
How to make meat tender, juicy and tasty. Food without danger

Today I propose to talk about brine. No, not the brine with which you improved your health after the New Year's feast, but about something else - the brine in which food is kept immediately before being sent to the pan or oven. This technique is quite well known in the West, where it is called brining: it is rather difficult to translate it into Russian in one word, because this technique is rarely used in our country.

And absolutely in vain.

Briefly curing chicken or pork in brine makes the meat much more juicy and tender, which, given the popularity of these products in our Palestinians, gives ample scope for creativity in any kitchen.


Keeping food in brine is similar to pickling, but the chemical processes that take place are fundamentally different. By and large, the magic of pickle is based on three pillars (now there will be a short digression into physics and chemistry, so if someone can’t stand them, it’s better to jump down right away):

Firstly, diffusion: as you probably remember from school, this term is called the process of mutual penetration of molecules of one substance between the molecules of another, leading to spontaneous alignment of their concentrations throughout the occupied volume- in this case, salt molecules, which are much more in brine, penetrate into the cells of an abstract chicken, where there are fewer of these molecules.

Illustration from www.patiodaddiobbq.com

Secondly, osmosis, which is actually a special case of one-way diffusion, in which solvent molecules pass through a semi-permeable membrane towards a higher solute concentration. In our case, water acts as a solvent, and although the concentration of salt in the brine is much higher than in the cells of the same chicken, the concentration of other dissolved substances in these cells contributes to their additional saturation with water: on average, meat aged in brine weighs 6 -8 percent more than before immersion in brine.

Finally, the third whale is protein denaturation: under the influence of saline, proteins that are initially in a twisted state unwind and form a matrix that holds water molecules inside the cells, preventing moisture from escaping from the chicken piece aged in the solution during heat treatment. True, if you overcook the chicken to the state of the sole, no amount of denaturation will save it: the proteins linked together will shrink, and most of the water they hold will flow out one way or another. The denaturation process also occurs when heated - which is why salted foods cook faster, because they have already done part of the work that falls on the share of heat.


So we come to the question that concerns everyone: how to use brine correctly so that the meat turns out juicy and tender, and not oversalted and overdried?

In fact, the simplest brine is made from water and table salt, although if desired, sugar can be added to them (it also promotes diffusion, although to a lesser extent than salt) and spices (although the effect of their use will not be as noticeable as in the case of classic pickling). Salt is added to cold water, stirred until dissolved, after which the product is completely immersed in it and put in the refrigerator. The universal brine formula is as follows:

1 liter of water + 1/4 tbsp. salt + 1/2 tbsp. sugar (optional)

Soak foods by immersing them completely in brine for 1 hour for every pound of product weight, but not less than 30 minutes and not more than 8 hours. When salting small pieces of meat, be guided by the weight of each of them: for example, if you lowered 6 chicken drumsticks weighing 250 g each into the brine, you need to get them out of the brine in half an hour. If you are brining a whole chicken, it is best to put it in a tight plastic bag and pour the brine over it, which will significantly reduce the amount of brine. And do not forget to wash off the salt that has settled on the surface of the food - in this case, the meat will be juicy, but in no case over-salted.

Now - about which products can and should be tested with brine before cooking. These include:

  • white meat- chicken, turkey, lean cuts of pork, in a word, everything that needs to be cooked for a long time and easily dried out.
  • fish- absolutely any, especially the one that you are going to cook at a high temperature (for example, on the grill) or smoke.
  • seafood- especially shrimp, and in general everything that is usually grilled.

