
How to make apple jam. The easiest way to make apple jam

Each housewife in her bins must have a jar - another of delicious fruit or berry jam. Why jam? Yes, because, having a thick, jelly-like consistency, jam is very convenient to use as fillers in homemade cakes (pies, croissants, puffs). Due to its dense texture, jam does not spread on toast or biscuit slices. And as a separate dessert, jam is very tasty and nutritious.

The most suitable for making jams are apples, better than sour varieties. They contain the largest amount of pectin, which is a natural thickener. Usually, when preparing apple jam for the winter, a couple of sour, unripe apples are added to ripe fruits. Especially tasty and natural jam is obtained from homemade apples, not treated with various chemicals.

Cooking apple jam at home is much faster and easier than jam or jam. You will need apples, sugar, water, some free time and apple jam, simple and fragrant, ready!

Cooking time- 60 minutes

Exit- 1 liter of ready-made jam


  • Apples - 1.5 kg
  • Sugar - 1 kg
  • Water - 150 ml

How to make apple jam:

Prepare apples. Wash them, peel them, chop them into pieces of arbitrary shape. The smaller you cut the fruit, the faster the apple jam will cook.

Add sugar and some water to the apples. Place the pot of fruit on the stove, turn on the quietest fire and cook the mass until the apples are completely boiled and the jam becomes thick and rich. In time, this process will take about one hour (if the apples are hard, then longer).

While the jam is cooking, sterilize the jars. Microwave sterilization is one of the quickest and most convenient methods. To do this, fill clean, dry jars by 1/3 with clean cold water and put in the microwave for 3-5 minutes.

Arrange apple jam in prepared jars, cork and store in a dark, dry place for storage. The product under such conditions can be stored up to 3 years.

You already know how to make apple jam simple. But very often, housewives prepare jams by combining several types of fruits, which significantly improves the taste of the dish, makes it more interesting and unusual.

Jam from apples and plums

Plums (especially dark varieties) give apple jam a beautiful shade and a slight sour taste.

Take a kilogram of apples and plums. Peel the apples, remove the core. Remove pits from plums. Finely chop the fruit with a knife. Place them in a container in which you will prepare jam, add two kilograms of sugar and a glass of water. Cook the dessert over low heat for half an hour, then use a blender to grind the fruit into a puree. Boil the mass for another ten minutes, stirring vigorously.

Jam from apples and pears

Pears and apples go great together. It will not be superfluous to add lemon juice to such a jam.

Pass peeled and chopped apples and pears through a meat grinder. Place the prepared puree in a saucepan and cook over medium heat until it becomes thick. Stir constantly so that it doesn't burn! Add sugar, juice of half a lemon and cook the jam for another 10-15 minutes. Place hot in jars and roll up.

Fragrant jam from apples and oranges

If apple dessert seems very sweet and even cloying to you, try adding orange slices to it. The result will pleasantly surprise you!

Grate a kilogram of peeled apples on a grater with large holes, place them in a saucepan, add 1.5 cups of water and boil the puree until soft. Remove the zest from two large oranges. Peel them from the skin, remove the white film and divide into slices. In hot applesauce, add two kilograms of sugar, orange slices and zest. Mix thoroughly. Boil the jam for 30 minutes, stirring occasionally. Arrange the finished jam in sterilized jars and seal.

Cowberry jam with apples

The special, bitter-sour taste of lingonberries will bring an original touch to apple jam. In addition, this red berry is a real source of vitamins.

Rinse the apples, remove the peel (if it is rough), remove the core and chop finely. Put the fruits in a suitable container, add a little water and boil them until soft. Carefully sort the lingonberries, remove excess debris and spoiled berries, wash it. Pass soft apple slices through a sieve, add lingonberries and sugar. Cook the jam for 20-25 minutes over low heat with constant stirring.

Jam from apples with lemon

Grind the lemon (with peel), combine it with peeled and chopped apples. Sprinkle the fruit with sugar and leave for 6 to 8 hours to extract the juice. Boil the jam for 35 - 40 minutes (until thick).

Jam from apples with cinnamon

Apples and cinnamon are a great combination! You could say it's a classic of the genre.

