
How to make mint vodka at home. Mint alcohol tincture

Calories: Not specified
Cooking time: Not indicated

Lemon-mint tincture is quite strong. But thanks to lemon and mint, the specific flavor of vodka is absent. Homemade vodka tincture has a pleasant lemon-mint taste. Men will like this tincture. How to make homemade tincture? Read our recipe with step by step photos.
Don't forget the kids too. You can cook for them.

Ingredients for Lemon Mint Tincture:
- vodka - 0.5 liters;
- fresh mint - 20 g;
- granulated sugar - 6 teaspoons;
- lemon - 1 piece.

Recipe with photo step by step:

The recipe for homemade tincture is easy to remember, but you can write it down just in case.
Wash the lemon, dry it. Using a paring knife or a regular sharp knife, remove the skin from the lemon.

Cut the peel into small strips.

Pour the lemon zest into the prepared bottle.

Sort the mint, wash, shake off excess water. Separate the mint leaves from the stems.

Put them in the bottle with the lemon zest.

Cut the lemon in half and squeeze the juice into a mug or glass.

Pour into a bottle. Add sugar to the above mint tincture ingredients.

And fill it with vodka. Seal the bottle and shake well until the sugar is completely dissolved.

Put the lemon tincture to infuse in a dark place for two to three days. After this time, strain the tincture through cheesecloth, squeeze out the remnants and pour everything back into the bottle. Lemon-mint tincture is ready to use, you can serve it to the table.
For lovers of alcoholic beverages, I can recommend cooking

Surely there is no person in the world who is unfamiliar with the invigorating smell of mint. It is present in toothpastes, air fresheners, teas, creams, baked goods and smoothies. This famous plant has found its application in cooking, cosmetics, perfumery. And in folk medicine, it has been used since ancient times, when there were no antibiotics, antidepressants and painkillers. Peppermint tincture on water and alcohol is a “thermonuclear” drug that can give odds to any pharmaceutical drug.

About how mint appeared

The plant got its name from the ancient Greek nymph Minta, who was responsible for the human mind. The lands that her foot touched were ennobled, the air was purified, and the water in rivers and springs became crystal clear. She gave people calm and peace, tired wanderers of strength, and extended life to the elderly. God Hades, fascinated by the beauty and kindness of Minta, gave her his heart. But his wife, Persephone, intervened in the love story, who turned the nymph into a plant. The beautiful essence of Minta made it beautiful and fragrant.

In ancient times, mint was considered a powerful love potion, and in the Middle Ages, it was credited with improving brain function. Students of those times wore mint wreaths for this purpose. Today, mint tincture performs a wide range of medical tasks, acting as a sedative, analgesic, antiseptic and choleretic agent.

What you need to know about mint

There are many types of plants, but the most common is peppermint. It grows in front gardens, gardens, wild nature, exuding an unusually fresh and invigorating aroma. The herb contains essential oils (mainly menthol), vitamin C, flavonoids, rutin, and other beneficial micronutrients.

Attention! The most useful thing in mint is the leaves, which must be collected for medicinal purposes during its flowering period.

Mint leaves, dried or fresh, are brewed, insisted on alcohol, boiled. In cooking, sauces, pastries, desserts, sweets, cocktails and liqueurs are prepared from aromatic herbs. One of the popular cocktails based on it is Mojito. Mint gives dishes and drinks a special taste, but its smell is too strong, so you need to use the spice in doses.

Mint in folk medicine: recipes

In folk therapy, peppermint tincture has a very extensive use. It eliminates malfunctions in the work of the heart, normalizes blood circulation, makes blood vessels elastic, reduces pressure, saves from stress and depression. Its strength is great in the fight against diseases of the stomach and intestines, bruises and sprains, headaches and nervous exhaustion. Mint tincture is also used for hair - in order to strengthen the bulbs and eliminate dandruff.

Attention! Mint should not be dried in the sun, otherwise it will lose its medicinal properties.

Alcohol tincture

Recipe 1. Pour fresh or dried peppermint (100 g) with alcohol, about 75% strength (half a liter) and leave to infuse for two weeks. Store the container in a place protected from sunlight. Instead of alcohol, vodka is also quite suitable.

