
How to make decorations on the cake with your own hands from mastic. Layered mastic cakes

How to bake a buttercream cake? Many housewives are sure that decorating homemade delicacies with mastic is a real art that can only be comprehended through special culinary skills. However, in reality, anyone can easily make a wonderful, beautiful dessert, turning ordinary pastries into a confectionery masterpiece. We invite you to study our master class, given in this article, on decorating a cake with mastic. A little training and your desserts will be an exceptional delight.

Preparing a cake for frosting involves several steps.:

    The cake must first be baked and then assembled. Then you need to make a cream for mastic. Then you should level the cake. Next, you need to prepare the mastic. At the end, the cake is covered with mastic and decorated as desired.

To take a decorated cake with you on a visit, it is convenient to collect it immediately on a substrate made of cardboard and special wrapping paper. Cover the substrate with a cut, new plastic bag, then cut out a shape for the future cake from baking paper. Thus, in the process of decorating the dessert, you will not stain the substrate.

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So, having prepared the cake, collect it. Soufflé cake with mastic is perfect. Place the dessert under pressure in the refrigerator for about an hour. Then the cake will be well saturated and will take shape, otherwise, after decorating it with mastic, the treat may “sag”, due to which ugly folds form on the sides. Then cut the dessert on the sides, then it will be easier to align it with the mastic.

Base for cake fondant.

In order for the cake to turn out to be even, beautiful in shape, it should be prepared. Make a special cream base for this, which must be applied under the mastic. To prepare such a cream, there are several possible options, but the most delicious is a cream made from boiled condensed milk and soft, good butter. So, take a pack of butter (only good), first hold it for an hour at room temperature. Then beat the butter with a mixer until white. Next, add half a can of condensed milk to the butter mass, beat the ingredients until smooth. As a result, you will get a delicious, ready-made cream base for mastic. Spread the assembled cake with a wide knife or spatula with the prepared butter cream and again put it in the cold for an hour.

How to level the cake under the mastic?

Over the fire, heat a spatula or knife (or dip it in hot water, then wipe it dry). Start leveling the cream to achieve a smooth surface of the dessert. Due to the heat from the spatula, the butter will melt slightly and take the desired shape. Then place the treat again in the refrigerator for about half an hour (maybe an hour). Align the treat until its surface is perfectly even, without dimples and bumps. Special attention should be paid to leveling the cake under the mastic, because if the dessert is poorly aligned, it will look careless, and an even cake, even with a minimum amount of decorations, looks very beautiful.

How to decorate a cake with mastic and make figurines out of it?

    Prepare the desired color of mastic. Roll it out a few times with a rolling pin so that its texture is smooth and not grainy. For the last time, you need to roll it out to a diameter one and a half to two times the size of the leveled cake. So you can evenly cover the sides of the dessert, removing all the folds beyond it. A special iron for mastic can help you here, but you can replace it with any object with a flat surface, for example, a seaming lid. With an iron or a lid, go over the entire surface of the mastic, smoothing it to give it some gloss. Using a rolling pin, transfer the rolled mastic to the cake, first smooth the top of the dessert with an iron so that the decoration lies flat without forming air bubbles. Then press the mastic from the sides, smoothing out the wrinkles to the edges. Cut off excess pasta with a pizza cutter. You can form even folds to decorate the dessert, for this, the excess mastic should also be cut off. Try to make a smooth edge on the cake using two irons. Walk them along the entire diameter of the treat, with a right angle between the irons. If desired, add decorations made of fondant to the cake. A beautiful, original, festive cake is ready! We wish you successful culinary masterpieces!

Mastic is a confectionery mass based on sugar and thickeners used to decorate cakes. There are many recipes for making mastic at home, all of them are quite simple to perform, they can be used for simple decoration or sculpting beautiful figures to decorate a dessert.

Mastic is used to decorate confectionery, it is a sweet mass based on sugar and other ingredients, which is quite simple to prepare on your own. Bright and beautiful cake mastic at home is made from natural thickeners with sugar.

There are two main types - gelatin and milk mastic, each of which has its own composition and method of use. Dairy masses are very simple; powdered sugar, regular, condensed or powdered milk are used for their manufacture. Such a mass is very plastic, it is easy to work with it, mastic can be used to decorate and sculpt figures.

Gelatin mastic made at home takes more time to cook, it is very important to take into account the gelatin solidification time so that the mastic turns out to be elastic and not hard.

On the basis of these confectionery mastics, with the addition of other ingredients, marzipan, protein, chocolate and other types of decorations are produced. The recipe for all of them will be different, in addition, you can use natural dyes that will give the dessert a brighter, more attractive appearance.

There are several recipes on how to make mastic for a cake at home. In total, there are two main types - dairy and marshmallow-based (white soufflé), easily dyed in the desired shade.

