
How to make canned plums in syrup? Subtleties of the question and little tricks. Plums in syrup without sterilization for the winter

Hello dear readers. The second half of summer is associated with relaxation for some, and for others with home preparations for the winter. I already had a vacation by the sea this year. Yes, and there were already blanks, or more precisely, they weren’t, but they are still going on. And now I want to show you how my mother made canned plums in sugar syrup for the winter. The recipe is simple but time consuming, and as always I will show it with photos. So that you don’t have any questions if you suddenly want to make yourself the same plums. Plums according to this recipe are delicious, sweet and sour. Why are sour-sweet and not sweet, because plums themselves contain acids. And that is why we will not add preservatives to our canned plums, and they will stand without preservatives.

For plums in syrup, I take Hungarian plums, of course I wanted to make them from white plums, but I did not find white plums on the market, and my children liked the taste of Hungarian plums. I will not talk about the mass production of plums. I will show on the example of a few kilograms.

I bought 4 kilograms of plums in the market, the children ate something, quite a bit, and I filled the rest with water. They should stand for 10 minutes, at least, and then wash the plums. So, if you suddenly come across a plum with a worm, it will leave it.

As you can see in the first photo, I got three cans. One 3 liter, one 2 liter, and one 1.5 liter. You can use any container for preservation. It doesn’t matter to us which jars to use, the syrup itself is important, with which we will fill the plums.

I will now tell you how many plums and syrup are placed in each jar. Let's start with the largest, with a 3 liter. About 1.9 kilograms of plums of medium size, about 1.5 liters of syrup are approximately placed in it. Now in descending order 2 liter - 1.1 kilograms - 1 liter of syrup. 1.5 liter - 700 grams of plums - 800 grams of syrup, and you can still put 500 grams of plums in a 1 liter jar and pour 500 grams of syrup.

All these proportions are approximate, it is rather in order to know how many cans to cook and how much syrup to prepare for our plums. And now that our calculations are done, we do the next stage of preparation.

I prepared three different jars, but you can prepare the same ones, it will even be better. The jars are washed and I send them to be sterilized. How I do it can be seen in the photo on the right side. You can fry them in the oven, it's like you're used to. In parallel with this, I also put the lids on the boil, in the photo on the top left. And I put water for blanching plums and water for syrup. This can be seen in the photo on the left below. There, in general, you can see the entire gas stove, so to speak, the entire cooking process.

In general, blanching in home canning is used not only for plums. You can also blanch tomatoes. But I, for example, do not blanch tomatoes, but sterilize them. And this can be seen in this article "". They make delicious canned tomatoes.

plum syrup

Our syrup is the simplest, it consists of sugar and water. And the proportions depend on whether the plum is sweet. If the plum is sweet, then one glass of sugar will be enough for one liter of water. If the plum is sour, then it is advisable to put more sugar. You can even two glasses per liter of water. I have a Hungarian plum, it is sweet and sour, and I added one 350 gram mug of sugar per liter of water.

Regular readers know that I do not have a basement, and our plums will be stored in the apartment. Therefore, I do not regret sugar. Dissolve sugar in boiled water and leave on low heat. You already take the proportions of water based on your dishes. We calculate sugar in the same way.

Don't be afraid to make more syrup. If you have it left, then you can cook compote or uzvar from it. Let the syrup remain rather than cook it a second time. When the syrup is ready and the water has boiled to blanch the plums, we proceed to the canning process itself.

We collect plums in a colander, not full, but somewhere 2/3 filled and lowered into boiling water. This can be seen in the photo on the top left. We hold for about one and a half minutes, and then we take it out and transfer it with a spoon into the prepared bottle, already sterilized. In no case not with your hands, otherwise it will not stand.

So we fill almost more than 2/3 of the can. No need to tamp the plums, they are hot and fit into the jar so well. Too full should not be applied, it may turn out to be sour, the sugar in the syrup is not enough for all the plums. Yes, and they will stand better if more boiling syrup gets into the jar.

And we fill our plums with boiling syrup. As you remember, I left the fire on. Fill our plums with syrup to the very top, literally not adding one centimeter to the brim. And now we roll up the metal lids.

