
How to make a herring roll. Delicious herring roll (Super recipe!!!) Unusual! Beautiful! Tasty! Cooking Tips

    No festive table is complete without salted fish. In this recipe, I propose to replace the traditional herring with onions appetizer with the original multi-colored fillet roll with gelatin. It turns out very tasty and beautiful.


  • Salted herring - 1 pc.
  • Egg - 1 pc.
  • Fresh cucumber - 1/2 pc.
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1/2 pc.
  • Carrot - 1/2 pc.
  • Gelatin - 15 g
  • Mayonnaise - 2 tbsp.
  • A bunch of green onions.
  • Water - 100 g

Step by step photos how to prepare the recipe:
We clean the herring from the ridge and all small bones, and also remove the skin.

  • Dissolve gelatin in hot water. When the grains of gelatin disperse, add mayonnaise, stir and pour the resulting mixture into vegetables.

    Place the mixture in the refrigerator for 2 minutes to allow the gelatin to thicken slightly.

  • We spread the fillet on cling film and thoroughly blot the inside with a napkin so that the gelatin-vegetable mixture sticks well to the fish.

  • We spread the salad in a slide on the herring.

  • We cover the mixture with the second fillet, tightly wrap the roll and put it in the refrigerator.

  • After a couple of hours, the roll can be cut and served on the table.

    It turns out a very original, tasty and beautiful snack for the holiday.

  • Bon appetit!

    There are a lot of herring recipes that can be used for the festive table. One of them is a roll with the addition of eggs, gelatin and vegetables. The dish will look especially relevant on such a big holiday as, for example, New Year or Christmas. It is very tasty, satisfying, quick to prepare and will look good.

    You must be able to choose the right fish in the store:

    1. high-quality and fresh herring, salted without breaking the technology, should be elastic to the touch and clean;
    2. the color of a good salted fish is natural, without a yellow tint and spots;
    3. the quality of herring can also be evidenced by its gills. A quality product has dark red gills, elastic to the touch. A yellowish tint, loose texture and an unpleasant odor indicate that the fish is stale;
    4. it is best to purchase fish that is stored in clear brine.

    How to remove small bones

    After the herring is purchased, it should be cleaned of skin and bones. First, the carcass is laid on the board with its back up and pressed to straighten. Then they turn over and carefully pull out the ridge, trying not to damage the fillet. After that, small bones can be removed with tweezers.

    There is another way to remove bones. To do this, make an incision at the tail, then pick up the fillet and carefully pull, trying to ensure that there is no meat left on the ridge. The second half of the fillet is also separated.

    This appetizer has a wide range of useful properties, since its main ingredient is herring. This fish enriches the body with vitamins B, D, E, calcium, iron, iodine, sodium. It has a lot of omega-3 fatty acids, which the cardiovascular system really needs. The vegetables in the recipe provide fiber and vitamins, and the gelatin is good for joint health.

    To make the festive snack not only very tasty, but also low-calorie, you can use sour cream instead of mayonnaise.

    As for other ingredients, you can take any vegetables you wish for the filling of the roll. Cucumber, peppers and carrots may well replace ingredients such as canned corn or peas. You can take potatoes, beets, decorate the dish with fresh herbs. There are many options, everything is limited only by the imagination of the cook. As a result, such a roll can be served for any celebration, including a birthday.

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    Meatloaf was the first. In an ancient Roman cookbook, among other recipes, there is one called "Apicius". It is said that the instructions are very similar to the process of making meatloaf. And that was 5 centuries BC! It is also known that in the Middle Ages such a dish was often prepared in Europe. Everything is clear here: the Roman Empire had a huge impact on all the countries of this part of the mainland. A lot of time has passed, the recipes have changed, but the idea has remained!

    On the site "Super Chef" you can find all kinds of recipes for rolls. Toppings are varied and suitable for all occasions and tastes. Nevertheless, we do not stop replenishing both our and your cookbooks with new variations on the theme of snacks. This time we offer to cook a herring roll with all kinds of herbs and egg-cream sauce. Very original and delicious.

    Peel the onions and finely chop the vegetables.

    Clean the herring and divide it into fillets. Cut the fish into small cubes. Combine herring and onion in a separate bowl. Mix both ingredients well.

    Peel the pickled cucumbers. Finely chop the vegetables.