Ingredients such as chocolate, honey or egg white can be added to the mass. In addition, mastic masses are separated for purposes such as:

  • sugar for covering dessert, modeling, sculpting simple figures;
  • flower with good plasticity, it is easy to roll out, dries quickly, which is used for modeling flowers, decorations;
  • modeling, which dries very slowly, which is used to create complex figures (mastic on the outside is dry, inside remains soft for a long time).

In the manufacture, it is also taken into account what exactly the mass is used for. For tightening, mastic with a large amount of thickener is used, this allows you to get thin and plastic layers. They will not tear, allowing you to create smooth and beautiful surfaces for desserts.

For modeling, a mass with a small amount of a thickener is used, which allows the material to retain plasticity and ductility for a long time. This makes it easy to create the most beautiful figurines without worrying that the mastic will dry out quickly or start to crumble.

According to the composition, they distinguish 5 main types of mastic:

  • from marshmallow;
  • from chocolate;
  • based on protein;
  • milk mastic;
  • gelatin composition.

Stylish and beautiful decorations are made from marshmallow-based mastic. This will require the following components:

  • pure water - 60 milliliters;
  • marshmallows (preferably white) - 200 grams;
  • any pigment;
  • finely ground powdered sugar.

Sweets must first be heated with a water bath, then mixed with the rest of the ingredients. The mass is thoroughly kneaded, when it stops sticking to the fingers, you can start modeling the figures. When rolling out the surface of the table, it is recommended to lightly sprinkle with powder.

To prepare a mixture need to take:

  • powdered sugar of very fine grinding - 125 grams;
  • dark chocolate - a tile per 100 grams;
  • cream (suitable 30%) - 50 milliliters;
  • butter - a tablespoon;
  • cognac - 10 milliliters.

Heat the chocolate over low heat, then add all the other ingredients, mix thoroughly. Before sculpting, the mastic cools slightly, for which it must be wrapped in cling film.

For mastic from protein are used ingredients such as:

  • fresh protein;
  • powdered sugar - 500 grams;
  • glucose syrup - 2 tablespoons.

Additionally, you can use honey or chocolate, the amount of which is regulated during cooking. Depending on the purpose, chocolate can be white or dark. It is only necessary to immediately decide what shade the mass is needed before making flowers or decorations from mastic.

After kneading, the mass is wrapped in a film and put in the refrigerator for two hours. Before sculpting, it must be kneaded again, you can add a little powder if the mastic sticks to your fingers.

For milk mass are used ingredients such as:

  • dry milk - 160 grams;
  • dyes of the required shades;
  • cognac - a teaspoon;
  • condensed milk - 200 grams;
  • powder - 160 grams;
  • lemon juice - 2 teaspoons.

All ingredients, except dyes and lemon juice, are mixed, the mass should be elastic. Then juice and dyes are gradually added.

Milk mastic always has a beige tint, it is impossible to get a white color. But with the help of pigments, you can achieve other, bright or pastel, shades that correspond to the idea and future design of the cake.

To obtain a gelatinous mass, you will need ingredients such as:

  • gelatin - 10 grams;
  • dyes;
  • lemon juice - 2 teaspoons;
  • powder - 200 grams;
  • water - 60 milliliters.

The gelatin is soaked. After it dissolves in water, you need to add the remaining components, except for dyes, stir the mass until elastic. Pigments are added to the finished mastic. If it turns out not elastic enough, the amount of lemon juice can be increased.

Features of coloring mastic on a cake

The made mastic can be dyed in any color, for which natural dry food and gel dyes are used. In order to give the mass the desired shade, a small amount of dye is enough, after which the mass is intensively kneaded to give it a uniform, beautiful color.

When using dry compositions, you must first mix the pigment with water (a couple of drops are enough), then stir the resulting paint. It should be added drop by drop to the mastic in different places to ensure uniform coloring.

Black natural dye does not exist, usually artificial pigments have to be used to obtain the desired color.

Rules for working with mastic on the cake

Before you make mastic at home and use it to decorate a cake, you need to take into account the features of working with the mass. This will allow not only to accurately realize all your ideas, but also to make the confectionery product really beautiful, to keep the beautiful appearance of the dessert for the required period of time.

The main rules for using mastic are the following principles.

  1. When using powdered sugar, make sure that it is very finely ground, otherwise the mass will begin to tear during rolling.
  2. Mastic should not be applied to wet surfaces, including cream, as it will dissolve and the dessert itself will lose its attractive appearance. It is recommended to do this only on marzipan layers or on butter cream, after keeping the dessert in the refrigerator until it hardens.
  3. When sculpting figurines, you often have to glue individual parts together. To do this, slightly moisten the surface, and then fasten the mastic figures together.
  4. In the air, the mastic dries up, which is used when sculpting various figures and decorations. But voluminous flowers are best done and placed on the cake at the very end, so that they do not have time to collect moisture from the surrounding air. If you do not follow this simple rule, then flowers and petals from mastic can fall off and lose their attractive appearance.
  5. Sometimes it happens that condensation appears on the surface of the mastic mass from the refrigerator. It is very easy to remove it, you need to use a regular cloth or dry the surface with a light jet from a fan.
  6. Sometimes the mass loses plasticity, which can be easily corrected. To do this, it must be heated in the microwave.
  7. Store the finished mass in the refrigerator, tightly wrapped in cling film. The shelf life in the refrigerator is up to two weeks, in the freezer - up to two months.
  8. Ready-made mastic figures can be stored for a long time, for this they must be placed in a dry, tightly closed container. Storage time - several months.
  9. Mastic can be dyed with food coloring, most often this is used for marshmallow mass.