When we rolled up all the plums, that's not all. The final stage is coming, now we wrap all the banks. So to speak, we make a "bath". At least that's what my mom always said to me. See how I do it.
For the photo, I opened the cover to show the canned plums. Banks must be placed on the lid, i.e. bottom up. So they should stand until the plums cool completely. Only after that you can turn over and carry our canned plums in syrup to the pantry.

For the winter, you can prepare not only "Hungarian". Almost any plum can be used. The main thing is that the plums are not overripe. If you take overripe ones, then when blanching, their skin will burst, and they can not only lose their appearance, but also turn into porridge.

What else do I remember when my mother made such plums. In the first year, the syrup was liquid. But in the second year, there was a liquid syrup on top, and a jelly-like one on the bottom. For example, I really liked to drink this syrup. You can also add it to compote.

Pleasant and not troublesome blanks for you.

Plum is one of the most favorite fruits for many people. To date, there are several hundred varieties of fruit and it grows mainly in the middle lane. Plum is purple, yellow, blue, green, red. People love this fruit not only for its great taste, but also for the beneficial qualities that it has.

Beneficial features

Can be listed endlessly fruit benefits, but it is important to highlight just a few:

  • Plum is undeniably rich in various vitamins, minerals and other substances that have a beneficial effect on the human body.
  • Helps lower blood pressure.
  • Strengthens the walls of blood vessels.
  • Creates a favorable microflora in the intestines and causes a laxative effect.
  • This wonderful fruit also removes excess salts and water from the body.
  • It normalizes metabolism and is even used as a wound healing agent.

Plums can be used as food in various forms. Both fresh and dried (prunes), do not lose their properties and canned plums. And in winter or cold autumn, it is impossible to imagine evenings without delicious plum compote that warms the soul.

Surely there is not a single good housewife who would not make preparations according to the recipe for a long winter. Yes, and without delicious home preservation, you can’t live through the cold season. Therefore, it is impossible to pass by the recipe for juicy and sweet canned fruits. Most recipes for fruits in sugar syrup are very simple and accessible to everyone. Even a beginner in the kitchen can easily cope with this task. And as a reward there will be one or more jars of canned plums.

cooking recipes

First recipe

Subject to all the recommendations of the recipe, plums are obtained very juicy and sweet and sour. The thing is that these fruits contain a large amount of acid. You can purchase any variety of plums, there is no fundamental indication in the recipe. For one three-liter jar you need to take:

  • Plum - 2 kilograms.
  • Water is optional.
  • Sugar - to taste.

First you need to prepare jars for plums. Rinse thoroughly and sterilize with lids. There are several sterilization recipes. This is in the oven, and on the kettle with steam, and boil in a large saucepan. But without sterilization it is impossible to do in any way.

Further, need to make syrup. It is simple and is made according to the standard recipe of water and sugar. The proportions completely depend on whether the plum is sweet or not and, of course, on your own preference. If the fruit is juicy, then you can add a glass of sugar to one liter of water. Do not be afraid to make a large amount of syrup. It's better to let it stay than to have to boil it twice.

Now we need to deal with fruits. Take a colander and put fruit in it so that they fill only two-thirds of the dish. Drop into boiling liquid. Leave to blanch for about one and a half to two minutes, and then immediately put the plums into a container. Immediately pour plums with steep syrup so that one centimeter remains to the edge. Close tightly and "wrap" the jars in a blanket or warm blanket. Definitely needed put the jars upside down. In this position, the banks should stand until completely cooled. Then, take the jars to a place where they will be stored until winter. It should be cool and dark.

Second recipe


  • Plum - 1 kilogram
  • Water - 1 liter
  • Sugar - 350 grams
  • Citric acid - half a teaspoon.


Take fruit, rinse thoroughly, sort and remove overripe or rotten. You can pierce each fruit with a needle so that they do not crack in the future.

Place fruit in prepared and pasteurized jars and pour over slightly cooled water. Leave for ten to fifteen minutes and drain.

Bring liquid to a boil and add sugar. After the sugar is completely dissolved, add citric acid.

Pour plums with boiling syrup and cover with lids.

