
How to make bagels from puff pastry. Recipe for puff pastry bagels with different fillings step by step

Puff pastry rolls are pastries that can be offered not only to family members as an addition to tea, but also served to guests. These easy-to-make classics can be topped with a variety of toppings to make the bagels even more delicious.

This croissant recipe, which is what bagels are called in the most romantic country, is a classic baking option. The product is tender and tasty even without filling.

The list of necessary products for cooking:

  • flour - 750 g;
  • creamy spread - 400 g;
  • milk - 400 ml;
  • sugar - 75 g;
  • high-speed yeast - 3 tsp;
  • yolk - from one egg;
  • oil for lubrication;
  • salt - a small pinch.

Kneading rule:

  1. Heat milk until warm.
  2. Add sugar to it, mix.
  3. Add yeast to swell.
  4. Add flour to the liquid at the moment when the yeast forms a foam cap on the surface of the milk.
  5. Enter spread 100 g and salt.
  6. Mix everything thoroughly.
  7. Let it brew for a quarter of an hour.
  8. Remove the dough in a cool place for 10 minutes.

Rolling out the dough:

  1. Make a layer from the rest of the spread. To do this, cut the butter into small pieces, spread evenly on cling film, cover with another piece of film on top, roll out with a rolling pin.
  2. Place on a floured surface and roll out to form a rectangle.
  3. Put oil in the middle of it.
  4. Close the butter with the edges of the rectangular dough.
  5. Roll it out.
  6. Fold the dough again, as for the first time, only without oil.
  7. Roll.
  8. Put the dough in the refrigerator and repeat the procedure after 30 minutes.
  9. So the dough needs to be rolled out three times.
  10. The finished puff pastry must be cut into pieces in the shape of triangles. The size of the finished bagel depends on the size of the pieces.
  11. Lubricate each triangle with a small amount of melted butter and roll into a kind of tube, starting from the wide edge.
  12. Lay the croissants on a baking sheet, leave to swell for 40-50 minutes.
  13. Bake no more than 20 minutes at a temperature of 200 ° C.

To make the product with a golden crust, you need to grease it before sending it to the oven with a mixture of 1 tbsp. l. milk and 1 yolk.

Cooking with jam

Cooking puff pastry every time is not very convenient. Therefore, it can be made in advance and frozen, or you can purchase an industrial version that can be used even when guests are about to arrive.

Bagels with jam - pastries for all occasions.

To prepare them, you need to stock up only the following ingredients:

  • jam - 0.5 cups;
  • yeast-free puff pastry - 0.5 kg;
  • granulated sugar - 2 tbsp. l.

How to cook:

  1. Roll out the dough.
  2. Cut it into square pieces.
  3. From each make two triangles.
  4. Put jam on the wide edge.
  5. Roll up the dough around the edges.
  6. Roll into a tube like shape.
  7. Dip the prepared bagel in sugar and roll.
  8. Bake at 200°C until done.

In the same way, you can cook bagels from puff pastry with jam. The thicker it is, the less the filling will flow out of the product.

With curd filling

For lovers of refined and delicate taste of baking, you can recommend this recipe.

It will require the following products:

  • cottage cheese (it is better to take fatty) - 200 g;
  • yeast puff pastry - 0.5 kg;
  • vanillin and sugar - to taste;
  • honey or egg for brushing

Step by step preparation:

  1. Roll out a sheet of dough.
  2. Cut out several triangles of the same size. This can be done from square pieces of dough, or from a circle, cutting the dough into sectors.
  3. Put cottage cheese in a bowl and add vanillin with sugar to your taste.
  4. For each slice of dough (closer to the wide part), lay out 1 tsp. fillings.
  5. Roll up the bagel, starting on the larger side.
  6. Connect the ends of the roll.
  7. After standing for 30 minutes, grease the croissants with butter or honey diluted in a small amount of water.
  8. Bake in the oven.

These bagels are best made from puff yeast dough. But if it is not at hand, you can take the yeast-free version.

Bagels with chocolate puff pastry

A real chocolate dessert can be prepared from the following ingredients:

  • chocolate (it is better to take milk) - 100 g;
  • puff pastry - 500 g.