Mother of two children. I have been running a household for more than 7 years - this is my main job. I like to experiment, I constantly try various means, methods, techniques that can make our life easier, more modern, richer. I love my family.

How to decorate a cake with mastic at home can be seen in the photo. So the cooking process will bring a lot of pleasure and become more understandable. Sweet dishes decorated with mastic are gaining popularity. Finished products look original, you can create real culinary masterpieces.

Cake is the king of desserts, no celebration can be imagined without it. Every hostess wants to show her culinary skills and cook something unusual in her own kitchen. Mastic will be a great helper. A little practice and you can dispel the myth that only professionals work with this material. Even a novice hostess can cook an amazing dessert.

Most importantly, you need to understand that you should not invent something grandiose. For starters, you can prepare a modest dessert. Over time, you will be able to learn about the basic intricacies of working with mastic and create amazing delicacies.

Decorating cakes with mastic is like working with plasticine. There is no limit to fantasy, creativity is welcome. The material is quite flexible, with its help you can create anything. Sweet dishes can be decorated with figurines of your favorite characters, silhouettes of people and animals. The design of the cake depends on the upcoming event.

In order for the work to bring pleasure, and the finished result to please with its magnificence, you should pay attention to the recommendations of specialists. They will be especially useful for beginners:

  • when working with elastic dough, a flat, dry surface should be prepared;
  • the finished product is recommended to be stored in tightly closed boxes or polyethylene;
  • the work surface should be sprinkled with starch, powdered sugar;
  • for covering baking, a layer 3 mm thick is required, this is ideal;
  • the rolled layer should be slightly larger in diameter than the cake. This will allow you to evenly distribute the mastic without wrinkling;
  • viscous dough must be transferred to the cake carefully.

There is a technique that allows you to do everything neatly. Take 2 sheets of polyethylene, grease with sunflower oil. Lay the mastic in the center, between sheets of polyethylene, roll it out. Then remove one sheet, lay the layer on the cake, remove the second sheet of polyethylene.

You can add extra shine to the decoration using the following solution: combine honey and vodka in a 1: 1 ratio. Treat the mastic with this composition, it will acquire a mirror image.

It is important to know!

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Says, doctor of the highest medical category, nutritionist, Sauta Leonid Alexandrovich..

You can store sweet dough in the refrigerator, the most important thing is that it be in a closed container.

Milk variant

How to decorate a cake with mastic is of interest to many housewives. There are several ways. Milk mastic is very popular. With its help, you can create amazing desserts, the decoration depends on the imagination of the hostess.


  • lemon juice - 40 grams;
  • cognac - 5 grams;
  • dry milk - 160 grams;
  • powdered sugar - 160 grams;
  • condensed milk - 200 grams;

Step by step cooking recipe:

Take a container, pour powdered sugar, milk powder.

Slowly introduce condensed milk, stirring the mass. It is necessary to interfere with the resulting composition until the mass acquires elasticity.

By adding a little powdered sugar, you can ensure that the mastic does not stick to your hands. If the mass crumbles, a small amount of lemon juice should be added to the dough. The mastic turns out to be light, to give it a rich shade, you need to add food coloring.

gelatin recipe

This recipe will tell you how to decorate a cake with mastic at home. It allows you to create interesting figures with which you can decorate pastries.

Products are bright, clear, attractive. A great option for a children's holiday, the child will be delighted.


  • gelatin - 10 grams;
  • water - 60 ml;
  • powdered sugar - 600 grams;
  • lemon juice - 10 grams;
  • food coloring in several shades.

Step by step cooking recipe:

  1. Soak gelatin in cold water, it should swell.
  2. As soon as the gelatin acquires the desired consistency, put the pan on the gas. Continuous stirring will ensure complete dissolution of the gelatin.
  3. You should carefully monitor the preparation, the water should not boil. Otherwise, the mastic will turn out to be of poor quality.
  4. Pour powdered sugar on the surface of the table, make a small hole, pour gelatin into it.
  5. You can start kneading the test. To prevent the mastic from crumbling, you need to add lemon juice.
  6. You can get a bright mastic without difficulty. It is enough to add food coloring to the dough.
  7. The mastic is ready, you can start baking.
  8. Roll out the sweet dough with a rolling pin, lay it on the cake, level it.
  9. Trim the sides with a knife.

marshmallow decoration

Another recipe that allows you to learn how to decorate a cake with mastic at home for beginners. This option is perfect for inexperienced housewives who want to cook something unusual and original. It is convenient to work with marshmallows, and decorating a cake with this material is not difficult.