Just like in the first recipe, you need to turn the jars over and wrap them in a warm blanket.

A quick recipe for canned plums for the winter.

You need to take a pound of large and fairly ripe fruit. Cut in half and remove the bones. Place tightly in sterilized jars, add a little cinnamon sticks. Next, you need to pour all this with boiling syrup, cover with a lid and put the containers in a preheated oven for thirty minutes. After half an hour, remove the plum, tightly close the lid and put in a warm place until completely cooled.

The original recipe for plums

In winter, it will be very pleasant to get a jar of such a fruit drink from the pantry or cellar and enjoy the unusual taste.


Preheat oven. Combine granulated sugar, pepper, vinegar and water in a container. After the sugar has completely dissolved, add the vanilla.

Put all the plums on a baking sheet and pour the resulting liquid. Spread rosemary on a baking sheet and sprinkle everything with sugar.

Put in the oven for twenty to thirty minutes. The time depends on the operation of the oven. At this point, you can make syrup according to a proven recipe.

Take the fruit out of the oven and put neatly into jars. Pour in hot syrup, add sprigs of rosemary, roll up the lids and put away to cool in a warm place.

After the jars are completely cool, put the plums in a storage place until winter.

There are a huge number of different recipes for blanks. They differ in sterilization, time and method of preparing plums, the composition of the syrup, and so on. You can safely experiment and not be afraid that something will turn out wrong. The most important thing is maintain cleanliness and sterility. Otherwise, the product will be unusable in the future, even with an ideal recipe.

If everything is done correctly according to the recipe and a successful type of fruit is acquired, then in winter the preservation will please with its delicious taste and pleasant aroma. The fruits themselves can be used as a dessert, decoration for a cake or pastries, and just for a treat. But the syrup is perfect for creating recipes for various drinks, jellies or mousses.

During the season, you need to stock up on fruits and berries for the future, so that in winter you can enjoy delicious and natural home-made sweets. How to cook plums in syrup for the winter without sterilization, read below.

Plums in syrup for the winter


  • unripe plums - 1 kg;
  • - 0.5 tsp;
  • drinking water - 1 liter;
  • sugar - 350 g.


Rinse hard, slightly unripe plums under cold water. Then we make several punctures on the skin so that the skin does not burst during further processing. We spread the prepared plums in washed and steamed jars. Top them with boiling water. Close the lids and leave for 15 minutes. Then drain the water from the drain into a saucepan, add sugar. Let it boil again, cook the syrup for about 5 minutes, at the end add citric acid, stir and remove from heat. Pour plums with prepared syrup and immediately roll up. We turn them over, wrap them in a warm blanket or something else and let them cool in this form. This simple procedure will completely replace sterilization for us. You can store canned plums in syrup simply in an apartment in a dark place.

Plum slices in syrup for the winter - recipe


  • plums, in which the stone is easily separated - 1 kg;
  • sugar - 1 kg;
  • purified water - 100 ml;
  • baking soda - 20 g.


Wash the plums well and separate the pits. Now we prepare the soda solution. To do this, dissolve baking soda in cold water. Just enough water is needed to cover the plums. Fill the plums with the prepared solution and let stand at room temperature for a day. Thanks to such actions, the plum halves will remain solid and will not fall apart during further heat treatment. Pour water into a saucepan, let it boil. Gradually add sugar and boil, stirring, until it dissolves. The fire must be low so that the sugar does not burn. We take out the plums from the soda solution, rinse well under running water. After that, dip them into the syrup. We heat over low heat so that the plums release some of the juice into syrup. Then we increase the heat, and after boiling, reduce it again and cook over low heat for about half an hour. Put the hot plums together with the syrup into the prepared ones and immediately roll them up.

Plums in sugar syrup - recipe


  • strong, not overripe pink plums - 700 g;
  • sugar - 350 g;
  • water - 1.5 liters.


Wash the plums well and remove the stems. We place them in prepared jars, pour boiling water on top, cover and leave for a quarter of an hour. Then pour the water from the jars into a saucepan, add sugar, bring to a boil and boil until the sugar is completely dissolved. Pour plums in jars with boiling syrup and seal immediately. Immediately turn over, wrap and leave for 2 days for self-sterilization.