Cooking method:

  1. Make triangles from yeast dough.
  2. Put a piece of chocolate on the wide edge.
  3. Roll up a croissant.
  4. Leave to proof.
  5. Lubricate with honey or egg.
  6. Send to the oven.
  7. Bake no more than 15 minutes at 180°C.
  • Put a little condensed milk on the larger base of the figure with a teaspoon.
  • Roll up the roll.
  • Lubricate with an egg (can be replaced with honey or strong tea).
  • Bake, pre-sprinkling with sugar.
  • If you like to spoil your family and bake something for tea, this article is for you. We will show you how to cook delicious puff pastry bagels. At the same time, you can make bagels very quickly from ready-made puff pastry, and if time permits and there is a desire, you can cook it yourself. Someone loves puff pastry for yeast bagels, someone loves yeast-free more. In general, the choice is yours, we will only give you a few ideas for a pleasant tea party.

    Puff pastry rolls

    According to this recipe, delicious airy bagels are obtained, or, as they are called in France, “croissants”.


    • flour - 0.5 kg;
    • milk - 300 ml;
    • butter - 250 g;
    • dry yeast - 2 teaspoons;
    • sugar - 50 g;
    • salt - a pinch;
    • yolk - 1 pc.


    We warm the milk a little, it is important that it is warm, not hot. Dissolve yeast in it and add sugar. A little milk should be left for lubricating the bagels. When the yeast starts to come up, add the sifted flour, salt and 50 g of butter. Knead soft dough. Leave it for 20 minutes, and then put it in the refrigerator for another 10 minutes.

    Now we need to get an even layer from the remaining 200 g of butter. This can be done in different ways. Alternatively, you can simply put cling film on the board and spread butter on it, you can roll it between two layers of film. And you can cut into thin slices and lay on the film. In general, whichever is more convenient for you. We take out the dough from the refrigerator, sprinkle the work surface with flour and roll out the dough on it with a layer of the shape of a rectangle. Put the butter in the middle, and cover the top with the edges of the dough. We roll out the resulting quadrilateral and fold it again, wrapping first one edge, and then the other. It turns out 3 layers of dough. We wrap it in a film or bag and put it in the refrigerator for half an hour. We take it out and repeat it all over again: roll it into a quadrilateral and fold it again to make 3 layers. Again we put it in the refrigerator. And after 30 minutes, the rolling-folding procedure is repeated again. After that, roll out the dough and cut it into triangles. If you want to get small bagels, make triangles small. If you plan to make a real croissant, then the triangles should be larger, respectively. As a filling, you can use any jam, preserves, fruits, condensed milk. In general, what you love. Lubricate each triangle with filling up to 1/3 of the part, starting from the larger side, and fold the bagel. We put on a baking sheet, not close to each other and leave for about an hour, so that the dough comes up. After that, grease them on top with a mixture of yolk with 1 tablespoon of milk and send them to the oven, heated to 200 degrees for 15-20 minutes. Puff pastries prepared according to this recipe are delicious even without filling.

    Bagels from puff pastry without yeast

    If the previous recipe for puff pastry bagels seemed too complicated for you, but you still want to treat yourself and your family, use the following recipe.


    • flour - 2 cups;
    • margarine - 200 g;
    • water - 0.5 cups;
    • sugar - 1 teaspoon;
    • salt - a pinch.


    Sift the flour on the table, add pieces of margarine and chop them with a knife, you should get a crumb. Place sugar and salt in cold water and stir. Pour water into the flour chopped with margarine and quickly knead the dough. Now we cover it with a napkin and put it in the refrigerator for at least 3 hours, and if time permits, you can leave it in the cold and all night. We take out the dough, roll it thinly and fold it into 3-4 layers. It is desirable to repeat this procedure 2-3 times. Then we roll out the dough again into a layer and cut it into triangles. Put the filling on the edge of each piece and roll up. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees. Put the prepared bagels on a baking sheet and bake for 20 minutes.

    Well, if the guests are already on their way, then you can make bagels from ready-made puff pastry. On sale it is both yeast and yeast-free. It is very convenient to store a couple of such bags in the freezer. The dough needs to be thawed, and then just rolled out, divided into triangles, put any filling and sent to the oven. Everything is very fast, and the treat is delicious.

    Puff pastry rolls can be made from homemade or ready-made puff pastry, with or without filling. Ready-made puff pastry significantly saves time; you can cook fragrant pastries from it in just 40 minutes.

