
How to make barbecue chicken hearts. Chicken heart skewers

Chicken hearts marinated in soy sauce- a good appetizer, and, by the way, a full-fledged second course. Bright in taste, slightly salty, which is great for beer.

It can be made both in a skillet and on coals, so there is a good opportunity to bring some additional dishes to the usual one.

Fortunately, Asian-style chicken hearts practically do not require labor.

For Asian style chicken hearts you will need:

  • Chicken hearts. 200 gr.
  • Soy sauce. 50 ml.
  • Worcestershire sauce. ½ tablespoon.
  • Garlic. 1 clove.
  • Ginger. Small piece.

I would like to say right away that the proportions of the marinade are very conditional. No one bothers to add your favorite spices, add chili for spiciness, etc.

Prepare marinade for chicken hearts.

Cut the garlic into slices, and thinly slice the ginger. Who likes a more intense ginger smell - you can grate the ginger.

Pour soy sauce into a suitable plate, add the same amount of cold boiled water to remove excess salinity from soy sauce, add Worcester sauce, put garlic and ginger. Add spices if desired.

We wash the chicken hearts, cut off excess fat and the remaining vessels from them. If caked blood remains inside, then we remove it as well, since it is cleaned out quite easily. We squeeze the heart with our fingers, and the blood clot flies out of the heart on its own. It remains only to rinse.

Put the prepared hearts into the marinade.

Leave the hearts to marinate for at least 2 hours, preferably overnight.

Roast chicken hearts.

When the hearts are marinated, we take them out of the marinade, peel them from ginger and garlic and put them on skewers if you are doing it in a frying pan or on skewers if you are grilling.

If you are doing it on the grill, then grease the hearts with vegetable oil before putting the skewers on the coals.

I did it in a skillet.

Heat a little vegetable oil in a frying pan and put the skewers with hearts into the frying pan.

Fry the hearts in a skillet over medium heat, turning often, until tender - about 20 minutes. This is enough for the hearts to be completely cooked and soft. Be careful, the oil splashes a lot.

If desired, at the end of cooking, you can splash some of the remaining marinade into the pan and evaporate it until thick so that the hearts are covered with a viscous sauce. This will add a lot of saltiness, but it will add flavor, and for the same beer, a saltier snack is preferable.

Serve with fresh vegetables and fresh bread.

Grill chicken heart skewers on moderate coals for 20 minutes.

How to barbecue chicken hearts

Chicken hearts - 1.3 kilograms
Onions - 4 heads
Garlic - 1 prong
Olive oil - 50 milliliters
Pepper, salt - to taste

How to barbecue chicken hearts
1. Chop the onion.
2. Peel the garlic, crush it with a mortar or in a garlic press to a pulp.
3. Rinse chicken hearts, remove films, blood clots, large vessels and rinse again.
4. Add onion, olive oil, garlic, salt, pepper and mix to chicken hearts.
5. Remove the marinade with chicken hearts in the refrigerator for 1-2 hours.
6. Plant seven chicken hearts on each skewer.
7. Keep the kebab on the coals, frying on both sides.
8. Remove the finished chicken hearts from the skewers and transfer to a cup.

Marinades for 1 kilogram of chicken hearts

Soy marinade. Soy sauce, oil - 50 milliliters each, 3 garlic cloves, a couple of tablespoons of dried paprika, dill, salt, pepper and basil - half a teaspoon each: marinate for 30 minutes, fry for 25-30 minutes.

Beer marinade. Beer and mineral sparkling water - 200 milliliters each, 4 onions, 2 tablespoons of mustard, squeezed juice of one lemon, salt and pepper to taste: marinate in the refrigerator for two hours, fry for 20 minutes.

Marinade with mayonnaise. 350 milliliters of mayonnaise, 1/3 cup mustard, 5 onions, Provencal herbs, salt and pepper - to taste: marinate for 60 minutes, fry for 30 minutes.

Tomato marinade. Tomato paste and oil - 50 milliliters each, Provence herbs, salt, pepper to taste: marinate for 60 minutes, fry for 25-30 minutes.

The cost of products for cooking shish kebabs from chicken hearts is 292 rubles. (on average in Moscow as of June 2016)

Chicken hearts are an affordable offal, dishes from which are tender and satisfying. They have a relatively neutral flavor and a slightly dense texture that perfectly absorbs all the flavors and aromas you pair them with. With the right choice of components, you will get a real masterpiece! No worse than a delicious duck liver pate…

Features of cooking chicken hearts

The offal is absolutely undemanding to the type of heat treatment. It can be fried and boiled, stewed and baked on the grill. A rather original and interesting way of cooking is chicken skewers on skewers and turkey heart skewers in the oven. It is almost impossible to spoil it, the main thing is to properly prepare the hearts in advance and not overexpose them on fire. And here are some more tips.