On the other hand, products such as beef, lamb, duck, game, and so on, do not benefit from brine aging. There are several explanations for this. First, they are usually not cooked past medium, so the core temperature of the finished beef will be lower than that of the finished chicken, meaning there will be much less moisture loss during cooking. Secondly, this meat itself is more fatty, and it will turn out juicy in a completely natural way. 0

Alexander Gushchin

I can't vouch for the taste, but it will be hot :)


You can cook a whole chicken, chicken, leg or other parts in completely different ways. To do this, you do not have to go out into nature or buy special dishes, but only make a new marinade each time. Poultry meat turns out sweet, salty, juicy, spicy - and all this is only due to how you approach the choice of marinade. A few simple recipes below will help you prepare not only a tasty, but also a beautiful dish, as in the photo from the cookbook.

marinade for chicken

An integral component for cooking not only chicken, but also beef or pork is the marinade. Thanks to him, the meat becomes more tender, juicy, in general, very tasty. Poultry does not require long preparation, because the meat itself is soft when compared with beef or pork. Due to this, aggressive ingredients such as vinegar or other acids do not need to be added to the marinade, unless you want to spice up the meat in taste.

You can marinate chicken deliciously for any type of cooking. The most popular is barbecue. For it, use any kind of marinade. At home, the chicken is fried, baked, stewed. In this case, pickling the bird is also possible and even necessary if you want to get a special taste.

Whatever marinade you choose, there are a few rules that you should follow to cook delicious meat:

  1. If you bought a frozen carcass or parts of a bird, then before pickling, they must be thawed naturally.
  2. The entire surface of the meat and vegetables are smeared (if you plan to bake them together).
  3. Keep the meat under the sauce for at least 2 hours. The longer, the tastier the chicken will be, no matter how you cook it.
  4. To add sourness to the dish, you can add lemon juice or table vinegar to the marinade.
  5. You can marinate meat only in enameled or glassware. Do not use plastic or aluminum bowls for this purpose.

Since chicken meat has a neutral taste, almost any marinade is suitable for it, except for aggressive acid-based ones. Mayonnaise remains the most popular cooking method, because it is sold everywhere and is inexpensive. A dish marinated in soy sauce, honey, sweet and sour sauce, mustard, cream or tomato marinade turns out to be tasty and beautiful: everyone chooses how to cook the dish, based on preferences and the availability of ingredients at hand.


The driest part of the carcass is its breast. The same meat is also dietary, contains many proteins and nutrients. It will take the longest time to marinate the chicken for frying to give the dish juiciness and tenderness in taste. To do this, use marinades with lemon juice. Grilled brisket in sweet and sour sauce will turn out delicious.


If you decide to cook the whole chicken, then apply the marinade not only from above, but also from the inside, so that the meat is well saturated. You can use different sauces: sour, sweet, spicy, salty. It is most convenient to marinate the bird in a bag: spread the sauce over the entire surface of the bird, spread it inside, place the carcass in a bag and tie it. Then refrigerate for 4 hours or more.

Marinade for chicken in the oven is made according to any recipe you like. If you want to surprise guests or loved ones, then cook chicken in your sleeve - a delicate dish will not leave anyone indifferent. You can bake meat in the oven both in foil, and simply on a baking sheet or in a mold. To get juicy meat on a baking sheet, constantly pour over the juice that is released from the chicken during cooking.

Grilled chicken

If you are a happy owner of a grill, then you can treat yourself to delicious chicken meat all the time. It is best to marinate grilled chicken in soy sauce, wine, lemon juice with herbs, any spices, garlic. Mayonnaise or sour cream will turn into fat during cooking and will not linger on the meat. Delicious marinade for grilled chicken will make the meat more tender. Properly selected spices will be able to smooth out imperfections and emphasize the advantages of the product and make the dish beautiful, as in the photo.

Chicken Marinade Recipes

Preparing the sauce for pickling is quite simple, you just need to have the right ingredients on hand. A huge number of different recipes will allow you to constantly change the taste of chicken meat that is familiar to everyone. Choose any recipe you like and use it to cook chicken skewers, baked chicken or fried in a pan.

  • Time: 10 minutes.
  • Number of servings: 6 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 100 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: marinade.
  • Cuisine: international.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Marinate absolutely any part in soy sauce, but the wings are the most delicious if they are baked in the oven or cooked on the grill. Please note that in this case you need to add salt either very slightly, or refrain from adding salt at all. The chicken marinade with soy sauce is salty itself, so there is a chance that you will oversalt the dish. How to prepare the sauce correctly.


