
How to make sweet sorrel pies. Pies with sorrel from puff pastry

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You have landed on a blog that has a lot of delicious recipes. And today we will talk about one of them. Because we will make sorrel pies. In sorrel season, some do not know what to do with it. Sorrel is actually a weed. For many, it grows just like that. And the imagination does not go further for many. Therefore, this article is written in order to tell you how to utilize a delicious plant with the help of excellent recipes.

In the article you will find:

The sorrel filling is fantastic. This is probably one of the juicy herbs that you can stuff into the filling. This plant can be an excellent alternative to spinach. After all, spinach is an expensive product. Even some types of sorrel are called spinach. As a result, we got very tasty and juicy pies with sweet and sour filling. It will blow your mind, I assure you.

Sweet sorrel filling: no secrets

Before we start cooking pies, I would like to begin with you to analyze the process of preparing a wonderful filler. From the fact that our plant is very juicy, then the product will turn out the same. Let's consider one of the options.

You will need 2-3 large bunches of sorrel. It needs to be washed first. We wash each leaf under running water on both sides. Therefore, you need to remove the thick legs, leave the leaves themselves. I do this because the leg is much harder and more sour. It seems to me that it will not be very pleasant to have such surprises in pies.

If you still decide to use the legs, then they need to be boiled separately from the leaves. To make them softer and less acidic.

Now we grind the plant. Cut first along, and then across. Cut into slices 1 cm wide. You can thinner.

Fill all this richness of vitamins with boiling water. The leaves immediately begin to fade. They are very gentle.

Let's interfere a little. And immediately you need to drain the water. We squeeze as much water as possible. The sorrel has decreased in volume.

If after decanting, water remains, then we additionally squeeze the plant. There should be no liquid in the filling. Otherwise, the pies will fall apart and the juice will flow onto the baking sheet. And they will burn.

That's all. The filling is ready for further preparation. If you have ready-made dough, you can immediately start sculpting pies. In previous posts, I dealt with the topic of secrets.

Delicious fried pies with sorrel: the dough will be yeast-free

The plant used shrinks very strongly during heat treatment. Therefore, do not look at the initial volume. The yeast dough takes longer to cook, so we will use kefir as a base. And we'll bake pies.

Keep in mind that with this filling you can do it even on puff, even on yeast dough.

We will need:

  • Fresh or frozen sorrel - 600 grams
  • Kefir (3.2%) - 300 milliliters
  • Flour - 350 grams
  • Vegetable oil - 4 tablespoons (in the dough)
  • Salt, sugar - 1 teaspoon each
  • Sugar for 1 pie - 1 teaspoon
  • Soda (or baking powder) - also 1 teaspoon

As you can see from the list of products, I do not use eggs for dough. I did it consciously. Because they make it heavier. And we need to make it as lush as possible. Some recipes recommend adding eggs when the pies are fried. But I still advise not to add. See for yourself, it's all optional. You can beat an egg.

Cooking steps:

1. Let's start with the preparation of the filling. As mentioned earlier, the plant is greatly reduced in volume by heat treatment. First of all, carefully wash the sorrel. We get rid of the hard legs, leaving only the leaves. Now we cut not very small.

2. And then what do you ask? And then we pour boiling water over these leaves. Literally for 30 seconds. So to speak, so that they boil a little. And after we drain the water, you will clearly see how the volume has significantly decreased. Once drained, it is advisable to compress with your hands to get rid of excess moisture. In this case, we have enough fillings for 5-6 pies. We will put half a tablespoon.

The leaves themselves are moist and juicy. And we do not need additional liquid inside the pie.

Test preparation

3. First, mix kefir with vegetable oil. Then add salt, sugar and soda there. Mix again.

4. Next, sift the flour and knead the dough. It should be soft enough not to stick to your hands. The dough should be easy to knead. Not to be tight. Weight, which is indicated in the list of ingredients, is indicative.

Remember! In any recipes, the weight of flour is always indicated as an approximate. You can add flour to the batter. But already in the pebble it is no longer possible to add moisture.

5. When the batch is finished, let the dough rest for 15 minutes. Cover the bowl with a towel or cling film.

6. Left for small things. Blind and bake pies. Tear off small pieces from the dough. You can choose the size if you wish. Just remember that during baking, the pies increase in size.