Recipe 2. Dilute the leaves of the plant with a liter of moonshine, a strength of 65-70% and leave for 7-10 days.

Attention! Moonshine for the recipe, try to choose a purified and high-quality one.

Mint tincture for alcohol is used 3 times a day for 25 drops. It effectively relieves pain and spasms, and when applied externally, it eliminates acne and blackheads. It is also used for rubbing with migraines, severe headaches, neuralgia.

Water tincture

In cases where alcohol is not recommended for health (when treating young children, pregnant and lactating women, people prone to alcoholism), mint infusions are prepared on water. The action of alcohol and water is identical.
1 st. brew a spoonful of dry grass with a glass of boiling water and infuse in a water bath for 15-20 minutes. After cooling the broth, filter it and take 50 ml three times a day 15 minutes before a meal for the above diseases.


No less healing and a decoction based on mint. Boil 50 g of dried or fresh leaves of the plant in a liter of water for 15-20 minutes. Insist half an hour. Drink as a choleretic and sedative, 2 tbsp. spoons 3 times a day 30-40 minutes before a meal.

For joint diseases

Peppermint tincture saves from arthritis, arthrosis, rheumatism, gout, mastopathy.
For a healing recipe, thoroughly dry the leaves of the plant, fill them with water (1: 3) and boil over low heat for 15-20 minutes. Infuse for half an hour, then pour into a bath of prepared water.

For chronic fatigue

Recipe 1. For depression, apathy, stress and fatigue. To prepare a healing infusion, pour dry or fresh leaves (1 tablespoon) with boiling water (1 cup), keep on low heat for a quarter of an hour, remove and filter. Take it for the indicated purposes should be 0.5 cups twice a day before meals.

Recipe 2. Mint tincture is excellent for nervous exhaustion: brew dried leaves (1 teaspoon) with boiling water (1 cup). Pour the infusion into a thermos, leave for half an hour, squeeze and strain. Drink 0.5 cup 3 times a day.

For diseases of the gastrointestinal tract

Tincture of a fragrant plant promotes rapid digestion of food, eliminates heartburn, nausea, relieves spasms in the stomach and intestines, has a bile and carminative effect. That is why mint is included in most gastric preparations and medicinal preparations.

  • With gastritis. Dilute dried and chopped peppermint leaves (10-15 g) with boiling water (half a glass), leave for 10-15 minutes. Take 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day.
  • With pain in the liver and gastritis. Mix dry mint leaves and centaury herb (4:1). Separate 2 teaspoons from the collection and pour the raw material with boiling water (1 cup). Drink 1 glass half an hour before each meal.
  • Peppermint tincture helps with acute and chronic colitis. To do this, brew 1 tablespoon of the plant with a glass of boiling water and leave for 20 minutes, closing the lid. After straining the broth, drink 0.5-1 glass half an hour before each meal.
  • With severe diarrhea and belching, dilute 1 tablespoon of the herb with hot water (1 cup), pour into a thermos and leave for 30-40 minutes. After filtering, drink in the morning on an empty stomach and in the evening before going to bed, one cup.

What else is mint tincture useful for?

Inhalations on mint tincture relieve the symptoms of a cold, clear the throat and relieve pain. They eliminate inflammatory processes in bronchitis, tonsillitis and pneumonia, relieve spasms that accompany bronchial asthma.

Water infusions of mint are actively used in cosmetology. Washing them, you get rid of skin diseases, eliminate irritation and inflammation. Compresses and lotions smooth wrinkles, improve complexion, perfectly tone the skin.

For hair

Indispensable tincture of peppermint for hair. The curls become soft and silky, dandruff and irritation disappear, and the processes of loss are eliminated. Fragrant herb cleanses the scalp of sebaceous deposits, improves blood microcirculation, nourishes hair follicles, strengthens roots.

To get a life-giving rinse, pour the dried leaves of the plant with hot water (1: 4) and leave for half an hour, covered with a lid. Rinse your hair after shampooing without rinsing.

Attention! Frequent use of tincture and exceeding the permissible norm will bring the opposite effect: the scalp will become overly sensitive, dandruff will appear.