  • marshmallow marshmallows - 100 grams;
  • powdered sugar - 250 grams;
  • citric acid - 5 grams;
  • water - 20 grams.

Step by step cooking recipe:

  1. Prepare a deep bowl for the microwave, pour marshmallows.
  2. In a separate container, combine citric acid and boiled water.
  3. Pour the liquid into marshmallows, put the container in the microwave. The marshmallow should melt well.
  4. Remove the dishes, knead the marshmallows, add powdered sugar.
  5. The mass will turn out to be viscous, it should be dipped more often in powdered sugar.
  6. Treat the elastic dough with powder, put in cellophane, refrigerate for 30 minutes.
  7. Once the dough has rested, you can proceed to further work.

Today, almost every person is familiar with the interesting word "mastic". Cakes to order, decorated just for her, have become very popular and in demand. With the help of this substance, wonderful desserts are made, and not simple ones, but real Masters who create this beauty, even the tongue cannot be called simple confectioners. These are artists, these are real geniuses in their field!

What is mastic?

Mastic gained wide popularity about ten years ago, but still remains at the peak of its popularity. She has no equal for one simple reason: with her help you can create almost any figures and flowers, it has a plasticine-like consistency and does not taste bad at all. And our article will tell you about how to make your own jewelry from mastic with your own hands. Step by step, we will reveal to you all the secrets of this beautiful and delicious art.

Types of mastic

Mastic is different. It will be very difficult for a person who is just starting to work with it and who has looked, for example, into a specialized store, to understand all its diversity. And for sure, you will need a detailed consultation of the seller about the purposes for which one or another type of this sweet plasticine is needed. So what is it like?

  • Marzipan.
  • Chocolate.
  • Flower. It is she who is most often used to create very complex works, for example, the thinnest rose petals. The thing is that it is plastic, rolls easily and dries pretty quickly. Such qualities are ideal for these purposes. Therefore, if in the near future you are waiting for decorating a cake with mastic with your own hands, plus your skill already allows you to make complex elements, choose this particular type of mastic.
  • Honey.
  • Sugar. This type of mastic is usually used for wrapping cakes.
  • For modeling. It is good to make figurines and simple decorations from such mastic.
  • Homemade marshmallow.

What mastic to choose a novice master?

Sculpting jewelry from mastic with your own hands for beginners can be quite a difficult task. Therefore, at first, for an easier and faster improvement of skills, it is worth choosing a purchased rather than home-made mastic. The first one is more expensive. But to create flowers and figures, you need to gain a certain skill, which is much easier to do with purchased mastic.

In stores you can find a wide variety of manufacturers, this will vary the price of the product. Russian brands can be found for 250 rubles/kg, imported ones (Italy, Sweden) - 500 rubles/kg. A novice master would like to advise mastic for modeling. It is universal, suitable for wrapping a cake, and for creating figurines and not very complex colors.

on one's own?

If there are no specialized pastry shops nearby, but you really want to master the art of decorating cakes with fondant, do not despair! You can make it yourself, and the basis for this will be a chewy marshmallow soufflé. The most common brand of this dessert, which can be purchased at almost any grocery store, is Bon Pari.

Yes, yes, it is these viscous sweet candies that we will need. A couple of bags with a total weight of 180 grams can be purchased for 110-120 rubles, and as a result, 900-1000 grams of finished mastic will be obtained from this amount! As you can see, the savings are obvious. But this is not the only plus of homemade mastic. Many consider it tastier than a purchased competitor.

So, do you need to decorate the cake with mastic with your own hands? We will tell you how to make this product yourself using marshmallows. Everything is very simple. It is necessary to put the soufflé in a bowl, melt it to a viscous state in the microwave, add 2 tablespoons of room temperature butter, a couple of teaspoons of natural lemon juice to it and mix it all well. After that, you need to add one tablespoon of powdered sugar to the mass (stock up on it, you will need a total of 500-700 grams of this product) until it acquires the consistency of batter. After that, the future mastic must be kneaded (like a regular dough). Homemade wonderful product is ready! You need to store such a mastic in the same way as the purchased one - always in a cellophane film and in the refrigerator.

What does a beginner need to have?

In order to create figurines and decorations from mastic with your own hands, of course, you need to have the appropriate confectionery equipment. These are special sets, which sometimes come with a brochure describing what this or that tool is for.

To create petals, leaves, cuttings are needed. They can be metal or plastic.

To create a certain texture, for example, the natural natural lines of petals and leaves, so-called viners are used. They are not cheap, but with their help your creations will be perfect and simply irresistible.