    Unfilled puff pastry rolls served with butter or jam


    white flour 400 grams Margarine 250 grams chicken eggs 3 pieces) apple cider vinegar 1 tsp Salt 1 pinch Sour cream 100 milliliters Milk 1 tbsp

    • Servings: 8
    • Preparation time: 2 minutes
    • Cooking time: 40 minutes

    Recipe for puff pastry rolls

    First, make a simple puff pastry. Chop margarine into crumbs, mix with flour. Mix the yolks in a bowl with vinegar and salt. Add sour cream. Pour the mass into the flour with margarine. Knead a soft elastic dough, wrap it in plastic wrap and refrigerate for 2 hours.

    If you are using frozen dough, first place it on the counter to thaw. Separate the layers when they become flexible, otherwise they are easy to break. The dough is ready for cutting when it has become soft and has begun to rise if yeast is used.

    Cooking method:

    • Sprinkle the defrosted dough with flour and roll out with a rolling pin into a long rectangle.
    • Using a zigzag, cut the dough into triangles with a sharp knife.
    • Starting at the wide end, roll each triangle into a tube, not too tight.
    • Brush the surface of the bagels with beaten egg.

    Let the dough rest for 10-15 minutes before cooking. for lifting. Bake in the oven for 15 minutes. at 180°C, the bagels should brown. Since the dough is not sweet, sprinkle the cooled croissants with powdered sugar. In a separate plate, you can serve them with melted butter or not very thick jam.

    Preparation of bagels from puff pastry with filling

    Anything can be stuffed for croissants: jam, custard, chocolate mass, poppy seeds, nuts and others.

    What you need for bagels with jam:

    • Yeast puff pastry - 500 g.
    • Egg - 1 pc.
    • Flour for sprinkling - 50 g.
    • Jam or jam - ½ stack.

    Sprinkle the table with flour. Roll out the defrosted and slightly risen yeast dough into equal circles. Cut each circle into triangles like a cake. Put 1 tsp into the wide part of each triangle. jam. Roll up the bagels, starting at the base.

    Grease a baking sheet or place a sheet of parchment on it. Put the bagels on it with the tail down so that they do not turn around and grease with whipped yolk. Bake in preheated oven for 20 minutes. at 180°C.

    Sprinkle the finished and cooled bagels with powdered sugar and serve with tea or coffee.

    16 servings

    30 minutes

    210 kcal

    5 /5 (1 )

    Any pastry made from puff pastry will never disappoint guests and loved ones, but it can be difficult to cook it. I will tell you how to easily cope with the situation when you have guests on your doorstep, and there is nothing in the house for tea. Several amazingly easy recipes for a very easy-to-prepare, but extremely tasty treat - mouth-watering bagels - will delight you with their ease and speed of implementation.

    Recipe for puff pastry bagels with jam

    Kitchenware: rolling pin, teaspoon, sharp ceramic knife, small bowl, whisk or regular fork, brush or gauze, large dish for ready-made pastries.


    Step by step cooking

    1. Sprinkle a flat surface generously with flour and spread the finished, pre-thawed puff pastry on it.

    2. We roll out the first sheet of dough into a thin layer, 2-3 mm thick, using a rolling pin.

    3. We divide the rolled layer crosswise, and after that we cut each square into two more equal halves diagonally. We should get 8 equal triangles. We do the same with the second sheet of dough.

    4. We put 10-12 g of jam on the wide part of the triangle and wrap the dough in a bagel.

    5. Put the formed product on a baking sheet, pre-lubricated with 10-12 ml of vegetable oil. In the same way, we sculpt the rest of the bagels and put them on a baking sheet.

    6. In a small bowl, beat the chicken egg with a whisk or a regular fork.

    7. Then generously grease the surface of the products with an egg mixture.

    8. We let the bagels brew a little, and in the meantime we preheat the oven to 200 degrees. We send the infused bagels to the oven and do other things for about 25 minutes, until the pastries are browned.

    9. We shift the finished pastries to a large dish and, if desired, sprinkle with powdered sugar.

    Video recipe for making puff bagels with jam

    The video below shows how to quickly and easily make homemade puff pastry bagels with jam, which can be safely replaced with any thick jam or fruit jam. The cooking process will be identical, and the taste and aroma of homemade cakes will not yield to the merits of a purchased delicacy.