To make apple jam cook faster, pass the prepared fruits through a meat grinder. Add water and sugar. Place the container with the puree on the stove, turn on a slow fire and cook the mass until it becomes thick. At the end of cooking, put cinnamon to taste.

Aronia jam with apples

This jam is not just a sweet dessert, but a natural healing delicacy that will help support immunity in the cold season.

Sort the chokeberry, remove the branches and rinse. Place the berries in a saucepan, add some water and blanch for five minutes. Wash the apples, remove the core, cut into slices and send to the mountain ash. Close the pan with a lid, cook for 20 minutes until the apples soften. Cool down. Grind the mass through a sieve. Add sugar, mix thoroughly and simmer for about an hour. Arrange the finished jam in clean, dry jars and roll up. Store in a cool place.

Jam from apples in a slow cooker

Recently, to prepare blanks for the winter, housewives are increasingly resorting to the help of such kitchen appliances as multicookers and bread machines. And this is not surprising - cooking using such tools is much easier and faster. No need to stand at the stove, endlessly stirring jam or jam, catching sticky juice splashing in all directions.

Place prepared apples in a multicooker bowl, add a little water (about 100 ml), sugar. Stir. Close the lid of the multicooker and turn on the “Extinguishing” mode for an hour. Then switch to "Baking" and cook the jam for another 15 minutes, stirring.

Apple jam in a bread machine

Peel and chop 500 grams of apples, add a glass of sugar and 2 tablespoons of lemon juice. Place the form with the ingredients in the bread machine and set the "Jam" mode. After about an hour and a half, delicious, fragrant jam is ready!

Jam from apples without sugar (dietary)

Appetizing and healthy apple jam can be prepared without sugar. It will be especially relevant for people who, due to certain circumstances, do not consume sweets.

Boil a kilogram of peeled apples in 200 ml of water. Grind the mass through a sieve. Cook the resulting puree over low heat until it thickens. Place hot in prepared jars and sterilize at a temperature of 100 degrees for 15-20 minutes. Seal and store in a cool place.

What apple-based sweets have not been composed over the centuries of culinary history! Jams, mousses, preserves, marmalade, and also confiture, a cross between jam and marmalade. It is good for everyone, both in pies, as a filling, and instead of jam on a slice of a loaf. And confitures, unlike other apple “jams”, are often cooked with aromatic spices - and the taste is unusual, and yet apple sweetness!

Apple Confiture - General Cooking Principles

Confiture can be made from any variety of apples, regardless of whether they are sweet, sour or sweet and sour. The sweetness of the fruit is taken into account only to determine the amount of added sugar, since sour varieties require almost doubling its rate.

Apple jam is the same jam, but with a denser consistency. To achieve this result, the apple mass is boiled with sugar until it is almost halved in volume, or special gelling additives are added to it after a short cooking. They can be: pectin, gelatin, starch or other special jam thickeners.

Before use, fruits are washed and cleaned of peel and seeds. Often the peel is used in the preparation of a decoction, on which the syrup is then boiled. The peeled pulp is cut into pieces, slices or crushed into puree with a grater, in a meat grinder or interrupted with a blender.

Confiture, like any other jam, is prepared in thick-walled dishes or large stainless steel basins. You can cook such a delicacy in a slow cooker.

If you want to stock up on apple confiture for the winter, hot dessert is poured into sterile glass containers and tightly sealed with metal lids.

Ginger confiture from apples with citruses


One and a half kilograms of apples;

Three large tangerines;

650 gr. Sahara;

Two lemons;

120 gr. any honey;

One small lime;

80 gr. fresh ginger;

Five spoons of cognac;

Gelatin mixture for confiture - 2 sachets;

A mixture of spices (star anise, cloves, cardamom, cinnamon and saffron) - 1/2 tsp.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the peeled apples into medium-sized cubes.

2. Free the tangerines from the peel, remove all white veins from the citruses and disassemble them into slices, remove the seeds.

3. Combine chopped apples with tangerine slices, sprinkle with sugar and set aside, covering the container with a lid overnight.