For comfortable work, it would be nice to have a silicone mat and a rolling pin. And, of course, a novice cake decorator should always keep an appropriate training book at hand, where it would be shown in great detail what this or that tool or cutting is for, how to create a rose or violet, orchid or lily with their help.

Secrets of working with mastic

Each pastry chef has their own unique and original ways of working. We will tell you about the main and well-known. Knowing these secrets, you can create jewelry from mastic with your own hands with even greater ease.

  1. In order for the pre-cut parts from the mastic not to dry out ahead of time, cover them with polyethylene.
  2. If you want to give color to the mastic, use not dry ones. They already have a liquid texture, so they make it easier to color the product evenly.
  3. After your decoration is ready and dry, to give it a richer color and shine, hold it for 10 seconds over a saucepan of steam.
  4. If you want to give the decoration a glossy shine, arm yourself with a brush and a mixture of vodka and honey in a 1: 1 ratio. Brush over your masterpiece. Do not worry, the smell of vodka will evaporate, and the mastic will look smooth and shiny.
  5. If the mastic is dry, just send it to the microwave for 5-10 seconds, and then knead thoroughly.
  6. In order not to overdo it with the color intensity when coloring the product, use a toothpick. With its help, it is very easy to mix the dye in the smallest doses and control the process.
  7. Mastic can be cut with ordinary scissors. With their help, you can, for example, cut cloves on a rose leaf.

Jewelry from mastic with their own hands. Master class using silicone molds

The easiest way to make any figure out of mastic is with a silicone mold. It makes everything easier and faster. Molds can be large and small. With their help, you can make 2d decorations (in which only the “front” part is created) and 3d figures. In the latter case, a full-fledged product is obtained, beautiful from all sides.

Let's take a step-by-step look at how to make do-it-yourself mastic decorations using Let's create a multi-colored 2-d flower for example.

We will need:

The manufacturing process is very simple.

It's so easy, within 10 minutes and with the help of a silicone mold, you can make a beautiful one yourself

Examples of decorating wedding cakes with mastic

Wedding cakes are one of the most popular ordered desserts in pastry shops. But they are usually not the most difficult. You just need to have the right inventory. And then any housewife will be able to handle decorating the cake for the wedding. Don't believe? See for yourself!

For example, very popular do-it-yourself mastic jewelry is pearls or beads.

They can be quickly and accurately made with the help of such a silicone mold.

Then you won't have to sit all evening sculpting each ball. Smooth, the same size, one to one beads, of course, will delight guests! Such a performance of a wedding dessert will be simple, but very refined!

Decorations from mastic on a cake for a man

Does your significant other have a holiday soon? Birthday or promotion? How would you decorate a cake for your loved one? After all, he is a man! And they do not like butterflies and flowers, "sussi-pusi" is not for them. Strong floor! And that's it! In this case, you can buy the corresponding "male" silicone mold in the shape of a car or phone (a bundle of money will also come in handy). And do-it-yourself mastic decorations for your husband, or rather, for a gift cake, can be done very quickly! You will be able to please and surprise your soulmate not only with the most delicious biscuit, but also with your resourcefulness. Your loved one will definitely say to you: “Thank you, dear!”

Jewelry from mastic with their own hands. There are gifts for boys too!

Boys are the same little men! And they are not far from dads in desires. Cake decorations in the form of cars, pistols and other joys are also perfect for them. You can decorate the dessert with figures in the form of cookies, sweets, lollipops or chocolate. If your son is a fan of some cartoon character, then you can try to find and purchase a mold with a figure of his idol.

Happiness and delight in the eyes of your child are 100% guaranteed!

Decorations from mastic on a cake for a girl

For a daughter or niece, it will be easier to decorate than for a boy. Molds with various colors, and with bows, and figures in the form of sweets already mentioned in the article, and butterflies, and dolls, and much more will help here.

A special chic and long-awaited gift is a cake for a girl made in the shape of a doll. We will give an example of making such a mastic decoration with our own hands (with photo) for a girl.

For this, the most ordinary Barbie can be used. In this case, the biscuit is baked in the form of a dome-skirt, the legs of the doll are inserted into it, and then both its upper part and the resulting skirt are decorated with mastic. Mastic in this case is perfect, since it can be easily cut with the most ordinary knife or scissors into ribbons, circles, canvases and (would be fantasy!) Build the most beautiful dress from these pieces!

As you can see, it is not at all necessary to order a mastic cake in special pastry shops. It is quite possible to try to master the simplest techniques of this art by yourself. And the main assistants to the novice master will be silicone molds. There are a huge number of them on sale with a wide variety of ideas - from floral to New Year's, from men's to women's.

Try and create! Making mastic decorations with your own hands for a birthday or any other holiday is a real pleasure. Your family will definitely appreciate your efforts and thank you with admiration from the bottom of their hearts!

What is the main dish at any holiday? What can't a birthday be without? And what dessert are all the guests looking forward to? Of course it's cake!

