
How to make veal cutlets juicy. Recipe: Oven baked cutlets - veal, classic lazy

Juicy veal cutlets are one of the most favorite dishes for children and adults, relevant for both everyday and festive menus.

Classic recipe

Veal cutlets with a delicious crust are quite easy to prepare.

Cut the meat stripped from the films and grind in a meat grinder along with bread soaked in milk. Grate the onion and add to the minced meat. Season to taste, beat in the egg. Minced meat must be thoroughly mixed and beaten off in a large bowl or knead on a large cutting board. Let the mixture rest for half an hour in the refrigerator. Form small cutlets, roll them in flour and fry in a pan until cooked.

Fragrant chopped veal cutlets

Chopped cutlets differ from minced meat cutlets in an interesting texture and juiciness. To prepare the dish, you will need a sharp and heavy knife, as well as simple and affordable ingredients:

  • 400 g veal tenderloin;
  • 1 large onion;
  • 5-7 sprigs of parsley;
  • 2 cloves of garlic
  • 1 egg;
  • pepper and salt;
  • sunflower or ghee for frying.

Cooking time: 1 hour.

Calorie content: 145 kcal / 100 g.

Clean the meat from excess fat and films, rinse, dry with a paper towel and chop finely with a knife. Chop the garlic, onion and herbs and add to the meat. Pepper, salt the chopped mass, add the egg and knead thoroughly. Cutlet mass should be beaten off to make it more airy and tender. Leave in the refrigerator for half an hour.

Formed cutlets do not need to be rolled in flour, which makes them not only tasty, but also minimally harmful to the figure. Fry in a pan over medium heat on both sides for 3 minutes, and in a preheated oven to 190 0 C, bring to readiness (about 15 minutes). Ruddy and juicy cutlets are served on the table with any side dish, for example, boiled rice and fresh vegetables.

Steam diet veal cutlets

Steamed cutlets can become part of the diet of people who think about their health and watch their figure. They can be made with simple ingredients. This:

  • 500 g of veal;
  • 100 ml milk
  • 30-40 g stale rolls;
  • pepper and salt.

Cooking time: 60 minutes.

Calorie content: 205 kcal / 100 g.

Grind the veal washed under running water and peeled from films with a meat grinder or blender, combine with bread previously soaked in milk, season and salt the minced meat. The mass must be thoroughly kneaded, which will allow the cutlets not to fall apart during cooking. Cutlets are formed with hands dipped in water. Cook steam cutlets for 30 minutes in a double boiler, after lubricating the mesh stand with vegetable oil.

Steam cutlets for children's diet

These steamed veal cutlets for children will be a great solution for their menu. It only takes a few simple ingredients to make it:

  • 400 g of veal (cleaned of fat and films);
  • 1 small zucchini;
  • 1 onion;
  • salt;
  • vegetable oil for lubricating the stand of the steamer.

Cooking time cutlets: 50-60 minutes.

Number of calories: 128.

Meat, onion and zucchini cut into pieces and chop in a blender or meat grinder. Salt the minced meat and carefully beat it off on a cutting board. Place cutlets formed with wet hands on the steamer tray and cook from the moment the water boils for about 20-35 minutes (the time depends on the size of the cutlets). Serve with fresh vegetables or herbs.

Baked veal cutlets in a creamy sauce

The original taste and juiciness of cutlets cooked in the oven with a creamy sauce cannot leave any gourmet indifferent. To prepare them, you will need the following ingredients:

  • 500 g minced lean veal;
  • 1 large onion;
  • 300 ml cream for sauce;
  • 100 ml of milk;
  • 3-4 tbsp flour;
  • 2 tbsp semolina;
  • 30 ml of ghee or sunflower oil;
  • favorite spices, pepper, salt.

Cooking time: 1 hour 30 minutes.

Calorie content: 260 kcal / 100 g.

Grate or chop the onion with a blender, add to the minced meat.

Add semolina, spices and salt, leave for 30 minutes to swell. Form small round cutlets from the cutlet mass and fry them in a pan until a delicious golden brown.

Put cutlets on a baking sheet, greased with a small amount of sunflower oil, and pour over warmed and seasoned with salt and pepper cream. Cook in an oven preheated to 180 ° C for half an hour. These juicy oven-roasted minced veal cutlets go great with rice or pasta.

  1. By adding vegetables to minced meat, for example, pumpkin, white cabbage, cauliflower, zucchini, you can make the dish less high-calorie and more juicy, which is especially true for children's diet;
  2. Small pieces of multi-colored sweet pepper, chopped greens added to the cutlet mass will help to add brightness to the dish;
  3. The egg does not allow the cutlets to fall apart during the frying process, but it makes the dish less tender, and you can replace the egg by thoroughly beating the minced meat and keeping it in the refrigerator for half an hour;
  4. When choosing meat for steam cutlets, you should give preference to less fatty parts of the carcass, which will slightly reduce the calorie content of the dish without compromising its taste;
  5. For frying, you should opt for parts of the carcass with fat, for example, on the neck or shoulder blade;
  6. Pass the meat through the grate of the meat grinder twice, which will give the mass airiness and tenderness;
  7. You can make fried and oven meat products more juicy by adding 100 g of cold water or a handful of crushed ice to the minced meat;
  8. You can fry cutlets not only in vegetable, but also in melted butter;
  9. For breading, it is better to use not store-bought, but self-made crackers, for which it is enough to grind the dried bread in a blender;
  10. Veal goes well with other types of meat - pork, chicken, turkey, which can also be added to minced meat;
  11. Cooked minced meat can be frozen, but in this case, you should not add onions to it in advance.