  1. Skewers on chicken heart skewers can be prepared from chilled or frozen offal. It won't affect the taste in any way.
  2. Hearts should only be thawed in the refrigerator., on the bottom warmest shelf.
  3. Before cooking, offal must be cleaned of films, blood clots, large vessels. Fortunately, this is done very simply, and the film is removed in one motion. Then rinse the hearts, let the water drain and dry well.
  4. Chicken skewers on skewers in the oven will be less high-calorie than cooked in a pan. Therefore, if you watch your diet, give preference to baked dishes. By the way, there are very few calories in this product. One serving includes about 160 kcal. Pleasant, tasty and healthy!
  5. Pre-marinate hearts for barbecue in the oven on skewers. The recipe may include different ingredients, but the marinating period is about the same for all dishes. To saturate the meat with taste, you need to keep it in the marinade for a couple of hours.
  6. Choose wooden skewers for barbecue. Most often they are made from birch wood. It is completely safe and does not emit toxins when baked or fried. Skewers are available with round and flat profiles. The latter are more convenient, since the meat on them will not scroll on its own. Soak the skewers in cold water for 30 minutes before cooking to prevent burning.

Cooking barbecue from hearts in nature

When the summer season is very close, the soul is in search of new delicious recipes for picnics. And barbecue chicken hearts on the grill - what you need! So for him you will need:

  • hearts - 1 kg;
  • onions - 2 large heads;
  • lemon or pomegranate - 1 pc.;
  • mustard ready - a tablespoon;
  • light beer - a glass;
  • carbonated mineral water - a glass;
  • salt and pepper.


  1. Place the prepared hearts in an enameled deep pan.
  2. Finely chop the onion, add to the hearts. Squeeze the juice from a lemon (or pomegranate), pour it in there, send the rest of the components to the saucepan.
  3. After 1.5-2 hours, start cooking: string the offal on skewers and quickly fry on the grill until the crust turns golden. Serve hot with greens!

Cooking delicious skewers at home!

For cooking, you can use the method that you prefer to others. In each case, the result will be delicious!

Skewers of chicken hearts in air grill

You will need:

  • hearts - 1 kg;
  • onions - 4 large heads;
  • mayonnaise - 100 g;
  • mustard and salt - 2 teaspoons each;
  • black and red pepper - a small pinch each;
  • provencal herbs - 1/2 teaspoon.


  1. Peel and chop the onion into rings, combine with prepared hearts.
  2. Add spices and mayonnaise, mix and leave to marinate in the refrigerator.
  3. Thread the offal onto skewers and place them on the top and middle racks. Set the temperature to 235o, medium blowing speed.
  4. Cook 30 minutes.

Shish kebab from chicken hearts in a pan

You will need:

  • hearts - 1 kg;
  • tomato paste - 2 tbsp. spoons;
  • Provence herbs - half a teaspoon;
  • soy sauce - 50 ml;
  • salt,
  • olive oil.


  1. Prepare a marinade from olive oil, soy sauce, spices.
  2. Put the prepared hearts into the marinade, mix and refrigerate.
  3. Thread onto pre-soaked skewers.
  4. Fry until cooked in a well-heated pan: turning the skewer twice and covering with a lid for 3-4 minutes.

Skewers of chicken hearts in the oven as in the photo

You will need:

Shish kebab has already become a traditional dish of the festive table. And this is not surprising, because what could be tastier than fried juicy meat with a golden crust? There are many recipes for barbecue: it is made from pork, lamb, chicken and turkey. Quite original and exquisite in taste is barbecued chicken hearts, the recipes for which we will consider today.

Whichever cooking method you choose, chicken hearts always turn out tender and soft. It's almost impossible to mess up this dish. The main secret of a delicious skewers of chicken hearts is their proper pre-treatment.

Also, when preparing this dish, you need to pay attention to such subtleties:

  • both chilled and frozen chicken hearts are suitable for barbecue - this does not affect the taste of the dish;
  • if you take frozen hearts, then you need to defrost them in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf, but in no case in the microwave;
  • hearts before cooking should be cleaned of film and blood clots, and then thoroughly washed and dried;
  • if you follow a diet, then cook the barbecue in the oven - so it will be less high-calorie;
  • chicken hearts must be marinated for at least 1.5-2 hours.