4. Scald the lime with boiling water and cut it into medium-sized pieces. Cut peeled ginger into thin slices. Peel the lemons, disassemble into slices and remove from their shell, cut into medium-sized pieces.

5. In a large bowl, pour lime slices with juice from apples, put honey and put on a small fire. Add thinly sliced ​​ginger. As soon as the mixture boils, immediately dip the lemon pulp and apples mixed with tangerines into it.

6. Pour in alcohol, stir and leave to cook over low heat.

7. After forty minutes of a slight boil, season with spices, and after another 10, add the confiture mixture. Mix thoroughly, simmer for another 10 minutes and only after that pour the hot mass into sterilized jars and roll up.

Apple confiture for the winter, with pectin


Three kilos of sweet varieties of apples;

Seven glasses of beet sugar;

Powdered cinnamon - 1/2 tsp;

One glass of drinking filtered water;

Tablespoon of pectin.

Cooking method:

1. Sort apples, choosing not damaged by rot and without wormholes, wash the selected fruits. In order for the fruits to give as much of their juice as possible, peel them. Cut into slices and remove all hard partitions along with the seeds.

2. Pour three centimeters of water into a large saucepan, put apple slices in it and boil them. Boil over low heat under a lid until they are completely softened.

3. Grind the soft mass through a rare metal sieve and measure six glasses of the resulting fruit puree into a clean thick-walled dish.

4. Mix the pectin with a quarter cup of granulated sugar and pour the mixture into a puree. Put the container on maximum heat and wait for it to boil. Then reduce the heat to the lowest level and continue cooking, stirring vigorously for another 10 minutes.

5. Add the rest of the sugar, stir and boil again quickly. Without lowering the heat, boil the confiture for at least a minute and pack in prepared jars when ready.

6. Check readiness by prying a small amount of it onto a teaspoon. If the confiture does not shake off, then it is ready.

7. Roll up the packaged treat with canning lids and refrigerate for a day under a warm blanket.

Confiture from apples with starch - "Paradise Delight"


One kilo of small "paradise" apples;

Two glasses of water;

One and a half large spoons of starch;

1.8 kg of beet white sugar.

Cooking method:

1. Carefully selected, not overripe fruits, rinse and rinse with warm water. Pierce the peel in different places with a thin, preferably wooden, stick and lower it into boiling water. After three minutes, remove and transfer to cold.

2. Pour 750 ml of cold filtered water into sugar and cook a thick, clear syrup with low heat, cool. You can prepare the syrup on the broth left after blanching.

3. Pour apples with cooled sugar syrup and leave in it for 12 hours, then put on a small fire, boil and set aside until completely cooled. Repeat this procedure three more times, each time adding the remaining sugar, divided into three parts.

4. For the fourth time, boil the jam until tender, until the syrup turns amber and begins to thicken. Five minutes before readiness, add starch diluted in 150 ml of cold water to it and mix well.

Apple confiture for the winter with pieces of fruit


Ripe apples - 1.2–1.4 kg;

500 gr. sugar, preferably unrefined;

Pectin - 1 tbsp. l.

Cooking method:

1. Wash the apples well with water and thinly cut the peel from them. Do not throw away cleanings, fold them on cheesecloth and tie in a bag.

2. Cut the peeled fruit into medium-sized slices, cut out the core from them and put them in a large saucepan, into which you also lower the gauze bag with the peel. About 1.2 kg of processed fruits should come out per pound of cooked sugar.

3. Mix pectin well with sugar and pour into a saucepan, put on medium heat and, after dissolving sugar, boil, stirring occasionally, for about twenty minutes.

4. When the main part of the pulp is boiled into puree, remove the bag, and boil the confiture for another five minutes.

5. Quickly place the finished jam in jars and seal tightly with seaming lids.

Classic apple confiture for the winter without thickeners


Two kilograms of ripe sweet apples;

One kilogram of sugar;

Half a glass of filtered water.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse and rinse the selected fruit thoroughly with water. When peeling, put the sliced ​​\u200b\u200bfruits in one pan, and the peels (peel) in another.