To date, probably the most popular are cakes made with mastic. They are beautiful, keep their shape perfectly, and incomparable decorations from this product can be safely eaten. A mastic cake for children is very popular, because parents can please their child by giving him a dessert decorated with figures of their favorite cartoon characters.

But our article is intended for those who wish to learn how to create delicious beauty on their own! A do-it-yourself mastic cake is not a dream, it is a completely doable task! And our master class will help you with this.

The preparation of dessert takes place in several stages. The first is to determine the type of mastic from which you are going to make a cake.

What is mastic and where to buy it?

Before you start telling how to decorate a cake with mastic, you need to clarify: what is it all about? This is a viscous, plastic substance, very similar to plasticine. Thanks to these properties, confectioners are not just making delicious desserts. Real works of art are born in their brilliant hands! Often such cakes are not what they are, it’s a pity to cut them!

Mastic comes in different types, the most common of them are:

  • For simulation. The name itself suggests its purpose. It is very well suited for creating jewelry and figurines. It has a texture that is soft on the inside but hard on the outside. This quality is great, for example, for creating jewelry using silicone molds. What is it - you will find out a little later.
  • Floral. This mastic is ideal for creating delicate and complex decorations, such as small flowers. It contains more thickener, so it dries faster, but it rolls out thinner, is very plastic and keeps its shape perfectly. Decorating cakes with flower mastic is a very easy and pleasant thing.
  • Sugar. It is she who is mainly used to cover cakes (this process is also called covering).

Mastic is also marzipan, milk and honey.

You must understand that it is not at all necessary to have all three types of the most popular mastic in your arsenal, you can completely get by with ordinary, sugar. Rather, professional kitchen masters use its other types for greater convenience and to save their time. Ordinary housewives who want to please their loved ones with their own sweet masterpiece can only get by with sugar mastic.

It is not so easy to buy it, it is sold only in specialized stores for confectioners. If there is one near your home, then you are incredibly lucky. The best option is to order delicious "plasticine" in the online store of your city. If this did not turn out to be, do not despair, you can make mastic yourself. How? Read on!

How to make homemade marshmallow mastic?

It turns out that you can make your own mastic. And it will cost you at least 2 times cheaper. And this is not the only plus. Many pastry masters claim that homemade mastic for a cake tastes much nicer than a store-bought one.

To prepare it (about 400-500 grams) you will need:

  • marshmallow soufflé - 100 grams;
  • soft butter - 1 tablespoon;
  • lemon juice - 1 tablespoon;
  • powdered sugar - 250-350 grams.

What is it - marshmallow? Not many have heard such a mysterious name, but everyone has seen this soufflé! These are the same sweets "Bon Pari" of white and pink color in the form of mouth-watering pillows or pigtails.

There are other manufacturers, but this one is perhaps the most popular in Russia. Many mothers deliberately prepare a mastic cake for children exclusively from marshmallows, as they do not doubt the harmlessness of the composition of the finished product.

How to cook?

  1. Place the soufflé in a bowl (not metal).
  2. Send it to the microwave for 5-10 seconds. The mass should then become soft.
  3. Add 1 tbsp. l. soft butter at room temperature and 1 tbsp. l. natural lemon juice.
  4. Mix thoroughly. The mass should become soft and homogeneous.
  5. After that, add to it 1 tbsp. l. powdered sugar until the mass reaches the consistency of batter.
  6. Put the future mastic on the table and knead like dough, adding powdered sugar again and again until the mass becomes viscous and plastic, but elastic and not sticky to your hands, like plasticine.

Please note: marshmallow soufflé has different colors. Sweets can be white-pink or yellow-white-pink. If you want to get a mastic of a certain color, for example pink, then you can safely melt whole white and pink pads. If you need white mastic, then the soufflé will need to be cut, and only the white part of it will be melted. But marshmallows will not turn out pure white. It's always a little grey. Keep this in mind if you want to make a pure white fondant wedding cake. In this case, it is better to purchase a finished product.

Shokomastika: a recipe for cooking

In addition to marshmallow mastic, there is another type that can be prepared at home. This is shocomastic. It also turns out to be viscous and plastic, its taste is unique. The only drawback is that it dries longer, and it will also take a little more time to cook it.

So, you will need:

  • white or dark chocolate - 100 grams;
  • 2 tablespoons of liquid honey.

Cooking instructions

  1. Chocolate must be cut into small pieces or rubbed on a grater.
  2. The product must be melted in a water bath, but please note that the water should never boil. Then the chocolate will overheat, change its structure, and the mastic will not work.
  3. After the mass becomes liquid, add 2 tablespoons of honey to it, slightly warmed up, but not hot. Mix everything with a spoon. The mass will immediately begin to thicken.
  4. The resulting product must be kneaded well, like dough, for 20-30 minutes. In the process, cocoa butter will stand out, you should not be afraid of this, substitute some plate and let it flow calmly there.