Mint tincture is prohibited for children under three years of age and women who have problems conceiving. Children over three years old should make infusions and decoctions with a lower concentration of herbs. The plant reduces the tone of blood vessels, so it is contraindicated in patients with varicose veins.

Mint calms the nervous system and causes drowsiness, for this reason it is forbidden to drink it to those who are going to drive. Excessive consumption of tincture harms people with low blood pressure. And its frequent reception removes male potency.

Peppermint tincture has a wide healing potential. There are many recipes for it, but all of them will benefit only if the dosage and the correct proportions are observed.

To make homemade mint tinctures, you need fresh or dried peppermint leaves. Remove stems with roots first, as these parts give bitterness. Collect mint away from roads and other sources of pollution. It is advisable to use young plants plucked before flowering. Dried mint (prepared on your own or bought at a pharmacy) is required three times less than indicated in the recipes.

Vodka diluted with water up to 40-45% ethyl alcohol and well-purified moonshine (sugar, grain, fruit) are suitable as an alcohol base.

When stored away from direct sunlight, the shelf life of all prepared drinks is up to 3 years, but it is better not to overexpose for more than a year, as the taste may deteriorate over time.

Classic mint tincture

The simplest option without additional ingredients in the composition, but requires a long infusion. Sweetness is adjusted to taste.


  • mint (fresh) - 50 grams;
  • vodka - 0.5 liters;
  • sugar - 50-150 grams (optional).

1. Place mint leaves (without stems) in a jar, slightly crush with a wooden rolling pin.

2. Pour in vodka, mix. Close hermetically. Insist 45 days in a dark room at room temperature. Shake every 5 days.

3. Strain the finished mint tincture through cheesecloth, lightly squeeze the leaves.

4. Taste it. If desired, add sugar, mix, then leave for another 5-7 days in a tightly closed container.

5. If sediment or turbidity appears, the drink can be filtered through a layer of cotton wool. Fortress - 32-38%.

Quick tincture of mint on vodka

The drink will be ready in 3 days, but the aroma is not as rich and the strength is lower than in the first recipe.


  • vodka - 0.5 liters;
  • water - 150 ml;
  • fresh mint - 65 grams;
  • sugar - 2 tablespoons.

1. Chop the washed mint leaves into small pieces and put them in a saucepan. Add sugar, mix. If the mint is fresh, leave for 30 minutes to allow the leaves to release their juice.

2. Boil water in a separate container. Pour boiling water over mint. Cover with a lid, leave for 3 hours, then strain through cheesecloth.

3. Mix mint extract and alcohol base in a jar for infusion. Close hermetically.

4. Infuse for 3 days in a dark place at room temperature.

5. Drain from the sediment (if any). Sweeten with sugar if desired.

With more exposure, the taste improves. Fortress - 32-35%.

Lemon Mint Tincture

Delicious, aromatic drink with a slight sourness, helps to increase appetite.


  • vodka - 1 liter;
  • mint (fresh) - 120 grams;
  • lemon - 3 pieces;
  • sugar - 250-400 grams.

1. Wash the lemons and dry with a paper towel. From each fruit, cut the zest - the yellow part without white pulp, which causes bitterness.

2. Chop the mint leaves into pieces.

3. Put the zest and mint in a jar for infusion, add lemon juice squeezed from peeled fruits. Pour in vodka (alcohol, moonshine), mix.

4. Close the jar tightly, put it in a dark, warm place for 10 days. Shake once a day.

5. Strain the mint tincture through 2-3 layers of gauze. Add sugar to taste, stir.

6. Infuse for another 5-7 days. Pour the finished drink into bottles and close tightly. Fortress - 25-30%.


Mint tincture on vodka: cooking recipes

Fans of alcoholic beverages have long mastered their preparation at home. This does not mean moonshine, but the desire to ennoble the taste of ready-made drinks. Agree, it is much more pleasant to savor the contents of your glass than to use it with difficulty and grimacing. Aesthetes will surely like mint tincture, which is prepared with ease (albeit for a rather long time), and after that it pleases with color, smell and taste at the same time.