7. We knead each ball with our hands or roll it into a circle with a rolling pin. And add the sorrel filling where about half a tablespoon. I used to say that the filling is sweet. And it is at this stage that we add a teaspoon of sugar directly to the center of the circle. After that, add the filling.

8. And stick the filling inside the pie, like a dumpling.

9. It remains to bake pies. And we will bake by frying. For this we need a frying pan. Pour enough vegetable oil so that the layer is about 1/3-1/2 the height of the patty.

The basic rule for frying pies, potatoes, cutlets, oil must be well calcined. Never dip food into cold oil.

Well, put the pies in the pan and fry on both sides until golden brown. 3 minutes on each side is enough.

Which fire to choose for heating? The maximum you need, they will quickly burn out. They won't bake inside. the fire should be 60% of the maximum. About a little above average.

10. Pies with sorrel are ready. You have clearly seen how you can cook delicious sweet pies at home.

In fact, there are many filling options. It's sweet and plain. And I was interested in Vladimir's recipe. In the article, he shows how you can bake pies with apples so that you lick your fingers. In this recipe, he parses the sweet filling.

Sweet pies with sorrel on yeast dough: a step by step recipe with a photo

The second way, which turns out very tasty and airy pies from childhood. In this recipe, we will not soak the plant in boiling water. And you will also learn the secret of making dough with yeast so that the pies are airy.


For the test

  • Flour - 400 grams
  • Sugar - 50 grams (2 tablespoons with a slide)
  • Chicken egg - 1 piece
  • Natural yogurt without fillers - 125 grams
  • Yeast - 1 teaspoon (5 grams)
  • Milk - 125 grams (This is an approximate amount, because the flour is different)
  • Salt - 1/2 teaspoon.
  • Melted butter - 30 grams
  • Vegetable oil - 30 grams

For the filling (it all depends on the amount of dough)

  • Sorrel
  • Sugar

Cooking process:

1. And we will start with the dough, or rather with the dough (yeast bacon). Take a cup. Pour 50 grams of slightly warm water there. We throw yeast, 2 teaspoons of flour, a little sugar, literally half a teaspoon. Mix everything well until a homogeneous mass, so that there are no lumps. And put in a warm place for 15 minutes.

If the yeast is alive, then during this time they will have time to wake up and give a foamy cap. If suddenly there are no foam caps, then they need to be replaced.

2. In the meantime, sift the flour. Add sugar to it. Crack in an egg here. Pour out the yogurt. Next, we mix everything. Do it with your hands or with a spoon.

3. Now add our yeast bacon. In 15 minutes foam formed. And stir again.

4. Then we will add milk in portions. And we will add until we have no dry flour left at all, i.e. everything will be wet. The dough should be not thick, medium consistency, soft enough. So gradually add milk and stir well each time. As a result, you should get a soft dough that will hold its shape well.

After kneading, cover the dough with a plate, towel or cling film. Leave for 20 minutes in a warm place. During this time, the flour will have time to absorb all the moisture, forming gluten. And the dough will be easier to knead.

5. After 20 minutes, add salt to the dough. Then we will drive in the oil mixture. It includes melted butter and vegetable oils.

You can take separately, both creamy and sunflower. Or you can even take margarine. This is optional.

Add the oil mixture in small portions. Add the next portion until the previous one is completely absorbed. And along the way, the dough is kneaded.

Preparing the dough for further fermentation

6. Then knead the dough well on the table in order to drive as much oxygen as possible into the dough. Along the way, it will stretch, it will be remembered. And as a result, the gluten threads will stretch. The dough will be firmer. It will better hold the carbon dioxide that will be formed as a result of fermentation.

Pull the dough and fold. Then you flip. We repeat. And so it is desirable for 10-15 minutes.

7. The result is a soft, fairly sticky dough. Put the ball in a bowl and level the surface. Cover with cling film and keep warm to ferment. During the fermentation process, the dough must be pulled and folded several times, as we do above on the table. This is done in order to develop gluten well. In turn, it will affect the quality of the finished test.

If the dough is very sticky, you can grease your hands with water or vegetable oil. Better of course oil.

8. The dough came up a little. We start from the edges to grab and drag to the opposite wall. And so in a circle. At the end you need to fold in half and turn over.

If you follow the rule and theory, then such additions need to be done 4-5 every 45 minutes. In practice, there are about 2-3 such additions. And you can do it not clearly after 45 minutes, but how the dough fits. Once the dough has doubled in size, fold in.