2. Pour granulated sugar into a container with apples and shake it several times so that it is evenly distributed.

3. Pour water into the cleaning, mix well and place on medium heat. Boil for 10 minutes, set aside and cool.

4. Straining the resulting broth through gauze, pour it into the apple pulp and cook over medium heat, periodically stirring the contents of the pan gently.

5. After forty minutes, reduce the flame and boil the jam twice in one go. This may take about an hour.

6. Ready confiture does not spread on the plate and does not drain from it if the vessel is tilted.

7. Arrange the hot treat in prepared small jars, and roll up with boiled lids.

8. A little more than one and a half liters of jam comes out of the indicated amount of fruit.

Apple confiture with lemon juice and zest - "Citronka"


A kilogram of sweet and sour apples;

300 ml of water;

Two large lemons;

a teaspoon of cinnamon powder;

900 gr. Sahara.

Cooking method:

1. Rinse all fruits in warm water and cut off the peel from them. Then rinse again to remove debris accidentally caught during processing.

2. Cut coarsely and twist in a meat grinder through a rare grill or grate on a medium grater.

3. Add granulated sugar mixed with cinnamon. Pour in water and mix well.

4. Dip the lemons for two minutes in boiling water. Then wipe dry and scrape the zest from them with a fine grater, directly to the apples. Cut the citruses in half, squeeze the juice and, straining through a sieve, pour it into the apple mass, mix.

5. Put on low heat and boil until completely softened and thickened.

6. Boiled confiture can be smashed until smooth with a blender, then boil for a minute and roll up for the winter, spreading out in sterile jars.

Apple confiture with gelatin in a slow cooker


Two kilograms of sweet apples;

A small lemon;

600 gr. Sahara;

a teaspoon of ground ginger;

a tablespoon of cinnamon powder;

A teaspoon of "fast" gelatin.

Cooking method:

1. Cut the prepared apples into medium-sized cubes and pour into the cooking bowl.

2. Pour in freshly squeezed lemon juice, add sugar and cinnamon with ginger, mix again.

3. On the “Baking” settings, bring the contents of the bowl to a boil and immediately switch to the “Extinguishing” mode, lasting 1 hour.

4. Soak gelatin in cold boiled water and completely dissolve (dissolve) it by placing a bowl with swollen gelatin in a water bath.

5. Add the melted gelatin to the marmalade at the end of the program and mix well.

Apple Confiture - Cooking Tricks and Useful Tips

The method of chopping apples depends on the desired consistency of the confiture. If with pieces of fruit - cut into slices or medium-sized cubes.

Perfectly smooth apple confiture can only be obtained from fruits twisted in a meat grinder or grated on a grater. Very often, apples cut into pieces are boiled until softened and only after that they are ground on a sieve.

Apple jam is not only a delicacy served with tea. This jam is ideal for filling and not only for making pies, buns, pancakes and desserts.

What kind of blanks are not made from apples, but the housewives are especially valued by those whose preparation takes a minimum of time and effort. Jam can also be attributed to such express preparations. Unlike jam, there is no need to worry about the safety of fruit pieces in the finished dish and the transparency of the syrup. Apple jam is a versatile dish. It can be used as a spread on a piece of fresh bread, as a pastry filling, or as a dip for pancakes.

Apples for jam can be taken of absolutely any variety, but sweet and sour varieties are especially appreciated. For jam with pieces of apples, the original product should have a dense juicy pulp, but overripe fruits are mainly used to make jam that is uniform in structure. To do this, boiled pieces are pureed with a blender.

Should apples be peeled before cooking? There is no exact answer to this question. It just depends on your taste preferences. If the apples are chopped into small cubes or ground through a meat grinder, then the peel can be left, however, jam from pre-peeled apples will be much softer in consistency.

A selection of the most delicious apple jam recipes

Easy Jam Recipe

Three kilograms of apples are peeled and passed through a meat grinder. As soon as possible, before the fruit turns black, they are sprinkled with 2 tablespoons of lemon juice and covered with 2 kilograms of sugar. The mass is thoroughly mixed and put on medium heat. To prevent the thick mass from sticking to the bottom of the cooking container, it is constantly stirred with a wooden spatula. Cooking time is usually 30-40 minutes. This recipe is the fastest, but due to the fact that the apples are crushed raw, the finished product takes on a dark shade. A recipe with mashed boiled apples will help to avoid this.