    Recipe for puff pastry rolls with cottage cheese filling

    Cooking time: the total time will take 2:30-3 hours, with your participation - about half an hour.
    Calorie content (per 100 g): 253-258 kcal.
    Number of bagels: 16 pieces.
    Kitchenware: fine sieve, measuring utensils, tablespoon, plastic wrap or terry towel, rolling pin, ceramic knife, several bowls of different depths and sizes, baking paper, whisk, large dish for ready-made bagels.


    Step by step cooking

    Let's prepare the dough

    1. Sift into a deep bowl 650-700 g of flour through a fine sieve.

    2. We add there 15-18 g of dry yeast, a pinch of salt, 30-45 g of sugar.

    3. After that, pour in the same 200-215 ml of yogurt, 50-55 ml of sunflower oil and break two eggs.

    4. At the first stage, mix the ingredients with a spoon, and then continue kneading by hand until a non-sticky, homogeneous mass is obtained.

    5. Lightly coat the finished dough with 10 ml of sunflower oil so that it does not stick to the walls of the bowl during swelling. We cover the dough with a towel or plastic wrap and send it to a very warm place for an hour or two so that it fits properly.

    6. We knead the risen dough a little with our hands and form a sausage out of it, and after that we divide it into six equal parts.

    7. We take one piece of dough, make a cake out of it with our hands, and then roll it into a round layer 5 mm thick.

    8. Brush the surface of the cake generously with softened butter.

    9. We roll out the second piece of dough and spread it on top of the oiled cake, after which we also grease its surface with oil.

    10. We do the same action with the remaining cakes, stacking them one on top of the other and lubricating with oil. However, do not oil the surface of the last tortilla!

    11. Sprinkle a flat surface with flour and put our stack of cakes on it, which we roll into one round thin layer using a rolling pin.

    12. We divide the resulting layer into four equal parts (crosswise) with a sharp knife, and after that we divide each part into four more equal triangles. In total, we should get 16 equal triangles.

    Sculpt and bake bagels

    Video recipe for puff pastry bagels with cottage cheese

    After watching the video below, baking puff pastry curd rolls on your own will not be difficult for you.

    • Instead of yogurt, you can use thick kefir or high-fat milk in the same proportion.
    • The dough during kneading will be very sticky to your hands, to facilitate this process, moisten your hands with a little water or vegetable oil from time to time. However, in no case do not add more flour than indicated in the recipe, otherwise airy puff bagels will not work and the pastry will become hard and unappetizing.
    • The cottage cheese for the filling must be dry, but if you have wet cottage cheese, put it in cheesecloth, then collect it in the form of a bag, which, in turn, hang over a bowl so that excess whey is glass.

    Recipe for puff pastry rolls with apples

    Cooking time: 30-45 minutes.
    Calorie content (per 100 g): 217-220 kcal.
    Number of bagels: 12 pieces.
    Kitchenware: microwave, sharp ceramic knife, cutting board, baking paper, rolling pin, whisk or fork, several bowls of various sizes, brush or cheesecloth, a large dish for ready-made pastries.


    Step by step cooking

    1. Wash the apple thoroughly, wipe it and divide it into halves, after which we remove the core, seeds and tail.

    2. Cut the apple into thin slices.

    3. Sprinkle a flat surface with a little flour and place a sheet of dough on it. Roll out the dough into a thin layer, 3-5 mm thick.

    4. Then we divide it into 12 equal triangles.

    5. In a separate bowl, mix 10-15 g of sugar and 10-15 g of cinnamon. Sprinkle each triangle of dough evenly with the cinnamon and sugar mixture.

    6. Melt 45-50 g of butter in the microwave.

    7. Dip the apple slice into the bowl of melted butter and spread over the widest part of the triangle.

    8. We wrap each piece of apple in the dough, while forming a bagel.

    9. We spread the formed product on a baking sheet, previously covered with baking paper.

    10. Beat the egg with a whisk and grease the surface of the bagels with the resulting mixture so that the pastry acquires a golden hue.

    11. We send the products to the oven preheated to 180 degrees and go about our business for 25 minutes.

    12. We shift the finished bagels to a large dish and, if desired, sprinkle with powdered sugar.

    Video recipe for puff pastry with apples

    The above recipe is shown in the video below. You can view it to see how to properly prepare the filling and shape such a dessert.