When preparing plums in syrup, it is very important to choose the right fruit, otherwise you can get a boiled, homogeneous mass at the exit. First of all, the fruits should be a little immature, not overripe. Different varieties of plums have different colors - from greenish to almost black fruits, so always check which variety is sold so as not to buy a completely unripe plum. In ripe fruits, the stalk is always dry, brownish in color.

Regardless of the variety, the skin of the fruit should be smooth and have a uniform color. There should not be any dents or scratches - the process of decay could begin in such areas. Yes, and when treated with boiling water, such a fruit will simply burst and spoil the whole look of jam.

It is better to buy fruits by weight, in the package it is not possible to carefully examine the appearance, and there are often cases of improper storage of vacuumized fruits, as a result of which condensation forms inside.

Wash fruits thoroughly in running water. With the sharp end of a toothpick, we make 4-5 small, neat punctures on the skin of each fruit. This will prevent the skin from tearing from exposure to high temperatures.

Glassware and seaming lids are pre-washed and sterilized. We spread the fruits on the bottom of the container.

Pour water into a saucepan and bring to a boil. Carefully pour boiling water into a jar of plums. Cover the neck of the container with a lid. Leave it like this for 15 minutes.

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We cook the syrup: we filter the liquid from the jar back into the pan, add sugar, stir well and let it boil.

After the moment of boiling, prepare the syrup for another 5 minutes and add the acid. Stir again and remove from stove.

Pour boiling syrup into jars and seal. We put the finished preservation upside down and be sure to warm it with a blanket or towel. This sweet preparation does not require special temperature storage conditions; you can simply leave the jars in a room or pantry, limiting the access of light. Have a delicious winter!

Plums in syrup will be an excellent dessert snack that will remind you of a warm summer in cold weather. Also, a sweet blank can be used as or for preparing other pastries or desserts. Sweet syrup can be diluted with water, and then boil jelly, jelly from it or enjoy a drink in its pure form.

Canned plums in sugar syrup - a recipe for the winter


Calculation for a three-liter glass jar:

  • strong plums - 1.9-2.1 kg;
  • sugar syrup - 1.4-1.6 l;

For syrup:

  • purified water - 995 ml;
  • granulated sugar - 345 g.


For canning, you should not take overripe plum fruits, otherwise there is a risk that they will burst and simply turn into porridge. It is better to choose already ripe, but still strong specimens. Initially, you need to fill the plums with water and let them stand for fifteen minutes. Only after that, wash the fruits and let them drain.

Place two bowls on the stove at the same time. Pour a sufficient amount of clean water into one of them. In it we will blanch the plums. In another container, we measure the required amount of purified water for the syrup and pour the appropriate amount of granulated sugar. Let the components of the syrup boil, and the crystals dissolve, and boil the sweet liquid for several minutes. Prepared plums are collected in a colander and lowered into boiling water for a couple of minutes. After that, with a sterile spoon, we transfer the fruits into a pre-sterilized jar, filling it with two-thirds of the total volume, and pour boiling syrup over it. We seal the containers with lids boiled for five minutes and turn them upside down under the “fur coat” for natural sterilization and slow cooling.

How to cook plum halves in syrup for the winter pitted?


Calculation for a liter glass jar:

  • strong plums - 0.7 kg;
  • sugar syrup - 0.5 l;

For syrup:

  • purified water - 995 ml
  • granulated sugar - 345 g;
  • - 5 years


Plums can also be prepared in syrup without pits. As in the case of whole fruits, it is necessary to select elastic, unripe specimens, cut them around the perimeter along the pit, cut in half and remove the pit.

The resulting halves are placed in dry, clean jars, filling them up to the shoulders, and pour the syrup. To prepare it, mix in a saucepan the required amount of sugar, lemon and purified water and heat to a boil with continuous stirring and blooming of all crystals. After the plums stand in the syrup for about ten minutes, pour it back into the pan, let it boil, and pour it into jars again. This time we cover the containers with lids and sterilize them for ten minutes in boiling water, after which we seal them hermetically, cool them at room conditions and move them to other blanks.