A video from the Radhika channel will tell you about making jam from apples crushed through a grater

Apple jam from boiled fruits

There are two cooking options here. The first involves boiling for 10 - 15 minutes unpeeled slices, and then grinding the mass through a metal sieve. In the second cooking method, the apples are completely peeled and cut into at least eight pieces. Apple slices are also boiled for a quarter of an hour, and then chopped with an immersion blender. Water for both cooking options must be used in such an amount that it completely covers the apple slices. After preparing thick apple puree, sugar is added to the mass at the rate of 700 grams per 1 liter of finished puree. Jam is brought to readiness by heating it for half an hour on a minimum fire. The readiness of the product is determined by a drop of jam laid out on a cold saucer. If the mass does not spread in different directions, the jam is ready.

Jam with apple pieces

Apples are peeled from the skin and seed boxes. The cleaned mass is weighed. To prepare a dessert, you need 2 kilograms of apple slices. You can chop apples in any way: thin plates or small cubes. Cleanings and trimmings left over from cutting out the seeds are poured with 200 milliliters of water and boiled for 15 minutes with the pan lid open. After that, the remains of apples are removed from the broth, and pre-prepared apple slices are added to the hot liquid. Cook jam for 60 - 70 minutes, removing foam if necessary. Ready jam turns out to be thick and viscous, with delicious, translucent pieces of apples.

How to cook apple jam in a slow cooker will tell the video from the channel "Delicious recipes for a slow cooker from MamaTwice"

Delicate jam from apples baked in the oven

Three kilograms of apples are peeled and seeds are removed. The fruits are then cut into four parts. The cut is laid out in a dense layer on a baking sheet lightly greased with vegetable oil. The main product for making jam is baked in the oven for 20 minutes. The oven temperature is 170-180 degrees. Readiness of apples is checked with a knife or a skewer, piercing pieces. The baked slices are rubbed through a fine metal sieve. Puree is poured with 1 kilogram of sugar and boiled on the stove for another 10 minutes. At the very end of cooking, ½ teaspoon of citric acid is added to the apple mass.

How to diversify apple jam

There can be many additives to apples when cooking jam. Consider the most popular among culinary specialists:

  • Dry spices. Apple jam is well tolerated by additives in the form of ground cinnamon, ginger, mint and nutmeg. The amount of these ingredients must be selected individually, focusing only on your own taste preferences.
  • Fruits, vegetables, berries. Apple jam can be prepared in combination with any kind of berries and fruits. From vegetables for making jam, you can use zucchini or pumpkin.
  • Dried fruits. Dried fruits behave well in jam. Especially delicious are dishes prepared with the addition of dried apricots, raisins or prunes.

How to store apple jam

In order for the workpiece to be stored for up to two years, it is packaged in sterile, well-dried jars. Lids are also treated with boiling water or steam. The storage location can be any, but it is advisable to store the workpiece in a dark, cool room.

Step-by-step recipes for apple jam with skins, agar-agar, lemon and apricots

2018-08-01 Marina Vykhodtseva





In 100 grams of the finished dish

0 gr.

0 gr.


44 gr.

176 kcal.

Option 1: Classic Apple Jam (recipe without skins)

The classic natural apple jam is prepared by boiling down the ingredients with the addition of sugar. Here is the usual recipe without the peel. Below you can find economical options that allow you to prepare a treat with little to no waste. We take any variety of apples that we have or like to taste. Even wormy, broken and slightly spoiled fruits can be put into jam, but we just cut off everything superfluous, bring it to the right amount. By the way, the weight of clean pieces, not apples, is lower.


  • 1.5 kg of apples;
  • 1 kg of sugar;
  • 100 ml of water.

Step by step recipe for classic apple jam

We peel the apples, but remove the peel very carefully and only the skin itself, since it contains tannins. Cut into thin slices, throw into a bowl, pouring layers of sugar. You can immediately add water. Leave to extract juice for five hours or overnight.

