Prepare, as in previous recipes, a kilogram of apples, about a liter of water, about a glass of sugar and live yeast. Enough 10 grams. Chop the apples, transfer to a container and pour hot water. After 10 days of fermentation, add sugar, put yeast, wrap the container with a towel and send it to a warm place for another month and a half. After this period, rid the vinegar of sediment and pour into bottles for storage.

apple cider vinegar recipe

At the beginning of the article, we talked about the fact that vinegar from the skins and cores has a low utility. But thrifty housewives strive to ensure that home production is waste-free. And if you made juice from apples, then vinegar can be made from waste. He will still retain some of the vitamins and microelements in himself and in any case will be of better quality than a store product.

The proportions are the same: for a kilogram of apple peels, one liter of water, sugar to taste and a third of a teaspoon of yeast.

We advise you to pass the peel and cores through a meat grinder, after which they can be filled with water. After a week and a half, add sugar and yeast to the filtered semi-finished product, leave for a month or two to complete the preparation.

At the moment of saturation of the infusion with sugar and yeast, you can add the zest from a lemon or orange. This step guarantees you a pleasant taste and additional usefulness.

honey vinegar recipe

This guide is rarely used because honey apple cider is more difficult to make. But at the same time, this drink is the most useful of all. Doctors advise this recipe.

Choose quality apples. The sweeter they are, the better. You will need a kilogram of chopped washed fruits, which must be poured with warm boiled water. Add about 100 grams of honey, a crust of black bread and a little yeast on the tip of a teaspoon to the mixture. The container with the infusion must be carefully insulated and placed in a dark place for 10 days. Do not forget to stir the workpiece daily.

After a week and a half, strain the future vinegar. Add honey to the juice again, focusing on your taste. The approximate amount of the additive is about 50-100 grams.

Cover the container again with a towel and send for fermentation in a dark place. There vinegar should reach about two months. If the liquid becomes transparent, you have a high-quality product rich in vitamins and microelements. Pour it into bottles and use on the farm.

If you cannot live without sweets, then we advise you to drink a teaspoon of vinegar diluted with water in the morning after eating. This will allow your potassium-sodium balance to return to normal, which will significantly reduce the desire to eat a chocolate bar. You will see changes in food preferences in a couple of days.

dill vinegar recipe

It is easy to prepare such an infusion if you already have acetic acid and greens from the garden at hand.

Dill, preferably a whole bunch, grind with sugar. It is important that the juice stands out. Pour the resulting mixture with half a liter of vinegar and leave in a warm place for 3-4 hours. After that, strain the solution.

An infusion prepared according to this recipe is most often used in cooking: it is added to sauces.

berry vinegar recipe

Raspberries, cherries or sea buckthorn can be used as raw materials. The proportions are as follows: per kilogram of berries, a liter of apple cider vinegar, 2-4 tablespoons of sugar. Grind the berries with sugar - it should completely dissolve. Then fill with vinegar and close the lid.

After two days, the vinegar on the berries must be filtered, and then sent for storage in a kitchen cabinet.

Frequent problems

Even though the recipe is strictly followed, vinegar may not work. You can understand this by the early stop of fermentation, sour or even unpleasant odor, cloudy color.

Let's analyze the most common mistakes.

  • Young apples were chosen as raw materials. The bacteria that cause fermentation feed on alcohol. Sweet fruits contain approximately 12% sugar, which gives 7% alcohol. Young apples tend to be sour, which means that their sugar content may not be enough for full fermentation. Some solve this problem by introducing sugar, pieces of black bread, yeast, or even red wine into the infusion. You can choose any of these options.
  • Cut off access to oxygen. You may have overdone the insulation. And without oxygen, the infusion sours, and is closer to wine than to vinegar. Correcting this mistake is simple - put aside the towel that covers the container.

  • Sugar was added after the liquid was given away from the apple must and the second stage of fermentation began. Sometimes housewives try infused juice and decide that it is very sour. The decision to add sugar is fundamentally wrong. Remember that vinegar is not wine, adding sugar during the fermentation process is prohibited. You can try adding souring accelerators: black bread or yeast. Some go to extreme measures - they infect the wort with acetic acid bacteria that fruit flies carry. If you leave a piece of an apple on the table, in a day or two it will be covered with these same insects. The method is very effective, but it still needs to be decided.