Useful in the kitchen

Any housewife is aware of how valuable mint can be in cooking. Especially in cases where lamb is cooked: the end result is great in taste, but can be radically spoiled by a peculiar smell. And this modest herb is able to remove such a significant defect.

Mint is indispensable in baking, and when creating desserts, and in cocktails or liqueurs. Having appreciated its fragrant possibilities, it is quite difficult to do without fragrant grass in winter. Of course, you can use dried analogues, but this is not quite the same. But mint vodka can be an interesting drink option. Firstly, the aroma in it is expressed to the maximum extent. Secondly, just a few drops are enough, and if you want to be a bartender, no restrictions are expected at all.

Actually a cure

Mint tincture has been used as a versatile medicine since ancient times. It is very useful for normalizing the heart rhythm, stimulates and stabilizes blood circulation. Mint is able to relieve even a serious vascular spasm and expand blood vessels. Quite quickly, it reduces pressure and eliminates the effects of stress.

It is believed that mint has aphrodisiac qualities, enhancing sexual desire and opportunities in this area. So mint was strictly forbidden to the Greek fighters, so that they would not be distracted from the goal by extraneous activities. True, modern medicine does not agree with this and believes that mint vodka can depress male power. Perhaps, if it is used in large quantities, this opinion will be fair.

Of course, the miracle plant also has contraindications. So, it is categorically not recommended for hypotensive patients, since it reduces pressure effectively and sharply. For the same reason, mint derivatives should not be consumed by those who have problems with veins, such as varicose veins. For those who, due to their chosen profession, attention and speed of reaction are important, it is also better to avoid mint, which has a pronounced calming effect. But everyone else can enjoy the aroma and taste of mint drinks with a clear conscience.

Just mint tincture on vodka

It requires only two ingredients: alcohol and grass. There are more intricate recipes for tinctures, but we will start with the simplest. A liter of vodka will require about 50 grams of fresh leaves. By the way, it is better to collect them in dry weather and take only the upper young leaves. They are washed, slightly dried and placed in a bottle of liquid. Enough to insist two weeks. During this time, the drink will acquire a rich emerald color and a pleasant, but not overly strong aroma. The tincture is filtered through clean bottles and left until the solemn moment. It is better to store either in the dark or in darkened containers so that the color remains as bright.

Harder but more elegant

More complex will be the next mint tincture on vodka. But the taste is more refined: notes of additional ingredients will soften the taste and smell of the main one, which seems to many to be too “medicinal”. For a liter of good, high-quality vodka, it is proposed to take 100 grams of fresh mint leaves, half of this amount of dill seeds, a couple of tablespoons of juniper berries and a little cinnamon. After the first experience, you can change the ratio according to your tastes. The infusion is carried out for the same two weeks, and after straining, the drink can be sweetened if you are going to treat the lady: the tincture will not lose the taste at all.

vintage drink

The recipe is the one that was mentioned in the movie "Ivan Vasilyevich Changes His Profession". Anisovka may as well be called differently as “mint vodka”. Ingredients are introduced in equal proportions. For two liters of "little white" (necessarily very high quality), 40 grams of mint, anise and crushed orange nuts are taken. The container should stand warm for 12 days (a full two weeks is possible), after which the drink is filtered. And the thick can be filled with vodka again. For re-manufacturing, only a liter of alcohol is used, and it will take a whole month to withstand. But the taste is just as good.

Lemon mint charm

The combination of these two components gives a truly charming result. True, mint-lemon tincture on vodka will require a little more attention and hassle. Four lemons (per liter of alcohol) are peeled, and you need to manage to remove only the zest, without a white layer. It should be cut into smaller pieces. Then the citruses are freed from the white shell and cut. In a container with a liter of vodka, both the zest and the pulp, plus mint, taken to taste and chopped, are laid. For four days, the complex is kept warm, then the liquid is filtered (the cake is squeezed into a new dish), a glass of sugar is poured in, and the tincture returns to heat for another 10 days. Shake it well once a day. The initial turbidity should not be embarrassing - over time, the lemon-mint tincture will lighten up and it will only need to be drained from the sediment. This must be done very carefully. If you shake it, you will have to wait at least a day until the turbidity settles again, and the drink may stop standing.