Bon appetit!

These cutlets are not difficult to cook, but you need to know some secrets. Then they will turn out juicy and lush.

Cooking process:

  1. Take the meat and separate all the veins, cartilage and films from it. Grind the veal in a meat grinder. If you skip the meat 2 times, then the cutlets will not be as juicy.
  2. Grind the onion in a meat grinder or grate on a coarse grater.
  3. Pour milk into a bowl and put the bun broken into pieces, after removing the crust. Instead of a roll, you can take a loaf or white bread.
  4. Add the ground onion to the minced meat, beat in the egg, put the soaked bun, sprinkle with spices and squeeze out the garlic. Stir.
  5. Knead the minced meat like dough. It will be saturated with air, which will give the cutlets splendor.
  6. Roll the cutlets into rounds with your hands and, making them slightly flat, dip in flour. You can use breadcrumbs.
  7. Heat the oil well in a frying pan and place the cutlets so that they do not touch each other. Grill over medium heat for 3 minutes on each side, then reduce until they are cooked through and golden brown.
  8. Or cook over medium heat until browned on both sides, then simmer until tender. To do this, pour a little salted water into another pan, put the cutlets and put on a slow fire for 20 minutes. Add water.

Cutlets are served hot, pouring gravy or sauce on top. Potatoes, rice, buckwheat, pasta, and vegetables can serve as a side dish.

How to cook delicious stuffed veal cutlets

Veal meat is lean, so any filling is suitable for cutlets from it.

Toppings that can be put in cutlets:

  • Cheese. Cut the cheese into 4-5 cm cubes. Place in minced meat and roll up.
  • Mushroom. Fry onions with mushrooms. Make minced meat into a cake and wrap mushrooms in it.
  • With herbs and cheese. Knead the minced meat by adding butter with finely chopped herbs to it. Fry cutlets. Then dip in sour cream and sprinkle with cheese. Place in the oven for 15 minutes at 200°C. Remove and place chopped dill on top.

The filling will give the cutlets a unique taste. Don't be afraid to experiment!

Veal cutlets are suitable for both children and the elderly, as this meat is dietary and easy to digest. For softness and juiciness, potatoes, carrots and cabbage are also added to the minced meat.

Many housewives consider cutlets to be a very time-consuming dish. However, it is not so long to cook them if you buy store-bought minced meat in cooking. Moreover, the price of this semi-finished product is almost the same as regular meat and there is every chance to purchase a quality product. And the time saved on cooking can be spent on children or on yourself.

It tastes more tender than, and also less greasy than (this is good for those who follow the figure). I add some potatoes to the composition, this brings an original flavor note.


minced meat - 300 grams;

chicken eggs - 1 piece;

potatoes - 2 pieces;

onion - 1 piece;

salt and pepper to taste;

vegetable oil for frying.

Preparation of minced veal cutlets.

Put the prepared minced meat in a bowl, let it stand at room temperature.

Advice. If you are rushed by hungry households, then you can go straight to the next item. But still sculpting them will be easier if everything is done in order.

Wash the onion, peel and cut very finely.

Advice. I took a blue onion, I found one in the refrigerator, but a regular onion will do.

Peel potatoes, wash under running water and cut into halves.

Three potatoes on a fine grater, squeeze the juice, we don’t need it, otherwise the minced meat will be very liquid.

We drive the chicken egg into the cutlet mass.

Advice. When in doubt about the freshness of the eggs, we always break it in a separate bowl, and only then add it to the minced meat.

Mix well the cutlet mass, salt and pepper.

Advice. If the cutlets will be eaten by children, you do not need to add pepper.

We form cutlets, lightly beat them in our hands so that air comes out, and put them in a pan with heated vegetable oil.

Fry on each side for 5 minutes over medium heat. Then reduce the fire, close the lid and bring to readiness.

Advice. It is important to ensure that there is enough vegetable oil, otherwise your dinner will burn. Alternatively, you can add a little boiled water so that they are slightly stewed.
Delicious minced veal cutlets are ready.

Serve them with a vegetable side dish (like boiled broccoli) or mashed potatoes. Bon appetit.

Veal is a magnificent tender meat, which is considered a delicacy and is in great demand among gourmets. You can cook many delicious and healthy dishes from it, but the easiest option is juicy and tasty veal cutlets! Step by step recipe with photos, let's get started!