Shish kebab from chicken hearts on the grill: recipe


  • chicken hearts - 1 kg;
  • lemon (can be replaced with pomegranate) - 1 pc.;
  • onions - 3 pcs.;
  • mustard - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • mineral water (carbonated) - 1 tbsp.;
  • light beer - 1 tbsp. (optional);
  • a mixture of peppers;
  • salt.


Skewers of chicken hearts in the oven

If the weather is not conducive to cooking barbecue on a fire, you can fry it in the oven. Believe me, chicken hearts will turn out to be no less tasty than those fried on the grill.


  • 1 kg of chicken hearts;
  • 2-4 st. l. soy sauce;
  • 1 st. l. honey;
  • 2 tbsp. l. vinegar;
  • a mixture of peppers and salt.


  • First of all, we make the marinade. To do this, mix vinegar, honey and soy sauce.
  • Pour the pre-peeled hearts with the resulting marinade and send them to the refrigerator for 2 hours.
  • The oven should be heated to 180 degrees and put a small container of water at the bottom so that our barbecue does not burn.
  • Hearts need to be strung on skewers and put in the oven on a wire rack. Make sure that the rack is installed somewhere in the middle of the oven.
  • The barbecue takes about 20 minutes on average. As soon as the hearts are covered with a golden crust, the oven must be turned off and the barbecue removed.

Recipe for barbecue chicken hearts in a pan

You can quickly and easily fry chicken heart skewers in a pan. When cooking this way, choose medium-sized skewers to fit in the pan.


  • chicken hearts - 1 kg;
  • soy sauce - 50 ml;
  • tomato paste - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • oil (it is better to take olive oil);
  • salt, a mixture of peppers.


Japanese chicken heart skewers recipe

If you are a connoisseur of Japanese cuisine, then the recipe for cooking barbecue chicken hearts with Teriyaki sauce will come in handy.


  • chicken hearts - 350 g;
  • soy sauce - 100 ml;
  • white wine (dessert) - 200 ml;
  • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
  • flour - 1 tbsp. l.;
  • refined oil.


  • Prepare Teriyaki marinade: mix flour, sugar, wine, soy sauce in a saucepan and put on fire. You need to wait until the sauce boils, and then boil it for about 10 minutes. Most importantly, stir the sauce all the time so that it does not burn.
  • Fry the peeled and washed hearts in a pan until a golden crust forms, and then remove from heat.
  • Sprinkle the hearts with flour and mix well.
  • Thread the chicken hearts onto small skewers and gently place them in the simmering sauce.
  • In the sauce, hearts should be simmered for 10 minutes over low heat and stir all the time. The dish will be ready when the sauce covers the hearts with a crust.

There are a lot of recipes for cooking shish kebab from chicken hearts. It can be fried both in an air grill and in a barbecue. The choice of marinade depends on your taste preferences. It is believed that chicken hearts are best combined with soy sauce, but shish kebab marinated in sour cream and mayonnaise is no less tasty. Experiment and don't be afraid to add something new to the recipes. Bon appetit!

by the materials LadySpecial.ru

2015-10-30T16:01:13+00:00 admin second courses poultry dishes, second courses, photo recipe

Shish kebab has already become a traditional dish of the festive table. And this is not surprising, because what could be tastier than fried juicy meat with a golden crust? There are many recipes for barbecue: it is made from pork, lamb, chicken and turkey. Quite original and exquisite in taste is barbecued chicken hearts, the recipes for which we are today ...

[email protected] Administrator Feast-online

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The recipe itself seems very simple, but thanks to the successful combination of ingredients, the taste of hearts becomes uniquely spicy and memorable. I have not tried it, but it seems to me that beef cooked in such a marinade will be no less tasty.

Initial data: chicken hearts - 1 kg, products that make up the marinade: tomato paste - 3 tablespoons, vinegar - 2 tablespoons, vegetable oil - 2 tablespoons, garlic - 3 cloves, finely chopped hot pepper, salt, spices.

Wash the hearts and put them in a bowl, I had a bowl.

And forget about them for a while.

We proceed to the main thing, on which the taste of barbecue-marinade actually depends. We take all the ingredients, mix them in a convenient bowl, attention, do not pass the garlic through the garlic press, but simply chop finely. And if your tomato paste is slightly sour, then you can add a little sugar. I didn’t have fresh red pepper, but dried, more than enough, so I put what I had. Here he is, a handsome man who makes us desperately gasp for air.

Now add some hot boiled water - in principle, our marinade is ready. The following actions do not seem to need to be described, but nevertheless we put a tender chicken heart in the marinade, and leave it in it for at least a few hours.

Bon appetit and good mood!!!
