
How to make a dense soufflé omelet. Lush omelet: the taste comes from childhood

The recipe below is basic, it is easily modified and any development of the plot. By the way, it can be used as a filling for the French quiche lauren pie, quite traditional.

In addition, a variety of products can be used as a filler. In this case, ham, cheese and leeks are chosen, but you can take bacon, and fish, salted or smoked, and meat in all forms, and a variety of vegetables. All you have to do is chop it up and fry it.


6 chicken eggs

100 g boiled-smoked ham

50 g Emmental cheese

Leek, 1 plant

200 ml sour cream

50 g butter

100 ml cream 25% fat

Ground black pepper



Cooking omelet-soufflé with ham and cheese for breakfast:

1. We load eggs, cream, sour cream into a blender along with spices (parsley, salt, pepper, ground nutmeg). Finely grate the cheese and also throw it into the blender bowl. We whisk everything together.

2. We take up the ham. We cut it quite finely, into cubes with a side of ½ cm. Fry the cubes in butter so that they become golden. Leek, white part of the stem, chop, add to the ham and fry so that the substance of the onion becomes soft.

3. When the frying of the onion and the size is sufficient, the beaten mixture of eggs with all the other ingredients is poured into the pan, on top.

At this point, the oven should be ready, in which the temperature is maintained at 180 ° C. We put the pan inside for 20 minutes. After this time, we check how baked the omelette is. This is done by poking in any way - with a spoon, or a fork, or just with a finger, if it is refractory and hygienically clean.

When the omelette is ready, take it out and put it out of the oven for a few minutes and cool slightly. During this time, it shrinks slightly, and it is easy to cut into portions and arrange on plates.

Often you are used to preparing an omelet for breakfast, when time is running out, or when it is simply not possible to make complex dishes. And this dish is quick, tasty, nutritious - in general, ideal for a good start to the day.

Basically, a delicious omelet on a weekday can be cooked in a pan. However, when the weekend comes and you remember that you don’t need to rush anywhere, it’s the right time to treat yourself and your family to a very puffy delicious omelette baked in the oven.

The secret of its preparation is simple: eggs beaten with milk are baked in the oven at a high temperature. Do not open the oven door, otherwise the omelette will fall off. Undoubtedly, cooking will take a little longer than usual.

But, we assure you, the result will be excellent. Omelet should be served hot or warm, cut into portions; it is recommended to decorate them with sprigs of greenery.

Traditional omelet in the oven

Omelette is a classic dish, familiar to everyone, very simple and fast. If you cook it in a pan, then it will turn out ordinary. And in the process of creating a culinary masterpiece, the omelet falls off, no matter how hard you try. You will get a completely different result by using this recipe and cooking the dish in the oven. Airy, delicious, very tender, fluffy omelette with a golden crust will delight you and your household. Have a good day!


  • incomplete glass of milk
  • 4 eggs
  • butter - 30 grams
  • a pinch of salt

Cooking method:

Wash the eggs, wipe them dry with a towel. Crack them over a bowl, then fluff with a fork, but only lightly. Add milk and salt, beat again, preferably with a mixer. It is not necessary to achieve a very lush foam - you just need to stir the ingredients very carefully. Lubricate the baking dish generously with oil, because if it is poorly saturated, the omelet will not lag behind the walls and it will be difficult to get it out of the dish.

Pour the whipped mass into the prepared container. Preheat the oven to a temperature of 200-220 0 C. The omelette will bake for about 15-20 minutes. When you notice a beautiful appetizing crust, the form can be removed. Prepare a flat wide dish. When you take the omelet out of the oven, cover it with a plate and invert onto a plate. Cut into pieces and serve warm.

Omelet "School"

Now think back to when you were in school. In between classes, at lunch in the cafeteria, you often had to try the school omelet. It looked more like an egg casserole because it was tall and beautifully sliced. Foreign components were not added then, the omelette had a classic taste. Most likely, it was baked on large baking sheets, and then divided into pieces and laid out on children's plates. Here is his recipe.