  • soy sauce - 200 ml;
  • mustard - 3 tsp;
  • garlic - 2 cloves;
  • parsley - a bunch;
  • hot pepper - a pinch.

Cooking method:

  1. Pass the garlic through a garlic press or finely chop.
  2. Chop the parsley and mash with your hands.
  3. Mix soy sauce with mustard until smooth.
  4. Add garlic and pepper to the mixture.
  5. Put the chicken in a bowl, pour over the sauce, rub the mixture with your hands and leave for 2-3 hours.

  • Time: 10 minutes.
  • Servings: 5 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 300 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: marinade.
  • Cuisine: Russian.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Marinating chicken for baking in the oven is best according to this recipe. Mayonnaise should be chosen high-calorie, by no means homemade. To give the bird a special touch in taste, you can use suneli hops seasoning, curry, turmeric, chicken mix, sage, chili, basil - whatever you like. If you want the poultry meat to be especially tender, then leave it to marinate overnight. After the workpiece can be cooked in the oven, over a fire or fried in a pan.


  • mayonnaise - 250 g;
  • garlic - 5 cloves;
  • onions - 1 pc.;
  • salt - 1 tsp;
  • paprika - 2 tsp;
  • seasonings or fresh herbs - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Pass the garlic through a garlic press.
  2. Onion cut into rings.
  3. Mix all ingredients in a bowl.
  4. Gently spread the garlic sauce over the meat, wrap in a plastic bag and refrigerate overnight.

  • Time: 20 minutes.
  • Servings: 5 persons.
  • Calorie content of the dish: 200 kcal / 100 g.
  • Purpose: marinade.
  • Cuisine: European.
  • Difficulty: easy.

Sweet meat lovers will love the honey marinade. It is best to bake chicken in foil: this way it will better accept the sweetness of honey. Before removing the dish from the oven, make a few cuts in the foil and turn on the grill so that a golden crust appears, as in the photo. To make it easier to spread candied honey, melt the product in a water bath. How to cook?


  • honey - 100 g;
  • mustard - 2 tsp;
  • soy sauce - 100 ml;
  • orange peel - 20 g;
  • salt - a pinch;
  • marjoram - a pinch;
  • thyme - a pinch;
  • nutmeg - a pinch;
  • pepper - to taste.

Cooking method:

  1. Mix all the ingredients thoroughly and turn into a homogeneous mass.
  2. Add salt and pepper.
  3. Mix chicken meat in a bowl with this marinade and leave for 3-4 hours.

Meat is a perishable product, so if stored incorrectly or for a long time, it can exude an unpleasant odor. This signals the beginning of the decomposition process caused by the growth of putrefactive bacteria. Get rid of the smell before starting cooking. You can save the product using simple recipes and folk methods. But before that, it is necessary to understand the cause of the unpleasant odor and assess the degree of spoilage of the product. This will help protect yourself from possible food poisoning.

Meat loses its natural flavor in the following cases:

  • the pulp was in the refrigerator next to the spoiled product;
  • was kept in a plastic bag and suffocated from lack of oxygen;
  • the animal was improperly fed or stabbed (applies to pork and rabbit meat).

Some types of meat initially have a specific smell, for example, lamb or pork (if the pulp of an uncastrated boar is caught). This does not mean that the product is defective. In this case, it will be enough to pickle the pulp and beat off the smell with spicy seasonings.

If the meat did not have time to visit the shelf in the refrigerator and was just brought from the market, you can assess the degree of its spoilage in the following ways:

Universal ways to remove the odor

If the meat was stored incorrectly and simply suffocated or absorbed an unpleasant odor from the products in the neighborhood, it should be washed under running water and immediately started cooking. In some cases, when the pulp has just begun to deteriorate, this is enough. If the smell is still present, it is recommended to use effective culinary secrets. These methods are suitable for processing chicken and any other types of meat.