Forming dough balls

9. After all the manipulations, lay out the dough that has come up on the table. And cut into portions. Lay out the dough carefully. It is advisable not to pull it too hard.

10. We divide into portions, depending on what kind of pies we want to get. The dough is quite sticky, so we wrap our hands in flour. It turned out 18 pieces.

11. Then the lumps of dough need to be rounded. We do this: fold the dough to the center of the ball until the outer surface is stretched. I pinch the edges. And I roll. It turns out a smooth ball. And so we roll up the rest of the pieces.

As you do everything, cover the balls with a film and leave alone for 5-7 minutes. During this time, the gluten will relax and the dough will be easier to roll out.

We make pies

12. While the dough is resting, wash and cut the sorrel. By this time, the plant should be dry and clean. This time we will not soak sorrel in boiling water. We take a ball and roll it into a cake. We will not mix the plant with sugar. We will separately add sugar and sorrel to the pie.

If you mix sugar and sorrel in advance, then the grass will give juice. And the filling will be moist.

Roll out thin enough. Put a teaspoon of sugar in the center of the cake. Then we put sorrel. First, twist it in your hands, forming a lump. The most difficult thing is to blind the central edges together. And then it's easier. We blind like a dumpling.

13. Put the blinded pies on a baking sheet covered with food paper. And cover them with foil. And leave them for 30-40 minutes. The picture below is already after the time has passed.

14. Then, 5-7 minutes before baking, grease them with a beaten egg. And send it to a preheated oven to 180 degrees until browned.

Note that the baking temperature is not absolute. Focus on your oven. You can bake at a lower or higher temperature.

The pies are ready. Bon appetit!

We fry pies in a pan: a detailed video

I want to show another example where yeast dough is also used. In the meantime, we will cook in a pan. It turns out just as delicious.

Dear reader, here we come to the end. Together we dismantled step-by-step recipes for making pies with sorrel. And I tried to show several options. You yourself have seen that the filling is suitable for both yeast dough and yeast-free dough. Considered two ways to prepare the filling. You can soak the sorrel in boiling water, but do not forget to survive excess moisture from it. You can post it raw.

Thank you for your attention! Like and class. Share recipes with your family and friends. And stay tuned for blog updates. All the best!

Pirozhki with sorrel are easy-to-prepare and, moreover, very tasty pies, which are very popular in the post-Soviet space. And it's not easy. Baking with sorrel as a filling turns out sweet and sour, very juicy, and very tasty! Therefore, as soon as sorrel leaves begin to grow in our garden, we begin to cook pies with sorrel. Of course, then there will be sorrel soup with eggs, and green cabbage soup from sorrel, but the first thing we cook from sorrel after a long and long winter is sorrel pies.

From freshly picked green sorrel, you can cook not only delicious summer borscht and homemade pies. From sorrel and kefir dough, you can make soft, delicate fragrant buns with juicy sweet and sour filling, which can be served with fresh broth and tea. They are delicious both cold and warm.

In order to prepare the dough for pies with sorrel, take:

wheat flour;
kefir (low-fat) - 1 cup;
chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
fresh yeast - 25 grams;
odorless vegetable oil - 4-5 tablespoons;
vegetable oil for frying.

Stuffing for pies with sorrel:

fresh sorrel - 1 bunch;
granulated sugar.

Recipe for pies with sorrel:

According to this recipe, you can cook fried sorrel pies, which are very tender, fluffy and very tasty. For the filling for pies, I take fresh sorrel. This is how I put it in pies when they are baked. It seems to me that the sorrel retains its taste in this way and that the filling turns out to be more fragrant. The recipe for fried pies with sorrel is not at all complicated, one might even say ordinary, but the pies at the same time turn out well, just incomparable. In size, I usually form the pies quite small - this way they fry faster, and they look more appetizing.

1. Warm the kefir to a warm state and stir the yeast in it, after grinding them. Let the steam rise.

2. In the resulting dough, add the sifted flour, butter, a pinch of salt, beaten eggs. Knead the dough for sorrel pies until it no longer sticks to your hands.

3. On a dry and clean surface, after sprinkling it with flour, divide the yeast dough into pieces and roll them into koloboks. Leave the resulting balls for about 10 minutes. This is done so that the dough balls fit.

4. We wash the sorrel and throw it into a colander. Pour boiling water over the sorrel, mix it and leave it in a colander to drain the water.