We put the apples on the fire, stir, cook until softened for about half an hour. Hard fruits may take a little longer to cook. Then stir vigorously, boil twice. The pieces do not need to be crushed. Since there are no skins, they will gradually fall apart on their own.

While the apple jam is being prepared, we sterilize the jars, and also put the saucer in the refrigerator (and preferably in the freezer). Then we take out the plate, stir the jam and drip a small amount onto the chilled surface. We check the consistency. If the jam does not spread, the density suits, proceed to the next step.

We take a clean ladle or a large spoon, put a sterile jar on a plate, put hot jam to the top. We transfer it to the table, if the edges of the jar are dirty, then immediately wipe it with a dry and clean cloth. Now we put on the lid, roll it up.

Jam tends to burn as it thickens. It is for this reason that it is recommended to cook it in a dish with a thick and even bottom. For stirring, you need to use a flat spatula, which will qualitatively lift the lower layers.

Option 2: Quick Apple Jam Recipe

Apples for such jam are not peeled, but crushed. You can twist or chop pieces of fruit with a food processor. Additionally, you will need a little lemon juice for cooking. If apples are sour varieties, then the amount can be reduced by two or three times.


  • 1.5 kg of apples;
  • 1 kg of sugar;
  • 25 ml lemon juice.

How to quickly make apple jam

Cut the apples into slices, going around the cores, then chop in a convenient way. Add granulated sugar. Take a spoon and stir vigorously. Leave for ten minutes. Mix well again. If the juice stands out and the sugar melts well, then we put it on the stove, but for now we make the fire small.

We heat the jam until boiling for about 25 minutes, so that all the grains dissolve, then we add fire and begin to boil the mass by a third or half, it all depends on the desired density. We check with a drop on a chilled saucer, the method is described in the recipe above.

As soon as the consistency begins to suit, add the indicated amount of lemon juice to the jam, stir and you can start laying out in jars, then close them tightly.

If there is a lot of free time, then it is advisable to let the chopped apples stand with sugar for an hour or even two. The more juice is released, the faster it will boil away and the jam will be tastier.

Option 3: Economical Apple Jam (recipe with boiled peel)

The recipe is virtually waste-free. The result is a very thick and rich jam. The whole secret is in the boiled peel. By boiling, tannins are released from it, which remarkably thicken the workpiece. From this number of apples, 1.5 liters of jam will turn out, and 1.6 liters can come out, which is quite a lot for this type of preparation. The exact amount depends on the boiling time, the thickness of the cut peel, the consistency of the workpiece.


  • 2 kg of apples;
  • 1 kg of sugar;
  • 130 ml of water.

How to cook

Wash the apples, peel all the peel, put in a saucepan. Studs can also be added. Pour prescription water, put on the stove and cook for fifteen minutes under the lid. Don't let the water evaporate. Then cool and squeeze the peel.

Peeled apples cut into small slices, sprinkle with sugar, leave for a couple of hours, then add a decoction of the peel. We put on the stove and cook the jam first until the pieces are soft for half an hour.

Now mix the apples well so that they knead and boil down the mass by almost half. We check the finished jam for density, try it, for taste, you can squeeze a little lemon or pour concentrated dry acid. We send apple jam in jars, cork.

Here is a recipe for jam with pieces, but not everyone likes such a preparation. If you want to get a perfectly smooth and uniform delicacy, like jam, then you will need to grind the pieces further. It is convenient to do this in the middle of cooking with a blender. If it is not there, then the apples can be twisted raw, then sprinkled with granulated sugar.

Option 4: Jam from apples with apricots

Summer and very sunny apple jam recipe. Apricots are needed ripe and soft, the number of pitted halves is indicated. We take summer apples, they are also quite soft and cook quickly.


  • 1 kg of apples;
  • 1 kg of apricots;
  • 1.3 kg of sugar.

Step by step recipe

Grind apples and apricots, add granulated sugar to them and leave for a couple of hours to melt a little. Or we do it in the evening, and in the morning we cook jam.