You can remove the smell of meat with a smell by soaking. This treatment helps to destroy putrefactive bacteria inside the pulp due to the long stay of the product in solution. Depending on which of the ingredients are available at home, you can use any of the following recipes:

  1. 1. Mix a liter of water with a tablespoon of vinegar, soak for an hour.
  2. 2. Pour the meat with lemon, pomegranate juice or white wine (optional) and wait 60 minutes.
  3. 3. Soak the pulp in a concentrated saline solution (2 tablespoons of table or sea salt with a slide per liter of clean water), leave for 2-3 hours. For a spicy flavor, you can add charcoal to the solution. After cooking, it will seem that the meat was cooked on a fire.
  4. 4. Dilute a weak solution of potassium permanganate (until a pale pink liquid is obtained), immerse the spoiled product for an hour, then rinse under running water and leave for 15 minutes in a container with clean cold water.
  5. 5. Brew pharmacy chamomile, pour a tablespoon of 200 ml of boiling water, strain, cool, mix with a liter of cold water. Immerse the pulp in the resulting solution, add 2 tablespoons of sugar. Soak for 20 minutes.
  6. 6. Pour the spoiled product with red wine, add thyme or rosemary, leave for 60 minutes. The smell will disappear, and the meat after cooking will become juicy and piquant. It is best to fry the steak after panning.

After any soaking, the meat must be washed under running water.


The easiest and fastest way to get rid of unpleasant amber is to rub the pulp with salt and sugar, and after 40 minutes rinse under running water. If the smell is still present, you can beat it off with a marinade. Any of the following recipes will work:

  1. 1. Thickly coat the tenderloin or fillet with mustard, leave for 1-2 hours in a cool place, rinse under running water.
  2. 2. Rub the meat with spicy spices and herbs: basil, nutmeg, cardamom, rosemary, thyme. You can use one ingredient or a mixture. Leave for an hour.
  3. 3. Coarsely chop the onion and garlic cloves, add herbs to taste. Keep the product in the marinade for 2 hours.
  4. 4. Soak the pulp with soy sauce or wine, add aromatic spices, soak in the marinade for 1-2 hours.

Such simple culinary techniques allow not only to beat off the smell, but also to make the meat juicy, fragrant.

Alternative ways

Universal methods help to revive any meat, but there are special recipes that apply only to specific products.

They include:

  • heat treatment;
  • pickling;
  • soak.


Stale chicken can be stuffed with garlic cloves, grated with salt, black pepper, left in a cool place for 1-1.5 hours. If there is no time to wait that long, you can use another method:

  1. 1. Mix flour and table salt in equal proportions.
  2. 2. Thoroughly grate the carcass or fillet on all sides.
  3. 3. Rinse under running water.

The flour will absorb the unpleasant odor, and the salt will clean the surface.


By itself, pork does not have a pronounced unpleasant odor. In this case, we are talking about the meat of an uncastrated boar. A distinctive feature of the product is the fetid amber, which is felt even in the taste of the finished dish.

In order to check the condition of the offered goods on the market, you need to set fire to a piece of bacon from the tenderloin with a match or a lighter. A pungent smell will indicate that boar meat is on the counter.

In this case, you need to send the pulp to the freezer for the night, and even better - for a day. The temperature should be -25 degrees and below. If the smell remains, it is worth trying soaking.

Method 1

You will have to soak the tenderloin at home for 10-12 hours in milk. First, the fatty layers should be removed from the meat and cut into thin slices. The dairy product should be changed to a new one every 2-3 hours.

You can simplify the task and pour the meat with milk by adding a head of garlic. In a day, the product will be ready for use.

Method 2

Another effective soaking method:

  • boil 2 liters of water;
  • add 4 tbsp. l. spoons of salt;
  • cool the solution;
  • add 5 tbsp. l. table white vinegar;
  • soak the product in the solution for 6 hours;
  • drain the solution, prepare a new one;
  • leave the meat to soak for another day.