5. As soon as the dough increases a little in its volume, roll it slightly with a rolling pin, but roll it so that the cakes are not too thin.

6. Put the sorrel in the middle of each of the cakes and sprinkle it with granulated sugar (a teaspoon is enough).

8. Grip the edges of the cake with your hands so that the sorrel pie has the correct oblong shape. In this way, blind all the pies and put them in a preheated pan, after filling it with vegetable oil.

9. Fry the sorrel pies over medium heat. Fry them first on one side, and then, turning over, on the other.

Transfer the prepared pies with sorrel to a plate, cool slightly and serve. You can enjoy such sweet, quick pastries in the summer at your summer cottage or take it with you on a picnic.

About the benefits of sorrel:

Sorrel, in itself, has very significant beneficial properties. Its leaves are able to improve digestion, and also have anti-allergic and choleretic effects.

When eating sorrel, you should be careful, because sorrel contains quite a lot of oxalic acid and it is undesirable to eat it for a long time. This can cause a violation of mineral metabolism in the body, and can also contribute to the formation of gout and kidney stones.

But basically, oversaturation of our body with sorrel, by and large, does not threaten us, because we see sorrel almost only in summer. At the same time, we are used to eating cabbage soup with sorrel, adding sour cream there, and it perfectly neutralizes oxalic acid (however, this can be attributed to almost all fermented milk products).

If you do not have the above diseases, then you can safely eat sorrel in food both in various dishes and fresh.

Watch the video recipe How to cook sorrel pies.

Pie with sorrel was undeservedly forgotten by modern housewives. This delicious budget dish will be noted even at the festive table. The following are the most simple and successful sorrel pie recipes.

In order for the discussed filling in the pie to be as tasty and juicy as possible, you need to stop using a canned or frozen product.

You should choose only fresh young leaves of the plant.

In addition, chopped leaves before baking you need to wash your hands well. Next, the juicy filling is generously sprinkled with sugar or salted to taste and left for a couple of minutes.

yeast dough recipe

Yeast dough can be bought ready-made, or you can cook it yourself. If the latter option is chosen, then you will need to take the following products: 1 large spoonful of granulated sugar, 470 g of wheat flour, 170 ml of low-fat milk, 2 large spoons of non-aromatic oil, a small spoonful of dry yeast and fine salt. The filling will include: 3 selected eggs, 2 bunches of fresh sorrel, salt.

  1. All components prepared for the dough are thoroughly mixed together. The mass should be soft and pliable.
  2. The dough will rise for 80-90 minutes. During this period, it will need to be kneaded once.
  3. Two eggs are hard boiled and cut into cubes. Then they are mixed with salted sorrel and the remaining raw egg.
  4. From the finished dough, two cakes are formed, slightly different in size.
  5. A large cake is laid out on an oiled baking sheet. The edges are folded onto its sides.
  6. A juicy filling is laid out on top of the base. The pie is closed with the rest of the dough. The edges are carefully pinched, and the upper part is pierced in several places with a fork.
  7. It takes 25 minutes to cook in a preheated oven.
  8. Cool down. Serve to the table.

From puff pastry

Homemade puff pastry will take a very long time to mess around. Therefore, it is better to use ready-made defrosted (half a kilo). In addition, will be used: 470 g of sorrel, 3.5-4.5 large spoons of granulated sugar, 1.5 large spoons of potato starch, raw egg. Preparing a sorrel pie from puff pastry is very quick and easy.

  1. The sorrel is washed with water, dried with paper napkins, finely chopped and sprinkled with sugar.
  2. Half of the dough is laid out on a baking sheet oiled with butter. You can roll it out a little.
  3. The filling is evenly laid out on top of the base and sprinkled with potato starch.
  4. It remains to cover the cake with the second part of the dough, pinch and put in a hot oven for 35 minutes.

You can not add sugar to the filling, but lightly salt the sorrel.

With sorrel and cheese

For such a treat, ready-made yeast dough is used. A 600 g package will be enough. A juicy filling is prepared from: 270 g of sorrel, 160 g of soft goat cheese, salt. For lubrication of baking, a chicken egg is taken.

  1. The cheese is crumbled into cubes, mixed with washed and coarsely chopped sorrel. The filling is salted and peppered.
  2. The dough is rolled into a cake, sorrel with cheese is laid out in the middle.
  3. The base is carefully pulled to the middle.
  4. It is important not to tear the dough.