We put our workpiece on the stove, boil after boiling for 40-60 minutes until the desired density, be sure to stir. We lay out the apricot-apple jam in jars, roll it up.

In the same way, jam is prepared from apples with plums, peaches, various berries, which coincide in ripening time.

Option 5: Light Apple Jam (Agar Agar Recipe)

The recipe for light apple jam, which is easy to prepare and not at all cloying, is great for making a variety of homemade desserts. For thickening, agar-agar, a natural thickener, is used. Often they prepare a delicacy with pectin, which can now also be easily purchased at the store.


  • 2 kg of apples;
  • 1.3 kg of sugar;
  • 2 tbsp. water;
  • 8 g of agar-agar.

How to cook

We clean the apples and cut them into arbitrary pieces, but it is better to thin slices so that they boil faster. Sprinkle with sugar, leave for a couple of hours. Then we introduce one glass of water, put on the stove and cook until completely softened. This is about 20-30 minutes after boiling.

We heat the second glass of water, make a pleasantly warm liquid, add agar-agar, stir and pour into our jam. From now on, cook for exactly six minutes.

Pour the jam into jars while it is liquid, but as it cools, it thickens beautifully. Close with sealed lids.

It is not necessary to add water to the future jam, you can use apple or any other juice.

Option 6: Apple Lemon Jam

Another recipe for jam with a separate cooking of the peel, but citrus is additionally added. Lemon will be used here, with orange it also turns out tasty and fragrant.


  • 2 kg of apples;
  • 1 lemon;
  • 1.2 kg of sugar;
  • 150 ml of water.

How to cook

Peel the apples, cut into small slices or cubes, pour into a saucepan, add sugar and stir a little, let it brew for a couple of hours. We remove the zest, but do not grind, leaving large skins. Squeeze lemon juice separately.

Boil the peel with zest in the prescribed amount of water, squeeze all the skins, pour the liquid to the apples with sugar, send it to the stove and start cooking the jam directly. At first, you can often do not stir. We wait until the apples soften, then they need to be mashed a little.

Now we just boil the mass, at the end we season the apple jam with lemon juice. Let it boil well, pack in sterile jars.

If an orange is used instead of a lemon, then there will be much more juice, it can be added instead of water to the peel or partially replaced.

We need ripe apples with sweet, slightly loose flesh that will boil well. Wash them thoroughly and pat dry with a dry towel.

Remove the skin from each apple, cut out the stalk and the bottom of the apple. So that the apples do not darken, they can be briefly dipped in cold water or sprinkled with lemon juice.

While we are preparing apples, in parallel we need to cook sugar syrup. To do this, mix half a glass of water and 750 grams of granulated sugar.

We put the water with sugar on a slow fire, and, stirring occasionally, cook until all the sugar is dissolved.

Cut the peeled apples into small slices (discard the core) and immediately throw them into the finished syrup so that the apples do not have time to darken. We need the net weight of already peeled and chopped fruit, so you can first cut some of the apples into a small cup, weigh it, and count the rest of the apples already by the number of full cups. Of course, the weight will turn out to be approximate, but the quality of the confiture will not suffer from this.

Mix apple slices well with sweet syrup and put on a slow fire. After boiling, cook for about 15-20 minutes. Apples should decrease in size. Then we leave for several hours so that the confiture cools down and thickens a little.

Using an immersion blender, puree some of the apples.

Add lemon zest and cinnamon. Their quantity is best adjusted to your liking. We put the pan with apple jam on the stove over a slow fire. Boil for another 10-15 minutes. Apple jam is already quite thick, so it must be stirred often, otherwise it will burn.

In dry sterilized jars with a volume of not more than 0.5 liters, lay out still hot confiture. It should fill the jar completely, if voids with air have formed, then using a wooden spoon, which we interfered with the confiture during cooking, we push the air out.

We cover the jars with sterilized dry lids and roll them up with a key. We turn the jars over, cover with a towel and leave for several hours. After that, the cooled confiture from apples is removed for storage in a dark place. It keeps well and does not deteriorate even at room temperature. Good luck with your preparations!