    Puff pastry rolls are easy to prepare - just take the actual dough and your favorite filling. You can also work hard - knead the puff pastry yourself, and such bagels will not only turn out to be unusually tasty, but will also acquire their own history. Domestic bagels are excellent pastries with a French “tinge”, invariably pleasing with their delicate taste and appetizing “appearance”.

    Puff pastry rolls with cottage cheese filling - pastries are tender, airy, but quite juicy and satisfying. To prepare it, it is best to take ready-made dough, especially if you are experimenting with a domestic version.


    • dough - 350 gr.;
    • - 200 gr.;
    • egg - 1 pc.;
    • sugar - 2-3 tbsp. l.

    Cottage cheese must be rubbed through a sieve, mixed with half a serving of sugar. Divide the dough rolled out into layers into triangles, put about 1 tsp on the flat side of each. cottage cheese, roll a piece with a bagel towards the sharp end. Lubricate the blanks on top with a beaten egg with sugar, bake for 15-20 minutes at 200⁰C.

    Jam delicacy

    Baking with is the easiest product to create at home, even if kneading puff pastry requires some work. Such bagels will please the whole family, and they will remain tasty even when cooled.


    • flour - 350 gr.;
    • margarine - 200 gr.;
    • sour cream - 100 ml;
    • egg (yolk) - 1 pc.;
    • salt - a pinch.

    Melt margarine until soft, mix with sour cream and salt. Pour flour into the mass with constant stirring, knead the dough, leave it to rise for 15-20 minutes. Roll out the finished mass again, fold the layer in several layers and put it away again for a “rest” for 25-30 minutes in heat.

    The increased dough is divided into 2-3 "koloboks", they are rolled out to a thickness of 0.5 cm and divided into triangles. A jam filling is laid out on the wide part of each piece, then they are twisted into bagels, smeared with whipped yolk and baked for 20 minutes at 190-200⁰C.

    Appetizing bagels with apples

    Appetizing and fragrant bagels with cinnamon are a great breakfast option, especially since according to this recipe they are uniquely saturated with the taste and aroma of apple juice. And even if there are too many calories in baking, you can forgive yourself such a weakness for the sake of a crispy crust and juicy filling of the finished treat. Ingredients:

    • apple - 2 pcs.;
    • dough - 460-500 gr.;
    • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • butter (butter) - 50 gr.;
    • juice (apple) - 250-300 ml;
    • cinnamon - 2 tbsp. l.

    Peel apples, remove seeds, divide into slices. Cut the dough into even triangles, put a piece of apple on the flat side of each, sprinkle with cinnamon on top. Lubricate the formed bagels with a mixture of melted butter and sugar, transfer to a baking sheet, pour apple juice into the same container (approximately to the middle of the blanks). Bake for 20-25 minutes at 200⁰C (preheat the oven in advance).

    Puff pastry rolls with condensed milk

    Puff pastry rolls can be served for breakfast with coffee or eaten as a dessert for dinner, or you can delight children with them before going to school. If available, such pastries can be made within 20-30 minutes, although they will retain their impeccable taste even when cooked in the evening. Ingredients:

    • flour - 500 gr.;
    • margarine - 280 gr.;
    • milk - 300 ml;
    • yeast (dry) - 3 tsp;
    • egg (yolk) - 1 pc.;
    • condensed milk - 300 gr.;
    • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • salt - ½ tsp

    Warm the milk (maximum - 40⁰C), add sugar and yeast, bring with stirring until the components are dissolved. When a "cap" of foam appears on the milk, you can pour salt into it and put 70 gr. margarine (soft, but not liquid).

    Read also: Croissants from ready-made puff pastry - 11 recipes with different fillings

    After thorough mixing, the sifted flour is poured into the mass, it is kneaded and left to “rest” - first in a warm place for 15-20 minutes, then in a cool one for another 10-15.

    Roll out the settled dough to a thickness of 0.8-1 cm, put margarine cut into thin slices on top, fold the layer and roll it out. After repeating the procedure 5-6 times, the “bun” of dough is wrapped in cling film and placed in the refrigerator for 30 minutes.