  • 100 grams of butter
  • 10 eggs
  • greenery

Cooking method:

Separate eggs into yolks and whites. Mix the yolks with softened butter, shake the mixture well. Add salt. Chop the herbs (dill or parsley) and add to the whipped mixture. Separately, beat the whites to a thick foam, and then carefully fold them into the total mass with a spoon. Transfer the resulting omelette dough to a greased form and place in the oven, which you have already preheated to 200 0 C. After half an hour, the omelet will be ready. As soon as you take out the form, immediately turn it over onto a dish. The omelet is best served hot.

This recipe is also inspired by our childhood memories. This is another version of the omelet in the oven. Properly preparing such a dish is very simple - you need to add flour to the recipe. Most likely, this is what the cooks in the school cafeterias did. Try to make such an omelet and find for yourself the very taste that comes from childhood. Such a dish in its splendor and height is more like an omelette soufflé.


  • 4 teaspoons flour
  • 4 eggs
  • 100 milliliters of milk

Cooking method:

Separate the eggs into whites and yolks first. Beat the last a little with a fork, then add milk and turn on the mixer for a minute. When the mixture reaches uniformity, introduce a little flour, add salt. In another bowl, beat egg whites until stiff, then fold them into the mixture in batches. Shake gently with a spoon. Grease a baking sheet generously with oil, pour the egg mass into it. Send to bake in the oven at a high temperature (200-220 0 C). The signal for cooking will be the ruddy crust of the omelette. Invert onto a plate, slice and serve warm.

Omelet like in kindergarten

We bring to your attention an omelet recipe that can be used for baby food for the smallest lovers of this dish. The simple ingredients included in this recipe are in the refrigerator of every mother. And the original way of creation will allow you to quickly and without much hassle feed your child with an omelette for breakfast or cook it as an additional dish for dinner for the whole family.

  • butter - 10 grams
  • flour - 1-2 tablespoons
  • milk - 1 cup
  • eggs - 8 pieces

Cooking method:

To make the omelet soft and tender, like in kindergarten, you need to strictly observe the proportions of milk and eggs. It is here that we will look at the recipe, which indicates the ideal proportions for this dish and tell you how to cook it correctly. So, get started. For 8 eggs you need one glass of milk. Divide the eggs. Slightly shake the yolks in a bowl with a fork. Then pour in the milk and work with the mixer for a few minutes.

The next step is to add flour. As you have already noticed, very little is included in the recipe. Don't forget to salt your omelet. When the mixture is of a homogeneous consistency, you can pour it into a mold grated with butter. Cook the omelet in a hot oven for about 15-20 minutes. The top should brown nicely. Remove the dish that has come up and turn it over onto a plate. As a result, you will see a home-baked puffy omelette that smells just fabulous. Have a good mood and bon appetit!

Italian omelette with vegetables

If you like omelets with different fillings, we want to offer you a recipe originally from Italian cuisine. The dish is called frittatou - it is a lush and very tender omelette with a variety of fillings. In order to cook it properly, you should always use the best quality olive oil. The rest is just a choice of your imagination. The recipe is useful for people who adhere to a low-calorie diet and just follow the figure.


  • green peas - 0.5 cups
  • carrots - 1 piece
  • Bulgarian pepper - 1 piece
  • zucchini - 1 piece
  • leek (white part) - 1/2 stem
  • olive oil - 2 tablespoons
  • broccoli - 100 grams
  • 2 eggs
  • milk - 0.5 cups
  • hard cheese - 50 grams
  • ground black pepper

Cooking method:

Omelet with vegetables is very healthy and tasty. The dish will fit perfectly into any diet, suitable for both adults and children. You can cook this omelette by adding your favorite vegetables to it in any combination that suits your taste. We invite you to take note of this recipe and prepare a wonderful dinner, and in the future you can experiment and change something in it.

So, it's time to get started. Fry leek rings with grated carrots in a pan, adding olive oil. After a few minutes, add the sliced ​​zucchini and bell pepper to the pan. Mix and fry all vegetables.