  • They moved containers from place to place. After the infusion has been filtered and left to ferment, the dishes must not be touched, even just moved. All oxidation processes can stop. If this happens, it is important for you to restart the work of bacteria by adding yeast or a crust of gray bread.
  • Put the container in an insufficiently warm place. Remember that the optimum temperature for souring juice is not lower than +27 degrees. Therefore, it is best to place the dishes with the infusion closer to the heaters or stove. The last three problems are easily fixable if you have a vinegar queen. We are talking about a fungus-film that can form in a container with apples and water when you prepare vinegar. Carefully place the mushroom in a jar, fill with apple juice or cider. With its help, in the future, you will put on stream the production of ocet from apples. The uterus contributes to the rapid start of fermentation processes and can be used repeatedly until its very "death". "Lethal outcome" is diagnosed if the mushroom has darkened and sank to the bottom.
  • Poorly filtered infusion. If the drink does not acquire a characteristic transparent color, do not worry. Vinegar already has all the useful properties, you just strained it badly. Pass it through several layers of gauze. And the problem will be solved.

How to store?

Before vinegar can be used for its intended purpose, it must be properly packaged for storage.

The first thing to do is get rid of the sediment. You will see it at the bottom of the dishes in which the otset wandered. You can try to carefully pour the solution into a bottle. But, most likely, the precipitate will still fall into the pure product.

Therefore, use a rubber tube to pump out pure infusion. To do this, lower one end of the tube into the container without touching the sediment. Inhale deeply from the second end and quickly lower it into a clean bottle. It is necessary that the storage container is located below the first. You just have to make sure that the tube does not touch the sediment and does not jump out.

Do not be discouraged if you did everything as we advise, but the vinegar still does not become transparent. Just repeat the cleaning after a few days again - the first time is rarely possible to achieve a perfect result.

The finished product can be enhanced with medicinal herbs. To do this, in the process of bottling in containers, add twigs and leaves of the desired plants to some of them. In a month, the ocet will have all the properties that are inherent in the grass.

The general shelf life of our apple helper is 3 years. With proper storage, this number will increase by another year.

How to lose weight on apple cider vinegar, see the following video.

In particularly fruitful years, there are so many apples that gardeners are at a loss as to how to use sweet fruits that will not go for long-term storage. Various types of blanks can be made from these fruits, but today we will talk about syrup. This dessert dish can be used to prepare soft drinks and as a gravy for ice cream or sweet pastries.

You can make syrup from any variety of apples. Of course, it is desirable that the fruits are juicy, but if this is not the case at all, then this will not particularly affect the result.

Basically, for syrup, sour fruits or unripe scavengers that have fallen from the apple tree ahead of time are taken for processing. If, however, surpluses of a full-fledged crop simply formed, then they are also used for syrup.

Fruit must be washed before harvesting. To do this, apples are laid in a large basin and poured with cool water. Then each fruit is gently washed under running water with your hands and transferred to a colander or a towel spread on the table in advance.

If the recipe requires peeling apples and releasing their seed boxes, then this is done with a sharp knife or vegetable peeler.

apple syrup recipes

juice syrup

Recipe with citric acid without cooking

Pure apples are passed through a juicer. A freshly prepared drink will need 1 liter. The liquid is poured into a bowl and allowed to stand for a day. It is better to determine the juice at this time in the refrigerator. The next day, the juice is carefully drained, leaving the settled fruit pulp at the bottom of the container. Sugar (1.5 kilograms) and citric acid (1 teaspoon) are added to the clear liquid. The bowl is put on fire and warmed up, not bringing to a boil. After dissolving the crystals, the syrup is poured into sterile bottles and stoppered.

Concentrated cinnamon syrup

Apple juice is extracted similarly to the above recipe. It measures exactly 2 liters. Sugar is added to the liquid. It requires 1.5 kilograms. A bowl of food is put on fire and boiled for an hour. During this time, the syrup is constantly stirred and, if necessary, the foam is removed. At the end of cooking, add 1 teaspoon of ground cinnamon. It can be replaced with a stick of bark, while the spice is placed in a saucepan at the very beginning of cooking.

A thick concentrated syrup with an apple-cinnamon flavor is hot poured into sterile bottles and tightly corked.

From unpeeled apples

Apples (10 - 12 pieces) of medium size are cut in half and put in a saucepan. It is not necessary to clean and remove the seeds. The cut is poured with 300 milliliters of clean water and boiled for half an hour until soft, under the lid. After that, sugar (700 grams) is added to the pan and the mass is boiled for another 5 minutes. To separate the apple pulp with skins and seeds from the syrup, the mass is passed through a fine sieve lined with cotton cloth or several layers of gauze. Cake is used for cooking jelly, and the syrup is poured into jars.

From peeled apples - a double recipe: syrup and jam

1 kg apples, peeled and cut into small pieces. Fruits are put in a bowl and sprinkled with 1 kilogram of granulated sugar. Pieces with sugar are left for a day until juice is formed. After that, apple slices are put on fire and boiled for 15 minutes. The mass after this procedure is filtered. The pulp is crushed with a blender to the state of jam and laid out hot in sterile containers.

Put the syrup back on the fire, add a teaspoon of vanilla sugar and the juice of 1 lemon. Boil the liquid for 10 minutes and bottle it.