  5. The egg is beaten in a separate bowl, after which the entire surface of the future pie is smeared with it.
  6. Bake for 45 minutes on the middle rack of the oven.

Ready-made pastries will be a great addition to any soup or broth.

With cottage cheese and sorrel

Such pastries will be an excellent dessert that will appeal to both children and adults. To prepare it, you need to prepare: 220 g of sorrel, 120 g of cottage cheese, 110 g of granulated sugar, 2 large spoons of potato starch, a pinch of salt, half a pack of butter, 90 g of medium-fat sour cream, 2 raw eggs, a small spoonful of baking powder, 330 g of wheat flour. A detailed description of the pie is given below.

  1. To prepare the dough, the butter is melted on a minimum heat, and when it cools slightly, it is mixed with one egg and the yolk from the second.
  2. Half of the sugar, sour cream, sifted flour with baking powder are added to the mass. The ingredients are thoroughly mixed.
  3. The dough does not need to be sent to heat to rise.
  4. The sorrel filling is very easy to prepare. To do this, fresh finely chopped leaves are sprinkled with the remaining sugar and a small amount of salt. Dry cottage cheese and potato starch are added to them.
  5. The dough is divided into two unequal parts. A large portion is placed in a round shape, covered with filling and a smaller part.
  6. Bake for 55 minutes in a preheated oven.
  7. About 15 minutes after the start of cooking, the surface of the pie is smeared with the remaining protein.

For the indicated amount of ingredients, a round heat-resistant form with a diameter of 23 cm is ideal.

With sorrel and egg

When preparing a savory version of baking, in addition to sorrel, it is worth adding chicken eggs to the filling of the pie. They will add a treat of satiety. In addition to 4 medium eggs, it is taken: a pound of yeast dough, salt, 470 g of fresh sorrel, a bunch of green onions, ground pepper, 80 g of butter.

  1. The dough is divided into two unequal parts, both of which are slightly rolled out. You can make both a round and a rectangular cake.
  2. Most fit into the selected shape, it forms the sides.
  3. For the filling, the eggs are hard-boiled and rubbed on a coarse grater.
  4. Sorrel and onion are washed, shaken off the water and finely chopped.
  5. Eggs in a separate bowl are mixed with prepared greens. The mass is salted, optionally flavored with pepper and any other seasonings.
  6. Melted butter will help with the dryness of the filling. After adding it, the filling is thoroughly mixed and sent to the base.
  7. On top of the cake is closed with the second part of the dough and baked for 45 minutes.

You can add not only chicken, but also quail eggs to the filling.

Sweet pie with sorrel

One of the most delicious sweet fillings for sorrel pie is the version with apple and vanilla sugar. In addition to 2 sweet fruits, take: a pound of yeast dough, 70 g of powdered sugar, a bag of vanilla sugar, 2 sprigs of mint, 280 g of fresh sorrel, a large spoonful of granulated sugar.

  1. The dough is divided into two unequal parts and rolled out.
  2. A large one is laid out in a mold, forming small sides.
  3. For the filling, washed and chopped sorrel is mixed with small cubes of apple, regular and vanilla sugar, and chopped mint.
  4. The mass is laid out on the base and covered with the second part of the dough.
  5. Bake for 35 minutes in a hot oven.

Slightly cooled pastries are generously sprinkled with powdered sugar.

Quick sorrel pie in the oven

Even a jellied pie can be cooked with sorrel. This will take quite a bit of time, as well as the following products: 3 large handfuls of fresh sorrel leaves, 2 tbsp. flour, 1.5 tbsp. low-fat kefir, 0.5 small. tablespoons of salt and the same amount of baking powder, a large spoonful of granulated sugar, 3 large eggs, 2 large spoons of non-aromatic oil.

  1. Eggs are mixed with salt, kefir and granulated sugar. With a blender, they are whipped into a lush mass. Next, the products are combined with butter, baking powder and sifted flour.
  2. The kneaded dough will infuse for 15-20 minutes.
  3. Then half of the mass is poured into an oiled form, chopped sorrel is poured on top, which is closed with the remaining dough.
  4. The treat is baked for 35-40 minutes.

For satiety, you can add a boiled egg to the filling.