Similarly, a lemon-mint tincture for alcohol can be made at home. If you do not want too strong a drink, you will have to dilute it. It is advisable to take exclusively clean water. And you need to pour the tincture into it, and not vice versa, otherwise you will get a cloudy and ugly drink. In addition, it will be possible to drink it only after a week. You may need another filtering.

For lovers: mint with lime

Lime in our area won recognition not so long ago. However, he already managed to find fans who liked the bitterness inherent in him. Accordingly, they invented a mint-lime tincture, quite worthy of attention. For its manufacture, you will need a jar where an average bunch of mint (not crushed) is placed. The zest of two limes and squeezed juice are also added here. It is advisable to add three tablespoons of cane sugar to soften the bitterness. The prepared ingredients are poured with a liter of vodka, and the lime-mint tincture hides in darkness and coolness for the same two weeks. Keeping longer is not recommended even more insistently than in previous recipes: overexposed mint and lime will give an simply impossible taste.

Linden mint drink

What compositions people did not come up with in order to celebrate the holidays was not only fun, but also delicious! And among the recipes - a lot of very successful. In this list, we also included lime-mint tincture for alcohol at home. However, moonshine can also be taken if it is subjected to double distillation. Alcohol must be diluted to 45% before infusion. In a container with alcohol are laid: lime blossom and mint - on a spoon with a solid slide; licorice root (pharmaceutical is suitable) - a spoon; rosehip - 30 pieces of berries; natural honey, of any origin - 60 grams; half a teaspoon of cinnamon and a little vanilla. The “cocktail” is infused for three weeks, after filtering it rests for a couple more weeks. The taste is amazing.

Rataphia mint

Recipes for tinctures are mostly focused on fairly strong drinks. But do not forget about the ladies who prefer softer options. And here, mint ratafia will be most welcome. For her, three tablespoons of dried mint are poured into a liter of vodka. If the case is started in the summer - a bunch of chopped fresh grass. Three days the tincture is aged in the sun. Or at least warm. Separately, a syrup is made from a glass of water with an equal amount of sugar. Close attention is paid to the removal of scale - it can spoil both the taste and the "appearance" of ratafia. The syrup is poured through a filter funnel into a common container, and the mint tincture is placed in a warm place for a week. At the end of the processes, the drink is filtered into a beautiful bottle and stored at room conditions.

Whichever recipe you choose, mint tincture will always please. Moreover, no one forbade experiments: you can easily invent your own drink.


Fragrant mint tincture on vodka

Preparation of mint homemade tincture on vodka

Mint vodka is indispensable in the preparation of various dishes. She gives them a spicy taste of amazing
freshness. Everyone can prepare a drink using a simple homemade recipe.

It is very difficult to find a person who would confuse the aroma of mint with the smell of some other plant. It is as unique as the taste of the green miracle of nature. It is believed that this plant improves the functioning of the human brain and clarifies his clouded mind.

Useful properties of homemade mint tincture on vodka

Mint tincture on vodka, prepared at home, has an amazing emerald color, a refreshing taste and a lot of healing properties. In cooking, mint tincture is used in the preparation of desserts, cocktails, various sauces and meats. For medical purposes, it is drunk for pain relief, vasodilatation, cleansing of the kidneys, liver and gallbladder. It calms the nervous system well, helps to effectively deal with a runny nose, fever, flu, high fever and other human diseases.

Peppermint tincture is contraindicated for women during their pregnancy or lactation.

Preparation of raw materials and containers

The best period for preparing a drink on vodka is the time of mint flowering. In winter, prepare from dry
leaves of the plant mint tincture for alcohol. Such a product has medicinal properties, but does not have a juicy color. Before cooking, fresh leaves and inflorescences of the plant are washed, after which the mint is allowed to dry for 10-15 minutes. Dry leaves of the plant are not washed. They are insisted in a small amount of boiling water for 15-20 minutes.

Tip: the containers intended for the preparation of the product must be thoroughly washed and ventilated until the foreign smell is completely removed.