Put the green peas and broccoli in the pan last, add a little water, cover with a lid and simmer over low heat for another 6-7 minutes. Salt and pepper the vegetables. Next, you need to prepare the dishes for baking: cover the form with foil or grease the bottom and walls with butter so that your dish does not burn. Transfer the vegetables to the mold.

Next came the turn of the omelette itself: beat the eggs first, then stir them with milk, salt and pour the vegetables with this mixture. The oven should be already hot, with a temperature of at least 190 degrees. It will take about a quarter of an hour to cook a vegetable omelette. A few minutes before removing the baking sheet, sprinkle the top of the omelet with grated cheese and leave for another 5 minutes in the oven. Delight your loved ones with healthy homemade dishes!

Omelet in the oven with sausage and tomatoes

If you cook an omelette with different fillings in a pan, it may not always turn out the way you want. But if you decide to try the oven omelette recipe, you will probably be delighted with a dense, tall and very tasty dish. All the secrets of cooking have already been revealed, in addition to observing all proportions and not opening the oven door ahead of time, because an omelette is just the dish that reacts sharply to temperature changes. We will enrich this omelette recipe with several types of sausage and tomatoes to give you the opportunity to prepare an even more delicious dish.


  • milk - 3/4 cup
  • tomatoes - 1 piece
  • eggs - 4 pieces
  • smoked sausage - 50 grams
  • ham - 50 grams
  • boiled sausage - 50 grams
  • butter - for greasing
  • onion - 1 piece

Cooking method:

Lightly beat the eggs with a whisk. Add milk and salt. Stir the mixture until smooth (no need to beat strongly). Separately cut each type of sausage. Wash the tomato and cut into cubes, the onion into half rings. You need to cook the ingredients for this omelette in a frying pan. Lightly fry this vegetable, adding a little olive oil, put tomatoes on it. They will release the juice, and the vegetables will stew a little more under the lid. At the end, put pieces of sausage there and mix, let all the components “make friends” with each other.

Next, you need to prepare an oven dish. Line a container of suitable size with foil, brush with oil and transfer all the filling from the pan there. Pour over the beaten eggs and put in the oven to bake. The oven must be hot (200 0 C). Baking time - 30 minutes. As soon as the omelet with the filling is reddened, it can be taken out. Turn the mold over immediately and put it on a plate. Optionally, you can decorate with grated garlic and dill.

What an amazing omelette! Indeed, in fact, starting to improvise in the kitchen, you will be convinced that it is enough just to master the recipe for preparing the dish itself, and everything is simple with the fillings - you just need to give free rein to your imagination. Omelettes are good, both on their own and with a variety of components. They can be made with sausage, ham, vegetables, mushrooms, cheese, fish, meat, herbs and garlic.

You won’t believe it, but omelettes can also be prepared in a sweet version, you just need to add sugar and a few ingredients that suit your taste to the recipe instead of salt: dried fruits, citrus zest, cinnamon, vanillin. To have a very tasty dinner, it is not necessary to go to a cafe or restaurant - you can cook excellent omelettes at home, without much effort and expense.

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I write the recipe for an omelette with sour cream at the request of friends and relatives. Every time someone comes to visit and tastes an omelet, they begin to admire. And they say that this is the most delicious omelet in life. This is surprising to me, because I have known this omelet all my life. This is how my grandmother used to make it.

Everything is very simple, mixed eggs with salt and sour cream and fried. To prepare a delicious omelette, you need a frying pan with a thick bottom, I have a stainless steel one. And before frying an omelette, it needs to be warmed up well. Grandma always cooked omelets with butter or ghee, so I love it too. And someone asks me to fry it in vegetable oil. That's all the secrets of an omelet with sour cream. The omelette is very tasty on its own, but I can complicate it with mushrooms or sprinkle with grated cheese. My kids love omelet with sour cream served with marinated feta cheese with tomatoes and lettuce.