Decorating cakes with chocolate fondant is less popular due to its slow drying, but it is also possible. It is well suited for wrapping. Shokomastika can be stored in the refrigerator, wrapped in plastic.

Coloring of mastic. What do you need to know?

Before you plan to make a mastic cake, you need to clearly imagine what exactly you want to see in the end result. What will be the color of the dessert, how will you decorate it, will there be inscriptions on it and much more.

After you decide on the type of mastic (it doesn’t matter if it is purchased or homemade), it’s time to think about color.

There are several options for staining mastic:

  1. If you make it yourself, then you can color it during the cooking process. Coloring (dry or gel) is added at the stage of mixing still liquid marshmallows or white chocolate. This method is only good if the entire mastic cake is the same color - both coating and decorations.
  2. You buy or make white mastic, and add a few drops of dye to the finished one, kneading the mass until it acquires a uniform, even color. The dye is added with a toothpick. She is dipped in a colored gel and lines are applied to the finished mastic. Knead. Evaluate the resulting color and, if necessary, repeat the procedure. This option is good because you can paint the mastic in different colors and do it exactly with the volume that you need.
  3. The disadvantage of the first two options is that the color of the mastic will not turn out very bright. It will always be more pastel than flashy. The third option is suitable for those who want to have a rich, eye-catching color. It is necessary to dilute the gel dye with a few drops of vodka, apply it on a sponge and use it to quickly blot the already covered mastic cake. The color is even and bright.

So, your mastic is already ready. You decided on the color and painted it. It's time to think about the filling: what will you hide under the mastic?

What kind of dough and toppings are best prepared for mastic?

Probably one of the most exciting questions for novice cooks: “Which one to bake a cake for mastic?” The most common version of the close-fitting test is, of course, a biscuit. It is soft but holds its shape well. It can be cut into cakes and make delicious impregnations and fillings.

The most suitable and delicious recipe for a sponge cake decorated with mastic is as follows:

  1. 200 grams of soft butter at room temperature must be beaten with 200 grams of powdered sugar.
  2. Add four eggs to the mass and beat everything until the sugar dissolves.
  3. Add flour (300 grams) of the highest grade, sifted through a sieve and mix well.
  4. Bake until done.

Sand cake under mastic, and honey is ideal.

But not everything is as simple as we would like. Sugar mastic is afraid of moisture. That is why biscuits intended to be covered with it should not be too generously soaked in syrups. The cream for the layer of cakes should also not be very soft.

Mastic is a rather heavy product, and such delicate cakes, such as "Bird's Milk" or "Broken Glass" with an airy and delicate soufflé inside, are not suitable for wrapping.

You should be aware that mastic should never be placed on whipped cream, yogurt cream and the like. In this case, it will simply melt and “flow”.

But do not despair, inside the cake you can still make your favorite layers from almost any cream. The chefs came up with a solution. In this case, the outside of your cake just needs to be smeared with a special cream that is suitable for covering with mastic. That is, you will have 2 creams. Internal, to your taste (the most important thing is that the construction of the cake itself is strong and stable), and external, on which the mastic will be laid.

Thus, there can be a sea of ​​​​taste variations. And this means that your do-it-yourself mastic cake will undoubtedly become the only and unique one.

Cake Smoothing Cream Recipes

What are these magical creams? You probably already have this question. There are only two most popular types of leveling creams.

"Cream of boiled condensed milk with butter"

It is perhaps the most common, as it does not require much skill and time. It is necessary to mix well 200 grams of soft butter at room temperature and 150 grams of boiled condensed milk. Cream is ready!

"Chocolate ganache"

For its preparation you need:

  • 2-3 tablespoons of powdered sugar;
  • 30 grams of butter;
  • 100 grams of chocolate;
  • 110 ml cream (30-35% fat).

Let's start cooking:

  1. Chop the chocolate and put in a bowl.
  2. In a saucepan, mix the cream thoroughly with sugar, bring the mixture almost to a boil and turn it off (do not boil!).
  3. Pour the hot mass into the chocolate, wait a few minutes and mix thoroughly.
  4. Add butter and mix again. Ready!

And now, with the help of any of these creams, the cake must be prepared for covering with mastic. It's not enough just to cover the cake. Its surface must be perfectly flat!

Therefore, these creams are called leveling. With their help, the future mastic cake will turn out perfectly smooth and beautiful, because with any convexity of the cream, defects will be visible. To make the dessert look neat, we recommend leveling its surface in three stages.

  1. Spread the top and sides of the cake with a thin layer of cream, it will smooth out all the main bumps. Chill in the refrigerator until the first layer of cream has hardened.
  2. Brush the cake with a second, thicker layer of cream. Try to make the surface as even as possible. Cool again in the refrigerator until firm.
  3. Heat the knife on the fire of the stove (not hot water, it must be dry). Using a hot knife, smooth the cream to a perfect, beautiful and even surface. Put the cake back in the refrigerator.