    Next, roll out the mass and cut into triangles, put a little condensed milk on the flat side of each, then roll up the bagels and grease them with whipped yolk. After infusion (30-40 minutes), the blanks can be baked at 200⁰C for about 20 minutes.

    Advice! Condensed milk for bagels should be boiled, and best of all, not bought in a store, but made on your own. To do this, a jar of ordinary condensed milk needs to be boiled in a water bath for 2-3 hours.

    Puff pastry rolls

    Bagels made from puff yeast dough are baked lush and airy, tender, but thanks to the right filling - juicy.


    • flour - 650 gr.;
    • milk - 200 ml;
    • egg - 1 pc.;
    • sugar - 3 tbsp. l.;
    • yeast (dry) - 1 tsp;
    • oil (vegetable) - 1 tbsp. l.
    • butter (butter) - 100 gr.;
    • salt - a pinch;
    • vanillin - 1 pack.

    Warm the milk, dissolve the yeast in it, then carefully pour the composition into the flour. Separately, beat the egg, gradually introducing sugar, vanilla, salt, vegetable oil.

    After mixing thoroughly, pour the mixture into the flour, then knead the dough and let it brew for 1 hour. When the mass doubles in size, it must be carefully kneaded, divided into 3 "koloboks", each of them rolled out to a thickness of 0.8-1 cm.

    Spread a third of the butter on the first layer, cover with a second layer of dough, then put the butter again and cover with the last layer. Remove the resulting "cake" for 30 minutes in the cold.

    Read also: Croissant dough - 3 recipes

    Dip the blanks into a beaten egg, let them exfoliate for 15-20 minutes, then bake until golden brown at 200⁰C.

    Baking with chocolate

    Bagels with chocolate as a filling will not leave anyone indifferent, neither children nor adults. They can be quickly baked before the arrival of guests, especially since the recipe uses ready-made dough. Ingredients:

    • dough - 300 gr.;
    • egg - 1 pc.;
    • chocolate - 100 gr.

    Defrost the dough and divide into even triangular pieces. grate, put in small portions on a flat part of a piece of dough. Rolled bagels can be transferred to a baking sheet covered with parchment, greased with a beaten egg, sprinkled with sugar if desired. Baking is cooked for 20 minutes at 180-190⁰C.

    Puff pastry rolls with sugar

    Not everyone likes pastries with filling, preferring to create bagels from puff pastry with sugar. Such a dish turns out to be more lush and light, the filling does not make it heavier, and the unsurpassed taste remains the same. Ingredients:

    • dough - 500 gr.;
    • sugar - 2 tbsp. l.;
    • cinnamon - 1 tbsp. l.;
    • egg (yolk) - 1 pc.

    Roll out the finished puff pastry on the table and cut into triangles, which are then folded into bagels. Remove the yolk from the egg, beat it, stir in the sugar and cinnamon, then use the mixture to brush the folded blanks. Dip future baking again into a beaten egg and place in an oven preheated to 200⁰C for 15-20 minutes.

    Cooking with marmalade filling

    For such bagels, it is best to cook a lot of dough, as the pastry will disappear very quickly, so you will have to return to cooking very soon. A dish with marmalade turns out juicy and sweet, this is an excellent dessert that no one will refuse. Ingredients:

    • flour - 750 gr.;
    • margarine - 300 gr.;
    • yeast (dry) - 1 tsp;
    • sugar - 3 tbsp. l.;
    • salt - 1 tsp;
    • water - 150 ml;
    • milk - 200 ml;
    • egg - 1 pc.;
    • marmalade - 200 gr.

    Dissolve yeast with sugar, stirring, in warm water, let stand for 15 minutes. Sift flour, combine with salt and margarine cut into small bars (200 gr.). Add the egg and milk to the dissolved yeast, mix everything thoroughly and pour into the flour.

    Knead the dough - soft and smooth, divide it into several parts for ease of processing (the excess can be wrapped in cling film and sent for storage in the freezer). Roll out half of the mass thinly, put the plates of the remaining margarine on top, fold the layer with an “envelope” and process with a rolling pin.

    You need to roll out the dough 2-3 times, then wrap it in a film and put it in the refrigerator for 25-20 minutes, then turn it into a thin layer again and divide into triangles.

    Marmalade is laid out on the flat part of each piece, the triangles are folded into bagels and baked at 200⁰C until a golden crisp is formed.