Method 3

To prepare the marinade, you will need juniper, cloves, allspice, marjoram, mint, chopped onions. The recipe is quite simple:

  1. 1. All ingredients must be placed in a saucepan, pour 2 liters of water, boil.
  2. 2. Cook over low heat for 3-4 minutes, remove the container from the stove.
  3. 3. Add a head of garlic and 1 tsp to the hot solution. citric acid.
  4. 4. Immerse the meat in the cooled liquid and leave for a day in a dark, cool place.
  5. 5. After processing, the pulp should be dried.


The specific smell of rabbit meat is easy to beat off by soaking the carcass overnight in ordinary cold water. Before preparing a dish for prevention, it is recommended to marinate the meat: in this case, the smell will definitely not return during cooking, and the flesh will become softer and more tender.

Marinade recipes:

  1. 1. Add parsley, rosemary and thyme to 200 ml of kefir, salt and pepper to taste, mix thoroughly, leave the meat to marinate for 1.5-2 hours.
  2. 2. In 2 tbsp. l. sour cream, add 3-4 chopped cloves of garlic, pepper and rosemary. A young rabbit is marinated for 3 hours, an old one - 6-8 hours.
  3. 3. Pour the carcass with a glass of wine or lemon juice, evenly distribute the liquid over the surface, leave for 1-2 hours.

In order not to become a victim of unscrupulous sellers, it is recommended that you familiarize yourself with the basic rules for choosing meat when buying on the market or in the supermarket:

  • Before acquiring the pulp, you need to smell it and preferably hold it in your hands. If the tenderloin is fresh and not frozen, your hands will stay dry.
  • The color of the product must be uniform and not too dark, regardless of the type of meat. Fresh veal and pork have a pinkish tint, beef is more red. The darkest has lamb.
  • The texture should be dense and elastic. To check this, you need to lightly press your finger on the pulp and release. If the product is fresh, the dimple will quickly smooth out.
  • To give an appetizing color to a weathered and slightly rotten product, sellers use dyes. To check for the presence of such an additive, you need to wrap the meat in a white paper towel. If prints remain, it is better to refuse the purchase immediately.

Can be cooked in a variety of ways. If you intend to fry it, bake it in the oven or over an open fire, then be sure to use the marinade. It, depending on the ingredients, will give it piquancy, softness and juiciness. How to marinate chicken? We'll talk about this in this article.

Surely, many hostesses have their own. It will take a lot of time to list all the possible options. But still, there are marinades that most housewives and chicken barbecue lovers use. It is necessary that the spices and ingredients soak the meat and make it juicy and appetizing. How delicious to marinate chicken?

The simplest marinades are mayonnaise and ketchup. They are sold ready-made and are a great way to give chicken meat a richer flavor. You just need to sprinkle the chicken carcass or chicken pieces with pepper, salt and spread mayonnaise or ketchup on top. Use any seasonings you see fit. Such marinades will also give the chicken a beautiful crust.

Another way to marinate chicken is to use kefir. To do this, we take about 400 ml of kefir per one medium-sized chicken carcass. Add salt, oregano, pepper, paprika and basil to it. It is better to cut the chicken into pieces, so it marinates better. Fill it with kefir with spices and leave for about two hours. The finished chicken is tender and crispy.

There are a lot of chicken skewers out there. Despite the fact that this meat is very tender, it also requires pre-marination to give it a certain taste. Before, from the chicken, you need to decide on the marinade. For this, kefir mixed with seasonings and spices is also used. But there are other options as well.

You can take a little vegetable oil and lemon juice. It is not advisable to use vinegar, so we take lemon juice, which will give the meat the necessary acid. Also add pepper, salt and any spices you wish.

As a marinade, you can take olive oil and a little soy sauce. In this case, the use of salt should be moderate. Keep the chicken in the marinade for about 2-4 hours, no more.