So, a huge, important stage is passed! We already have a beautiful, lined cake! Mastic for a birthday (or other holiday) is also ready, it remains only to cover our chic, delicious dessert.

What tools are needed to wrap a fondant cake?

For subsequent work with mastic, you will need the following:

  • rolling pin. It can be ordinary (wooden) or silicone. Professional confectioners choose silicone models with a turning handle. These are the most convenient to roll out the mastic.
  • Silicone mat. But you can do without it if the surface of the table is even, without flaws.

  • Confectionery iron. This is a device with which the mastic on the cake is leveled. This is an extremely handy item. After all, you will never succeed in pressing the mastic to the cake with your fingers.
  • Regular knife or round(for pizza). The latter is more convenient to work with, it is necessary for cutting mastic.

  • Powdered sugar. Needed for rolling mastic, in order to avoid sticking to the table.

Wrapping process. step by step photos

How to properly cover a mastic cake? Our master class will show you this in great detail! So:

How to decorate a cake with mastic? You will find out about this very soon!

What accessories do you need to decorate cakes with fondant?

The cake can be decorated with mastic, with absolutely nothing but scissors and a knife. And you can buy a couple of silicone molds - and then the process of creating flowers and various figures will be simplified to a minimum! What is mold? This is a silicone mold for making various jewelry. How to use it? There is nothing easier. It is necessary to put a piece of mastic into the hole of the mold and press it tightly so that you are completely sure that it has filled every millimeter of it. The form can be put in the freezer for a couple of minutes, and then carefully remove the resulting figure or flower.

For beginners to work with mastic, this is just an ideal option. With the help of molds, you can decorate a dessert not only quickly, but also very beautifully.

You can learn how to sculpt flowers and figurines from mastic with your own hands. There are a large number of video tutorials of this kind. After practicing a couple of times, you will surely be able to create something beautiful.

Well, another option is possible: in specialized stores, buy ready-made decorations for the cake.

Now you know the basic principles and nuances in making a cake covered with mastic. These main stages remain unshakable for a cake of any shape and design.

Children's mastic cakes. Photo

For boys, the most desired, of course, is a car-shaped cake. Making it is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. All stages of preparation of biscuit and cream remain the same. It's all just in your imagination. The cake will need to be given only the shape of the car body. After covering the entire dessert with mastic, you need to cut out the details of the machine for decoration from it, this can be done with a knife or ordinary scissors, and glue them with plain water. Since mastic is sugar, water acts on it like glue.

A mastic cake for a girl, no doubt, is best done in the form of a doll.
Make it much easier than a machine. The cake needs to be shaped like a dome. This will be the doll's skirt. And in this dome it will only be necessary to stick the legs of the doll. In specialized stores, a special upper part of the doll is sold, for such cakes. But it doesn't come cheap. Why spend money if there is practically no difference, and then you can wash the doll? After fixing the cake, you can cover it with mastic as your heart desires. You can make folds, a train, glue bows and flowers. The top of the doll can also be decorated with individual pieces of mastic.

If your child is crazy about the hero of a popular cartoon, you can make him a figurine out of fondant. Dare, create, try! And your children will say with pride and love: “Our mother is the best!”

Wedding cakes from mastic. Photo. Nuances in cooking

These mastic cakes are very popular. They are very beautiful, and there are a lot of ideas for their design. But it is not necessary to come up with grandiose bouquets of flowers. The simple design, which even a beginner can handle, is by no means the worst.

Perhaps the easiest, but no less beautiful decoration of a wedding cake can be ordinary mastic balls or confectionery sprinkles.

Bows of various sizes can also serve as a simple but elegant solution. You can play with colors, because no one said that wedding means necessarily white.

The most ordinary stripes on the cake can give a real zest and grace to a sweet dessert. A fondant wedding cake is actually not so much difficult to decorate as it is to "assemble". The main difficulty in cooking is the fastening of its tiers if there are several of them. If there are two tiers, then usually the second is simply placed on the first. But in this case, the biscuit should not be too soft or with a delicate filling, otherwise the lower tier threatens to sag under the weight of the first.

Everything becomes much more complicated when there are three or more tiers. Then, under each of them, a substrate of the required diameter is purchased, and each layer of the cake is placed on it. In addition, each tier is reinforced with special wooden sticks. They are pierced in several places in all layers (except the topmost one), cut so that their height exactly matches the height of the tier itself. Thus, the upper tier on the substrate will lie not only on the lower ones, but also on wooden sticks that will not bend and will firmly hold the weight of the entire cake, preventing the dessert from deforming.

Now you know how to make a mastic cake with your own hands. The master class revealed in detail all the stages of preparing this delicious dessert. And if before reading our article the task seemed impossible for you, now you are probably on fire with this idea and will please your loved ones with a wonderful, incomparable cake! We believe in you! Everything will definitely work!