Pies with sorrel- these are easy-to-prepare and, moreover, very tasty pies, which are very popular in the post-Soviet space. And it's not easy. using sorrel as a filling, it turns out sweet and sour, very juicy, and very tasty! Therefore, as soon as sorrel leaves begin to grow in our garden, we begin to cook pies with sorrel. Of course, then there will be sorrel soup with eggs, and green cabbage soup from sorrel, but the first thing we cook from sorrel after a long and long winter is sorrel pies.

From freshly picked green sorrel, you can cook not only delicious summer borscht and homemade pies. From sorrel and kefir dough, you can make soft, delicate fragrant buns with juicy sweet and sour filling, which can be served with fresh broth and tea. They are delicious both cold and warm.

In order to prepare the dough for pies with sorrel, take:

wheat flour;
kefir (low-fat) - 1 cup;
chicken eggs - 2 pcs.;
fresh yeast - 25 grams;
odorless vegetable oil - 4-5 tablespoons;
vegetable oil for frying.

Stuffing for pies with sorrel:

fresh sorrel - 1 bunch;
granulated sugar.

Recipe for pies with sorrel:

According to this recipe, you can cook fried sorrel pies, which are very tender, fluffy and very tasty. For the filling for pies, I take fresh sorrel. This is how I put it in pies when they are baked. It seems to me that the sorrel retains its taste in this way and that the filling turns out to be more fragrant. The recipe for fried pies with sorrel is not at all complicated, one might even say ordinary, but the pies at the same time turn out well, just incomparable. In size, I usually form the pies quite small - this way they fry faster, and they look more appetizing.

1. Warm the kefir to a warm state and stir the yeast in it, after grinding them. Let the steam rise.

2. In the resulting dough, add the sifted flour, butter, a pinch of salt, beaten eggs. Knead the dough for sorrel pies until it no longer sticks to your hands.

3. On a dry and clean surface, after sprinkling it with flour, divide the yeast dough into pieces and roll them into koloboks. Leave the resulting balls for about 10 minutes. This is done so that the dough balls fit.

4. We wash the sorrel and throw it into a colander. Pour boiling water over the sorrel, mix it and leave it in a colander to drain the water.

5. As soon as the dough increases a little in its volume, roll it slightly with a rolling pin, but roll it so that the cakes are not too thin.

6. Put the sorrel in the middle of each of the cakes and sprinkle it with granulated sugar (a teaspoon is enough).

8. Grip the edges of the cake with your hands so that the sorrel pie has the correct oblong shape. In this way, blind all the pies and put them in a preheated pan, after filling it with vegetable oil.

9. Fry the sorrel pies over medium heat. Fry them first on one side, and then, turning over, on the other.

Transfer the prepared pies with sorrel to a plate, cool slightly and serve. You can enjoy such sweet, quick pastries in the summer at your summer cottage or take it with you on a picnic.

About the benefits of sorrel:

Sorrel, in itself, has very significant beneficial properties. Its leaves are able to improve digestion, and also have anti-allergic and choleretic effects.

When eating sorrel, you should be careful, because sorrel contains quite a lot of oxalic acid and it is undesirable to eat it for a long time. This can cause a violation of mineral metabolism in the body, and can also contribute to the formation of gout and kidney stones.

But basically, oversaturation of our body with sorrel, by and large, does not threaten us, because we see sorrel almost only in summer. At the same time, we are used to eating cabbage soup with sorrel, adding sour cream there, and it perfectly neutralizes oxalic acid (however, this can be attributed to almost all fermented milk products).

If you do not have the above diseases, then you can safely eat sorrel in food both in various dishes and fresh.

Watch video recipe How to cook pies with sorrel.

Did you know that sorrel is also suitable not only for green borscht, but also for baking, and sweet ones at that? Yes, yes, there is such a recipe - pies with sorrel from yeast dough!

Although this culture contains oxalic acid, the filling in the pies is sweet, and few can guess what they are with!

Once we baked fried pies stuffed with sorrel, and these are baked pies with sorrel in the oven. Just as tasty! By the way, when the strawberry season comes, it will be possible, in addition to greens, to add berries to the filling. There is also such a recipe - pies with sorrel and strawberries! But we'll try them later :)


For 18-20 pieces:
For yeast dough:

  • 35 g fresh yeast (or 11 g dry);
  • 4 tablespoons of sugar;
  • 200 ml of milk;
  • 2 eggs;
  • 50 g butter;
  • 0.5 teaspoon of salt;
  • 2 tablespoons of vegetable oil;
  • 3.5-4 cups of flour.

