
How to make snow from water. How to make snow-covered branches for Christmas compositions

How to make artificial snow at home

11. Snow from a baby diaper


Baby diaper.

To get snow, you need:

1. Cut open the diaper and remove the sodium polyacrylate from it, and then tear it into small pieces.

2. Put the resulting mass into a container and fill it with water. Pour in gradually, in small portions, until the pieces of polyacrylate begin to resemble snow. Just do not overdo it, otherwise it will turn out too wet;

3. To make the snow look more realistic, put the container in the refrigerator, but not in the freezer.

12. Frost from salt


  • salt (preferably coarsely ground);
  • water.

We prepare a concentrated salt solution. To do this, fill the pan with a small amount of water and put on low heat. Add salt until it no longer dissolves. We dip the branches of spruce, pine or any other plant in a hot solution and leave for a while. The process of crystal formation goes much faster in warm water! We let the water drain and leave the plants to dry for 4-5 hours. Sparkling frost is guaranteed! If you add brilliant green, food coloring or ink to the salt solution, then the frost will turn out to be colored!

13. Artificial snow for the "snowball"


Paraffin candle

It must be grated on a fine grater. Such “snow” is great for making “a la snowball” toys when glycerin and artificial snow flakes are added to the water. The container is hermetically sealed and when shaken, the snow falls smoothly to the bottom.

You can really go the simpler way - and add ordinary sparkles to such a ball. It will turn out no less effective.

14. PVA and flock snow

Flock is a very finely chopped pile. And if you are lucky enough to find a package of white flock on sale - rejoice. After all, now you will get “snow” for any craft in a matter of minutes. It is enough to generously grease the surface with glue and sprinkle flock on top (you can use a strainer).

15. Snow from PVA and starch


  • 2 tablespoons starch
  • 2 tablespoons PVA
  • 2 tablespoons silver paint

Thoroughly mix (grind) the ingredients.

Such snow is suitable when it is necessary to decorate the surface of the product with a bulky white mass.

16. Mass imitating snow


  • fine quartz sand or semolina or foam chips
  • white acrylic
  • thick PVA
  • sequins

1. Pour a small amount of your chosen material into a bowl. Approximately 1 faceted glass.

2. In this bulk material, we begin to gradually add white acrylic paint. From experience, it is better to buy it in a hardware store for facade work. We add to such a state that our loose particles stick together, but do not float in the liquid.

3. Then add PVA, preferably thick. We also add quite a bit so that the mixture is elastic and viscous.

4. Well, some silver sequins. We mix everything and ... everything !!!

Edible snow recipes

17. Sugar snow


Dip the rim of the glass (glass) in water or syrup, and then in sugar.

18. "Snow-covered" plants


  • gum arabic;
  • egg white.

With the help of these components, plants can be candied (non-poisonous and non-bitter). Flowers of pear, apple, cherry, rose, violet, primrose, lemon, begonia, chrysanthemum, gladiolus, pansies have good taste. Candied leaves of mint, lemon balm, geranium are obtained beautiful and very fragrant.

Dissolve 12 g of gum arabic with constant stirring in ¼ cup of hot water (in a water bath). Cool the solution. Prepare sugar syrup: 100 g of sugar in ¼ cup of water. Also cool. On plants, apply with a brush first a solution of gum arabic, and then sugar syrup. Sprinkle with fine granulated sugar (but not powdered). Dry on parchment paper or tracing paper. Such "snowy" beauty will not deteriorate for several months. These flowers can decorate a birthday cake or your favorite small sweet pastries.

19. "Snow-covered" plants - option 2


  • egg white;
  • sugar.

Beat egg white and sugar until foamy. Apply with a brush to the petals of the plant and sprinkle with powdered sugar. Put the plants prepared in this way on parchment and put in the oven on a small fire. Two hours later you can admire the beauty!

20. Salty « snow » for meat


  • a pinch of salt;
  • egg white.

Beat the egg white and a pinch of salt in a steep foam with a mixer. Lay this impromptu snow on the meat and send it to the oven! Miracles: a chicken in a snowdrift!

Now you know how to make artificial snow at home, and we hope that from these 20 artificial snow recipes you have chosen the right option for you.

If you like to decorate spruce branches, windows, or various New Year's crafts with artificial snow or hoarfrost, these tips will definitely appeal to you. We will tell you about homemade and very budget alternatives to purchased cylinders. Most importantly, it will not be difficult to repeat any of the seven ideas with your own hands, and in some cases, spraying will turn out to be even more durable and durable than the store version.

Stock up on coniferous branches, New Year's wreaths and other paraphernalia - let's start decorating!

Method one: ordinary cotton wool

If you don't want to mess around for too long, this method is just right for you.

What will we need?