    Using a mixer, beat softened butter for 5 minutes.

    Boil the eggs and peel them from the shell. Grate each on a fine grater and send the mass to a separate container.

    Chop the dill. Mix cucumbers, eggs, oil and half the dill. Be sure to beat this mass with a mixer until a homogeneous consistency is formed.

    Chop the parsley and green onion. Take cling film, cut a rectangular piece and spread it on the table. Pour the herb mixture onto the film and spread it over the rectangle.

    Top with herring and onion mixture. Spread it out with a spoon.

    The next layer will be a mass of butter and eggs.

    Roll everything tightly into a roll.

    Be sure to twist the ends, then the film will not open. Place the roll in the refrigerator overnight. In the morning, cut everything into pieces and carefully remove the cling film. Ready! herring roll

    You can roll a traditional biscuit or meatloaf, fantasize with filling and serving. But when you want something non-standard and no less tasty, buy a herring, chop the greens and cook this original treat. Do you know the same fans of something unusual? Make sure they have that link.

    Herring rolls =================== To prepare herring rolls, we need pickled herring or a ready-made fillet. Delicious appetizer, quick to prepare. Ingredients For 2 herring (4 fillets) for filling: 0.5 tbsp. steamed prunes 0.5 tbsp. nuts 50 gr. butter 1 tbsp. mayonnaise Salt, pepper. Preparation Separate the herring fillet from the bones, remove the skin. Pass the steamed prunes and nuts through a meat grinder or chop with a blender. Mix all ingredients for the filling thoroughly until smooth. Spread the fillet with stuffing, roll up, starting from the wide side. Prick with a skewer or toothpick. Put in the refrigerator for several hours. Before serving, cut the herring rolls into slices less than 1 cm thick with a very sharp knife.

    Herring rolls with mincemeat I liked the recipe for an unusual mincemeat from one chef... There, of course, there was a lot of tricks in the design, details when serving. I moved away from this lyrics, seizing the very essence - a herring with a herring filling. Ingredients: herring fillet - 2 pcs. egg - 1 pc. carrots - 30g butter - 10g curd cheese - 20g apple for serving - 1 pc. Cooking. Boil a hard-boiled egg, carrots - until soft. From each half of the herring, cut the fillets into thin layers. We must try to cut so much that the bottom layer becomes only 3-4 mm thick. We cut all cut plates of herring into strips. And chop into small cubes. They will form the basis of the forshmak. Remove the yolk from the hard boiled egg. And chop the protein into small cubes. We cut the boiled carrots in the same small cube. We combine the chopped herring, egg and carrots in a separate plate and season with melted butter. We mix. Add curd cheese (can be melted). Mix again and lightly crush with a spoon to make the mincemeat uniform. Now we cover the working board with cling film, put on it a thin herring fillet, which we prepared earlier. We spread a layer of freshly cooked mincemeat on the herring, gently, slightly squeezing and making small indents along the edges. We close the second thin half of the herring - we literally wrap it so that it fits the filling. We wrap the stuffed fillet in plastic wrap obliquely. When we wrap it obliquely, this gives us the opportunity to “press” the herring into a narrower corner and thus pack it tightly. Tie the opposite end in a knot. We remove the workpiece in the refrigerator for 30-40 minutes (in this form it can be stored for no more than 3-4 days). Before serving, we take the workpiece out of the refrigerator and remove the film from it. Now it remains to decorate the dish - we cut the mincemeat in the form of rolls. And put them on a plate. Chopped apple slices nearby.

    Herring rolls with beets Herring goes well with both apples and beets. Well, a trio of these ingredients in one dish is simply doomed to success. Fast, tasty and satisfying! Cooking method 1. Place the herring fillet in a bowl and pour over the milk. Leave the fish for 2-3 hours, then drain the milk and dry the fillet with paper towels. Soaking herring in milk is a culinary technique that makes herring less salty and more delicate in taste. 2. Cut each herring fillet lengthwise to make it half as thin. 3. In the meantime, boil the beets until tender. 4. Peel the beets and apple, grate on a coarse grater. Sprinkle the mixture with lemon juice, season with vegetable oil and black pepper. 5. Spread the resulting mixture in an even layer on each herring fillet. Roll the herring into rolls, and to keep the rolls in shape, secure them with wooden toothpicks. Tie each roll with a green onion feather and remove the toothpicks.