How to marinate chicken in a more original way? Use a marinade with honey and fruit juice. To do this, take a tablespoon of good honey, a little (teaspoon) of soy sauce, salt, about three tablespoons of orange or pineapple juice and pepper. We coat the chicken meat with this mixture and leave it for two hours. It should be noted that during the marinating time it is necessary to mix the meat periodically. Thanks to honey, a beautiful golden crust forms during the frying process, but make sure that the meat does not burn.

Eggs are also used as a mixture for marinating chicken meat. A few eggs should be lightly beaten and salt added to them. Then pour the chopped chicken with this mixture and leave for a while. Then we take out the meat and drain the excess egg liquid. Now you can roll each piece in a mixture of different, chopped greens and then sprinkle with breadcrumbs. In this form, fry the chicken in a pan or on the grill.

Fans of original dishes can use cream or in combination with curry and chili sauce. Garlic goes very well. It can be added to mayonnaise by seasoning this mixture with chopped green dill. Spread the prepared marinade on the chicken and leave for 2 hours.

There are many options for marinating chicken. You can choose one of the proposed ones, supplement them with your own spices and seasonings, or come up with your own original marinade recipe. The main thing is that the chicken meat is tasty, tender and appetizing.

"... Who hasn't heard this? Yes, everyone heard. Among the numerous "horror stories" for the modern consumer, this one is the most unprovable (research roads, almost all information is closed) and invincible. You still want to eat ... so you have to buy what is on the shelves of shops and markets

Play Hormone

And yet we will try to figure it out: is there really a “bouquet” of chemical additives in a piece of meat from an ordinary supermarket, or is it another journalistic “duck” to attract attention?

I read the documents of Rospotrebnadzor, went to numerous official and industry sites, until I came across a statement by the beloved chief sanitary doctor of the Russian Federation Gennady Onishchenko. Discussing the intricacies of WTO requirements with Director General Paola Coggi, our advocate in the face of epidemics said: “The problem is that all over the world, manufacturers are using antibiotics to keep livestock alive, thereby leveling the cost of sanitation.” As a result, he said, when eating meat, antibiotics enter the body, and a person develops resistance to these drugs.

“In the long-term concept, everyone understands that this should be ended: both antibiotics and hormones,” Onishchenko said, noting that Russia supports the EU’s position on the need for more stringent requirements on the issue of growth hormones in livestock rearing. So now they are less rigid?

And here is an excerpt from the speech of the chief veterinary inspector of the Russian Federation Nikolai Vlasov, who recently took part in the transfer of the federal First Channel: “... Up to 60% of the products circulating on the market do not meet the requirements of the Russian Federation. Domestic production... Four full human doses of antibiotics were found in the analysis of one of the chicken carcasses. If day by day, immunity to most drugs will appear. It seems that this chicken broke into a veterinary pharmacy and ate everything that was there with hunger. No doctor in their right mind would ever prescribe such a dose to a chicken.”

I think the issue has been clarified, as they say, at the highest level. Yes, manufacturers use antibiotics and growth hormones and other hormones. Yes, all this chemistry is present in meat, where should it go. And yes, we get this chemistry in full - we also have nowhere to go.

What to do?

So, it is known that cattle and poultry are treated, like people, with antibiotics. Moreover, animals are given hormonal injections during the period of rapid growth and then given drugs with feed and vitamin complexes as a preventive measure against diseases. But it is also known that antibiotics are not heavy metals, they do not accumulate in the body. For them to leave the body, it is enough not to take them for 7-10 days. It remains to find out whether the producers, both large complexes and private farmers, can withstand these few days.

Let's assume not really. Suppose we bought meat with "medicines". What to do?

For clarification and advice, I turned to a specialist I trust - Svetlana Sheveleva, MD, head of the laboratory of sanitary-food microbiology and microecology of the Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences. Here is what Svetlana Anatolyevna said:

Yes, the problem of the presence of antibiotics, especially the tetracycline group, and various stimulating hormones, exists in meat. A few years ago, we (Research Institute of Nutrition of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences - ed.) conducted a study on the topic of the most popular drugs in Russian agriculture. It turned out that it was the antibiotics of the tetracycline group - dozens of times more than the rest - that are used the most. What is it connected with? Of course, with the desire of the manufacturer to get meat more and faster, with maximum savings in feed, electricity, time. And how can this be achieved in livestock complexes, where animals are kept crowded, and the slightest infection threatens the entire livestock at once? That's where the drugs come in. And, of course, they remain in the meat, which we then buy.