  • cotton wool or cotton pads
  • PVA glue
  • tweezers
  • glitter (optional)

How to do?

Cotton wool needs to be disheveled into small pieces - the smaller, the better. If you use cotton pads, then only the inner, soft part will be used.

We dip each piece in glue for a few seconds and immediately apply it to where we create a coating.

While the glue has not had time to grab, sprinkle the product with sparkles - you get the effect of sparkling snow.

When everything dries, the accessory will look no worse than powdered with ready-made artificial snow.

Method two: foam

Of course, you will have to rustle. If you are annoyed by the creaking of foam, this master class is not for you. And if you don’t care, and you want to get artificial snow quickly, inexpensively and, ultimately, beautifully, you are here.

What will we need?

  • Styrofoam
  • grater
  • PVA glue

How to do?

Styrofoam just needs to be grated (medium and oblong). If it is not of the best quality and simply breaks, then crumble it with your hands into grains.

Now we lubricate the spruce branches (or any other accessory) with glue and simply sprinkle with the prepared material.

The styrofoam sticks to the glue very well and looks really realistic. Especially if you manage to grate "flakes".

Method three: salt snow

If you don't mind a little tinkering, this tutorial is for you. Don't worry, it's easier than it might seem. And most importantly - the result will definitely please you.

What will we need?

  • salt (take the usual stone coarse grinding) - 1 kg
  • water - 1.5 liters
  • blue paint, blue vitriol or ink (optional)

How to do?

First you need to prepare a strong saline solution. To do this, pour the salt into the water and put on a slow fire, stirring constantly. As soon as the water boils, and all the salt has dissolved, remove the pan from the stove.

At this stage, add dye if you want to get artificial blue snow.

We take coniferous twigs (real, not artificial) and immediately lower them into the water: all at once or one after another - it doesn’t matter. A few seconds is enough for the salt to catch on the twigs.

Now we need to take our future snow branches out into the cold. If possible - to the balcony, but better - to the street. If both options are not for you, refrigerate by placing them in a bowl.

After 7-8 hours, we take out the branches and hang them somewhere. You have to let them dry thoroughly.

In a few hours, our "New Year's" branches will be ready. They will turn out to be truly magical and incredibly beautiful. Here, even artificial snow from a balloon cannot be compared!

Method four: sweet frost

If spraying needs to be done quickly, this option will be optimal. Just keep in mind that ready-made twigs should not be stored for too long, because the “snowball” will consist of a food ingredient.

What will we need?

  • sugar
  • liquid glue

How to do?

Dilute some liquid glue in a container with water. In principle, you can not use glue at all, but still it will do a good job for a more secure fixation.

Now dip the branches in this solution, and then take them out and immediately generously sprinkle with sugar.

When the water dries, the sugar will stick to the branches.

There is a little trick to make this beauty last even longer. When everything is completely dry, spray the branches with hairspray. True, there is a minus: varnish can extinguish a pleasant coniferous smell.

Method five: fluffy and soft snow from yarn

If you want your artificial snow to be not only beautiful, but also pleasant to the touch, make it from yarn. This method is especially good for those in whose house there are children. The baby is always drawn to snow-covered Christmas trees. So that the kids do not prick themselves and do not touch the chemistry, without which it is simply impossible to imagine store-bought artificial snow in cylinders, replace the decoration with something really pleasant.

What will we need?

  • several rods (not necessarily coniferous)
  • scotch
  • white yarn (it is best to take shaggy and soft "grass")

How to do?

First, the rods need to be stripped of bark. It will be more convenient to work with smooth branches.

We take a thread and glue it to the base of the twig with a thin adhesive tape. Then just wrap the branch to the end. It is not necessary to do this very tightly - let the branch peep through, it's even more interesting.

We also fix the end of the thread with tape.

In this way, you need to wrap all the rods, and then just make up a composition from them.

It would be optimal to make something like a bouquet: “snow-covered” twigs + ordinary spruce or pine branches and cones. If you want something more interesting, you can twist the rods into a wreath (we already told you), adding a few coniferous twigs and various New Year paraphernalia.

This method is in no way inferior to the others. Yes, it looks less like real snow, but it still looks beautiful and very comfortable.

Method six: cold snow from soda

If you want your homemade fake snow to look and feel like the real thing, try this simple recipe.

What will we need?

  • pack of soda
  • shaving foam bottle (take the simplest one)

How to do?

No tricks: just pour the soda into a bowl and gradually squeeze the foam into the container, constantly mixing the mass with your hands. The exact proportion is not needed here - it depends on the quality of the foam. As a rule, a whole can of foam takes a 500-gram pack of soda. If you need less, be guided by the touch: as soon as the consistency becomes like wet snow, from which you can make snowballs, our mass is ready.