Cooking time: 10 minutes

Difficulty: Easy

Ingredients: For 1 serving

  • Egg - 2pcs
  • Sour cream - 4 teaspoons
  • Salt - to taste
  • Butter, ghee or vegetable oil - for frying

How to make an omelet with sour cream:

  • Break the eggs into a bowl, add sour cream and salt. Beat the omelet with a fork or a long spoon.
  • Heat the oil in a frying pan until smoky, reduce the heat to medium and pour the omelet into the pan
  • When the edges of the omelet are crispy, run a spatula around the pan, pushing the omelet away from the sides.
  • Flip the omelette over with a spatula and fry for another minute.
  • Transfer the omelet to a plate.
  • The omelet is ready.

I always cook omelets in batches in a small frying pan. So it flips easily and looks nice on the plate. And my children in childhood were very fond of such an omelet with trains. Engines are black bread and butter, cut into squares. An omelet with a long train of trains left in a matter of minutes

How do I cook an omelet with sour cream:

    • I break the eggs into a bowl, add sour cream and salt. I beat the omelet with a long spoon.

    • Heat the oil in a frying pan until smoky, reduce the heat to medium and pour the omelette

    • When the edges of the omelette become fried, I pass the spatula around the circle of the pan, pushing the omelet away from the walls. Flip the omelet with a spatula to the other side and fry for another minute. Omelette is ready

  • I transfer the omelette to a plate. Served with fresh tomatoes, greens, pickled cheese or separately fried bacon.
  • And locomotives

Bon appetit! If you have any questions about cooking, ask, I will definitely help.

Imagine a soufflé omelette, surprisingly tender and airy, made from 1 egg! Not in the sense that it must be prepared from one single egg - it is possible from 2, and from 3, and from 12, if there is an appropriate frying pan.

An interesting feature of this omelet is that it is prepared from 1 egg, without any liquids. No milk, soda, sour cream - only an egg, a minimum of seasonings and a little butter.

Despite the simplicity of the ingredients, this recipe, imagine, is quite difficult to perform: it requires speed and flair from the cook: this is one of those dishes that should either be cooked perfectly or not cooked at all.

How to cook "Omelette soufflé" step by step with a photo at home

In my opinion, 1 egg is enough for 1 serving of this omelet. Although for a man, it is probably better to immediately cook from 2-3. For 1 egg, you need 5 g of butter and about the same amount of butter or vegetable, with a neutral taste, for frying. Salt and pepper - to taste.

We spread the egg foam on a hot pan, slightly level it to give the flounder a round shape, and bake, with the lid open, over medium-high heat until cooked. I can’t explain in minutes - everyone’s pans and stoves are different. Carefully look at the edge of the omelet - as soon as it seizes, immediately remove from heat and transfer to a plate, there the count goes literally for seconds. While I was dragging the frying pan from the kitchen to the shooting location, the omelette had already burned out, another portion was on the final. Too low a fire for this dish is also not good: when baking slowly, the omelette settles.

Very often we cook egg dishes for breakfast - scrambled eggs, scrambled eggs, scrambled eggs - it's tasty, satisfying, healthy and, most importantly, fast! But I want variety even in such a simple dish. I saw such an interesting recipe for an omelet-soufflé - an unusually delicate taste, airy structure! It can be cooked with cheese and herbs (like mine), with sausage, ham, vegetables.


To make an omelette soufflé you will need:

egg - 2 pcs.;

milk - 50 ml;

dill - a few branches;

vegetable oil for frying.

Cooking steps

Divide the eggs into whites and yolks. Add milk and salt to the yolks, mix well.

Then add cheese grated on a fine grater and finely chopped greens - mix everything well.

Pour the mass into a slightly heated frying pan with a small amount of vegetable oil and fry over medium heat until the mass "grabs".

As soon as the yolk-cheese mass has "grabbed", put the whipped whites on top and cook for 30-40 seconds (!)

Remove from heat, carefully fold the soufflé omelette in half and place on a plate.

Bon appetit!