Cooking tincture

There is no fundamental difference in quality between mint tincture for alcohol and vodka. There is little difference in the technology of their preparation. Three or four sprigs of prepared mint are poured into 0.5 liters of strong alcoholic drink and all this in a tightly sealed container is sent to infuse in a dark room at room temperature for 2-4 weeks.

Tip: you can speed up the cooking process by placing the product in a warmer room.

A simple recipe for making mint with alcohol or vodka can be enriched with additional

Mint tincture

ingredients. It goes well with mint - currant leaves, anise, sage, wormwood, pine nuts and barberry fruits. You need to add them in a small amount to enhance, and not stop the taste of mint.

Tip: To give the drink a more pleasant taste, sugar syrup is added to it. Each person adds it to their liking. You should not replace sugar with honey or fructose in such a syrup.

Filtration: The best filter for tincture is a regular funnel filled with gauze and cotton.


Mint tincture

Fans of homemade alcohol will certainly appreciate the mint tincture, not only for its pleasant cooling taste, but also for the ease and speed of preparation. You can use not only fresh mint leaves, but also a dried product (it remains only to change the proportions), and therefore such a tincture can be prepared at any time of the year.

Mint tincture on vodka - recipe

High-quality alcohol is not always available, and not everyone can dilute it correctly, or ready-made vodka, which can be found in any supermarket and choose a product of the desired price segment. It is vodka that will become the basis of mint tincture according to this recipe.

You don't need to memorize any specific proportions in this recipe. All that is needed is a handful of mint, a bottle of vodka and a clean jar in which the product will be infused.

From a bunch of mint, remove the cleanest, most beautiful and whole leaves. Tamp them into a jar, making sure that the selected container is completely filled with mint. Fill the leaves with vodka and close the jar tightly. Leave the tincture in a cool place for about 2 months. During this time, the drink will radically change color and become pronounced dark green. Before use, the tincture is filtered, stored in a bottle.

Lemon mint alcohol tincture

The aroma of such a finished tincture is richer due to the addition of citrus fruits. You can choose the latter to your taste by preparing a mint-lime tincture or a lemon-based variant.


  • fresh mint - 145 g;
  • lemons - 5 pcs.;
  • alcohol - 970 ml.


As part of this recipe, you will not need any lemon juice or pieces of the pulp itself, only the zest.

Before you make a mint tincture, peel the zest from the washed lemons, leaving the white skins intact. Remove the leaves from the washed mint sprigs and place them in any glass container. Next put the zest. Fill everything with alcohol diluted to 45%, cover and leave in a cool place for 10 days. After a while, you can check the readiness of the drink, if the required intensity of taste has been achieved, the tincture is filtered and bottled, after which it is stored cool.

If desired, this tincture can be used as a liqueur, supplementing the contents with a small amount of sugar syrup. Such a liquor is appropriate in tea, coffee and a variety of cocktails, but it is also good in its pure form.

A wide range of alcoholic products is presented on the shelves of alcohol stores. The choice of mint tinctures is not very diverse.

Invigorating and healthy, with reasonable consumption, the drink is available for self-preparation at home.

The history of the appearance of balms goes deep into the past. The first information about the appearance of the drink dates back to the III-IV millennium BC. Written sources are called China home of tinctures. The presence of alcohol in the composition did not affect the medicinal and beneficial qualities for the human body.

Peppermint is a representative of herbaceous plants high in menthol having a beneficial effect on the body. Tincture from a plant of the Lamiaceae family has no analogues and has a number of useful properties:

  • choleretic;
  • painkiller;
  • sedative;
  • antispasmodic.

The composition of the tincture, rich in useful substances, has found wide application in medicine:

  1. It is used to normalize the psycho-emotional state.
  2. Increases the overall tone of the body.
  3. Improves blood circulation and improves the functioning of the cardiovascular system. Eliminates tachycardia.
  4. Improves the functioning of the digestive system.
  5. Destroys pathogenic intestinal flora.
  6. Helps to cope with diseases of the respiratory system. Helps to eliminate mucus from the lungs.
  7. It is used as a remedy for, helps to cope with a headache.

Important! The use of mint tincture for medicinal purposes should be agreed with your doctor.

Improper use can lead to negative consequences for the body.