If you really want to make something out of this "snow" (snowmen, for example), add a little more foam. If you need a loose snowball, you will need a little less.

Method seven: diaper snow

Yes, yes, we will make snow from diapers. The fact is that they contain sodium polyacrylate - a component that cannot be found anywhere else. And that's exactly what we need.

For clarity, we suggest you watch the video master class - it will be clearer.

As you can see, nothing complicated, and the result is really impressive. Perhaps this is one of the best ways to make artificial snow with your own hands.

All these methods will help you make artificial snow at home. Of the seven master classes, choose the one that meets your requirements for New Year's decor: soft, cold, durable - each has its own distinctive features. Whatever you choose, the result should please you, because the snow will help you feel the approach of the holiday and create a New Year's mood!

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On the eve of the new year, we are all preoccupied with preparing for this holiday. You need to have time to prepare gifts and decorate the house. And if you have small children, then also make all kinds of crafts with them on the New Year theme.

When you start doing all this, you come to the conclusion that without artificial snow just not enough. Of course, you can buy it now, the choice of this kind of product is huge. But it will take quite a lot, and finding it before the new year is quite difficult. Yes, and why waste money and time searching, when it is quite possible to make artificial snow yourself with your own hands and decorate it with whatever you wish.

The question arises: "How to make artificial snow at home?". Everything is very simple, you can make absolutely any artificial snow. It can be dry and insoluble, wet and cold, sticky or crumbly, edible and decorative. In general, you can realize any ideas where you need to use artificial snow.

2. The most popular way to make artificial snow


Baby diapers.

As everyone knows, baby diapers absorb moisture very well, they do this due to a substance called sodium polyacrylate. But few people imagine how it looks, and in a swollen state it is very similar to artificial snow. First you need to cut the diaper and get out of it a substance resembling cotton wool. Then it needs to be crushed and put in a deep container. Now, little by little, you can start adding water and knead the whole thing with your hands. The result is a mass that looks like real snow. It is best to use it in transparent containers, depicting snowdrifts.

Fig. 1 Artificial snow from a diaper


White paraffin candles.

Powder without additives.

We take a solid white candle, for this you can cool it, and rub it on a fine grater. Then you can add glitter to the resulting mass, so you get the most spectacular look. Such artificial snow does not dissolve in liquid and upon contact with it. It still doesn't leave marks. Therefore, it is best used for crafts. Such snow looks very natural in snow balls that you can make with your own hands. Read more in this article. You can also sprinkle the Christmas tree with this snow, but in this case it is better to add a little talcum powder. Then it will seem that there is real snow on your Christmas tree. Now you know, how to make artificial snow at home, and how exactly to use it is up to you.

Fig. 2 Artificial snow from candles


White toothpaste.

It is best to use inexpensive white toothpaste. Squeeze a little paste into a shallow container and add water. The resulting mass should be similar to sour cream in its consistency. Then everything is just elementary. An old toothbrush is taken, dipped in the resulting mass and sent to the object. Then we draw a finger along the bristles, in the direction towards us. The spray should fly towards the object. That's the whole trick.

This method is best used for windows and mirrors. Usually, the stencil or vytynanka you like is chosen. The selected tool is dipped into the water. Then glue it to the right place, blot it with a napkin and spray the resulting mixture on it. You need to spray very carefully, otherwise the spray will fly in all directions. Here you are aware how to make artificial snow with toothpaste and how to use it is up to you.

Fig. 3 Artificial snow from toothpaste

It is very easy to make it. You can crumble an ordinary piece of foam, but it will not turn out very naturally. It is better to find some foamed polyethylene, it is usually put in appliances and utensils so that they do not break during transportation. Next, you need to grate it on a grater, only finely. Add some silver glitter to the resulting mixture. Such snow looks best on fluffy artificial Christmas trees, and you can make them the most fluffy. Apply a little PVA glue to the tips of the branches and sprinkle the resulting artificial snow.

If there is no polyethylene foam at hand, you can use white shells from boiled eggs. It must be ground in a coffee grinder or a pusher in a mortar. The result is a white powder that can be mixed with glitter and used as a Christmas decoration at home.

Fig.4 Artificial foam foam snow

6 Edible Artificial Snow

You can also decorate the New Year's table very beautifully. edible snow. To do this, you just need to show ingenuity and imagination. On sweet dishes in the role artificial snow powdered sugar may come out. You can decorate sliced ​​\u200b\u200band salads with boiled egg white, grated on a fine grater. Whipped cream is also very similar to snow and can decorate the New Year's table, for example, on fruit salads.

Fig.5 Edible powdered snow

7. Artificial frost

With the help of a simple technique, you can very beautifully decorate any room in the style of a frozen room. To do this, you need beautiful twigs of different sizes and coarse salt.