    A bright appetizer of herring You can cook a lot of different dishes from herring, and not just a salad. For example, how about the same bright and appetizing appetizer that will look just right on the New Year's table? Ingredients: herring - 1 pc. cucumber - 1 pc. red pepper - 1/2 pc. egg - 1 pc. dill and parsley to taste carrots - 2 pcs. gelatin mayonnaise Divide the herring into fillets. Be sure to remove absolutely all the bones. Cut the cucumber into thin slices. Cut half of red pepper, carrot and egg into cubes. Chop up the greens. 1 st. l. soak gelatin in 100 ml of boiling water, stir until completely dissolved. Mix with 3-4 tbsp. l. mayonnaise. With the finished chopped fish filling (leave the pepper and cucumber separately), mix mayonnaise with gelatin. Unfold the cling film and place the fillet half on it. Put half of the egg-carrot mixture on it, then half of the cucumbers and peppers. Then again put the egg-carrot mixture, cucumbers and peppers. Cover with the other half of the fillet. Wrap the herring tightly in cling film, tie off the edges. Put away at night in a cold place. The next day, before serving, remove the herring and cut it into thin slices. Bon appetit!

    Herring rolls "For vodka" Sometimes even the most familiar food can become a subject of surprise and admiration. Don't believe? Try to cook original herring rolls with champignons and bell peppers. Ingredients: 2 fresh or frozen herring 1 bell pepper 100 g small pickled champignons greens For marinade: 1/4 cup wine vinegar 1/2 cup water and vegetable oil 1 tsp sugar 1-2 tsp salt 1/4 tsp .spoons of black peppercorns 3-4 allspice peas 2-3 bay leaves 1-2 clove buds (I don’t add allspice and cloves, they are superfluous for my taste and I take 1 spoon of salt) allspice, cloves, bay leaves, salt and sugar, boil for 1-2 minutes. Cool to room temperature, add vinegar and vegetable oil, mix thoroughly. Peel the herring, gut, cut off the head, tail and fins, remove the fillet. Rinse the fillet thoroughly, remove small bones, cut lengthwise into strips 0.7-1 cm wide. Cut the bell pepper into strips, dip in boiling water and boil for 2-3 minutes, until soft. Wrap pickled champignons with strips of bell pepper, then herring, secure with wooden skewers. Put the rolls in a container, pour over the marinade, cover with a lid and leave to marinate for 5-6 hours. Then place in the refrigerator and let stand for another 5-7 hours. When serving, put the rolls on a plate, decorate with herbs and fresh vegetables. I will add that rolls can be stored in the refrigerator for a long time, but they are unlikely to remain with you - they are very tasty!

    Herring in drops of amber The recipe has been tested by me many times, a very tasty snack. 300 g of herring (salted), 3 boiled eggs, a small bunch of green onions, 50 g of mayonnaise, 1 can of red (black) caviar, (can be protein) green salad leaves. Remove the herring fillet from the oil or marinade, let the liquid drain, blot the fillet with a napkin. Finely chop the boiled eggs and mash with a fork, mix with chopped green onions, season with a small amount of mayonnaise. Spread this stuffing on each piece of herring fillet, put 3-4 more eggs and roll the fillet into rolls. Put the rolls on a dish lined with green lettuce leaves, and put a hill of red caviar on top of each roll, it looks very nice if done with red and black caviar, and beautifully placed on a dish.

    Snack roll with herring Probably not a table is complete without dishes or snacks based on seafood. It can be salads, and pies, as well as just plain fried fish. Another recipe for a spicy, original, and, at the same time, very tasty dish is a snack roll with herring. To prepare such a roll, you need to purchase: 1. Herring, fillet - 4 pieces 2. Beets - 1 piece 3. Chicken eggs - 3 pieces 4. Hard cheese - 100 grams 5. Mayonnaise - 150 grams 6. Instant gelatin - 1 tablespoon spoon 7. Green onions - the taste How to cook such an appetizing roll? First, take the beets, which must be boiled and, immediately, cool. The same must be done with carrots and eggs. After complete cooling, everything needs to be cleaned. Now dilute the gelatin in a small amount of water, and the water must be hot. Let it cool down a little now, after which, combine with mayonnaise. So, carrots, together with beets, as well as eggs and cheese, must be separately grated on a medium-sized grater. After that, divide the mayonnaise and gelatin into even four parts, each of which is mixed with already grated vegetables, cheese and eggs. Spread the fillet on a dense cling film, in the form of a layer, as if overlapping. A rectangle should form. Lay out the fillet layer by layer, spread the carrots and eggs, beets and cheese. Using this very film, roll up the roll, after which, immediately put it in the refrigerator for two to three hours. Is the roll cold? Now cut it in portions, in pieces, garnish with green onions or any greens that you like. The snack is ready. It does not take much time to prepare it - everyone will cope with the recipe for sure. Surprise and spoil your guests with new masterpieces, and also, fantasize - this is the key to delicious, original and interesting dishes!