Application in traditional medicine

The tool has found wide application in folk medicine. A useful composition is used to solve various health problems and for preventive purposes:

  1. Inhalation. The technique helps to eliminate any type of cough. Pour water into the pan, bring to a boil and add a few drops of tincture. The broth is allowed to cool for a few minutes, they cover themselves and the container with a terry towel and begin to breathe in useful vapors.
  2. For headaches and migraines. For the procedure, you will need 25-30 drops of the product. It is poured into a separate container and rubbed into the temporal and occipital region three times a day with massaging movements.
  3. To relieve fatigue. The healing composition is recommended to drink a teaspoon, three times a day before meals. The application helps to relieve nervous tension, gives vigor and energy.
  4. For nausea. With an unpleasant sensation in the stomach and nausea, you should dissolve a spoonful of tincture in 200 grams of water and drink a porridge of a useful composition. It is recommended to drink three cups per day. The procedure helps to relieve nausea and removes toxic substances from the body.
  5. Elimination of the hangover syndrome. Add 20 drops of mint tincture to a glass of water at room temperature. A drink in a few minutes will help eliminate the heaviness of the head, pain and discomfort in the stomach. Use is permissible in the absence of alcoholism, otherwise it can provoke heart pain.
  6. Solving the problem of insomnia. One teaspoon of tincture is drunk twice a day undiluted. When driving vehicles, the method should be refrained from.
  7. Removal of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity. To rinse, you need 15-20 drops of tincture and 200 ml of water. The resulting composition is used 3-4 times a day.

The tool is used as an anesthetic and is used for toothache. Before use, you need to make sure that there are no allergic reactions to peppermint.

How is mint used in cosmetology?

The plant is suitable for cosmetic use. The fair sex choose mint for making masks and lotions at home.

Leaves are used to make facial cleansers. Two tablespoons of dry mint are poured with a glass of boiling water, insisted, filtered and washed regularly with the composition. The effect is cleansed, elimination of oily skin problems.

Peppermint compresses have a tonic effect and help to cope with areas of inflammation. Mint-based composition is used for various cosmetic purposes:

  • prevention of the first wrinkles;
  • care for sensitive skin around the eyes;
  • prevention of excessive sweating;
  • elimination of unpleasant foot odor.

A wide range of applications is associated with a large number of positive qualities of a natural remedy.

Home Recipes for Health and Beauty

Mint tincture can be prepared according to various recipes.

On vodka

The classic recipe includes four ingredients: half a liter, a glass of water, 50-70 grams of dried mint and 2-3 tablespoons of granulated sugar. Product preparation steps:

  1. Crushed mint is mixed with sugar and poured with boiling water.
  2. The composition is infused for 2-3 hours.
  3. Straining through gauze.
  4. The combination of vodka and the resulting infusion.
  5. Infusion 3-4 days.

The preparation process takes about 4 days. At the final stage, the sediment is drained from the tincture and, if desired, more sugar is added.

On moonshine

The recipe includes only two ingredients - 1 liter and 1 gram of dried mint leaves. All components are combined, after scalding the leaves with water, placed in an airtight container.

The composition is infused for up to 4 days, filtered and bottled in separate containers.

on alcohol

To get started, prepare the ingredients:

  • granulated sugar - 250 grams;
  • water - 250 grams;
  • alcohol - 1 liter;
  • dry mint leaves - 40 grams.

Alcohol and mint are infused for 3 days in a warm room and filtered with gauze. Water is combined with sugar, the composition is brought to a homogeneous mass. Peppermint infusion is added to the hot sugar syrup, mixed.

The composition is poured into separate bottles and insisted for a week, filtered a second time and used for consumption.

With lemon

For cooking, you will need a couple of lemons, a liter of vodka, 100-120 grams of dry mint leaves, a glass of sugar. Steps for making a drink:

  1. Mint is mixed with lemon zest.
  2. Lemon juice and vodka are added to the mixture.
  3. The composition is tightly closed and left for 7-10 days, shaking regularly.
  4. The resulting tincture is filtered through cheesecloth and granulated sugar is added.
  5. The finished mixture is infused for a week.

After at least two weeks, the aged drink is ready to serve.