Using all of the above methods to create artificial snow, you can turn your house into a real snow kingdom. Children and guests will appreciate the atmosphere you created for everyone's favorite holiday.

New Year is a national holiday and everyone wants to touch his house. If you are going to make a New Year's composition from fir branches, candles and Christmas tree decorations, decorate the branches with frost.

This will give the composition even more New Year's winter mood.

I offer you several ways to create frost on the branches.

How to make branches in frost?

Making "snow-covered" twigs is very easy

1 way

Grate the styrofoam or finely break it with your hands. Lubricate the branches with PVA glue and sprinkle with foam.

2 way

This method is more difficult, but the result will inapplicably please you.

It is necessary to prepare a concentrated solution of table salt - 1 kg per 1.5 liters of water. If you want the frost to be colored, then add some ink to the salt water.

Salt is better to take stone, coarse grinding.

Bring the solution to a boil and immerse the Christmas tree branches in it, then leave it in the cold for 5-6 hours (you can take it out to the balcony or outside at night if you live in your house). In the morning, very carefully, so as not to shake off the crystals that have formed, remove the branches from the saline solution and dry them by hanging them.

After a few hours, you will see branches sparkling with snowflakes. They seem to visit a fairy-tale kingdom... If you use the same solution of copper sulphate, the branches will be covered with blue crystals.

3 way

Soak pine needles in water and roll in granulated sugar. You will get a real winter frost.

4 way

You can also dip the branch several times in molten paraffin - it will turn out like a branch just covered with snow

5 way.

We need ordinary twigs, trimmed from small twigs, and beautiful threads, preferably "fluffy".

At the beginning of the branch, tie a knot and fix it with tape, and then tightly wind the threads around the branch. At the end of the branch, also fix the thread with adhesive tape.

Unusual compositions are obtained. Approximately such

And the easiest way:

buy a can of fake snow and cover your twigs.

And which of the above ways to make twigs in hoarfrost you use is up to you, the main thing is to do it with a good festive mood!

Snow-covered branches with their own hands ...

When the New Year is just around the corner and the mood is already festive, we strive to decorate the whole apartment, any corner of it. However, you can’t put Christmas trees in all rooms, but you want to feel the holiday everywhere. In this case, bouquets made up of snow-covered branches perfectly help out. Of course, the snow and frost on them are not real, but it looks impressive. There are several ways to create such a bouquet. Having spent a little time and turning on your imagination, you will create a unique New Year's design for your apartment.

Hoarfrost from salt.

To create such a bouquet, any twigs are suitable. It can be branches of spruce or pine, twigs of willow, willow or any shrub. Hardwood branches can be taken fresh or dry. To prepare the solution, take 2 parts of salt and 1 part of water. The water must be hot, otherwise the salt will not dissolve. The collected branches should be lowered into the prepared solution for at least 24 hours. It is desirable that the branches in the solution do not touch. During the day, the salt crystallizes, and carefully removing the twigs, you will get wonderful snow compositions. Be sure to add a few simple branches (without salt) or dried physalis shoots with lanterns to such a bouquet. This focuses more on frost. In the same way, you can create frost on the cones.

Snow made of paper.

You can make a beautiful snow bouquet using cut paper. You will need white or pale blue paper (for example, paper napkins), thin foil (Christmas tree tinsel). All this paper "collection" needs to be crumbled into pieces of the chosen form. You can cut out circles using a hole punch, or make fine cuts, thin strips, or any arbitrary shapes. Mix the paper in a dry and sufficiently voluminous container. Carefully dip the collected branches in glue (clerical or PVA) and sprinkle with prepared frost. Leave the frost to dry and your snow bouquet is ready!

Styrofoam snow.

Grate styrofoam on a coarse grater. It is advisable to work in a small room, because. Styrofoam tends to crumble everywhere and terribly clings (magnetizes) to hands and nearby things. Pour the grated balls into the box. Dip prepared beautiful branches in glue and immediately sprinkle with foam crumble. Such snow keeps on the branches very well.

Frost from powdered sugar.

Hoarfrost can be made not only on branches, but also on fruits. And why not a New Year's bouquet with a frosted apple or a tangerine in the snow? On well-washed and dried fruits, apply fresh egg white and, without wasting time, sprinkle the fruit with sugar or powdered sugar. Add a couple of sprigs of spruce, dry maple or holly leaves to the fruit and your bouquet is ready!

Snow from a can.

The simplest and least laborious is decorating with artificial frost or snow from a can. Matte, glossy, crumbly, large or smaller - you can choose what you like best. Just spray this miracle from a spray can onto the prepared bouquet, and it will sparkle, bringing that frosty mood into the house!