Moreover, the problem of antibiotic abuse concerns not only large complexes. The same thing happens in farms. At the moment, it is impossible to effectively deal with this. But it is possible, knowing about the problem, to try to protect yourself.

I haven't bought pork for years. In it, just most often you can find drugs and hormones that we do not need. I buy lamb (these animals are always wild-grazed) and beef. I almost never buy kidneys and liver - traces of antibiotics are concentrated in these parts. Having bought the meat, I boil it slightly and pour out the broth. Then, if necessary, I cook the broth further, or any other dish with meat.

If we are talking about chicken, then neither I nor my family have been using chicken broth for a long time - after boiling the chicken carcass, I pour out the broth. You need to carefully process the chicken before cooking: carefully remove the kidneys (especially along the spine) and liver. I also definitely remove the chicken tail and skin, for the same reason - harmful substances accumulate there.

Alas, today it is very rare to eat pâté, only when you are absolutely confident in the manufacturer.

5 simple rules to keep you healthy

1. Choose lamb or beef, refrain from pork

2. Boil the meat for 20-30 minutes, drain the broth

3. Soak the meat in salted water (or with the addition of lemon juice) for several hours

4. Avoid offal (kidneys, liver) in both meat and poultry

5. Do not use chicken skin, cook broth only from poultry

folk recipe

It would be naive to assume that the consumer will not look for and find their own ways to clean meat from unwanted additives. However, the arsenal is small: it practically helps (there are no studies, so no one knows how much) the method of soaking meat in salted water, mineral water or in a weak solution with lemon juice.

By the way, this is quite a common culinary technique, not necessarily associated with cleansing from antibiotics and other nasty things.

And finally, the last question. What can be prepared from such a semi-finished product as boiled or soaked meat? Yes, almost everything! I decided to experiment and make satsivi using the recommendations of Svetlana Sheveleva.

Satsivi (bazhi) in Georgian

Required: chicken - 2 kg, peeled walnuts - 0.5 kg, garlic - 7 cloves, real spicy adjika (without tomatoes, without starch and other litter) - 3 teaspoons with a slide, seasoning for satsivi (or ground coriander + utskho -suneli one to one) - 2 teaspoons, Imeretian saffron (in grated, powdered form) - 1 teaspoon, salt to taste.


Let's start with the choice of nuts. They must be impeccable - ripe, peeled, light in color.

We process the chicken, cut out unnecessary parts, remove the skin, cook for 20 minutes, drain the broth. Then cut into portions and send to blush in the oven. Meanwhile, make the nut butter. To do this, grind the nuts in a blender or meat grinder until a homogeneous consistency without large pieces. Now we make nut butter. Take 3 tbsp. with a slide of ground nuts, whole garlic, 1 tsp. adjika and twist it three times (!!!) in a meat grinder or blender. The mass that has turned out is squeezed into a separate bowl. Scroll again and squeeze again. We will collect oil from the meat grinder. Put the remaining lump of mass to the ground nuts.

We use the resulting oil later, but for now we need to dilute the nut mass in water. To do this, you need boiling water - 0.5 cups, in which we dilute the cake that remains after squeezing the oil. Add ground nuts and pour boiling water again - another 3 cups. As a result, we get a homogeneous sauce of the density of liquid sour cream.

Now seasonings. Stir all the remaining dry seasonings and adjika in a few tablespoons of boiling water in a separate bowl. Now pour them into the peanut sauce and add salt.

As we fiddled with the sauce, the chicken browned. We send it to a bowl with sauce and let it brew for at least 4 hours without a refrigerator. Drizzle with peanut butter before serving.