Spicy tincture

Spicy mint tincture contains classic ingredients - vodka, mint, water, sugar. Dill, juniper berries, cinnamon and ginger add a specific taste to the composition.

All ingredients are combined and placed in a container. In a tightly closed jar, the composition is insisted for 2 weeks. After two filtrations, the drink is ready to drink.

Are there any contraindications?

Refuse to use tincture should be in a number of cases:

  1. Individual intolerance to individual components.
  2. Phlebeurysm.
  3. breastfeeding period.
  4. Age up to three years.
  5. Reduced blood pressure.

The strong sex should take the healing composition with caution. With regular use, it causes a decrease in libido.

In this article, we will look at three of the best recipes for homemade lemon tinctures. With the right approach, ripe juicy lemons and vodka (alcohol, moonshine) make excellent drinks with different flavors.

The technology of their preparation will not seem complicated even to novice cooks.

The strength of tinctures can be adjusted by adding more or less water than indicated in the recipes. The concentration of sugar is also selected to taste, but when making a drink for the first time, I advise you not to deviate from the recommended proportions, since they are designed for most people.

Classic lemon tincture

The taste of the drink is similar to homemade Limoncello liqueur, but it is prepared faster and a little easier. It is served chilled to 10-12°C as a dessert spirit.


  • lemons - 5 pieces;
  • vodka (moonshine) - 0.5 liters
  • sugar - 250 grams;
  • water - 200 ml.


1. Rinse the lemons thoroughly with warm water and wipe dry.

2. Gently remove the zest from one lemon, being careful not to touch the bitter white flesh. This can be done with a potato peeler. Then squeeze out the juice.

3. Boil syrup from water, sugar and lemon juice. Mix the ingredients in a saucepan, bring the mixture to a boil and boil for 3-5 minutes over low heat, stirring and removing the foam.

4. Remove the zest from the four remaining lemons. Trim and discard the white rind, cut the clean flesh into small pieces.

5. Mix syrup, vodka, zest and pulp in a jar. Close the lid tightly and shake well several times.

6. Put the jar in the refrigerator for 3-5 days.

7. Strain the finished homemade tincture through gauze and cotton wool so that it becomes transparent. Store in a dark cool place, the shelf life is unlimited.

Alcohol tincture of lemon

A delicious drink with an original way of infusion, in which the raw materials do not come into contact with the alcohol base.


  • lemon - 1 piece;
  • alcohol (70%) - 350 ml;
  • water - 200 ml.

It is better to make ordinary tinctures on alcohol diluted to 40-45 degrees, then in this case, on the contrary, strong alcohol is diluted after infusion, so that its concentrated vapors better absorb lemon essential oils.

This method is also suitable for vodka tinctures, but then the aging period increases to 30-45 days.


1. Rinse the lemon in warm water, then wipe dry. This is necessary to wash off the paraffin and other preservatives that are on the peel.

2. Pour alcohol into a jar, pierce a lemon with a needle in the upper part and pass a thread through it.

3. Using a wire, hang a pierced lemon in a jar so that it does not touch the alcohol (pictured).

Lemon in a jar on a wire and a thread

4. Close the jar tightly with a lid and put for 14 days in a dark place with a temperature of 18-24 ° C

5. Add water, mix well. After that, the tincture will become cloudy, but after a few days of exposure, it will again become light. You can add sugar to taste.

6. Before use, keep the drink for 24 hours in a dark, cool place. Shelf life - more than 3 years.

Mint on lemon

The combination of mint and lemon gives an unforgettable taste that you will never find in other tinctures.


  • fresh mint leaves - 150 grams (or 50 grams dried);
  • lemons - 5 pieces;
  • vodka (moonshine, alcohol 40-45%) - 1 liter.

In this cooking technology, only the fragrant top lemon peel (zest) is used, the pulp and juice can be used for other dishes.


1. Carefully remove the zest from the lemons washed in hot water, without touching the white flesh.

2. Pour vodka over mint, add lemon zest and close the jar tightly with a lid.

3. Infuse for 7-10 days in a dark place at room temperature, shaking every day.

4. Filter the tincture through a cotton-gauze filter, then bottle for storage.