    Herring roll with vegetable filling is a great appetizer for a festive table. With such a herring, you can make sandwiches. You can also serve the roll simply sliced ​​​​to the table.

    Ingredients (for 1 roll)

    • 1 herring fillet (2 halves)
    • 1 carrot
    • 1 egg
    • 1 fresh cucumber
    • a few green onions
    • 0.5 st. milk
    • 1/2 sachet instant gelatin


    1. Boil and peel carrots and eggs. Cut carrots and cucumber into small cubes. Grate the egg on a coarse grater. Finely chop the green onion.
    2. Place 2 herring fillet halves (back down) side by side on cling film.
    3. Dissolve gelatin in half a glass of hot milk. The mass must be stirred until the gelatin is completely dissolved.
    4. Pour the fillet with milk and gelatin (we will need a few tablespoons of the mass).
    5. Put the filling (carrot, egg, cucumber and onion) on the fillet halves evenly over the entire surface. It is advisable to retreat a couple of millimeters from the sides of the herring.
    6. With the help of cling film, carefully roll the roll into a tube, trying to interlock the edges of the halves (as we turn the roll).
    7. Place the roll directly in cling film in the refrigerator for several hours.
    8. Remove film. Cut the roll into pieces.
    9. Serve as slices or on slices of bread, garnished with herbs.

    Herring rolls (video recipe)

    Bon appetit!

    Calories: Not specified
    Cooking time: Not indicated

    Snacks are an indispensable component of any holiday table, but there can be a great variety of their options. Today you can meet almost every taste, but this dish is definitely not like all the others. We offer you an unusual and very tasty appetizer with melted cheese and herring, which can be safely served on the festive table, or even on New Year's Eve!
    We recommend cooling the herring roll in the freezer, and not in the refrigerator, as a slightly frozen roll will be easier to cut into portioned pieces. But do not forget to take out the roll after two hours, otherwise it will freeze on your stone and you will certainly not be able to cut it. Let's take a closer look at how this wonderful appetizer is prepared!

    Ingredients for making herring rolls:

    - 1 salted herring;
    - a pinch of sea salt;
    - 150 g of processed cheese or curd cheese;
    - 1 red pepper;
    - ground black pepper;
    - a couple of sprigs of dill;
    - half of black bread.

    How to cook with a photo step by step

    The first step is to clean the herring, and then mill it. Remove the skin from the fillet and carefully remove all the bones.

    The herring fillet should be laid out on cling film so that the bellies are overlapped. Cover with cling film, and then slightly beat off with a hammer on top. The fillet should eventually become exactly the same throughout its thickness.

    Cheese for herring rolls needs to be heated to room temperature, simply laying it out on the table in advance. Lubricate the herring with cheese on top, if it is warm, then it will be quite easy to do this. Do not overdo it with the spread, otherwise you will not be able to wrap the roll.
    We used spread on a sandwich. But still we recommend that you use processed or curd cheese.

    Sprinkle our herring with them on top.

    Using a film, we roll the herring into a roll, wrap it with a film also on top, after which we send the herring roll to the freezer for a couple of hours so that it freezes.
    Then cut the roll with a sharp knife into medium pieces.
    Now let's prepare the base for our appetizer.

    We cut out mugs from black bread for herring rolls, we do this with a glass. These mugs of bread can be dried a little in a pan, but this is optional.

    We spread the herring rolls on the bread rounds.

    We decorate the appetizer with greens and serve to the table.

    We also invite you to surprise your guests.