1 cup of 200 ml contains 130 g of flour without top. That is, you need 450-520 g of flour. The exact amount depends on the flour itself, the size of the eggs.
If you want, you can knead the lean version of the dough in water, without eggs and oil.

For filling:

  • A bunch of sorrel;
  • 15-20 teaspoons of sugar.

For lubrication:

  • 1 yolk;
  • 1 teaspoon of milk.

How to bake:

First of all, we prepare the yeast dough to activate the yeast. This step is necessary when using fresh pressed or dry active yeast. If you use instant dry yeast (in the form of a powder, not granules), you can immediately add this to the flour along with the rest of the ingredients and knead the dough.

I crumble fresh yeast into a bowl and rub it with a spoon with 2 tbsp. Sahara.

Then I pour in warm milk with a temperature of about 36C and stir.

It turns out not very thick dough, this is the dough. Put it in heat for 15-20 minutes. You can place the bowl on a container with warm (I draw your attention, not hot) water, and cover with a clean towel on top.
Dry active granular yeast should be mixed with sugar and warm milk, and then also left for 15 minutes, until a lush foam appears. While the dough is rising, remove the eggs and butter from the refrigerator, let it warm up to room temperature.

When the dough rises, becoming lush, with bubbles, it's time to knead the dough. Add eggs (not cold), the rest a couple of tablespoons of sugar, softened butter.

After mixing, sift the second glass of flour, add salt.

Mix again, sift the third glass of flour and pour in vegetable oil. I prefer to add mustard oil to yeast baking: it makes buns and bread especially tasty. However, sunflower or olive are also great.

Knead the dough for 10-15 minutes, adding a little from the 4th glass of flour as needed. You may need only half a cup, or maybe almost all - it depends on the flour. You should not pour a lot of flour to make the pies lush and tender: as you knead, the dough becomes smoother, more elastic and less sticky. After kneading the dough, put it in a bowl sprinkled with flour, cover with a towel and leave in a warm place for 1 hour or until it doubles in size.

While the dough is rising, prepare the sorrel for the filling. The tails must be cut off - they are stiff and are not needed in the filling, moreover, it is in the stems that the highest concentration of oxalic acid is found, and this substance is not entirely beneficial for the body. Immerse the leaves in cold water, let them float for five minutes - the earth and dust will get wet and settle to the bottom. We catch the leaves and rinse thoroughly under running water. To glass the water, put the greens in a colander and leave for a while.

Before sculpting the pies, cut the sorrel leaves into strips about half a centimeter wide.

And here comes the dough.

Gently crush it with your hands and divide into pieces. We roll koloboks from pieces and form a cake the size of a palm from each. It's time to sculpt pies with sorrel! The secret of the juicy filling is simple: you need to generously apply greens, as much as will fit. However, during the cooking process, the volume of greens will noticeably decrease.

And sprinkle the sorrel with sugar on top - a teaspoon without top per pie.

We carefully close up the pies, like dumplings. So that they do not open during baking, I recommend walking along the edges twice: the first time just like that, and the second - with a “pigtail”. Or you can turn the patties over and place them seam side down on a baking sheet.

Lay the patties on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper.

Beat the yolk with milk and gently grease the pies with a silicone brush.

While the oven heats up to 160-170C, the pies will just have time to distance themselves. You should not immediately put them in the oven, because the dough will begin to rise rapidly and the pastries will crack. But when the pies stand warm for 15 minutes and grow up, you can just put them in a preheated oven. I bake yeast pies on the middle shelf, and put a pan with water on the bottom, since my oven has a lower heat. Thanks to this know-how, the bottom of the pies does not burn, and the top, when browned, does not dry out, but remains soft.

We bake pies with sorrel for 20-25 minutes, in different ovens the time may vary. In electric baking, pastries are usually ready faster. When the dough does not stick on a wooden skewer when checking, and the top of the pies becomes ruddy - they are ready! If the pies are already baked, but do not blush - add the temperature for five minutes to 180-190C.

Ready-made hot cakes smell breathtakingly! Put them on the table and cover with a towel, let stand for 10 minutes.

In the meantime, it will be possible to make tea, so that when the pastries have cooled down a bit, you can enjoy the original pies with sorrel!