From the peel of apples

Apple peels that remain after harvesting mashed potatoes or jams are not thrown away. They also make syrup. The peel from 1 kilogram of apples is laid out on a baking sheet and dried at the minimum power of the oven for an hour. The result is something like dried fruit. The dried product is placed in a saucepan and poured with 1.5 liters of water. The mass is boiled for an hour, and then passed through a fine sieve. 1 kilogram of sugar is added to the broth and boiled for another quarter of an hour.

Tatyana Avrova will tell you more about cooking syrup from the peel with lemon juice in her culinary video blog

Syrup with gelling sugar

For 1 kilogram of apples, take 1 glass of gelling sugar and 2 liters of water. Fruits are placed whole in a saucepan and poured with water. The main product must be boiled until soft. If the fruits are small, then 10 minutes is enough, if the apples are medium or large, then the time is increased to 20 - 25 minutes. Soft apples are crushed with a wooden pusher right in the water. Then the mass is passed through 4 layers of gauze. Gelling sugar is added to the broth and the syrup is boiled for 5 minutes.

Vinegar is the end result of the fermentation process, the destruction of sugar by yeast bacteria, which is contained in the original product. First, alcohol is obtained from sugar, and if the fermentation process is not stopped, then later alcohol becomes vinegar.

As a raw material for vinegar, you can use fruits, vegetables, grains. Apple cider vinegar is produced from apples, which is widely used not only in cooking, cosmetology, but also in folk medicine. It is even called the cure for all diseases. Such widespread use of this product is explained by the content in it: potassium, calcium, iron, amino acids, boron, etc.

For the industrial preparation of vinegar, apple peel, core and apple pomace are used as raw materials, which remain as waste in the production of juices, jams and jams. Homemade recipes use whole apples, apple juice, and pomace, making homemade vinegar richer in nutrients.

You can additionally enrich homemade apple cider vinegar with useful macro- and microelements if you use honey instead of sugar to prepare it. This bee product makes the end product rich in potassium. For the first time, such a recipe for making vinegar was proposed by the American doctor DS. Jarvis.

If after cooking you still have apples, be sure to prepare apple cider vinegar according to one of the recipes below.

Homemade Apple Cider Vinegar: A Simple Recipe

There are many recipes for making apple cider vinegar at home. They differ not only in the ingredients needed for cooking, but also in the length and complexity of the cooking steps.

The recipe below is simple in every sense. It will require only 3 ingredients and 4 weeks to prepare, but first things first.


  • apples - 1 kilogram,
  • sugar - 50 grams for sweet apples or 100 for sour ones,
  • water - about 1 liter.
  1. Wash the apples and cut off all spoiled places. Then, together with the peel and core, cut into not very small pieces and put in glass, enamel or earthenware.
  2. Add sugar to apples.
  3. Boil water, cool to 70 degrees and pour apples.
  4. Remove the container in a dark and warm place for 2 weeks, remembering to stir the contents 2-3 times a day.
  5. After 14 days, carefully strain the liquid through 3-4 layers of gauze into a glass jar, not adding 5-7 centimeters to the edges.
  6. Cover the jar with several layers of gauze and put it back in heat for another 2 weeks.

Strain the finished apple cider vinegar and bottle it without loosening the sediment at the bottom of the jar. Close bottles tightly.

Easy apple cider vinegar recipe

After the preparation of preservation from apples (for example, juice), the cake remains, which can be used for apple cider vinegar. The only downside to this recipe is that very fine pulp will be difficult to filter.


  • fresh apple pomace - 1 kilogram,
  • sugar - 0.5 cups,
  • water - 1.5 liters.

Cooking sequence:

  1. In a glass jar with a wide mouth, put the cake, sugar and pour warm boiled water. The water should be a few centimeters above the cake.
  2. Cover the jar with several layers of gauze and put it in a dark and warm place for 60-90 days.
  3. After the lapse of time, drain the finished vinegar, strain through cheesecloth and bottle for storage.

Apple juice vinegar

You can get the lightest apple cider vinegar from apple juice. Juice for vinegar should be without cake. To prepare it, you can use a juicer.


  • apple juice - 3 liters.

Cooking sequence:

  1. Pour apple juice into a 4 liter bottle. Put on a medical glove on the neck of the jar and leave to ferment for 4 weeks in warmth. If the glove bursts during this time, then replace it with a new one.
  2. After a month, pour the contents into an enameled pan with a wide bottom, cover with several layers of gauze and leave to ferment for another 1.5 - 2 months.
  3. When the sharp unpleasant odor disappears, the vinegar is ready.

Ready homemade apple cider vinegar is stored in tightly closed glass bottles at a temperature of 5 to 25C. The ideal place to store it is the refrigerator door or a shelf in a cool pantry. The shelf life of homemade vinegar is 2-3 years.