500 grams of fresh veal
1 PC. chicken egg
3 slices of white bread
1 glass of milk
medium potato tuber
1 PC. bulbs
100 grams of breadcrumbs
salt and black ground pepper - to taste

Cooking veal cutlets

Put any white bread on the cutting board, it can be fresh or stale, it all depends on your desire. Then cut off 3 slices from it, 100 grams is enough. Break them into 2 - 3 parts, transfer to a deep plate and pour a glass of milk. Soak bread for 10 minutes.

Rinse a piece of fresh veal under cold running water.

Dry the meat with a paper towel from excess moisture, then put it on a cutting board and cut off excess fat, cartilage, and veins from it. After that, cut the veal into small pieces up to 3 - 4 centimeters in size and transfer them to a deep bowl.

Next, peel the onion and potatoes. Rinse them under cold running water, pat dry with paper towels, cut each vegetable into 4-8 pieces and transfer to a bowl with cold cuts. Pour the desired amount of breadcrumbs into a deep plate.

When the bread softens, squeeze it out of the milk and mince it into a bowl along with chopped veal, onions and potatoes.

Add the egg, salt and black pepper to taste.

Mix until a homogeneous consistency - minced meat for veal cutlets is ready!

Dial st. a spoonful of minced meat, put it in a moistened palm, form an oval or round cutlet, roll it in breadcrumbs and put it on a board or dish.

After that, put a deep frying pan with a thick bottom on medium heat and pour 3 tbsp. tablespoons of vegetable oil. As soon as it warms up, put the first batch of veal cutlets there.
Fry them on both sides for 5 minutes on each, until golden brown, dark beige crust, periodically turning with a spatula from side to side. Fry the rest in the same way and transfer them to a small bowl.

When all the cutlets are ready, put them back into the pan, pour in about 50 ml of water, cover and simmer over low heat for 15 minutes. Then remove them from the stove, arrange in portions on plates with your favorite side dish.

The recipe for the cutlets I recently cooked is quite simple. It can even be called a classic. If not for one trick of the cooking process, which allowed me to just fall in love with cooking cutlets.
The beginning is rather prosaic. You need to take some minced meat. I have this minced veal, by the time the cutlets were cooked, it was ready.
To calm my conscience and paying tribute to my grandmother's traditions of cooking cutlets, I soak a few pieces of white bread. Very little. In 2 kg. minced meat they are not felt.

I also add a couple of potatoes, also to calm my conscience. Since there are very few of them, I rub the potatoes on a fine grater. From about this moment, cutlets become "lazy" - at this stage, I'm just too lazy to get a blender, and then wash it.

I take a lot of onions for cutlets. Thanks to him, the cutlets are juicy. Here, not out of laziness, but out of consideration "how best", I just chop the onion very finely. If you use a blender or grater, most of the onion juice will simply flow out.

Next, squeeze and add bread to the same bowl

and one egg.

Mix everything thoroughly and add mayonnaise (you can put another egg instead).

I mix again. And then I add the required amount of salt and pepper. You can also add some more spices there, but I get by with pepper.

After all this, the minced meat must be "beat off". For us, this process happened like this - minced meat was taken in parts and thrown onto the table with effort. After that, the stuffing turns out to be a little different in appearance and, apparently, in taste.
We spend a little more time and energy on sculpting the cutlets themselves. In this process, breadcrumbs made from wheat grains come to my aid.

I form a cutlet and roll it in breadcrumbs.

Before that, I had already prepared a baking sheet - I covered it with parchment, and greased the parchment with a very small amount of vegetable oil.

Here on it I spread my cutlets.

Meanwhile, the oven has already warmed up to 225 degrees. And I put the baking sheet there to start for 15 minutes.

After this time, I take out and turn over the cutlets

And put it in the oven for another 20 minutes. Time helps me control the timer on the microwave, so I don’t get distracted by the clock, but continue to sculpt cutlets from the remaining minced meat. I lay these cutlets already on a board or plate, so that later I can send them to the freezer.

In the meantime, our 20 minutes have passed. I take the cutlets out of the oven and transfer them to a glass saucepan to stew. As it was probably not difficult to guess, they will be stewed again in the oven for another 20 minutes.

So, in about 2 hours, I cooked cutlets from 2 kilograms of minced meat. An hour was spent on the unhurried preparation of minced meat, the second hour was spent mainly on sculpting cutlets.
The main advantages in this preparation are that during these 2 hours I did not stand over the pan and in general over the stove for a minute. Yes, and the pan was not used - as a result, I have 24 ready-made cutlets (and, as you understand, they turn out to be both healthier and healthier in the oven), about the same number frozen "just in case", a clean stove, a clean baking sheet (they used parchment ). That is, having taken the cutlets in a saucepan from the oven, I do not move to the sink to wash the dishes, but calmly go about my business. This concludes my cutlet story. I think it’s understandable why I called these cutlets lazy. Bon appetit!

Cooking time: PT02H00M 2 hours
